Yes, I know I need macros, it’s easier to write without them for now.
Introduction: Last night, Spratly Air flight 882, a plane carrying almost 250 of the most famed scientists and doctors in Spratly Islands on track to Brancaland, went off the radar over the large Blackacre Bay.
Option 1: “We need all hands on deck to solve this mystery!” exclaims Randomis Namis, a father of four. “My wife was on this flight! I don’t know what me or my children would do without her. Think of the relatives of these people who have gone missing. We need to allocate tax money into finding this plane! Think of the children!”
Option 2: “Does nobody find it suspicious that flight 882 disappeared over the illusive Blackacre Bay?” yells Randomy Namy, a famed military general, well known for his eccentric and untamed quips. “It was definitely those filthy Blackacreans. They are clearly angry that we found the cure for Maxtopian Fever before them! We must shoot down one of Blackacres planes, to get sweet petty reven- oh, I mean to teach them a lesson! Don’t mess with Spratly Islands!”
Option 3: “This shouldn’t have even happened in the first place!” says your Minister of Aviation, shaking his fist in the air. “Clearly, this means that our aircraft are not safe enough! We need to ensure that nothing like this will ever happen again. First, we will make our new planes with stronger, thicker, and more resistant metal, better controls in the cockpit, and cameras imbedded into the pilots coats! Surely this will deter any more breakdowns.”
Outcome 1: flight attendants freak out when a passenger is in the bathroom too long
Outcome 2: downing planes is the governments new favorite sport
Outcome 3: planes fly dangerously close to water due to their new military grade technology