However the security situation wasn’t much of a topic for now, or Atleast a lesser one which could possibly influence other nations attitudes torwards the republic which itself was the main topic currently on the governments mind. With the war recently having heavily impacted the government’s standing and especially its global position, it was looking to perform some events to gain back legitimacy but also present strength to the world, show that its government was still strong and existent capable of controlling the nation and specifically its international affairs to a degree even beyond that of their European allies and the nations within their sphere of influence. A summit for such gatherings many nations from across the world for talks pictures and posturing was in accordance to that decision, and perfectly suited to once again solidify their control over the occupied territories via trade structures and flows of money and or goods which could risk the regional quality of life in case of widespread insurgent activity.
For this summit a public and open space location was freshly constructed for it, an event location which would offer a good climate and positive vibes, with perfect view on the Yakenian rainforest and its beautiful terrain. Not a simple construction, it was more so a modular series of multiple pavilions with wooden floors and transparent see through tarps on the cealings to cover from rain but still open the spots for natural sunlight. Some smaller bank islands with chairs and tables, with sun covers overhead were scattered throughout the Center area, while a series of pavilions and covered walkways surrounded those. The compound was setup in diffirent areas, the previously mentioned walkways, but many more dedicated pavilions some of which serving for the catering others resting spots with private rooms and proper covering from light and offering privacy. While the largest of which setup in a large actually covered tent held the meeting room, those where the ministers, officials and businessmen stood and waited for delegates to arrive and converse with, including the most estimated President of Yakena Ian Worthly.
Greetings earthlings, this is a simple thread which has very simpel rules
1. Follow standard RP etiquette
2. Please try to possibly avoid one liners and make longer post, the only real minimum would be 200 words for the introductory post.
3. When making your introductory post directly send your representatives to the location, you can write through any part of the journey however at the end of the post they should be walking into the meeting.
4. Don’t kill or fight anyone
Signup Formular
- Code: Select all
Nation name:
Head of State:
Nations relationship torwards Yakena
Number of representatives:
Name of each representative:
Position of each representative:
Guards? [Y/N]
Number of guards:
Any armoured vehicles for transport: (advised for representatives)
Have you read and consent to the rules,