What the hell happened to Rosartemis?

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New Westmore
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What the hell happened to Rosartemis?

Postby New Westmore » Wed Jan 22, 2025 12:11 am


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Nu Elysium
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Postby Nu Elysium » Wed Jan 22, 2025 12:17 am

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New Westmore
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Postby New Westmore » Wed Jan 22, 2025 12:20 am

Nu Elysium wrote:wdym?

I keep hearing something about her being banned from most raider orgs. What on earth happened for her to get to that point?

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are blithering idiots.

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New Westmore
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Postby Washington-Columbia » Wed Jan 22, 2025 12:20 am

I'd say inactivity. She hasn't been banned or anything similar, meaning she's most likely busy with other sorts of life or on her own break from the website.

Oh god...
Last edited by Washington-Columbia on Wed Jan 22, 2025 8:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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The Galactic Authority of Progress
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Postby The Galactic Authority of Progress » Wed Jan 22, 2025 12:23 am

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Panay Islands and Guimaras
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Postby Panay Islands and Guimaras » Wed Jan 22, 2025 12:24 am

Washington-Columbia wrote:I'd say inactivity. She hasn't been banned or anything similar, meaning she's most likely busy with other sorts of life or on her own break from the website.

Sometimes I did that too because I was busy about having a life and having school, but a short time

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The Error Onion
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Postby The Error Onion » Wed Jan 22, 2025 12:32 am

Well... Imma just sit here and watch Rosa make a comeback like 0cala. They will never leave forever, they will always find a way. As long as people like me exist on this site, they will always remain to continue the purge of right wing and neutral regions. Rosa not returning would be a miracle, for the impact it may have on the raiders that work with her. However, whatever happens, best of wishes and prayers for her life going forward. I may be a villain, but I ain't no monster.
Boo! I am a conservative socialist! Oooo, so scary!

Did you feel cringe? Good.

Oh, fun fact, I am a TOTAL IDIOT! Like bottom of the barrel stupid! If I ever beat you in an argument, assume your whole career is over and that you will need to take an IQ test to make sure!

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New Westmore
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Postby New Westmore » Wed Jan 22, 2025 12:34 am

The Galactic Authority of Progress wrote:She helped dox someone

I would say that i am surprised, but it's R/D - people go to crazy lengths there to tear each other down.

The Error Onion wrote:Well... Imma just sit here and watch Rosa make a comeback like 0cala. They will never leave forever, they will always find a way. As long as people like me exist on this site, they will always remain to continue the purge of right wing and neutral regions. Rosa not returning would be a miracle, for the impact it may have on the raiders that work with her. However, whatever happens, best of wishes and prayers for her life going forward. I may be a villain, but I ain't no monster.

As I have said before: the window for apology is very small. Once it's closed, all you can do now is move on as better people and vow to never make the same mistake again.

Anyone on the fringes
of the political spectrum
are blithering idiots.

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New Westmore
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Postby Sarvanti » Wed Jan 22, 2025 12:37 am

Surprised someone remembered them. She's (?) quite prominent in R/D but never realised they're gone. I assume inactivity as above mentioned. Not sure with the doxxing part as I was not active during that time.

Refer to the messages below.
Last edited by Sarvanti on Wed Jan 22, 2025 2:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Sing, O goddess, the anger of Achilles son of Peleus, that brought countless ills upon the Achaeans."
-The Iliad, Book I
The Reformed Hellenic Kingdom of Sarvanti
"Blessed be the Children of Olympus."
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NS stats are all canon because I couldn't be bothered to write down which is canon and is not.
Changed the official national animal from a hawk to a raven.
PSA The 'white' colour in our flag is ivory.
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Postby Tim-Opolis » Wed Jan 22, 2025 12:42 am

Washington-Columbia wrote:I'd say inactivity. She hasn't been banned or anything similar, meaning she's most likely busy with other sorts of life or on her own break from the website.

Sarvanti wrote:Surprised someone remembered them. She's (?) quite prominent in R/D but never realised they're gone. I assume inactivity as above mentioned. Not sure with the doxxing part as I was not active during that time.

Do not spread misinformation on matters you clearly know nothing about.

Rosartemis is no longer an individual in good standing within the community. She is not welcome back within basically any regions in good standing. Given her actions, this isn’t a verdict that anybody should anticipate changing anytime soon.
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Vincent Drake
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Postby Vincent Drake » Wed Jan 22, 2025 12:58 am

The Error Onion wrote:Well... Imma just sit here and watch Rosa make a comeback like 0cala. They will never leave forever, they will always find a way. As long as people like me exist on this site, they will always remain to continue the purge of right wing and neutral regions. Rosa not returning would be a miracle, for the impact it may have on the raiders that work with her. However, whatever happens, best of wishes and prayers for her life going forward. I may be a villain, but I ain't no monster.

It's not gonna happen. Doxxing on NS is an incredibly serious offense, worthy of permanent consequences from all communities of good standing. There's no forgiveness and no best wishes.
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Numero Capitan
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Postby Numero Capitan » Wed Jan 22, 2025 2:11 am

New Westmore wrote:I would say that i am surprised, but it's R/D - people go to crazy lengths there to tear each other down.

No they don't, and if they do they're shunned by the entire community as has happened.
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New Westmore
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Postby New Westmore » Wed Jan 22, 2025 2:18 am

Numero Capitan wrote:
New Westmore wrote:I would say that i am surprised, but it's R/D - people go to crazy lengths there to tear each other down.

No they don't, and if they do they're shunned by the entire community as has happened.

I guess it's good to know that an honour system - or what's left of one anyway, still exists.

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are blithering idiots.

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New Westmore
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Postby Sarvanti » Wed Jan 22, 2025 2:24 am

Tim-Opolis wrote:
Rosartemis is no longer an individual in good standing within the community. She is not welcome back within basically any regions in good standing. Given her actions, this isn’t a verdict that anybody should anticipate changing anytime soon.

That's something new I learned about then. Just surprised such revelation to me of a former individual's damning action. I'm under assumption that there's more to this that I want to see for myself. If you don't mind me asking, where are these information came from (if the above mentioned link is just a small part of an entirely huge matter). It's fine if you don't want to if it cause some more pressing issue or something related or whatnot.
"Sing, O goddess, the anger of Achilles son of Peleus, that brought countless ills upon the Achaeans."
-The Iliad, Book I
The Reformed Hellenic Kingdom of Sarvanti
"Blessed be the Children of Olympus."
| Constitution | Flags and Emblems |
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NS stats are all canon because I couldn't be bothered to write down which is canon and is not.
Changed the official national animal from a hawk to a raven.
PSA The 'white' colour in our flag is ivory.
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Postby Elite » Wed Jan 22, 2025 5:14 am

Sarvanti wrote:
Tim-Opolis wrote:
Rosartemis is no longer an individual in good standing within the community. She is not welcome back within basically any regions in good standing. Given her actions, this isn’t a verdict that anybody should anticipate changing anytime soon.

That's something new I learned about then. Just surprised such revelation to me of a former individual's damning action. I'm under assumption that there's more to this that I want to see for myself. If you don't mind me asking, where are these information came from (if the above mentioned link is just a small part of an entirely huge matter). It's fine if you don't want to if it cause some more pressing issue or something related or whatnot.

You're probably better off reading the first six paragraphs of BoM's statement on the matter. After those paragraphs its mostly the org's leadership defending their initial response and giving their version of events.
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The Kharkivan Cossacks
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Postby The Kharkivan Cossacks » Wed Jan 22, 2025 5:51 am

The Error Onion wrote:Well... Imma just sit here and watch Rosa make a comeback like 0cala. They will never leave forever, they will always find a way. As long as people like me exist on this site, they will always remain to continue the purge of right wing and neutral regions. Rosa not returning would be a miracle, for the impact it may have on the raiders that work with her. However, whatever happens, best of wishes and prayers for her life going forward. I may be a villain, but I ain't no monster.

Please explain how the two are alike. Last I saw 0cala did not support doxxing and harassment.
Because Rosartemis, at least in the larger sphere of R/D will not be allowed back. Some regions might decide they can ignore what she did and allow her back but her reputation will be forever stained and she will not be able to rise to such prominence ever again.
And rightfully so. Doxxing is disgusting.
Also who are you? Like legitimately. Who?
Last edited by The Kharkivan Cossacks on Wed Jan 22, 2025 5:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
Former WA Delegate of of 222 days and Minister of External and Internal affairs of Imperial World Nations
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Fascists are bad folks no matter how you put it.
"Modern communists" supporting genocidal dictators and taking extremism only drags their cause in the dirt

Borscht is rather nice.

Bhang Bhang Duc wrote:Kharkivan has done a pretty good hatchet job review of the text, though I’m sure there will be those posting who think this is the best thing since sliced bread.

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Postby Adkissa » Wed Jan 22, 2025 6:39 am

The Kharkivan Cossacks wrote:Last I saw 0cala did not support doxxing and harassment.

Make sure you include how 0cala is a generally kind person, whereas Rosa comes up with plans to break her opposition.
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Postby Neo-Hermitius » Wed Jan 22, 2025 7:31 am

rosartemis helped dox someone. thats why they are banned from most orgs
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The Error Onion
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Postby The Error Onion » Wed Jan 22, 2025 11:31 am

The Kharkivan Cossacks wrote:
The Error Onion wrote:Well... Imma just sit here and watch Rosa make a comeback like 0cala. They will never leave forever, they will always find a way. As long as people like me exist on this site, they will always remain to continue the purge of right wing and neutral regions. Rosa not returning would be a miracle, for the impact it may have on the raiders that work with her. However, whatever happens, best of wishes and prayers for her life going forward. I may be a villain, but I ain't no monster.

Please explain how the two are alike. Last I saw 0cala did not support doxxing and harassment.
Because Rosartemis, at least in the larger sphere of R/D will not be allowed back. Some regions might decide they can ignore what she did and allow her back but her reputation will be forever stained and she will not be able to rise to such prominence ever again.
And rightfully so. Doxxing is disgusting.
Also who are you? Like legitimately. Who?

An enemy of Rosa, I guess you could say. A critic of the raiderdom as a whole. And doxxing? She ain't coming back? YES! Finally, NS is free from her wrath for good! I can relax now!

And I didn't know the full extent of Rosa's crimes. All I know was that 0cala and Rosa generally used to support the same groups of raiders or were within the same sphere somehow. Although, I can see 0cala moved on from the pirate raider group now to an extent. She now works with Rhaza and the Plains of Perdition. I cannot keep up with 0cala, always changing so fast! So my apologies for the comparison.
Last edited by The Error Onion on Wed Jan 22, 2025 11:35 am, edited 2 times in total.
Boo! I am a conservative socialist! Oooo, so scary!

Did you feel cringe? Good.

Oh, fun fact, I am a TOTAL IDIOT! Like bottom of the barrel stupid! If I ever beat you in an argument, assume your whole career is over and that you will need to take an IQ test to make sure!

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Thal Dorthat
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Postby Thal Dorthat » Wed Jan 22, 2025 12:41 pm

As mentioned above, Rosartemis abetted in doxxing and the archival of said doxxing of a player as an act of harassment. Whilst the most lenient sentence issued towards Rosartemis was six months (of which is too little time considering her actions), I doubt any region in their right mind would allow her back in a long, long time, if ever.
Last edited by Thal Dorthat on Wed Jan 22, 2025 12:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Viceroy of the Astral Realm of Triton, Imperial Prosecutor and Electoral Overseer of the Empire of Kantrias, and MP of Avaldonia.

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Postby Tesseris » Wed Jan 22, 2025 12:45 pm

Neo-Hermitius wrote:rosartemis helped dox someone. thats why they are banned from most orgs

Wait seriously? When did this happen?

I read the forum nvm. But damn thats crazy. Wait hol up, is she banned 6 months from NS? Or is that for something else?
Last edited by Tesseris on Wed Jan 22, 2025 12:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
God is not our king, and Humanity will win!
This is the same angry Peruvian who passionately hates Chile, a certain Stella Nera. NS Stats were tried for treason against humanity and executed.
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Postby Thal Dorthat » Wed Jan 22, 2025 12:46 pm

Tesseris wrote:
Neo-Hermitius wrote:rosartemis helped dox someone. thats why they are banned from most orgs

Wait seriously? When did this happen?

I read the forum nvm. But damn thats crazy.

The incident in question (her doxxing and harassing another player) occurred on the 24th of December, 2024.
Last edited by Thal Dorthat on Wed Jan 22, 2025 12:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Viceroy of the Astral Realm of Triton, Imperial Prosecutor and Electoral Overseer of the Empire of Kantrias, and MP of Avaldonia.

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vay' DaneHbogh yIchargh - Conquer what you desire.

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Postby Tesseris » Wed Jan 22, 2025 12:52 pm

Thal Dorthat wrote:
Tesseris wrote:
Wait seriously? When did this happen?

I read the forum nvm. But damn thats crazy.

The incident in question (her doxxing and harassing another player) occurred on the 24th of December, 2024.

I read the BoH explaining the incident. Damn. Hard to feel bad, though, as my first region got raided by her.
God is not our king, and Humanity will win!
This is the same angry Peruvian who passionately hates Chile, a certain Stella Nera. NS Stats were tried for treason against humanity and executed.
Officially known as the ''Unified Resistance of Tesseris''

Against the Divine Oppressor Deus and his following we stand, the beacon of resistance to Divine Tyranny and Totalitarianism
The Current Year 1410 AC (Equivalent to around 1874 AD). Population, 80 million. Human Supremacist Unitarian Misotheistic Militaristic Meritocracy.

Those who commit treason against humanity must be re-educated where they can and punished where they must. Humanity shines brighter than anything else, for it and only Humanity was created in the Image of God.

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The Kharkivan Cossacks
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Postby The Kharkivan Cossacks » Wed Jan 22, 2025 6:35 pm

The Error Onion wrote:An enemy of Rosa, I guess you could say. A critic of the raiderdom as a whole. And doxxing? She ain't coming back? YES! Finally, NS is free from her wrath for good! I can relax now!

And I didn't know the full extent of Rosa's crimes. All I know was that 0cala and Rosa generally used to support the same groups of raiders or were within the same sphere somehow. Although, I can see 0cala moved on from the pirate raider group now to an extent. She now works with Rhaza and the Plains of Perdition. I cannot keep up with 0cala, always changing so fast! So my apologies for the comparison.

You know how little that narrows it down?
Thats not true in a sense. She will most likely to try to come back and hopefully fail.
Also if you're nasty enough just because Rosa is gone does not mean you wont get a smack down. Fascists and problematic folks are no less in relax with or without her as to most their unwelcome because of such nasty ideologies they follow (rightfully so)
Supporting the same group of raiders means nothing but oh well.
Former WA Delegate of of 222 days and Minister of External and Internal affairs of Imperial World Nations
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Lone Wolves United most recent Ghazi
NSGP - All I say is my personal opinion and not that of any org I am in unless specified
Fascists are bad folks no matter how you put it.
"Modern communists" supporting genocidal dictators and taking extremism only drags their cause in the dirt

Borscht is rather nice.

Bhang Bhang Duc wrote:Kharkivan has done a pretty good hatchet job review of the text, though I’m sure there will be those posting who think this is the best thing since sliced bread.

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Postby 0cala » Fri Jan 24, 2025 1:05 pm

The Error Onion wrote:Well... Imma just sit here and watch Rosa make a comeback like 0cala.

Never going to happen, I am far too good for Rosa to even catch up with me.
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