[SUBMITTED] World Assembly Headquarters And Casino Act

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[SUBMITTED] World Assembly Headquarters And Casino Act

Postby Knootoss » Tue Jan 21, 2025 3:31 pm


Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

DRAFT: World Assembly Headquarters And Casino Act

Category: Free Trade
Strength: Mild

The World Assembly,

RECOGNISING that a dedicated headquarters would enhance international cooperation and diplomatic engagement among Member States;

BELIEVING that a dedicated headquarters should not place additional financial burdens on Member States;

CONSIDERING that an innovative funding model would sustain a dedicated headquarters without the aforesaid financial burdens;


(RE)ESTABLISHES the World Assembly Headquarters (WAHQ) as an internationally neutral facility dedicated to hosting World Assembly operations, diplomatic missions, and associated activities;

DESIGNATES the entirety of the WAHQ as a tax-free international territory not subject to the jurisdiction of any single member state;

MANDATES the creation of the World Assembly Hospitality and Gaming Authority (WAHGA), tasked with:
a) Overseeing the operation of an in-house casino and associated hospitality services within the WAHQ,
b) Contracting with vendors and service providers to enhance the economic viability of these services,
c) Ensuring that all revenue generated from the casino and hospitality services is directed exclusively to cover the costs of constructing, maintaining, and securing the WAHQ,
d) Establishing policies and practices that promote responsible gaming and ethical hospitality management within the premises;

PROHIBITS the imposition of fees, dues, or levies on Member States for the operation and upkeep of the WAHQ.

This government communication has been printed on biodegradable paper. All carbon emissions associated with the creation of this government communication have been offset with new plantings, using the Pink Bunny Tree™ Carbon Offset Scheme, sponsored by the Pink Bunny Cola Corporation and the Knootiaanse Energie Maatschappij (KEM). For more information about the Pink Bunny Tree™ Carbon Offset Scheme, consult

"Mes collègues distingués,

The debate over the World Assembly Headquarters has been, shall we say, spirited. Knootoss proposes a pragmatic compromise, which maintains the functionality of our shared diplomatic space whilst embracing a financially sustainable approach that places no undue burden on our Member States.

Our World Assembly Headquarters And Casino Act offers a solution that is as innovative as it is pragmatic. It ensures that the World Assembly remains anchored in a dedicated, neutral location, fostering the kind of face-to-face diplomacy that no amount of video conferencing can replace. However, it does so without resorting to the tired model of compulsory fees and levies. Instead, we look to a proven source of revenue: hospitality and entertainment.

By establishing the World Assembly Hospitality and Gaming Authority, we create an opportunity to fund our headquarters sustainably. Delegates and visitors alike will have access to high-quality accommodations and recreational facilities, with revenues from these ventures covering operational costs. No more disputes over fees. No more concerns about financial barriers to participation. Just an elegant, self-sustaining solution that allows our nations to focus on the work that truly matters.

Of course, this proposal is not without its safeguards. WAHGA will oversee operations with an emphasis on responsible gaming and ethical hospitality, ensuring that the facilities remain a dignified, well-regulated environment befitting an institution of our stature. By designating the entirety of the complex as tax-free international territory, we avoid the geopolitical pitfalls of hosting it within any one nation.

Knootoss welcomes the input of our fellow delegates to refine and improve this concept further. We are fully open to addressing potential legal and political concerns. I invite all delegates to engage constructively, share their perspectives, and help us develop a framework that best serves the interests of all member states."

Drs. Émilie Laroche
Deputy Minister for World Assembly and Extraregional Relations

((EDIT: ending changed from a semicolon to a period!
EDIT2: removed "complex, including all facilities and premises," because it is superfluous))
Last edited by Knootoss on Fri Jan 24, 2025 10:03 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Postby Fachumonn » Tue Jan 21, 2025 3:44 pm

Unironically, full support.
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Postby Wallenburg » Tue Jan 21, 2025 3:55 pm

"If you bring a gambling institution into these halls," Trevanyika says, hands splayed out over her writing desk, "you will one day find yourself in a hallway where the nullifiers don't quite work as well as they should, where the golems don't pay quite as much attention as they should, and you'll find yourself well acquainted with the quality of Wallenburgian steel."
She walked into my office on legs as long as one of those long-legged birds that you see in Florida – the pink ones, not the white ones – except that she was standing on both of them, not just one of them, like those birds, the pink ones, and she wasn’t wearing pink, but I knew right away that she was trouble, which those birds usually aren’t.

King of Snark, Real Piece of Work, Metabolizer of Oxygen, Despotic Hegemon, Old Man from The East Pacific, by the Malevolence of Her Infinite Terribleness Catherine Gratwick the Sole and True Claimant to the Bears Armed Vacancy

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Providence Plantations and Rhode Island
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Postby Providence Plantations and Rhode Island » Tue Jan 21, 2025 4:00 pm

Gambling is illegal in Providence Plantations and Rhode Island for good reason; it is a tax on the poor and underserved. I will be opposing this misguided proposal.
Sir William Kramer
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Postby Knootoss » Tue Jan 21, 2025 4:12 pm

Wallenburg wrote:"If you bring a gambling institution into these halls," Trevanyika says, hands splayed out over her writing desk, "you will one day find yourself in a hallway where the nullifiers don't quite work as well as they should, where the golems don't pay quite as much attention as they should, and you'll find yourself well acquainted with the quality of Wallenburgian steel."

Émilie leans forward slightly, a faint smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Surely, my esteemed colleague from Wallenburg is not suggesting that the mere presence of a little innocent entertainment should invite violence into these halls? Diplomacy, after all, is built upon the principle that we resolve our differences with words, not Wallenburgian steel. I trust that we can all agree that such remarks are best withdrawn in the spirit of our shared commitment to civil discourse."

Drs. Émilie Laroche
Deputy Minister for World Assembly and Extraregional Relations

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Postby Untecna » Tue Jan 21, 2025 4:14 pm

A bar, casino, and offices of international diplomats? Absolute, unwavering support. Let's go hedonism!
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Postby Pathonia » Tue Jan 21, 2025 4:18 pm

It seems to fund itself satisfactorily, through the revenues generated from the organisation handling the casino and other services. I don't really see an issue with it~

IC: Our GA ambassador happens to regularly indulge in gambling and other hedonistic behaviours; and this proposal is generally in-line with our philosophy of Pathedonism~ It's enough to have won our support.
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Postby Knootoss » Tue Jan 21, 2025 4:33 pm

Providence Plantations and Rhode Island wrote:Gambling is illegal in Providence Plantations and Rhode Island for good reason; it is a tax on the poor and underserved. I will be opposing this misguided proposal.

“I understand the concerns raised by our esteemed colleague from Providence Plantations and Rhode Island. However, I must remind this chamber that this proposal does not and will not compel any member state to adopt policies contrary to their national values. If gambling is prohibited in Providence Plantations and Rhode Island, nothing in this resolution would override that sovereign choice. And any delegation wishing to abstain from participation in the hospitality services at the World Assembly Headquarters would be entirely free to do so.”

She gestures toward the voting results. “That being said, we cannot ignore the reality before us. The overwhelming support for the repeal of the existing headquarters legislation raises a pressing question: if not this, then what? Without a sustainable funding model, we risk a scenario where the World Assembly Headquarters may cease to exist altogether, undermining the infrastructure necessary for the very cooperation we are here to foster. The cost of doing nothing is not zero; it is the erosion of the institution we all depend on.”

“It is also worth addressing the underlying assumption that gambling is inherently exploitative. Evidence-based policy approaches, such as those successfully implemented in Knootoss and other member states, demonstrate that responsible gaming practices can provide sustainable revenues whilst mitigating harm. This proposal explicitly mandates the World Assembly Hospitality and Gaming Authority to oversee operations with safeguards, ensuring revenue is directed solely to the upkeep and security of our diplomatic facilities, and that operations promote responsible gaming and ethical management. Clause (d) of the draft resolution explicitly tasks the Authority with establishing policies that ensure proper oversight and consumer protection, maintaining the dignity of the institution.”

“I invite my fellow delegates to consider this proposal as a pragmatic solution that allows us to focus on the substantive work of the World Assembly without being mired in endless debates over financing. Let us refine it together, ensuring that it remains balanced, respectful of our values, and fit for purpose.”

Drs. Émilie Laroche
Deputy Minister for World Assembly and Extraregional Relations

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Postby Snefaldia » Tue Jan 21, 2025 4:39 pm

Although the Snefaldian government had long since withdrawn from the World Assembly, a sense of solemn duty, hard-headed stubbornness, and the belief that somehow, some way, there might be a way to monetize some of the prime real estate their offices were sited on motivated the dispatching of a familiar face long absent from the World Assembly halls, the aging World Assembly Minister-Observer Wemiya Tarku, now completely free for service after being acquitted of the murder of political prisoners during a military coup, proven completely innocent of accusations of the kidnapping of dissidents under the color of law, and totally exonerated of charges of corruption and abuse of office (it had been conclusively proven in court that her summer home had been built with investment gains, NOT with money stolen from political exiles and certainly NOT with money skimmed off the WAHQ Building Maintenance Fund).

The glamorous old diplomatic (wo)man-o-war rose, smiling to address the assembly. "Dear friends. Well, some of you. Well, several of you. Well... one or two, I think, if I squint right. While I am deeply saddened by the haphazard and rushed way the very foundations of this house are being hacked at - just how low have standards fallen here, by the way? - I am so pleased that our friends in Knootoss have seen fit to propose a replacement if indeed the Kennyite pillars of our World Assembly are knocked down. O tempora, O mores! Eccio fugaces! Unibotio delenda est! Ahem. But what better way to resolve the so-called issues with funding than by drawing from the very pockets of the degenerates that populate these august halls, sparing the hard-working citizens of member nations the indignity of being - shock, horror - taxed? Gambling is entirely voluntary, after all - unlike taxes, no one comes to beat down your door at night if you don't put down a bet! I can think of no better way to fund this place than by draining the pocketbooks of the hideous figures that roam these halls at the very fine dining establishments like, er... ah, well... and the Stranger's Bar. And, the formation of a World Assembly Hospitality and Gaming Authority would provide an opportunity for member - and non-member states, I might add - to contribute to the management and upkeep of this, er, excellent place through the vibrant free-market sectors of hospitality and gaming services, to say nothing of potentially deriving a nice little profit!"

"As I speak, the State of Snefaldia is already drawing up plans to lobby the WAHGA through our state-owned enterprise, the Snefaldian Hospitality Investment & Tourism Transport Engagement Ministry, to offer high-quality, high-value, and totally uncorrupt services in this sector so that even the lowliest, poorest piece of filth and scum filling a seat here can take a few hours to lessen the deadening psychic torture of listening to General Assembly debates and pointless Secretariat committee meetings by engaging in the healthy self-care of experiencing the deadening psychic torture of compulsive slot-machine playing. Or blackjack! Or hook - I mean, personal consultation and massage services! At least with gambling you have the mere sliver of the chance at fortune and personal fulfillment, unlike the conclusion of a World Assembly vote. Just think of the possibilities to have a good time right here in this very building - as impossible and mind-boggling as the suggestion might be, looking around at some of what can only loosely be termed colleagues. Goodness, we may even consider rejoining the World Assembly just so we can vote for this Knootian proposal, we like it so much!"
Last edited by Snefaldia on Tue Jan 21, 2025 4:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Goobergunchia » Tue Jan 21, 2025 4:44 pm

I am authorized to express my full support for this draft proposal.

[Lord] Michael Evif
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Postby The Ice States » Tue Jan 21, 2025 5:13 pm

"The Eternal Union intends to support this legislation at vote. We would recommend that the final clause be punctuated with a period instead of a semicolon."

~Claudia Lindner,
Deputy World Assembly Ambassador,
The Eternal Union of Devonia and the Ice States.

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Postby Bisofeyr » Tue Jan 21, 2025 6:14 pm

Norde Lot struts into the chamber with an unpleasant look on his face. "I am unfamiliar with... what is it? C-c-cah-see-nohs? What's that? C-can someone give me an example of what would go on there and how that would help this Assembly?"
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Appalachian Townships
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Postby Appalachian Townships » Tue Jan 21, 2025 6:17 pm

"My only concern is whether the HQ would require the construction of a new building, or an annex to the old one. It seems as though the Palentine delegation may already have plans with the soon-to-be-vacated office."
From the office of:

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Simone Republic
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Postby Simone Republic » Tue Jan 21, 2025 6:18 pm

I would argue, based on Goober's interpretation, that it takes another resolution to demolish the building IC and that a repeal of GA#8 merely strips the main funding source for the WAHQ.

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Iron Felix
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Postby Iron Felix » Tue Jan 21, 2025 6:24 pm

I would support this.

However, in the interim between the repeal and the passage of this legislation we will still support Palentine's seizure of the property. If they do turn it into a brothel perhaps some accommodation can be arrived at, merging the two operations. Prostitution and gambling work well together after all.
The reanimated corpse of Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky
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Postby Zherid » Tue Jan 21, 2025 6:37 pm

PROHIBITS the imposition of fees, dues, or levies on Member States for the operation and upkeep of the WAHQ;

Zherid would like to know where the initial funding for the creation of the WAHQ will come from.

MANDATES the creation of the World Assembly Hospitality and Gaming Authority (WAHGA)

Zherid would also like to know who would compose the membership of WAHGA and how they would be chosen.

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Postby Russian Brotherhood » Tue Jan 21, 2025 6:38 pm

Will it give out Vodka
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Postby Snefaldia » Tue Jan 21, 2025 8:17 pm

Iron Felix wrote:I would support this.

However, in the interim between the repeal and the passage of this legislation we will still support Palentine's seizure of the property. If they do turn it into a brothel perhaps some accommodation can be arrived at, merging the two operations. Prostitution and gambling work well together after all.

"Why, Mr. Jerjinskee!" the aged Snefaldian diplomat garbled, possibly because of a loose dental bridge, or the three martinis she had at lunch. "Good old Felix! You're still looking as fresh when they dug you out of the Siberian permafrost! My government wholeheartedly supports the development of a unique World Assembly Personal Adult Services industry to truly bring in the revenue and keep this place going. Why, there's no reason we couldn't convert almost all of sub-basements 3-6 into a custom hotel, spa, and bathhouse exclusively catering to the Way of All Flesh for a premium fee. Who needs windows in a palace to sensual pleasures anyway? Of course, we wouldn't want to see even the poorest of the poor among the filthy rabble membership here denied services for their penury, do we? I'm sure we can find vendors willing to accept a few pennies to give some World Assembly delegates the only human warmth they've ever received, even if it is just a brief hug or a pat on the back. But the girls - or boys, I don't judge - won't tell them they're doing a good job. Lying costs extra."
Last edited by Snefaldia on Tue Jan 21, 2025 8:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Iron Felix
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Postby Iron Felix » Tue Jan 21, 2025 8:31 pm

Snefaldia wrote:
Iron Felix wrote:I would support this.

However, in the interim between the repeal and the passage of this legislation we will still support Palentine's seizure of the property. If they do turn it into a brothel perhaps some accommodation can be arrived at, merging the two operations. Prostitution and gambling work well together after all.

"Why, Mr. Jerjinskee!" the aged Snefaldian diplomat garbled, possibly because of a loose dental bridge, or the three martinis she had at lunch. "Good old Felix! You're still looking as fresh when they dug you out of the Siberian permafrost! My government wholeheartedly supports the development of a unique World Assembly Personal Adult Services industry to truly bring in the revenue and keep this place going. Why, there's no reason we couldn't convert almost all of sub-basements 3-6 into a custom hotel, spa, and bathhouse exclusively catering to the Way of All Flesh for a premium fee. Who needs windows in a palace to sensual pleasures anyway? Of course, we wouldn't want to see even the poorest of the poor among the filthy rabble membership here denied services for their penury, do we? I'm sure we can find vendors willing to accept a few pennies to give some World Assembly delegates the only human warmth they've ever received, even if it is just a brief hug or a pat on the back. But the girls - or boys, I don't judge - won't tell them they're doing a good job. Lying costs extra."

I have contacts within The National Front Disco delegation. They have experience running cocktail bars, discos (obviously), and hair salons. They might be helpful in this endeavor.

OOC: Glad you're back! Good to see you.
The reanimated corpse of Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky
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Postby Knootoss » Wed Jan 22, 2025 1:46 am

Mes collègues distingués,

Allow me to first express my sincere gratitude to the delegations of Fachumonn, Untecna, Pathonia, Snefaldia, Goobergunchia, The Ice States and Yelda for their thoughtful support of the World Assembly Headquarters and Casino Act. Your endorsements reflect a shared commitment to maintaining an effective and self-sustaining headquarters that upholds the integrity of this Assembly while easing financial burdens on our member states.

Turning now to the queries raised by our colleagues:

A casino is an establishment that offers games of chance and skill, typically involving cards, dice, or other forms of entertainment, where participants may wager money in the hopes of winning a return. These establishments generate significant revenue through their operations. In practice, imagine a dignified venue where delegates and visitors alike can unwind, engage in responsible recreation, and, most importantly, contribute to the financial sustainability of our Assembly.

Appalachian Townships,
Knootoss would prefer to maintain the existing headquarters structure. However, should circumstances arise that result in... unforeseen structural challenges before a replacement is finalised, well, such things cannot be helped, and we stand ready to ensure a smooth transition to a newly funded facility. The goal is continuity, not disruption.

As with every resolution where seed funding is not explicitly specified, the initial establishment would naturally be drawn from the General Fund, as authorised by existing resolutions. However, it is important to emphasise that the self-funding nature of this initiative ensures that these costs will be rapidly recovered through revenues generated by hospitality and gaming operations, making it an investment with immediate returns rather than a long-term expense.

On the matter of WAHGA's composition, it will, as per standard practice, consist of experienced and impartial gnomish experts, chosen for their expertise in hospitality management and financial stewardship. Their selection will follow the established processes by which our esteemed Assembly ensures the professionalism and neutrality of all its bodies.

Russian Brotherhood,
While the WAHGA will not be in the business of charitable handouts, I am delighted to inform you that vodka could indeed be sold on the premises. And, better still, every purchase made contributes directly to the sustainability of this institution, enabling us to support essential World Assembly initiatives. In short, every sip you take is a toast to the future of our shared values and the betterment of all. So, drink responsibly, and with a heart full of goodwill for cute endangered animals and other worthy causes.

Drs. Émilie Laroche
Deputy Minister for World Assembly and Extraregional Relations
Last edited by Knootoss on Wed Jan 22, 2025 1:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

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World Assembly Headquarters
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Postby World Assembly Headquarters » Wed Jan 22, 2025 10:04 am

I thought gambling already happened at the bar?

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Postby Elyreia » Wed Jan 22, 2025 11:09 am

"Will there be handsome security guards on staff at the casino?"

-Korus Vaelans-Volaria
Aeksio of the Elyreian Foreign Corps
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Postby Wallenburg » Wed Jan 22, 2025 12:00 pm

Knootoss wrote:Émilie leans forward slightly, a faint smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Surely, my esteemed colleague from Wallenburg is not suggesting that the mere presence of a little innocent entertainment should invite violence into these halls? Diplomacy, after all, is built upon the principle that we resolve our differences with words, not Wallenburgian steel. I trust that we can all agree that such remarks are best withdrawn in the spirit of our shared commitment to civil discourse."

Trevanyika rolls her eyes. "There is no innocence to be found in institutionalized vice and the industrial robbery of the most vulnerable. There is no innocence to be found in making these very halls a profit-seeking business venture. Your intent to whore the World Assembly out to the worst impulses of capitalism demonstrates on its own that your ethics are malformed on a fundamental level. Civil discourse is, therefore, impossible. You are unconcerned with the consequences to the public, so I must instead implicate the consequences to your person."
Last edited by Wallenburg on Wed Jan 22, 2025 12:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
She walked into my office on legs as long as one of those long-legged birds that you see in Florida – the pink ones, not the white ones – except that she was standing on both of them, not just one of them, like those birds, the pink ones, and she wasn’t wearing pink, but I knew right away that she was trouble, which those birds usually aren’t.

King of Snark, Real Piece of Work, Metabolizer of Oxygen, Despotic Hegemon, Old Man from The East Pacific, by the Malevolence of Her Infinite Terribleness Catherine Gratwick the Sole and True Claimant to the Bears Armed Vacancy

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General TN
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Postby General TN » Wed Jan 22, 2025 12:09 pm

TN seems unnaturally overjoyed upon seeing this
Oh my!.... casino?..... gambling?.... why say no more!... te...he... you have my... unwavering.... support......
TN's WA ambassador shudders in terror as he opens a hand and a guard places a sack of money in it, disappointed
A capitalist hellhole run by an unearthly obese being referred to as TN that finds pleasure in devouring the less fortunate
Slavery? Child labor? No minimum wage? The rich abusing the poor for more money? Lifespans that will make your jaw drop in horror? Rampant crime? Why we've got it all!

Million Dollar News: Income of rich approaches 2 million while poor struggle | Several lives have been lost due to TN's terrible stench and other nations nickname it "The giant biological bomb"

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Appalachian Townships
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Postby Appalachian Townships » Wed Jan 22, 2025 2:19 pm

Wallenburg wrote:
Knootoss wrote:Émilie leans forward slightly, a faint smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Surely, my esteemed colleague from Wallenburg is not suggesting that the mere presence of a little innocent entertainment should invite violence into these halls? Diplomacy, after all, is built upon the principle that we resolve our differences with words, not Wallenburgian steel. I trust that we can all agree that such remarks are best withdrawn in the spirit of our shared commitment to civil discourse."

Trevanyika rolls her eyes. "There is no innocence to be found in institutionalized vice and the industrial robbery of the most vulnerable. There is no innocence to be found in making these very halls a profit-seeking business venture. Your intent to whore the World Assembly out to the worst impulses of capitalism demonstrates on its own that your ethics are malformed on a fundamental level. Civil discourse is, therefore, impossible. You are unconcerned with the consequences to the public, so I must instead implicate the consequences to your person."

“And so but like what if we called it the revolutionary World Assembly Headquarters and Casino?”
Last edited by Appalachian Townships on Wed Jan 22, 2025 2:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
From the office of:

Mr. Leonard A. Kranz (M.A.)
Prescriptive Grammarian Hired in Lieu of a Proper Ambassador to the WA

526 Main St., Harpers Ferry
Office 35D, Pressed Between the Xerox Machine and the Coffee Maker



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