A Quiet Night at the Museum (NATM RP|APP|OOC)

Where nations come together and discuss matters of varying degrees of importance. [In character]
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A Quiet Night at the Museum (NATM RP|APP|OOC)

Postby Mediama » Sat Jan 18, 2025 12:49 am

The New London Museum of Natural History and Art is one of the largest museums in New London, some may argue in Mediama. Just like any museum, the NLMNHA has numerous exhibits ranging from taxidermy to wax figures, mannequins, and dioramas just like any other museum. Its collection even stands toe-to-toe with its compatriots in the Smithsonian and the British Museum.

Yet there's one thing about it that makes it stand out from everyone else.

Every night after the doors close, one could hear the commotion coming from behind the museum's doors, yet come morning, nothing appears to have changed, everything is still in place, and it all seems like its ready for another day.

The only ones who really know are the night guards.

Out of desperation a plucky young girl starts her first night at the museum... unaware of how her life would change forever.
Welcome ladies and gentlemen, to AQNATM, an RP based off of the Night at the Museum film series. For those not familiar with the franchise, the premise is that every night museum exhibits literally come to life for some unknown reason. It's up to the night guard to keep them in line until the break of the day when the exhibits go back to normal.

Now I may hear you asking, "Where do we fit in all of this?" Well my friend, you can't have a museum without exhibits, and that's where you come in.

Sadly we'll need
1. No Godmodding, Metagaming or similar stuff. No exceptions.
1.1. If you find anyone guilty of breaking any of these rules, bring it to attention here in a calm and civilized manner. We'll then talk about it.
1.2. Be polite, at least on the OOC.
1.3. I reserve the right to change, amend and expand upon these rules.
1.4. OOC on the OOC-thread, IC on the IC-thread. It's not complicated.
1.5. Please keep in mind that there might be days when I don't respond to questions on the OOC or posts on the IC immediately. Please don't freak out, if that happens.
2. All NPCs will be controlled by me and only by me. No exceptions.
3. No murders, we’re going for lighthearted fun with only a smidgen chance of death at the beginning. Later on there may be character death if agreed upon between all parties involved and notice has been given to me through TG or through the OOC.
3.1. Violence between player characters only after both involved players agreed to it here. However, be aware that the night guard's job is to mediate in such situations.
4. Permitted Characters:
4.1. Generally speaking, your characters will be part of exhibits on loan from your nation's respective museums. They could be anything ranging from paintings and sculptures, to taxidermy or any other alternative barring holograms, to wax mannequins of famous people in your nation's history, to even minature diorama sets, and even gift shop souvenirs such as plushies and bobble heads.
4.2. Should you decide to play as a diorama set, please note the playstyle will be similar to that of Nation RP found in places such as International Incidents or other similar threads on NS. Know what you're getting into. You'll still be playing individual characters, just on a larger scale. In this case, include applications of figures within the diorama you will be focusing on.
4.3. Maximum number of characters: As many as you can play as individual characters comfortably.
4.4. I would generally prefer adult characters, but I am willing to make reasonable exceptions.
4.5. Please hotlink to the images if they are wider than around 550 by 550 pixels and please do not spoiler. This is not a hard rule, but a request.
4.6. Weapons: Should be clear, given this is a museum and your characters are part of museum exhibits, weapons should be PT. No exceptions.
4.7. One Character, one filled out app. No exceptions.
4.8. Non-human humanoids are permitted, however within reason. Magic will be permitted on a case-by-case basis (no, I don't care, what you call it). Shipgirls and Strike Witches Magic are permitted, though. Generally though, this RP is Modern Tech (MT) with some leniency.
4.9. The question “Have you read and understood the Rules?” is to be answered with “A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?” No exceptions.
4.10. Characters must be original, so no characters nabbed from [Popular Anime 18945548945545] or [Sitcom 154151524851524]. You can use whatever images you want, though. No exceptions.
5. No one-liners. I do not demand novel-length posts, but please put a bit of effort into your posts.
6. You will have to provide a RP-Sample with your app. This has to be a link to a RP from your account, which shows how you interact with other players. No exceptions.

Exhibit Application
General application for all applicants of the RP.
Code: Select all
[u]New London Museum of Natural History and Art Exhibit Loan Application[/u]
Name of Exhibit:
Museum Loaned From:
Country of origin:
Merchandise?: Y [ ] N [ ]
If yes, describe the merchandise:
Have you read and understood the rules?

Character Application
To be used as a supplement with the exhibit application to narrow down who you will be playing as if needed. Please make one for each character you intend to play as in the RP.
Code: Select all
[u]Application for [i]A Quiet Night at the Museum[/i][/u]
Name of character:
Country of origin:
Have you read and understood the rules?

Exhibits Inventory
Gift Shop Inventory
Last edited by Mediama on Thu Feb 06, 2025 1:50 pm, edited 7 times in total.
Basically, Canada with Naboo style royalty and more British. My supposed foil and puppet nation is Consertoria

MBC News: Landmark decision establishes national holiday for elections|Seagull shows no fear as it crashes into power generator, causing massive blackouts|Talks in the process for upcoming state visit by Liegallan delegates|Mediaman Pacific Fleet conducts exercises with the United States|Parliament debates over intervention in Hintuwan over communist terrorism|Local Mediaman arrested after attempting to buy clothes from a soup store|Negotiations reached between Illistrantian municipal government and local LGBT Center restricting Pride parades to people 18 and over|Prime Minister Herman Marshal highlights need to 'counter communism around every corner'

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Postby Folaisia » Sat Jan 18, 2025 2:04 am

It's finally up! Time to bring in a not!plagiarized version of Akhmenrah!

Jk, I can't wait to see what's in store and the situations that will be created subsequently! I'll get an app up soon!
The Mecttish kingdom in Maolruibia

* * * * * * * *
Other Nations: Joyonghea | Seleucid Pergamon

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The Selkie
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Postby The Selkie » Sat Jan 18, 2025 8:07 am

Good afternoon, Mediama,
wonderful to finally see this up and running. I was looking forward to it. Prepare for Mama Tine and her kids, as well as a Selkie Diorama. ; )
That being said, is it only me or do the rules sound familiar in places? ; )

I play PT, MT and a bit FT. I am into character-RPs.
My people are called the Selkie, the nation is usually called the Free Lands in MT-settings. Thanks.
ICly, I (usually) do not deal in RL History.

Silverport Dockyards Ltd.: Storefront - Catalogue

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Postby Mediama » Fri Jan 24, 2025 2:20 am

The Selkie wrote:Good afternoon, Mediama,
wonderful to finally see this up and running. I was looking forward to it. Prepare for Mama Tine and her kids, as well as a Selkie Diorama. ; )
That being said, is it only me or do the rules sound familiar in places? ; )


Oh just did a bit of cribbing. You’re the golden standard for rules after all.

Folaisia wrote:It's finally up! Time to bring in a not!plagiarized version of Akhmenrah!

Jk, I can't wait to see what's in store and the situations that will be created subsequently! I'll get an app up soon!

Well, let’s just say there will be a big bad or two eventually. Beginning’s going to focus on shenanigans and seeing how everyone gels with each other.
Last edited by Mediama on Fri Jan 24, 2025 2:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
Basically, Canada with Naboo style royalty and more British. My supposed foil and puppet nation is Consertoria

MBC News: Landmark decision establishes national holiday for elections|Seagull shows no fear as it crashes into power generator, causing massive blackouts|Talks in the process for upcoming state visit by Liegallan delegates|Mediaman Pacific Fleet conducts exercises with the United States|Parliament debates over intervention in Hintuwan over communist terrorism|Local Mediaman arrested after attempting to buy clothes from a soup store|Negotiations reached between Illistrantian municipal government and local LGBT Center restricting Pride parades to people 18 and over|Prime Minister Herman Marshal highlights need to 'counter communism around every corner'

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The Selkie
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Liberal Democratic Socialists

Postby The Selkie » Fri Jan 24, 2025 3:51 am

Mediama wrote:
The Selkie wrote:Good afternoon, Mediama,
wonderful to finally see this up and running. I was looking forward to it. Prepare for Mama Tine and her kids, as well as a Selkie Diorama. ; )
That being said, is it only me or do the rules sound familiar in places? ; )


Oh just did a bit of cribbing. You’re the golden standard for rules after all.

While I thank you for the flowers, I would hardly claim such a title. Still... Mama Tine and her menagerie at the souvenir shop:

New London Museum of Natural History and Art Exhibit Loan Application
Name of Exhibit:
    Souvenir Shop, shelves A06 through A08.
Museum Loaned From Supplier:
    Áilleagán Limited.
Country of origin:
    The Free Lands of the Selkie.
    Three shelves of Selkie Plushies, styled after animal species of the Free Lands - with the crown jewel being a life-sized adult Tine (a.k.a. Mama Tine), which sits on the shelves since time immemorable.
    Y [X] N [ ]
If yes, describe the merchandise:
    See above.
Have you read and understood the rules?
    A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
    Where the Woods are silent, OOC and IC.

    Application for A Quiet Night at the Museum
    Name of character:
      Mama Tine
    Country of origin:
      The Free Lands of the Selkie.
      Plushy, mother figure for her fellow Selkie Plushies.
    Have you read and understood the rules?
      A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
      Where the Woods are silent, OOC and IC.

      Application for A Quiet Night at the Museum
      Name of character:
      Country of origin:
        The Free Lands of the Selkie.
      Have you read and understood the rules?
        A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
        Where the Woods are silent, OOC and IC.

        Application for A Quiet Night at the Museum
        Name of character:
        Country of origin:
          The Free Lands of the Selkie.
        Have you read and understood the rules?
          A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
          Where the Woods are silent, OOC and IC.

          Application for A Quiet Night at the Museum
          Name of character:
          Country of origin:
            The Free Lands of the Selkie.
          Have you read and understood the rules?
            A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
            Where the Woods are silent, OOC and IC.

            Application for A Quiet Night at the Museum
            Name of character:
            Country of origin:
              The Free Lands of the Selkie.
            Have you read and understood the rules?
              A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
              Where the Woods are silent, OOC and IC.

              Application for A Quiet Night at the Museum
              Name of character:
              Country of origin:
                The Free Lands of the Selkie.
              Have you read and understood the rules?
                A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
                Where the Woods are silent, OOC and IC.

                I will note that, as you can see, a lot of the articles still need some setup.

                Btw, I am also thinking about adding a number of figurines, a bit like the one Schleich produces, of the various kinds of warriors of ancient times of my nations (including Marcach and Tabardariyya). What do you think?
                I play PT, MT and a bit FT. I am into character-RPs.
                My people are called the Selkie, the nation is usually called the Free Lands in MT-settings. Thanks.
                ICly, I (usually) do not deal in RL History.

                Silverport Dockyards Ltd.: Storefront - Catalogue

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                Postby Abetton » Fri Jan 24, 2025 5:17 pm

                New London Museum of Natural History and Art Exhibit Loan Application
                Name of Exhibit: Portia of Lampsea
                Museum Loaned From: Royal Sauville Museum of Art and History
                Country of origin: Abetton
                Merchandise?: Y [ ] N [X]
                If yes, describe the merchandise:
                Have you read and understood the rules? A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
                RP-Sample: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=537762
                Notes: This version of Portia is a wax figure. Her basis is the historical Portia, born a royal Princess in 1080 CE and lived to 1142 CE. In 1105, Portia married a commoner and willingly gave up her royal title but was allowed to retain a minor title. She is noted for being married to and joining Captain Edmund Faria, with crown patronage, assembled a crew and explored further parts of Greater Dienstad the region where Abetton resides, helping early charting efforts.

                Application for A Quiet Night at the Museum
                Name of character: Portia, Lady of Lampsea
                Country of origin: Abetton
                Appearance: Portia is a young 20 year old woman, long blonde hair. Much of this is based on known paintings of her from her days as Princess and diary entries and other historian accounts.
                Occupation: Former Princess, minor nobility, sailor, explorer
                Have you read and understood the rules? A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
                RP-Sample: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=543483
                Last edited by Abetton on Sun Jan 26, 2025 11:49 am, edited 2 times in total.

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                Postby Tyzkya » Fri Jan 24, 2025 6:56 pm

                New London Museum of Natural History and Art Exhibit Loan Application
                Name of Exhibit: The Tyzkyan Civil War and Its Reconstruction
                Museum Loaned From: Prevlovak National History Museum
                Country of origin: The Tsardom of Tyzkya
                Appearance: The exhibit aims to depict two separate sides of a street depicted in two states, one during the Tyzkyan Civil War and one during the Reconstruction period.

                The War-Time section of the street displays a number of Inert De-Militarized Rifles that were used in the war, as well as mannequins depicting soldiers of both the Royalist Forces and the People's Army of Tyzkya. In one section there is a diorama of a battle from the war.

                The Reconstruction section of the street displays a myriad of photographs of the aftermath of the war and the gradual rebuilding, it includes a number of preserved artifacts of the time, including but not limited to a stack of Tyzkyan Rubles, a number of Inert De-Militarized Landmines, and a MOPP suit and gas mask.

                Merchandise?: Y [X] N [ ]
                If yes, describe the merchandise: Photographic prints of the various items on display, as well as action figures of both the People's Army of Tyzkya and the Royalist Forces, and a model kit for the TNV Valkyrie, famed for its valiant final stand against the Communists at the Second Battle of the Vanem Narrows. Post cards, magnets, key chains, and all manner of other small bric-a-brac are also included.
                Have you read and understood the rules?: Yes
                RP-Sample: Here you go!
                Notes: A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?

                Application for A Quiet Night at the Museum
                Name of character: Rolaylist Soldier AKA 'Sergei'
                Country of origin: Tsardom of Tyzkya
                Appearance: Image
                Occupation: Royalist Soldier

                Application for A Quiet Night at the Museum
                Name of character: People's Army of Tyzkya Soldier AKA 'Ivan'
                Country of origin: Tsardom of Tyzkya
                Appearance: Image
                Occupation: People's Army of Tyzkya Soldier

                Application for A Quiet Night at the Museum
                Name of character: Tyzkyan Civil War Diorama Figures
                Country of origin: Tsardom of Tyzkya
                Appearance: Image
                Occupation: Diorama Figures

                Notes: The diorama figures regularly reenact their battle with each other in miniature, every night it goes more or less the same, with the battle ending in a stalemate and them resetting to their original positions. They're actually not hostile to one another, they just reenact the battle because that's all they really know how to do. However, if the security guard or some other entity is to interact with them, they'll pause their little battle and interact normally. The only thing is that they don't talk, just just kind of stare, or make gestures with their hands. I put them down as a group as realistically that's how I would be playing them, essentially a hive mind of little plastic army men.
                Last edited by Tyzkya on Sat Jan 25, 2025 8:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
                While NS Stats inform the IC nature of Tyzkya, they are not in and of themselves canon. Please refer to my factbooks for information on my country, this one is an In-Depth Overview of things.

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                Posts: 844
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                Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

                Postby Mediama » Sat Jan 25, 2025 2:49 pm

                The Selkie wrote:
                Mediama wrote:Oh just did a bit of cribbing. You’re the golden standard for rules after all.

                While I thank you for the flowers, I would hardly claim such a title. Still... Mama Tine and her menagerie at the souvenir shop:

                New London Museum of Natural History and Art Exhibit Loan Application
                Name of Exhibit:
                  Souvenir Shop, shelves A06 through A08.
                Museum Loaned From Supplier:
                  Áilleagán Limited.
                Country of origin:
                  The Free Lands of the Selkie.
                  Three shelves of Selkie Plushies, styled after animal species of the Free Lands - with the crown jewel being a life-sized adult Tine (a.k.a. Mama Tine), which sits on the shelves since time immemorable.
                  Y [X] N [ ]
                If yes, describe the merchandise:
                  See above.
                Have you read and understood the rules?
                  A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
                  Where the Woods are silent, OOC and IC.

                  Application for A Quiet Night at the Museum
                  Name of character:
                    Mama Tine
                  Country of origin:
                    The Free Lands of the Selkie.
                    Plushy, mother figure for her fellow Selkie Plushies.
                  Have you read and understood the rules?
                    A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
                    Where the Woods are silent, OOC and IC.

                    Application for A Quiet Night at the Museum
                    Name of character:
                    Country of origin:
                      The Free Lands of the Selkie.
                    Have you read and understood the rules?
                      A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
                      Where the Woods are silent, OOC and IC.

                      Application for A Quiet Night at the Museum
                      Name of character:
                      Country of origin:
                        The Free Lands of the Selkie.
                      Have you read and understood the rules?
                        A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
                        Where the Woods are silent, OOC and IC.

                        Application for A Quiet Night at the Museum
                        Name of character:
                        Country of origin:
                          The Free Lands of the Selkie.
                        Have you read and understood the rules?
                          A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
                          Where the Woods are silent, OOC and IC.

                          Application for A Quiet Night at the Museum
                          Name of character:
                          Country of origin:
                            The Free Lands of the Selkie.
                          Have you read and understood the rules?
                            A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
                            Where the Woods are silent, OOC and IC.

                            Application for A Quiet Night at the Museum
                            Name of character:
                            Country of origin:
                              The Free Lands of the Selkie.
                            Have you read and understood the rules?
                              A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
                              Where the Woods are silent, OOC and IC.

                              I will note that, as you can see, a lot of the articles still need some setup.

                              Btw, I am also thinking about adding a number of figurines, a bit like the one Schleich produces, of the various kinds of warriors of ancient times of my nations (including Marcach and Tabardariyya). What do you think?

                              Accepted, welcome aboard! Kinda terrified what the night guard's first encounter with the tine colony's going to be like though, imagine seeing a bear-sized badger come to life. XD

                              Regarding the figures, be my guest to apply for them or for stuff like diorama's. The more the merrier!

                              Abetton wrote:New London Museum of Natural History and Art Exhibit Loan Application
                              Name of Exhibit: Portia of Lampsea
                              Museum Loaned From: Royal Sauville Museum of Art and History
                              Country of origin: Abetton
                              Merchandise?: Y [ ] N [X]
                              If yes, describe the merchandise:
                              Have you read and understood the rules? A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
                              RP-Sample: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=537762

                              Looks good, though you may want to fill out the other form pertaining to character applications so I have an idea on who this figure is. Additionally, maybe adding a physical description to the picture could help as well, like whether or not this is a wax figure, and who is it of? Answer these questions and you should be good to go.

                              Tyzkya wrote:New London Museum of Natural History and Art Exhibit Loan Application
                              Name of Exhibit: The Tyzkyan Civil War and Its Reconstruction
                              Museum Loaned From: Prevlovak National History Museum
                              Country of origin: The Tsardom of Tyzkya
                              Appearance: The exhibit aims to depict two separate sides of a street depicted in two states, one during the Tyzkyan Civil War and one during the Reconstruction period.

                              The War-Time section of the street displays a number of Inert De-Militarized Rifles that were used in the war, as well as mannequins depicting soldiers of both the Royalist Forces and the People's Army of Tyzkya. In one section there is a diorama of a battle from the war.

                              The Reconstruction section of the street displays a myriad of photographs of the aftermath of the war and the gradual rebuilding, it includes a number of preserved artifacts of the time, including but not limited to a stack of Tyzkyan Rubles, a number of Inert De-Militarized Landmines, and a MOPP suit and gas mask.

                              Merchandise?: Y [X] N [ ]
                              If yes, describe the merchandise: Photographic prints of the various items on display, as well as action figures of both the People's Army of Tyzkya and the Royalist Forces, and a model kit for the TNV Valkyrie, famed for its valiant final stand against the Communists at the Second Battle of the Vanem Narrows. Post cards, magnets, key chains, and all manner of other small bric-a-brac are also included.
                              Have you read and understood the rules?: Yes
                              RP-Sample: Here you go!
                              Notes: None.

                              Application for A Quiet Night at the Museum
                              Name of character: Rolaylist Soldier
                              Country of origin: Tsardom of Tyzkya
                              Appearance: Image
                              Occupation: Royalist Soldier

                              Application for A Quiet Night at the Museum
                              Name of character: People's Army of Tyzkya Soldier
                              Country of origin: Tsardom of Tyzkya
                              Appearance: Image
                              Occupation: People's Army of Tyzkya Soldier

                              Application for A Quiet Night at the Museum
                              Name of character: Tyzkyan Civil War Diorama Figures
                              Country of origin: Tsardom of Tyzkya
                              Appearance: Image
                              Occupation: Diorama Figures

                              Notes: The diorama figures regularly reenact their battle with each other in miniature, every night it goes more or less the same, with the battle ending in a stalemate and them resetting to their original positions. They're actually not hostile to one another, they just reenact the battle because that's all they really know how to do. However, if the security guard or some other entity is to interact with them, they'll pause their little battle and interact normally. The only thing is that they don't talk, just just kind of stare, or make gestures with their hands. I put them down as a group as realistically that's how I would be playing them, essentially a hive mind of little plastic army men.

                              Looks good, really descriptive. However you may want to look over the rules again. Let me know when you've changed the app accordingly. Bit of a question though, do each of these mannequins and figures have names? Just curious given there could be some confusion if you're planning to play as all of them unless you know of a way of identifying them in writing.
                              Basically, Canada with Naboo style royalty and more British. My supposed foil and puppet nation is Consertoria

                              MBC News: Landmark decision establishes national holiday for elections|Seagull shows no fear as it crashes into power generator, causing massive blackouts|Talks in the process for upcoming state visit by Liegallan delegates|Mediaman Pacific Fleet conducts exercises with the United States|Parliament debates over intervention in Hintuwan over communist terrorism|Local Mediaman arrested after attempting to buy clothes from a soup store|Negotiations reached between Illistrantian municipal government and local LGBT Center restricting Pride parades to people 18 and over|Prime Minister Herman Marshal highlights need to 'counter communism around every corner'

                              User avatar
                              Chargé d'Affaires
                              Posts: 463
                              Founded: Mar 05, 2021
                              Father Knows Best State

                              Postby Abetton » Sat Jan 25, 2025 3:31 pm

                              Mediama wrote:Looks good, though you may want to fill out the other form pertaining to character applications so I have an idea on who this figure is. Additionally, maybe adding a physical description to the picture could help as well, like whether or not this is a wax figure, and who is it of? Answer these questions and you should be good to go.

                              okay, added some more to the first app and I filled out the character app as well, let me know if it's good or you need more details.

                              User avatar
                              The Selkie
                              Post Marshal
                              Posts: 19354
                              Founded: Sep 17, 2014
                              Liberal Democratic Socialists

                              Postby The Selkie » Sat Jan 25, 2025 4:21 pm

                              Mediama wrote:
                              The Selkie wrote:
                              While I thank you for the flowers, I would hardly claim such a title. Still... Mama Tine and her menagerie at the souvenir shop:

                              New London Museum of Natural History and Art Exhibit Loan Application
                              Name of Exhibit:
                                Souvenir Shop, shelves A06 through A08.
                              Museum Loaned From Supplier:
                                Áilleagán Limited.
                              Country of origin:
                                The Free Lands of the Selkie.
                                Three shelves of Selkie Plushies, styled after animal species of the Free Lands - with the crown jewel being a life-sized adult Tine (a.k.a. Mama Tine), which sits on the shelves since time immemorable.
                                Y [X] N [ ]
                              If yes, describe the merchandise:
                                See above.
                              Have you read and understood the rules?
                                A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
                                Where the Woods are silent, OOC and IC.

                                Application for A Quiet Night at the Museum
                                Name of character:
                                  Mama Tine
                                Country of origin:
                                  The Free Lands of the Selkie.
                                  Plushy, mother figure for her fellow Selkie Plushies.
                                Have you read and understood the rules?
                                  A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
                                  Where the Woods are silent, OOC and IC.

                                  Application for A Quiet Night at the Museum
                                  Name of character:
                                  Country of origin:
                                    The Free Lands of the Selkie.
                                  Have you read and understood the rules?
                                    A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
                                    Where the Woods are silent, OOC and IC.

                                    Application for A Quiet Night at the Museum
                                    Name of character:
                                    Country of origin:
                                      The Free Lands of the Selkie.
                                    Have you read and understood the rules?
                                      A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
                                      Where the Woods are silent, OOC and IC.

                                      Application for A Quiet Night at the Museum
                                      Name of character:
                                      Country of origin:
                                        The Free Lands of the Selkie.
                                      Have you read and understood the rules?
                                        A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
                                        Where the Woods are silent, OOC and IC.

                                        Application for A Quiet Night at the Museum
                                        Name of character:
                                        Country of origin:
                                          The Free Lands of the Selkie.
                                        Have you read and understood the rules?
                                          A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
                                          Where the Woods are silent, OOC and IC.

                                          Application for A Quiet Night at the Museum
                                          Name of character:
                                          Country of origin:
                                            The Free Lands of the Selkie.
                                          Have you read and understood the rules?
                                            A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
                                            Where the Woods are silent, OOC and IC.

                                            I will note that, as you can see, a lot of the articles still need some setup.

                                            Btw, I am also thinking about adding a number of figurines, a bit like the one Schleich produces, of the various kinds of warriors of ancient times of my nations (including Marcach and Tabardariyya). What do you think?

                                            Accepted, welcome aboard! Kinda terrified what the night guard's first encounter with the tine colony's going to be like though, imagine seeing a bear-sized badger come to life. XD

                                            Regarding the figures, be my guest to apply for them or for stuff like diorama's. The more the merrier!

                                            I imagine some existential terror on his part, but Mama Tine... I don't imagine her to be this story's Teddy Roosevelt, but I do imagine her to be like the mother of the neighbour's kids, who watches the kids playing with a gentle smile and words of encouragement.

                                            As for the figures, let's see, who I can come up with... and with how many. ; )
                                            I play PT, MT and a bit FT. I am into character-RPs.
                                            My people are called the Selkie, the nation is usually called the Free Lands in MT-settings. Thanks.
                                            ICly, I (usually) do not deal in RL History.

                                            Silverport Dockyards Ltd.: Storefront - Catalogue

                                            User avatar
                                            Posts: 70
                                            Founded: Oct 01, 2024
                                            Father Knows Best State

                                            Postby Tyzkya » Sat Jan 25, 2025 8:03 pm

                                            I'm pretty sure I found what I did wrong, it was the thing about 'what could go wrong', right? Please note I have some trouble figuring stuff like this out so if it's still not fixed please point it out to me directly because otherwise I'm just going to wind up tweaking random things. I've also given both of the mannequins names, Sergei and Ivan. I was thinking about adding a shipgirl that I used in a previous RP (actually the same RP I linked as an RP sample) but I dunno, I haven't decided if she would be a good fit or not.
                                            Last edited by Tyzkya on Sat Jan 25, 2025 8:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
                                            While NS Stats inform the IC nature of Tyzkya, they are not in and of themselves canon. Please refer to my factbooks for information on my country, this one is an In-Depth Overview of things.

                                            User avatar
                                            Posts: 844
                                            Founded: Jun 20, 2017
                                            Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

                                            Postby Mediama » Sun Jan 26, 2025 12:12 am

                                            Abetton wrote:
                                            Mediama wrote:Looks good, though you may want to fill out the other form pertaining to character applications so I have an idea on who this figure is. Additionally, maybe adding a physical description to the picture could help as well, like whether or not this is a wax figure, and who is it of? Answer these questions and you should be good to go.

                                            okay, added some more to the first app and I filled out the character app as well, let me know if it's good or you need more details.

                                            Accepted. Would like to see what the whole setup and display looks like once we get the RP rolling but aside from that we're golden!

                                            Tyzkya wrote:I'm pretty sure I found what I did wrong, it was the thing about 'what could go wrong', right? Please note I have some trouble figuring stuff like this out so if it's still not fixed please point it out to me directly because otherwise I'm just going to wind up tweaking random things. I've also given both of the mannequins names, Sergei and Ivan. I was thinking about adding a shipgirl that I used in a previous RP (actually the same RP I linked as an RP sample) but I dunno, I haven't decided if she would be a good fit or not.

                                            That's correct, you're good and your app's been accepted Love the fact that you've been descriptive with exhibits as well. Kansen are fine as well.
                                            Basically, Canada with Naboo style royalty and more British. My supposed foil and puppet nation is Consertoria

                                            MBC News: Landmark decision establishes national holiday for elections|Seagull shows no fear as it crashes into power generator, causing massive blackouts|Talks in the process for upcoming state visit by Liegallan delegates|Mediaman Pacific Fleet conducts exercises with the United States|Parliament debates over intervention in Hintuwan over communist terrorism|Local Mediaman arrested after attempting to buy clothes from a soup store|Negotiations reached between Illistrantian municipal government and local LGBT Center restricting Pride parades to people 18 and over|Prime Minister Herman Marshal highlights need to 'counter communism around every corner'

                                            User avatar
                                            Posts: 2684
                                            Founded: Mar 04, 2015
                                            Father Knows Best State

                                            Postby Palmyrion » Sun Jan 26, 2025 12:40 am

                                            New London Museum of Natural History and Art Exhibit Loan Application
                                            Name of Exhibit: The Three Palmyrian Refounders
                                            Museum Loaned From: National Museum of Nature and History, Royal Palmyrian Commonwealth
                                            Country of origin: Royal Palmyrian Commonwealth
                                            Appearance: Lifesize wax mannequins of:
                                            Merchandise?: Y [/] N [ ]
                                            If yes, describe the merchandise:
                                            • 1/6 scale action figures of the three monarchs
                                            Have you read and understood the rules? A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
                                            RP-Sample: A former monarch dies.

                                            New London Museum of Natural History and Art Exhibit Loan Application
                                            Name of Exhibit: Theodoran Era Equipment of Her Majesty's Armed Forces
                                            Museum Loaned From: National Museum of Nature and History, Royal Palmyrian Commonwealth
                                            Country of origin: Royal Palmyrian Commonwealth
                                            Appearance: Replicas of:
                                            • 2x Theodoran-Era uniform, dated to 1860s, consisting of a pith helmet, green blouse and trousers, leather boots, and period-appropriate utility straps, belt, and pouches. Can be worn.
                                            • 2x Mark 1842 Bolo Machete, blunted for safety.
                                            • 2x Mark 1849 Needle Rifle, issued from 1850 onwards, with 100 replica cartridges (cannot fire, but can be loaded)
                                            • 2x Mark 1851 Revolver, issued from 1850 onwards, with 100 replica cartridges (cannot fire, but can be loaded).
                                            • A Mark 1861 12-Pounder Mountain Howitzer, with 10 replica bagged charges and 10 12-lb balls (cannot fire, but can be loaded).
                                              Cannot fire but can be loaded means they can be loaded as usual for demonstration purposes, but cannot be fired; the propellant has been replaced by inert replicas, but the guns have firing pins. Live rounds are in the museum's storage.
                                            Merchandise?: Y [/] N [ ]
                                            If yes, describe the merchandise:
                                            • Diecast gun models of the guns and the machete (kinda like GoatGuns)
                                            Have you read and understood the rules? A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
                                            RP-Sample: A former monarch dies.
                                            Notes: This exhibit is considered an incomplete listing of the weapons used by Theodoran Era Palmyrian troops.
                                            Last edited by Palmyrion on Sun Jan 26, 2025 1:32 am, edited 5 times in total.
                                            __THE ROYAL PALMYRIAN COMMONWEALTH__
                                            A resurgent archipelagic great power in a multipolar world, with a rich maritime heritage.
                                            Overview | International Relations | Royal Family | HM The Lakambini | Storefront

                                            NS Stats have been [REDACTED] into a [DATA EXPUNGED]

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                                            The Selkie
                                            Post Marshal
                                            Posts: 19354
                                            Founded: Sep 17, 2014
                                            Liberal Democratic Socialists

                                            Postby The Selkie » Sun Jan 26, 2025 2:20 am

                                            Before I come to the figurines, maybe something, which doesn't come alive, but which might be kind of a neat loaned exhibit:

                                            New London Museum of Natural History and Art Exhibit Loan Application
                                            Name of Exhibit:
                                              Historical Coins of the Sultanate of Kyrenaia.
                                            Museum Loaned From:
                                              Private Collection of Prince Okan ibn-Dardan/Museum of the Mint of Megido.
                                            Country of origin:
                                              Ilkhanate of Megido, Sultanate of Kyrenaia.
                                              The exhibit consists of a few display cases showing various copper, bronze, silver and gold coins of Kyrenaia, all of them historical (with the exception of a commemorative coin celebrating the Wedding of (then) Prince Dardan ibn-Shayan and (then) Princess Aynur bint-Yari in 1988). The oldest examples are copper coins from ancient Almadaldima, the youngest (aside from aforementioned commemorative coin) are gold coins struck by Ellaha-Sultana in the 17th century.
                                            Merchandise?: Y [ ] N [X]
                                            If yes, describe the merchandise:
                                            Have you read and understood the rules?
                                              A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
                                              Where the Woods are silent, OOC and IC.
                                              I play PT, MT and a bit FT. I am into character-RPs.
                                              My people are called the Selkie, the nation is usually called the Free Lands in MT-settings. Thanks.
                                              ICly, I (usually) do not deal in RL History.

                                              Silverport Dockyards Ltd.: Storefront - Catalogue

                                              User avatar
                                              Posts: 1831
                                              Founded: Oct 17, 2018
                                              New York Times Democracy

                                              Postby Folaisia » Tue Jan 28, 2025 3:17 am

                                              Exhibition Application

                                              New London Museum of Natural History and Art Exhibit Loan Application
                                              Name of Exhibit:
                                              Vast Land, Pioneers and Ragamuffins: Reconstruction of Life and Events of Folaisia's Central Frontier

                                              Museum Loaned From:
                                              Barcaldine Museum of History & Culture

                                              Country of origin:

                                              The exhibit features three smaller exhibits and a moderately-sized diorama display case. Each smaller exhibit features a wax figure of the era, a painted background and glass wall. The diorama display case of the Battle of Dòmhnullach's Ranch during the Sperchean War is placed in front of these glass exhibits.

                                              Y [ ] N [X]

                                              If yes, describe the merchandise:
                                              Have you read and understood the rules? A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
                                              RP-Sample: One beef wellington, hold the English mustard
                                              Notes: N/A

                                              Character Applications

                                              Application for A Quiet Night at the Museum
                                              Name of character:
                                              Ruiseart MacGairbheith
                                              Country of origin:
                                              See wikia

                                              See wikia
                                              Have you read and understood the rules? A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
                                              RP-Sample: One beef wellington, hold the English mustard
                                              Notes: He will stand at a wooden platform with a cover positioned over his head and covering the background directly behind him, in front of the podium that will contain his speech paper and two candles on both sides of its top. The Sperchean logo is displayed directly behind him.

                                              Application for A Quiet Night at the Museum
                                              Name of character:
                                              Seaghdh Cèampach

                                              Country of origin:


                                              Ragamuffin, Smuggler

                                              Have you read and understood the rules? A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
                                              RP-Sample: One beef wellington, hold the English mustard
                                              Notes: His nickname is "Red Tail"

                                              Application for A Quiet Night at the Museum
                                              Name of character:
                                              Muire Lìosa Moireasdanach Peucag

                                              Country of origin:


                                              Socialite, Assassin, Herbalist, Ragamuffin

                                              Have you read and understood the rules? A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
                                              RP-Sample: One beef wellington, hold the English mustard
                                              Notes: She is famously known as the "Blue Lady of Barcaldine"

                                              Application for A Quiet Night at the Museum
                                              Name of character:
                                              Men from the Battle of Dòmhnullach's Ranch Diorama

                                              Country of origin:

                                              Diorama soldiers

                                              Have you read and understood the rules? A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
                                              RP-Sample: One beef wellington, hold the English mustard
                                              Notes: Nationalities/affiliations list: Folaisian, Sperchean (Folaisian equivalent to Mormons), Joyonghean (West Coast Koreans), and Nacogdochean (Puebloean-Comanche-Apache)
                                              Last edited by Folaisia on Tue Jan 28, 2025 9:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
                                              The Mecttish kingdom in Maolruibia

                                              * * * * * * * *
                                              Other Nations: Joyonghea | Seleucid Pergamon

                                              User avatar
                                              Posts: 340
                                              Founded: Nov 02, 2021
                                              Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

                                              Postby Phibeta » Tue Jan 28, 2025 1:05 pm

                                              New London Museum of Natural History and Art Exhibit Loan Application
                                              Name of Exhibit: The Charge of The Light Brigade
                                              Museum Loaned From: The National Gallery of Weston
                                              Country of origin: The Grand Kingdom of Phibeta
                                              Appearance: The Charge of The Light Brigade (a painting depicting a scene from the Battle of Kirin Valley, the infamous Charge of The Light Brigade)
                                              Merchandise?: Y [ ] N [X]
                                              If yes, describe the merchandise:
                                              Have you read and understood the rules?: A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
                                              RP-Sample: Into The Valley of Death
                                              Notes: The painting is based on the real life event in the Crimean war. This is also a part of war RP I have with Abetton set in the 1860s.

                                              Application for A Quiet Night at the Museum
                                              Name of character: Aoife Sainsbray
                                              Country of origin: Phibeta
                                              Appearance: Aoife Sainsbray
                                              Occupation: Lance Corporal of the 4th Hussars
                                              Have you read and understood the rules?: A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
                                              RP-Sample: Into The Valley of Death
                                              Last edited by Phibeta on Tue Jan 28, 2025 1:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
                                              Queen Diane II
                                              Prime Minister Douglas Sousa
                                              Minister of Foreign Affairs, Robert Bishop
                                              The Grand Kingdom of Phibeta
                                              Conquérants Du Monde
                                              National Anthem: Land of Hope and Glory
                                              Capitol: Weston
                                              Headlines: Her Majesty, Queen Diane II Gives Birth | Phibetan Parliament Discuss Current Crisis In Northumbria | Mueseum of Phibetan History Opens New Exhibit On Dark Colonial Past

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                                              A m e n r i a
                                              Posts: 6196
                                              Founded: Jun 08, 2017
                                              Corrupt Dictatorship

                                              Postby A m e n r i a » Tue Feb 04, 2025 1:26 am

                                              This sounds fun. Would a sentient set of dinosaur fossils be allowed? You did say the exhibits come alive.
                                              Last edited by A m e n r i a on Tue Feb 04, 2025 1:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
                                              The Empire of Amenria (亚洲帝国)
                                              Sinocentric Asian theocratic absolute monarchy. Set 28 years in the future. On-site factbooks are no longer canon. A 13.14 civilization, according to this index.
                                              Your guide to Amenria, organized for your convenience

                                              User avatar
                                              Posts: 844
                                              Founded: Jun 20, 2017
                                              Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

                                              Postby Mediama » Tue Feb 04, 2025 3:56 pm

                                              A m e n r i a wrote:This sounds fun. Would a sentient set of dinosaur fossils be allowed? You did say the exhibits come alive.

                                              Can't have a Night at the Museum Rp without at least one sentient dino fossil. Go nuts. Only limits are no holograms, there has to be a reasonable spiritual connection to the actual figures, similar to what was seen and explained in the Night at the Museum films.

                                              Phibeta wrote:New London Museum of Natural History and Art Exhibit Loan Application
                                              Name of Exhibit: The Charge of The Light Brigade
                                              Museum Loaned From: The National Gallery of Weston
                                              Country of origin: The Grand Kingdom of Phibeta
                                              Appearance: The Charge of The Light Brigade (a painting depicting a scene from the Battle of Kirin Valley, the infamous Charge of The Light Brigade)
                                              Merchandise?: Y [ ] N [X]
                                              If yes, describe the merchandise:
                                              Have you read and understood the rules?: A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
                                              RP-Sample: Into The Valley of Death
                                              Notes: The painting is based on the real life event in the Crimean war. This is also a part of war RP I have with Abetton set in the 1860s.

                                              Application for A Quiet Night at the Museum
                                              Name of character: Aoife Sainsbray
                                              Country of origin: Phibeta
                                              Appearance: Aoife Sainsbray
                                              Occupation: Lance Corporal of the 4th Hussars
                                              Have you read and understood the rules?: A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
                                              RP-Sample: Into The Valley of Death

                                              Folaisia wrote:Exhibition Application

                                              New London Museum of Natural History and Art Exhibit Loan Application
                                              Name of Exhibit:
                                              Vast Land, Pioneers and Ragamuffins: Reconstruction of Life and Events of Folaisia's Central Frontier

                                              Museum Loaned From:
                                              Barcaldine Museum of History & Culture

                                              Country of origin:

                                              The exhibit features three smaller exhibits and a moderately-sized diorama display case. Each smaller exhibit features a wax figure of the era, a painted background and glass wall. The diorama display case of the Battle of Dòmhnullach's Ranch during the Sperchean War is placed in front of these glass exhibits.

                                              Y [ ] N [X]

                                              If yes, describe the merchandise:
                                              Have you read and understood the rules? A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
                                              RP-Sample: One beef wellington, hold the English mustard
                                              Notes: N/A

                                              Character Applications

                                              Application for A Quiet Night at the Museum
                                              Name of character:
                                              Ruiseart MacGairbheith
                                              Country of origin:
                                              See wikia

                                              See wikia
                                              Have you read and understood the rules? A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
                                              RP-Sample: One beef wellington, hold the English mustard
                                              Notes: He will stand at a wooden platform with a cover positioned over his head and covering the background directly behind him, in front of the podium that will contain his speech paper and two candles on both sides of its top. The Sperchean logo is displayed directly behind him.

                                              Application for A Quiet Night at the Museum
                                              Name of character:
                                              Seaghdh Cèampach

                                              Country of origin:


                                              Ragamuffin, Smuggler

                                              Have you read and understood the rules? A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
                                              RP-Sample: One beef wellington, hold the English mustard
                                              Notes: His nickname is "Red Tail"

                                              Application for A Quiet Night at the Museum
                                              Name of character:
                                              Muire Lìosa Moireasdanach Peucag

                                              Country of origin:


                                              Socialite, Assassin, Herbalist, Ragamuffin

                                              Have you read and understood the rules? A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
                                              RP-Sample: One beef wellington, hold the English mustard
                                              Notes: She is famously known as the "Blue Lady of Barcaldine"

                                              Application for A Quiet Night at the Museum
                                              Name of character:
                                              Men from the Battle of Dòmhnullach's Ranch Diorama

                                              Country of origin:

                                              Diorama soldiers

                                              Have you read and understood the rules? A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
                                              RP-Sample: One beef wellington, hold the English mustard
                                              Notes: Nationalities/affiliations list: Folaisian, Sperchean (Folaisian equivalent to Mormons), Joyonghean (West Coast Koreans), and Nacogdochean (Puebloean-Comanche-Apache)

                                              The Selkie wrote:Before I come to the figurines, maybe something, which doesn't come alive, but which might be kind of a neat loaned exhibit:

                                              New London Museum of Natural History and Art Exhibit Loan Application
                                              Name of Exhibit:
                                                Historical Coins of the Sultanate of Kyrenaia.
                                              Museum Loaned From:
                                                Private Collection of Prince Okan ibn-Dardan/Museum of the Mint of Megido.
                                              Country of origin:
                                                Ilkhanate of Megido, Sultanate of Kyrenaia.
                                                The exhibit consists of a few display cases showing various copper, bronze, silver and gold coins of Kyrenaia, all of them historical (with the exception of a commemorative coin celebrating the Wedding of (then) Prince Dardan ibn-Shayan and (then) Princess Aynur bint-Yari in 1988). The oldest examples are copper coins from ancient Almadaldima, the youngest (aside from aforementioned commemorative coin) are gold coins struck by Ellaha-Sultana in the 17th century.
                                              Merchandise?: Y [ ] N [X]
                                              If yes, describe the merchandise:
                                              Have you read and understood the rules?
                                                A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
                                                Where the Woods are silent, OOC and IC.

                                                Palmyrion wrote:New London Museum of Natural History and Art Exhibit Loan Application
                                                Name of Exhibit: The Three Palmyrian Refounders
                                                Museum Loaned From: National Museum of Nature and History, Royal Palmyrian Commonwealth
                                                Country of origin: Royal Palmyrian Commonwealth
                                                Appearance: Lifesize wax mannequins of:
                                                Merchandise?: Y [/] N [ ]
                                                If yes, describe the merchandise:
                                                • 1/6 scale action figures of the three monarchs
                                                Have you read and understood the rules? A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
                                                RP-Sample: A former monarch dies.

                                                New London Museum of Natural History and Art Exhibit Loan Application
                                                Name of Exhibit: Theodoran Era Equipment of Her Majesty's Armed Forces
                                                Museum Loaned From: National Museum of Nature and History, Royal Palmyrian Commonwealth
                                                Country of origin: Royal Palmyrian Commonwealth
                                                Appearance: Replicas of:
                                                • 2x Theodoran-Era uniform, dated to 1860s, consisting of a pith helmet, green blouse and trousers, leather boots, and period-appropriate utility straps, belt, and pouches. Can be worn.
                                                • 2x Mark 1842 Bolo Machete, blunted for safety.
                                                • 2x Mark 1849 Needle Rifle, issued from 1850 onwards, with 100 replica cartridges (cannot fire, but can be loaded)
                                                • 2x Mark 1851 Revolver, issued from 1850 onwards, with 100 replica cartridges (cannot fire, but can be loaded).
                                                • A Mark 1861 12-Pounder Mountain Howitzer, with 10 replica bagged charges and 10 12-lb balls (cannot fire, but can be loaded).
                                                  Cannot fire but can be loaded means they can be loaded as usual for demonstration purposes, but cannot be fired; the propellant has been replaced by inert replicas, but the guns have firing pins. Live rounds are in the museum's storage.
                                                Merchandise?: Y [/] N [ ]
                                                If yes, describe the merchandise:
                                                • Diecast gun models of the guns and the machete (kinda like GoatGuns)
                                                Have you read and understood the rules? A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
                                                RP-Sample: A former monarch dies.
                                                Notes: This exhibit is considered an incomplete listing of the weapons used by Theodoran Era Palmyrian troops.

                                                All accepted, though now I'm concerned what'll happen now that live ammo's in play. XD
                                                Last edited by Mediama on Tue Feb 04, 2025 4:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
                                                Basically, Canada with Naboo style royalty and more British. My supposed foil and puppet nation is Consertoria

                                                MBC News: Landmark decision establishes national holiday for elections|Seagull shows no fear as it crashes into power generator, causing massive blackouts|Talks in the process for upcoming state visit by Liegallan delegates|Mediaman Pacific Fleet conducts exercises with the United States|Parliament debates over intervention in Hintuwan over communist terrorism|Local Mediaman arrested after attempting to buy clothes from a soup store|Negotiations reached between Illistrantian municipal government and local LGBT Center restricting Pride parades to people 18 and over|Prime Minister Herman Marshal highlights need to 'counter communism around every corner'

                                                User avatar
                                                Posts: 1937
                                                Founded: Jan 05, 2018
                                                Liberal Democratic Socialists

                                                Postby Mervay » Wed Feb 05, 2025 5:15 pm

                                                So, I have an question regarding shipgirls. Due to the... Tricky nature of their cases, would they need to be real shipgirls or something more in line with the wax mannequins from the movies?

                                                User avatar
                                                Posts: 844
                                                Founded: Jun 20, 2017
                                                Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

                                                Postby Mediama » Wed Feb 05, 2025 11:41 pm

                                                Mervay wrote:So, I have an question regarding shipgirls. Due to the... Tricky nature of their cases, would they need to be real shipgirls or something more in line with the wax mannequins from the movies?

                                                Given the fact that the Mediaman government sees Kansen as legally people, they would need to be wax mannequins. (It’d be like locking someone up in a zoo according to Mediaman law).

                                                Exception to this are museum ships, which would the equivalent of owning a historically significant home and then charging people to tour your home.
                                                Last edited by Mediama on Wed Feb 05, 2025 11:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
                                                Basically, Canada with Naboo style royalty and more British. My supposed foil and puppet nation is Consertoria

                                                MBC News: Landmark decision establishes national holiday for elections|Seagull shows no fear as it crashes into power generator, causing massive blackouts|Talks in the process for upcoming state visit by Liegallan delegates|Mediaman Pacific Fleet conducts exercises with the United States|Parliament debates over intervention in Hintuwan over communist terrorism|Local Mediaman arrested after attempting to buy clothes from a soup store|Negotiations reached between Illistrantian municipal government and local LGBT Center restricting Pride parades to people 18 and over|Prime Minister Herman Marshal highlights need to 'counter communism around every corner'

                                                User avatar
                                                The Selkie
                                                Post Marshal
                                                Posts: 19354
                                                Founded: Sep 17, 2014
                                                Liberal Democratic Socialists

                                                Postby The Selkie » Thu Feb 06, 2025 3:19 am

                                                Mediama wrote:
                                                Mervay wrote:So, I have an question regarding shipgirls. Due to the... Tricky nature of their cases, would they need to be real shipgirls or something more in line with the wax mannequins from the movies?

                                                Given the fact that the Mediaman government sees Kansen as legally people, they would need to be wax mannequins. (It’d be like locking someone up in a zoo according to Mediaman law).

                                                Exception to this are museum ships, which would the equivalent of owning a historically significant home and then charging people to tour your home.

                                                Which of course now raises the question... does the New London Museum of Natural History and Art have an annex with museum ships?
                                                And if not, would a diorama with ships lead to the ships actually being able to float? ; )
                                                I play PT, MT and a bit FT. I am into character-RPs.
                                                My people are called the Selkie, the nation is usually called the Free Lands in MT-settings. Thanks.
                                                ICly, I (usually) do not deal in RL History.

                                                Silverport Dockyards Ltd.: Storefront - Catalogue

                                                User avatar
                                                A m e n r i a
                                                Posts: 6196
                                                Founded: Jun 08, 2017
                                                Corrupt Dictatorship

                                                Postby A m e n r i a » Thu Feb 06, 2025 5:36 am

                                                New London Museum of Natural History and Art Exhibit Loan Application
                                                Name of Exhibit: Lao Lu/老绿 (Old Green)
                                                Museum Loaned From: Shandong Tianyu Museum of Nature
                                                Country of origin: Empire of Amenria
                                                Appearance: This but green.
                                                Merchandise?: Y [ ] N [✓]
                                                If yes, describe the merchandise:
                                                Have you read and understood the rules? A gigantic clawed dinosaur out loose? A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
                                                RP-Sample: Sexy vampire lady in the house

                                                Application for A Quiet Night at the Museum
                                                Name of character: Lao Lu/老绿 (Old Green)
                                                Country of origin: Empire of Amenria
                                                Appearance: See above app
                                                Occupation: Museum exhibit
                                                Have you read and understood the rules? A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
                                                RP-Sample: See above app
                                                The Empire of Amenria (亚洲帝国)
                                                Sinocentric Asian theocratic absolute monarchy. Set 28 years in the future. On-site factbooks are no longer canon. A 13.14 civilization, according to this index.
                                                Your guide to Amenria, organized for your convenience

                                                User avatar
                                                Posts: 844
                                                Founded: Jun 20, 2017
                                                Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

                                                Postby Mediama » Thu Feb 06, 2025 1:48 pm

                                                The Selkie wrote:
                                                Mediama wrote:
                                                Given the fact that the Mediaman government sees Kansen as legally people, they would need to be wax mannequins. (It’d be like locking someone up in a zoo according to Mediaman law).

                                                Exception to this are museum ships, which would the equivalent of owning a historically significant home and then charging people to tour your home.

                                                Which of course now raises the question... does the New London Museum of Natural History and Art have an annex with museum ships?
                                                And if not, would a diorama with ships lead to the ships actually being able to float? ; )

                                                Maybe not on land, I can imagine they organize a cove or bay with groupings of museum ships, like they have with the Intrepid in New York or with the Midway and other museum ships in San Diego.

                                                Conversely, some museum ships may reside in the province they represent or were sponsered by, like they do in the states.

                                                Either way, trying to put their rigging in ship form all in one annex would be impractical due to the size (going by Azur Lane rules here, where their rigging could also turn into the actual ships they represent).

                                                As for dioramas... given how in one of the scenes in the film Larry splashes water onto someone by grabbing a painting depicting a ship at sea and throwing it like a bucket of water, emptying said painting of all its water... diorama ships can indeed float. Any depicted crew on board will also be alive as well of course.

                                                A m e n r i a wrote:New London Museum of Natural History and Art Exhibit Loan Application
                                                Name of Exhibit: Lao Lu/老绿 (Old Green)
                                                Museum Loaned From: Shandong Tianyu Museum of Nature
                                                Country of origin: Empire of Amenria
                                                Appearance: This but green.
                                                Merchandise?: Y [ ] N [✓]
                                                If yes, describe the merchandise:
                                                Have you read and understood the rules? A gigantic clawed dinosaur out loose? A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
                                                RP-Sample: Sexy vampire lady in the house

                                                Application for A Quiet Night at the Museum
                                                Name of character: Lao Lu/老绿 (Old Green)
                                                Country of origin: Empire of Amenria
                                                Appearance: See above app
                                                Occupation: Museum exhibit
                                                Have you read and understood the rules? A night out at the museum, what could possibly go wrong?
                                                RP-Sample: See above app
                                                I have so many ideas on how the night guard reacts to it, accepted.
                                                Basically, Canada with Naboo style royalty and more British. My supposed foil and puppet nation is Consertoria

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