World Bowl L (50) Signups - (OPEN!!!)

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World Bowl L (50) Signups - (OPEN!!!)

Postby World Bowl » Thu Jan 23, 2025 8:55 pm



That's right! The World Bowl, the premier international competition for Gridiron Football on NationStates, has reached its 50th Edition!

Whether or not you're an American Football enthusiast, we encourage everyone to participate in this historic anniversary of one of the most tenured tournaments in NS Sports lore. This thread is for collecting signups and potential host bids for the competition. If you know the drill already, feel free to sign up posthaste! If you're new here, read on for more details.

To sign up for the World Bowl, simply post in this thread stating your intention to participate. If you roleplay under a name different from your NationStates account name, please make a note of that in your post. Typically, nations that Cease-To-Exist (CTE) prior to the start of competition are removed from the sign-up lists; if your nation CTE's prior to the beginning of competition, you are advised to check on the status of your sign-up and, if necessary, sign back up.

Puppet Policy
Nations which have previously participated in the World Bowl are permitted to submit a second nation for participation as a puppet. To sign up a puppet nation, simply post a sign-up post with that nation as you would normally for a main nation, and note that you are signing up a puppet. Please note which main nation/account it is a puppet of. After this, post a confirmation with your main account/nation. Please note that, in the event that main nations wish to sign-up after a hard sign-up limit is reached, puppet nations are the first nations to be booted from sign-ups (apart from CTE'd nations) to make room for mains. Please also note that any additional puppet policy is at the discretion of the host.

As with other NS Sport events, the World Bowl requires a host. The host is selected from among nations that submit a host bid. The host is selected from among the bids by a simple majority vote of the World Bowl Assembly -- that's nations that have submitted a roster in at least two consecutive World Bowls, and then not allowed their membership to lapse (due to inactivity).

A host bid is a summary by a prospective host about how they intend to run the competition. There's certain points of information that are essential for any good hosting bid; we have no hard requirements, but people will ask you about this information if you don't include it off the bat.

First, you need to include scorination information -- how are you going to generate scores for the competition's matches? Most people use a scorinator, a modified random number generator that can be weighted to incorporate team rank and roleplay bonus. There's a few good ones out there: there's no reason you can't use any given scorinator that produces results appropriate to gridiron football, but there's a good chance you'll need to at least explain your choice, so make sure you know how to use the scorinator you choose and understand its advantages and drawbacks on some level. Xkoranate has been the program of choice for at least the last decade of World Bowls, so that's the best place to start.

Second, how do you intend to format the competition? How are matches going to be scheduled, how will a champion be decided, and so on? Typically speaking, what this refers to is how you're going to generate the schedule, how many games everyone will play, and who gets to move on to the "post-season"/elimination rounds. Typically, we use a group stage followed by single elimination playoffs, but this is by no means a hard rule. Feel free to get creative with the format, but be prepared to defend your choice to those who will be voting on the bids!

Third, describe why you're qualified to be a host of a major NationStates Sports competition. If you'd be a first-time host, feel free to submit a bid. That said, typically-speaking, it's preferred that those attempting to host the World Bowl have at least some kind of hosting experience, even with a small competition. It's a big job. If you're interested in getting started with hosting, perhaps try asking an experienced host if they'd be willing to co-host the tournament with you.

Fourth, and this is more optional than the others, feel free to include some in-character information about the host nation and its bid. You can write most of the bid in-character, if you'd like, or you can keep the whole thing out-of-character. That's up to you. Note that while having lots of details about hosting cities and stadiums serves as very nice flavor text, it's ultimately the least important part of the bid. Most care about the scorination and format specifics.

If it would help you to look at past winning host bids:
- World Bowl XLV
- World Bowl XLVI
- World Bowl XLVII
- World Bowl XLVIII
- World Bowl XLIX

Norms and Traditions
Typically-speaking, the World Bowl has utilized IFAF overtime rules (you might also know these as "college overtime" rules), in which each team has an opportunity to score from a certain distance out from the endzone, and play continues until one team fails to score. You may, if you have the means to scorinate it appropriately, use the modified sudden-death overtime rules utilized by the American National Football League (NFL), but if you intend to do this, please make note of it in your host bid in advance.

In addition, typically speaking, the competition has been formatted using a group stage (in which matches are played in a round-robin or double round-robin), followed by a playoff/elimination round (usually four rounds - a Round of 16, Quarterfinal, Semifinal, and Final/3rd Place Game). Typically, the groups are created using pots, which are created using rankings to create groups with teams across the spectrum of the rankings (i.e., the first pot has the top-8 ranked teams in the World Bowl, the second pot has the next eight, and so on). Again, you are not required by any means to follow this format, but you are asked to make a note of it in your host bid if you are planning on diverging from this norm.

Other Useful Information and Resources

On NS Sports roleplaying:
Guide to NS Sports Roleplaying - If you're new to NS Sports, PLEASE read this guide first! It has all the information you need on how things work around here, that way you'll be prepared for the tournament once it begins.

On the game itself:
Here, we use the version most commonly seen in the United States of America -- that is, 11 players on each side, 60 minute games (divided into four 15-minute quarters), etc, etc. If you're looking for a quick primer on the sport, Wikipedia has a good family of articles on the sport. IFAF/college overtime is the norm (as touched on above). If you're curious about the strategy of gridiron football, I encourage you to explore those articles.

On the rankings:
The World Bowl uses a simple ranking system (which you can find here). You can tell where teams are, generally-speaking, relative to one another, based on their past results. These rankings are used to help weight the scorinators (see above under Hosting), but they are not the end-all, be-all: a good roleplayer can improve their fortunes rapidly, so don't get discouraged.

Thank you for bearing with us through all that information. Last bit of housekeeping, any OOC discussion should naturally belong in the World Bowl Discussion Thread. We like to keep any chatter about the tournament there once it begins, to prevent the signup thread from being continually bumped and confusing people into thinking signups might still be open. If necessary, you can tag the discussion thread so you don't miss anything.

And now, without further ado, our sign-ups! Drawkland, as the poster, is signing himself up here.

Host Bid Cutoff Date: Tuesday, February 4th at 2359 Eastern Time.

    Signups (35):
  1. Drawkland
  2. Quebec and Shingoryeo
  3. Chromatika
  4. Ranoria
  5. New Umoja
  6. Cardenao
  7. Sarzonia
  8. East Lithuania
  9. Kamijiro
  10. Banija
  11. Katzeburg
  12. Ko-oren
  13. Grand Exultia
  14. The Kytler Peninsulae
  15. Crpostran
  16. United States of Nova Calania
  17. Natkr
  18. South Newlandia
  19. HUElavia
  20. Delaclava
  21. TJUN-ia
  22. Valanora
  23. Newmanistan
  24. Vaishnavaria
  25. Norway-Sweden-Finland
  26. Quirhoshe
  27. Sherpus
  28. Pafi
  29. Rouyoute (puppet of Ranoria)
  30. Darmen
  31. Barnettsville
  32. Of the Golden Harp
  33. Busoga Islands (puppet of Banija)
  34. Equestria [Equestrian States]
  35. South Americanastan

Host Bids (1):
Banija and Ranoria
Last edited by World Bowl on Mon Feb 03, 2025 12:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
The poster of this message is likely the President of the World Bowl Assembly. That is currently Drawkland.

World Bowl Links: Discussion Thread | Constitution | Rankings

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Postby Drawkland » Thu Jan 23, 2025 8:55 pm

Confirming my signup above.

Unlike the NFL, we AREN'T cowards, and we'll stick with the roman numeral naming convention for our 50th edition! ;)
Last edited by Drawkland on Thu Jan 23, 2025 8:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
United Dalaran wrote:Goddammit, comrade. I just knew that someday some wild, capitalist, imperialist interstellar empire will swallow our country.

CN on the RMB wrote:drawkland's leader has survived so many assassination attempts that I am fairly certain he is fidel castro in disguise
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Quebec and Shingoryeo
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Postby Quebec and Shingoryeo » Thu Jan 23, 2025 8:56 pm

:kiss: :kiss: :kiss:
Kingdom of Quebec & Shingoryeo
Olympic Council President (XVIII) - World Cup of Hockey Federation President (cycles 24-29, cycle 47-49) - NationStates College Football Commissioner (cycles 20-)
Trigramme: QUE | Denonym: Quebecois/Shingoryeoite (interchangeable) | Population: 94 million
MegaSport.que - The Wanderer's Guide To Somewhere
Have won many, hosted even more

International Basketball Championships 37-39 Champions
World Cup of Hockey XXVI Champions

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Postby Chromatika » Thu Jan 23, 2025 9:01 pm

Iron. Legion.
Former User of the Nations of Yesopalitha and Falconfar

Champion: WBC 52, NSCF 24, 26, 28, and CoH 82
Regional Tournaments: AOCAF 55 Champions, 52 & 63 Runners-Up
WC Proper Appearances: Second Place: 93 Semifinals: 76 Quarterfinals: 77, 78 Round of Sixteen: 79, 80, 87, 88, 92, 94 Group Stage: 81, 83, 84, 86, 89, 95, 96, 97
CoH Appearances: 77 (Ro16), 85 (Ro16), 90 (Champions), 91 (QF)
KPB Ranking: 36 (Pre 98)
RP Population: 22 million

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Postby Ranoria » Thu Jan 23, 2025 9:07 pm


Pre-confirming Rouyoute
Last edited by Ranoria on Wed Jan 29, 2025 1:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Fan of football, the Murican kind. But soccer is cool too! Just not really my thing. C(:^D/-<
I go by Ran. Unless, of course, you want to type out Ranoria. That's your decision.
Lumi is my NS mom
Champions: NSCF 20, 22, 27, 29, 30. World Bowl 42, 43, 46, WBC 57

Hosting: Co-Host WB 44, 47, Host WB 46, plus some NSCAA/NSCF conferences here and there. VP of a couple things

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New Umoja
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Postby New Umoja » Thu Jan 23, 2025 9:08 pm

I would like to play.

Please remind me to regret this when we lose 50-0 to some amateur leatherheads with 150 pound women playing O-line!

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Chargé d'Affaires
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Postby Cardenao » Thu Jan 23, 2025 9:45 pm

Bobby Dials is back, baby!

World Bowl 49: Champions
NSCAA 15: Champions

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Postby Sarzonia » Thu Jan 23, 2025 9:45 pm

Let's rock
First WCC Grand Slam Champion
NSWC Hall of Fame Inductee (post-World Cup 25)
Former WLC President. He/him/his.

Our trophy case and other honours; Our hosting history Sarzonian constitution

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East Lithuania
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Postby East Lithuania » Thu Jan 23, 2025 10:00 pm

I'm in

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Postby Kamijiro » Thu Jan 23, 2025 10:14 pm

Winners of Baptism of Fire 81
World Cup 98 Round of 32 Appearance
Cup of Harmony 89 Quarterfinalist
Di Bradini Cup 55 & 58 Quarterfinalist
Cup of Harmony 88 Round of 16

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Postby Banija » Thu Jan 23, 2025 10:49 pm

Could never miss this
Former champion of quite a few things. Former President of even more things.
Kabaka = King
Lubuga = Queen Consort
Isebantu = Crown Prince
Waziri = Foreign Minister
Katikkiro = Prime Minister
Omugabe/Omugaba= Prince/Princess
Banija Domestic Sports | Map of Banija
NSCF 14 CHAMPIONS(Loyola-Istria), NSCF 17 CHAMPIONS(Loyola-Istria), NSCF 19 CHAMPIONS(Northern Moravica), NSCF 21 CHAMPIONS(Loyola-Istria)
Sporting World Cup 8. WBCs 47 & 51. Di Bradini Cup 47. World Cup 86. IBC 30, 31, 32, 33. National Trophy Cabinet.
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Postby Katzeburg » Fri Jan 24, 2025 12:07 am

Let's go!
"Scio potes legere cogitationes meas puer"
An island Federal Republic based in the region of Esportiva.
KNL Champion - Katzestadt AFC | Katzeburgian National Team
Capital City - Katzestadt | TRI - KAT | Population - 39 million
Elephant Chess Cup X Champion | Baptism of Fire 84 Semi-Finalist

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Postby Ko-oren » Fri Jan 24, 2025 1:16 am

WCC President and NS Sports' only WC, WBC, WB, WCOH, IBC, RUWC, Test Cricket, ODI, and T20 loser!

Trigramme: KOR - Demonym: Ko-orenite - Population: 27.270.096
Map - Regions - Spreadsheets - Domestic Sports Newswires - Factbooks
Champions 1x World Cup - 1x CoH - 1x AOCAF - 1x WBC - 4x World Bowl - 1x IBC - 4x RUWC - 3x RLWC - 2x T20 WC - 1x AODICC - 2x ARWC - 1x FHWC - 1x HWC - 1x Beach Cup
Runners-up 1x World Cup - 3x CAFA - 1x AOCAF - 1x WBC - 3x World Bowl - 2x WCoH - 4x IBC - 2x RUWC - 1x GCF Test Cricket - 1x ODI WT - 2x T20 WC - 1x FraterniT20 - 1x WLC - 1x FHWC
Organisation & Hosting 2x WCC President - 1x WCOH President / 1x BoF - 1x CAFA - 1x World Bowl - 1x WCOH - 2x RUWC - 1x ODI WT - 1x T20 WC - 1x FraterniT20 - 1x ARWC - 1x FHWC - (defunct) IRLCC, BCCC, Champions Bowl

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Grand Exultia
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Postby Grand Exultia » Fri Jan 24, 2025 1:33 am

Sign me up!
A 10.125 civilization, according to this index.
BOF85 Champion
Tapity Invitational Cup Winner
GCF T20 World Cup 17 Participant
Independent Associations Champs 22 Participant

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

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The Kytler Peninsulae
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Postby The Kytler Peninsulae » Fri Jan 24, 2025 1:59 am

What's that coming over the hill? Is it a Kytler? Is it a Kytler?

It is a Kytler.
Out of international isolation and... winning things? Huh?

Host: World Lacrosse Championship 13, Baptism of Iron X, 7th World Championships of Babbage Rules Football, and Games of the IX Olympiad.

Won: World Lacrosse Championship 13, Elephant Chess Cup 7, and Memorial Cup. Also top of the medals table at the Games of the IX Olympiad (24 gold, 63 total medals).
World Lacrosse Championship 12 and World Bowl 47 quarter-finalists, World Bowl XV and World Baseball Classic 20 octo-finalists
28 medals, 10 gold, at Games of the VI Olympiad (13th in medal table)
7 medals, 5 gold, at VII Olympic Winter Games (7th in medal table)
26 medals, 10 gold, at Games of the VIII Olympiad (9th in medal table)

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Postby Crpostran » Fri Jan 24, 2025 2:54 am

Bowl me up!
The Karmic Republic of Crpostran - The Heart of Karma
Capital City: Crpostown Trigramme: CRN Demonym: Crpostranian
A proud member of Karma!
Want more info?

user pronouns: he/him

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United States of Nova Calania
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Postby United States of Nova Calania » Fri Jan 24, 2025 4:50 am


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Postby Natkr » Fri Jan 24, 2025 5:49 am

Its time!!!!
Welcome to Natkr!

Home to the sport Tapity and other things which I won't really name

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South Newlandia
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Postby South Newlandia » Fri Jan 24, 2025 5:58 am

Trigramme: SNL | Nickname: Elephants | Proud member of Esportiva
World Baseball Classic 54, 55 & 59 Champions

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Postby HUElavia » Fri Jan 24, 2025 6:05 am

I'm back! Back in the HUElavian Groove...
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ENFJ/Neutral Good
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1X Cup of Harmony Champion, 3X Independent Associations Champion, 2X Futsal World Cup Champion, 1X World Lacrosse Champion
Many times runners-up in many tournaments.
Owner of Sudilia

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Postby Delaclava » Fri Jan 24, 2025 7:08 am

It's definitely World Bowl L, because nobody's going to take more Ls than us!
Sports Honor Roll
Football: 2x WORLD BOWL CHAMPIONS (13 & 15), 1x Runner-up (11), 4x Third Place (41-44), 1x Regional Champions
Hockey: World Cup 16 Third Place, 2x World Juniors Champion (18 & 22), 3x World Junior Runners-up (16, 17, 19), 1x Regional Silver
Basketball: 2x IBC Runners-up (31 and 36), 4x Regional Medal (1 Silver, 3 Bronze)
Lacrosse: 2x Worlds Runners-up (16 and 41) 1x Regional Silver
Soccer: Olympic Gold (V), 3rd at IAC 18 3rd at Di Bradini Cup 15, 4th at Baptism of Fire 34
Host of WC 55; CoH 44, 46, 84, and 87; BoF 72; World Bowl 11, 15, 39, and 43; IBC 7 and 31; AOCAF 31; WJHC 16 and 18; etc. Founder of Scott Cup and World Team Tennis Championship.

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Postby TJUN-ia » Fri Jan 24, 2025 7:24 am


1st: ECC4/5, NSSCRA13, RLWC22, IBS20, EBT3, EIHT2
2nd: NSCF24/26, ARWC4, WC:TOTS, IBC34, IBS17, RUWC33/35, ECC6
3rd: ARWC3, IBC32/41, ECC3/7, ARWC6, ET20IV
T1: #07 Michael Stefan (S13 T1 Champ)/#64 Alfonso Mercado/#03 Maddison Riley-Jones (S10 T2 Champ)
T2: #96 Alice Jepkosgei/#70 Gongming Gao [NCR]/#79 Axel Chase

WGPO: #11 Lane Carter/ #9 Batu Tüvshinbayar (WGP2 S5 Champion)
NSTT: 4 S-Titles (3 RU)/2 D-Titles (6 RU)

UN - U1
TJUN (Ta-Jun) - An organ of the UN that focuses on "international role-play" (i.e. USA = Fang the Sniper) (U2)
TJUN-ia (Ta-Jun-ee-a) - The testing grounds of TJUN members, but operates as an independent nation. (U3)

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Postby Valanora » Fri Jan 24, 2025 7:53 am

We go again
World Cup 40, 42, 43, 52, & 61 Champions
WC 47, 51, 94 (2nd), WC 34, 38, 39, 41, 44, 45, 53, 60, 67, 92 (3rd), WC 49, 58, 87, 90 (Semifinalist), WC 33, 35-37, 46, 48, 54, 55, 62, 63, 65, 72, 83, 85, 86, 88, 91 (Quarterfinalist)
WCoH VII, VIII, XVII, XXVIII, XXX, XXXII (1st), WCoH I, XXXI, XL (2nd), WCoH II, XXIX (3rd), WCoH XII (4th)
AOCAF 44, 46, 51, 53, 65, 68 Champions, AOCAF 39, 43, 55, 59, 64 Runners Up
Co-Hosted: too many events to count

EPL Season 20,073

I am that which I am and choose to be.

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Postby Newmanistan » Fri Jan 24, 2025 1:52 pm

Since I'll be around for the next little bit with NSSCRA and as someone who was here for World Bowl I, let's enter ceremoniously.
Six-time World Baseball Classic Champions
Now just here to run NSSCRA. Thank you to the community for all the fun in other sports.
CHAMPIONSHIPS: DBC 4; 27th BoF; CoH 34, 36, & 37; Oxen Cup 12; WBC 10, 12, 15, 17, 41, & 43; IBC 4, 5, & 29; CE 26; WLC 1
Runner Up: DBC 5 & 6; Oxen Cup 6; WBC 7,9 11, 14, & 45; IBC 1; WB 4, 6 & 34; WLC 2 & 3
World Cups qualified for: 46, 48 (R of 16), 49, 50, 54
Hosted: WORLD CUP 49, WB 1, 2, 5, & 35; WBC 8, 11, 14, 19, 38, 44, & 46; CoH 33, 35, & 39; CE 25, WLC 2, 4 & 5; WCoH 10, IBC 24, NSSCRA, Multiple NSCAA Basketball Tournaments, and a horse racing series

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Postby Banija » Fri Jan 24, 2025 1:59 pm


Banija and Ranoria World Bowl L Bid

THE Olympic Committee of Banija, via the Gridiron Football League of Banija, together with the Ranorian Football League of Ranoria, hereby launch a combined bid to bring World Bowl L to our shores.

Banijan National Information

The Kingdom of Banija is a country that classifies itself as a semi-constitutional monarchy. A nation that is proudly a member of Arrosia it is led by the Kabaka(which translates to King), and the current monarch is Kabaka Mwanga. The Kabaka, alongside with the Waziri(translates to Foreign Minister), whom he picks and dismisses solely at his pleasure, is the Head of State and responsible for the country's foreign affairs. Upon reaching age 25, the Isebantu(Crown Prince), becomes the Waziri by constitutional right.

Kabaka Mwanga ascended into power after the assassination of his father, Kabaka Albert III during World Cup 82 Qualifying. This is, of course, a government with an elected element. The elected unicameral legislature is the Lukiiko(Parliament), and the Lukiiko is responsible for governance of domestic affairs. The Katikkiro(Prime Minister) is elected by the Lukiiko. Currently, there is an elected right-wing coalition that holds a majority in the Lukiiko and rules the country.

Due to the massive influence of Puritan Mormonism in this nation, they are relatively socially conservative. Abortion in this country is outlawed unless the mother's life is in danger, and polygamy for males is legal. The church's Universal Call to Motherhood, which teaches that the destiny of each and every woman is to give birth to children and raise faithful Puritan Mormons, has heavily shaped the nation's view on the role of women in society, forming the basis for Banija's prior sports gender segregation laws in the first place. Consumption of alcohol and the recreational use of marijuana in Banija is legal. Due to Mormon tradition, however, the purchase/sale of coffee products is illegal within Banija- however, the consumption is not. Fans and teams and delegations are allowed to bring in their own coffee products as long as they are declared at customs, where it is then taxed per pound. Any attempt or effort to sell the product, however, can and will result in arrest.

Most people in the country speak both Olusanke, the local dialect, and English. There is a smattering of Korean spoken within the country, thanks to Banija's Quebecois roots. Banija's currency is the shilling. The exchange rate to the NationStates Dollar is 200 shillings to 1 NSD. Conversion kiosks will be available at all hotels and at airports to exchange your money, as well as any banks. However, using the NSDs directly to purchase items is only guaranteed at stadiums and hotels- vendors outside of stadiums or hotels are not required to accept NationStates Dollars. Fans are also advised that street vendors will only take cash, according to Banijan law- as an issue of security to prevent credit card theft.

Of course, Banija is straight up a rich country now- thanks to the "Black Gold miracle". This is thanks to the discovery of large oil deposits in Hangaza, there is movement within the country on building better infrastructure. There has been heavy investment in Istria's public transportation system by the Regional Transit Corporation in the leadup to the games, with better roads and systems being built. One of Banija's unique public transit systems within cities is via the boda boda. The climate of Banija has a lot of natural rainforest and jungle, which means that there is no winter, only wet season and dry season. Temperatures generally range at their coldest around 60 degrees Fahrenheit, and at their hottest around 110 degrees Fahrenheit. For the duration of the Games, average high temperatures will range from 60 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

Banijans have a tendency of being relaxed about time. While, of course, things like flights and matches will run on time, this is something that is observed generally, especially at restaurants. It is considered standard to arrive about 15-20 minutes late for a restaurant reservation, which is something Banijan authorities would like to make note of for travelling fans and visitors to the country for this tournament. This is very true for hangouts with Banijans, dates, weddings, etc... within the country.

In terms of food, Banijans are very heavy meat eaters, and you'll find plenty of chicken, goat meat, beef, pork, and turkey options on your localized menus. In terms of non-meats, popular staple foods are jollof, matoke, Chapati, a rolex, and samosas. Strictly vegan restaurants within the country, outside of Istria and Busukuma, are almost non-existent, though of course you'll find non-meat options everywhere.

Both gridiron and association football are regularly competitive to be the country’s most popular sport, as there is a deep and knowledgeable fanbase for the sport within the Kingdom. Ergo, expect the tournament to get a ton of fan attention, and massive ratings. Also, Banija is known for its large tailgating culture- so around all stadiums, there will be designated tailgating spaces for traveling fans, with things like rentable grills that are on site.

Ranoria National Info

Located in the cozy region of Winterfell, Ranoria is a sprawling, mostly-cold republic with a population of just over two hundred forty million led by their head of state, Governor Nicholas Mandelbaum. Most of the population is Christian in some form or fashion, and there’s plenty of diversity there with immigrants flowing to and from South Newlandia, Quebec & Shongoryeo, Banija, & the surrounding region of Winterfell. As a general rule, expect a conservatively minded, hardy and diverse populace.

Most of the country is rural, and if you choose to wander outside the urban areas, you shouldn't be too surprised to see a healthy population of snow bears, mammoths, and bison roaming around as they please - do note the crossing signims on roads, as most of the time these animals do have right of way. Snow bears in particular are Ranoria's national animal and there aren't many other nations where mammoths are plentiful. Besides, do you really want to get stuck in the middle of a herd of bison after making them angry?

On that note, it may be smart to have some snacks for the mammoths. They have a tendency to stop some open wagons and trucks carrying feed or other treats and may sometimes get a little confused since they're not great with determining which kind of a motor vehicle is which. They don't bite, but it is nice of you and may get them out of your way faster than waiting for them to get bored.

Any visitors will find the policing to be lax as civil rights are plentiful, and consumption and purchase of alcohol and marijuana are not only legal but considered par for the course. Nicotine and other recreational drugs are illegal, but most offenses with such substances result in nothing more than a slap on the wrist - Ranorian police don't wanna deal with international, well, anything. As a general rule, civil rights are plentiful. Most of the country holds & practices conservative social values, being overwhelmingly Christian, but it’s notable that very little of that is enforced legally, and people are largely free to express themselves & their beliefs as they see fit.

Your experience will vary from city to city. Ranoria City and New Quebec have the strongest reputations for nightlife and general recreation in the country, with the former being recognized universally as the gambling capitol of Winterfell. In Apolllotown, Memphis,Fiston, Highport, or Edmunton, you’ll be in a more temperate climate and probably be next to some major body of water. Rouyoute, Fermete, and Eglise meanwhile are among the nation’s coldest and are the home of some of the country’s wealthiest individuals, plus great ski slopes, while Herot and the capitol, Richardson, tend to be steeped in tradition from a history of battles that dot the country’s past.

Up until about 3 decades ago, Ranoria had a reputation as a warmongering nation throughout its history. This, however, ended when one Ranoria entered into a brutal conflict with one of their oldest allies in Commandin Pillotus. After about four years that saw cities of both nations ravaged, and millions on both sides dead, Ranoria’s increasingly modern populace lost their taste for war in general. In the three decades since, tensions have been minimal. Arms manufacturing - hand in hand with the automobile industry - is consequently Ranoria’s biggest industry with oil exports chipping in as well.

Notable - Ranorian currency is digital and all transactions will require it, make sure you're ready to make the brief switch before you head over!


All groups are double round robin, and group stage matches will be home/away. The KO stages will be played entirely in the host nations, and will be fixed bracket from the Ro16 on (re-seeding occurring after a potential Ro24).

Preferred sizes
32 teams: 4 groups of 8. Double round robin. This format would have two matches scored per cutoff. Top 4 teams in each group advance to the round of 16.

36 teams: 6 groups of 6. Double round robin. This format would have one match scored per cutoff. Top 2 teams in each group, plus 4 best 3rd place teams, advance to the Round of 16.

40 teams: 5 groups of 8. Double round robin. This format would have two matches scored per cutoff. Top 3 teams in each group, plus best fourth place team, advance to the Round of 16.

42 teams: 7 groups of 6. Double round robin. This format would have one match scored per cutoff. Top 2 teams in each group advance to the Round of 16. Top 4 third place teams advance to play-in round, play each other for last 2 berths in the Round of 16.

48 teams: 8 groups of 6. Double round robin. This format would have one match scored per cutoff. Each group winner advances to the Round of 16, 2nd and 3rd place teams advance to the Round of 24.

Non-Optimal Group Sizes
44 teams: 11 groups of four. Double Round Robin. Top two in each group will advance, and the top two 3rd place teams will advance to the KO stages. Group winners seeded 1-11, runner-ups 12-22, top two third place 23 & 24. Top 8 teams will get a bye from the Ro16, Teams 9-24 will enter into a seeded play-in round. Reseeding shall occur for the Round of 16- but at that point, the bracket shall be drawn and no more reseeding.

45 teams: 5 groups of 9. Double round robin. This format would have two matches scored per cutoff. Group winners, plus top 3 second place teams, advance to the Round of 16. Bottom 2 second place teams, all third and fourth place teams, and the top 4 fifth place teams, advance to the Round of 24.

50 teams: 10 groups of 5. Double Round Robin. Top two in each group will advance, and the top four 3rd place teams will advance to the KO stages. Group winners seeded 1-10, runner-ups 11-20, top four third place 21-24. Top 8 teams will get a bye from the Ro16, Teams 9-24 will enter into a seeded play-in round. Reseeding shall occur for the Round of 16- but at that point, the bracket shall be drawn and no more reseeding.

Legends of the World Bowl

This is the golden anniversary of the World Bowl. In this special edition, we pay an ode to the future by honoring the past. We will provide RP prompts during the group stages, and while there will certainly be worldbuilding RP prompts, we will have prompts that encourage nations to write about their own legends of the game. Obviously, per usual, there is no added bonus for following the prompts, nor is there any punishment for altering and/or ignoring the prompts.

Furthermore, we will look at honoring legends of the game at various cutoffs throughout the tournament.

Scorination & RP Bonus

We will be using version 0.3.3.of xkoranate, with the Post WB-XXXI formula. IFAF OT rules, home field advantage on when necessary, and additive style mods.

A roster shall be worth up to a full matchday's RP bonus. Full rank will be applied for the tournament.

Roster Penalty- there will be a 50% rank penalty until you post a roster, at which point your full rank points will be restored.


1) H-2-H Wins
2) Overall Point Difference
3) H-2-H Point Difference
4) IC Coin Toss (scorinated tiebreaker match in xkor that is RP bonus only)

This might seem a bit weird, but the logic follows. H2H wins are first for obvious reasons. But, second is overall goal difference so teams who are tied in wins don't' just get a huge markup for having a blowout win v. close win over that specific opponent. Then, H2H Point difference.

Host Scorination Information

#1 Scorination- Neither of us will score the matches of ourselves or our own puppets. Ranoria will scorinate the matches of Banija and any potential puppets, while Banija will scorinate the matches of Ranoria and any potential puppets. Any potential matches between Banija and Ranoria(or assorted puppets) will be scored by a guest scorinator.

#2 Pot Placement- Both Ranoria and Banija will be placed into Pot 1.

Other OOC Information

Cutoffs will be every 48 hours.

Banija Hosting Experience

World Bowl XXXIV
World Bowl XXXVII
25th International Basketball Championships(co-hosted w/ Filindostan)
28th World Lacrosse Championships
29th World Lacrosse Championships(co-hosted with Razenthuria)
40th World Lacrosse Championships
44th World Lacrosse Championships
Conferences in multiple seasons of both the NSCAA and the NSCF
Multiple seasons of the IDLO
World Baseball Classic 53
AOCAF LVIII(co-hosted with Baker Park)
67th Baptism of Fire(co-hosted w/ Qasden)
76th Cup of Harmony(co-hosted w/ Xanneria)
76th Baptism of Fire(co-hosted with Bollonich)
76th U21 World Cup/Di Bradini Cup 55
World Cup 83(co-hosted with Equestria)
World Cup 81(co-hosted w/ the Federation of Free Republics)
XIV Summer Olympiad(co-hosted with Liventia)
IBC 40
Cup of Harmony 89
World Cup of Hockey 49
World Cup of Hockey 52 (co-hosted with South Newlandia)

Ranoria Hosting Experience
Several seasons of the domestic RFL and NAAF
Various NSCF & NSCAA conferences
World Bowl 44 (co-hosted with my favorite elephant)
World Bowl 46
World Bowl 47 (co-hosted with my favorite elephant)
IBC 41 (ongoing)

Use of AI Policy

#1 AI Generated images- AI generated images are fine as long as they are explicitly labeled as such.
#2 AI Generated text- AI generated text is explicitly prohibited, and any instance thereof allows the host to levy any punishment as I see fit, including but not limited to zeroing out both rank and any prior earned RP bonus.
#3 AI Translation- AI translation services into English are also fine. However, the original language text should be posted in a spoiler for transparency purposes. See a good sample RP from Huayramarca that is a perfect illustration of what I am talking about.
Former champion of quite a few things. Former President of even more things.
Kabaka = King
Lubuga = Queen Consort
Isebantu = Crown Prince
Waziri = Foreign Minister
Katikkiro = Prime Minister
Omugabe/Omugaba= Prince/Princess
Banija Domestic Sports | Map of Banija
NSCF 14 CHAMPIONS(Loyola-Istria), NSCF 17 CHAMPIONS(Loyola-Istria), NSCF 19 CHAMPIONS(Northern Moravica), NSCF 21 CHAMPIONS(Loyola-Istria)
Sporting World Cup 8. WBCs 47 & 51. Di Bradini Cup 47. World Cup 86. IBC 30, 31, 32, 33. National Trophy Cabinet.
Does your country need public transit? Contact the RTC!
If you see this, assume you have an embassy in my country and we have an embassy in yours!



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