Auto-remove Soiled / Disgraced from regional ban list?

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Auto-remove Soiled / Disgraced from regional ban list?

Postby A mean old man » Mon Jan 20, 2025 9:33 am

I'm going through this with one of my ROs in TEP right now:

It's hard to tell your ROs (especially when there are like 10 of them with BC) not to ban names like [redacted] or [very redacted] or [I would get redtext if I actually wrote the name here] and to just GHR them so they're deleted. When they ban these nations they take up space on the x/200 total nations in that ban list ... forever. Until someone has to go through and manually remove them so that they don't push the names of existing nations off the list. The problem with that is that it announces that removal to the entire world. Noobs are unlikely to understand why the administration would unban [extremely, very redacted name], plus it just gives these slurs more screen time on the website and gives the trolls more of what they wanted when they did that. Arguably, could be reason why they do it - to see these names immortalized on one of the NS webpages then force us to go through this awkwardness.

Can the game just auto-delete disgraced nations from regional ban lists so we don't have to deal with this?
A: SC#16 - Repeal "Liberate The Security Council"
A: SC#26 - Commend The Joint Systems Alliance
A: SC#30 - Commend 10000 Islands
A: SC#37 - Condemn NAZI EUROPE
A: SC#38 - Repeal "Condemn NAZI EUROPE"
A: GA#149 - On Expiration Dates
C: SC#58 - Repeal "Commend Sedgistan"
A: SC#62 - Repeal "Condemn Swarmlandia"
C: SC#63 - Commend Ballotonia
A: SC#65 - Condemn Punk Reloaded
C: GA#163 - Repeal "Law of the Sea"
A: SC#72 - Repeal "Commend Mikeswill"
C: SC#74 - Condemn Lone Wolves United
C: SC#76 - Repeal "Condemn Thatcherton"
A: SC#81 - Repeal "Condemn Anthony Delasanta"
C: SC#83 - Condemn Automagfreek
C: SC#84 - Repeal "Liberate Islam"
C: SC#111 - Commend Krulltopia ← please forget

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Postby Domais » Mon Jan 20, 2025 11:12 am

I think it makes sense. From a GP point of view, I don't see a reason why soiled nations should be on the list. Especially if it is for an inappropriate name. This could be done at update.
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United Calanworie
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Postby United Calanworie » Wed Jan 22, 2025 1:28 am

It does. The first names that are prioritized for automatic removal from the ban list are disgraced names.

My bad, I misremembered how it works. CTEd nations are cleared first (to include disgraced ones) but do not prioritize disgraced names.
Last edited by United Calanworie on Wed Jan 22, 2025 1:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Cheblonsk » Wed Jan 22, 2025 3:50 am

I think this is a good idea. The only problem I could see would be in rare cases when a DEATed nation is restored. A solution would be to hide DEATed nations and not count them towards the 200 nation limit, and then if one is restored it is re added to the list. That could cause the 200 ban limit to be temporarily exceeded though.
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