A Tropical Holiday [IC/signup only]

A staging-point for declarations of war and other major diplomatic events. [In character]
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A Tropical Holiday [IC/signup only]

Postby Yakena » Tue Jan 21, 2025 12:17 am

A sunny paradise, chain of many islands diverse in size and shapes with an even greater sheer endless ocean of diverse colours sounds and scents carried by the many creatures roaming through and the vegetation among those. This tropical paradise which had a similarly unique culture and national spirit, quite distinct from the European colonisers which tamed the wild land establishing the nation state, and the original native population. However as magically and breathtaking the problem which the nation faced partially as a result of its authoritarian system was the same sort of internal unrest which was comparably more common among many nations across the world. A brutal fight which was raging on for nearly a year, however in recent months the position of the government grew in strength which major offensives launched and most of the rebels shipping lanes collapsed under European and Yakenian aviation. The fight took on with the frontline moving more so eastwards, while police raids and YSS operations slowly started to dissmentle and de organize small groups of partisans behind the frontlines.

However the security situation wasn’t much of a topic for now, or Atleast a lesser one which could possibly influence other nations attitudes torwards the republic which itself was the main topic currently on the governments mind. With the war recently having heavily impacted the government’s standing and especially its global position, it was looking to perform some events to gain back legitimacy but also present strength to the world, show that its government was still strong and existent capable of controlling the nation and specifically its international affairs to a degree even beyond that of their European allies and the nations within their sphere of influence. A summit for such gatherings many nations from across the world for talks pictures and posturing was in accordance to that decision, and perfectly suited to once again solidify their control over the occupied territories via trade structures and flows of money and or goods which could risk the regional quality of life in case of widespread insurgent activity.

For this summit a public and open space location was freshly constructed for it, an event location which would offer a good climate and positive vibes, with perfect view on the Yakenian rainforest and its beautiful terrain. Not a simple construction, it was more so a modular series of multiple pavilions with wooden floors and transparent see through tarps on the cealings to cover from rain but still open the spots for natural sunlight. Some smaller bank islands with chairs and tables, with sun covers overhead were scattered throughout the Center area, while a series of pavilions and covered walkways surrounded those. The compound was setup in diffirent areas, the previously mentioned walkways, but many more dedicated pavilions some of which serving for the catering others resting spots with private rooms and proper covering from light and offering privacy. While the largest of which setup in a large actually covered tent held the meeting room, those where the ministers, officials and businessmen stood and waited for delegates to arrive and converse with, including the most estimated President of Yakena Ian Worthly.

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A m e n r i a
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Postby A m e n r i a » Tue Jan 21, 2025 7:12 am

Wooden pavilions, clear skies with the sun shining bright and white sands gently massaged by the cool surf, all things familiar to those who have been to Clarity Island, the seat of the Imperial Harem. As a member of the Starchild Sorority, Camilla had fond memories of the place, of chasing her twin sister around to her annoyance. This day, however, she had a job to do. She had to find out about the country of Yakena through a meeting, a chance to mingle with its leaders and have an enjoyable trip at the same time. She smiled and flipped her short, jet-black hair at the nearest guard. "Camilla, heiress of the Miao Coven, a subsidiary of the Angelheart Family of Amenria. I presume I am at the correct establishment?"
The Empire of Amenria (亚洲帝国)
Sinocentric Asian theocratic absolute monarchy. Set 28 years in the future. On-site factbooks are no longer canon. A 13.14 civilization, according to this index.
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Postby Gonswanza » Tue Jan 21, 2025 10:05 am

Even as the other delegates were just arriving, already arrived, or were en route, the GRS-141 carrying Francisco and company soon arrives to the complex, the man of honor himself stepping out after his guards who had donned BAA armor, carrying their weapons openly as he stood with his signature white suit, black gloves, slicked back hair and sun kissed skin, his black tie being adjusted as he walked into the summit with an almost confident stride, despite the more cautionary advances of his escorts.

"Francisco Valdez, Gonswanzan foreign affairs, foreign minister. I sincerely hope we can start something new, perhaps even inspire future generations with what will be done here."
Praise our glorious leader Laura Ortiz!
Yea, I sell things. Lots of things. KTO Member!
[GNN] Check [hyperlink blocked] for further instructions or [frequency blocked]. /// Finland holds off Russian advance, Baltic sea turned into a "bathtub from hell". /// Strange signals from space, likely a dysfunctional probe /// New body armor rolling off the line, onto Gonswanzan soldiers /// Canada declares war against the US after a bloody coup. /// Japan deploys infantry to Korea, post-unification.

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Postby Quillandania » Tue Jan 21, 2025 8:43 pm

As the other leaders and representatives arrived, there weren't any questions as to how Quillandanian Forces would arrive safely. A grey C-5 Galaxy pierced the airs breeze onto its sharp flaps. The roar of the engines carved the skies with loud noise. The plane, only 1000 feet up had no landing gears down. As it traced overhead, it sent another loud roar, and whipped wind force of what felt like maximum. Its wings, curved down just enough for the breeze, its tail splitting off into two different parts, like the vertical stabilisers managed to climb up the tail. As the plane slowed down, it's wind wasn't as irritating to the ears. Its powerful aura swept the air, showing the Quillandanian flag, and air force logo. It raised in altitude, circling the shorelines of one tropical island, while the water glittered and reflected like a new mirror. The plane raised its spoilers and dropped three ten-wheel armoured trucks from the sky before seven giant parachutes filled the air above each tank, making them look as light as feathers. The trucks slowly fell down onto the shallow waters around the island, with little waves splashing against the trucks. The plane sped up, sending one last scream through the skies. The trucks didn't seem too big or scary at all, until four armed guards left them. But both representatives looked shocked after they got out of the confronting vehicles. Samje got out of the last tank, shuddering.

Soundless talking within the representatives and their leader could be seen from afar, with only a little while later the guards coming. The four guards stood between the representatives and Emperor, gun in hand. Both the representatives wore a red tie, a white shirt, a black buttoned up jacket, with long, sand-coloured pants. While Qafillo had short, brown side parted hair, a black tie, a black fedora, a white shirt, black trench coat and black pants. The guards had a full set of radio transmitting devices around their belt. They wore a black t-shirt with the words "SECURITY" written in bold, white letters. Their pants were navy blue, and they wore sunglasses. They had a bullet proof vest on, and a hidden camera on the golden plate on the guards belt.

" Are you sure we should've done that sir? We could've used a helicopter. " Derek heaves said, with a perfectly straight face. He moved forward in big strides and looked Qafillo straight up with his blue eyes.
" I want them to know what my nation is about. " The Emperor said, his hair blowing in the wind.
" But sir, they can take us in one bite! " Joshua Walsh says. He has been studying them for months to look at everything about the other nations, and their threats.
" Yeah, but even if they do take us in one bite, then we be like a pufferfish, ruin them on the inside. " Samje says, with compassion.
" Okay sir... I don't really want to- ah screw it. "

After a long chat, the group of seven people marched along the walkways into the summit, not saying much now that they got there. " Hello, Samje speaki- you know whaat, Who cares... " He stood up, adjusting his windblown hat.
Welcome to Quillandania!

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We are a small nation with inhospitable, barren land. We take learning, and education very seriously.

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European Federal Union
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Postby European Federal Union » Wed Jan 22, 2025 1:56 am

Alexandro after leaving the WLR-300 didn’t wait long for his guards and neither for Jack to come follow him, he didn’t seem much patient and really willing to reach the summit rather sooner then late, but while nobody really dared to say anything one thing which finally forced him to slow down and allow the others to pick up was that the transport helicopter which would perform the final portion the trip from the airbase to the summit was taking quite longer then expected given a rather distracting incident involving a a screwdriver of poor structural integrity and some classic maintenance.

But it didn’t took much longer, and 15 minutes later then planned the aircraft was there picked them up and then departed again, now rushing forward something which Alexandro seemed to favor over a longer more comfortable flight and then again the opinion of the others didn’t really matter much at all. But a harsh landing later they finally reached it, as before Alexandro the first to shoot out of the bay and rush into the assembly hall, Jack following not very close behind him and the guards still trying to assemble their gear possibly not having noticed the people they were supposed to guard like animals already went ahead.

Entering the halls Alxandros eyes scanned throughout the entire hall, not much care for any of the ministers and neither much for the other participants but that only until he saw President Ian the very person which he searched for, in enough time to finally allow Jack to pick up with him once again as they together approached him.

”Ah, and so we finally see one another the phone calls have been quite pleasant I must say so i gladly took up on that opportunity to finally have a conversation with you face to face. So let us condense business Ian, exactly for what you talked about I even brought this guy next to me here, and I can ensure you he knows a lot and can tell you I’m being genuine and authentic.”

”Yes mr vice president..”
Credit for the flag goes to <3
(")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.

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Postby Yakena » Wed Jan 22, 2025 2:05 am

A m e n r i a wrote:snip

The guards dressed in their black ceremonial uniforms saw the incoming women approaching, and in respect manner both took away their armament, pointing the bolt action rifles downwards with the stock and upwards with the barrel's. Listening to her speak at first, one of the guards then came forward to answer the question while the other just stood there and waited.

”H Greetings Madame, welcome to the summit and yes you are at the right place. If you would just follow that pathway it will lead you to the designated assembly hall with all of the officials and other guests. Have a nice stay!”

Gonswanza wrote:snip

Heather, after spotting the Gonswanzan swiftly came forward to him, extending her hand while speaking up greeting him.

”Greetings, greetings Mr Valdez, Gonswanza might be far away from us, however the climate should be comfortably similar nonetheless. I am Hearther Schwarzkopf, acting minister of foreign affairs for the Republic of Yakena and it is a pleasure to greet you here in my home country. So, I hope you had a pleasant flight and we can start right off with business!”

Quillandania wrote:snip

A nearby airsurvailence base observed the incoming aircraft, at first as they believed it was heading torwards the airport they prepared it for landing, redirecting already incoming flights while preparing a radar vector for them to follow through however what they did next was….. quite obnoxious from the view of the base which then initially choose to contact the coastguard assuming they had some sort of complications. Those however after seeing that this was most likely planned withdrew again, just leaving them with a small surge force of first responders if they needed help at the end.

Help which they arguably didn’t seem to need, as soon enough other guards near the assembly area reported that they safely reached the location and that further actions where not needed, except for maybe some mental checks to whoever green lit such an act.

As they walked through the inner compound another group of guards approached them, however they only quickly directed them to the meeting hall, and provided a list of names and pictures for the different ministers and Yakenian participants who could be talked with once they entered.

European Federal Union wrote:snip

Ian extended his hand to Alexandro

“Greetings to you Alexandro, you don’t understand how much of a pleasure it is on my end to meet you like that. Well in recent times things have been quite, let’s say in some smaller regards we really expected more of your nation, specifically regarding the CSL however it is quite nice to see the second in charge and have him visit my dear nation.”

“I’d like to congratulate you to this position, however isn’t Sofia planning to visit us too, a dual delegation of you and her could have possibly been a stronger signal regarding the unity of our nations, not that you aren’t enough I’d gladly like to discuss the manners we talked about previously and lead them to a conclusion face to face!”

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Postby Gonswanza » Wed Jan 22, 2025 2:38 am

While one of the heavily armored security detail approached Heather, they were gently nudged aside by Francisco, who extended a hand to Hearther's, gently taking it as he smiled, his caramel skin evident of how familiar the tropics were, while his brown eyes hinted at a strongly Larino heritage.

Desoite the awkward interruption of the aircraft dropping off a delegate or two, he was charmed, shaking Hearther's hand before releasing her to respond to her inquiry.

"Indeed, we shall. The flight here was quite smooth, actually, with no difficulties upon landing. Let us hope that we can achieve peace and recognition in our time together, under these favorable circumstances."

Especially when the times seem so dire, so desperate and desolate. Yet, he soon waves off the detail, offering more room to breathe, as others soon arrive on their own terms by their own means.
Last edited by Gonswanza on Wed Jan 22, 2025 10:10 am, edited 2 times in total.
Praise our glorious leader Laura Ortiz!
Yea, I sell things. Lots of things. KTO Member!
[GNN] Check [hyperlink blocked] for further instructions or [frequency blocked]. /// Finland holds off Russian advance, Baltic sea turned into a "bathtub from hell". /// Strange signals from space, likely a dysfunctional probe /// New body armor rolling off the line, onto Gonswanzan soldiers /// Canada declares war against the US after a bloody coup. /// Japan deploys infantry to Korea, post-unification.

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New Harken
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Postby New Harken » Wed Jan 22, 2025 4:55 am

As the two of them began to exit the jet they were instantly greeted by waves of reporters and other spectators. Strogar waved to the people as he and Horik descended the stairs set for them and finally touched ground after hours in that cramped box with wings.

The two of them eventually made it through the constant reporters trying to ask them question after question, quickly disappearing into their armored car. If there's one thing the world needed to understand about New Harken, they took personal security very seriously. As the car made it's way to the meeting, the Vice president looked out the window of this beautiful country. He'd been so used to just sticking to his office back home it honestly surprised him when Krameer told him he was going.

"I still don't understand why we're taking part in all this" Said Horik trying to break the silence.

"Because the president is concerned that after all these recent events in Kostane, New Harken may not be...Shall we say have a good standing among the international community. So we're coming here in part to charm and show we're not a bunch of thugs like our old party days" Responded Strogar as he adjusted his party badge with the Eagle of New Harken square in the middle.

"Sirs we're just pulling up to the meeting now" Said their driver.

Quickly the armored car comes to a halt and the two men disembark and their personal Nova Guard climb out with them taking their potions as the two officials make their way in.

The two of them came to a brief halt outside the doors to the meeting to quickly sort their prestige white National Democratic uniforms. Stogar sorted his tie as he said "Well, here we go...And remember don't mess this up, over wise I'll have to tell the President your failure's personally, and you know what he thinks about that". Horik simply brushed that not so subtle threat off as they walked through the doors and into the hall As they began walking through the other guests.

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The Selkie
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Postby The Selkie » Wed Jan 22, 2025 10:00 am

Fiona Tarinait of the Tribe of Cork.
Aboard Spardrí Two.

It was good to be on the (metaphorical) road again.
Sure, as one of the two main business representatives of Silverport Dockyards Limited, I got around quite a bit – arms trade fairs, yacht fairs, industry fairs, negotiations, representation duties, the list went on for a while – all over the general area, but participation in diplomatic summits have become rare for us... at least as far as summits outside of our usual customers were concerned.
So, when I boarded Spardrí Two, one of the gigantic, amphibious transport planes that were the Monarcha M-103 Strategic Transport Aircraft in service with the SDF Flight Readiness, two days ago, it was with quite a bit of pleasant anticipation.
It was still there, mind you.
The M-103 was designed to transport quite a lot of cargo and dozens of people – in the military version. The three with the Flight Readiness had been modified to be more like luxury airliners with cargo capacity, with the cargo deck more then capable of accommodating the three armoured cars we would travel in, with small staterooms for the passengers and even showers.
Especially the latter had been necessary as we had been in the air for quite some time.
We even had to make stopovers for refuelling.
Nevertheless, the plane was a marvel of modern engineering.
I had perused Monarcha's Marketing Materials and there was certainly room to improve, but that was not my responsibility. Miss Uiroll was a big girl.
And I was certain, that she would also appreciate the sight, that got me whistling as I left my stateroom.
As we were approaching the airport, we got ready to disembark, got dressed nicely for the occasion and of course assembled in the plane's common room – which included our escorts. That was highly unusual for us, but like the armoured cars, it had been recommended by the host, mostly due to the ongoing civil war. And who were we to decline a friendly piece of advice?
Our Ambassadorial Mission of five people was accompanied by six soldiers of the SDF, three from the Army, three from the Navy. Major Seoirse Pairti of the Tribe of Cork was in command, nominally, of the other five, and the older officer looked quite well his blue Blue Dress, but the officer and gentleman was in his mid-thirties.
What got me whistling was the young man next to him, Leading Ensign Duncan Clár of the Tribe of Wexford. Sure, the Major certainly carried himself with more authority and more badges, but the young, blonde man was not only taller, his blue eyes had a steely look in them. He was still with the Army Academy (and would be detached from it for the University of Fortham for studies in Civil Engineering, seeing that he'd be an Engineer Officer), so his shoulders wasn't as hung as the older officer's, but with a decade less on his shoulders, the younger man still had time.
And he looked bloody good.
He knew that, smiled at me and gave me a small bow.
“Thank you, Miss Tarinait.”, he spoke with a small smile, “If I may say so, you look quite eye-catching as well.”
“You think so?”, I asked and did a little twirl.
Now, I was but a few centimeters shorter then him, with long, silver-white hair and blue eyes – and I wore Geansia in my Tribe's Colours. Now, when many foreigners think of us Selkie, they thought of our traditional attire, which was, indeed, the Geansai, and especially of the female version. It was like the Fistan Alshams for the Kyrenaians and Tracht for the Teressians in how iconic it was...
...and weirdly enough only in the female version.
And I had, at least as far as the Geansai was concerned, a rough idea as to why.
The female Geansai emphasized the figure quite a lot, starting with the Holder, which held the argumentation amplifiers (and usually for Selkie, there was a lot to hold). It was a wide strip of fur, held together at the back by a series of straps, which were hidden by the Sleeves.
These had a rather misleading name, mainly because it they only covered the upper arms, did not envelop the entire arm and had a cloak-like piece of fur covering the upper back and the straps holding the Holder where it needed to be. They, too, where held by leather straps, only that these were criss-crossing over the collarbone.
The stomach was, for most Geansais and mine included, free.
Down below came the Skirt, held up by the utility belt with small pouches filled with all sorts of useful things, like notepads, ballpens and similar. The skirt itself was cut to knee length on the right side and up to the hip on the left, with stockings covering my legs.
On my feet were the traditional shoes, called the Bróg, a sole of hard leather and bound to the foot by three straps. An additional strap around the ankle allowed for a cloth to be worn there, a bit like a boot's upper.
Of course, I wore Cork's Colours, the Colours of my Tribe, an orange Holder and orange Sleeves with a dark blue Skirt, white highlights pepping that one up a bit. The fur had once belonged to a Sea Weasel, making it soft and good fur.
The young man nodded. “Indeed, Ma'am.”
“Well, if that is the case...”, another man's voice came from the forward part of the plane, where another man came down from the cockpit. “...Major, if you don't mind, I'd like you to request for Leading Ensign Clár to be the escort of Miss Tarinait.”
“That was my thought as well, Mister Veidhlín.”, the older officer stated with a nod first at the other man, who was descending the stairs, and then at the younger man, “I am certain the lad will keep a very good eye on her.”
“Yes, Sir!”, the younger man confirmed and grinned at me, “Miss Tarinait, it will be my pleasure.”
I giggled. “It will be mine.”
“That being said, everyone...”, the man at the stairs said, “...we will touch down soon. Sit down and strap in, please.”
We all nodded, which gave me time to muster the third man of our ambassadorial mission: Its leader, Berkant Veidhlín of the Tribe of Kildare. An older man as well, approaching his mid-forties, but still quite good looking with his black hair and green eyes. He was married (and apparently, there was a child underway) and he had a sense of dress beyond the Geansai.
This was especially apparent today: Hair slicked back, he wore a white button-down shirt, braces, above which he wore a velvet vest and a black suit jacket, black pants and polished shoes included. He had serves as Ambassador of the Free Lands at the Qalat-al-Jabal in Kyrenaia, and the Kyrenaians put a lot of emphasis on formality.
He was the Ambassador of the Free Lands of our mission, the representative of the nation – unlike the Ambassador of the Selkie, the representative of the nation. Usually, that was a celebrity of the Free Lands, like one of our famous Marcach or a famous musician. For our group, that was Liliane Lile of the Tribe of Fermanagh, who was just exiting her room.
The blonde woman with the blue eyes was one of the best horsewomen currently in the league and quite a good fencer as well, both with the sword and with the spear.
She, too, wore Geansai, in Fermanagh's Red and Gold.
She smiled at her partner in diplomatic crime and nodded. “We'll land soon?”
It did not take long until we felt the jolt of the large amphibious plane meeting the ground wheels first again, and then taxied to a stop.
While we were taxiing, we were joined by the other members of the delegation and of our escorts.
Celina Cumann of the Tribe of Waterford, of course wearing her Tribe's Dark-Blue-Near-Black and Light Green, was the Representative of the Merchant Guild of Leuda. The MGoL was the closest thing to a foreign trade authority the Free Lands had, an interest representation of the Merchants in front of the Elder Council and a lot of other important functions. Whoever wanted to do trade with the Free Lands had to go past the Merchant Guild, no matter the ware and no matter the circumstances. When someone ordered a fleet with me today, the MGoL would have to get involved just as much as if they proposed a free trade treaty to Berkant.
The black-haired young woman with the blue eyes was also a merchant herself, one of the basic job qualifications she had, usually she traded in clothing and alcoholic beverages. It certainly helped, that she was quite the sturdy drinker herself.
Then there was Nolwenn Gluaisrothar of the Tribe of Wexford, who, as proper for her Lost Tribe, wore fish leather in the natural colours – the material had once belonged to a Pearled Sea Snake, the deep blue emphasizing her green eyes, while the material emphasized her... 'reserve buoyancy', shall we say. She was the heiress and representative of both Gabha Motorworks and Gabha Blacksmiths, selling motor vehicles (including the three armoured cars in the cargo hold) and weapons and other military equipment respectively.
She knew her way around a gun, had practised the sport of Sensha-Do and literally sometimes modelled for charity. She had more then enough skills with more civilian motor vehicles as well, being an avid motorcyclist.
And then there was of course the remaining escorts.
Leading Ensign Finnya Scrualláil of the Tribe of Fermanagh was a brunette young woman studying to become an officer of the Armoured Forces, an avid mechanic, who had talked shop with the plane's crew and Miss Gluaisrothar more then once and who apparently held her own quite well. She wore the appropriate Blue Dress.
There were also three women from the Navy, dressed in the anthracite uniforms of their service. Though here came the thing, the only fully-fledged officer among them, Lieutenant Siana Gualla of the Tribe of Cork, wore the Service Dress, while the other two wore the school uniforms of the Naval School, the black sailor uniforms with white highlights.
Lieutenant Gualla was technically a student, too, though of aviation, not of general officer things like the other two. She was training to be a combat pilot on the SDY-Greadtóir 15 Craiceáilte Attack-VTOL, which, as the name suggested, was a product of SDY.
A little craft, which had proven its mettle on numerous occasions in the not-so-distant past.
The two Ensigns were Leading Ensign Quinn Cúraim of the Tribe of Cork and Leading Ensign Felicia Sútalún of the Tribe of Fermanagh. Both were young women in their mid-twenties, with Quinny being a year younger.
That was about where their similarities ended, though.
Quinny was a bluenette with blue eyes and short hair – according to the pilots, she was born into the Navy as her Mother was a teacher at the Naval School. She was also Iris Stock, joining the Navy only after her Graduation from the Iris High School. She was also training to become a Craiceáilte-pilot, one day, after she graduated from Naval School.
The other student was Felicia, a red-haired, green-eyes woman, who wanted to join the Regiment of SDF-Navy Troopers, which was basically our marine corps. She had joined the Naval School as a Middle Schooler, first as a civilian, switched to the Cadet Track as a High Schooler and was now quickly on her way to becoming Major Pairti's favourite Navy Officer.
As we were assigned our bodyguards and cars, the plane finally came to a stop and the crew went about unloading and doing the other necessary steps.
The three green Utility Cars, Light, Model 2022 were mine-resistant ambush-protected vehicles, a.k.a. MRAPs, which we also sold as the Gabha Motorworks G 24 Búraló Liath Light Utility Vehicle. They didn't have the remote weapons stations, but they were reasonably well protected.
They wouldn't stop tank shells, but they would stop bullets.
The seats were comfortable, too.
Of course, Nolly did insist on driving one and the other two were also quickly filled with passengers and drivers.
The ride was uneventful, with Nolly taking the lead and driving politely. Maybe not in accordance to local road code all the time, but she didn't cause any accidents, which was always a good start.
The other two drivers followed her example.
The massive 350 horsepower engines of the utility vehicles were not left to roam freely, but maybe one could organize something on a local racetrack? If so, I would insist on Nolly taking me along for a spin.
Either way, the place reminded me a lot of the Oileánra-Archipelago.
A warm, tropical place, with a large and diverse flora and fauna. Natives and colonizers had created a unique heritage here, with one another and against one another, and the local dictatorship was embroiled in a civil war.
Which was why we had an SDF Escort.
Word of Naval Intelligence was, that the local government feared for its international standing and legitimacy. Yakena wanted, like any summit host, present itself as strong, powerful and capable. When we arrived at the location, it was obvious, that it was happening in a specially constructed building complex with a nice view of the landscape.
Wooden floored, open pavilions with tarps to protect against the rain and table islands in the main area, with more secluded pavilions away from those, but also other pavilions for refreshment and other functions. It reminded me a bit of the Tent City at the Wedding of Princess Aurelia about one and a half years ago.
We approached the big tent, after having gone through the proper security checks.
Our escorts were armed and so were we. Granted, we had daggers, they had guns, but the thought was the same. The cars were parked nicely and properly on the corresponding lot.
And thus, we entered the main tent.
The Escorts were flanking us or, in the case of Leading Ensign Clár and Leading Ensign Cúraim, having the arm linked with me and Berkant respectively. The former was a bit nervous, while the latter seemed to be more then fine – she had accompanied high-ranking officials a few times already, even met the Sultana of Kyrenaia (and apparently has gotten advice about men from the Old Dreadnought).
I gently put my hand on Duncan's and smiled at him.
It'd be alright.
Meanwhile, seeing that the local President was talking with someone else, Berkant got us in line. Who knew, maybe someone would strike up an interesting conversation while we waited?
I play PT, MT and a bit FT. I am into character-RPs.
My people are called the Selkie, the nation is usually called the Free Lands in MT-settings. Thanks.
ICly, I (usually) do not deal in RL History.

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Independent Republic of Boldonia
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Postby Independent Republic of Boldonia » Wed Jan 22, 2025 11:57 am

Getting out of Boldonia wasn't impossible, but it was more difficult than usual. Outbound flights had become severely limited, with nobody new flying in there was little interest in flying anyone out. Operation Homebound Feather, the international US-led effort to evacuate foreign citizens in Boldonia, had pretty much come to an end. Its participant airlines had returned much of their fleet to regular service, everyone who wanted to leave Boldonia had already left and everyone who wanted to stay or even travel into the wartime nation had settled in. Normally for a diplomat this wouldn't be a problem if their government would spare the resources to get them where they needed to go. For Robyn Yates, this was not a luxury the Boldonian government was willing to expend on her at this time. Diplomatic efforts were focused on Boldonia's allies, trying to secure just a little more aid, everything else had to make do with what was left.

In most situations like this Boldonia would turn to the Americans, whatever the Boldonians were unwilling to spend the Americans would spend ten times over. Unfortunately for Yates when the Americans heard about her task to attend the meeting in Yakena they declined to help, seeing it as nothing more than frivolous endeavor and a waste of time. "They don't even know what the hell they're going to talk about!" the American ambassador told Yates bluntly. It seemed the whole thing would have to be called off until someone outside took note and noticed an opportunity to regain relations with Boldonia.

The Republic of Korea and the Independent Republic of Boldonia oddly had little interest with one another, of course trade with the Koreans was a necessity given Samsung's grip on the tech market but that didn't come with any special favors between the two countries. Boldonia saw South Korea as nothing more than a more volatile Japan that the Americans had already taken up the responsibility of defending, and South Korea saw Boldonia as nothing more than a part of America in all but name. Still for the Koreans they desired positive relations with Boldonia, another western nation and UN seat that would take their side if they and the north ever went jead to head, something the Boldonians seemed unwilling to give on account of that conflict and its affects on the ROK as a whole. Thus the Republic of Korea reached out to the Boldonian Department of State, offering to fund Yates's travel and even act as Boldonia's official protecting power in the worst case that Yakena didn't forgive Boldonia.

Thus an agreement was met, and at Boldonia International Airport Robyn Yates boarded an empty Korean Air flight that would take her to Incheon, and from there through the web of global airlines and airports until she reached her destination. Wherever the Yakenans noted down official documentation and names for the meeting she would officially be designated "Chargé d'affaires / Republic of Korea Boldonian Interests Section, Yakena" a position which existed solely for this meeting, to be dissolved immediately afterwards.

On the ground she would have a chauffeur with a luxury sedan, hired by the Koreans, take her to the designated meeting point. Boldonian diplomats were typically more subtle than those of other nations, preferring bland attire and regular vehicles. However this time it was not a matter of preference but a matter of budget that necessitated the comparatively cheap transport compared to the other diplomats essentially rolling up with a convoy, the Koreans had offered up the money but they set a defined budget all expenses had to fall under.

Unlike the other diplomats Yates wasn't awed by the tropical nature of Yakena, she was Boldonian after all, this was just a regular Tuesday. This was reflected in her outfit, a black blazer, a white button up shirt, and black pants. She had arrived at her destination at the scheduled time, now all there was to do was wait for proceedings to begin.
A once stable western democracy...
...Now at war.
BNBS News: WAR IN BOLDONIA! Northern States Declare Conflict With Federal Government, State of Conflict Declared
F7ers, NO FACTBOOKS ARE CANON due to the civil war. Instead look at THIS FACTBOOK ONLY

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European Federal Union
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Founded: Sep 25, 2022
Father Knows Best State

Postby European Federal Union » Thu Jan 23, 2025 12:37 am

Yakena wrote:“I’d like to congratulate you to this position, however isn’t Sofia planning to visit us too, a dual delegation of you and her could have possibly been a stronger signal regarding the unity of our nations, not that you aren’t enough I’d gladly like to discuss the manners we talked about previously and lead them to a conclusion face to face!”

”Your congratulations are much appreciated, however regarding Sofia I honestly don’t really know she leaves the nation rarely and with rarely she basically hasn’t done so since she assumed her presidency. But nonetheless I don’t think we will need her much for the discussions, politically I can guarantee you what we agreed upon here will be ending up passing.”

“So regarding the phone call, you did mention a military reform and modernisation program to incorporate more organic heavy firepower into the reorganised units. How is the current state of your armed forces, and to which extents are your plans going?”
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Postby Aeyariss » Thu Jan 23, 2025 5:42 am

"Hello, there. Stephen King. At your service." the Aeyarissian introduced himself to the registration counter. He looked around, suddenly becoming too self conscious as he was in full formal suit - this was a gathering of diplomats and all the stuff that comes with it, was it not? This felt more like a hotel open lounge... with tourist who came to the tropics.

He came here with a mission; to stop a war that probably inevitable at this point. He looked up at the clear skies; and press his sunglasses.

I wonder if those bastards at SIS can see me right now? He thought to himself. Of course they were. Up in the low earth orbit, constellations of ISR satellites had been passing through the region every 45 minutes. Scanning the surface. Capturing images of target of interests. Maintaining persistence surveillance. Somewhere across the country; a gathering of regime forces is said preparing to launch a massive attacksagainst the League occupied territories. Aeyariss Empire had been monitoring the Yakena rebels for days now since the they broadcasted the threat... and now had secretly gathered on the other side of the CSL held territories. Poised for counter invasion.

This place is rather pretty. Too bad it's all going to be bombed pretty soon.
Last edited by Aeyariss on Thu Jan 23, 2025 5:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
The Wyvern Empire
This Nation is a Member of ||CSL||SIN||MCP||Imperion||SACTO||

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New Harken
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Founded: Jan 03, 2025
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Postby New Harken » Thu Jan 23, 2025 7:19 am

Strogar continued to wander the hall looking at each of the present guests with an almost judging glare to him. Eventually He'd walk over to Robyn Yates already intending to put on his best "New Harkish Charm" That President Krameer had always gone about whenever he felt like it.

"I take it your the Representative from Boldonia?" He said looking her over, her standard looking clothes bearing a very stark contrast to his prestige and carefully maintained white party uniform and insignia on him.

"A massive shame about all that's comeing out of your country as of late, Never a good thing these civil wars. Always leaves your country in a worse state no matter who wins. Just know that president Krameer sends his regards and to know that New Harken wishes to stand as a friend of Boldonia."

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Posts: 29
Founded: Mar 14, 2024
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Postby Yakena » Thu Jan 23, 2025 8:33 am

Gonswanza wrote:snip

Heather pulled down her sunglasses and smiled at the Gonswanzan before continuing the conversation.

“Glad to hear that, well some other airports are due to the lack of allocated funding not in particularly great position however atleast our capital airport which is sort of our window to the other world is took great care of!”

“Nice from you that you took such a long travel onto yourself, and it really shows us that Gonswanza could be a possible partner in future affairs, which as we are speaking right now is there any specific topic you’d like to discuss with me regarding foreign policy and affairs?”[/i]

European Federal Union wrote:snip

”Straight to the business, a true men of action”

Ian gave that small remark followed by a friendly smirk before catching back his breath and pushing the conversation.

“Well thanks to your nation and the other two allies we did manage to comftably increase the efficiency of our forces, unlike during the earlier days of the war now we did manage to conduct proper mobilisations and security background checks among our reserves. Now with several brigades and some reserve elements for rotations it is arguably looking much better then before, even if we are still fancing some severe bottlenecks. While your aid since has been much apprichiated, we do have severe shortages in transport capacity which currently forces us to decrease scopes and take greater risks during another counter offensive we planned for next month, so support on that end possibly via delivering some of or ordered helicopters earlier or sending stocks.”

Aeyariss wrote:snip

A relatively unknown and quite new delegate approached the Aeyarissian as he was focused on the skies, approaching him and speaking with a quite confused tone.

“It does seem like you do surely like a good spotting session or? Well, my name is Alex and I am part of the foreign relations committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. So what has brought your or rather your nation to us today, anything specific you’d like to discuss or are you just looking around?

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The Grand Republic Of Pshenyarichka
Posts: 23
Founded: Nov 20, 2024
Capitalist Paradise

Postby The Grand Republic Of Pshenyarichka » Thu Jan 23, 2025 8:57 am

Lord Andrei's brow was slick with perspiration, his barrel chest rising and falling in discomfort beneath his heavy fur collard coat, while his three travelling companions looked on with a mixture of smugness and mild pity. He was the only one among them who had never left Pshenyarichka, and no matter how many times the three others present tried to tell him that ceremonial dress suitable for the Lords Summit of the Grand Diet was not going to do him any favors so far down south, he refused to listen. "A gentlemen should appear as is becoming of his people," he said when Kirill Kalashnik, the chief diplomat, had questioned his clothing choices in the hotel.

"Well, no offense moyo boyar," Kirill had said, throwing in the old and largely antiquated honorific that Lord Andrei was so insistent upon despite how silly it made him look, "but I fear a wool great coat in the Rostrograd fashion will not only leave you uncomfortable, but any sweating you might do might make our hosts uncomfortable as well."

"When I want the opinions of some upstart peasant in a cheap tie I'll ask for them," Lord Andrei countered with a dismissive wave of his hand, fixing the rack of medals adorning his chest (not a single one of which was for any sort of gallantry, but only for civilian functions and the basic ones a man receives after finishing basic training.) Kirill put his hands up in the air with a huff, and went to the hotel lobby to meet with his fellows of the diplomatic party and the ten soldiers of the Armed Embassy Security Directorate who would transport them too and from this gathering. They had been hard to miss, ten tall, imposing men in black suits, the faint outline of bulletproof vests beneath dress shirts and the stocks of sub machine guns just barely hidden by their dark overcoats. Waiting with them was Lady Anastasia Petrova and Lieutenant Colonel Konstantin Volkov, who Kirill noted looked far more fit for a tropical dinner party in their long party dress and crisp dress uniform respectively. Much more sensible than their erstwhile ally in Lord Andrei, and all three chuckled when Kirill told them of the ostentatious frippery Lord Andrei was insistent upon wearing.

"Why is he even a part of this envoy," Volkov asked, and Lady Anastasia shrugged.

"He's the right hand of his majesty the Tsarevnich," Kirill explained. "Self centered, stuck in the past and generally insensitive, but I will admit he has a knack for statecraft. Hence why he is with us, he could sniff out weakness a mile away. Just keep him from engaging in any heady conversations before he refers to our fellow delegates with some unkind words for being ignorant peasants or the like."

And so it was that the four of them sat in their armored SUV, driven by agents of the Armed Embassy Security Directorate while they all looked on at Lord Andrei with withering glances. As they rode on the the AESD soldiers talked their ears off. He was the commander of the guards, and had served with distinction some years ago when a coup in a foreign country led to a multiple month long series of embassy sieges and fights in the capital of this land. Staff Sergeant Valentin Medvedev was his name, and from what Kirill remembered of him, he had emerged from that particular shit show showered head to foot in glory, and had done the circuit all over Pshenyarichka telling his story and flashing big pearly white smiles that made all the grandmas swoon seeing him in his handsome uniform.

Staff Sergeant Valentin and his men swung the SUV's around to the entrance of this particular gathering, and two of the black suited soldiers stepped from the lead vehicle with robot like precision, coming to them with fast, rock steady steps and pulling open the door to let all four of the delegates out.

"Well, good luck in there," Staff Sergeant Valentin said, slapping Kirill and Volkov on the back, "me and my boys will be around, watching after you four. And hey, try and get us some champagne would you?" Staff Sergeant Valentin laughed, his bright white teeth flashing, and left them in the care of the attending AESD guards and the Yakenian greeters.

The lead AESD guard produced a stack of credentials and handed them over to the greeter as Kirill and his three comrades stood waiting, introducing themselves as Mr Kirill Kalashnik, chief diplomat of the Grand Republic, Lord Andrei Morozov, mayor of Psiek and chief aid to the Abakumov family, Professor Lady Anastasia Petrova, doctor of Yakenian studies at Rostrograd University and Lieutenant Colonel Konstantin Volkov of the 15th Motorized Rifle Brigade, Eastern Command.

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Independent Republic of Boldonia
Posts: 1982
Founded: Mar 05, 2022
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Independent Republic of Boldonia » Thu Jan 23, 2025 11:18 am

New Harken wrote:

Robyn Yates: "From Boldonia would be an accurate description, yes. Robyn Yates, Chargé d'affaires, Republic of Korea Boldonian Interests Section, Yakena."

She held her hand out for a standard handshake, just going through the routine as normal, before continuing.

Robyn Yates: "I will clarify the Republic of Korea is acting as our protecting power, given that events on the mainland have shooken up a few things and that we have had a short yet, what's the word, non-neutral past with Yakena. Otherwise however I am fully representing the Independent Republic of Boldonia, with the needs of the four member states that form the Provisional Government of Boldonian Northern States in mind, and not representing the Republic of Korea in any way."

It was a mouthful, but diplomatic correspondences usually tended to be that way, anything to avoid directly stating the harsh truth or avoid answering a volatile question. She listened to Strogar speak before sharing her response.

Robyn Yates: "I'm sure the nation at large would appreciate your sentiments. Though if there were ever a civil war where complete destruction and decimation weren't a guarantee, Boldonia would be the one. I'm sure the news out of Filorose and Eastisle would tell you the opposite, but at least on the main island this is an odd case where both sides really don't want total war. If there's one thing you need to know about the Provisional Government of Boldonian Northern States, it's that they're moderates, they're not looking for anything drastic just a better seat at the preexisting table.

I highly suspect that the war on the main island won't end with provisional tanks rolling through Boldonia City or with federal boots in Halington, but rather one side just realizing it's not worth it to continue and accepting the other side so that we can both deal with Eastisle as a united country. I do expect some devastation yes, but I wouldn't say devastation on the levels that you might be imagining are exactly a guarantee.

But either way I'm sure your word of support means something to the country, even if we have received many many others from our allies."
A once stable western democracy...
...Now at war.
BNBS News: WAR IN BOLDONIA! Northern States Declare Conflict With Federal Government, State of Conflict Declared
F7ers, NO FACTBOOKS ARE CANON due to the civil war. Instead look at THIS FACTBOOK ONLY

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Posts: 5915
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Iron Fist Consumerists

Postby Gonswanza » Thu Jan 23, 2025 12:49 pm

Yakena wrote:
Gonswanza wrote:snip

Heather pulled down her sunglasses and smiled at the Gonswanzan before continuing the conversation.

“Glad to hear that, well some other airports are due to the lack of allocated funding not in particularly great position however atleast our capital airport which is sort of our window to the other world is took great care of!”

“Nice from you that you took such a long travel onto yourself, and it really shows us that Gonswanza could be a possible partner in future affairs, which as we are speaking right now is there any specific topic you’d like to discuss with me regarding foreign policy and affairs?”[/i]

European Federal Union wrote:snip

”Straight to the business, a true men of action”

Ian gave that small remark followed by a friendly smirk before catching back his breath and pushing the conversation.

“Well thanks to your nation and the other two allies we did manage to comftably increase the efficiency of our forces, unlike during the earlier days of the war now we did manage to conduct proper mobilisations and security background checks among our reserves. Now with several brigades and some reserve elements for rotations it is arguably looking much better then before, even if we are still fancing some severe bottlenecks. While your aid since has been much apprichiated, we do have severe shortages in transport capacity which currently forces us to decrease scopes and take greater risks during another counter offensive we planned for next month, so support on that end possibly via delivering some of or ordered helicopters earlier or sending stocks.”

Aeyariss wrote:snip

A relatively unknown and quite new delegate approached the Aeyarissian as he was focused on the skies, approaching him and speaking with a quite confused tone.

“It does seem like you do surely like a good spotting session or? Well, my name is Alex and I am part of the foreign relations committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. So what has brought your or rather your nation to us today, anything specific you’d like to discuss or are you just looking around?

"Well, besides recognition and possible trade deals, along with reconstruction efforts, I was hoping if perhaps you would be interested in a possible alliance with Gonswanza, maybe even joining the KTO, given how the CSL has wrongfully invaded your nation, and aims to continue their illegal occupation, undeterred by any threats against them, with how sluggish they are to react to outside threats in general."

Francisco kept his hopes up, though he did deliver an almost mocking opinion of the CSL that oddly aligned with reality.

"Not to mention, Yakena could benefit from Gonswanzan military hardware, such as the Lattoy class, acting as a light carrier for defending ships at sea, or acting as a base for a future carrier fleet. There's also so many other surplus hardware on sale, but to know what could be offered, Id have to know what you need, first, besides food, water, and medical supplies."
Praise our glorious leader Laura Ortiz!
Yea, I sell things. Lots of things. KTO Member!
[GNN] Check [hyperlink blocked] for further instructions or [frequency blocked]. /// Finland holds off Russian advance, Baltic sea turned into a "bathtub from hell". /// Strange signals from space, likely a dysfunctional probe /// New body armor rolling off the line, onto Gonswanzan soldiers /// Canada declares war against the US after a bloody coup. /// Japan deploys infantry to Korea, post-unification.

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New Harken
Posts: 60
Founded: Jan 03, 2025
Iron Fist Consumerists

Postby New Harken » Thu Jan 23, 2025 2:03 pm

Independent Republic of Boldonia wrote:
New Harken wrote:

Robyn Yates: "From Boldonia would be an accurate description, yes. Robyn Yates, Chargé d'affaires, Republic of Korea Boldonian Interests Section, Yakena."

She held her hand out for a standard handshake, just going through the routine as normal, before continuing.

Robyn Yates: "I will clarify the Republic of Korea is acting as our protecting power, given that events on the mainland have shooken up a few things and that we have had a short yet, what's the word, non-neutral past with Yakena. Otherwise however I am fully representing the Independent Republic of Boldonia, with the needs of the four member states that form the Provisional Government of Boldonian Northern States in mind, and not representing the Republic of Korea in any way."

It was a mouthful, but diplomatic correspondences usually tended to be that way, anything to avoid directly stating the harsh truth or avoid answering a volatile question. She listened to Strogar speak before sharing her response.

Robyn Yates: "I'm sure the nation at large would appreciate your sentiments. Though if there were ever a civil war where complete destruction and decimation weren't a guarantee, Boldonia would be the one. I'm sure the news out of Filorose and Eastisle would tell you the opposite, but at least on the main island this is an odd case where both sides really don't want total war. If there's one thing you need to know about the Provisional Government of Boldonian Northern States, it's that they're moderates, they're not looking for anything drastic just a better seat at the preexisting table.

I highly suspect that the war on the main island won't end with provisional tanks rolling through Boldonia City or with federal boots in Halington, but rather one side just realizing it's not worth it to continue and accepting the other side so that we can both deal with Eastisle as a united country. I do expect some devastation yes, but I wouldn't say devastation on the levels that you might be imagining are exactly a guarantee.

But either way I'm sure your word of support means something to the country, even if we have received many many others from our allies."

Strogar chuckled to himself as he began to chew from a tin of small biscuits that he always brought with him, no matter where he went.

"Obviously the whole world's different and situations are all unique but... If you have a advantage over an opponent, you take it. Why waste time with needless dialogue when you can easily crush your enemies when their at your mercy. See that's what makes National Democracy such a power of an ideology, it allows you to engage in diplomacy when needed such as now, but it allows one to destroy his enemy with no sense of mercy." His words were beginning to sound more and more like a very unsubtle brag as he continued to chew away at his biscuits barely stopping to chew as he continued.

"See back in New Harken before President Krameer came to power we were ran by a ineffective, corrupt government that threatened to take all that it meant to be Harkish away from us. But we didn't surrender, we took to the streets and under the visionary that is Viktor Krameer we're becoming a force to be reckoned with...All of it under the strength of National Democracy. But the point I'm getting at with this whole little tirade of mine is that just like if your nation would take a page from our book, this little civil war of yours would be over in a fortnight."

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Civil Servant
Posts: 7
Founded: Jan 18, 2025
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Quillandania » Fri Jan 24, 2025 4:13 am

Samje turned his fedora slightly sideways, showing another half of his face, with his ears pointed backwards, eyebrows arched friendlily but not weakly.

"Our concerns over clean water have risen higher than the water usage itself. We have one small river that goes over the mountains, down a waterfall, and into little creeks where ducks and other wildlife live. We can harness little bits of this water, but it is crucial, due to the current condition of the land. It hasn't rained more than 3 millimetres in four months, and most days are just cloudless. Mainly, we think to try and separate the NaClH2O compound into Sodium Chloride and a water molecule. This pretty much takes out the salt, so we have clean water..." Joshua Walsh exclaimed. "I'm the president of a tech company, why am I speaking?" he whispered, his hands slightly forward in stress.
"I will speak if you want me to." Samje requested. "We are also thinking of running this clean water into the city and giving it out. Using advanced wells, we can give people the water and provide through housing. I think this is a good use, so we don't have to rely on rainwater, and need to trade with other nations for salt.

"I'm honestly proud of my nation. This idea might not be implemented for a little while though, so for now, lets just hope for a brighter future." Samje finished off. "I also think we could trade salt..."

Derek Heaves opened his mouth. "We also have a stock of uranium, so you might be able to use them for WMD's or power plants, so uhh-- yeah. As told by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, and the Secretary of Treasury, we need building supplies, like concrete and steel. "

Samje smiled, then looked up to have a blank face. "Good job." he whispered.
Welcome to Quillandania!

Code: Select all
We are a small nation with inhospitable, barren land. We take learning, and education very seriously.

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Independent Republic of Boldonia
Posts: 1982
Founded: Mar 05, 2022
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Independent Republic of Boldonia » Fri Jan 24, 2025 11:51 am

New Harken wrote:

Yates's face made a few twitches as Strogar began to ramble, not necessarily afraid of him but just weirded out, trying to hide it.

Robyn Yates: "Look while I am sure some people in the Congress of the Independent Republic of Boldonia may share your sentiments to an extent, every nation is different with different needs and limitations. We are a federal republic, and while the four states that make up the Provisional Government of Boldonian Northern States may be at war with the five southern states, they are still our states, they even declare themselves so. Rolling over them with the brutality you seem to be implying simply won't work, we'd just turn more than half the country against the government in an instant.

You are supposedly a diplomat, you should know that sometimes restrained approach is better in the long term. Your statement of support will be noted for the documentation, but otherwise unless there is any actually important business to discuss I am going to move on. There are bigger fish in this pond I need to talk with."
A once stable western democracy...
...Now at war.
BNBS News: WAR IN BOLDONIA! Northern States Declare Conflict With Federal Government, State of Conflict Declared
F7ers, NO FACTBOOKS ARE CANON due to the civil war. Instead look at THIS FACTBOOK ONLY

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European Federal Union
Posts: 6345
Founded: Sep 25, 2022
Father Knows Best State

Postby European Federal Union » Fri Jan 24, 2025 2:13 pm

Yakena wrote:
“Well thanks to your nation and the other two allies we did manage to comftably increase the efficiency of our forces, unlike during the earlier days of the war now we did manage to conduct proper mobilisations and security background checks among our reserves. Now with several brigades and some reserve elements for rotations it is arguably looking much better then before, even if we are still fancing some severe bottlenecks. While your aid since has been much apprichiated, we do have severe shortages in transport capacity which currently forces us to decrease scopes and take greater risks during another counter offensive we planned for next month, so support on that end possibly via delivering some of or ordered helicopters earlier or sending stocks.”

Alexandro listened carefully focusing on Ian’s words, he cleared his throat adjusted his tie and then opened his mouth, just to shortly afterwards tap onto Jack beside him to have him take over the for time being.

”Uhm, sure sir! So currently based on your previous orders we could be possibly deliver another 6 NH-90s by the end of the month, while a further two could be added if we get a little bit more time to adjust the assembly line which would be following a general uptick.”

Further it would be possible to secure another 10 from EAF and allied rotor aviation forces, however the major issue there being this domestic stock would either need approval via the two houses or a pass through via the presidential drawdown the second of which however should be reserved as a flexible mean since it’s quite early this year and there could possibly still be developments which unfold and require emediate reaction.”

Jack adjusted his glasses while pulling out a book and working of its notes.

”Yakenas assistance in this matter could be allowing for around 18 to be delivered as soon as early next month and then directly in combat readiness, however we would need your assistance to find some sort of majority in the Senate. A smaller billion dollar investment in key states like Spain and Italy should secure said majority and a continued flow of aid even when it comes to more complex support, while the former could possibly be swaded via infrastructure however the secon would still stand quite meh.”
Credit for the flag goes to <3
(")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.

For off site commuinications Discord: sirvonghost

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New Harken
Posts: 60
Founded: Jan 03, 2025
Iron Fist Consumerists

Postby New Harken » Sat Jan 25, 2025 5:49 pm

Independent Republic of Boldonia wrote:
New Harken wrote:

Yates's face made a few twitches as Strogar began to ramble, not necessarily afraid of him but just weirded out, trying to hide it.

Robyn Yates: "Look while I am sure some people in the Congress of the Independent Republic of Boldonia may share your sentiments to an extent, every nation is different with different needs and limitations. We are a federal republic, and while the four states that make up the Provisional Government of Boldonian Northern States may be at war with the five southern states, they are still our states, they even declare themselves so. Rolling over them with the brutality you seem to be implying simply won't work, we'd just turn more than half the country against the government in an instant.

You are supposedly a diplomat, you should know that sometimes restrained approach is better in the long term. Your statement of support will be noted for the documentation, but otherwise unless there is any actually important business to discuss I am going to move on. There are bigger fish in this pond I need to talk with."

Strogar chuckled a bit to himself, even being civil enough to ignore that slight passing comment on New Harken’s significance in the international stage.

“Yes, Yes I know you have other things to do, beside I have a foreigne affairs minister to find, it seems he’s decided to vanish, here’s hoping he doesn’t go local hah!”. He laughed so hard all of a sudden some crumbs flys out of his mouth, he’d wipe any crumb that dare land on his uniform. Showing just how much he takes so much time just to make his uniform prestigne.

He’d walk off shifting though the guests as he went to search for his companion.


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