Scions of the Red Planet: Ascension (Beyond Earth only)

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Scions of the Red Planet: Ascension (Beyond Earth only)

Postby Marimaia » Tue Jan 21, 2025 2:09 pm

OOC: For 'Part One', please see Scions of the Red Planet


14th December 2265
The Chancellory
Political District, Marinopolis
Mars, Martian Confederacy

First Chancellor Amelia Zhang was pouring over the latest opinion polling with considerable interest, even though opinion polling didn't really mean that much in the grand scheme of Martian politics. Although the Martian Confederacy was nominally a democracy with all of the obvious elements such as universal suffrage and regular elections, the truth was that the electoral system always favoured the so-called 'territorial dynasties'. While each of the fifteen constituent territories had elections to decide four senators to send to the Confederate Senate and one Executive Representative to send to the Confederate Council, those elections were populated by candidates handpicked by the families that exerted influence over those territories. Not only that, but the electronic voting system was operated by Hwaseong Voting Systems, one of the many, many subsidiaries of Hwaseong Industries, the Red Planet's ever-dominant single megacorporation. While it was absolutely a conflict of interest for Hwaseong to be so heavily integral to the Martian democratic system given the fact that it was also represented by four senators and an Executive Representative, the megacorporation had actually proven itself to be a guardian of the flawed democracy in the past. The Zhang family had risen to become the territorial dynasty of Marinopolis after the Townsend family was overthrown by Hwaseong and the other families for attempting to establish themselves as effective dictators of Mars, and First Chancellor Zhang recognised the debt that her family therefore owed to the megacorporation. Of course, Hwaseong Industries and its controlling Yi family did not really care that much about safeguarding democracy, it had been more a case of punishing the Townsends for becoming too clumsily ambitious. The megacorporation would gladly work with any form of administration, provided that Hwaseong's privileged position was protected.

Still, the opinion polling gnawed at the First Chancellor somewhat, despite knowing that she enjoyed the support of the elites of Martian society. Somebody at Hwaseong had obviously decided to have some fun and had included Seong-hun Yi as an option in the opinion polls, and it made for rather embarrassing reading. The Hwaseong heir and 'Elf Prince of Mars' had topped the polls for trustworthiness, public recognition, humility, everything. While she would've expected as much due to Seong-hun's people skills and the always-favourable coverage that his activities received from the Hwaseong-controlled entertainment media, one particular entry stood out as a genuine bruise to her ego.

Voting intention, she thought. Who the hell thought to ask people about who they would rather vote for?

Seeing the twenty-four-year-old's name as the top choice for a hypothetical election conducted between the names on the list was an irritation to be sure. The chime of the office door drew Zhang's attention away from the information as her requested guest had arrived rather promptly. "Come in."

The office door slid open and in walked Milo Woodward, Minister for Commerce and Finance and Hwaseong's Executive Representative. The sixty-one-year-old ran a hand over his short grey hair as he entered, offering his best friendly smile to the First Chancellor. "You asked to see me, First Chancellor?"

Zhang peered at him from behind her desk. "Yes, Minister. Perhaps you could explain what exactly is going through your employer's mind."

"Oh, are we talking about the latest opinion polls? I wouldn't worry about it. You come out of them looking particularly good."

The First Chancellor rose from her seat with a heavy sigh and stepped over to the floor-to-ceiling window, looking out at the enormous neon red Hwaseong logo installed on the opposite wall of the Eos Chasma which denoted the location of the capital's Hwaseong District. "That is very much not the point here, Minister. Why was Seong-hun Yi included? Was this some attempt at humour, or an attempt to remind me of my supposed place? I don't appreciate being embarrassed, Minister."

Woodward maintained his extremely corporate demeanour as he replied. "With all due respect, First Chancellor, I wouldn't say that coming in second to Seong-hun is embarrassing. That's the way of society! Politicians have to accept that they'll never match the goodwill and love shown to celebrities. Politicians are the ones who have to deliver the bad news and be responsible for the bad things, after all. Our 'Elf Prince of Mars' has only ever been warm, loving, and sympathetic. The military really loves him because he's always willing to appear for them. I mean, there are probably those who are not that fond of him, but the numbers speak for themselves."


"In any event, First Chancellor, there is something that I would like to propose. I understand that Marshal Dvornikov has received the go-ahead for claiming Vesta and Ceres as part of our attempt to look better after the Carpo Incident. Did nobody think about actually claiming something substantial?" He grinned as Zhang turned to face him, her interest clear to see. "The Lalande system, perhaps? We have a few mining operations in the asteroid belt of the system, but there's a potentially habitable planet there. Not much in the way of actual resources on the planet itself and our scans show that it could be a bit rough at the start, but it's doable. If one of the expeditionary forces were sent in, they could get a basic structure set up. Once our claws are in..."

The First Chancellor considered the potential implications of such a move. The successful establishment of Martian authority over another star system would be a tremendous coup, not only for her personally but also for Martian society at large. As the suggestion was coming from a representative of Hwaseong Industries, she was almost certain that there was an ulterior motive behind the suggestion, but she would inevitably have to wait to see what that motive actually was. "Very well, Minister. We'll get things underway. However, if this goes badly, I am not taking the blame."

Woodward nodded. "Of course, I understand. You know...maybe you could do a joint press announcement with Seong-hun Yi? Borrow a bit of his popularity and share responsibility with him."

Zhang narrowed her eyes briefly as she wasn't entirely sure if Woodward was joking. "What's your next suggestion, that we appoint him as...", she trailed off as she considered what she was about to say. "Hmm, perhaps that wouldn't be such a terrible idea for the future." Woodward's intrigued expression caused Zhang to laugh and wave her hand. "Just thinking aloud, Minister. A joint press announcement with him might not be the worst idea actually, I'll contact his father and see what can be arranged."
Last edited by Marimaia on Tue Jan 21, 2025 2:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Marimaia » Wed Jan 22, 2025 9:08 am

14th December 2265
Yi Family Residence
Hwaseong District, Marinopolis
Mars, Martian Confederacy

The 'Elf Prince of Mars' nodded to the family functionary who opened the double doors to his father's office, receiving a deferential bow. Dressed in a very stylish white outfit with his long blond hair cascading down to his shoulders, the somewhat androgynous Seong-hun Yi was intrigued as to why he had been summoned. If it's about those polls, I genuinely don't know who did that. He had still found it incredibly amusing that it had happened, and he would happily reward the individual responsible for what they did, should he ever find out who it was. Not only because it had made for entertaining reading, but also because it took a great deal to surprise him. His status as a genetically engineered 'designer baby' had been successfully hidden from the rest of the Yi family by his parents, who had passed off various clinic stays and specialist visits as 'regular childhood illnesses' when in fact they had been for procedures to continue his enhancements after birth. He had long learned how to read the various members of the extended Yi family like a children's book, able to anticipate their reactions to situations and behaviours, thus allowing him to tailor his 'public persona' accordingly. Outside of the family, Seong-hun was a warm and accommodating personality who treated everybody as if they were his friend, and the vast majority of the Martian people adored him for it. Within the family, he was regarded as polite, warm, and respectful with a slightly barbed sense of humour. The true Seong-hun was manipulative, ambitious, and always thinking five steps ahead. He genuinely believed that his enhancements set him far above everybody around him and that he was destined for truly remarkable achievements. Only two people truly knew the 'real' Seong-hun, and neither of them were his parents. While his father occasionally had cause to wonder what was truly going on in his son's head, Seong-hun had long realised the knack for addressing his concerns, at least temporarily. One of Seong-hun's two closest associates was Captain Dae-hyun Lee of the Confederate Marine Corps, unofficially seconded to act as Seong-hun's 'security consultant' and subsequently covertly enhanced while 'on vacation'. The other was Ares, a prototype super soldier created by an illegal Hwaseong genetics research project. The project had been terminated and erased following Ares' escape from the research facility and the subsequent death count. Still, Seong-hun had taken him in and convinced his father to allow him to stay. Ares was completely devoted to Seong-hun, unaware that this was because of conditioning introduced into the experimentation by a doctor covertly working on Seong-hun's orders, as the 'Elf Prince' had co-opted the project for his own ends. For his part, Seong-hun regarded Ares as the perfect partner for him: powerful yet obedient. While Seong-hun certainly held a great deal of affection for Ares, the relationship between the two was far from equal.

Unsurprisingly, Ares was accompanying Seong-hun to the meeting. Walking just slightly behind the uncontested centre of his universe, Ares was always in 'protection mode' when they were out and about, even here in the Yi family's palatial residence. Dressed in a smart black outfit that nonetheless showed off his muscular physique while his dark hair was worn short, he continued to scan for potential trouble even as the pair were shown into Jin-sun Yi's office and the doors were pulled closed behind them. Across the room sat Jin-sun, patriarch of the Yi family and Executrix of Hwaseong Industries. Seong-hun's father always cut a professional figure, this time wearing a tailored business suit and a pair of stylish spectacles, his short brown hair neatly styled as always. Seong-hun and Ares both bowed respectfully before approaching the desk, Seong-hun offering his now-trademark closed-eyed smile as he addressed his father.

"You requested my presence, Father?"

Jin-sun nodded, successfully concealing the discomfort that he felt around Ares. While Seong-hun had assured him that the super soldier was completely loyal and 'domesticated', Jin-sun had seen the unofficial report produced by Hwaseong's security division regarding the deaths on his hands...apparently, quite literally involving just his hands. "Yes, that's correct. First Chancellor Zhang has been in contact and she would like you to conduct a joint press event with her. She had agreed to the plan to colonise the Lalande system, and it will be portrayed as an example of just how effective the relationship between our government and Hwaseong truly is. So to further highlight that relationship, she feels that a joint appearance by the two of you would be a wise move. I must admit that I agree with her."

More likely that she's hoping some of my popularity will rub off on her, thought Seong-hun. "I completely understand, Father. It would be an honour to share a stage with our esteemed First Chancellor, especially if it is to announce such a bold and historic venture. It's all quite exciting, really."

"I'm glad that you think so, Seong-hun. She would like it to take place tomorrow morning, by all accounts they are going to be reassigning one of the expeditionary forces that was going to be used in the claiming of Vesta and Ceres. I'm not completely sure why they would've needed four forces ready for such an operation, but I suspect that Marshal Dvornikov probably wanted to flex Martian military muscle as visibly as possible. They'll manage just fine with three, I'm certain." Out of the corner of his eye, Jin-sun could swear that Ares was boring a hole into him with a focused stare. When he briefly turned his head to check properly, the super soldier was observing Seong-hun with some degree of happiness. Probably just seeing things, thought the Executrix as he returned his full attention to his son.

"Tomorrow morning will be more than acceptable, Father. I have no engagements planned, and I'm always pleased to help out our government when I can. Is there a prepared statement for me to make, or will I be permitted to improvise?"

"That aspect of it was not mentioned, so I would suggest contacting her office to find out."

Seong-hun smiled sweetly. "Of course, Father."

Jin-sun nodded, the meeting having gone as satisfactorily as he had hoped. "Very well then, Seong-hun. That is all."

"As you say, Father." Seong-hun and Ares both bowed once more before departing the office and leaving Jin-sun to get on with business.


Upon returning to his quarters, Seong-hun waited for the door to be closed before letting out a loud laugh. He then turned to Ares, beaming gleefully.

"My dearest Ares, once again you get to see how lesser people scramble to maintain their positions."

"She thinks that she is using you." The experimentation that Ares had undergone had resulted in his voice becoming rather distinct with what almost sounded like a distortion effect, a side effect that Seong-hun was still rather amused by. "You're going to let her continue to believe it."

The closed-eyed smile returned. "Precisely. This is developing into a most interesting situation, my sweet Ares. The Confederate government feels inadequate because of their inaction over Carpo, so they are trying to compensate by claiming Vesta and Ceres. First Chancellor Zhang likely feels inadequate due to those entertaining polling numbers, so she is likely trying to compensate by agreeing to the Lalande plan and attempting to borrow some of my popularity. When actions result from bruised egos, sometimes opportunities arise that would not otherwise be available."

"Opportunities for you."

Seong-hun reached out and affectionately stroked Ares' hair, bringing a contented smile to the super soldier's features. "Opportunities for us, my Ares. Opportunities for us."

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Postby Marimaia » Thu Jan 23, 2025 11:40 am

15th December 2265
The Chancellory
Political District, Marinopolis
Mars, Martian Confederacy

Various ideas had been floated for the format of the joint announcement by First Chancellor Zhang and Seong-hun Yi since the 'Elf Prince of Mars' had agreed to it the previous afternoon, and a decision had finally been reached. Initially conceived as a simple announcement with each of them behind their own podium in the Chancellory Briefing Room, Seong-hun had come up with a suggestion that was a major departure from the usual way of conducting such events. First Chancellor Zhang had rather liked the suggestion and so it had been adopted. So on the afternoon of December 15th, the government-controlled news media and the Hwaseong-controlled entertainment media of Mars all switched over to the 'special announcement' from the Chancellory. Every screen in the Confederacy promptly displayed the image of First Chancellor Zhang standing in front of her desk, dressed in a smart white pantsuit while her shoulder-length dark brown hair was worn in its usual sensible centre parting with a ponytail. Exhibiting a warm smile for her performance, the sixty-one-year-old Zhang began to address the Confederacy, using her hands to gesture as she did so.

"People of the Martian Confederacy, I am excited to address you on a matter of historical importance. I have served as your First Chancellor proudly for nine years thus far, and I am proud to be your First Chancellor as we take a bold new step in our history. There will be other announcements to come in the following days, so this will be the first of a new era for our Confederacy. I can announce to you all this afternoon that elements of the Confederate Space Fleet will soon be travelling to the Lalande system in order to claim it for the Martian Confederacy. This is a truly momentous day for our people and it will be a great undertaking to be certain. Thankfully, we hold an advantage that other powers do not enjoy, and I have a good friend of mine here to tell you more about that."

At that point, Seong-hun stepped into view. Wearing a smart white suit with a collarless white lace shirt, the 'Elf Prince of Mars' beamed happily as he exchanged a friendly handshake with the First Chancellor. He then turned to face the camera to address the viewers.

"Thank you, First Chancellor. Whereas other powers would have their corporations fighting like cats in a sack over such an opportunity, we Martians enjoy a unity that they do not. Hwaseong Industries will be committing all necessary resources to make the colonisation of the Lalande system a success. Not just for the Confederacy, but also for you, our fellow Martians. This truly is an exciting and historic day! Lalande is full of potential. Hwaseong already has some mining operations in the system, but this will be the formal claiming of the system by the Martian Confederacy. It will take time and effort to fully unlock the system's potential, but time and effort are two things that we Martians have never been afraid to put in. We conquered the unforgiving nature of the Red Planet and turned it into our home, after all. We Martians overcome adversity and difficulty at every turn, and we do this by being unified. We have a proud history as the first true pioneers of humanity. If it had not been for what we learned in colonising Mars, other powers would have found it far more difficult to handle their own colonial endeavours. We lit the torch of human expansion across space, and we now take a bold step in the expansion of our own domain."

This sort of thing is second nature to him, thought the First Chancellor as Seong-hun turned to her and smiled, the signal for her to resume speaking. "Thank you, Seong-hun." She then continued by addressing the viewers. "This endeavour will truly provide the Martian Confederacy with an opportunity to remind the rest of humanity of our indomitable spirit and determination. In three days, Martian vessels and personnel will enter the Lalande system and formally lay claim. The other powers can take this broadcast as a formal announcement of our intention to claim the system, although there should not be any real issue as Hwaseong is currently the only presence in Lalande. Suffice it to say that we will not look kindly upon any attempt to disrupt our intended operations. Seong-hun?"

The closed-eyed smile finally appeared. "What more can I truly say? My fellow Martians, this is all because of you. Without you, such endeavours would not be possible. We should all hold our heads high and be proud. Together we have reached this opportunity, and together we will walk hand-in-hand towards a great future for ourselves. Thank you for listening, and we look forward to updating you on the progress of our great endeavour."

A second warm handshake between First Chancellor Zhang and Seong-hun was the cue for the broadcast to end. As the director gestured that they were now off-air, Seong-hun deliberately exhaled and gave an almost nervous giggle. "I've done plenty of broadcast appearances but nothing quite like that! Recording interviews or recruitment advertisements is completely different to addressing the entire Confederacy live on-air about something so important. How do you keep yourself so calm?"

The First Chancellor smiled and patted Seong-hun's hand reassuringly. "Plenty of practice, Seong-hun. I doubt that anybody would've thought that you were nervous though, I certainly didn't think that you were. You did exceptionally well."

"Thank you, First Chancellor. That means a great deal. Honestly, I'm always happy to help out our government if I can." The closed-eyed smile reappeared, accompanied by a slight head tilt to the right. "Maybe we could do this again sometime? Anything to be of service."

"I truly appreciate your civic-mindedness, Seong-hun. There may be something in the future, an idea that I'm considering but it's still extremely preliminary."

Oh, is that so? I wonder what you're scheming, thought the Hwaseong heir. "That sounds most intriguing, First Chancellor. If you would like some input regarding your idea, please do not hesitate to ask. Rest assured that confidentiality is my middle name."

"Well, as I say, it's still a very preliminary idea. I'm not even sure if it would work in practice. However, if I decide to proceed with it, I shall seek your opinion and any suggestions regarding it." She paused momentarily. "Actually, Seong-hun, there is something coming up very soon that I would appreciate your assistance with. As we speak, there are elements of the Confederate Space Fleet moving on Vesta and Ceres. It might be beneficial if you were to lend your presence to the announcements regarding their acquisition, as and when they are acquired of course."

"I would be honoured, First Chancellor. As I say, anything that I can do to help." Oh, now this could be interesting...

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United Nations of Earth-
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Postby United Nations of Earth- » Fri Jan 24, 2025 4:24 pm

Chief Analyst Matthias Havelka, UNIS
UNIS Headquarters, Earth
Friday 15th December 2265

Matthias Havelka yawned into his coffee as he made the short walk back from the communal kitchen to his desk; it was the middle of the night in Langley, Virginia, a spiritual home for intelligence services since at least the days of the old Central Intelligence Agency in the then-United States of America, and was now home to the headquarters of the United Nations Intelligence Service. The UNIS was the United Nation’s civilian foreign intelligence agency, tasked with keeping an eye on the affairs of the other star-nations both within Sol and beyond. It also had a clandestine services role, conducting both active intelligence gathering in foreign states and conducing covert direct action where required. UNIS worked closely with the United Nations Defence Force’s Office of Fleet Intelligence, which was the primary military intelligence organisation operated by the the United Nations, largely due to the fact that the OFI was often at the forefront of interstellar events, particularly those OFI units and personnel assigned to the United Nations Peacekeeper Corps, due to the latter’s tendency to be deployed far and wide and therefore best placed and suited to gather intelligence. Although the OFI did conduct its own analysis, particularly in areas of military hardware and signals intelligence, all intelligence gathered was also routed through UNIS.

The Directorate of Analysis was by far the largest within UNIS, account for thousands of men and women allocated to both specific star-nations and specific areas of expertise. Matthias was the Chief Analyst of the Mars ‘Desk’, the sizeable section of the Directorate responsible for all matters relating to Mars and the Martian Confederacy. Due to the intrinsic link between the Martian Government and Hwaseong Industries, the Mars Desk was often referred to as the Office of Hwaseong Fuck-Ups, as most of the exciting events on Mars seemed liable to be linked to Hwaseong in some form or another. The United Nations was hardly without blame when it came to the amount of power held by corporate interests, given the prominence and clout of the various mega-corporations of Earth, but even the largest and most powerful did not have the same kind of direct political influence that Hwaseong on Mars. It made for analysing events on Mars both easier and harder, as it was often easy to predict how a corporation might respond over a changeable political regime, but equally it was far to easy to fall into the trap of actually blaming Hwaseong for everything on Mars.

It was not for naught that the Mars Desk had a sub-section that was specifically dedicated to Hwaseong.

As he returned to the Mars Desks’ workspace, Matthias found his staff gathered around one station where a broadcast from Mars was about to be received. This was the reason for the entire staff being called in out-of-hours, due to the time difference between Earth and Mars and the fact that no one had any idea about what this was all going to be about. There was already intelligence suggesting a Martian move towards key locations in the Asteroid Belt, and the Office of Fleet Intelligence was monitoring Martian fleet movements in that direction. This alone was concerning, partially because there was also intelligence suggesting that the Jovians were also making moves for the asteroid belt as well. The last thing the United Nations wanted was a potential conflict in Sol, and whilst the political and legal framework of the Asteroid Belt had been unresolved, to put it mildly, for some years the concern at the UN was the potential for an armed conflict. As far as Matthias was aware, the Peacekeepers Corps were in the process of deploying one of the Asteroid Belt patrol ships to monitor the situation and do its best to keep the peace.

However, there was no indication that this announcement was going to be about the same, and as such Matthias had wanted his staff on hand to start work straight away.

As the speech began, eyebrows were soon raised at the announcement that Mars was claiming an extrasolar colony. It was not entirely out of left-field, as many at UNIS had believed that Martian ambitions would likely take them beyond Sol sooner rather than later, and if they could set up an agricultural base on a more habitable world it seemed likely that it would only be to their advantage on Mars where the resources currently allocated for food production could doubtless be used for something else. In truth, Matthias doubted that the United Nations Security Council, the voice of the member-states and the shaper of Earth’s foreign policy, would have too many issues with this decision; the Lalande System was currently unclaimed although Hwaseong was known to have some mining claims there. The concern the UN was showing over the Asteroid Belt movements was more about the potential for conflict than the territorial expansion of another star-nation; for the latter the UN was largely unbothered as long as it did not infringe upon its own interests and mining claims (or, in the case of the latter, negotiated in good-faith for a viable solution).

It surprised absolutely no one when Seong-hun Yi appeared to give the Hwaseong perspective; it stood to reason that the Martian mega-corp would be heavily involved in any such endeavour, although Matthias could not help but think that UN politician would ever have allowed a mega-corp CEO or senior executive to appear on the same stage for such an important announcement. Such was the clout that Hwaseong could command on Mars.

Nevertheless, it did not take a team of expert analysts to determine that both the Asteroid Belt military movements and the Lalande expedition suggested that Mars was now prepared to act on its ambitions. What this would mean for Earth and the rest of human space remained to be seen… and it was that question that Matthias and his team on the Mars Desk would be spending the coming days, weeks, and months trying to work out.

“Okay then,” Matthias commented wryly as the announcement finished. “We’ve got alot to pick through… let’s get started.”
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Postby Marimaia » Sat Jan 25, 2025 3:02 pm

17th December 2265
The Chancellory
Political District, Marinopolis
Mars, Martian Confederacy

The Martian annexation of Vesta had proceeded without any issue, and the Confederate media were in full patriotic mode as they covered the event. First Chancellor Zhang and Seong-hun had performed a second joint address to the Confederacy to announce the newest addition to the state's territories, once again highlighting the relationship between the Martian government and Hwaseong Industries while utilising Seong-hun's popularity to sell the endeavour. That had been followed by several news specials to highlight the potential benefits of having Vesta under Martian administration, while various government experts were trotted out to explain precisely why the Confederacy had been completely entitled and justified in annexing the protoplanet. Unfortunately, the Martian designs on Ceres were not panning out as intended. The Jovian Coalition had beaten the Martians to the dwarf planet and had already established a forward base, a fact that would be a source of considerable embarrassment if it became known to the Martian people. Naturally, the media were not reporting on the situation because the government had not informed them of it, and even if they had, they would still not have reported on the situation without government authorisation. After a rather testy meeting with Defence Minister Marshal Andrey Dvornikov, First Chancellor Zhang was hopeful of something of a respite as her next scheduled meeting was with her current 'partner-in-propaganda'. Seong-hun was now occupying the chair on the opposite side of Zhang's desk from the First Chancellor, legs crossed at the knee and his hands clasped on his lap.

"So, First Chancellor, how are the operations on Ceres proceeding? I hope that we can hold another joint appearance soon."

Zhang sighed slightly, earning her a look of concern from the 'Elf Prince of Mars'. "It may be some time, Seong-hun. It turns out that the Jovians have beaten us to Ceres. Marshal Dvornikov wants to sweep them off Ceres with military force, but I prefer a more measured approach. We shall have to wait and see how the situation develops."

Can't you baselines do anything right?! Seong-hun's expression betrayed nothing of his irritation at the news, as he furrowed his brow and presented a sympathetic smile. "I'm sorry to hear that, First Chancellor. How did they manage to land without us finding out?"

"That's a question for military intelligence, Seong-hun. Suffice it to say that I'll be asking many questions about this once Marshal Dvornikov stops barking."

"Forgive me for saying so, First Chancellor...but are you certain that military intelligence didn't know?" Seong-hun shrugged as Zhang gave him a questioning look. "Far be it from me to suggest such a thing, but surely they would've known. Either they completely failed to detect Jovian movements or they concealed the information. Either way, I would think that the Defence Minister would be more angry about that than trying to convince you to start a war...unless he's hiding something, of course. However, that might be my imagination running away with me, I do like watching political dramas and that kind of thing." The First Chancellor's thoughtful expression almost brought a smile to Seong-hun's features. He knew full well that Dvornikov was warlike and ambitious, and he was hopeful that he could stoke a little mistrust. Seeing that the seed had apparently been planted, he changed the course of the conversation. "In any event, we shall soon have news that will be far more historic. The expedition to Lalande departs tomorrow, so we can put any concerns about Ceres to one side and concentrate on that. The latest scans of the habitable planet are quite interesting. Hwaseong Planetary Surveying doesn't believe that there are any truly valuable minerals to be mined, but due to the primarily oceanic nature of the planet, the aquacultural potential is quite high. The gravity is similar to Mars so hopefully it won't take too long to start a proper colony."

Zhang couldn't help but smirk as a thought entered her head. "Am I to take it that Hwaseong will be establishing a 'Colonial Services' division?"

"Hwaseong Colonial Operations has been in existence for two decades, it's just that they haven't really had anything to do up until now." Seong-hun's closed-eyed smile emerged as he continued. "I did have a suggestion for the planet's new name if you'd like to hear it. Maybe we could call it 'Tiberis', after the river that saved the children of Mars? As it's a watery planet, it seems quite apt."

"Tiberis...I quite like it." The First Chancellor smiled warmly at the Hwaseong heir. "Seong-hun, I must admit that it is a real pleasure working with you like this. I wonder...that potential idea that I spoke to you about a couple of days ago, I'd like to sound you out on the preliminary thoughts." Seong-hun's nod encouraged her to continue. "I've been thinking more and more recently about how the role of First Chancellor should operate. I find myself having to split my time between governing and conducting public relations, and I will be the first to admit that I am perhaps not the best at public relations. You, however, excel at it. So I've been considering the idea of creating a new position that would relieve me of the burden of conducting public relations. It would have to be someone charismatic and adept at public speaking, naturally. Essentially that person would become a figurehead for the central government. A warm and friendly face that would almost act as a symbol for the Martian people. The public face of the Confederacy, if you will. That would then permit me to conduct the serious business of governing the Confederacy without worrying about personal appearances, speeches, that sort of thing."

So that's your game. Get me to become your public face and mouthpiece so that if things go wrong, I have to go out and address everybody. Cunning, bitch, but you'll find that you're playing with a grandmaster here. Seong-hun put on a bit of a show of considering the idea, appearing thoughtful while tapping his finger against his chin. "I can certainly see the merits of such an idea, First Chancellor. As you say, it would be far better for the Confederacy if you can concentrate solely on governing, while somebody else handles the public relations side of things. What would you call such a role though? can't be anything that sounds more impressive than 'First Chancellor'. Something simple and down-to-earth...maybe...I don't know, 'First Citizen'?"

"So we would have a First Chancellor and a First Citizen. That's rather good, yes, that's a good name for the position. So the question then becomes, would you be willing to take on such a role?"

Seong-hun's jaw dropped slightly and he placed his open hand on his chest, appearing to be caught off-guard when he had easily anticipated what was coming. "Me? Oh, I don't know if I'd be the right person for the position. Of course, I'm honoured! It's just that I would require my father's permission, and he may well refuse. Also, it may be difficult for me to hold such a position as the future Executrix of Hwaseong Industries. Are you absolutely sure that you would want me to have such a role?"

Zhang chuckled and shook her head. "Of course, I am sure, Seong-hun. I would not have asked you otherwise. I suspect that we could convince your father to allow it, and your time as Executrix is likely many years away, so it's unlikely to present any issues. The fact is that you are ideal for the role. You're the 'Elf Prince of Mars', you're well-loved by the Martian people and you clearly have all of the necessary qualifications for the position. 'First Citizen Seong-hun Yi' does have a nice ring to it." She couldn't help but smile as his closed-eyed smile beamed across at her. "Of course, I would have to officially submit the proposal to the Confederate Council, and it would then have to be cleared by the Senate, but I doubt that anybody would be opposed to you receiving such an honour. We'll consult with your father first though. We won't make any public announcements or have any public discussions until it gets approved by the Senate though, no need to excite the people too early."

"Of course, I completely understand. Thank you so much for this honour, First Chancellor. If I do become First Citizen, then I will do everything I can to serve the Confederacy to the best of my ability." Seong-hun's closed-eyed smile masked the thought processes that were now running through his genetically enhanced brain.

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Postby Marimaia » Wed Jan 29, 2025 3:19 pm

18th December 2265
Lalande System

Located approximately 8.3 light years from the Sol system, Lalande 21185 (more popularly known simply as 'Lalande') featured a type-M main sequence red dwarf star. Visible from Earth with the right equipment, the system was positioned in the south of the Ursa Major constellation. The system was comprised of five planets, a primary asteroid belt that lay between the outermost and second outermost planets, and two 'trojan swarms' that followed the orbit of the second outermost planet. The two outermost planets were gas giants while the innermost three were 'terrestrial' planets. Of these, the one closest to the red dwarf star and the one furthest from it were rocky and lifeless, while the middle terrestrial planet was smack bang in what was called the 'Goldilocks Zone'. Detailed scans of this planet had revealed no appreciable mineral deposits to make it worthwhile as a mining operation, and it was primarily covered by an extensive ocean, with various archipelagos dotted across the surface. However, it had also been determined to have a breathable atmosphere and the gravity was not too dissimilar to that on Mars. Due to the relative lack of interesting minerals, Hwaseong Industries had never actually landed on the planet except for automated probes, and the megacorporation had confined their Lalandian operations to the asteroid belt and the trojan swarms where they had discovered useful mineral resources. Of course, all of that was about to change.

The jump gate positioned at the edge of the system flared into life, and from it emerged Expeditionary Force Delta of the Confederate Space Fleet. Led by the Orcus-class dreadnought CSS Marianna, the force also included two Timor-class cruisers, four Huygens-class destroyers, and a number of construction vessels and transport ships. After performing a scan of the system for other vessels and only finding Hwaseong mining ships, Expeditionary Force Delta deployed a broadcast buoy that began to broadcast a message stating that the Lalande system was now under the administration of the Martian Confederacy. With the buoy in place, the small fleet began to head towards the planet that was to be named 'Tiberis' upon colonisation. For propaganda purposes, everything was being recorded to be sent back to Mars for broadcast. Captain Divya Prashad of the Marianna observed the force's progress from her bridge, smiling with satisfaction as the mission proceeded without any hiccups. Aged forty-nine and one of the more level-headed captains of the CSF, Prashad was a patient and calculating individual who viewed her command of this mission as a distinct honour, far better than her initial assignment as backup for the Vesta and Ceres missions. This mission was a surefire way for her name to enter the history books. That was something that she would never admit to hoping for, but in truth, she certainly wouldn't complain about it if it happened.

The plan was simple, and it was hoped that it would remain so once it came into contact with reality. An initial landing site had been identified on a large island in the planet's northern hemisphere, and so the construction vessels would enter the atmosphere in order to deploy prefabricated modular structures to the surface site. The warships would remain in geostationary orbit over the landing site, while the transport ships would eventually land in order to deliver various supplies, vehicles, and other useful equipment for the use of the initial contingent of colonists.

Back on Mars, First Chancellor Zhang and Seong-hun Yi had performed another joint address to the Confederacy to mark the 'momentous' occasion. Seong-hun's performance had been so slick and at ease that Zhang had resolved to make sure that he was appointed as 'First Citizen' as soon as possible, as she recognised the numerous benefits that would come from having him as the new figurehead of the Confederacy. Of course, she had once again failed to realise that the 'Elf Prince of Mars' was more than happy to let it happen because it could benefit his own plans in the future.

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Postby Marimaia » Sat Feb 01, 2025 10:27 am

20th December 2265
The Chancellory
Political District, Marinopolis
Mars, Martian Confederacy

The Confederate Council Chamber was one of the many 'working rooms' of the Chancellory, and certainly one of the most important. It was here that the sixteen Executive Representatives of the Confederacy met on a regular basis to decide upon the direction of governance, with each of them keen to not only look out for the interests of the Confederacy as a whole, but also the constituent territory that each of them represented. The Chamber was dominated by a sleek black conference table that was surrounded by comfortable office chairs, all of which were currently occupied. As always, First Chancellor Zhang sat at the head of the table. The meeting had been moved forward due to the impending Christmas break as it would've otherwise fallen on December 25th itself. Various matters had been discussed, such as the developing situation regarding Ceres and the Lalandian expedition, but Zhang had something else that she wished to bring up.

"So, as our last piece of official business before the Christmas break, I have something to put to all of you." She looked around the table at the expectant faces. "As you've all seen, I've performed a few joint appearances with Seong-hun Yi recently. I have to admit that he is a natural at that sort of thing, far more than I am. We all know how immensely popular he is within the Confederacy and he's also extremely cooperative, and I think that perhaps we could enlist him in making the task of governing the Confederacy far easier. My proposal is to appoint him to an official position within the Confederate government, a newly created position especially for him. He would be the 'First Citizen' of the Confederacy. Essentially he would be responsible for handling media appearances, press conferences, things of that nature. His duties would involve him taking the burden of public appearances from myself and potentially from others around this table. To put it into more blunt terms, he would become a figurehead for our government and a symbol for the Martian people. A warm and friendly face for our government. He has already fronted recruitment campaigns for our military and he's praised aspects of our administration during interviews and the like, so this would essentially be an official extension of what he already does. The intention is that he wouldn't possess any actual power, although I doubt that we'd object if he wanted to attend a Council meeting every so often to see what administration is like.

"I have already consulted with his father and with Seong-hun himself. Seong-hun has absolutely no problem with fulfilling such a role, and Jin-sun Yi views it as potentially beneficial. When Seong-hun eventually becomes Executrix of Hwaseong Industries, his experience in such a role will undoubtedly serve him well. So, I would like to hear any opinions, objections, that sort of thing."

Milo Woodward immediately spoke up. "Well, First Chancellor, I think that this is an outstanding idea. As you say, Seong-hun is the most popular personality in the Confederacy. The people trust him and they love him, so it would be wise to...I don't want to say 'make use of that', but it would be wise to...harness that. If Seong-hun and the Executrix are both willing for this to go forward, then I see absolutely no issue with it." It was unsurprising to hear the Executive Representative from Hwaseong Industries speaking so supportively of the plan, especially as his initial suggestion of a joint press announcement had led to this point.

Minister of External Relations Sterling Blake was the next Executive Representative to speak up. "I'm with Milo on this, First Chancellor. Seong-hun could play 'consoler-in-chief' without any coaching at all, he would be perfect for breaking bad news to the people. Equally, he could make good news sound like fantastic news." He shot a quick glance at Defence Minister Marshal Dvornikov before continuing. "Considering the current Ceres situation, having Seong-hun as our spokesperson would be a great move. Just in case things go really badly. Would this mean that visiting dignitaries would meet with him as well as with you?"

"Potentially." Zhang offered a smirk. "It would rather depend on who they are and why they are visiting, we wouldn't roll out the 'Elf Prince of Mars' for just anybody. Heads of state and heads of government, of course they'd get to meet him. Trade representatives, well, that would be up to him. Anyway, the Senate would have to approve the creation of the position, but do I take it that there are no actual objections from the Council?"

She waited a few seconds before nodding in satisfaction at the lack of objections. "Excellent. Obviously we won't get the proposal on the table for the Senate to debate this afternoon, but they will be back in session next Wednesday on the twenty-seventh. We can have it on their agenda for then, with some expedited discussion and procedure we could have it passed in time for the New Year. I take it that I can rely on all of you to have a quick chat with the senators from your respective territories in order to ensure a quick resolution?"

The murmuring of assent and nodding of heads brought the meeting to a close as far as the First Chancellor was concerned. "In that case, I shall call this meeting to a close. I now have a joint Christmas address to record with our future First Citizen, so I'll pass on best wishes from all of you. Oh, it goes without saying that this proposal is not to be made public in any way. We want this to be a nice New Year's surprise for the Confederacy."

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Benevolent Dictatorship

Postby Marimaia » Wed Feb 05, 2025 4:16 pm

24th December 2265
Yi Family Residence
Hwaseong District, Marinopolis
Mars, Martian Confederacy

"So, my dearest Ares...what did you wish for?" Seong-hun snorted slightly at the confused reaction he received. "It's Christmas tomorrow, what did you wish for?"

The prototype super soldier shook his head in response to Seong-hun's question, smiling as he did so. "I didn't wish for anything for Christmas, Seong-hun. I already have everything that I want." Ares then paused for a moment. "Actually, no. My wish for Christmas is for you to have what you wished for."

The 'Elf Prince of Mars' sighed as he cuddled up with his paramour in the expansive white-sheeted bed that dominated the bedchamber of Seong-hun's quarters. "Well, I have you already, my beloved Ares. First Chancellor Zhang is well on her way to appointing me to the position of 'First Citizen', so I'll soon be the figurehead for her administration. I-"

"You have grander plans, though."

"Indeed I do. You and I are superior to everyone else in the Confederacy, my Ares. I will not remain a mere figurehead for a woman whose family was installed into their current position by my family. People like us should be in charge, guiding the baselines like shepherds with their sheep."

"There is nobody else like you, Seong-hun."

Seong-hun looked up with a closed-eyed smile, enjoying the adoration of his companion as he always did. "Just as there is nobody else like you. Captain Lee has certainly gotten used to his enhancements, but even on his best day, you could end him without breaking a sweat. That's how it should be, my Ares. Nobody able to match you physically, and nobody able to match me mentally. We make for a perfect pairing." He moved up Ares' body until they were face-to-face and planted a gentle kiss on the super soldier's lips. "So to go back to what we were discussing...I suppose that my Christmas wish is for opportunity."

"Is there anyone in the way of you receiving your opportunity?"

The Hwaseong heir chuckled, knowing precisely what Ares was actually asking. "Not at the moment, but rest assured that I will let you know if I need any blockages removed. Ah, my dearest Ares, you would destroy anybody for me, wouldn't you?"

"Just name them."

"In due time, my beloved. In due time."


24th December 2265
Tivoli Nova
Lalande System

With the first batch of prefabricated structures constructed and in place, the first Martian settlement on the planet of Tiberis was finally named as 'Tivoli Nova'. Although calling it a settlement was perhaps being a bit generous, as the initial population consisted of fifty-seven Hwaseong scientists along with a small administrative staff and a few ancillary personnel. The process of stocking up the settlement with food supplies, vehicles, and other equipment was now underway with the transport ships from Expeditionary Force Delta taking turns in landing so that they could deliver their contents into the care of the planet's new inhabitants. Tivoli Nova consisted of a single-storey 'base structure' with five connected two-storey 'blocks' on top, with a landing pad and resource storage area located just to the northwest; the entire complex was surrounded by a ten-foot-high exterior wall with a gate at each primary compass direction to allow for entry and exit by vehicles or on foot. The directive for the initial population was to determine precisely which crops or livestock could potentially be cultivated on the landmasses or in the ocean, including any indigenous flora or fauna. Suffice it to say that the scientists assigned to Tivoli Nova were truly in their element, as they had a planet full of potential discoveries at their fingertips.

The colonial administrator who had been appointed to oversee the new colony was Maria Harvey, a forty-nine-year-old experienced manager who had transferred from Hwaseong's Central Efficiency Division to Hwaseong Colonial Operations five months before. With her previous role requiring her to assess operational efficiency on site visits, it had been decided that she would serve well in her new post. The head of the scientific contingent was Professor Niklas Carstens, a forty-seven-year-old expert in ecology and evolution. Professor Carstens was rather excited to be heading up the scientists on Tiberis, and the opportunity had been very much dropped on him a few days beforehand. In his opinion, the opportunity had been far too rich in possibilities to turn down.

However, while scans had detected no artificial power sources or obvious settlements on the planet before the Martians arrived, that did not necessarily mean that they were alone...

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Postby Marimaia » Thu Feb 06, 2025 3:23 pm

25th December 2265
Lalande System

While the rest of the Martian Confederacy celebrated the holiday of Christmas, the new residents of Tivoli Nova were hard at work, albeit with some rudimentary Christmas decorations around them as they did so. With Expeditionary Force Delta in a geostationary orbit over the site of the Martian settlement, the expedition had access to a small number of Picus-class dropships, which were being utilised to scout the surrounding terrain by air. While the satellite imaging from orbit and previous autonomous probe landings had certainly provided a great deal of information about the planet's surface, sometimes having actual eyes surveying the land could detect things that had gone unnoticed or undetected. All the same, the dropships that were patrolling the skies near Tivoli Nova did not realise that they were being watched.

On an island that was part of the same archipelago as the site of Tivoli Nova, two individuals watched nervously from within the treeline as a dropship flew overhead. Both young men, aged twenty-three and twenty-seven respectively, wore very simple handmade loincloths of brown and green colouration. On their left side, they both had a small dagger strapped to their waist. The older of the two stood roughly five-foot-ten and had a slim build, with wavy brown hair; the younger was about six feet tall, with a more muscular build and short black hair that had been swept back.

"Drace, we need to tell Kandria about this."

Drace nodded to his younger friend. "Yeah...this is bad, Kuna. Really bad. Hopefully, she'll know what to do."

The pair navigated their way through the warm and lush jungle that covered their island, eventually coming to a rope ladder that extended down from the trees above. Clearly practised at climbing up and down such ladders, the pair wasted little time scaling it and reaching their destination. Within the upper reaches of the thick trees, a network of wooden structures had been built around the trees with bunches of thatched huts clinging to the trunks. There was a 'village centre', a large platform that provided a communal meeting area as well as the site of the village leader's hut. Connected through a series of rope ladders, bridges, vines, and catwalks, the village featured large huts for extended families along its outer edges while single young men resided in small huts on the jungle floor, allowing them to maintain a ground-level watch for intruders. Drace and Kuna easily navigated their way to the village centre, Drace calling out "Kandria!" as they reached the platform. Dressed in simple white fabric trousers with a matching shirt, the forty-two-year-old Kandria turned to address the pair, her long soft brunette hair reaching down to her shoulders.

"Drace, Kuna, calm. What is it?"

Drace paused as the roar of a dropship sounded, the aircraft flying overhead. "That! The new arrivals have aircraft patrolling the skies now. It's an invasion!"

Kandria strode over to him and gently took his face in her hands, fixing her eyes on his. "Drace, I said 'calm'. It's quite possible that they don't even know that we are here, if they did then we would've received visitors by now. It will be best for us to approach them first before they discover our home so they won't know how many of us there are." She then turned to the other villagers who had gathered around at the sound of the commotion. "Please, go and gather everyone here immediately. I must address our brothers and sisters."


It took just over an hour for three hundred and twenty-two villagers to be gathered in the village centre, all of them sitting cross-legged in a five-row-deep circle while Kandria stood in the middle of the circle. She looked around her at the villagers, all with expectant expressions as she began to speak.

"Ninety-seven years ago, our Father, Cen Daren, brought our people here to a new home. We called our new home 'Rebirth'. We, the Children of Daren, eschewed the use of technology, as it had led to the corruption of humanity, and we chosen few came here to start anew. We came here to build a new home for humanity, free of the sloth and greed, free of the gluttony and the pride that has developed within humanity because of their reliance on technology. We have built a home through perseverance and community, two traits that 'modern humanity' lacks. As Cen's biological daughter and the successor to his legacy, I was appointed by him to be your Mother. I have always done everything possible to look after you, my Children, and I have never failed you in my duties.

"We are now faced with the most significant test of our way of life since we arrived here. Outsiders have landed on a nearby island, and our young men have observed the ships coming down from orbit. While we haven't been to the island to see for ourselves, with all the activity that has been observed, I believe that it is likely that they have established a settlement of their own. They now have aircraft coursing through the skies of our home. They will likely expand outwards from their landing site, which means that it is only a matter of time until they discover us. We do not know who they are or what they might do if they find us first. So we must go to them. In doing so, we keep our numbers a secret. I require three volunteers. One to speak our case, and two to protect our speaker."

Drace and Kuna immediately raised their hands, as did Tonis, a fifty-two-year-old well-built man with short dark hair and a full beard. Kandria smiled and gestured towards the three with open hands outstretched.

"Tonis, you will speak for us. Drace, Kuna, you will protect him. When dusk approaches, you will use the reduced light to begin your journey. Remember, you are travelling to talk. Only fight if you absolutely have to."

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Postby Marimaia » Sat Feb 08, 2025 12:35 pm

27th December 2265
Tivoli Nova
Lalande System

Although the expedition to Lalande was indeed an important endeavour for the Martian Confederacy, events on Ceres had somewhat overtaken the Confederate government's interest as Lalande appeared to be going well. No immediate complications had been discovered and the contingent in Tivoli Nova was settling in without any trouble. At least, until the morning of December 27th when Tivoli Nova received a visit from three total strangers who should not have been anywhere near the planet, let alone the settlement. Administrator Harvey contacted Expeditionary Force Delta and requested the immediate deployment of a Marine platoon to the surface of Tiberis as a precautionary measure as soon as she was informed of the presence of the three men outside the settlement's exterior wall, receiving assurances that the requested force would be with her in roughly two hours. In order to buy some time, she decided to take some initiative.

Flanked by four members of the Hwaseong security detail that had been attached to the settlement, Harvey strode out onto the walkway that ran along the inside of Tivoli Nova's exterior wall, dressed in a very sensible blue pantsuit. As she drew closer to the wall's eastern gate, she could see the three unknown individuals standing out in the open. The older of the three appeared to be patiently waiting while the younger two seemed to be watching for aggressive moves. Harvey noted the rather primitive appearance of the three as she drew level with them, albeit elevated far higher with the wall protecting most of her body, and the Hwaseong security personnel took up position around her as she addressed the visitors.

"This is the settlement of Tivoli Nova, an outpost of the Martian Confederacy. We have a fleet in geostationary orbit over our position, and there is a platoon of Confederate Marines en route to the surface as we speak. Who are you, and what do you want?"

Tonis scratched his beard as he considered what to say in response. "My name is Tonis, and these are my brothers, Drace and Kuna. We want to speak to the person in charge."

Harvey folded her arms. "That would be me, I'm Administrator Maria Harvey."

"Ah, good! Administrator Harvey, I represent the population of the planet of Rebirth, on which you have established your settlement. We-"

"This planet is not called 'Rebirth'. There has been no formal claim over it, it is not a sovereign state. Your people have no actual legal claim over it as a result. This planet is called 'Tiberis', and it has been officially and legally claimed by the Martian Confederacy."

"Forgive me, Administrator Harvey, but we have been living here for ninety-seven years. We did not need a legal claim in order to establish Rebirth as our home, and-"

Harvey sighed, as she realised that her posting had just developed a very annoying complication. "Mister Tonis-"

"Ah, just 'Tonis'."

"Tonis, where we come from, star systems and their constituent planets are formally and legally claimed by governments. If there is no legal claim recorded, then it does not exist. Tiberis is under the jurisdiction of the Martian Confederacy, and therefore it is subject to our laws. We can certainly discuss the potential status of your people under Confederate law, but those discussions must begin with your acknowledgement that you are now standing on Martian-controlled soil."

Tonis 'hmphed' loudly. "Administrator Harvey, you should realise that there are far more of us than there are of you. The Children of Daren would have no problem entering into discussions with your people, provided that you recognise our claim to Rebirth."

"Well, Tonis, that is not about to happen. We have the law on our side. The Martian Confederacy will be willing to enter into discussions with your people provided that you accept our sovereignty over this planet. If you are not willing to do so, then you will have a problem."

Tonis scowled and shook his head. "No, Administrator Harvey, you are the ones who will have the problem. The Children of Daren will defend our home against foreign invaders!"

Harvey rolled her eyes and turned to the guard at her left. "Shoot to injure, I want them captured." Almost as soon as the words crossed her lips, Harvey heard an almost primal scream that grabbed her attention. As she turned back towards the three strangers, she was shocked to see Tonis sprinting away while the two younger men ran towards the wall, managing to clear far more distance than should've been possible. The four guards around her promptly opened fire, striking the slimmer of the two with multiple shots to the torso and one to the head while the larger was caught in the torso. The two fell to the ground, and within minutes the east gate was opened and more guards brought them inside, being covered by guards watching from the wall. The slimmer of the two was not moving, while the more muscular of the two had to be subdued with a rifle butt blow to the head. The small contingent of medical personnel came out to check the vital signs of the young men, finding that Drace had indeed perished while Kuna was unconscious. As they were both taken to the medbay, Harvey returned to her office and poured herself a stiff drink, downing it in one gulp.

What the hell was that?!


27th December 2265
The Chancellory
Political District, Marinopolis
Mars, Martian Confederacy

"Well, the Senate took very little persuading. A unanimous vote in favour of creating the position of 'First Citizen' and granting it to one Seong-hun Yi."

Seong-hun's eyes lit up as First Chancellor Zhang informed him of the vote result, and he offered a polite bow in response. "First Chancellor, I...I am at a loss for words. For the Senate and the Confederate Council to have such faith in me, I am truly honoured."

Zhang laughed and gestured for him to take a seat across her desk from where she sat. "I have absolutely no doubt that you will be able to fulfil the duties of 'First Citizen' with great ease and ability, Seong-hun. Now, this is my intention for the official announcement..."


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