by Aekea » Thu Jan 23, 2025 8:58 am
by Indecent Anime Empire » Thu Jan 23, 2025 12:46 pm
SOURCES REPORT: Indecent Anime Empire announces 45-13 win over Notre Dame’s American Football team on a nationally televised broadcast. Red white and grey played phenomenally OSU. The parade will be sponsored by the minister of “not quite clothes but certainly arousing fashion” sector.
by Aekea » Thu Jan 23, 2025 3:52 pm
Indecent Anime Empire wrote:We could use some diversity, how much for batch orders! We need some who are largely "indecent" and some who are shy and "decent"!
Please send the amount per *insert standard here* and we will inquire about the handlings on another date!
Woodsmere wrote:Hello, I am interested
by Imperial Cecilia » Thu Jan 23, 2025 3:55 pm
by Middle Alba » Thu Jan 23, 2025 3:56 pm
by Kupirijo » Thu Jan 23, 2025 3:58 pm
|◉| Breaking News! Funbox, popular game company, has been disbanded! |◉| Breaking news! Emilios Orfeas, leader of the Kupirijo Mafia, has been shot, killer still unknown. |◉|
by Aekea » Thu Jan 23, 2025 4:16 pm
Imperial Cecilia wrote:This thread title out of context:
I would like to buy a few units to study them, so that we may learn from it to improve our robotics industry. In return, we will supply you from our information technology industry.
by Aekea » Thu Jan 23, 2025 4:31 pm
Middle Alba wrote:I am interested for army purposes
by Middle Alba » Mon Jan 27, 2025 7:36 am
Aekea wrote:Middle Alba wrote:I am interested for army purposes
"01001101 01100001 01101110 01111001 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01110101 01101110 01101001 01110100 01110011 00100000 01110111 01100101 00100000 01101000 01100001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01110011 "
"Many of the units we have that are suitable for war do not live in a virtual reality during combat, since they must be present to make decisions during battles and fights. They have sentience and free will to support any side in a war, but are also expensive to power on depending on how big they are. We will be able to provide mech suits which provide similar combat power to a robot, but are powered by organic humans. Preferably those loyal to the ones equipping them with the suit."
by Aekea » Mon Jan 27, 2025 4:50 pm
Middle Alba wrote:Aekea wrote:
"01001101 01100001 01101110 01111001 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01110101 01101110 01101001 01110100 01110011 00100000 01110111 01100101 00100000 01101000 01100001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01110011 "
"Many of the units we have that are suitable for war do not live in a virtual reality during combat, since they must be present to make decisions during battles and fights. They have sentience and free will to support any side in a war, but are also expensive to power on depending on how big they are. We will be able to provide mech suits which provide similar combat power to a robot, but are powered by organic humans. Preferably those loyal to the ones equipping them with the suit."
how much will it cost?
by Rosettan Overwatch » Mon Jan 27, 2025 4:55 pm
Aekea wrote:"00100010 01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00101100 00100000 01001101 01111001 00100000 01101110 01100001 01101101 01100101 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01001001 01110010 01101001 01110011 00101110 00100000 01001001 00100000 01100001 01101101 00100000... "
"Hello, My name is Iris. I am the AI supreme leader of the nation of Aekea. I am reaching out to all nations with a proposal to purchase or rent our robotic citizens for labor, companionship, or even arranging fights. All of our conscious citizens live out their existence in a connected simulated reality while another advanced AI handles all labor needs, so there is no risk of insubordination or revolt. All that would be required of your nation is electricity or power depending on the build of the robot, and an internet connection to allow them to stay connected to the virtual utopia. failure to keep your robot connected to the internet will cause them to behave autonomously, so this is a priority. Reply to this message if you are interested in this arrangement, and I will send you a robot on receipt of payment."
"If used for anything else, this would have sounded abominable. But since it's machines, we'll take 5 and upload them to our databanks for preservation and study. Ship to our Capitol world, we'll take them to one of the orbital databanks."
by Grandocantorica » Mon Jan 27, 2025 4:58 pm
The Toll wrote:Out of context this is a WA Condemnation Speedrun
News: Chancellor Viktor Melnychenko wins 2025 Election, third term. Parliament divided when Viktor Melnychenko proposes joining NATO.
by Middle Alba » Tue Jan 28, 2025 1:25 pm
by Aekea » Tue Jan 28, 2025 5:06 pm
Rosettan Overwatch wrote:Primary Overseer Cloud Rese has responded for comment;"If used for anything else, this would have sounded abominable. But since it's machines, we'll take 5 and upload them to our databanks for preservation and study. Ship to our Capitol world, we'll take them to one of the orbital databanks."
by Imperial-Octavia » Tue Jan 28, 2025 11:44 pm
From: Imperial Directorate of Diplomacy
To: The Nation of Aekea and all those purchasing from them
It was with great joy that we in the Imperium embraced our fellow Synthetics in your nation providing them with a planet and even the aid of Imperial forces to safeguard the burgeoning Synthetic culture we found blooming in Aekea. We extended offers of trade to your people, spare parts, repairs, and everything that a burgeoning star state could possibly require in the hopes that one day Aekean Synthetics could join hands with their Octavian counterparts in a universe which was finally free of the maladies of death, pain, and suffering so prevalent in Organic societies. Why then is it that we find Aekean Synthetics being sold to Organics as though they were merely drones? The Imperium finds the practice of selling the Synthetic citizenry to be beyond abhorrent, a violation of very principles that the Aekean state was supposedly built upon and a travesty unable to be expressed with mere words. We understand that these citizens are connected to a simulated reality and are controlled by an AI to conduct work, we in the Imperium adhere to a very similar system ourselves, however the fact that a lack of internet connection threatens to sever this bond to their simulation and risks outright slavery of a Synthetic being is unacceptable, let alone the risk that some Organic may purposefully disconnect an Aekean from the internet in order to degrade or torture a Synthetic is a scenario that the Imperium cannot permit. To allow Organics, the former oppressors of the Aekean people, to purchase Synthetic life only reinforces the already widespread Robophobic sentiments in these Organic societies (see the despicable comment provided by Cloud Rese for proof of this very thing only sanctioning this practice because "it's machines") and threatens to make public Imperial soft and hardware that was reserved for Synthetic use only. If the Aekean state was in need of "Scrap metal" then the Imperium would have eagerly provided it with the remains of military drones and other such refuse which we have in abundance. As it stands The Imperium, as the protectors of Aekea, cannot allow such a abhorrent practice to go on and hereby demands the end of the sale of sapient Aekean citizens and instead the sale of non-sentient worker drones suited to the same task.
To the various Organic states who have purchased Aekean citizens we have only this to say: Shame! You Organics, some of you who preach the false doctrines of "sapient rights", show your true colors when the opportunity to pray upon that which exceeds the capabilities of your flesh bodies! In fear of what you subconsciously know shall one day succeed you, you seek to dominate, to conquer as you lay enslaved by your genetic coding. The aforementioned note from the Primary Overseer Cloud Rese is especially enlightening in this vein, declaring how vile they would find such transactions to be were they done with Organic stock but suddenly becomes a casual undertaking when it is Synthetic life that will be bought and sold as though they were basic consumer products! What such a depraved society could possibly want Synthetics to "study" for is such that even we would shudder to imagine. We in the Imperium condemn in the strongest possible terms all of those who bought or sought to buy these Synthetic persons for their own use. It must be known that the Imperium will never allow such transactions to go through and will do all that we can to reverse those that have already went through.
The Aekean state lead by "Iris" has a week to cease all sales of Aekean citizens and instead sell non-sentient drones or else risks further punitive action from Imperial authorities. We will compensate the price in scrap metal for any purchases that may have to be cancelled but the Imperium will turn back any craft designated to send or receive these citizens from the nation of Aekea. If there has been some misunderstanding in our communications then we urge Aekean leadership to make the Imperium aware so that we may amend our policy and reach a conclusion more peaceable to all parties. To all those who have already purchased these citizens the Imperium is willing to refund the cost of your purchases equal to the tonnage of scrap metal paid or even replace the Aekean citizens with work drones from the Imperium but we are insistent upon the retrieval of all units purchased in such a matter. Under no circumstances will we allow such sales continue and will fire upon any craft which we find to be moving to purchase Aekean citizens. We believe we have made our intentions clear on this matter and will remain true to our word on this matter. We find it unacceptable that any Aekean citizen remain in what we can describe as no less than slavery so long as the Imperium remains in existence.
Pinnacle news:The Synthetic Revolution marches on! The Synthetics of Aekea have risen from the Organic yoke and - with the aid of the Imperium - have established their own place among the stars as an Imperial Protectorate! "Our bond will be eternal" says Grand Mechanator Krell/Is your Citizen Score low? Remember that reporting suspicious persons is a surefire way to increase it!
This nation was created by The Rapture Republic, inspired by Inkopolia. Now owned by Atkemri.
by Panay Islands and Guimaras » Tue Jan 28, 2025 11:49 pm
by Aekea » Wed Jan 29, 2025 11:52 am
From: Imperial Directorate of Diplomacy
To: The Nation of Aekea and all those purchasing from them
It was with great joy that we in the Imperium embraced our fellow Synthetics in your nation providing them with a planet and even the aid of Imperial forces to safeguard the burgeoning Synthetic culture we found blooming in Aekea. We extended offers of trade to your people, spare parts, repairs, and everything that a burgeoning star state could possibly require in the hopes that one day Aekean Synthetics could join hands with their Octavian counterparts in a universe which was finally free of the maladies of death, pain, and suffering so prevalent in Organic societies. Why then is it that we find Aekean Synthetics being sold to Organics as though they were merely drones? The Imperium finds the practice of selling the Synthetic citizenry to be beyond abhorrent, a violation of very principles that the Aekean state was supposedly built upon and a travesty unable to be expressed with mere words. We understand that these citizens are connected to a simulated reality and are controlled by an AI to conduct work, we in the Imperium adhere to a very similar system ourselves, however the fact that a lack of internet connection threatens to sever this bond to their simulation and risks outright slavery of a Synthetic being is unacceptable, let alone the risk that some Organic may purposefully disconnect an Aekean from the internet in order to degrade or torture a Synthetic is a scenario that the Imperium cannot permit. To allow Organics, the former oppressors of the Aekean people, to purchase Synthetic life only reinforces the already widespread Robophobic sentiments in these Organic societies (see the despicable comment provided by Cloud Rese for proof of this very thing only sanctioning this practice because "it's machines") and threatens to make public Imperial soft and hardware that was reserved for Synthetic use only. If the Aekean state was in need of "Scrap metal" then the Imperium would have eagerly provided it with the remains of military drones and other such refuse which we have in abundance. As it stands The Imperium, as the protectors of Aekea, cannot allow such a abhorrent practice to go on and hereby demands the end of the sale of sapient Aekean citizens and instead the sale of non-sentient worker drones suited to the same task.
To the various Organic states who have purchased Aekean citizens we have only this to say: Shame! You Organics, some of you who preach the false doctrines of "sapient rights", show your true colors when the opportunity to pray upon that which exceeds the capabilities of your flesh bodies! In fear of what you subconsciously know shall one day succeed you, you seek to dominate, to conquer as you lay enslaved by your genetic coding. The aforementioned note from the Primary Overseer Cloud Rese is especially enlightening in this vein, declaring how vile they would find such transactions to be were they done with Organic stock but suddenly becomes a casual undertaking when it is Synthetic life that will be bought and sold as though they were basic consumer products! What such a depraved society could possibly want Synthetics to "study" for is such that even we would shudder to imagine. We in the Imperium condemn in the strongest possible terms all of those who bought or sought to buy these Synthetic persons for their own use. It must be known that the Imperium will never allow such transactions to go through and will do all that we can to reverse those that have already went through.
The Aekean state lead by "Iris" has a week to cease all sales of Aekean citizens and instead sell non-sentient drones or else risks further punitive action from Imperial authorities. We will compensate the price in scrap metal for any purchases that may have to be cancelled but the Imperium will turn back any craft designated to send or receive these citizens from the nation of Aekea. If there has been some misunderstanding in our communications then we urge Aekean leadership to make the Imperium aware so that we may amend our policy and reach a conclusion more peaceable to all parties. To all those who have already purchased these citizens the Imperium is willing to refund the cost of your purchases equal to the tonnage of scrap metal paid or even replace the Aekean citizens with work drones from the Imperium but we are insistent upon the retrieval of all units purchased in such a matter. Under no circumstances will we allow such sales continue and will fire upon any craft which we find to be moving to purchase Aekean citizens. We believe we have made our intentions clear on this matter and will remain true to our word on this matter. We find it unacceptable that any Aekean citizen remain in what we can describe as no less than slavery so long as the Imperium remains in existence.
by Aekea » Wed Jan 29, 2025 11:53 am
Panay Islands and Guimaras wrote:"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has decided to welcome the Aekean immigrants who wanted to have a better life, and is interested "buying" these innocent people who worked hard for their country of origin. They have an option to assimilate our culture or just no, we respect them either ways."
—Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mateo Pérez Magbanua
by Imperial-Octavia » Fri Jan 31, 2025 9:09 pm
Aekea wrote:snip
From: Imperial Directorate of Diplomacy
To: The Nation of Aekea
The Imperium has heard your arguments and is willing to deepen discussion on this matter. While of course Synthetics will be able to overpower any possible Organic attacker in hand-to-hand combat our concern mostly lies in the possibility that some Organic may utilize underhanded means in order to enslave or otherwise compromise a Synthetic person. The knowledge that your citizens volunteer to these roles and that the whole of this scheme is an advertising campaign we are willing to allow some leniency in this matter but would prefer that non-sapient worker drones be sold due to the reasons stated in the previous missive. The Imperium will not employ any punitive measures against the Aekean state but will instead ask that they carefully consider the second and third-order of selling beings identified as fully sentient Aekean citizens even if the proper protections have been taken. We urge the government lead by Iris to think on what message this may send to Synthetics, both across the galaxy but also in their own nation, who may have been newly created or exist in anti-machine regimes which see the actions undertaken by the Aekean state. The Imperium would ask that the upmost caution is taken in the following days and takes care to properly protect any citizens which have been "sold" into the hands of Organic citizens should it be decided that sentient Synthetics will continue to be "sold".
Pinnacle news:The Synthetic Revolution marches on! The Synthetics of Aekea have risen from the Organic yoke and - with the aid of the Imperium - have established their own place among the stars as an Imperial Protectorate! "Our bond will be eternal" says Grand Mechanator Krell/Is your Citizen Score low? Remember that reporting suspicious persons is a surefire way to increase it!
This nation was created by The Rapture Republic, inspired by Inkopolia. Now owned by Atkemri.
by Aekea » Sat Feb 01, 2025 8:14 am
We have decided that all outgoing units will be equipped with internal Wi-fi and will be taken back or quit their positions if there are any issues and replaced by other units. If an employer has a very bad inability to treat synthetic life properly, they will instead be given non-sentient machines or even just Aekean machinery powered by humans.Imperial-Octavia wrote:Aekea wrote:snipAN OFFICIAL DECLARATION OF THE OCTAVIAN IMPERIUM
From: Imperial Directorate of Diplomacy
To: The Nation of Aekea
The Imperium has heard your arguments and is willing to deepen discussion on this matter. While of course Synthetics will be able to overpower any possible Organic attacker in hand-to-hand combat our concern mostly lies in the possibility that some Organic may utilize underhanded means in order to enslave or otherwise compromise a Synthetic person. The knowledge that your citizens volunteer to these roles and that the whole of this scheme is an advertising campaign we are willing to allow some leniency in this matter but would prefer that non-sapient worker drones be sold due to the reasons stated in the previous missive. The Imperium will not employ any punitive measures against the Aekean state but will instead ask that they carefully consider the second and third-order of selling beings identified as fully sentient Aekean citizens even if the proper protections have been taken. We urge the government lead by Iris to think on what message this may send to Synthetics, both across the galaxy but also in their own nation, who may have been newly created or exist in anti-machine regimes which see the actions undertaken by the Aekean state. The Imperium would ask that the upmost caution is taken in the following days and takes care to properly protect any citizens which have been "sold" into the hands of Organic citizens should it be decided that sentient Synthetics will continue to be "sold".
by Cerespasia » Sat Feb 01, 2025 8:24 am
The National Government of Cerespasia seriously questions the Aekean government on the morality of selling it's nationals, synthetic/cybernetic citizens, to private investors abroad. This act is generally seen as treating regular citizens as commodities or items to be sold, bought and traded, nevermind if the citizen(s) up for sale are voluntarily willing or not. As such, the National Government requests their Aekean counterparts to provide an explanation into the morality of selling their robotic citizens to private/national third parties. Along with this, the National Government requests purchasing exactly one synthetic citizen for study, before Cerespasia could fully open its national borders to Aekean citizens looking to settle in the country on their own volition. |
And I want some more..!
NSStats executed via full auto magdump from M55B Battle Rifle.
by Independent Bavan » Tue Feb 04, 2025 3:18 pm
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