by Australian rePublic » Sat Jan 18, 2025 3:23 am
by SKM » Sat Jan 18, 2025 3:57 am
by Australian rePublic » Sat Jan 18, 2025 6:16 am
SKM wrote:Heya! I'm a new Young Labor member, I joined specifically to help with this election campaign because I'm still 17 and odds are the vote will be before my bday.
OK, there is a lot to unpack in the OP so I won't try and quote directly cause that would take up too much space.
1) The voice:
Now while I agree that it probably shouldn't have been as much of a priority as it was, it was really only controversial because it didn't have bipartisan support. Although in theory both Labor and the Coalition supported the Uluru Statement from the Heart; from where the entire concept of the Voice came from, Dutton chose to get mired up in "the detail" because he knew if he sank the proposal it would be possibly the most embarrassing failure of Albo's term. Almost immediately, the Murdoch media was released on it like a pack of hungry dogs and by obfuscating everything to buggery - making far more of a deal out of the "identity politics" than what any proponent of it ever did - and relying on people's laziness and fear it was sunk.
2) I don't really think you have a valid point here when Albo is such a suck up to people like Netanyahu. Not to mention, there have been plenty of Islamophobic attacks recently, but no media coverage or "Islamophobia Envoy". Hmmm...
3) All this yap about youth crime is just that. A media narrative that is just peddled by the Coalition and Murdoch press. Sure, Alice Springs is having a rough time, but for this absolute crap to influence the election in Queensland (where there are like literal 10 year olds in juvie) is absurd.
4) Our relationship with China under the Coalition was absolutely cooked. The way we behaved towards our largest trade partner was just self-harming and stupid. Furthermore, blowing $320 billion on AUKUS which none of us ever got to vote on just proves how much of an American lapdog our government is.
5) Racial division wouldn't be a problem if Reconciliation hadn't been killed.
6) The economy isn't great, but compared to the rest of the world it's about the same, so it is what it is. Not to mention that corporations are pulling in record profits, so most of the "cost of living crisis" is just caused by the Supermarket Duopoly and other such bastardry.
Now, if I were able to vote, I'd give it to Labor without hesitation, because it is in my best interest. If the Libs get back in power, our economy is going to be even more fucked because we will blow half a bloody trillion dollars on a nuclear program that is nothing but a front for the continuation of the fossil fuel industry. That would be devastating for our nation and the world. Simple as.
by USHALLNOTPASS » Sat Jan 18, 2025 8:11 am
Australian rePublic wrote:This goes to show how incompetent China's propoganda department is that they've seen me take down Wumaos in every corner of the internet, and yet they're still trying their baby level propoganda against me.
by Liberal Malaysia » Sat Jan 18, 2025 10:21 am
by Digital Planets » Sat Jan 18, 2025 10:23 am
Liberal Malaysia wrote:Leftist government fucks up their country. News at 10.
by SKM » Sun Jan 19, 2025 1:41 am
Australian rePublic wrote:The media are indeed powerful. I'm not denying that. However, you're acting as if they're some kind of all powerful God. No. Albanese is the prime minister. Even if the media is against him, that's on him. If he's too incompetent to get his message out and convince the people to vote for the voice, then that's on him. I mean, he could have easily held multiple conferences to elate people's fears. What were the media gonna do? Mute him and put fake subtitles? He didn't. All that advertising could have easily been used to elate people's fears. It wasn't. That's on him. How many ads were there for the voice? Why didn't he use any of those ads to elate the three fears that I brought up? His failure to do so was his incompetence.
Australian rePublic wrote:Albo's relationship with foreign minister is irrelevant to internal affairs. I live in South-Western Sydney, the Islamic Capital of Australia. To suggest that the number of Islamophobic attacks is comparable to the number of anti;Jewish is laughably ridiculous at best. AT BEST. When was the last time anyone firebombed a mosque? Sure, Muslims are probably getting verbally attacked, as if Jews aren't., but if you're going to argue that, then you're not really helping your point about Albenese's inaction. If anything, it strengthens my point about lack of action, because it shows he's not acting in protecting Muslims either.
Australian rePublic wrote:Did you even bother to do a half second Google search on the statistics of youth crime? It's gone up SIGNIFICANTLY since Albo the Clown took power. Unless you think that the ABS are bullshit artist too? ... st-release
Australian rePublic wrote:And now you've lost all credibility spilling the propoganda of a genocidal dictatorship. "Australia is America's lapdog" is the most pro-CCP propoganda out there. This goes to show how incompetent China's propoganda department is that they've seen me take down Wumaos in every corner of the internet, and yet they're still trying their baby level propoganda against me. Unless you yourself have fallen victim to Chinese propoganda, in which case, I have to tell you, "Australia is America's lapdog" is the low hanging fruit of Chinese propoganda. They're not even trying with that. Please don't fall for the propoganda of genocidal dictatorships.
Australian rePublic wrote:That's great and all, but what about between the Muslims and Jews?
Australian rePublic wrote:Australia has an abundance of every natural resources known to man, baring water and oil. Australia also has some of the most expensive power prices in the world, which had gotten orders of magnitude more expensive under Labor. Every other major electrical grid in the world has nuclear power, and most of them have cheaper electricity than us. To therefore suggest that nuclear power will increase power prices, especially considering that half the world's bloody uranium comes from here, is absurd. And in either case, at least Dutton has a policy.
Australian rePublic wrote:What's Albo's policy? Sit on our hands and keep doing the same thing? Hopefully prices will stop increasing significantly and start going down?
Australian rePublic wrote:Instead of using the coal for ourselves, we dig it up, send it to China (you know, the country that YOU love trading with) and let them burn it to get cheap electricity, whilst we don't use it for ourselves, and pay through the nose for electricity. In what alternate universe is that good energy policy? If you were really keen on cutting emissions, you wouldn't want us exporting our coal to China either.
Australian rePublic wrote:So if it were about the economy, Albo would want more manufacturing here by bringing cheaper electricity. Either that, or he can't see the forest from the trees and can't realise that cheaper electricity=more manufacturing=a more diversified economy.
Australian rePublic wrote:As for the duopolies. Fine but A) What's Albanese doing about it then? B) Morison has the same duopolies.
Australian rePublic wrote:And yes, the global economy is shit, and there's not really much we can do about that, but at least Morison cut the fuel excise, knowing that petrol was one of the biggest causes of inflation, and by cutting petrol prices, you tame inflation. Again, what's Albo doing?
by Kasdados » Sun Jan 19, 2025 1:42 am
by USHALLNOTPASS » Sun Jan 19, 2025 1:55 am
by SKM » Sun Jan 19, 2025 2:29 am
USHALLNOTPASS wrote:I’m also begging AR to use the word “fuck”. We’re not preschoolers, you’re allowed to swear.
by USHALLNOTPASS » Sun Jan 19, 2025 2:31 am
by USHALLNOTPASS » Sun Jan 19, 2025 2:48 am
by Slembana » Sun Jan 19, 2025 6:23 am
Liberal Malaysia wrote:Leftist government fucks up their country. News at 10.
by Australian rePublic » Mon Jan 20, 2025 6:37 am
SKM wrote:Australian rePublic wrote:The media are indeed powerful. I'm not denying that. However, you're acting as if they're some kind of all powerful God. No. Albanese is the prime minister. Even if the media is against him, that's on him. If he's too incompetent to get his message out and convince the people to vote for the voice, then that's on him. I mean, he could have easily held multiple conferences to elate people's fears. What were the media gonna do? Mute him and put fake subtitles? He didn't. All that advertising could have easily been used to elate people's fears. It wasn't. That's on him. How many ads were there for the voice? Why didn't he use any of those ads to elate the three fears that I brought up? His failure to do so was his incompetence.
I agree that he didn't do a good job of running the campaign. As for people's concerns, I found that watching Q&A on Monday nights gave me a lot of insight even if it usually devolved into a shitfest. What irritated me the most was how pathetic the Coalition's campaign was. Bullshit like "if you don't know, vote no". How about encouraging people to actually research and find out? It's a shame many people just couldn't be bothered.
Australian rePublic wrote:Albo's relationship with foreign minister is irrelevant to internal affairs. I live in South-Western Sydney, the Islamic Capital of Australia. To suggest that the number of Islamophobic attacks is comparable to the number of anti;Jewish is laughably ridiculous at best. AT BEST. When was the last time anyone firebombed a mosque? Sure, Muslims are probably getting verbally attacked, as if Jews aren't., but if you're going to argue that, then you're not really helping your point about Albenese's inaction. If anything, it strengthens my point about lack of action, because it shows he's not acting in protecting Muslims either.
I don't really see what he could specifically do beyond granting $32 million to them, banning Nazi symbols, and creating a special Anti-Semitism Envoy just for them. It's not like the offenders did it in broad daylight anyways.
Australian rePublic wrote:Did you even bother to do a half second Google search on the statistics of youth crime? It's gone up SIGNIFICANTLY since Albo the Clown took power. Unless you think that the ABS are bullshit artist too? ... st-release
Mate, the statistics there completely contradict you:
Median offender age has not changed. The number and rate of theft offenders is still lower than the years prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. The youth offender rate only increased from: 1,778 to 1,847 offenders per 100,000 persons aged between 10 and 17 years (I wouldn't really call that significant tbh).
After accounting for population growth, the youth offender rate for illicit drugs also decreased from 138 to 130 offenders per 100,000 persons aged between 10 and 17 years. This was the lowest recorded rate since the time series began in 2008–09.
Wow. The data also shows youth offender rates being stable or decreasing relative to population, even in the Northern Territory, although it had a significantly higher rate to begin with.
Australian rePublic wrote:And now you've lost all credibility spilling the propoganda of a genocidal dictatorship. "Australia is America's lapdog" is the most pro-CCP propoganda out there. This goes to show how incompetent China's propoganda department is that they've seen me take down Wumaos in every corner of the internet, and yet they're still trying their baby level propoganda against me. Unless you yourself have fallen victim to Chinese propoganda, in which case, I have to tell you, "Australia is America's lapdog" is the low hanging fruit of Chinese propoganda. They're not even trying with that. Please don't fall for the propoganda of genocidal dictatorships.
It isn't propaganda at all, it's just the truth. Don't start yapping about Chinese propaganda on a valid point unless you want me to dismiss your rant against China as American propaganda. Australia has aided American Imperialism worldwide for decades for seemingly no reason, no matter what our population actually thinks about the wars they start. Not to mention the fact that we have no capacity to operate the nuclear submarines independently, there isn't really a reason we would need them, unless they are just gonna be commandeered by the Americans whenever they want to go to war with China. Since the American "War on Terror" alone has killed millions of people in the last 25 years worldwide, and the sum of charges against the PRC are "feeding pork and alcohol to Muslims", I do wonder which one is the real genocidal dictatorship.
Australian rePublic wrote:That's great and all, but what about between the Muslims and Jews?
It is unfortunate that international events have affected the Muslim and Jewish communities. But many Australian Jews seem to be very enthusiastically Zionist and Muslims pro-Palestinian. Therefore it seems a little inevitable that they aren't seeing eye to eye.
Australian rePublic wrote:Australia has an abundance of every natural resources known to man, baring water and oil. Australia also has some of the most expensive power prices in the world, which had gotten orders of magnitude more expensive under Labor. Every other major electrical grid in the world has nuclear power, and most of them have cheaper electricity than us. To therefore suggest that nuclear power will increase power prices, especially considering that half the world's bloody uranium comes from here, is absurd. And in either case, at least Dutton has a policy.
Guess what, that's all false. Australia's prices have increased, yeah. But a lot of that is because we have an absurd private electricity market that exists as nothing but a middleman ripping us off and making things more inefficient, with three large companies controlling 60% of the market. As for the rest of that, prices in Australia are below basically the entirety of Europe, which is well known for its abundance of nuclear energy. In fact, Australia is 8th lowest out of 30 OECD countries in terms of electricity prices. Also, the charts of Australian gas prices are basically identical to the electricity prices, which makes sense considering fossil fuels make up about 65% of production. Thus proving that renewables have nothing to do with price increases.
Australian rePublic wrote:What's Albo's policy? Sit on our hands and keep doing the same thing? Hopefully prices will stop increasing significantly and start going down?
Well... kinda. Renewables are getting cheaper and more efficient, and that can only drive prices down. Anyways, the CSIRO report shows that even the highest possible cost of getting Australia to net zero would be lower than the lowest possible cost of Dutton's nuclear plan, which is far more likely to cost roughly $500 billion. Of course, after releasing a 1-page costings sheet Dutton simply condemned the scientific report on the matter. But hey, at least he has a policy.
Australian rePublic wrote:Instead of using the coal for ourselves, we dig it up, send it to China (you know, the country that YOU love trading with) and let them burn it to get cheap electricity, whilst we don't use it for ourselves, and pay through the nose for electricity. In what alternate universe is that good energy policy? If you were really keen on cutting emissions, you wouldn't want us exporting our coal to China either.
Coal still has the largest share in our energy production, which alone basically disproves that point. It is also one of the most inefficient sources because coal power stations can only operate about 50% of the time anyways. Nuclear being able to run 96% of the time is by far the best, but it is also by far the most expensive form of power. The CSIRO report literally states that Dutton's nuclear plan wouldn't be able to pay for itself, because by the time it did, 40 years down the track, they would all need to be upgraded. That just means we get higher taxes as well as higher energy prices.
Australian rePublic wrote:So if it were about the economy, Albo would want more manufacturing here by bringing cheaper electricity. Either that, or he can't see the forest from the trees and can't realise that cheaper electricity=more manufacturing=a more diversified economy.
He does want to do this. This is why there are investments in renewables and the "Future Made in Australia" policies.
Australian rePublic wrote:As for the duopolies. Fine but A) What's Albanese doing about it then? B) Morison has the same duopolies.
Well the ACCC is suing them for the price gouging so hopefully they get some nice fines. Wish they would just be broken up tho lol
Australian rePublic wrote:And yes, the global economy is shit, and there's not really much we can do about that, but at least Morison cut the fuel excise, knowing that petrol was one of the biggest causes of inflation, and by cutting petrol prices, you tame inflation. Again, what's Albo doing?
Petrol prices are literally controlled by a cabal of megacorporations. It really can't be a coincidence that every fucking school holidays they just happen to jump by like 20 cents.
Anyways, despite having to break all of that down piece by piece, I haven't really talked much about what he is actually doing.
Big fan of Future Made in Australia, $22 billion for renewable manufacturing wooo.
The minimum wage has been increased by 14% since 2022. Two budget surpluses have been delivered after none for 15 years. We will (hopefully) be getting 1.2 million new houses over the next 5 years. We have new environmental legislation placing a hard cap on emissions, with carbon credits to offset stuff above a lower baseline limit. Our emissions are now 29% below 2005 levels, which is actually progressing tangibly towards our target of -43% by 2030 if not quite enough to get us there yet (supposedly it will only be -40%).
All of that is very significant, probably enough for me to say he deserves another term as PM. But that is of course based on what I believe the government's priorities should be. Quite possibly you think they should be doing other things entirely.
by Dimetrodon Empire » Mon Jan 20, 2025 6:39 am
George Orwell wrote:Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism, as I understand it.
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