Pathonia Q&A

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Pathonia Q&A

Postby Pathonia » Mon Jan 20, 2025 8:40 am

If the NS Boneyard is to be believed, the 5-year mark since Pathonia's founding would be tomorrow [Jan. 21], but I've always celebrated it on the 20th of January instead :P

I thought that it'd be a prudent way to celebrate this milestone through a Q&A :)

Be sure to telegram me with a reminder if, say, I haven't replied in a week or so. It's entirely possible- though I'll be making an effort to avoid this -that I wind up forgetting or not being attentive to this thread.

Feel free to ask whatever pressing questions you may have ~
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Postby Rylland » Mon Jan 20, 2025 8:41 am

Is the pig your favorite animal?

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Postby Tesseris » Mon Jan 20, 2025 8:42 am

Yes, I have a question. Why do you keep changing your flag, your old flags were perfectly fine.
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Postby Arelont » Mon Jan 20, 2025 8:43 am

why is your pretitle like that?
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Postby Pathonia » Mon Jan 20, 2025 8:48 am

Rylland wrote:Is the pig your favorite animal?

Not particularly, no.
I just thought that this emoji looked adorable :3
Tesseris wrote:Yes, I have a question. Why do you keep changing your flag, your old flags were perfectly fine.

See, you could be referring to anything when you say "old flags."
I doubt you're referring to my horrid paint-like creations from when I first joined, or my cluttered messes from my most recent refounding.

As for why I change my flags, I find that it's a neat way to showcase various images which I'm either particularly proud of, or that fit the current progression of lore.
Most recently, I felt it most fitting to put up a pig. I wanted something less 'serious' than my IC flag(s) whenever I went to my main nation page.
Arelont wrote:why is your pretitle like that?

A result of a joke involving the canonical hedonism ("Pathedonism") prevalent across Pathonia, I thought it'd be funny to implement a humorous pretitle based off it.
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Postby Washington-Columbia » Mon Jan 20, 2025 10:26 am

sorry if this is a bit weird... heh...

1. What does your pretitle mean?
2. Does your country's majesty have a wife or a partner?
Imagine a bunch of socialist hikers, conservative lumberjacks and socdem hippies trying to make a utopia. That's us.
Overview and Embassy and Q&A
Barbie is an Allegory for Animal Farm. Kens (Animals) seize control over the Barbies (Humans) and Ryan Gosling seizes power himself (Napoleon the Pig) and keeps much of the status quo.
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Postby Pathonia » Mon Jan 20, 2025 10:30 am

Washington-Columbia wrote:sorry if this is a bit weird... heh...

The point of the thread is for question, it's fine :3

Washington-Columbia wrote:1. What does your pretitle mean?

I'm assuming you're referring to the canon pretitle-

I tried to construct it out of kanji, because it'd hit the pretitle character limit otherwise.
The intended meaning is below~

"Pathedonist Maple Holiday Queendom"
(Might've messed up the "maple" bit-)

Washington-Columbia wrote:2. Does your country's majesty have a wife or a partner?

Yes, she does :)
Our empress, Augusta Kossulminus, has considered the former Governor of Pallixordum- Snowrose Icilfer -to be her partner since around the time of the Civil War [August, 2066 AC / 2022 CE].

They're quite close~
Last edited by Pathonia on Mon Jan 20, 2025 10:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Grandocantorica » Mon Jan 20, 2025 10:32 am

Is your country in the earth or another planet/universe or whatever
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Postby Woodsmere » Mon Jan 20, 2025 11:26 am

What are the major industries in YN?
Idk what to put here

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Postby Washington-Columbia » Mon Jan 20, 2025 11:29 am

Ok, so how would you describe Snowrose? How kind or diligent could she be?
Imagine a bunch of socialist hikers, conservative lumberjacks and socdem hippies trying to make a utopia. That's us.
Overview and Embassy and Q&A
Barbie is an Allegory for Animal Farm. Kens (Animals) seize control over the Barbies (Humans) and Ryan Gosling seizes power himself (Napoleon the Pig) and keeps much of the status quo.
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Postby Sernet » Mon Jan 20, 2025 12:00 pm

what is life in ur capital city like
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Postby Mardesurria » Mon Jan 20, 2025 12:03 pm

How did you get to know NS, and how different was it when you first came here?
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Postby Pathonia » Mon Jan 20, 2025 1:35 pm

Grandocantorica wrote:Is your country in the earth or another planet/universe or whatever

It is on another planet, located somewhere in the Pleiades Nebula [~500 light years from Earth]

Within the capital of Aiklinginion, however, there is a rock that acts as "portal" to Stonehenge, which permits transit to Earth.
The control of that stone- the Eopullion Stone -was a major point of contention during the Civil War, considering most of the Imperial faction's support came from Earth.

Woodsmere wrote:What are the major industries in YN?

It's really a hodgepodge of nearly every industry on NS, but it could be said to be predominantly consisting of the Info. Tech. sector, various forms of agriculture, and the manufacturing of arms and weaponry.

NS stats being canon and all should help point to other industries I might've missed; book publishing and tourism also seem to be major industries.

Washington-Columbia wrote:Ok, so how would you describe Snowrose? How kind or diligent could she be?

A driving factor of how Augusta met Snowrose was through the Civil War- as mentioned -and the immense burden of stress put upon the empress at the time.
Looking for subordinates that would listen to her was a hassle enough, but that stress was increased exponentially when word of her grandfather's murder reached her during the opening moments of the war.

Snowrose was really the only one that "clicked" with Augusta, being the only one that was really willing to do more than simply take and implement orders.

She could be seen as the most kind and caring individual I've written, which makes her a perfect complement to Augusta's oft-harried and confused conduct. She's rather diligent as well in trying to ensure that Augusta isn't ever 'too' stressed, though this has recently been noted to occur even to the point of her own self-detriment.

Outside of sometimes caring for Augusta to the point that she neglects herself, she's really the perfect shoulder for the empress to lean on.
Sernet wrote:what is life in ur capital city like

Previously, say, prior to July of last year, it could be characterised as being similar to residing in NYC or DC, with all the traffic and business that it would entail.

More recently, due to the Kamprose assassination in July [2068 AC / 2024 CE], Aiklinginion has been turned to a police-state microcosm within the typically liberal Pathonia.
Anyone that values any shred of privacy when they're in public would detest living in the city centre, though there remain several outer cantons where a sense of normalcy remains where people could continue to live their regular, fearless, lives.
Mardesurria wrote:How did you get to know NS, and how different was it when you first came here?

I was really just looking for political / nation simulators that didn't require a whole lot of effort to learn about, and came to NS.
"Pathonia" as a nation has existed on paper for over a decade at least [I think, anyways. Maybe a bit less- Still, it's been around for a while], it wasn't until I found notebooks to be too limiting that I bothered to store all that information online, and find somewhere satisfactory to do it outside of a bland text document.

I will admit, I wasn't particularly attentive to NS in general when I first came here.
It started out with founding some now-CTEd region to play with some friends, until we all collectively forgot about it and we CTEd-
I do know that it was prior to the Frontiers update, which I'm assuming meant that the Pacifics were far more powerful than they are right now.
I really only seriously started playing in July of [2065 AC / 2021 CE], which was still (I think) prior to Frontiers, and where I recall the game being far more busy than it is now.
At least, if the Pacific is any sample for the game as a whole.
There's not too much I could say about NS early into my time here, I really wasn't attentive to it.
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Postby Woodsmere » Tue Jan 21, 2025 6:30 am

How many pigs live in Patagonia?
Idk what to put here

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Postby Pathonia » Tue Jan 21, 2025 8:08 am

Woodsmere wrote:How many pigs live in Patagonia?

If Google is to be trusted, probably somewhere under one or two million pigs would be in Patagonia, if there's around three million in Argentina as a whole.

Anyways, assuming you typo'd Pathonia-

Definitely no exact count, but I'd hazard a guess at perhaps over ten million?
Pathonia spans over a continent-sized landmass on its planet, roughly equivalent in land area to the combined land area of the Americas and Australia.

I would guess, based on the canon ~half billion or so in terms of population, that there may be one or two hundred million pigs within the country?
It's an odd enough question that I can't give you any specific answer.
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Postby Horrorstan » Tue Jan 21, 2025 9:08 am

How would you describe Pathonia in one single adjective?
This country is just an hell hole where everyone die of terrible death, do not take it seriously.

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Postby Pathonia » Tue Jan 21, 2025 9:17 am

Horrorstan wrote:How would you describe Pathonia in one single adjective?



Near all Pathonians have a rather strong sense of 'justice,' such that they might get caught up in a cycle of revenge stemming from something as minor as trespassing and escalate it to the point of murder.

The fact that the laws surrounding, say, dueling and private or corporate militias, are so libertarian or loose really exacerbates this as a core facet of Pathonia.

A prime example is through the writing I've done for Augusta Kossulminus, who was [and still is] engaged in a campaign of vengeance for something that occurred over two years ago.
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Postby Kasdados » Tue Jan 21, 2025 9:19 am

Ummm… I don’t know if this is offensive or not, but as a (presumable) trans person… do you ever miss being your former sex? Sorry if you aren’t, I just saw the Trans-rights thing in your signature.
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Postby Republic of Libriano » Tue Jan 21, 2025 9:21 am

Pathy you said that the concept of Pathonia existed on paper for over a decade plus or minus. How did you came up with Pathonia and it's lore at the beginning. What made you decide that you want to create such a beautiful nation?
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Postby Pathonia » Tue Jan 21, 2025 9:32 am

Kasdados wrote:Ummm… I don’t know if this is offensive or not, but as a (presumable) trans person… do you ever miss being your former sex? Sorry if you aren’t, I just saw the Trans-rights thing in your signature.

I am, to my knowledge, not transgender. Who knows though, really-
I am, however, more than willing to support trans individuals wherever possible.

If my understanding is accurate, the overwhelming majority of [if not all; probably all] trans individuals would not miss being their former sex, so I'd imagine that- if I was -I would not miss it very much at all.
Republic of Libriano wrote:Pathy you said that the concept of Pathonia existed on paper for over a decade plus or minus. How did you came up with Pathonia and it's lore at the beginning. What made you decide that you want to create such a beautiful nation?

If you can believe it, Pathonia as a nation concept has kind of evolved to the point that one wouldn't recognise it since I first thought of it.

At the time, in what I now see as a relatively brief period of fascination, I was rather interested in the technology and makeup of various navies throughout human history. So, "Pathonia" was the name of a fictional island where a myriad of "boats" (when I still had the ability to sketch adequately) would "dock" for replenishment.

Over time, I came to focus more on the island nation than the boats themselves, and even wound up translating some of those names into characters for my writing-
Readers may recall one "Casiona" from my writing, her name stems from a ship I'd made all that time ago.

"Pathonia," as people see it today, came about in autumn of 2021, a few months after I joined the Pacific, when I had finished a book on the history prior to the main event in Game of Thrones (I forget the name of the book in question, though I think "House of the Dragon" is based on it).

I was motivated to further develop Pathonia along those lines- the ones that ultimately evolved Pathonia to what it is today -by what must've been a spontaneous drive to write, not unlike what's led me to produce such terribly long pieces of narrative on the Pacific's RMB.
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Postby Statesburg » Mon Jan 27, 2025 11:56 am

What is the symbolism of your flag, if any?
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Postby Pathonia » Fri Jan 31, 2025 4:42 pm

Statesburg wrote:What is the symbolism of your flag, if any?

For my canon flag, I'm assuming-
My current one is based on my interpretation of if I spilled some cotton candy and paint onto said canon one-

The dark blue field is inspired by the night sky.

The upper left field [Pleiades star cluster] is where the planet [Pthadmoia] upon which Pathonia is situated resides, around 500-some light years from Earth.

The bottom left field [Hyades star cluster] represents the large distance between the Sun and Traunotius [star around which Pthadmoia orbits], with the cluster itself being roughly halfway between both of the stars.

The yellow star in the bottom left is Aldebaran, the brightest star in the Hyades.

I'm proud in that both star cluster images were from original telescope images I took <3

The 'rosette' or rose-structure in the intersection of the cross is [our empress's] Augusta's 'symbol' or 'insignia.'
It contrasts with her former-ish family's 'symbol' which vaguely resembled a cartoon-ish pathogen unfortunately dubbed 'Covid' as that family had its symbol on my flag during the pandemic ._.

The cross itself doesn't have much meaning on the flag, outside of providing for a neat delineation of the flag into quadrants.
A triangle is cut out of the flag as it eliminates excess cloth, and as it necessarily removes a part of the cross as a result, could be considered symbolic of Pathonia's strong [IC] anti-Christian sentiments, what with how important the cross is in Christianity.
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Postby Washington-Columbia » Fri Jan 31, 2025 4:55 pm

I know that Augusta is a lesbian (and probably homoromantic), and a lot of other stuff around here, but how would you describe LGBTQ+ Rights in Pathonia? In comparison to places like Scandinavia, Germany, France, Canada, or NY, California or Washington?
Imagine a bunch of socialist hikers, conservative lumberjacks and socdem hippies trying to make a utopia. That's us.
Overview and Embassy and Q&A
Barbie is an Allegory for Animal Farm. Kens (Animals) seize control over the Barbies (Humans) and Ryan Gosling seizes power himself (Napoleon the Pig) and keeps much of the status quo.
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Postby Pathonia » Fri Jan 31, 2025 9:36 pm

Washington-Columbia wrote:I know that Augusta is a lesbian (and probably homoromantic), and a lot of other stuff around here, but how would you describe LGBTQ+ Rights in Pathonia? In comparison to places like Scandinavia, Germany, France, Canada, or NY, California or Washington?


As described before, Pathonia as a whole [ICly] has a sort of 'thing' against Christianity.
It came to be, then, that the acceptance of LGBTQ+ identities and people came about far earlier on Pathonia than on Earth; Pathonia nationally can be noted to occasionally work to 'spite' that religion by advancing such things as may be opposed by it. The philosophy of Pathedonism- originally from our empress [Augusta] -came to spread into a broader cultural program that advocates for the banning of restrictive religions, of which Christianity is believed to be foremost.
Barring the past two or three years, which have seen a spate of near-fascist or hyper-conservative presidents try to [vainly] steer the country to a more restrictive social model, you could probably liken Pathonia's LGBTQ+ Rights situation as about as utopian as it comes for a liberal.

Including those past few election cycles, however, it's shown that rural areas pose either tepid acceptance and meek enforcement of relevant civil rights legislation for LGBTQ+ folk, or outright hostility; while urban areas- including most of the [Greater Aiklinginion [[Capital]] Metro Area] GAMA, have strong enforcement capabilities and additional city-level protections and legislation to add upon federal-level law.

[ex.1: A severely isolated and rural local police dept. may not conduct action against alleged discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals]
[ex.2: The Pathonian State Police [Aiklinginion Police [["DC Metro Police"]]] may conduct raids against locations alleged to be meeting spots for queerphobic groups, and work to levy severe punishments upon those it may catch.]

Taking a glance at some maps, I would think that it could be likened to France or Sweden in this respect.
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Postby Arelont » Fri Jan 31, 2025 9:51 pm

What's your nation's average export of bread per year (how many bread is exported per year)
< < The Free State of Arelont > >
"We have Very Fair Elections!" even though the pro Langkasokan party seems to be always popular..

Arelont News Corporation • President of The Timber Rattlesnake goes on vacation in Arelont • Prussia surrenders to Arelont, national holiday being created in its honor • Cola Company "Zuckerverrückt" debues Maple Syrup Cola, instantly becomes popular



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