[DRAFT] Repeal 87: Meteorological Cooperation

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Grandma EK
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[DRAFT] Repeal 87: Meteorological Cooperation

Postby Grandma EK » Mon Jan 20, 2025 8:40 pm

The World Assembly,

Acknowledging that cooperative meteorological research and data sharing is useful, yet recognize that individual countries are interested in particular weather data, with varied and particular needs and priorities.

Considering that although information on meteorology may be useful, to impose on countries a uniform system, even through an agency such as the International Meteorological Organisation (IMO) may not be the ideal solution for everyone,

Worried that the "WA Scientific Program (WASP)" puts unnecessary burdens on certain countries, particularly smaller or less wealthy ones, and potentially violates the sovereignty of their countries by impinging on their control of how they disclose valuable information for example sharing sensitive weather information or controlling their own weather service organizations, respectively, etc.

Especially worried that the imposition of very tight obligations on countries may restrict freedom of action, involve the use of less expert knowledge in national meteorological services, and lead to less effective provision, etc.

Repeating that states are entitled to develop their own meteorological systems and decide with whom to cooperate on weather issues and at what times to coordinate those actions, etc.

Hereby repeals "WA Scientific Programme (WASP)", in toto, abolishing the compulsory requirement of Member countries to work together through a central unit specifically for meteorological data gathering and research.

Acknowledges that it should be a matter for each individual country itself to decide whom and to what extent they will share meteorological data, particularly where national security or sovereignty issues are at stake.

Promote voluntary international cooperation between countries in meteorological research, where appropriate, without it being necessary to impose binding international mandates.

Challenges that countries should be fully in a position to build and operate their meteorological services, which are tailored to their local requirements, rather than to universal ones imposed by international one-size-fits-all models.

Respects the choices of countries to prioritize building up their own local and regional weather organizations and pursue partnership on reciprocity and commonality rather than through coercive proposals.
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Postby Tinhampton » Mon Jan 20, 2025 8:43 pm

I saw this in the sidebar and thought you were trying to "Repeal 87: Mulholland Drive." RIP David Lynch.

Your resolution can only repeal another resolution. It cannot completely destroy a committee nor can it try and change the World Assembly's practices.
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Grandma EK
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Postby Grandma EK » Mon Jan 20, 2025 8:47 pm

Tinhampton wrote:I saw this in the sidebar and thought you were trying to "Repeal 87: Mulholland Drive." RIP David Lynch.

Your resolution can only repeal another resolution. It cannot completely destroy a committee nor can it try and change the World Assembly's practices.

This is specifically about the IMO which is part of the resolution
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The Overmind
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Postby The Overmind » Mon Jan 20, 2025 9:20 pm

You can't repeal a committee.

Beyond that, I cannot support this based on its arguments. I am not convinced the target creates an especial burden on member nations, and many of these arguments are reiterations of national sovereignty concerns, which, on their own, do not, in my opinion, justify a repeal, particularly of something that imposes very little on the legal systems of member nations.
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Simone Republic
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Postby Simone Republic » Tue Jan 21, 2025 1:29 am


I think cooperating on observing the weather (given national sovereignty concerns over sending balloons into other people's airspace) and the need for accurate forecasts for faraway, large scale weather events (hurricanes/typhoons, El Nino, etc), this is actually one of the few resolutions where the Natsov crowd is going to have trouble passing without a replacement.

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