Character count: 1,898
Word count: 295
Lydia Anderson, Tinhamptonian Delegate-Ambassador to the World Assembly: Tinhampton is, with some reluctance, in favour of the World Assembly Headquarters repeal at this time. Nevertheless, given the salience of the Headquarters issue, I imagined it would make sense to also try to repeal the other resolution that references it - and in particular one that, in its other aspects, may be less than fully inclusive.Word count: 295
OOC: This is an independent venture - I am not doing this on behalf of TWP, Outback, Perdition, or any other region. I did get some help from Bran Astor/Illahee/Walkabout in the drafting stage. His main contribution was to suggest that I get rid of one troublesome clause which I subsequently replaced, however, and all of the words in the proposal are my own - so, while he does not get co-authorship (nor did he want it), he is more than worthy of a shout-out here.
Repeal "Improving Infant Nutrition"
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.Category: RepealTarget: GA#702Proposed by: Tinhampton
General Assembly Resolution #702 “Improving Infant Nutrition” (Category: Civil Rights; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
Aware that, while many species in the World Assembly (such as humans, cows and pigs) can avail themselves of breastfeeding and infant formula, plenty of other species rely on other means of feeding their young,
Observing that GA#702 focuses chiefly on breastfeeding and formula milk as means of infant nutrition, while neglecting to meaningfully discuss the other means available to different sapient species within the WA, which could potentially result in confusion among all parties about how to provide adequate protections for such inhabitants,
Befuddled that Article 3c requires every member state to incentivise all "owners of private property to provide "hygienic spaces"," which may be an honourable goal where the property owned is a warehouse or a public toilet, but would be patently unsuitable for properties such as houses with pre-existing bathrooms or fields with no adjoining building swhere installing new hygienic spaces would be unreasonable,
Noting that Article 4c requires the Office of Building Management to provide for hygienic spaces to be made available at the World Assembly Headquarters, even though an overwhelming majority of this body voted in favour of GA#767 "Repeal "World Assembly Headquarters,"" which not only established the Headquarters but was also the only other active resolution at the time of the target resolution's passage to even mention its existence, and
Concluding that GA#702, by virtue of attempting to cover the entire sphere of infant nutrition in one resolution, runs into a bureaucratic morass which serves neither in the interests of parents, infants, businesses, nor member states, and
Hopeful that each member state will adopt its own national strategy for infant nutrition that is sensible, reasonable, and responsive to the needs of their sapient species...
The General Assembly hereby repeals GA#702 "Improving Infant Nutrition."