A Meeting in Hanoul [Closed, Beyond Earth only]

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New York Times Democracy

A Meeting in Hanoul [Closed, Beyond Earth only]

Postby Cheonghae » Sun Jan 19, 2025 2:21 am

Hanoul, Capital of Cheonghae: The Presidential Office
December 29th, 2265


Hanoul, the capital of Cheonghae, is a very large metropolis where anyone can see the city stretching over the horizon from the skyscraper’s observatory in the middle of the city.

Cheonghae's presidential office is an 80-story building located at one end of Hanoul. Although the presidential office building does not have a sense of prestige compared to other taller skyscrapers, it has sufficiently practical functions and a design that is fitted with a moderate aesthetic.

President Shin Soo-Yeon was having an informal meeting with Vice President Han Kyeong-Seok, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Margaret Wilkinson, and Minister of Foreign Affairs Aarya Sabharwal. The meeting was about a military conflict in the solar system, but there was practically no room for Cheonghae to intervene there. The meeting was just for a formal discussion, and President Shin Soo-Yeon will not intervene in the solar system to further strengthen her new diplomatic doctrine.

The meeting shifted to a different topic for further substantive discussion. To colonize either the Gliese 667 or Altair star system, a pioneering fleet will soon be formed. This was a topic that required more in-depth discussion, so the enthusiasm of the conference focused on the topic.

The meeting lasted for hours, and the scattered bricks gradually began to form a single finished product called 'conclusion'.

It was towards the end of the conference that a voice spoke to President Soo-Yeon.

“There is another matter I would discuss with you..” came the voice of someone behind. “Ms. President.”

The Council spun around. Emerging from the shadows was a beautiful human, eyes green and hair black, thick, and of long curls trailing to it's back, like a triangle.
But it was pale, like snow, and had the canines of a vampire. And everyone just felt…colder.

“My, my.” Murmured the ‘man’. “A beautiful city you have here, President Soo-Yeon. I've never quite seen anything with architecture like Hanoul in my life.” He breathed out a sigh of exhilaration. “Then again, I've never felt warm starlight…” he muttered too low for them to hear.

“Who are you?” Demanded Margaret. “How did you get in here?”

“Do you always make military council without a General?” pondered The Man. “Legion would be furious if we did such a thing. Good thing we've sent him off to Sol.”

The man’s presence was undeniable. It reminded them of something…of that Elf Prince, from Mars.

“Guards!” Called President Soo-Yeon. To say she was panicked would be an understatement, but to say she was afraid was untrue. She wasn't faint of heart, and had seen tough times of stress before.

But this was the cabinet of Cheonghae. If they died-

Han pulled a sidearm from within his suit, and pointed at the man. The man’s gaze turned…frosty.

“That won't work.” Sighed the Man. “Put that little toy away.”

“Make me.” Snarled Han.

The Man stared at him. “Drop it, Vice President Kyeong-Seok. I will be leaving here alive. You may not be. I would rather you did.”
The man sat on one of the chairs, fearlessly staring into the barrel of the pistol. “And how are all of you, this fine morning?”
It was hardly morning anymore, (nor was it fine, for that matter) but that wasn't at the forefront of anybody’s mind.

“Well.” Spoke Margaret bluntly. “Who are you? How did you get in here?”

“You've a vent wide enough for a bike three floors down.” Spoke the Man, though his suit was not dirty. Two guards on the second floor are asleep. Not by my doing. A guard on the upper floors stares out of the window all day, and the one by the right entrance at 11:15 looks to be easily bribed…though he may actually be quite loyal. But you already know that.”

No one spoke.

“And the security cameras?” asked Arya, adopting a false smile.

The intruder, man or woman, smiled apologetically. “Some of the best I’ve ever seen.”

He did not give further explanations, even when pressed.

“And my guards?” Asked The President.

“Can't hear you.” Smiled the Man. But he did not reveal his secrets, except that they were alive. He stood, his androgynous form like a line on the paper that was the grand office. “A fascinating skyline. This view is impeccable. Now…for my name. My name is confidential. Only two know of it, and I'm one of them.” He wasn't smiling anymore, and the atmosphere felt colder. “Call me Onyx. That’s not my real name, of course- nor the one I am known as by colleagues. But it will serve, for now.”

Nemesor walked around the desk of beautiful mahogany while they remained seated.

“Why are you here, Mr. Onyx?” asked Arya in a clipped tone. Despite it, she’d taken up a more diplomatic tone than the others, in an attempt to gauge the intentions of this…intruder. But the sooner he was captured, the better.

Onyx sighed. “Stalling for time won’t help you. I simply want to discuss diplomacy, at the pinnacle of a breathtaking city.” He paused. “This is a very impressive place you have here. I should like to retire here, one day.” He smiled again, shaking his head.

“Now.” Onyx put his hands behind his back. “I come representing a state, and would gauge Cheonghae’s reaction.”

“A revolution, then?” asked President Shin. “Where? Alpha Centauri? Bernard’s Star?”

Onyx chuckled. “No. I come representing an alternative nation entirely. One that has existed for quite a while. One as old as Cheonghae itself.”

Shin’s brow frowned. Then she thought of the peculiarities of this ‘man’. “You are not a human.” breathed Shin incredulously.

She did not know how right she was.

“You are…you are a state of…aliens, then?” Han asked doubtfully.

Onyx smiled. “Do I seem very human to you, Vice President?” Before they could respond, he spoke again with a chuckle. “Please, take a seat. We are human.” he muttered something under his breath, too low for any of them to hear it. “But we have not seen Sol for a long, long time. Be assured, we have no intentions of violence or disruption. Only recognition, and the desire to find our brethren in the stars. Which at last, we have done.”


Onyx smiled at Margaret. “If you entertain this discussion, I’ll give you a tidbit of information. Quite serious, I must say.”

There was a silence, as the Cabinet looked at each other. “We will require time to speak amongst ourselves.” spoke the President.

No expression crossed Onyx’s face. “Very well.”

The four spoke in hushed tones. The likelihood this man was a maniac was as high as he was telling the truth. But he obviously was unusual, and had managed to get in here, and had cut them off from their guards.

“We can’t trust this…lunatic.” spoke Margaret. “He’s just some well-trained fool-”

“And would you tell him that to his face?” asked Han dryly. “Chairwoman, please. What can we do- we don’t know what weapons he’s got on him. For now, stay tight-lipped, and let the President talk for us.”

This was the strangest experience Shin had had for a long time. Unless this was some kind of collective nightmare, they had no choice but to comply.

But just in case, Han kept his hand on the sidearm. And he gave Shin one too.

Onyx narrowed his eyes as he saw it, but kept quiet.

It began to rain, lightly. Onyx stared out at the window in fascination.

“What do you have to say?” Shin asked loudly.

‘Onyx’ turned back to look at them.

“On the Thirty-First of December, a military fleet of our ships, to establish contact, shall arrive in The Sol System.” He nodded at them. “Around the Dwarf Planet of Pluto, to be precise, by our calculations.”

The Cabinet looked wary.

“I have given you a piece of information. All I ask for is honesty.”

This was unusual. Usually, diplomacy involved slow trading of small information, but he had given them lots. Unorthodox- perhaps these people had never trained true diplomacy against each other.

“Cheonghae finds itself is need of many things.” Onyx continued. “As do we. Would the Federation be open to trade?”

Arya frowned. “We can export many things-”

“As can we. We already produce mechanical hardware, so perhaps we can exchange them from time to time, and learn the ins-and-outs of each others’s designs.”

Arya suppressed her annoyance at the interruption. “Do you use Nuclear Fusion?”

“A little.” Onyx replied fairly. “How much are you willing to supply Helium-3 for?”

“Until we meet your state, and finalise this trade deal, that's confidential.” It was bold words that Shin spoke, but Onyx nodded easily.

“Of course, of course. It is only natural you have your…doubts. And this is hardly a large scale diplomatic meeting. Think of this as…just a little feeler.”

They spoke of Cheonghae’s marine, (particularly) and agricultural exports, and this mysterious places’s desire to buy Titanium in large quantities.

But then came the time to ask this ‘Onyx’ what he could provide which would be so beneficial to them. ‘Iron. Lithium. Zinc. Lots of diamonds. A fair few interesting scientific uses to gather energy, which we would be willing to teach Cheonghae, some free of charge. And also, some very advanced microchips and software systems, should you desire them. I imagine we could both profit off or discoveries made to each others’s education and healthcare, also. I'll freely admit our history classes are very limited.

He rose. “Now, I'm sure you understand, Ladies and Gentlemen. I,” he spoke, “was never here.”

But the Federation had proved it’s willingness to cooperate with this strange and mysterious nation. And so, all was good.

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