Acknowledging that LGBTQ+ youth represent a disproportionately high percentage of the global homeless population, often due to family rejection, discriminatory practices, and systemic inequalities, and that homelessness puts them at heightened risk of exploitation, violence, and poor mental and physical health;
Recognizing that ensuring stable, safe housing is fundamental to the well-being, personal development, and human rights of LGBTQ+ youth;
Noting that family rejection remains a primary cause of homelessness among LGBTQ+ youth and that supportive interventions, where appropriate, can reduce the risk of homelessness in this population;
Concerned that in many nations, housing services, shelters, and transitional programs fail to account for the specific needs of LGBTQ+ youth, leading to further marginalization within systems intended to provide support;
Recalling previous World Assembly resolutions promoting equality, non-discrimination, and the protection of vulnerable populations;
Emphasizing the need for global cooperation and the sharing of resources and strategies to combat homelessness among LGBTQ+ youth;
Hereby resolves:
1. Member states shall design and implement national action plans specifically targeting homelessness among LGBTQ+ youth including, but not limited to, the following:
a. Proactive measures such as family counseling and reconciliation programs, mental health initiatives, anti-discrimination initiatives, and public awareness campaigns to address stigma.
b. Reactive measures such as establishment of LGBTQ+ crisis response hotlines
available in any communication form available in said member state, member state funded homeless shelters, free or subsidized mental health services, vocational training, educational support, and access to job placement services, with outreach efforts prioritized in rural and underserved areas.
2. Member states shall mandate that all shelters and transitional housing programs adopt explicit anti-discrimination policies that protect LGBTQ+ individuals, require cultural competency training for staff, and ensure sufficient funding and capacity for LGBTQ+-specific housing facilities in areas where demand exceeds supply.
3. All member states must establish or strengthen legal protections against discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression in all housing-related matters, and create independent monitoring bodies to investigate and address violations, with clear penalties for non-compliance.
4. Member states shall fund and develop programs to assist LGBTQ+ youth experiencing or at risk of homelessness, including free or subsidized mental health services, vocational training, educational support, and access to job placement services, with outreach efforts prioritized in rural and underserved areas.
5. Member states are encouraged to work closely with LGBTQ+ advocacy organizations, community groups, and experts in the development and implementation of all initiatives, ensuring these organizations are adequately funded and have a platform to provide input and oversight.
6. The Institute for Global Homelessness shall establish a taskforce to provide technical assistance, resources, and recommendations to member states implementing this resolution, and member states must provide regular updates on progress made under this resolution and identify barriers to implementation for global review