I'd Fumbled, Bad. How can I get my 4 policies back?

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Down Scoblic
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Founded: Sep 09, 2022
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I'd Fumbled, Bad. How can I get my 4 policies back?

Postby Down Scoblic » Fri Jan 24, 2025 7:09 am

Crazy thing happened, I just got on Nationstates, Selected a funny option and was baffled to the horror I saw... 4 policies lost in a blink of an eye. With me trying to get out of my copuim addiction from this incident I am sencierly asking, for a list of each issue that grant the following policies: Devolution, Proportional Representation, Native Representation and Term limits if possible?

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Verdant Haven
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Postby Verdant Haven » Fri Jan 24, 2025 7:40 am

We don't provide official Issues results information - that's part of the game that is meant to remain somewhat unexpected.

That said, we have a very dedicated community in Got Issues that makes it their goal to identify every issue and its effects, and there are some excellent resources linked there that can likely help you find this info.

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Down Scoblic
Posts: 50
Founded: Sep 09, 2022
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Down Scoblic » Fri Jan 24, 2025 8:26 am

Verdant Haven wrote:We don't provide official Issues results information - that's part of the game that is meant to remain somewhat unexpected.

That said, we have a very dedicated community in Got Issues that makes it their goal to identify every issue and its effects, and there are some excellent resources linked there that can likely help you find this info.

Okie, Thank you! :D

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Postby Merconitonitopia » Tue Jan 28, 2025 12:39 am

This happened because you adopted the Autocracy policy (became a dictatorship). Your nation didn't actually lose those policy flags; they're just 'inactive' because Autocracy switches them off, so to speak. If you re-open elections, you will immediately gain all four policies back again.

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