This Security Council,
Knowing that, in the field of international artwork, only a select few nations rise above the rest and leave a lasting impact on the landscape akin to those that this august body has honored, such as 9003, Destructive Government Economic System, and 1 very fast endotarter,
Wholeheartedly believing that the nation of Kractero is worthy to be included amongst these ranks, having forged a positive legacy that is sure to be admired for all time,
Wowed by Kractero’s achievements in artwork collection, whose galleries contain prized artworks of value and beauty, even owning a copy of every artwork deemed “Legendary” by the International Artwork Commission, a feat coveted by many but achieved by very few,
Noting that, whilst Kractero is proficient in many areas of international artwork, the nation shines the brightest in their contributions to artwork-related technology, constructing innovative applications, scripts and programs to perform near-every function imaginable,
Amazed by the unwavering dedication of Kracterian artists to crafting flags and banners for each of the thousands of satellite states which the nation controls, ensuring that every piece of artwork created of these nations looks the best that it can, and even creating the Inscription Assistant tool which allowed this painstaking work to be expedited significantly,
Praising Kractero’s painstaking development of the application of Hare, which concentrates myriad disparate programs into one user-friendly application available online, taking artwork scripting, which was once a practice reserved for the smartest connoisseurs, into something even a simple hobbyist could engage with, persevering through infinite iterations, endless improvements, and constant tweaking to produce the best possible product,
Appreciating that Kractero retooled and reworked scripts for this new that had been developed by their predecessors, such as GotIssues, originally created by 9003, which allows for unprecedented rates of art production, and JunkDaJunk, also created by 9003, which allows collectors to keep what they desire and discard the rest in a more expedient way than manually investigating every single work,
Awed by Kractero’s seemingly reality-bending powers in the creation of the tool Cardtainers, which allows enterprising art-collecting nations to operate the governments of multiple satellites at one time, and do it much better than the previously established tool for doing so, which was not designed for artwork,
Extolling the many useful artwork utilities Kractero has designed, making the lives of art snobs the world over significantly easier, such as:
- Legendary Tracker, which keeps a database of all legendary nations, the editions they achieved this honor in, and whether or not those nations are extant at any given time, providing a useful resource to keep tabs on the oft-maligned ceased-to-exist legendaries,
- The Kractero Card Queries, officially titled “Kee” which provides at an instant a list of artworks that meet any desired specifications, a core application for any would-be curator, which is similar to the inactive North Pacific Card Queries, but with significant interface improvements and bettered functionality,
- Bazaar, a detailed log of every single trade ever conducted in the international auction house, even dating back to the building’s mysterious coalescence on April 1st, 2018,
- Gold Ledger, a comprehensive leaderboard, that meticulously tracks the top 100 most valuable collections of artwork from across the world, offering an unrivaled resource for comparing the cultural treasures curated by nations,
Exalting the ubiquity of Kractero’s scripts amongst the entire international artwork community, with nearly every collector using them on a regular basis, demonstrating in perfect clarity how Kractero continues to go above and beyond when developing technology, consistently smashing expectations,
Hereby commends Kractero.
Co-authored by Anjan Kloss