Why a vote for Albanese is a vote to eff up the country

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Australian rePublic
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Why a vote for Albanese is a vote to eff up the country

Postby Australian rePublic » Sat Jan 18, 2025 3:23 am

So with the federal election looming, we will hit the polls on an unspecified date this year. Here's why the current prime minister, Anthony Albanese, should be given the arse. I've never opposed a prime minister to the point where I've felt the need to post a thread about it, but Albanese is by far the worst prime minister in my life time.

So first, let's start with what was meant to be his magnum opus, the Voice to Parliament. If I was tasked with fucking up the voice to Parliament, I wouldn't have done anywhere near the kind of job that Albanese did. The voice was meant to provide Aboriginal people a way out of their current situation. Giving Aboriginal people a voice to parliament. There were three major, legitimate concerns with the Voice- 1. Australia is enough of a bureaucracy as it is and we don't need an other level of bureaucracy 2. It would give people privileges based on accident of birth, this causing division 3.We wanted Albanese to try this and test the waters to see how it works before enshrining it into the constitution and making it permanent. As this was the beginning of his term, Albanese had plenty of time to do this. Did Albanese address any of these concerns? Of course not. No. Any leader would have addressed even one of these concerns. But Albanese isn't a leader. Instead of addressing actual concerns, he bought into the "if you vote no, you're a racist" claptrap, pissing people off with his identity politics, and thus single handedly fucking up the chance of the voice ever succeeding. What was the worst thing anyone in favour of the voice could do? Buy into the "if you vote no, you're racist" identity politics bullshit. Which guess what, is exactly what he did. Didn't address a single concern. Not one of them. All he did was play identity politics. Most rational people hate identity politics so they were really pissed off with him. Also, calling people racist is the best way to draw towards your cause. People love hearing about how racist they are by politicians. And this referendum cost us half a billion dollars during a cost of living crisis.

Then we have anti-Semitic attacks around Australia. The pro-Palestine crowd have vandalised people's cars with NAZI symbols, vandalising homes with NAZIs and firebombed a synagogue in Melbourne. What did Albanese do? Jack shit. He didn't even visit Melbourne until he was heckled. And when he visited Melbourne, the Jewish (correctly) scorned him for failing to address the issue. He was pressured into commenting on the issue, and even then, he only paid lip service to the problem. Actual leaders, Chris Minns and Jacinta Allens, the premiers of New South Wales and Victoria, actually wanted to address the issue, and Albanese had to pay lip service by agreeing to provide federal assistance. Something that requires initiative. Albanese has less initiative than a baby. At least a baby can cry to get what it wants. Albanese is lacking even that.

And then we have youth crime. I've said it before he was even elected and I'll say it again, Albanese is useless in a crisis. I knew that he would do nothing, but I didn't know how bad it actually was, where he would actively make the problem worse. Granted, crime is a state issue, and there's not a lot the feds can do about it, however, it can't be a coincidence that youth crime has increased NATIONWIDE by orders of magnitude since his reign of incompetence. ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE. And he does have authority over the territories. Let's compare Chris Minns' approach to that of Albanese. Chris Minns, upon seeing an increase in crime in New South Wales worst hit community, Moree, he went there, got to together with the sporting organisation that the Rugby League. What did Albanese do? He went to Alice Springs in the Northern Territories (again, he has authority over the territories), Australia's worst effected city, and he stepped out of his plane, gave a quarter arsed speech, and went back in his plane immediately afterwards. Alice Springs was never the safest city, but under Albanese, break and enters and rapes are so prominent that the city is resembling failed state. All that happened under Albanese.

Then we have our relationship with China. The previous government did so well in cutting us from China and being less reliant on China. They started the process of diversifying our economy away from China. It didn't even take Albanese 10 minutes to put us back on Uncle Xi's teet. And whilst most political parties want to follow the USA's lead and ban TikTok if it continues to have links to the Chinese government, but not Albanese. No, Albanese would never do such a thing. I mean, granted, he is helping move Paua New Guinea a very poor country which happens to be our closest geographical neighbour. He is forcing PNG away away from China through providing them a Rugby League team on the proviso that they don't sign any police or military agreements with China, and the minute they do, he pulls all funding for the Rugby League team. This is especially the case as PNG is the only country in the world where Rugby League is the national sport, they're fanatical over there, and the team would significantly help their economy. I have to give him credit for that.

And I don't think that Australia has been this racially divided since the Stolen Generation. Even the Cronulla Riots were a single incident. The current racial divisions are on going

And don't even get me started on his disembowelment of the economy.

If you're voting for Albanese, considering how much of a fuck up his single term reign has been, then this is your opportunity to prove to me that you don't hate Australia. So go, let's discuss
Last edited by Australian rePublic on Sat Jan 18, 2025 3:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby SKM » Sat Jan 18, 2025 3:57 am

Heya! I'm a new Young Labor member, I joined specifically to help with this election campaign because I'm still 17 and odds are the vote will be before my bday.

OK, there is a lot to unpack in the OP so I won't try and quote directly cause that would take up too much space.
1) The voice:
Now while I agree that it probably shouldn't have been as much of a priority as it was, it was really only controversial because it didn't have bipartisan support. Although in theory both Labor and the Coalition supported the Uluru Statement from the Heart; from where the entire concept of the Voice came from, Dutton chose to get mired up in "the detail" because he knew if he sank the proposal it would be possibly the most embarrassing failure of Albo's term. Almost immediately, the Murdoch media was released on it like a pack of hungry dogs and by obfuscating everything to buggery - making far more of a deal out of the "identity politics" than what any proponent of it ever did - and relying on people's laziness and fear it was sunk.

2) I don't really think you have a valid point here when Albo is such a suck up to people like Netanyahu. Not to mention, there have been plenty of Islamophobic attacks recently, but no media coverage or "Islamophobia Envoy". Hmmm...

3) All this yap about youth crime is just that. A media narrative that is just peddled by the Coalition and Murdoch press. Sure, Alice Springs is having a rough time, but for this absolute crap to influence the election in Queensland (where there are like literal 10 year olds in juvie) is absurd.

4) Our relationship with China under the Coalition was absolutely cooked. The way we behaved towards our largest trade partner was just self-harming and stupid. Furthermore, blowing $320 billion on AUKUS which none of us ever got to vote on just proves how much of an American lapdog our government is.

5) Racial division wouldn't be a problem if Reconciliation hadn't been killed.

6) The economy isn't great, but compared to the rest of the world it's about the same, so it is what it is. Not to mention that corporations are pulling in record profits, so most of the "cost of living crisis" is just caused by the Supermarket Duopoly and other such bastardry.

Now, if I were able to vote, I'd give it to Labor without hesitation, because it is in my best interest. If the Libs get back in power, our economy is going to be even more fucked because we will blow half a bloody trillion dollars on a nuclear program that is nothing but a front for the continuation of the fossil fuel industry. That would be devastating for our nation and the world. Simple as.

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Australian rePublic
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Postby Australian rePublic » Sat Jan 18, 2025 6:16 am

SKM wrote:Heya! I'm a new Young Labor member, I joined specifically to help with this election campaign because I'm still 17 and odds are the vote will be before my bday.

OK, there is a lot to unpack in the OP so I won't try and quote directly cause that would take up too much space.
1) The voice:
Now while I agree that it probably shouldn't have been as much of a priority as it was, it was really only controversial because it didn't have bipartisan support. Although in theory both Labor and the Coalition supported the Uluru Statement from the Heart; from where the entire concept of the Voice came from, Dutton chose to get mired up in "the detail" because he knew if he sank the proposal it would be possibly the most embarrassing failure of Albo's term. Almost immediately, the Murdoch media was released on it like a pack of hungry dogs and by obfuscating everything to buggery - making far more of a deal out of the "identity politics" than what any proponent of it ever did - and relying on people's laziness and fear it was sunk.

The media are indeed powerful. I'm not denying that. However, you're acting as if they're some kind of all powerful God. No. Albanese is the prime minister. Even if the media is against him, that's on him. If he's too incompetent to get his message out and convince the people to vote for the voice, then that's on him. I mean, he could have easily held multiple conferences to elate people's fears. What were the media gonna do? Mute him and put fake subtitles? He didn't. All that advertising could have easily been used to elate people's fears. It wasn't. That's on him. How many ads were there for the voice? Why didn't he use any of those ads to elate the three fears that I brought up? His failure to do so was his incompetence. Also, notice how I praise Chris Minns? Same party, same media. Both Minns and Albanese are Labor politicians and both face the same media, at least here in NSW. Minns cops less crap from the media? Why? Because people know his policies. People see him proactive in trying to solve the state's issues. That's not something the media can manipulate. Chris Minns holds press conferences about everything the public cares about. The media couldn't twist his words if they wanted to. And Minns gets shit done.

2) I don't really think you have a valid point here when Albo is such a suck up to people like Netanyahu. Not to mention, there have been plenty of Islamophobic attacks recently, but no media coverage or "Islamophobia Envoy". Hmmm...

Albo's relationship with foreign minister is irrelevant to internal affairs. I live in South-Western Sydney, the Islamic Capital of Australia. To suggest that the number of Islamophobic attacks is comparable to the number of anti;Jewish is laughably ridiculous at best. AT BEST. When was the last time anyone firebombed a mosque? Sure, Muslims are probably getting verbally attacked, as if Jews aren't., but if you're going to argue that, then you're not really helping your point about Albenese's inaction. If anything, it strengthens my point about lack of action, because it shows he's not acting in protecting Muslims either.

3) All this yap about youth crime is just that. A media narrative that is just peddled by the Coalition and Murdoch press. Sure, Alice Springs is having a rough time, but for this absolute crap to influence the election in Queensland (where there are like literal 10 year olds in juvie) is absurd.

Did you even bother to do a half second Google search on the statistics of youth crime? It's gone up SIGNIFICANTLY since Albo the Clown took power. Unless you think that the ABS are bullshit artist too? Also, why the fuck would crime not influence an election? In what universe is the systematic increase in the problem of people breaking into your house, stealing your car, or in the case of Alice Springs, raping you, not an election issue? Are you fucking kidding me right now? Also, again, the media couldn't fabricate Albanese quarter-arsing his visit to Alice Springs. That's on him. ... st-release

4) Our relationship with China under the Coalition was absolutely cooked. The way we behaved towards our largest trade partner was just self-harming and stupid. Furthermore, blowing $320 billion on AUKUS which none of us ever got to vote on just proves how much of an American lapdog our government is.

And now you've lost all credibility spilling the propoganda of a genocidal dictatorship. "Australia is America's lapdog" is the most pro-CCP propoganda out there. This goes to show how incompetent China's propoganda department is that they've seen me take down Wumaos in every corner of the internet, and yet they're still trying their baby level propoganda against me. Unless you yourself have fallen victim to Chinese propoganda, in which case, I have to tell you, "Australia is America's lapdog" is the low hanging fruit of Chinese propoganda. They're not even trying with that. Please don't fall for the propoganda of genocidal dictatorships. Also, considering that I specifically criticised Australia's over reliance on China as a trade partner and lack of diversity, your whole point here was "yea, China is our largest partner and the Coalition changed that". Yea, exactly my fucking point. That's the exact point I'm making. Over-reliance on one partner is a bad thing. Morrison, though he was a shit prime minister, was at least able to see that and did something about it. Also, AUKUS is bipartisan, so Albo is just as responsible for it as Morrison was. Also, your stance on Islamophobia is contradictory. Considering that you want Australia to continue associating ourselves with China, a country which sends Muslims to NAZI-style concentration camps, force feeds them pork and alcohol, and electrocuted them if they spend too long on the toilet instead of working. You want to spread the propoganda of a country which does THAT to Muslims, yet you're complaining about Islamophobia in Australia. I mean, Islamophobia might be an issue in Australia, but we're not sending Muslims off to NAZI style concentration camps. If it is happening, it would be a very serious crime, and not a state sanctioned systematic genocide as it is in China. You're claiming that you're against Islamophobia, yet you're supporting and inadvertently spreading the propoganda of a regime which is committing a systematic genocide against Muslims.

5) Racial division wouldn't be a problem if Reconciliation hadn't been killed.

That's great and all, but what about between the Muslims and Jews?

6) The economy isn't great, but compared to the rest of the world it's about the same, so it is what it is. Not to mention that corporations are pulling in record profits, so most of the "cost of living crisis" is just caused by the Supermarket Duopoly and other such bastardry.

Now, if I were able to vote, I'd give it to Labor without hesitation, because it is in my best interest. If the Libs get back in power, our economy is going to be even more fucked because we will blow half a bloody trillion dollars on a nuclear program that is nothing but a front for the continuation of the fossil fuel industry. That would be devastating for our nation and the world. Simple as.

Australia has an abundance of every natural resources known to man, baring water and oil. Australia also has some of the most expensive power prices in the world, which had gotten orders of magnitude more expensive under Labor. Every other major electrical grid in the world has nuclear power, and most of them have cheaper electricity than us. To therefore suggest that nuclear power will increase power prices, especially considering that half the world's bloody uranium comes from here, is absurd. And in either case, at least Dutton has a policy. What's Albo's policy? Sit on our hands and keep doing the same thing? Hopefully prices will stop increasing significantly and start going down? Whatever Albanese is doing isn't working. Now if you want to suggest that nuclear power wouldn't work, go for it, but to suggest that we're better off under Albanese under energy policy is laughable. I mean, we have an abundance of wind, an abundance of sunshine (half out continent is fucking desert) an abundance of every natural resource known to man, except water and oil, and yet, we have amongst the world's most expensive power prices. Instead of using the coal for ourselves, we dig it up, send it to China (you know, the country that YOU love trading with) and let them burn it to get cheap electricity, whilst we don't use it for ourselves, and pay through the nose for electricity. In what alternate universe is that good energy policy? If you were really keen on cutting emissions, you wouldn't want us exporting our coal to China either. At least if we burn it domestically, we don't use any emissions to send it a quarter of the way around the world. And not just China either, we send our coal to m
So many places. But whilst the rest of the world gets cheap electricity from our coal, we're paying through the nose because we refuse to use it for ourselves. That's not good energy policy. That's an onion article playing out in real life. Honestly, if you have a prime minister who can provide cheap electricity to the rest of the world but makes his own citizens pay through the nose, he's either a clown or a traitor. In the case of Albanese, it's the former . And it's not even about the economy. If it were, cheaper electricity prices would help diversify our economy beyond mining. For one thing, a lot more manufacturing would come back. As manufacturing is becoming less labour intensive and more automated, the cost of labour is less of a concern than the cost of the electricity to run the machines. So if it were about the economy, Albo would want more manufacturing here by bringing cheaper electricity. Either that, or he can't see the forest from the trees and can't realise that cheaper electricity=more manufacturing=a more diversified economy. Either option paints him in a bad light

As for the duopolies. Fine but A) What's Albanese doing about it then? B) Morison has the same duopolies.

And yes, the global economy is shit, and there's not really much we can do about that, but at least Morison cut the fuel excise, knowing that petrol was one of the biggest causes of inflation, and by cutting petrol prices, you tame inflation. Again, what's Albo doing?
Last edited by Australian rePublic on Sat Jan 18, 2025 6:43 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Postby Qaumodeen » Sat Jan 18, 2025 7:35 am

I love Albo
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Postby USHALLNOTPASS » Sat Jan 18, 2025 8:11 am

Australian rePublic wrote:This goes to show how incompetent China's propoganda department is that they've seen me take down Wumaos in every corner of the internet, and yet they're still trying their baby level propoganda against me.

Jesus Christ mate, this is single-handedly the most inane shit I’ve read in the last 24 hours, and I’ve skimmed through a LM rant.
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Postby Liberal Malaysia » Sat Jan 18, 2025 10:21 am

Leftist government fucks up their country. News at 10.
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Postby Digital Planets » Sat Jan 18, 2025 10:23 am

Liberal Malaysia wrote:Leftist government fucks up their country. News at 10.

I chuckled at the irony of this.
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Postby SKM » Sun Jan 19, 2025 1:41 am

Australian rePublic wrote:The media are indeed powerful. I'm not denying that. However, you're acting as if they're some kind of all powerful God. No. Albanese is the prime minister. Even if the media is against him, that's on him. If he's too incompetent to get his message out and convince the people to vote for the voice, then that's on him. I mean, he could have easily held multiple conferences to elate people's fears. What were the media gonna do? Mute him and put fake subtitles? He didn't. All that advertising could have easily been used to elate people's fears. It wasn't. That's on him. How many ads were there for the voice? Why didn't he use any of those ads to elate the three fears that I brought up? His failure to do so was his incompetence.

I agree that he didn't do a good job of running the campaign. As for people's concerns, I found that watching Q&A on Monday nights gave me a lot of insight even if it usually devolved into a shitfest. What irritated me the most was how pathetic the Coalition's campaign was. Bullshit like "if you don't know, vote no". How about encouraging people to actually research and find out? It's a shame many people just couldn't be bothered.
Australian rePublic wrote:Albo's relationship with foreign minister is irrelevant to internal affairs. I live in South-Western Sydney, the Islamic Capital of Australia. To suggest that the number of Islamophobic attacks is comparable to the number of anti;Jewish is laughably ridiculous at best. AT BEST. When was the last time anyone firebombed a mosque? Sure, Muslims are probably getting verbally attacked, as if Jews aren't., but if you're going to argue that, then you're not really helping your point about Albenese's inaction. If anything, it strengthens my point about lack of action, because it shows he's not acting in protecting Muslims either.

I don't really see what he could specifically do beyond granting $32 million to them, banning Nazi symbols, and creating a special Anti-Semitism Envoy just for them. It's not like the offenders did it in broad daylight anyways.

Australian rePublic wrote:Did you even bother to do a half second Google search on the statistics of youth crime? It's gone up SIGNIFICANTLY since Albo the Clown took power. Unless you think that the ABS are bullshit artist too? ... st-release

Mate, the statistics there completely contradict you:
Median offender age has not changed. The number and rate of theft offenders is still lower than the years prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. The youth offender rate only increased from: 1,778 to 1,847 offenders per 100,000 persons aged between 10 and 17 years (I wouldn't really call that significant tbh).
After accounting for population growth, the youth offender rate for illicit drugs also decreased from 138 to 130 offenders per 100,000 persons aged between 10 and 17 years. This was the lowest recorded rate since the time series began in 2008–09.
Wow. The data also shows youth offender rates being stable or decreasing relative to population, even in the Northern Territory, although it had a significantly higher rate to begin with.

Australian rePublic wrote:And now you've lost all credibility spilling the propoganda of a genocidal dictatorship. "Australia is America's lapdog" is the most pro-CCP propoganda out there. This goes to show how incompetent China's propoganda department is that they've seen me take down Wumaos in every corner of the internet, and yet they're still trying their baby level propoganda against me. Unless you yourself have fallen victim to Chinese propoganda, in which case, I have to tell you, "Australia is America's lapdog" is the low hanging fruit of Chinese propoganda. They're not even trying with that. Please don't fall for the propoganda of genocidal dictatorships.

It isn't propaganda at all, it's just the truth. Don't start yapping about Chinese propaganda on a valid point unless you want me to dismiss your rant against China as American propaganda. Australia has aided American Imperialism worldwide for decades for seemingly no reason, no matter what our population actually thinks about the wars they start. Not to mention the fact that we have no capacity to operate the nuclear submarines independently, there isn't really a reason we would need them, unless they are just gonna be commandeered by the Americans whenever they want to go to war with China. Since the American "War on Terror" alone has killed millions of people in the last 25 years worldwide, and the sum of charges against the PRC are "feeding pork and alcohol to Muslims", I do wonder which one is the real genocidal dictatorship.

Australian rePublic wrote:That's great and all, but what about between the Muslims and Jews?

It is unfortunate that international events have affected the Muslim and Jewish communities. But many Australian Jews seem to be very enthusiastically Zionist and Muslims pro-Palestinian. Therefore it seems a little inevitable that they aren't seeing eye to eye.

Australian rePublic wrote:Australia has an abundance of every natural resources known to man, baring water and oil. Australia also has some of the most expensive power prices in the world, which had gotten orders of magnitude more expensive under Labor. Every other major electrical grid in the world has nuclear power, and most of them have cheaper electricity than us. To therefore suggest that nuclear power will increase power prices, especially considering that half the world's bloody uranium comes from here, is absurd. And in either case, at least Dutton has a policy.

Guess what, that's all false. Australia's prices have increased, yeah. But a lot of that is because we have an absurd private electricity market that exists as nothing but a middleman ripping us off and making things more inefficient, with three large companies controlling 60% of the market. As for the rest of that, prices in Australia are below basically the entirety of Europe, which is well known for its abundance of nuclear energy. In fact, Australia is 8th lowest out of 30 OECD countries in terms of electricity prices. Also, the charts of Australian gas prices are basically identical to the electricity prices, which makes sense considering fossil fuels make up about 65% of production. Thus proving that renewables have nothing to do with price increases.
Australian rePublic wrote:What's Albo's policy? Sit on our hands and keep doing the same thing? Hopefully prices will stop increasing significantly and start going down?

Well... kinda. Renewables are getting cheaper and more efficient, and that can only drive prices down. Anyways, the CSIRO report shows that even the highest possible cost of getting Australia to net zero would be lower than the lowest possible cost of Dutton's nuclear plan, which is far more likely to cost roughly $500 billion. Of course, after releasing a 1-page costings sheet Dutton simply condemned the scientific report on the matter. But hey, at least he has a policy.

Australian rePublic wrote:Instead of using the coal for ourselves, we dig it up, send it to China (you know, the country that YOU love trading with) and let them burn it to get cheap electricity, whilst we don't use it for ourselves, and pay through the nose for electricity. In what alternate universe is that good energy policy? If you were really keen on cutting emissions, you wouldn't want us exporting our coal to China either.

Coal still has the largest share in our energy production, which alone basically disproves that point. It is also one of the most inefficient sources because coal power stations can only operate about 50% of the time anyways. Nuclear being able to run 96% of the time is by far the best, but it is also by far the most expensive form of power. The CSIRO report literally states that Dutton's nuclear plan wouldn't be able to pay for itself, because by the time it did, 40 years down the track, they would all need to be upgraded. That just means we get higher taxes as well as higher energy prices.

Australian rePublic wrote:So if it were about the economy, Albo would want more manufacturing here by bringing cheaper electricity. Either that, or he can't see the forest from the trees and can't realise that cheaper electricity=more manufacturing=a more diversified economy.

He does want to do this. This is why there are investments in renewables and the "Future Made in Australia" policies.

Australian rePublic wrote:As for the duopolies. Fine but A) What's Albanese doing about it then? B) Morison has the same duopolies.

Well the ACCC is suing them for the price gouging so hopefully they get some nice fines. Wish they would just be broken up tho lol

Australian rePublic wrote:And yes, the global economy is shit, and there's not really much we can do about that, but at least Morison cut the fuel excise, knowing that petrol was one of the biggest causes of inflation, and by cutting petrol prices, you tame inflation. Again, what's Albo doing?

Petrol prices are literally controlled by a cabal of megacorporations. It really can't be a coincidence that every fucking school holidays they just happen to jump by like 20 cents.

Anyways, despite having to break all of that down piece by piece, I haven't really talked much about what he is actually doing.
Big fan of Future Made in Australia, $22 billion for renewable manufacturing wooo.
The minimum wage has been increased by 14% since 2022. Two budget surpluses have been delivered after none for 15 years. We will (hopefully) be getting 1.2 million new houses over the next 5 years. We have new environmental legislation placing a hard cap on emissions, with carbon credits to offset stuff above a lower baseline limit. Our emissions are now 29% below 2005 levels, which is actually progressing tangibly towards our target of -43% by 2030 if not quite enough to get us there yet (supposedly it will only be -40%).
All of that is very significant, probably enough for me to say he deserves another term as PM. But that is of course based on what I believe the government's priorities should be. Quite possibly you think they should be doing other things entirely.

(In a French accent:) I don’t want to talk to you no more, you empty-headed animal-food-trough wiper. I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries!
SKM, representing one third of The Alliance Of Eros' triumvirate (as founder)
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Postby Kasdados » Sun Jan 19, 2025 1:42 am

Absolutely, completely agree. Dutton is the last hope for Australia.
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Postby USHALLNOTPASS » Sun Jan 19, 2025 1:55 am

I’m also begging AR to use the word “fuck”. We’re not preschoolers, you’re allowed to swear.
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Postby SKM » Sun Jan 19, 2025 2:29 am

USHALLNOTPASS wrote:I’m also begging AR to use the word “fuck”. We’re not preschoolers, you’re allowed to swear.

he did like 7 times. is this unheard of before now??

(In a French accent:) I don’t want to talk to you no more, you empty-headed animal-food-trough wiper. I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries!
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Postby USHALLNOTPASS » Sun Jan 19, 2025 2:31 am

SKM wrote:
USHALLNOTPASS wrote:I’m also begging AR to use the word “fuck”. We’re not preschoolers, you’re allowed to swear.

he did like 7 times. is this unheard of before now??

He needs to change the title to ward off the Americans, the Malaysians etc.
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Postby USHALLNOTPASS » Sun Jan 19, 2025 2:48 am

So to add on to/bash SKM's statements with facts and logic (specifically the youth crime, and energy)

1. It's true that youth crime has increased since 2008 from the ABS. It's also true that the increase in violent offenses (which are the ones AR presumably cares about), has gone up by a whopping 8%. Indeed, because the ABS only has data going back to 2008, it rather skews the picture, because youth crime as a whole has been on a downward trend. It's a bit like seeing an increase in the number of shark attacks during Summer, and then going "oh god it's going to be so doomed this winter".

What's more is that AR's response to youth crime is to propose penal colonies and to rant about increasing the age of criminal responsibility (despite our age of criminal responsibility being some of the lowest in the western world). Both of which would only serve to worsen crime in the long run.

2. It's true we dig up a lot of coal. It's also true that once you dig up the coal, it doesn't magically get transformed into electricity. Our problem is that our coal power plants are shit. It literally won't matter if we keep all the coal to ourselves like some sort of carbon gremlin because our power plants will literally just explode. That being the case, it's fucking stupid to dig our heels in the ground and stick with coal. Everyone and their mothers (including China) are moving away from coal, and you'd have us be the dipshits we kilotonnes of coal lying about we can't even use.
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Postby Slembana » Sun Jan 19, 2025 6:23 am

Liberal Malaysia wrote:Leftist government fucks up their country. News at 10.

The Albanese government is not leftist.
I am an anarchist/libertarian socialist. Policies of my country roughly reflect my views IRL. Click below for more information on my political views, which are specifically about my views with relation to the conflict between Israel and Palestine.
FUCK ISRAEL! I support peace, therefore I stand with Palestine. I want a bi-national solution, a state in which Jews and Palestinians can coexist peacefully. The onus is on Israel to stop this - it can do it anytime by bringing a ceasefire and ending apartheid.

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Postby Australian rePublic » Mon Jan 20, 2025 6:37 am

SKM wrote:
Australian rePublic wrote:The media are indeed powerful. I'm not denying that. However, you're acting as if they're some kind of all powerful God. No. Albanese is the prime minister. Even if the media is against him, that's on him. If he's too incompetent to get his message out and convince the people to vote for the voice, then that's on him. I mean, he could have easily held multiple conferences to elate people's fears. What were the media gonna do? Mute him and put fake subtitles? He didn't. All that advertising could have easily been used to elate people's fears. It wasn't. That's on him. How many ads were there for the voice? Why didn't he use any of those ads to elate the three fears that I brought up? His failure to do so was his incompetence.

I agree that he didn't do a good job of running the campaign. As for people's concerns, I found that watching Q&A on Monday nights gave me a lot of insight even if it usually devolved into a shitfest. What irritated me the most was how pathetic the Coalition's campaign was. Bullshit like "if you don't know, vote no". How about encouraging people to actually research and find out? It's a shame many people just couldn't be bothered.

I mean, I did lots of research. I knew exactly what the voice would do. I even explained it to others who weren't bothered. I was still unconvinced. I very clearly laid out my three concerns in the OP. They mirrored the concerns of the public. That's why I voted no. As for the Coalition taking the "if you don't know, vote no method", I mean, if Albanese couldn't communicate his policy to the public, that's on him.

Australian rePublic wrote:Albo's relationship with foreign minister is irrelevant to internal affairs. I live in South-Western Sydney, the Islamic Capital of Australia. To suggest that the number of Islamophobic attacks is comparable to the number of anti;Jewish is laughably ridiculous at best. AT BEST. When was the last time anyone firebombed a mosque? Sure, Muslims are probably getting verbally attacked, as if Jews aren't., but if you're going to argue that, then you're not really helping your point about Albenese's inaction. If anything, it strengthens my point about lack of action, because it shows he's not acting in protecting Muslims either.

I don't really see what he could specifically do beyond granting $32 million to them, banning Nazi symbols, and creating a special Anti-Semitism Envoy just for them. It's not like the offenders did it in broad daylight anyways.

And what the has the anti-Semitism envoy done? Just because you appoint someone to such a job, it doesn't mean that it's gonna solve the problem. As for everything else his done. Yea, only because the media forced him to. I mean, the media bias and duopoly is extremely bad, I'm not apologising for it. But if that's what it takes for Albanese to get his arse and actually do his job, there is a silver lining to it. Too little too late. I've been crying saying that some of the pro-Palestine protestors are anti-Semitic since the Attack on October 7. Most Australians could see the anti-Semitism in those protests. They were a minority of the protestors, but they were there. I've been calling it out on NSG since then too. Unfortunately, Albo decided to join those on NSG who stuck their head in the stand and played mental gymnastics to claim there was no anti-Semitism in those protests. Most Australians saw these attacks coming. Albo chose to join those who were sticking their head in the sand, and now he's claiming to have been doing something about it all along. Too little too late. Also, you're claiming that he doesn't anything about Islamophobia. He also appointed an anti-Islamaphobic envoy too. So, according to YOUR logic, that envoy hasn't done anything either. Again, you're not really helping your case here. I've been saying that an anti-Semitic attack was coming for a few months now. Go.back in my history and see for yourself. The only difference was I didn't think it would take this long, nor did I think it would be this bad. If a complete moron like me saw this coming, then why didn't the prime minister. Also, Albanese CORRECTLY scorned Scomo for fucking off to Hawaii during the fires. Fucking off to Hawaii during the fires was unforgivable. But at the same time, it took Albo days to visit the Melbourne Synagogue that was attacked, and only because the media pressured him to do so. Again, if he requires the media to force him to do his job, he's not a good PM.

Australian rePublic wrote:Did you even bother to do a half second Google search on the statistics of youth crime? It's gone up SIGNIFICANTLY since Albo the Clown took power. Unless you think that the ABS are bullshit artist too? ... st-release

Mate, the statistics there completely contradict you:
Median offender age has not changed. The number and rate of theft offenders is still lower than the years prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. The youth offender rate only increased from: 1,778 to 1,847 offenders per 100,000 persons aged between 10 and 17 years (I wouldn't really call that significant tbh).
After accounting for population growth, the youth offender rate for illicit drugs also decreased from 138 to 130 offenders per 100,000 persons aged between 10 and 17 years. This was the lowest recorded rate since the time series began in 2008–09.
Wow. The data also shows youth offender rates being stable or decreasing relative to population, even in the Northern Territory, although it had a significantly higher rate to begin with.

Youth crime increased per 100,000 people as you suggested. That's increase per head of population. That figure takes into account population, because again, it's per 100,000 people. If there's an additional 100,000 people they'll be counted separately in that per 100,000 people statistic. Also, why would you single out drug use? That's a single crime. So many other crimes, why would you single out one of them?

Australian rePublic wrote:And now you've lost all credibility spilling the propoganda of a genocidal dictatorship. "Australia is America's lapdog" is the most pro-CCP propoganda out there. This goes to show how incompetent China's propoganda department is that they've seen me take down Wumaos in every corner of the internet, and yet they're still trying their baby level propoganda against me. Unless you yourself have fallen victim to Chinese propoganda, in which case, I have to tell you, "Australia is America's lapdog" is the low hanging fruit of Chinese propoganda. They're not even trying with that. Please don't fall for the propoganda of genocidal dictatorships.

It isn't propaganda at all, it's just the truth. Don't start yapping about Chinese propaganda on a valid point unless you want me to dismiss your rant against China as American propaganda. Australia has aided American Imperialism worldwide for decades for seemingly no reason, no matter what our population actually thinks about the wars they start. Not to mention the fact that we have no capacity to operate the nuclear submarines independently, there isn't really a reason we would need them, unless they are just gonna be commandeered by the Americans whenever they want to go to war with China. Since the American "War on Terror" alone has killed millions of people in the last 25 years worldwide, and the sum of charges against the PRC are "feeding pork and alcohol to Muslims", I do wonder which one is the real genocidal dictatorship.

When did I support the war on terror? When did I support the Americans imperialism overseas? Also, you're claiming that you're not promoting Chinese propoganda, despite the fact that I specifically said that China is sending Muslims to NAZI-style concentration camps. I mean, I've mentioned NAZI-style concentration camps so clearly, that the only reason you would have for omitting it is that you don't want to address it. Why would you not want to address the part of NAZI-style concentration camps. You didn't even deny it. You completely ignored it. I made more references to NAZi style concentration camps than what I did to pork and alcohol, so that was a deliberate choice. If you're not propagating Chinese propoganda, then what are you doing? Also, again, the nuclear submarines were bipartisan, so Albo is just as responsible for them as Dutton is. An other part that you ignored.. Also, I've heard national defence experts speak. I've heard naval speaks. Not what the media has said about them, I've heard them speak for themselves. They said that 8 nuclear subs are better than an massive fleet of conventional subs. I'll take the advice of naval experts over that of randoms on the internet. They wouldn't be brought in to say that to feed media bias, if you think you know better than them, then I'd like to hear your explanation. Also, if nuclear subs were useless, China wouldn't be shitting themselves and going ballistic at the prospect of it. Honestly, if you don't want to do any research into how China is treating the Muslims in its border, don't sit here and pretend to know what you're talking about..

Australian rePublic wrote:That's great and all, but what about between the Muslims and Jews?

It is unfortunate that international events have affected the Muslim and Jewish communities. But many Australian Jews seem to be very enthusiastically Zionist and Muslims pro-Palestinian. Therefore it seems a little inevitable that they aren't seeing eye to eye.

Well no shit. But I already addressed this

Australian rePublic wrote:Australia has an abundance of every natural resources known to man, baring water and oil. Australia also has some of the most expensive power prices in the world, which had gotten orders of magnitude more expensive under Labor. Every other major electrical grid in the world has nuclear power, and most of them have cheaper electricity than us. To therefore suggest that nuclear power will increase power prices, especially considering that half the world's bloody uranium comes from here, is absurd. And in either case, at least Dutton has a policy.

Guess what, that's all false. Australia's prices have increased, yeah. But a lot of that is because we have an absurd private electricity market that exists as nothing but a middleman ripping us off and making things more inefficient, with three large companies controlling 60% of the market. As for the rest of that, prices in Australia are below basically the entirety of Europe, which is well known for its abundance of nuclear energy. In fact, Australia is 8th lowest out of 30 OECD countries in terms of electricity prices. Also, the charts of Australian gas prices are basically identical to the electricity prices, which makes sense considering fossil fuels make up about 65% of production. Thus proving that renewables have nothing to do with price increases.

Fair. But I'll point you to a website where everyone thinks that the sun shines out of the LNP's arse BECAUSE they sold off the power polls. I'm the only person there who's willing to call out the LNP on their bullshit, and because of that, I've been labelled the villiage idiot. If you're interested, TG me. But our power prices shouldn't even be comparing to those of Europe. Unlike Europe, we don't need to import out resoruces

Australian rePublic wrote:What's Albo's policy? Sit on our hands and keep doing the same thing? Hopefully prices will stop increasing significantly and start going down?

Well... kinda. Renewables are getting cheaper and more efficient, and that can only drive prices down. Anyways, the CSIRO report shows that even the highest possible cost of getting Australia to net zero would be lower than the lowest possible cost of Dutton's nuclear plan, which is far more likely to cost roughly $500 billion. Of course, after releasing a 1-page costings sheet Dutton simply condemned the scientific report on the matter. But hey, at least he has a policy.

Generating renewables might be cheaper, yes. Storing them and transmitting them, on the hand, are a completely different story

Australian rePublic wrote:Instead of using the coal for ourselves, we dig it up, send it to China (you know, the country that YOU love trading with) and let them burn it to get cheap electricity, whilst we don't use it for ourselves, and pay through the nose for electricity. In what alternate universe is that good energy policy? If you were really keen on cutting emissions, you wouldn't want us exporting our coal to China either.

Coal still has the largest share in our energy production, which alone basically disproves that point. It is also one of the most inefficient sources because coal power stations can only operate about 50% of the time anyways. Nuclear being able to run 96% of the time is by far the best, but it is also by far the most expensive form of power. The CSIRO report literally states that Dutton's nuclear plan wouldn't be able to pay for itself, because by the time it did, 40 years down the track, they would all need to be upgraded. That just means we get higher taxes as well as higher energy prices.

Again, it's about transmission and storage. Also, you can't generate solar power at night, nor can you generate wind energy when the wind ain't blowing. So storage is critical. We don't have enough water for more hydroelectric power, nor do we have much capacity for geothermal. We should absolutely be investing in renewables, and if I were in charge, I'd be doing research into new forms of renewables, or improving the renewables that exist so we can have geothermal (there is significant development into ensuring geothermal could be placed anywhere on the planet, but that's not gonna happen overnight). In the meanwhile, we need a stopgap. Especially considering that every mainland state on the main grid has been seeing blackouts. Nuclear could be a stopgap. I mean, the government should be focused on researching better renewable energy- better geothermal energy, wave power, etc. That's what I'd be doing if I were in government. Maybe in 5 years, these technologies will exist, but in the meantime? Future Made in Australia is brilliant, but it'll only work so well if factories are constantly subject to load shedding

Australian rePublic wrote:So if it were about the economy, Albo would want more manufacturing here by bringing cheaper electricity. Either that, or he can't see the forest from the trees and can't realise that cheaper electricity=more manufacturing=a more diversified economy.

He does want to do this. This is why there are investments in renewables and the "Future Made in Australia" policies.

Yea, credit where credit is due. Fair. Fair point. I forgot about that. However, it's gonna be hard when factories have to shut down production due to load shedding

Australian rePublic wrote:As for the duopolies. Fine but A) What's Albanese doing about it then? B) Morison has the same duopolies.

Well the ACCC is suing them for the price gouging so hopefully they get some nice fines. Wish they would just be broken up tho lol


Australian rePublic wrote:And yes, the global economy is shit, and there's not really much we can do about that, but at least Morison cut the fuel excise, knowing that petrol was one of the biggest causes of inflation, and by cutting petrol prices, you tame inflation. Again, what's Albo doing?

Petrol prices are literally controlled by a cabal of megacorporations. It really can't be a coincidence that every fucking school holidays they just happen to jump by like 20 cents.

Anyways, despite having to break all of that down piece by piece, I haven't really talked much about what he is actually doing.
Big fan of Future Made in Australia, $22 billion for renewable manufacturing wooo.
The minimum wage has been increased by 14% since 2022. Two budget surpluses have been delivered after none for 15 years. We will (hopefully) be getting 1.2 million new houses over the next 5 years. We have new environmental legislation placing a hard cap on emissions, with carbon credits to offset stuff above a lower baseline limit. Our emissions are now 29% below 2005 levels, which is actually progressing tangibly towards our target of -43% by 2030 if not quite enough to get us there yet (supposedly it will only be -40%).
All of that is very significant, probably enough for me to say he deserves another term as PM. But that is of course based on what I believe the government's priorities should be. Quite possibly you think they should be doing other things entirely.

Supporting carbon credits is a nice idea in theory, but in practice, it doesn't actually work. I could write a whole essay about that, but basically, no.body wants to emit more carbon, it's a massive expense. Carbon credits are over-simplifying a complex issue, and there are much, much better ways to cut emissions. Quick TL;DR version. Carbon credits punish businesses who pollute. This forces big companies to innovate their way out of it. Woo hoo. Guess what, many of them are already fucking doing that. No one wants to be seen as the company who has the worst carbon emissions in the country. That kind of reputation is bad for business. All it does is punish small business owners like myself who don't have the resources to innovate our way out of it. There are much better, more logical methods of reducing carbon emissions. Much, much better ways. Ways that'll get all businesses to reduce emissions. Not just the big end of town
Last edited by Australian rePublic on Mon Jan 20, 2025 6:55 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby Dimetrodon Empire » Mon Jan 20, 2025 6:39 am

Slembana wrote:
Liberal Malaysia wrote:Leftist government fucks up their country. News at 10.

The Albanese government is not leftist.

Never let facts get in the way of a reactionary narrative.
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