Does the identity of the criminal REALLY matter?

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Soviet Fighter Plane
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Does the identity of the criminal REALLY matter?

Postby Soviet Fighter Plane » Thu Jan 23, 2025 4:17 pm

When I see people discussing a crime, I find it annoying when they talk about how the criminal was black, gay, trans ect., and say that it’s because of the woke/immigration ect. I have a question. Does it REALLY matter the minority status of a criminal? It doesn’t make the crime any different, does it? Shootings are shootings, murder is murder and stealing is stealing.

So I pose a question to all of you. Should the media even be disclosing the minority status of a criminal? Should that information even be relevant? Discuss below!

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Postby Kupirijo » Thu Jan 23, 2025 4:19 pm

No, unless you're the SFPD or LAPD
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Postby Unmet Player » Thu Jan 23, 2025 4:20 pm

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Postby Washington-Columbia » Thu Jan 23, 2025 4:20 pm

Not at all. If I'm getting shot, I'll be more pissed on the fact that I got shot and not how much melanin the shooter has.
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Imperial Cecilia
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Postby Imperial Cecilia » Thu Jan 23, 2025 4:21 pm

I honestly think so, at least in the perspective of law enforcement. If someone were a minority, it would make sense that they would face different circumstances in life than the majority, pushing them to commit a crime. For example, if you were black, and a person discriminated you, you would probably have the urge to retaliate.

Pls don't call me racist for that example
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Postby Arelont » Thu Jan 23, 2025 4:22 pm

Depends. If the criminal is on the loose there should be some information. If not no.
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Postby Mardesurria » Thu Jan 23, 2025 4:23 pm

Only in cases where the minority the person belongs to is treated differently or faces different circumstances than the majority. Other than that, it’s completely irrelevant.
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All-American Confederacy
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Postby All-American Confederacy » Thu Jan 23, 2025 4:23 pm

Exactly. It’s just nonsensical, woke identity politics overcoming genuine tragedies.
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Postby Jorsania » Thu Jan 23, 2025 4:25 pm

It varies.
Absolutely if the police are actively trying to apprehend said criminal, also with that comes the fact if police would need any information on said criminal by citizens.

If the criminal is already apprehended then absolutely not.
Last edited by Jorsania on Thu Jan 23, 2025 4:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Soviet Fighter Plane
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Postby Soviet Fighter Plane » Thu Jan 23, 2025 4:25 pm

Imperial Cecilia wrote:I honestly think so, at least in the perspective of law enforcement. If someone were a minority, it would make sense that they would face different circumstances in life than the majority, pushing them to commit a crime. For example, if you were black, and a person discriminated you, you would probably have the urge to retaliate.

Pls don't call me racist for that example

Yeah, but I’m talking about media coverage. I’m saying that should the media be putting up things like “Trans person shoots school” ect. I think that law enforcement knowing the identity of the perpetrator would be useful in identification, but I don’t see why the minority status of a criminal needs to be broadcasted to the whole world.

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Postby Beric » Thu Jan 23, 2025 4:26 pm

Imagine not letting the news say who commits crimes.
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The Galactic Authority of Progress
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Postby The Galactic Authority of Progress » Thu Jan 23, 2025 4:27 pm

Yes, in a political context, when it comes to averages, though not much in a legal one.
Imperial Cecilia wrote:I honestly think so. If someone were a minority, it would make sense that they would face different circumstances in life than the majority, pushing them to commit a crime. For example, if you were black, and a person discriminated you, you would probably have the urge to retaliate.

Pls don't call me racist for that example

Uhh…not by committing a crime. If you do that, you’re already inclined towards being a criminal, you’re just looking for an excuse. Also women don’t commit more crimes then men, but they (supposedly) get discriminated against a lot.
Last edited by The Galactic Authority of Progress on Thu Jan 23, 2025 4:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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All-American Confederacy
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Postby All-American Confederacy » Thu Jan 23, 2025 4:30 pm

Beric wrote:Imagine not letting the news say who commits crimes.

Yes. It’s called a name.
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Postby Floofybit » Thu Jan 23, 2025 4:31 pm

Yes, because I like imagining them
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Postby Arelont » Thu Jan 23, 2025 4:31 pm

All-American Confederacy wrote:
Beric wrote:Imagine not letting the news say who commits crimes.

Yes. It’s called a name.

Yes but you gotta remember freedom of information and all that stuff
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All-American Confederacy
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Postby All-American Confederacy » Thu Jan 23, 2025 4:33 pm

Arelont wrote:
All-American Confederacy wrote:Yes. It’s called a name.

Yes but you gotta remember freedom of information and all that stuff

Yeah, counterpoint - complaints.
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Postby Slembana » Thu Jan 23, 2025 4:34 pm

Nope. None whatsoever. If somebody, for example, murders a bunch of children, they’re a scumbag regardless of sex, sexuality, race, or whatever.
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Imperial Cecilia
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Postby Imperial Cecilia » Thu Jan 23, 2025 4:35 pm

The Galactic Authority of Progress wrote:Yes, in a political context, when it comes to averages, though not much in a legal one.
Imperial Cecilia wrote:I honestly think so. If someone were a minority, it would make sense that they would face different circumstances in life than the majority, pushing them to commit a crime. For example, if you were black, and a person discriminated you, you would probably have the urge to retaliate.

Pls don't call me racist for that example

Uhh…not by committing a crime. If you do that, you already had the urge in you, you’re just looking for an excuse. Also women don’t commit more crimes then men, but they (supposedly) get discriminated against a lot.

Different people have different personalities. Some people are more easily enraged by discrimination than others. Now, I'm not saying that just because they are a minority means they will commit more crimes. I'm saying that being a minority will expose them to different circumstances in which they could react differently to.
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Soviet Fighter Plane
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Postby Soviet Fighter Plane » Thu Jan 23, 2025 4:37 pm

All-American Confederacy wrote:
Beric wrote:Imagine not letting the news say who commits crimes.

Yes. It’s called a name.

Yup, I just find it annoying when people act like the crime is somehow worse or proof that some dumb, discriminatory policy should be implemented just because the criminal happens to be a minority

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The Galactic Authority of Progress
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Postby The Galactic Authority of Progress » Thu Jan 23, 2025 4:39 pm

Imperial Cecilia wrote:
The Galactic Authority of Progress wrote:Yes, in a political context, when it comes to averages, though not much in a legal one.

Uhh…not by committing a crime. If you do that, you already had the urge in you, you’re just looking for an excuse. Also women don’t commit more crimes then men, but they (supposedly) get discriminated against a lot.

Different people have different personalities. Some people are more easily enraged by discrimination than others. Now, I'm not saying that just because they are a minority means they will commit more crimes. I'm saying that being a minority will expose them to different circumstances in which they could react differently to.

It’s still a disproportionate response, particularly if you’re doing it to someone innocent. What kind of crimes are you talking about exactly?
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-Some commentator on YouTube (will link to the video if you ask)

Please call this nation IC Hyperione, a small, archipelagic planet home to the remnants of humanity still in existence by 40,000 AD. Very unrealistic but a pleasant fantasy.

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All-American Confederacy
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Postby All-American Confederacy » Thu Jan 23, 2025 4:39 pm

Soviet Fighter Plane wrote:
All-American Confederacy wrote:Yes. It’s called a name.

Yup, I just find it annoying when people act like the crime is somehow worse or proof that some dumb, discriminatory policy should be implemented just because the criminal happens to be a minority

I disagree with it to eliminate the wokies.

You agree with it to encourage them.

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Imperial Cecilia
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Postby Imperial Cecilia » Thu Jan 23, 2025 4:40 pm

Soviet Fighter Plane wrote:
All-American Confederacy wrote:Yes. It’s called a name.

Yup, I just find it annoying when people act like the crime is somehow worse or proof that some dumb, discriminatory policy should be implemented just because the criminal happens to be a minority

Very true. If a white person and a black person both kill someone, both of them are horrible human beings, no more or less than the other. Honestly, I think it's the media's tactic to get more attention
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All-American Confederacy
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Postby All-American Confederacy » Thu Jan 23, 2025 4:42 pm

Imperial Cecilia wrote:
Soviet Fighter Plane wrote:Yup, I just find it annoying when people act like the crime is somehow worse or proof that some dumb, discriminatory policy should be implemented just because the criminal happens to be a minority

Very true. If a white person and a black person both kill someone, both of them are horrible human beings, no more or less than the other. Honestly, I think it's the media's tactic to get more attention

Nah, it’s called identity politics. The lamestream media are more concerned with the colour of the guy who dunnit than the sheer scumbagginess of the guy.
Pauline Hanson For PM! One Nation For Parliament!
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IC: America has fractured following the Second American Civil War. The blinding light of America’s promise has grown dimmed, snuffed by the liberal scum and the corrupt marauders who now control vast swaths of the former United States. The sweeping hordes of crypto-commies, urbanite varmin’, and Northie criminals threaten to overturn the way of life that has defined this country since its founding. Only we carry the legacy of our Founding Fathers. Only we have built a nation they would be proud of. And only we protect the values that built this country.

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Imperial Cecilia
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Postby Imperial Cecilia » Thu Jan 23, 2025 4:44 pm

All-American Confederacy wrote:
Imperial Cecilia wrote:Very true. If a white person and a black person both kill someone, both of them are horrible human beings, no more or less than the other. Honestly, I think it's the media's tactic to get more attention

Nah, it’s called identity politics. The lamestream media are more concerned with the colour of the guy who dunnit than the sheer scumbagginess of the guy.

Exactly, which is why they get more views.
Hello, a random republic with a random imperial/monarchic past here!
Population: around 90,000,000
Military personnel: around 1,000,000
Economy = 22 trillion kanns
Conversion rate: 1 kann = 1.12 USD
Tech level: Modern
-Cisgender he/him/whatever
-Right-leaning libertarian/ classical liberal
-Christian, and proud of it
/| • • |\ This is Spidey. He is on a journey to explore every forum nation! Put Spidey in your Sig so he can
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All-American Confederacy
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Postby All-American Confederacy » Thu Jan 23, 2025 4:52 pm

Imperial Cecilia wrote:
All-American Confederacy wrote:Nah, it’s called identity politics. The lamestream media are more concerned with the colour of the guy who dunnit than the sheer scumbagginess of the guy.

Exactly, which is why they get more views.

But the problem is - people are sick of it. Look at the 2024 election. Kamala was practically primed to win, and the lamestream just kept yammering and yammering on about how Trump was a racist, bigoted donkey. A LOT. And yet, here we are.
Pauline Hanson For PM! One Nation For Parliament!
OOC: Aussie Patriot. Certified Simpleton. Conspiracy Fan. Lover Of 1970s Music.

IC: America has fractured following the Second American Civil War. The blinding light of America’s promise has grown dimmed, snuffed by the liberal scum and the corrupt marauders who now control vast swaths of the former United States. The sweeping hordes of crypto-commies, urbanite varmin’, and Northie criminals threaten to overturn the way of life that has defined this country since its founding. Only we carry the legacy of our Founding Fathers. Only we have built a nation they would be proud of. And only we protect the values that built this country.

Arising from the South, a new, good nation shall rise from the corpse of the old America. Dio Vindice.



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