Q/ self report WA clarification

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Q/ self report WA clarification

Postby Norravald » Mon Jan 20, 2025 12:54 am

Hello, since someone got in and changed my password to my main, Norway-sweden-finland which is a WA delegate, if after N-S-F ctes (there's been no activity since the stealing) am i allowed to join the WA as an alt? the reason why this is a self report is because i join the WA on this nation without thinking. please clarify/let me know my punishment. Thanks!
Last edited by Norravald on Mon Jan 20, 2025 12:55 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Postby Fjolmidlum » Mon Jan 20, 2025 8:21 am

Norravald wrote:Hello, since someone got in and changed my password to my main, Norway-sweden-finland which is a WA delegate, if after N-S-F ctes (there's been no activity since the stealing) am i allowed to join the WA as an alt? the reason why this is a self report is because i join the WA on this nation without thinking. please clarify/let me know my punishment. Thanks!

If someone stole your account, you should report that in a GHR, if you haven't done so already. As for the WA rule, the rule is one WA nation per player, and if you are no longer the player behind the first account then it would not apply, and once that nation CTE's then it is no longer a WA nation anyways. I believe the system that cracks down on WA multis is automated, though, so you should get that GHR filled out ASAP.
irregardless, its the same difference and i literally could care less for all intensive purposes so you're point is mute per say
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Postby Frisbeeteria » Mon Jan 20, 2025 9:48 am

Norravald wrote:someone got in and changed my password

For what it's worth, you probably did it yourself by accident. If you have Autofill turned on in your browser, and you make changes in Settings, sometimes Autofill will populate the password field and confirmation with something you didn't expect.
Norravald wrote:Norway-sweden-finland which is a WA delegate,

Then it has an email attached to it. You can recover / change the bad password using the Forgot Password link on the login page. Search your old email addresses and see if you still have your confirmation email.

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