This could have been easily avoided with a clear definition of what an organization that "actively undermines national security" actually is. Instead, it was left undefined, leading members to have no other choice but to subjectively interpret this text. Obviously, this can be wildly abused with bad faith interpretations.
Therefore, we propose that GA 550 is repealed.
The World Assembly,
Identifying undefined mandates as legislative directives that fail to provide clear definitions,
Aware that legislating undefined mandates into law can cause legal chaos, proving costly and inefficient to members,
Realizing that undefined mandates can lead to a checkerboarding of legal interpretations across differing national jurisdictions,
Concerned about the wording of GA 550 "Freedom of Association", which states that governments, with exceptions, must allow citizens to associate with any organization of their choosing,
Further concerned that one such exception in GA 550, as listed in clause (1.b), permits the pursuit of criminal penalties for association with an organization on the basis that said organization "actively undermine national security,"
Alarmed that the term national security is left undefined,
Cognizant of the fact that asking members to themselves define groups considered to be actively undermining national security, without a guiding framework, is a request that will lead to highly subjective conclusions,
Further aware that many authoritarians will likely employ a bad-faith interpretation with their definition of groups considered to be actively undermining national security, thus leading to the opposite effect of GA 550's original legislative intent,
Knowing that such language, as the undefined mandate in GA 550 clause (1.b), is likely to be severely abused by authoritarians,
Hereby repeals GA 550.