[Withdrawn] Policy Suggestion (Spoilers)

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Heavens Reach
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[Withdrawn] Policy Suggestion (Spoilers)

Postby Heavens Reach » Wed Jan 22, 2025 8:36 pm

Hello! Author of Issue#1287 "Children of the Magna Carta" here. I'm writing this thread to suggest a new policy, called "Juvenarchy."

In short, it's a policy reflecting a nation that has a government that is partially or completely run by children (regardless of whether it is a democracy, autocracy, etc.).

The broader impetus for this is that I would like to build on this policy, exploring some of the interesting foibles and complexities that could arise from making these choices, as well as potentially write more issues that actually have this effect (for example, something that offers a stronger version of choice 4 of Issue#1287).

Potential preexisting examples:

Issue#1287 "Children of the Magna Carta"

"None of you really seem to appreciate the beauty of what we just witnessed," declares @@RANDOM_NAME@@, your Minister of Child Welfare. "The organization, the effort, and the care of those students coming together with a focused and compassionate vision of equality for our nation. It has me thinking... why not permanently appoint some children to your cabinet? Let's give, say, a third of all positions to under-18s. Who is more sensitive, considerate, and goal-driven than they are? Certainly not our ineffectual, and frankly myopic parliament."

"The youth of @@NAME@@ feel disenfranchised from the institutions that make the decisions that affect their lives," begins a young girl, who is immediately interrupted by one of her classmates. "We propose that @@NAME@@ establish a youth parliament, with the power to submit bills for the consideration of the national parliament. This will ensure equal representation as well as a voice for today's youth."

Issue#1494 "A Minor Political Problem"

"This demographic is an untapped gold mine!" excitedly announces your chief election strategist, preparing several colorful goody bags. "This guy was onto something big here. Not literally, as kids are small, but something that will certainly help us out in a big way. Let's allow children to vote too! Then, we could start campaigning at schools all across @@NAME@@, filling our youth with promises of ice cream and toys if they vote for us. I can see it already, @@LEADER@@; we'll win in a landslide!"
Last edited by Heavens Reach on Fri Jan 24, 2025 11:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Millenhaal » Wed Jan 22, 2025 8:39 pm

I would also like to mention that this policy would rule out things like sex scandals or that one issue where you are supposed to have a kid.
MILLENHAAL: Statsminister of Balder
ϟ Literary Masterworks ϟ
how strange it is to be anything at all...
Heavens Reach wrote:Everything's coming up Millenhaal

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