by Greznov » Sat Jan 18, 2025 4:54 pm
by Greznov » Sat Jan 18, 2025 5:29 pm
by Relikai » Sat Jan 18, 2025 7:05 pm
by Greznov » Sat Jan 18, 2025 7:53 pm
The rockets from the Greznov army has arrived at the military installations surrounding Seogeul-DMZ Line. They fall like comets in Kimi no Nawa; destroying logistics stations, radar arrays, and sending ammunition depots to the sky. Railways connecting the military line, villages, and cities became a target as well. The Seogeul garrison struggled to recover from the blow; and they requested reinforcements from Palazia Staten, that is coming in two days. The Seogeul 항공 감시 및 조사 부서 (Air Surveillance and Survey Division) has reported the following casualties:
1. Out of 16,000 soldiers stationed in the defense line, 1,500 soldiers were killed by the bombardment; leaving only 14,500 soldiers defending it
2. Out of 30 logistical stations; 25 stations were succesfully destroyed; leaving 5 stations (2 in Northern Front, 1 in Central Front, and 2 in Southern Front)
3. There were about 2 radio towers, out of 4, destroyed by the missile barrage
by Relikai » Sun Jan 19, 2025 12:20 am
Greznov wrote:Palazia Staten
"I do think that we need to slow down the Greznovian forces," said Kim Jeu-Wool, the Minister of Defense of Seogeul Republic. "I propose that you place your most advanced and trained units as mobile reserve; and put your less trained units near the DMZ,"
"In that way, we can fool the Greznov intelligence about our size and prevent a total reinforcement from coming. We also need your IMINT to locate Greznovian's logistics pool and destroy them. A starving soldier is a good target."
by Greznov » Sun Jan 19, 2025 2:21 am
The troops of triple Army Group prepared for their first offensive: With the Army Group Center attacking from the Center; followed by Army Group South and Army Group North attacking in a "closing trident" formation. The offensive went in two phases: The forefront line consisted of SARM divisions; followed by mechanized infantrymen on PKEG-004. About 34 supply trucks went with each Army groups. When the signal was given; all forces attacked simultaneously; in aim to overwhelm the Seogeul defense in the border. However, the DMZ was a potential killzone due to its flat terrain and lack of cover. Seogeul machinegunners, digging inside hills and lumps; fired at the troopers charging. The BK-981s fired at the foxholes in an attempt to clean the foxholes off the Seogeul troopers.
The Seogeul troopers utilized outdated Greznov equipments; including the BK-60s and the stationery SRA-45s; reducing the bulk of the Greznov invasion to 13,500+2003 PKEG infantrymen in the North, 12,000+2000 PKEG infantrymen in the Center, and 14,500+2035 PKEGs in the South. They also reduced the armored divisions to about 150 BK-981s in each groups.
by Relikai » Sun Jan 19, 2025 2:48 am
by Greznov » Sun Jan 19, 2025 4:37 am
by Relikai » Sun Jan 19, 2025 7:06 pm
by Russian Brotherhood » Sun Jan 19, 2025 7:53 pm
by Russian Brotherhood » Sun Jan 19, 2025 8:08 pm
by Greznov » Mon Jan 20, 2025 12:49 am
Russian Brotherhood wrote:Russian Brotherhood
The Russian Army has been in its mobilization, its armed forces have been in many wars between the months and have been taught the ways of war. But the mobilization of the marine corp is to land on the shores of the Greznov nation, the Baltic felt consisting of 2 CVs and multiple battleships, cruisers, and submarines have begun to mobilize. Once they had left they began to head towards their target, main land forces started their mobilization after 15K marines and a combined 125K armed forces had been mobilized and assigned towards this attack.
Airwings have been deployed to the Greznov nation with fighter jets hitting spots such as readers and anti-air defense, these runs aim to shut down AA towards the next phase. After the first attack, the second round of jets hit the cities in the south aiming to hit military assets and civilian-based cities. With bombs hitting the cities causing civilian deaths to spike during the attack as bombing runs, jets continued to hit the cities and also hit the roads such as highways that would stop the majority of people in the cities from leaving. The goal is to maximize the death toll, after a few days the jets target local naval docs destroying the area's naval defenses.
A few nuclear power subs have appeared off the coast, sinking naval vessels that would supply the local island. They have only targeted ships with the Greznovian flag and allowed other ships to pass through, multiple Greznov civilians have been killed. The subs have weakened the Greznovian nation's supply unless not dealt with, soon the Baltic fleet will arrive and cause more chaos in this time.
by Greznov » Mon Jan 20, 2025 1:06 am
by Greznov » Mon Jan 20, 2025 2:55 am
Relikai wrote:Port of Seogeul
The arrival of the 1st Panzergrenadier Division, a fully equipped force of Relikan shock infantry and heavy armour, poured in en masse in the dying hours of the first day. Ahead of the huge Ro-Ro ships, traffic police and marshals landed and immediately got to work. Designating rally spots and the order of disembarkation, they quickly prepared for the rapid deployment of the rested forces as they prepared to embark on the operation. Fighting at the front was fierce, and and the quicker this force gets into action the better.
Vehicles rolled out quickly, the 30-tonne Pumarder Heavy Infantry fighting Vehicle with their HUSKARL modular protection creating a sight. Yet another conflict for them to participate in, its 50mm autocannon seeking to do violence against both low flying aircraft and drones, and any light vehicles unfortunate enough to stand in their way. The Panzeyra Mk.3 MBT, another monstrous beast at 70 tonnes with its full armour and modernization package making it a command center of its own, rolled alongside the lighter vehicles. There wasn't many of the tanks, but with care and careful tactical positioning they would return their value many times over.
The first battalion took an hour to disembark and form up, quickly making the first of the Relikan Panzergrenadier brigades on Seogeul. The Sturmgrenadiers and Panzer brigades will take a while more, but as a brigade they knew how to fight independently. As time went on, the process sped up, allowing the 11th and 12th Panzergrenadiers to deploy towards the frontline.
Word of the collapsing Northern and Southern Fronts came, and the 11th and 12th were distributed to the latter accordingly. They would support the retreat of local Seogeul forces, their 155mm artillery providing smoke and heavy fire against targets of opportunity, while meeting Greznov advances with counter-moves of their own. Greznov armour will meet mobile HIFVs firing missiles and autocannon fire to destroy their support, while the heavy Panzeyra would face off with them at range.
The 6th IAB, battered and fatigued from the preemptive attacks and delaying the situation in the central front, would carry out a rotation. Down to 80% of their strength, the two front battalions will provide a fighting retreat for the local Seogeul forces to the rear to regroup. The two reserve battalions at the rear took losses during the missile strikes as well, but were not fatigued as they bolstered the frontline. Still, the Relikan Airborne will continue their harassment and pre-emptive attacks, and with the arrival of the 1st Panzergrenadier Division's artillery, can call in 155mm attacks against Greznov positions in the Central Front.
"We will ensure the stability of the Central Front, that way the Greznov forces cannot create a unified frontline with any two fronts. However we must ensure that the delaying forces do not end up encircled, that's why the 11th and 12th will carry out counterattacks, and the divisional artillery and air defence provide a stronger deterrence against Greznov missile strikes, which has proven effective. Our Panzeyras are equipped with the heaviest armour packages, the VIKTORII-V, which provides protection against many anti-tank weapons, but are not invulnerable.
"We will assign a battalion of Sturmgrenadiers to the rear, they will provide reinforcing and preparation of defensive positions. They will also provide assistance, training and recovery to the Seogeul forces. Your troops fought well, they deserve a rest today. Tomorrow will be harsher, but we will work on the other two fronts."
by Russian Brotherhood » Mon Jan 20, 2025 8:49 am
Greznov wrote:Specify ur orbat btw
Avoid using "multiple" and "many" and use exact number instead.
Your attack will be voided until you specify:
1. Your ORBAT(exact size; its fine to use measures such as batallions or companies, but use a number for it (e.g 2 batallions, 4 companies, etc))
2. Your landing location (the Northern, Southern or Eastern coasts)
by Greznov » Mon Jan 20, 2025 5:08 pm
Russian Brotherhood wrote:Russian Brotherhood
The Russian Army has been in its mobilization, its armed forces have been in many wars between the months and have been taught the ways of war. But the mobilization of the marine corp is to land on the shores of the Greznov nation, the Baltic felt consisting of 2 CVs and multiple battleships, cruisers, and submarines have begun to mobilize. Once they had left they began to head towards their target, main land forces started their mobilization after 15K marines and a combined 125K armed forces had been mobilized and assigned towards this attack.
Airwings have been deployed to the Greznov nation with fighter jets hitting spots such as readers and anti-air defense, these runs aim to shut down AA towards the next phase. After the first attack, the second round of jets hit the cities in the south aiming to hit military assets and civilian-based cities. With bombs hitting the cities causing civilian deaths to spike during the attack as bombing runs, jets continued to hit the cities and also hit the roads such as highways that would stop the majority of people in the cities from leaving. The goal is to maximize the death toll, after a few days the jets target local naval docs destroying the area's naval defenses.
A few nuclear power subs have appeared off the coast, sinking naval vessels that would supply the local island. They have only targeted ships with the Greznovian flag and allowed other ships to pass through, multiple Greznov civilians have been killed. The subs have weakened the Greznovian nation's supply unless not dealt with, soon the Baltic fleet will arrive and cause more chaos in this time.
by Russian Brotherhood » Mon Jan 20, 2025 5:23 pm
Greznov wrote:Russian Brotherhood wrote:Russian Brotherhood
The Russian Army has been in its mobilization, its armed forces have been in many wars between the months and have been taught the ways of war. But the mobilization of the marine corp is to land on the shores of the Greznov nation, the Baltic felt consisting of 2 CVs and multiple battleships, cruisers, and submarines have begun to mobilize. Once they had left they began to head towards their target, main land forces started their mobilization after 15K marines and a combined 125K armed forces had been mobilized and assigned towards this attack.
Airwings have been deployed to the Greznov nation with fighter jets hitting spots such as readers and anti-air defense, these runs aim to shut down AA towards the next phase. After the first attack, the second round of jets hit the cities in the south aiming to hit military assets and civilian-based cities. With bombs hitting the cities causing civilian deaths to spike during the attack as bombing runs, jets continued to hit the cities and also hit the roads such as highways that would stop the majority of people in the cities from leaving. The goal is to maximize the death toll, after a few days the jets target local naval docs destroying the area's naval defenses.
A few nuclear power subs have appeared off the coast, sinking naval vessels that would supply the local island. They have only targeted ships with the Greznovian flag and allowed other ships to pass through, multiple Greznov civilians have been killed. The subs have weakened the Greznovian nation's supply unless not dealt with, soon the Baltic fleet will arrive and cause more chaos in this time.
21st January, 2025
The breakfast hour in Horngulf was interrupted by the cacophony of Russian aircrafts bombarding civillian targets. About 35 out of 40 flak stations were destroyed in Horngulf; allowing the passage of the secound round. Civillian buildings were flattened by this total bombardment, which the Kayser recalled as "A Crime Against Humanity(War Crime)" and quickly called a declaration of war against the Russian Brotherhood.
The reports of multiple cargo ships sinking sent rage among the Greznov chain-of-command; thus devising a plan latter known as "Operation False Flag"
[SIC]"Operation False Flag"
About 354 remaining cargo ships not yet destroyed by the Russian offensive in the Southern Coasts immediately torn their Greznov flags off; replacing them with fake flags. The military installation quickly turned into a printing plant: Printing false flags from another nations. A game-changing arsenal is about to be brought onto the theatre: The notorious, Marquesan-imported, Cb. 696 "Naga". There were about two Nagas planned to be dispatched on this operation. But; when?
With 4,000 casualties that left the Greznov garrison only on 3,000 troops; they ordered a tactical retreat and civilian evacuation out of Horngulf. After civilians were evacuated off Horngulf; the garrison planted IEDs and flattened the buildings to rubbles.
The cargos succesfully evacuated got evacuated to "Bravo Grid" North of Horngulf; and those that were too heavy to carry got obliterated by missile strikes. Radio towers were destroyed in Horngulf, along with food storages. This is to prevent the USRB forces from taking logistics locally.
Meanwhile, in Bravo Grid: A rural area built in 1960s to perform as housing for workers in Horngulf, the Greznov Elitspesial Fors (EsF) positioned snipers on buildings. There were also about 35 mortar ditches in the region along with 5 trenches spanning from Horngulf to Bravo Grid.
About 9 MLRSTs were also placed. The Paionir regiments built landmines in a choking manner. The DoSW launched cyberattacks on Russian financial, academic, and military command structure. They used overwrite worms to overwrite offensive plans; and attempt to cause an economic crash in Russia.
In a naval counteroffensive, about 35 SSNs were dispatched from Koston; a city west of Horngulf. They attempt to engage in a fierce fight against the Russian naval fleet.
by Greznov » Mon Jan 20, 2025 5:33 pm
by Russian Brotherhood » Tue Jan 21, 2025 5:38 pm
Greznov wrote:Greznov Waters
(By the way don't forget to write your casualties. No matter how advanced your tech/how outdated your tech is, take casualties. Like I mean a medieval knight charging against robots would still make a casualties even when the casualties are lower in the robot side)
The 35 SSNs fired their torpedoes at the Russian fleet; however about 15 SSNs were taken down by the seamines; leaving only 20 SSNs. There were about 70 torpedoes shot from the SSNs. From Koston; Brevigels were dispatched to the air in an attempt to prevent such things from happening again. A fierce dogfight quickly ensued above the waters. There were two squadrons of Brevigels: One to gain air superiority and one to deploy CB-015 Cluster Bombs on the Russian fleet.
by Greznov » Wed Jan 22, 2025 1:21 am
by Relikai » Wed Jan 22, 2025 2:38 am
Greznov wrote:Closing Tridents Battleground
20th January, 2025
1617 HOURS
Six divisions of SPAG Is arrived in the Central, Southern, and Northern Front all divided equally, along with 55 supply trucks on each fronts; ready to turn the tide of the war. SPAGs; armed with 152mm gun loaded with HEI(High Explosive Incendiary); semi chemical explosive rounds that allows the penetration and eventually melting the armor(or the worst case; the crews inside), fired at the mostly armor-filled Panzergrenadiers.
In the Northern and Southern Front, Seogeul troops recruited volunteers; untrained, old, and sick men and women. They were to employ a guerilla warfare against the Northern Front. The Seogeul numbers on both fronts raised from 200 to 950 units. The morale has been high among the Greznov units following their repeatedly succesful offensives.
The Northern and Southern offensives continue. SPAGs burned local houses and grilled the troopers and volunteers in it with HEIs; that work as both as anti-tank measures and thermite-like function. 150 kills were confirmed among the SGF; leaving only 50 trained troops defending the Northern and Southern front; and there were 150 volunteers left in both fronts.
Meanwhile; the Northern Front suffered 10% casualties, with 1,450 infantrymen of 14,503 infantrymen killed; reducing the number to 13,053 men(mechanized and foot infantrymen). There were about a dozen BK-60s destroyed, leaving 228 tanks remaining in both fronts.
The Southern Front diminished from 11,500 troops in Southern Front to 10,800 foot infantrymen, with only 1,850 IFVs remaining.
(footnote: You dictate your own casualties; I only dictate Seogeul's)
Meanwhile, in Central Front,
The situation is still on a stagnant. Exhausted; the offensive in this front has stopped totally. The SPAGs arrived; that might turn the tide of the game; but the last report only dictate casualties.
There were about 48 tanks destroyed; leaving 192 BK-60s; and diminishing the forces to 900 IFVs and 640 foot infantrymen. The two divisions of SPAGs hoped to re-ignite the offensive or at least support the defense until more reinforcements came
by Greznov » Wed Jan 22, 2025 6:00 am
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