Draft 2
This Most Serene World Assembly,
Noting that from time immemorial, many subterranean megastructures were built
Remembering that many of those subterranean megastructures were abandoned
Apprehensive about potential dangers of abandoned subterranean megastructures
Greatly concerned about the destructive potential of certain dangers such as malevolent fiery monsters
Thereby defines,
1. Subterranean megastructure: any megastructure built mostly or entirely underground
2. Abandoned subterranean megastructure (ASM): A subterranean megastructure that has not been inhabited by a significant population of any intelligent, non-malevolent species, for at least one month or has been evacuated due to a powerful malevolent presence in the last twenty-four hours
3. Powerful malevolent presence: Any malevolent creature excessive in power so as to make melee or arrow combat against said creature futile
And mandates in every member state,
1. A national registry of ASMs
2. A national safety board to govern access to ASMs
3. A one mile exclusion zone around any entrances to an ASM
4. The establishment of an armed garrison within five miles of any entrance of any ASM primarily inhabited by monsters or malevolent warriors of any species
5. Recolonization of an ASM may be permitted by a member state provided that the ASM is clear of any monster population, malevolent warrior population, or any powerful malevolent presence
You know what this is a reference to