Vedic Culture vs Western Culture

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How many of you follow Vedic Culture and Western Culture?Please be honest.

1.Vedic Culture
2.Western Culture
3.Other Culture
Total votes : 46

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Vedic Culture vs Western Culture

Postby Eurasia102 » Thu Jan 23, 2025 10:43 am

Vedic Culture is original Indian Culture which is a kind of Proletarian ideology .This culture strongly condems Capitalism and speaks against Greed and dishonesty(including Fraud,Bribe etc).It teaches people to treat women as goddess.Vedic Culture discourages adultary and teaches to be faithful.If one wishes to have another boyfriend/girlfriend,she/he should take permission from her husband/his wife ,for example Draupadi and her five husbands.One should not abandon his/her partner nor control is/her partner.People should not establish s*xu@l relationships without romantic love because many times people who involved in s*xu@l relationships without romantic love ,people suffered from HIV aids as per my observation.Vedic culture teaches to practice things including those which appears to be superstition but not harmful like yoga(benifits mental and physical health),puja(reason is when Sandalwood Incense stick is used auromatic smell is released which is harmful for mosquitos and protects you from mosquitos) etc.Vedic Culture teaches to respect .Vedic Culture also teaches honesty,puntuality,love animals,dutiful,unity,love,Harmony all with no hatred and various virtues you know.Vedic Culture prohibits eating non-veg and not to kill cows because eating non-veg will cause cancer and killing cows and eating beef not only destroys your health but also you are destroying the source of milk which is vital for your health.True Vedic Culture never teaches casteism for that so called Caste System was purely misinterpretation of Hindu Scriptures.So called Caste like Sudras(worker),Vaishya(Merchant) etc are actually meant for jobs based on people 's eligibility which is based on people's ability.This real meaning verses of Hindu Scriptures releated to Caste are similar to Karl Marx's quote "from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs".

Western Culture is Bourgeoisie ideology which is originated from Europe.Western Culture teaches manners,ethics,formality,gender equity etc.Western Culture would have been accepted by Hindu Organizations(like ISKCON etc) and people who are Anti-West if Western Culture did not promote Racism,the act of not taking bath(that happened during medieval period that caused new disease),persecution karma,the act of exploiting workers,discrimination, class division(Bourgeoisie and Proletarian),act of apathy,the act of imposing opinions on others ,the act of cutting down trees etc.

Personal Opinion: My first priority is Sanātana Dharma and Second priority is Communism(The ideology of Karl Marx and Lenin).I admit that there are some verses in Hindu Scriptures which are useless and is only 1-2% which I don't follow.The rest are useful.I had bad habit of eating Chicken and FIshes in which I am struggling.

Let us have healthy discussion and let's neither debate nor argument.
Please feel free to give opinion including Anti-Communist Opinion .For that you have been the ALMOST absolute Freedom of Speech and Expression but no hate speech please.
Last edited by Eurasia102 on Fri Jan 24, 2025 5:22 am, edited 2 times in total.
Marxist who follows the principles of Sanātana Dharma.
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Postby NorthernPesos » Thu Jan 23, 2025 10:53 am

I personally follow "Western Culture" but I happen to believe that Rabbi Yeshua - Jesus travelled to India, Nepal and even Tibet before he began his ministry in the Roman province of Judaea.

There are quite a number of books that go into detail on that idea and some of them are ancient. "The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ" by Levi Dowling is over a hundred years old and it was impressive but the near death experience account of Bruce F. MacDonald Ph. D. is even more interesting and compelling in so many ways.

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Free Land of The Free Land of Freedo
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Postby Free Land of The Free Land of Freedo » Thu Jan 23, 2025 10:54 am

NorthernPesos wrote:I personally follow "Western Culture" but I happen to believe that Rabbi Yeshua - Jesus travelled to India, Nepal and even Tibet before he began his ministry in the Roman province of Judaea.

There are quite a number of books that go into detail on that idea and some of them are ancient. "The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ" by Levi Dowling is over a hundred years old and it was impressive but the near death experience account of Bruce F. MacDonald Ph. D. is even more interesting and compelling in so many ways.

Honest question, do you have any religious/spiritual beliefs that aren't bog standard "pseudo-schizo Gen Xer"? You're a walking stereotype.
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Postby Fjolmidlum » Thu Jan 23, 2025 12:25 pm

The Vedic Culture that you describe is just feudalism. It's most certainly not communism. And sure, Vedic religions may teach good and noble ideals, but so too have Western religions. When you actually look at the people in these cultures and the followers of these religions, however, you do not often find the kind of honesty and purity you proclaim to exist in Vedic culture. This is just weird factionalism on your end, either in the form of the grass being greener on the other side or in the form of more conventional Nationalism.
irregardless, its the same difference and i literally could care less for all intensive purposes so you're point is mute per say
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Postby NorthernPesos » Thu Jan 23, 2025 12:53 pm

Free Land of The Free Land of Freedo wrote:
NorthernPesos wrote:I personally follow "Western Culture" but I happen to believe that Rabbi Yeshua - Jesus travelled to India, Nepal and even Tibet before he began his ministry in the Roman province of Judaea.

There are quite a number of books that go into detail on that idea and some of them are ancient. "The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ" by Levi Dowling is over a hundred years old and it was impressive but the near death experience account of Bruce F. MacDonald Ph. D. is even more interesting and compelling in so many ways.

Honest question, do you have any religious/spiritual beliefs that aren't bog standard "pseudo-schizo Gen Xer"? You're a walking stereotype.

My beliefs are pretty strange, there is no denying it.

A firm belief in eleven invisible higher energetic levels of space and time as explained by String Theory will tend to have that effect on us.

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Nanatsu no Tsuki
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Postby Nanatsu no Tsuki » Thu Jan 23, 2025 2:35 pm

Is any of this highlighted in the Gita, for example? Because Indian culture, with its penchant for hurting women, isn’t exactly treating them like goddesses.
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Postby Technoscience Leftwing » Thu Jan 23, 2025 4:28 pm

* Criticism of capitalism, as is known, is not only left-wing, proletarian and progressive - there is also reactionary criticism of capitalism, which is full of nostalgic illusions about agrarian pre-industrial orders, with patriarchal morals, religion, stable traditions. Already in the "Manifesto" Marx ironically over "feudal socialism", shows how priests and aristocrats tried to use the discontent of ruined peasants to restore pre-capitalist orders.

* In this case, nostalgia for the past can play into the hands of lovers of caste society, and there are many of them among the ultra-right (it is known that Nietzsche praised the Indian caste system, for him it was an example of an ideal hierarchy, the antithesis of socialism and egalitarianism). Castes are not based on abilities, because work skills are not inherited - when class division was abolished in France and Russia after the revolutions, talented people from the plebeian strata were able to study, rise to the ranks of scientists or managers, and do much for the benefit of progress. But under the caste system, they would not have been able to realize their talents, but the aristocracy would have retained the commanding heights, and this would have been detrimental to development.

* Of course, you can find something useful in the ideological heritage of India, and if you are attracted there by the love of animals and vegetarianism, you can borrow these aspects. But if you borrow philosophical idealism along with this, i.e. the search for the causes of phenomena in the spiritual sphere, and not in material processes such as the development of technology and the struggle of classes, then idealism can harm the understanding of natural and social patterns.

* Western culture has given materialism and pays close attention to technology, and it was not for nothing that Trotsky said that "socialism proceeds from the development of technology as the mainspring of progress", and Lenin noted that "socialism without mail, telegraph, machines is an empty phrase". People may like to visit an ancient pre-industrial village as an open-air historical museum, but people will not agree to live in such a village, because there is no material comfort there, but there is hunger, unsanitary conditions and epidemics. To overcome backwardness, a breakthrough in the development of productive forces is needed, and the value of Western culture is that it recognizes the importance of technology and the significance of earthly happiness.

* Of course, not everything from Western culture should be borrowed, but materialism, technicism, cosmopolitanism, egalitarianism, utilitarianism, revolutionism, cultural emancipation and other left-wing ideas are useful there.
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Postby Eurasia102 » Thu Jan 23, 2025 7:34 pm

Nanatsu no Tsuki wrote:Is any of this highlighted in the Gita, for example? Because Indian culture, with its penchant for hurting women, isn’t exactly treating them like goddesses.

Regarding hurting woman vedic culture will never teach and those who are guilty of hurting women either misinterpreted verses n\or does'nt follow properly or just ignorence.Plz read about Draupati and her 5 husband and you will realize how much Draupati was respected.Moreover plz read Ram and Sita mythology.
Marxist who follows the principles of Sanātana Dharma.
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Reply to caste system mentioned by users

Postby Eurasia102 » Thu Jan 23, 2025 8:18 pm

Plz read about the truth about Caste System regarding 1st reply and 3rd reply in the link given below and you will understand Caste System is not based on Birth but on people's talent and ability.Suppose You are army officers and suppose Govt made new rules that your children can inherit the post and people who are not army by birth will not join army that is imperialism which becomes caste system .In the same this event happened in ancient times because of corruption and misinterpretation of Hindu Scriptures.
For your easy understanding, Plz click the link:
Marxist who follows the principles of Sanātana Dharma.
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Bad Dog
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Postby Bad Dog » Thu Jan 23, 2025 8:30 pm

Fjolmidlum wrote:The Vedic Culture that you describe is just feudalism. It's most certainly not communism. And sure, Vedic religions may teach good and noble ideals, but so too have Western religions. When you actually look at the people in these cultures and the followers of these religions, however, you do not often find the kind of honesty and purity you proclaim to exist in Vedic culture. This is just weird factionalism on your end, either in the form of the grass being greener on the other side or in the form of more conventional Nationalism.

That's a valid criticism. And I don't want to detract from it.

But I feel that the bigger problem with "The Vedic Culture" is that it doesn't really exist as OP describes. And never has. It's as real as the Aryan culture of Hyperborea.

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Postby Eurasia102 » Fri Jan 24, 2025 2:01 am

Bad Dog wrote:
Fjolmidlum wrote:The Vedic Culture that you describe is just feudalism. It's most certainly not communism. And sure, Vedic religions may teach good and noble ideals, but so too have Western religions. When you actually look at the people in these cultures and the followers of these religions, however, you do not often find the kind of honesty and purity you proclaim to exist in Vedic culture. This is just weird factionalism on your end, either in the form of the grass being greener on the other side or in the form of more conventional Nationalism.

That's a valid criticism. And I don't want to detract from it.

But I feel that the bigger problem with "The Vedic Culture" is that it doesn't really exist as OP describes. And never has. It's as real as the Aryan culture of Hyperborea.

Please do not be confused with Neo-Nazism for that Neo-Nazism stole the symbol from Hindu Swastika(which means peace and represents 4 ages ) and corrupted and mocked Sanātana Dharma indirectly.Nazi are Adharmic creatures(people who are immoral violates the principles of Sanātana Dharma) and are like thieves.I don't believe in the existence of Satya Yuga(Golden age) that different thing because I am
Atheist.However there are things which are true like Earth is getting polluted.In ancient times Earth was not so polluted.Pollution is happening simply because of CAPITALISM.
Last edited by Eurasia102 on Fri Jan 24, 2025 2:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
Marxist who follows the principles of Sanātana Dharma.
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Postby Unmet Player » Fri Jan 24, 2025 2:04 am

There is nothing good about the Vedic culture
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Postby Khardsland » Fri Jan 24, 2025 2:04 am

Vedic culture was progressive back when it was first postulated. It promoted feudalism in a time period when India still followed slavery. But we are no longer living in a feudal world. It is now the time to move from capitalist to socialism. Also, one of the major tenents of Marxist doctrine, and also a common stanza in the Internationale, regards to do away with harmful traditions - east or west, north or south.
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Postby A m e n r i a » Fri Jan 24, 2025 2:06 am

As a brown guy, I commend OP's traditionalism.
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Please read before you critisize

Postby Eurasia102 » Fri Jan 24, 2025 2:07 am

Eurasia102 wrote:Plz read about the truth about Caste System regarding 1st reply and 3rd reply in the link given below and you will understand Caste System is not based on Birth but on people's talent and ability.Suppose You are army officers and suppose Govt made new rules that your children can inherit the post and people who are not army by birth will not join army that is imperialism which becomes caste system .In the same this event happened in ancient times because of corruption and misinterpretation of Hindu Scriptures.
For your easy understanding, Plz click the link:

Look before you leap.Read the content and click the link you will understand properly.
Marxist who follows the principles of Sanātana Dharma.
No longer support CPI(M) on ground of Corrupt practices,Adharmic practices,hatred + even fight among its member and no longer follows the ideology of Karl Marx and Lenin sincerely.Moreover CPI(M) speaks and participate in election only for political gain + sells Marxist books instead of giving for free and helping poor.

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Postby Eurasia102 » Fri Jan 24, 2025 2:10 am

A m e n r i a wrote:As a brown guy, I commend OP's traditionalism.

Vedic culture had kept people healthy in ancient times and conditons of Indians especially farmers in general were good even in Corona times.
Marxist who follows the principles of Sanātana Dharma.
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Postby Fractalnavel » Fri Jan 24, 2025 2:10 am

Eurasia102 wrote:... s*xu@l ... s*xu@l ...

Sort of undermines your point.

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Postby Eurasia102 » Fri Jan 24, 2025 2:11 am

Fractalnavel wrote:
Eurasia102 wrote:... s*xu@l ... s*xu@l ...

Sort of undermines your point.

Plz don't give any hate speech and rather talk to the point.
Marxist who follows the principles of Sanātana Dharma.
No longer support CPI(M) on ground of Corrupt practices,Adharmic practices,hatred + even fight among its member and no longer follows the ideology of Karl Marx and Lenin sincerely.Moreover CPI(M) speaks and participate in election only for political gain + sells Marxist books instead of giving for free and helping poor.

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Postby Durius » Fri Jan 24, 2025 3:23 am

This is not a thread about Vedic Culture vs. Western Culture (the latter doesn't even make that much sense). It's just a thread of capitalism vs. socialism full of anachronisms. It's rather ridiculous really.

But anyway, both systems and your artificially defined cultures that glorify each are absolutely awful. In a battle of one versus the other, I can only hope that both crash and burn.
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Postby Eurasia102 » Fri Jan 24, 2025 5:37 am

Eurasia102 wrote:Let us have healthy discussion and let's neither debate nor argument.
Please feel free to give opinion including Anti-Communist Opinion .For that you have been the ALMOST absolute Freedom of Speech and Expression but no hate speech please.

Whoseever give any hate speech like will never ever get any reply.I requested all of you not to give any hate speech + I even gave you ALMOST absolute Freedom of Speech and Expression,still one cannot continue any healthy discussion without giving any hate speech.Have I ever followed Lenin's policy of suppressing free speech which I personally do not agree,I think the haters would have become very polite but anyway I don't like to do this harsh action so I won't supress free speech.Please follow this rule and you shall receive a reply with full respect.
Last edited by Eurasia102 on Fri Jan 24, 2025 8:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
Marxist who follows the principles of Sanātana Dharma.
No longer support CPI(M) on ground of Corrupt practices,Adharmic practices,hatred + even fight among its member and no longer follows the ideology of Karl Marx and Lenin sincerely.Moreover CPI(M) speaks and participate in election only for political gain + sells Marxist books instead of giving for free and helping poor.

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Postby Eurasia102 » Fri Jan 24, 2025 5:44 am

NorthernPesos wrote:I personally follow "Western Culture" but I happen to believe that Rabbi Yeshua - Jesus travelled to India, Nepal and even Tibet before he began his ministry in the Roman province of Judaea.

There are quite a number of books that go into detail on that idea and some of them are ancient. "The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ" by Levi Dowling is over a hundred years old and it was impressive but the near death experience account of Bruce F. MacDonald Ph. D. is even more interesting and compelling in so many ways.

I understand you like to follow western culture,still I suggest you to atleast do research about Sanātana Dharma if you can't read Hindu Scriptures .Regarding Jesus Christ,I don't believe in the existence of Jesus Christ yet no need to leave your own believe and your own religion yet atleast try to live like Hindu people especially simplicity,bath regularly ,limit yourself to Chicken and fish,be puntual ,do Yoga and try to wake up early in the morning as much as possible.Plz don't think ,I am forcing you ,I am just giving you suggestions.
Last edited by Eurasia102 on Fri Jan 24, 2025 5:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
Marxist who follows the principles of Sanātana Dharma.
No longer support CPI(M) on ground of Corrupt practices,Adharmic practices,hatred + even fight among its member and no longer follows the ideology of Karl Marx and Lenin sincerely.Moreover CPI(M) speaks and participate in election only for political gain + sells Marxist books instead of giving for free and helping poor.

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Postby Risottia » Fri Jan 24, 2025 6:20 am

Eurasia102 wrote:Vedic Culture is original Indian Culture which is a kind of Proletarian ideology .This culture strongly condems Capitalism

Vedic culture cannot condemn capitalism because there was no capitalism when the Vedas were written.
Also, no, the culture of the Indoeuropean warriors who invaded India and divided the population into castes has NOTHING in the way of supporting the workers and their rights.

Let us have healthy discussion and let's neither debate nor argument.

Bit of a contradiction there, pal.

Also: Marxism is part of the Western culture.
Last edited by Risottia on Fri Jan 24, 2025 6:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Eurasia102 » Fri Jan 24, 2025 6:58 am

Risottia wrote:
Eurasia102 wrote:Vedic Culture is original Indian Culture which is a kind of Proletarian ideology .This culture strongly condems Capitalism

Vedic culture cannot condemn capitalism because there was no capitalism when the Vedas were written.
Also, no, the culture of the Indoeuropean warriors who invaded India and divided the population into castes has NOTHING in the way of supporting the workers and their rights.

Srimad Bhagavatam 12.2.2
In Kali Yuga(Dark Age), wealth alone will be considered the sign of a man's good birth, proper behaviour and fine qualities. Law and justice will be applied only on the basis of one's power.
Srimad Bhagavatam 12.2.3
success in business will depend on deceit.
Srimad Bhagavatam 12.2.4
A person's spiritual position will be ascertained merely according to external symbols, and on that same basis people will change from one spiritual order to the next. A person's propriety will be seriously questioned if he does not earn a good living.
Srimad Bhagavatam 12.2.5
A person will be judged unholy if he does not have money, and hypocrisy will be accepted as virtue.
Srimad Bhagavatam 12.3.41
In Kali-yuga men will develop hatred for each other even over a few coins.
Srimad Bhagavatam 12.3.38
Uncultured men will accept charity on behalf of the Lord and will earn their livelihood by making a show of austerity and wearing a mendicant's dress. Those who know nothing about religion will mount a high seat and presume to speak on religious principles.
Though above above verses are just predictions and these predictions were predicted by sages(who were super genius scientists in disguise).Surprisingly these predictions are slowly slowly becoming true day by day second by second.Whatever it is ,this proves that Sanātana Dharma strongly condemns CAPITALISM including greediness .

Let us have healthy discussion and let's neither debate nor argument.
Bit of a contradiction there, pal.

I mean only constructive criticism.
Also: Marxism is part of the Western culture.

Karl Marx did not approve exploiting poor which is part of Western Culture.I wished I was born during Karl Marx 's time and would be his friend,I would have given Hindu Scriptures and suggested him to read it and I would have said that I was not telling Karl Marx to believe in deity and I myself do not believe in deity ,I was giving him to know more about the dark side of Western Culture and for his own mental peace.
Last edited by Eurasia102 on Fri Jan 24, 2025 7:23 am, edited 3 times in total.
Marxist who follows the principles of Sanātana Dharma.
No longer support CPI(M) on ground of Corrupt practices,Adharmic practices,hatred + even fight among its member and no longer follows the ideology of Karl Marx and Lenin sincerely.Moreover CPI(M) speaks and participate in election only for political gain + sells Marxist books instead of giving for free and helping poor.

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Free Land of The Free Land of Freedo
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Postby Free Land of The Free Land of Freedo » Fri Jan 24, 2025 7:05 am

NorthernPesos wrote:My beliefs are pretty strange, there is no denying it.

A firm belief in eleven invisible higher energetic levels of space and time as explained by String Theory will tend to have that effect on us.

The point that I'm making is they aren't strange, they're completely cookie-cutter beliefs a certain kind of roughly 60 something person has.
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Postby Durius » Fri Jan 24, 2025 7:25 am

Eurasia102 wrote:
Eurasia102 wrote:Let us have healthy discussion and let's neither debate nor argument.
Please feel free to give opinion including Anti-Communist Opinion .For that you have been the ALMOST absolute Freedom of Speech and Expression but no hate speech please.

Whoseever give any hate speech like

Durius wrote:This is not a thread about Vedic Culture vs. Western Culture (the latter doesn't even make that much sense). It's just a thread of capitalism vs. socialism full of anachronisms. It's rather ridiculous really.

But anyway, both systems and your artificially defined cultures that glorify each are absolutely awful. In a battle of one versus the other, I can only hope that both crash and burn.

Will never ever get any reply.I requested all of you not to give any hate speech + I even gave you ALMOST absolute Freedom of Speech and Expression,still one cannot continue any healthy discussion without giving any hate speech.Have I ever followed Lenin's policy of suppressing free speech which I personally do not agree,I think the haters would have become very polite but anyway I don't like to do this harsh action so I won't supress free speech.Please follow this rule and you shall receive a reply with full respect.

I'm not sure who do you think you are, but you don't own the thread to give or take any freedom of speech. If you think I broke some rule, go report me to Moderation. That being said, I really urge you to learn what hate speech is if you truly believe I've engage in any. I gave you my thoughts about your thread, either your accept them and engage in a civil discussion or you do not is none of my concern.
Those who give up freedom for security, give up on humanity.



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