Jur’Seear Advanced Logistics
A message from Praxon Gelantra B’Dar of Kagon, Viceroy to Ovono, and Holder of Keys to the Vault on Kurina.
We at Jur’Seear Heavy could not be more honored to unveil the latest in our C-Class Transport Series. Our team has listened to your comments and we have been studying the logistics of movement for a long time. Our engineers have worked tirelessly around the clock to ensure that we bring to the table a new standard when it comes to the safety and reliability of our civilian space-faring vessels. I personally could not be more pleased to unveil the new Dantoorian ADJ-CIIA2 Civilian Transport Cruise Liner.”

Length: 2,158 meters
Width: 710 meters
Height: 425 meters
Crew: 8,120
Passenger max load: 450,258
Max Speed: -6 Kesda (roughly 114 Lightyears/sec)
x8 KIS-19X1AT sublight engines capable of traveling -56 Kesda or (2.8 Au/Sec)
x1 KIS Q33-11AA Hypercore Reactor
x24 ADJ-FR2.8 Point Defense Systems
x4 ADJ-KO2B Shield Generators capable of drawing power capable of withstanding 200 mT TNT/m^2

Contract pricing begins at 10 units for 120,480,990,000.00 HC or 723,533,491,086.56 $USD