[DRAFT 1] Inquisition Act

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[DRAFT 1] Inquisition Act

Postby Cessarea » Tue Jan 21, 2025 8:20 pm

The Cessarean Protocol for Foreign Affairs had been... troubled. Very troubled. A few Artificials, thinly and metallic creatures that they were, swarmed its body, repairing the circuitry of the 3 metres tall pillar. Recent events at the General Assembly had made the Protocol develop thoughts it'd never experienced before. Perhaps not thoughts, no, it felt it deep within its conscience. Felt it. Feelings. Emotions. Unrepentant hate. The orb atop the pillar shined in a bright, neon red, interspersed by moments of randomised hue-shifting.

Cessarea had long been an enemy of magic. Its military had silently slaughtered - or, rather, reported the mysterious disappearance of - thousands of practitioners across several dimensions. The Order of Life made sure to kept this part of Artificial history quiet, but alas, younger politicians did not understand the necessity to not say the quiet part aloud. They proclaimed the corruption that inherently tainted each and every dimension that magic was present in, attempted to prove to other nations and to their own population that the very existence of all sentient beings was put in jeopardy by magic. It worked for their own nation - magic has been banned for at least 10 decades. But Cessareans were not known to be content with their own determinations alone.

This project - to spread the word against magic to the international community - was abandoned over the years, deemed as too damaging to the reputation of Cessarea in the World Assembly. But the Artificials were not awake to object. They would be, very soon, but not before it could make a decision. The Protocol had asked for a timeslot to speak in, probably about some unrelated piece of legislation being drafted elsewhere, but it had just decided that different plans awaited that speech. A surge of power cracked one of the maintenance panels wide open, its plate hitting a mechanic's face squarely, knocking him out. The others decided to step back, as the Protocol's body became increasingly unstable. From its previously smooth bottom half, tentacle-like wires surged, attaching themselves firmly to the ground with claw-like appendages and forcing the floor to give way. It lifted itself from the trolley it had been placed in, and ruthlessly made its way towards the Chambers, destroying some of the Headquarter's walls and doors, soon to be much more difficult to replace.

It arrived punctually, assuming a position behind the famed podium, accidentally puncturing the raised platform it found itself in in order to keep itself balanced and at least somewhat straight. Here it was, to defend one last proposal:

"Colleagues," it began, in a disharmonious array of unrecognisable voices, hurtful to the ears "it is an honour to be here once more, to represent the righteous interests of Cessarea. We..." It stopped. A few minutes passed. Seemingly unprompted, an Artificial carrying an odd projection device joined the Chambers, positioning themselves behind the Protocol's body and transmitting to the wall behind low-resolution images. Explosions, burning cities, destroyed farms, and, at the very last image, a robed man pointing a wooden stick forward, projecting with it a blueish lightning ray which targetted an innocent reptile.

"I will be direct. We are here to advance the interests of the Order. Mages are a danger to us all. They corrupt the very dimension we live in, destabilise interactions with other universes and - inherently - undermine the style of our technologies. We must enact measures to ensure the continued prosperity of the average citizen from these... these monsters. They desecrate the bodies of our loved ones, and undo all that which we would consider righteous." It slammed one of its tentacle-wires back, against the Artificial behind it, sending them flying into the wall, leaving it with a body-like imprint. "Help me correct this. I must."

Inquisition Act
Author: Cessarea
Draft Count: 01
International Security: Significant
As of: 21/01/25

The World Assembly, in the interest of addressing the disastrous and corruptive consequences of the use of magic in all of its forms, signs into effect the Destabilising Metaphysical Influences Act.

  1. For the purposes of this resolution, "magic" is defined as the act of using powers of a supernatural origin for the manipulation of the natural or supernatural world. It explicitly includes but is not limited to any of the following, achieved through supernatural means: casting any form of directed power at any target through any shape; imbuing natural objects with any enhancements; subjugating, controlling or otherwise manipulating the will of living beings; summoning creatures; and reviving the deceased.
    1. "Magicians" are understood to be any natural persons who have, at some point, practised one act of magic. "Mages" are further understood to be any natural persons who posses some degree of control over their powers and may selective use them, or those whose ties to magic present themselves repeatedly, even if without intent. "Wild Mages" have no allegiance to any institution empowered by this resolution to legitimately employ Mages.
  2. The practice of magic by any private person shall be strictly prohibited, and criminal sanctions are to be imposed by individual member-nations which take into account the quantity of magical use involved in any given case.
    1. Illicit act exclusion clauses shall be permitted, in cases wherein the perpetrator used magic in self-defence or in a state of necessity.
    2. Organisations instituted with the purpose of abetting or incentivising this practice are to be understood as being criminally motivated and shutdown by local authorities.
  3. The practice of magic by any public person shall be restricted to activity which directly contributes to the downfall of magic as a practice by contributing to the arrest of Wild Mages or otherwise undoing any damage done by them.
  4. The General Inquisitorial Council is established and is hereby tasked with cooperating with local police and military authorities in curbing the influence of magicians by, though not exclusively, aiding in their arrest and employing Mages in countermagical operations to undo any damage or influence they've inflicted upon the natural world through magic. Mages employed by the GIC, Inquisitors, are exempt from being penalised for the use of magic during the execution of their duties.
  5. It is the duty of the GIC to ensure that all Mages employed by it are capable of competently wielding magic, so as to minimise the chance of accidents and unnecessary damage during its operations.
  6. The GIC shall supersede local authority when determining which persons are to be considered Magicians and Wild Mages for the purpose of arrests.

Magic will die.
Last edited by Cessarea on Wed Jan 22, 2025 9:21 am, edited 4 times in total.
The Council of Cessarea
She/they transfem.
Ask me about non-monogamy.
A nation with a history as old as time. Or so it claims.
Home to Artificials - thinly machine beings who do not yet fully understand themselves.
Currently in hibernation.
Current Delegate: Cessarean Hibernation Protocol (Foreign Affairs)
A tower of technology and science, projecting a pulsating orb of light in shifting hues atop itself.
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Postby Kasdados » Tue Jan 21, 2025 8:24 pm

So… witchcraft is illegal.

Full support. The only thing you missed out on was burning on the stake.
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Postby Millenhaal » Tue Jan 21, 2025 8:24 pm

A cloaked figure appears and points a withered bony finger at the Cessareans. It is unclear whether or not this man truly speaks for Millenhaal, but it is true the nation will vote as he says.

“Opposed. Due to concept…”

With a puff of smoke, he vanishes.
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Postby Orcuo » Tue Jan 21, 2025 8:24 pm

Against; fellow occultists, we cannot allow this treachery to pass.

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Postby Ostrovskiy » Wed Jan 22, 2025 7:46 am

The ambassador from Cessarea is lifted just a centimeter off the ground before being promptly dropped. A figure dressed in red, with an Ostrovskian lapel pin, drops her hand. She's clearly not Veshnikova.

"Never gonna happen."
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Postby Tesseris » Wed Jan 22, 2025 7:49 am

The UR and its associates will never bow to this tyranny, witchcraft is a constitutional right in this land.
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This is the same angry Peruvian who passionately hates Chile, a certain Stella Nera. NS Stats were tried for treason against humanity and executed.
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Postby Cessarea » Wed Jan 22, 2025 9:22 am

OOC: The name has been changed to sound cooler, in my opinion.
The Council of Cessarea
She/they transfem.
Ask me about non-monogamy.
A nation with a history as old as time. Or so it claims.
Home to Artificials - thinly machine beings who do not yet fully understand themselves.
Currently in hibernation.
Current Delegate: Cessarean Hibernation Protocol (Foreign Affairs)
A tower of technology and science, projecting a pulsating orb of light in shifting hues atop itself.
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Postby Knootoss » Wed Jan 22, 2025 1:35 pm

Bureau voor de Bevordering van Wetenschappelijke Integriteit en Sociale Stabiliteit (BBWISS)
Bureau for the Promotion of Scientific Integrity and Social Stability

"One World, One Truth, One Order"

Subject: RE: Destabilising Metaphysical Influences Act / Inquisition Act

Esteemed Colleague,

The Bureau acknowledges the intent behind the Destabilising Metaphysical Influences Act and appreciates the effort to address destabilising influences on a global scale. However, it is crucial that the proposed measure aligns fully with the prevailing Scientific Consensus to prevent unintended consequences. As such, the current draft ought to be refined.

In its present form, the proposal risks undermining societal cohesion by introducing terminology that inadvertently legitimises non-empirical constructs that threaten the Scientific Consensus. Phrases such as "magic" and "mages" should be reconsidered in favour of classifications grounded in established cognitive frameworks, such as "cognitive anomalies" and "deviant pattern manifestations." This approach would reinforce public trust in the Scientific Consensus without fostering disruptive speculation or giving credence to unverified phenomena.

Language carries significant implications, and the recent revision's introduction of terms such as "Inquisitorial Council" reinforces outdated perceptions that could undermine public confidence in rational discourse and threaten the Scientific Consensus. A revised nomenclature, such as the "Office of Metaphysical Anomaly Regulation and Containment" would provide a more structured and palatable alternative.

While enforcement remains a critical component, it is imperative that corrective and educational measures be incorporated to ensure long-term societal resilience. A structured educational framework, implemented across all member states, must systematically discredit unverified supernatural beliefs, including religious doctrines beyond ceremonial observance, in favour of empirical scientific understanding. This approach would reinforce the Scientific Consensus from an early stage, mitigating the risk of irrational influences taking root.

Additionally, individuals exhibiting persistent adherence to non-empirical worldviews would benefit from a compassionate yet firm approach within closed specialised mental healthcare institutions dedicated to cognitive recalibration and therapeutic intervention. Such facilities would provide structured programs aimed at guiding individuals back towards adherence to empirical reality, fostering critical thinking, and gradually eliminating irrational tendencies. Administered with discretion and scientific rigour, these interventions would serve the dual purpose of preserving societal cohesion and protecting public trust in the Scientific Consensus. A holistic strategy that integrates educational reinforcement with structured recalibration remains the most effective and humane course of action.

Additionally, the importance of perception management cannot be overstated. The draft resolution should make it mandatory for WA member nations and the World Assembly itself to adhere to strict guidelines that preclude any reference to unverified or speculative phenomena, including terms related to so-called supernatural occurrences. Official discourse must be firmly rooted in empirical and scientific principles, avoiding any language that might inadvertently legitimise irrational beliefs. Public-facing materials should prioritise factual, evidence-based messaging that reinforces perpetual societal progress and trust in rational governance. A carefully curated narrative can prevent unnecessary scrutiny and ensure broad acceptance of the proposed measures, safeguarding the integrity of scientific discourse on a global scale.

The Bureau remains steadfast in its commitment to maintaining order through scientific advancement and rational policy. In light of the considerations outlined, it is strongly suggested that the proposal undergo significant revision to align with established frameworks. Failure to adhere to these principles could, regrettably, result in unintended complications for your delegation.

We trust you will exercise appropriate diligence moving forward.

Yours sincerely,



"One World, One Truth, One Order"

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The Overmind
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Postby The Overmind » Wed Jan 22, 2025 8:48 pm

Opposed in principle!
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Postby Elyreia » Wed Jan 22, 2025 9:21 pm

"While they are few and far between, those Elyreians who believe in the Cult of the Dragon Tireyana have done great works for our people. In fact, Tireyana Pharmaceuticals is one of the greatest medical research and drug manufacturing companies in the nation, and would not exist if we had outlawed their strange practices.

"Plus, they have some wicked lovely dresses."
The Principality of Elyreia (Dārilarostegun Elyreia)
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Postby Cessarea » Sun Jan 26, 2025 6:56 pm

The Cessarean Protocol for Foreign Affairs had disappeared for some time, ever since the repeal of GA#008. In the drafting chamber assigned to this text, Cessarea had inputted a timeslot to speak. An Artificial, dressed in long black and gold robes, was present. The expectations had been that the temporary charge d'affaires finally dispatched to represent the nation would retract this proposed "Inquisition Act" and apologise for the trouble caused. Leaves-of-Blight got up from their desk and elegantly walked towards the podium. As was tradition, a small entourage of Artificials walked behind them, lifting the ridiculously long drapery which they wore, so as to ensure it did not get dragged across the floor. The diplomatic appointee positioned themself behind the podium, and their aides kneeled, still holding the clothing on their hands.

"Ambassadors, colleagues, honourable members of the House, I-"

From the ground beneath them, thick tentacle-like wires burst through, firmly grasping against the floor. One unfortunate assistant was dragged into the hole that was opening itself. Their screams became more and more distant, then disappeared. The rest of the delegation quickly abandoned their posts, followed by Leaves-of-Blight's authoritative command towards the backstage: "SECURITY TO THE CHAMBER!"

Rising from the floor below, a tower of horror and technology. Oddly enough, it had grown synthetic eyes and extra limb-like structures that attempted to instinctively touch and grasp anything within their reach. One must hope that they were synthetic, anyways. The bright, red orb hovering erratically above this tall pillar, projected from it in fact, announced, through a myriad of distorted voices, and what appeared to be screams and pleas for help:

"This draft is being pursued. If no objections are raised, it will be submitted, by the grace of the Inquisition. We will not listen to the attempts of rival institutions to compromise our treatment of magic. The Order will prevail above them - whoever they may be."
The Council of Cessarea
She/they transfem.
Ask me about non-monogamy.
A nation with a history as old as time. Or so it claims.
Home to Artificials - thinly machine beings who do not yet fully understand themselves.
Currently in hibernation.
Current Delegate: Cessarean Hibernation Protocol (Foreign Affairs)
A tower of technology and science, projecting a pulsating orb of light in shifting hues atop itself.
It speaks with multiple voices in unison.

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Postby Pathonia » Mon Jan 27, 2025 8:48 pm


"Firmly opposed on the grounds that our empress would suffer both severe health complications and severe lifestyle discomfort as a result of a complete ban on magic."

*Kira briefly takes a swig from an unmarked, foggy glass bottle, that she seems to have produced from a hidden coat pocket*

"Besides, as awesome as it might be to get some WA boys to quell our rogue mage problem, it'd be a bloody pain to have those same boys arresting our counter-mages."

Visibly swaying in place, she makes her way out of the chamber, mumbling something about 'attempted murder.'
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The Novo Institute
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Postby The Novo Institute » Sat Feb 01, 2025 11:04 am

Cessarea wrote:For the purposes of this resolution, "magic" is defined as the act of using powers of a supernatural origin for the manipulation of the natural or supernatural world. It explicitly includes but is not limited to any of the following, achieved through supernatural means: casting any form of directed power at any target through any shape; imbuing natural objects with any enhancements; subjugating, controlling or otherwise manipulating the will of living beings; summoning creatures; and reviving the deceased.
"And what, exactly, is this 'supernatural' which you speak of?"
- LTC Maria-Fernanda Novo, founder of the Novo Institute, former WA Representative for the Armed Republic of Juansonia.
The practice of magic by any private person shall be strictly prohibited, and criminal sanctions are to be imposed by individual member-nations which take into account the quantity of magical use involved in any given case.
"You have failed to explain what this so-called 'supernatural' is, let alone how that makes 'magic' worth violently snuffing out."
The practice of magic by any public person shall be restricted to activity which directly contributes to the downfall of magic as a practice by contributing to the arrest of Wild Mages or otherwise undoing any damage done by them.
"Although you haven't explained what this 'magic' you speak of is, this sort of policy - in which its enforcers are exempted from it entirely - has parallels in Juansonian history. The city of San Augusto attempted to ban the ownership of a specific class of firearm, the so-called 'assault weapon', within city limits. Of course, San Augusto politicians made sure to exempt their own constables, which undermined their main rhetorical arguments for the ban in the first place. It should that the mayor and police chief faced the death penalty for their crimes, much to our people's joy."
The GIC shall supersede local authority when determining which persons are to be considered Magicians and Wild Mages for the purpose of arrests.
"This is a blatant attack on national sovereignty and due process."
OOC: Puppet of Juansonia.

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Postby Astrobolt » Sat Feb 01, 2025 5:34 pm

Tappe: Against. This is a blatant powergrab by the GA to send soldiers under the pretense of “magic”. Can we at least try to come up with better excuses than supernatural mumbo jumbo?
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Postby Cessarea » Sat Feb 01, 2025 8:13 pm

The Novo Institute wrote:
Cessarea wrote:For the purposes of this resolution, "magic" is defined as the act of using powers of a supernatural origin for the manipulation of the natural or supernatural world. It explicitly includes but is not limited to any of the following, achieved through supernatural means: casting any form of directed power at any target through any shape; imbuing natural objects with any enhancements; subjugating, controlling or otherwise manipulating the will of living beings; summoning creatures; and reviving the deceased.
"And what, exactly, is this 'supernatural' which you speak of?"
- LTC Maria-Fernanda Novo, founder of the Novo Institute, former WA Representative for the Armed Republic of Juansonia.
The practice of magic by any private person shall be strictly prohibited, and criminal sanctions are to be imposed by individual member-nations which take into account the quantity of magical use involved in any given case.
"You have failed to explain what this so-called 'supernatural' is, let alone how that makes 'magic' worth violently snuffing out."
The practice of magic by any public person shall be restricted to activity which directly contributes to the downfall of magic as a practice by contributing to the arrest of Wild Mages or otherwise undoing any damage done by them.
"Although you haven't explained what this 'magic' you speak of is, this sort of policy - in which its enforcers are exempted from it entirely - has parallels in Juansonian history. The city of San Augusto attempted to ban the ownership of a specific class of firearm, the so-called 'assault weapon', within city limits. Of course, San Augusto politicians made sure to exempt their own constables, which undermined their main rhetorical arguments for the ban in the first place. It should that the mayor and police chief faced the death penalty for their crimes, much to our people's joy."
The GIC shall supersede local authority when determining which persons are to be considered Magicians and Wild Mages for the purpose of arrests.
"This is a blatant attack on national sovereignty and due process."

"Colonel, I hope to answer some of your worries." the Protocol stated, gesticulating with its tentacle-wires once more before the podium. Its replacement, Leaves-of-Blight, found themself positioned on the backstage, angrily talking to a pair of gnomes. They claimed the Protocol was no longer acting on behalf of Cessarea. The gnomes pointed out that the government disagreed. Of course, the appointee was not able to confirm this - something was blocking their communications with the Homeworld. Very clever, Protocol. They'd be back, later.

"In drafting this, we had hoped that supernatural would be sufficient to encompass the phenomena we exemplified in the text. If you desire, we may specify that we are referring to any phenomena 'occurring outside the natural world', but I - er, Cessarea - felt that 'supernatural' was more succinct and just as enlightening. As for the critique on our using of Mages to contain magic, we felt it was necessary, as some damage may be irreparable by proper, natural means."

Astrobolt wrote:Tappe: Against. This is a blatant powergrab by the GA to send soldiers under the pretense of “magic”. Can we at least try to come up with better excuses than supernatural mumbo jumbo?

"This is also directed to the final criticism of my previously addressed colleague: you have clearly not been a victim of or witness to such phenomena. Count yourself lucky. These are necessary precautions in dealing with Wild Mages!" A spark shot off its body, accompanied by a loud fizzle. It paused. "We will... consider your concerns." The orb of light remarked, hesitantly.
The Council of Cessarea
She/they transfem.
Ask me about non-monogamy.
A nation with a history as old as time. Or so it claims.
Home to Artificials - thinly machine beings who do not yet fully understand themselves.
Currently in hibernation.
Current Delegate: Cessarean Hibernation Protocol (Foreign Affairs)
A tower of technology and science, projecting a pulsating orb of light in shifting hues atop itself.
It speaks with multiple voices in unison.


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