[DRAFT] Commend Haymarket Riot

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[DRAFT] Commend Haymarket Riot

Postby Belleroph » Mon Jan 20, 2025 1:28 pm

A Commendation of Haymarket Riot

Character Count is 4908

Co-authors: Emiline, Bisofeyr

The Security Council,

Acknowledging that both extraordinary contributions to established communities and extensive service to the wider international world are broadly commendable traits, our attention is piqued by the actions of Haymarket Riot; a nation with many proxies whose deeds have often gone unrecognized in the shadows of others,

Recalling Haymarket Riot’s role as an architect of the Augustin Alliance, contributing greatly to the region of Conch Kingdom as Gibraltarica, twice spending time as its Minister of Foreign Affairs, once in 2018 and again in 2021, and to Narnia as Digory Kirke, being that region’s founder and first Delegate, giving them the distinction of being the only nation other than August and Emiline to found a core member region of the Augustin Alliance,

Applauding their work in the reestablishment of the Alliance in May 2018, present in talks preceding its reorganization and taking the role of Media Officer on the first Central Strategic Committee, this position playing a key part in the administration of the alliance as a whole, second to only the Allied Commander in authority at the time,

Conscious of Haymarket Riot’s work in Anteria as Polder Eiland, being elected Director of Media and successfully establishing and running the region’s newspaper, the Three Star Tribune, as well as revitalizing recruitment, overseeing an influx of interest in the region which saw Anteria surpass 380 resident nations, and later rising to the position of Prime Director of Anteria, further helping to cement the legacy of the region began by Emiline,

Extolling their ascension to Mayor and Delegate of Ridgefield in May 2024, in which Haymarket Riot oversaw a revitalization of the region, doubling the number of World Assembly Endorsements on the Delegate up to a new peak of 80, as well as authoring and implementing the World Assembly Development Act, which saw the region transformed into a vibrant place for World Assembly discourse, seen in action with the opening of a new channel for Ridgefield nations to discuss WA affairs in detail, as well as the implementation of the running dispatch series “Next Week in the World Assembly” under their watch, which takes an in depth look at bills entering the voting floor each week,

Praising Haymarket Riot’s work in their role of Diplomatic Officer of the Augustin Alliance, executing an elevation of the Alliance on the global stage by establishing new treaties between the Alliance and a variety of storied regions such as The League, The Pacific, and Lone Wolves United, as well as recognizing and publicizing the deeds and efforts of prominent Alliance members, as seen in the authoring of SC 527 Commend Socialist Platypus,

Admiring Haymarket Riot’s work in the General Assembly, where their President has taken the time to consistently provide high-quality feedback, and developed a delegation willing to take on complex topics of global importance in order to ensure proper governance on keystone issues, particularly through:
  • GA 742 “Improving Safety in Deep Learning Development”, instituting regulations surrounding social inequities often exacerbated by deep learning systems, and ensuring safety is a priority in deep learning research and development, and
  • GA 748 “Regulating Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substance”, which provides critical guidance on the handling of long-lasting chemicals, prioritizing health, safety, and environmental sustainability over traditional industrial interests,

Further highlighting Haymarket Riot's contributions to World Assembly Resolution authorship; acting as a guiding hand to their fellow citizens in Ridgefield such as Lanias and Kay Pacha, authors which both published their first proposals under the wise tutelage of Haymarket Riot, as well as outside the region with a plethora of prospective authors inspired in part by Haymarket Riot’s presence and mentorship across a wide variety of drafting spaces to engage with the revered body that is the World Assembly,

Appreciating their work within The North Pacific, their ascension to the role of Minister of World Assembly Affairs marking a turning point within the region, with overall WA activity increasing and with The North Pacific greatly influencing the overall direction of the General Assembly, with their promotion of a more austere approach to legislation; targeting ineffective and unnecessary pieces of legislation with repeals serving to alleviate and liberate beleaguered governments across the WA,

Convinced that the myriad of contributions of Haymarket Riot have been obscured by proxies and the shadows of history for far too long and that their mark left on the world deserves proper recognition,

Hereby Commends [nation=long]Haymarket Riot[/nation]

The Security Council,

Acknowledging that extraordinary contributions to established communities, as well as extensive service to the wider international world, are broadly commendable traits, our attention is piqued by the actions of Haymarket Riot, a nation with many proxies whose deeds have often gone unrecognized in the shadows of others,

Recalling their role as an architect of the Augustin Alliance, contributing greatly to the region of Conch Kingdom as Gibraltarica, twice spending time as its Minister of Foreign Affairs, once in 2018 and again in 2021, and to Narnia as Digory Kirke, being that region’s founder and first Delegate, giving them the distinction of being the only nation other than August and Emiline to found a region in the Augustin Alliance.

Applauding their work in the re-establishment of the Alliance in May 2018, present in talks preceding its reorganization and taking the role of Media Officer on the first Central Strategic Committee, this position playing a key part in the administration of the alliance as a whole, second to only the Allied Commander in authority at the time,

Conscious of their work in Anteria as Polder Eiland, being elected Director of Media and successfully establishing and running the region’s newspaper, the Three Star Tribune as well as revitalizing recruitment, overseeing an influx of interest in the region which saw Anteria surpass 380 nations in the region, and later rising to the position of Prime Director of Anteria, further helping to cement the legacy of the region began by Emiline,

Extolling their ascension to Mayor and Delegate of Ridgefield in May of 2024, in which Haymarket Riot oversaw a revitalization of the region, doubling the number of World Assembly Endorsements on the Delegate, up to a new peak of 80, as well as authoring and implementing the World Assembly Development Act, which saw the region transformed into a vibrant place for World Assembly discourse, seen in action with the opening of a new channel for Ridgefield nations to discuss WA affairs in detail, as well as the implementation of the running dispatch series “Next Week in the World Assembly” under their watch, which takes an in depth look at bills entering the voting floor each week,

Praising their work in their role of Diplomatic Officer of the Augustin Alliance, executing an elevation of the Alliance on the global stage by establishing new treaties between the Alliance and a variety of storied regions such as The League, the New Pacific Order, and Lone Wolves United, as well as recognizing and publicizing the deeds and efforts of prominent Alliance members, as seen in the authoring of SC 527, Commend Socialist Platypus.

Admiring Haymarket Riot’s work in the General Assembly, where their President has taken the time to consistently provide high-quality feedback, and developed a delegation willing to take on complex topics of global importance in order to ensure proper governance on keystone issues, particularly through:
  • GA 742 “Improving Safety in Deep Learning Development”, instituting regulations surrounding social inequities often exacerbated by deep learning systems, and ensuring safety is a priority in deep learning research and development, and
  • GA 748 “Regulating Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substance”, which provides critical guidance on the handling of long-lasting chemicals, prioritizing health, safety, and environmental sustainability over traditional industrial interests,

Further highlighting that Haymarket Riot has been critical in assisting World Assembly Resolution authorship; an influential guiding hand to their fellow citizens in Ridgefield such as Lanias and Kay Pacha, authors who both published their first proposal under the wise tutelage of Haymarket Riot, as well as others outside the region, inspired in part by Haymarket Riot’s presence and mentorship across a wide variety of drafting spaces, encouraging more than a few aspiring new authors to engage with the revered body that is the World Assembly,

Appreciating their work within The North Pacific, their ascension to the role of Minister of World Assembly Affairs marking a turning point within the region, with overall WA activity increasing and with TNP greatly influencing the overall direction of the General Assembly, with their promotion of a more austere approach to legislation; targeting ineffective and unnecessary pieces of legislation with repeals serving to alleviate and liberate beleaguered governments across the WA,

Convinced that the myriad of contributions of Haymarket Riot have been obscured by proxies and the shadows of history for far too long and that their mark left on the world deserves proper recognition,

Hereby Commends [nation=long]Haymarket Riot[/nation]
Last edited by Belleroph on Sat Jan 25, 2025 12:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Tinhampton » Mon Jan 20, 2025 1:38 pm

HR is the deservingest nominee in the world right now. Ergo, support.

I may have more nitpicky feedback later, but here are the ones I have for starters:

- Your clauses should either end all with commas or all with full stops, not a mishmash.
- ACKNOWLEDGING should probably begin by reading "Acknowledging that while..."
- "...which saw Anteria surpass 380 nations in the region" is unnecessarily wordy, because Anteria is a region.
- Based on the data we have, it would be more accurate (and impressive) to say that the endocount on Ridgefield's Mayor tripled, rather than doubled.
- The New Pacific Order is not a region, as you assert it to be in PRAISING. It is the government of The Pacific.
- "authors who" in FURTHER HIGHLIGHTING is either outright illegal, for depicting these nations as if they were people (which is not allowed), or it gets pretty damn close to it (because "who" is considered to be legal but frowned on at best).
The Self-Administrative City of TINHAMPTON (pop. 329,537): Saffron Howard, Mayor (UCP); Lydia Anderson, WA Delegate-Ambassador

Authorships & co-authorships: SC#250, SC#251, Issue #1115, SC#267, GA#484, GA#491, GA#533, GA#540, GA#549, SC#356, GA#559, GA#562, GA#567, GA#578, SC#374, GA#582, SC#375, GA#589, GA#590, SC#382, SC#385, GA#597, GA#607, SC#415, GA#647, GA#656, GA#664, GA#671, GA#674, GA#675, GA#677, GA#680, Issue #1580, GA#682, GA#683, GA#684, GA#692, GA#693, GA#715, GA#757, GA#763
The rest of my CV: Cup of Harmony 73 champions; Philosopher-Queen of Sophia; fifth-most-prolific WA author of all time; proclaimer of WZTC's move to Palmetto
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Postby Dilber » Mon Jan 20, 2025 1:39 pm

Haymarket Riot is a strong candidate and this has my full support.

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Postby Rhaza » Mon Jan 20, 2025 1:41 pm

Tinhampton wrote:- "authors who" in FURTHER HIGHLIGHTING is either outright illegal, for depicting these nations as if they were people (which is not allowed), or it gets pretty damn close to it (because "who" is considered to be legal but frowned on at best).

I vehemently disagree on this count, and hope that if Belleroph requests a legality ruling this is ruled legal. An institution (which a nation/delegation is) can author (and subsequently publish/sponsor) something.
Last edited by Rhaza on Mon Jan 20, 2025 1:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Fachumonn » Mon Jan 20, 2025 1:53 pm

Full support, despite not always agreeing I will be the first one to tell you Jinkies is incredibly deserving! Hopefully I can get back with some substance later :)
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Postby Pathonia » Mon Jan 20, 2025 1:55 pm

Haymarket is a very deserving nominee for a commendation, I quite support this <3
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Earthly Cossack
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Postby Earthly Cossack » Mon Jan 20, 2025 2:09 pm

Support. I hope to drop some comments and feedback later today.
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Postby Elyreia » Mon Jan 20, 2025 2:10 pm

Unabashed and unconditional support for a pillar of many communities getting their due recognition.
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The Greater Solev Union
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Postby The Greater Solev Union » Mon Jan 20, 2025 2:13 pm

Approve without Hesitation.
I am a Mixed Transgender Woman of German, African, Dutch, and (potentially, not sure whether my Great-Grandfather was Jewish by ethnicity yet) Jewish/Israeli Heritage. I live in Germany and am a Progressive Conservative who (controversially) supports the US and Israel. My Nation REFLECTS my Ideological Beliefs, including the right to Welfare, Free Speech, and the right to support States that fight Dictatorships. If you don't like what I have to say, deal with it, hun.

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Revived Unclear
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Postby Revived Unclear » Mon Jan 20, 2025 2:14 pm

In a deluge of horribly written resolutions of non deserving nominees, this one stands out as being very well written and having a deserving nominee, approve without hesitation
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Postby Ostlantis » Mon Jan 20, 2025 2:34 pm

A very deserving candidate :D
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Postby The Ice States » Mon Jan 20, 2025 2:36 pm

Support as written.

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Postby Sernet » Mon Jan 20, 2025 2:37 pm

Haymarket riot seems like a nice person so ig why not
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Postby National Coraland of Fishery » Mon Jan 20, 2025 8:53 pm

Commended Speedrun Any%
Last edited by National Coraland of Fishery on Mon Jan 20, 2025 8:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Walkabout » Mon Jan 20, 2025 9:30 pm

I look forward to voting in favor of this.
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Bhang Bhang Duc
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Postby Bhang Bhang Duc » Tue Jan 21, 2025 2:40 am

Nicely written, well researched and an excellent nominee. What’s not to like?

I may have comments later, but this first draft looks pretty good.
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Pierconium wrote:I see Funk as an opportunistic manipulator that utilises the means available to him to reach his goals. In other words, a nation after my own heart.

RiderSyl wrote:If an enchantress made it so one raid could bring about world peace, Unibot would ask raiders to just sign a petition instead.

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Of The Revived Soviet Union
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Postby Of The Revived Soviet Union » Tue Jan 21, 2025 2:47 am

Support. Good proposal, well-written, very good nominee.
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General TN
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Postby General TN » Tue Jan 21, 2025 7:12 am

(Please ignore my nation switching, WA ambassadors had a meeting and designated this as my WA nation)
The Security Council,

Acknowledging that extraordinary contributions to established communities, as well as extensive service to the wider international world, are broadly commendable traits, as such our attention is piqued by the actions of Haymarket Riot, a nation with many proxies whose deeds have often gone unrecognized in the shadows of others,

I find the transition from "traits" to "our" to feel a bit janky as it goes from explaining broadly on what is commendable to Riot and an appropriate set of transition word(s) would make it more unitary. I suggested "as such" but I'm sure there are better alternatives for that to get the right point across, so if you find one better than my suggestion feel free to use it.
Recalling their Haymarket Riot's role as an architect of the Augustin Alliance, contributing greatly to the region of Conch Kingdom as Gibraltarica, twice spending time as its Minister of Foreign Affairs, once in 2018 and again in 2021, and to Narnia as Digory Kirke, being that the region’s founder and first Delegate, giving them the distinction of being the only nation other than August and Emiline to found a region in the Augustin Alliance.

I felt you could place Riot's nation name here instead of there, but this is not a major critique I have to make so consider it a suggestion.
As I read this, "that region" could be trying to specify something already specified in the line before it and could simply make it "the region".

My last comment is the use of "The North Pacific" and then "TNP". Usually a resolution establishes the abbreviation (As seen by my first option here) and then use it instead of the long name. Another option is to not use the abbreviation as it only appears once after the initial and just spell out "The North Pacific" (Second option).
Appreciating their work within The North Pacific (TNP), their ascension to the role of Minister of World Assembly Affairs marking a turning point within the region, with overall WA activity increasing and with TNP greatly influencing the overall direction of the General Assembly, with their promotion of a more austere approach to legislation; targeting ineffective and unnecessary pieces of legislation with repeals serving to alleviate and liberate beleaguered governments across the WA,

Appreciating their work within The North Pacific, their ascension to the role of Minister of World Assembly Affairs marking a turning point within the region, with overall WA activity increasing and with TNP The North Pacific greatly influencing the overall direction of the General Assembly, with their promotion of a more austere approach to legislation; targeting ineffective and unnecessary pieces of legislation with repeals serving to alleviate and liberate beleaguered governments across the WA,

Since I am not as well versed in all their accomplishments I will leave that critique to others and simply present these rather minor ones I could find. Otherwise I personally am in full support of it as written and wish good luck to Riot.
A capitalist hellhole run by an unearthly obese being referred to as TN that finds pleasure in devouring the less fortunate
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Postby Adkissa » Tue Jan 21, 2025 12:38 pm

I'll be piling on this. Can't wait!
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Postby Hyperwolf » Wed Jan 22, 2025 1:41 am

Very nice draft, just a few minor recommendations below regarding grammar

Belleroph wrote:Applauding their work in the re-establishment

remove the hyphen
re-establishment --> reestablishment

Belleroph wrote:running the region’s newspaper, the Three Star Tribune as well as revitalizing recruitment,

change to "newspaper, the Three Star Tribune, as well"

Belleroph wrote:doubling the number of World Assembly Endorsements on the Delegate, up to a new peak of 80

remove the comma "doubling the number of World Assembly Endorsements on the Delegate up to a new peak of 80"
Last edited by Hyperwolf on Wed Jan 22, 2025 1:44 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby 0cala » Wed Jan 22, 2025 3:10 pm

Full Support.
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The Sea of Shadows
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Postby The Sea of Shadows » Wed Jan 22, 2025 4:12 pm

Gladly support
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Simone Republic
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Postby Simone Republic » Wed Jan 22, 2025 5:07 pm

Support Jinkies as a nominee. I am not a good C&C writer, so I won't comment on the text.

I would feel though that the part on her WA resolutions are a bit long since you're hitting 4,900 characters already, and you can't mention her work as a GenSec anyway.

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Postby Moduland » Thu Jan 23, 2025 12:15 pm


A bright white deer with long red horns approaches, "My goodness! What an amazing target for commendation. Full support when it gets to a vote. We haven't been super involved in Security Council affairs lately, but our team is learning! Our team's only comment is more of a minor suggestion, just to either consistently tag regions or don't in the body of the text. Either way is fine, but with some tagged and others not, it's slightly inconsistent. Otherwise, it all looks amazing!!"

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Postby Belleroph » Sat Jan 25, 2025 12:59 pm

Thank you all for your feedback, I quite appreciate it; I've gone through all of it provided so far and implemented a lot of it into the new draft on the initial post. This new draft is marginally shorter, now only 4908 characters.

Below I wanted to address a few of the more pertinant pieces of feedback I recieved.

Tinhampton wrote:- "authors who" in FURTHER HIGHLIGHTING is either outright illegal, for depicting these nations as if they were people (which is not allowed), or it gets pretty damn close to it (because "who" is considered to be legal but frowned on at best).

I decided to ultimately change this from "authors who" to "authors which", which I feel should satisfy the rules as they are stated. "Author" I believe should be fine, as it doesn't in it of itself imply personhood.

Tinhampton wrote:- ACKNOWLEDGING should probably begin by reading "Acknowledging that while..."

General TN wrote:I find the transition from "traits" to "our" to feel a bit janky as it goes from explaining broadly on what is commendable to Riot and an appropriate set of transition word(s) would make it more unitary. I suggested "as such" but I'm sure there are better alternatives for that to get the right point across, so if you find one better than my suggestion feel free to use it.

I had felt as though the first clause was a bit awkward sounding after this feedback and with a few re-reads of it, I ultimately didn't take either piece of feedback provided here but I did do some small revisions to that paragraph that I feel should resoolve the janky feeling that was there before.

Additionally, while I didn't recieve much feedback here on it, I did rework the clause "Further highlighting" to read a bit better.

Please feel free to leave any additional feedback here if you have it!
Senator of Diplomatic Affairs of the New Pacific Order

"You can make your dream reality, be a shining star for all to see."



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