Goodbye, For Now [Closed]

Where nations come together and discuss matters of varying degrees of importance. [In character]
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Eusan Federation
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Goodbye, For Now [Closed]

Postby Eusan Federation » Sat Jan 18, 2025 12:22 am

OOC: This is a continuation of a subplot of the Illion League’s various diplomatic doings- direct context can be found here.

Location: Kshatra, The Daeva

As the the sun began to set over the city, a wave of dread washed over Ingrid. What if she didn’t get to see her love again before she was inevitably forced to leave? This was all that she could think of.

She found her mind wandering to thoughts about how her life had changed so much recently. It was something she had thought about often lately- it was just so surreal.Over the past few months, Ingrid’s life had changed so much. It all started with a joke of a political campaign. And then, with the help of a few occurrences that were nothing short of miracles, she was one of the most powerful people in her homeland. How crazy was that? But… in reality, sometimes she had no idea how she wanted to wield the power.

This unwieldy nature of her political power led her to adopt a new personality of sorts when she was in the public eye. She was enigmatic, and she kept her true intentions a secret- and this was partially because she had no idea what she wanted to do initially. She had some vague opinions against slavery- which wasn’t all too radical for the progressive and free nation that the Eusan Federation was- but that was about it. But the more she learned about the politics of the Federation, the she found herself concerned about one place. The Frontier Territories- one of the more far-flung colonial governates of the massive state. Such had been a talking point during the election that saw her rise to power- and as she did her research on the matter, she found herself developing strong opinions on the matter. Still, she kept the enigmatic act up- even if it wasn’t exactly who she was. It was fun, in a way- even if it was a bit deceptive and a bit immoral. And even when she went to represent her nation abroad, she kept this act up- at least partially. She did odd things to keep people off balance- and she kept at it even when she had revealed her political stances. But there was one person that she didn’t really do this to- and slowly but surely she would find herself falling in love with that person.

That person was, of course, who she was waiting for as she stood just outside the well-built metal fences that surrounded the Eusan embassy. Petrukhina. Seeing her happy and sober at the same time brought Ingrid no small amount of happiness- and as the months went by, it started becoming more and more common to see. Ingrid was honestly surprised that her help was good enough for Petrukhina to mostly beat back her vices so well- but she wasn’t going to complain about it. However… she absolutely would complain if she didn’t get to see Petrukhina tonight. This was, absolutely, her last night in Kshatra- she was already majorly irritating the other members of the Panel of Chairpeople that she had been elected to with her extended stay outside of the nation. All she could do was hope that Petrukhina would get the time to come see her after the day’s discussions were done, as she waited and waited- as sharply dressed as ever, but nowhere to go…
Last edited by Eusan Federation on Sat Jan 18, 2025 12:25 am, edited 3 times in total.
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British Arzelentaxmacone
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Postby British Arzelentaxmacone » Sat Jan 18, 2025 1:52 am

Knowing the importance of the occasion, Petrukhina made haste to arrive at the embassy, so much so she practically ran there, dodging fellow pedestrians yet wasting no time to see her love. It had become rather obvious to other people around the boardroom, now, but Petrukhina cared little for the opinions of others and was - more than anything - excited to meet her companion. Her excitement was tinged with melancholy and a degree of emptiness; Ingrid had saved her, effectively. Saved her from a life in an Arz apartment which would promptly come to an abrupt end once she had drunk herself to death. It couldn’t have been long before that would’ve happened, a thought that made her shiver ever so slightly - to put it simply, if she hadn’t met Ingrid, she mightn’t be there today. And therefore her resolve to meet her companion before her temporary absence was even stronger.

Wiping beads of sweat from her forehead and managing to cover her rush to get there rather well, she slowed down, straightening her blouse and tucking away her special gift for Ingrid - a single black rose. A traditional gift of farewell in BA, which she had managed to obtain from Arz and keep watered until the goodbye, not a petal nor stamen askew. It was almost velvety in appearance and of the deepest black, a botanical wonder cultivated by BA years ago. They were reserved for special occasions as opposed to simple display, and Petrukhina felt she ought to present Ingrid with a fitting gift, no matter the cost.

As she saw Ingrid, she began speeding up once again, heels clacking against the concrete pavement. Gradually, she got closer, until eventually she stopped at the gates, gazing at her companion and offering a small smile, accompanied by a light blush. “My love.. I’m sorry if I’m a little late. You can.. probably tell I rushed to get here.” Petrukhina chuckled a little, straightening her blonde hair ever so slightly.
Too authoritarian? Yeah I get that a lot.
Proud Co-founder of the GSC, member to the ISD and IED, observer to the CSL and Illion League, 1st signatory to the Shieldstan declaration of banning slavery and author of the Proclamation on the Rights of the Individual.

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Eusan Federation
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Postby Eusan Federation » Sat Jan 18, 2025 1:23 pm

Upon seeing Petrukhina, Ingrid’s expression immediately brightened. She didn’t care if it was doomed to end soon- as long as she got to have Petrukhina one last time, she was okay with everything being the way it was. She could pretend that this wouldn’t be the last time she’d get to see her lover for at least a couple of months. And so she did- and everything was wonderful for a few fleeting seconds. But she quickly found herself unable to keep the act up in her own mind.

“It’s okay, honey. You’re here- that’s what matters…”

And with no further ado, Ingrid leaned in slightly, kissing Petrukhina on the cheek. After all… there was no good reason for her to not. She wasn’t going to have the opportunity to do that again.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t stay longer. You deserve someone who could stay by your side, but I…” She trailed off, and paused briefly. “I’m not going to try to talk you out of this. I’m… just glad to have you here one last time.”

And, at that point, she felt as if she had exhausted her supply of words- she wanted to say something more, but it all felt like meaningless drivel to her. So… all she could do to convey herself was reach out, and pull Petrukhina closer to her, hugging her tightly as if she never wanted to let go- because, honestly, she didn’t.
Eusan Federation
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British Arzelentaxmacone
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Postby British Arzelentaxmacone » Sat Jan 18, 2025 3:53 pm

Eusan Federation wrote:Upon seeing Petrukhina, Ingrid’s expression immediately brightened. She didn’t care if it was doomed to end soon- as long as she got to have Petrukhina one last time, she was okay with everything being the way it was. She could pretend that this wouldn’t be the last time she’d get to see her lover for at least a couple of months. And so she did- and everything was wonderful for a few fleeting seconds. But she quickly found herself unable to keep the act up in her own mind.

“It’s okay, honey. You’re here- that’s what matters…”

And with no further ado, Ingrid leaned in slightly, kissing Petrukhina on the cheek. After all… there was no good reason for her to not. She wasn’t going to have the opportunity to do that again.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t stay longer. You deserve someone who could stay by your side, but I…” She trailed off, and paused briefly. “I’m not going to try to talk you out of this. I’m… just glad to have you here one last time.”

And, at that point, she felt as if she had exhausted her supply of words- she wanted to say something more, but it all felt like meaningless drivel to her. So… all she could do to convey herself was reach out, and pull Petrukhina closer to her, hugging her tightly as if she never wanted to let go- because, honestly, she didn’t.

Petrukhina smiled, allowing herself to be kissed on the cheek and giggling softly, wrapping an arm around Ingrid and pulling a little closer to her. “I am glad we at least have this opportunity.. to say goodbye.” She sighed wistfully, similarly pondering what to say next and instead resolving to stay silent for a few moments. It could have been no longer than 20 seconds of silence, but it felt so much longer for Petrukhina, who glanced down at the ground in deep thought. Finally, she removed the rose tucked into her blouse pocket and extended it to Ingrid. “I.. I know it’s not much, but it’s a traditional gift of farewell back home. I had it flown here from Arz, personally… I thought you might like it.”

The rose was indeed beautiful- velvety and reflecting no light, dark as the night sky and just as wonderful. Her hand clasped it carefully, ensuring not to prick her finger on the sharp thorns which dotted either side of the delicate stem. She hoped Ingrid would like it, and waited with bated breath for her reaction to her carefully chosen gift.
Too authoritarian? Yeah I get that a lot.
Proud Co-founder of the GSC, member to the ISD and IED, observer to the CSL and Illion League, 1st signatory to the Shieldstan declaration of banning slavery and author of the Proclamation on the Rights of the Individual.

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Eusan Federation
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Goodbye, For Now [Closed]

Postby Eusan Federation » Sun Jan 19, 2025 2:18 am

Once it had been offered to her, Ingrid was quick to take it- but not with a hasty motion- no, she made sure to not damage it and tried to make sure that she didn’t hurt herself- but unfortunately, she made small mistake with her finger placement - nicking the pointer finger of her right hand. A tiny droplet of blood escaped from the irrelevant wound, which she glanced at with a sigh of mild frustration that was mostly directed at herself for her mistake. After the moment of acknowledgment had passed, she turned her full attention back to Petrukhina- smiling warmly, and conveying no shortage of fondness with her expression as a whole. For a few moments, she was content to just lock eyes with Petrukhina- but she did realize that a response was probably in order sooner than later. As she spoke, she broke eye contact, taking another look at the rose with a small but significant amount of curiosity.

“I can’t say I’ve ever seen anything like it before. I like it- but more importantly, I appreciate the effort that this must’ve taken, my dear. It’s… oh, enough flattery. Thank you, honey. Anything from you would’ve been wonderful, including this- and now I can’t help but a little bad for not getting you anything…”
Eusan Federation
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British Arzelentaxmacone
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Postby British Arzelentaxmacone » Sun Jan 19, 2025 10:38 am

Eusan Federation wrote:Once it had been offered to her, Ingrid was quick to take it- but not with a hasty motion- no, she made sure to not damage it and tried to make sure that she didn’t hurt herself- but unfortunately, she made small mistake with her finger placement - nicking the pointer finger of her right hand. A tiny droplet of blood escaped from the irrelevant wound, which she glanced at with a sigh of mild frustration that was mostly directed at herself for her mistake. After the moment of acknowledgment had passed, she turned her full attention back to Petrukhina- smiling warmly, and conveying no shortage of fondness with her expression as a whole. For a few moments, she was content to just lock eyes with Petrukhina- but she did realize that a response was probably in order sooner than later. As she spoke, she broke eye contact, taking another look at the rose with a small but significant amount of curiosity.

“I can’t say I’ve ever seen anything like it before. I like it- but more importantly, I appreciate the effort that this must’ve taken, my dear. It’s… oh, enough flattery. Thank you, honey. Anything from you would’ve been wonderful, including this- and now I can’t help but a little bad for not getting you anything…”

“Don’t feel bad, honestly. You know I do love gifts.. but your presence here is enough.” Petrukhina smiled, happy with her reaction upon seeing the rose. She did recognise it was a rather small gift, but it mattered to her, and she was at least glad that it appeared to matter to Ingrid. “They are special in BA - which is why I thought you might appreciate it as a.. temporary goodbye thing to remember me by. Hopefully, we can see eachother again soon, but.. I don’t know, honestly, Ingrid. If I were to be entirely honest - I’m scared about what will happen next. Will I relapse? Will we never see eachother again?”
Too authoritarian? Yeah I get that a lot.
Proud Co-founder of the GSC, member to the ISD and IED, observer to the CSL and Illion League, 1st signatory to the Shieldstan declaration of banning slavery and author of the Proclamation on the Rights of the Individual.

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Eusan Federation
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Postby Eusan Federation » Mon Jan 20, 2025 12:52 am

As Petrukhina expressed her doubts, Ingrid’s ability to ignore the realities of the situation became rather diminished. She sighed- to a degree, she had wondered the same thing a few times during the lead-up to her departure.

“It’s okay to be scared, honey… I just… hm. It’s going to be a month or two, maybe even three before I can ah… pay back the many favors that have been done for me… maybe after that I can start nagging someone to cough up the endless sea of paperwork you’ll need to fill out to even apply for permanent residency…”

But after that, she glanced away for a brief moment- blushing slightly as a more… drastic measure came to mind. She was worried it would sound ridiculous, so… she wouldn’t mention it directly, but she figured it wouldn’t hurt to mention it somewhat indirectly…

“And ah… well… there’s another way to get into the EF, with less paperwork, but ah… erm… it’s a bit of a commitment, so to speak…”
Eusan Federation
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British Arzelentaxmacone
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Postby British Arzelentaxmacone » Mon Jan 20, 2025 8:56 am

Eusan Federation wrote:As Petrukhina expressed her doubts, Ingrid’s ability to ignore the realities of the situation became rather diminished. She sighed- to a degree, she had wondered the same thing a few times during the lead-up to her departure.

“It’s okay to be scared, honey… I just… hm. It’s going to be a month or two, maybe even three before I can ah… pay back the many favors that have been done for me… maybe after that I can start nagging someone to cough up the endless sea of paperwork you’ll need to fill out to even apply for permanent residency…”

But after that, she glanced away for a brief moment- blushing slightly as a more… drastic measure came to mind. She was worried it would sound ridiculous, so… she wouldn’t mention it directly, but she figured it wouldn’t hurt to mention it somewhat indirectly…

“And ah… well… there’s another way to get into the EF, with less paperwork, but ah… erm… it’s a bit of a commitment, so to speak…”

She found it difficult to express her sadness with much else than a long sigh, her eyes not drifting from Ingrid’s face yet now with a certain degree of mistiness, some tears brewing. But in the interests of not ruining their goodbye, she held back her tears and simply listened to Ingrid, offering a nod of acknowledgment. “I don’t want to relapse, honey. I don’t. I would be dead and in the ground if it weren’t for you, you know that? You’ve saved me, dear, I hope you know that.”

But with her next words, Petrukhina arched a blonde eyebrow in curiosity, tossing her ponytail over her shoulder and taking Ingrid by the hands. “Ah, is that so? Well, do tell me. Perhaps it could be a good idea, if so.” She smiled hopefully, although remained nervous.
Too authoritarian? Yeah I get that a lot.
Proud Co-founder of the GSC, member to the ISD and IED, observer to the CSL and Illion League, 1st signatory to the Shieldstan declaration of banning slavery and author of the Proclamation on the Rights of the Individual.

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Eusan Federation
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Postby Eusan Federation » Mon Jan 20, 2025 12:21 pm

Ingrid shifted about somewhat uncomfortably, her left hand going behind her head to do that head-scratching thing that one might associate with confusion- she had been hoping to avoid having to mention this ah… alternate idea directly. But if it had to be done, it had to be done- and besides… she wasn’t exactly opposed to this idea, even if it would be very, very hasty to do such a thing so soon.

“Well… I ah… er… if we were to, y’know… hypothetically, if we were to ah… sometime in the future… if we got married, that would potentially speed up the whole process…”

Truly, a display of generational oratorical talent by the normally confident and enigmatic Chairwoman. In all seriousness, it was, by all means, not Ingrid’s best moment. In truth, it just felt awkward to mention something like that when they had only known each other for about 6 months…

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British Arzelentaxmacone
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Postby British Arzelentaxmacone » Mon Jan 20, 2025 1:27 pm

Eusan Federation wrote:Ingrid shifted about somewhat uncomfortably, her left hand going behind her head to do that head-scratching thing that one might associate with confusion- she had been hoping to avoid having to mention this ah… alternate idea directly. But if it had to be done, it had to be done- and besides… she wasn’t exactly opposed to this idea, even if it would be very, very hasty to do such a thing so soon.

“Well… I ah… er… if we were to, y’know… hypothetically, if we were to ah… sometime in the future… if we got married, that would potentially speed up the whole process…”

Truly, a display of generational oratorical talent by the normally confident and enigmatic Chairwoman. In all seriousness, it was, by all means, not Ingrid’s best moment. In truth, it just felt awkward to mention something like that when they had only known each other for about 6 months…

Petrukhina’s face blanched somewhat as she heard her suggestion, before blushing a deep shade of red, not with embarrassment but with the immediate surprise that arrived as soon as those words left her companion’s lips

But, she didn’t seem put out, and instead giggled a little, smirking with the same blush and looking up at Ingrid, whose display of awkwardness was somewhat endearing.

“Ah, is that so?” She said, almost coyly, but with the usual confidence typical of Petrukhina’s tone. “Well, that would all be rather lovely - although hasty. Still.. I wouldn’t object to such an idea.”
Too authoritarian? Yeah I get that a lot.
Proud Co-founder of the GSC, member to the ISD and IED, observer to the CSL and Illion League, 1st signatory to the Shieldstan declaration of banning slavery and author of the Proclamation on the Rights of the Individual.

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Eusan Federation
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Postby Eusan Federation » Tue Jan 21, 2025 11:19 am

For a moment, there was no response from Ingrid- but with a few seconds passing, she let out a sigh of relief. In truth, she had had some rather unfounded fears about how Petrukhina would take such a thing- but thankfully, they were, as most unfounded fears are, misguided.

“Oh… r-really? Good… I’m glad to hear that…”

In reality, Ingrid was just happy that she hadn’t weirded out Petrukhina- she didn’t have plans to jump to marriage anytime particularly soon. But she was starting to think about such a possibility for the future. The indirect reassurance helped her get her usual confidence back, and she did little but stare into Petrukhina’s eyes as she subconsciously pondered to question of marriage.

“Y’know… maybe it’s not that far off from now…”
Last edited by Eusan Federation on Tue Jan 21, 2025 11:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
Eusan Federation
Behold, a true utopia! Sell me titanium or I will be mildly unhappy and probably still work with you. Maybe.

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British Arzelentaxmacone
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Postby British Arzelentaxmacone » Tue Jan 21, 2025 11:41 am

Eusan Federation wrote:For a moment, there was no response from Ingrid- but with a few seconds passing, she let out a sigh of relief. In truth, she had had some rather unfounded fears about how Petrukhina would take such a thing- but thankfully, they were, as most unfounded fears are, misguided.

“Oh… r-really? Good… I’m glad to hear that…”

In reality, Ingrid was just happy that she hadn’t weirded out Petrukhina- she didn’t have plans to jump to marriage anytime particularly soon. But she was starting to think about such a possibility for the future. The indirect reassurance helped her get her usual confidence back, and she did little but stare into Petrukhina’s eyes as she subconsciously pondered to question of marriage.

“Y’know… maybe it’s not that far off from now…”

Petrukhina only blushed a deeper shade of red, giggling but speaking with sincerity. A marriage was, indeed, something she hadn’t considered much before, but maybe settling down with Ingrid could be a good decision. She didn’t like living in BA particularly, and her job wasn’t the best what with her nation gradually coming under increased Arakhkhari control, so a move with her companion may just be what she needed. But she wouldn’t rush things.. although her next words did aim to gauge Ingrid’s interest on the matter.

“Perhaps not, my dear. Admittedly, it would be a.. new experience entirely for me, but.. that isn’t to say that making that commitment would be a mistake. Would you.. would you be willing to undergo such a.. commitment?”
Too authoritarian? Yeah I get that a lot.
Proud Co-founder of the GSC, member to the ISD and IED, observer to the CSL and Illion League, 1st signatory to the Shieldstan declaration of banning slavery and author of the Proclamation on the Rights of the Individual.

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Eusan Federation
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Postby Eusan Federation » Wed Jan 22, 2025 11:59 am

Ingrid seemed mostly done with her sudden-onset bashful streak, as she hardly even faltered at the question. She smirked slightly as the idea really sank in. She… really didn’t have many hang-ups about it beyond it being unorthodox to do such things this soon.

“Well, honey… we already had talked about the idea of you moving in with me back in Volksburg, which, y’know, would already be a huge commitment. You’d need to come with me to… basically ever leave the EF- or at least to get back in if you do leave… and honestly… BA might not take you back if you so much as use your rights to free speech in the EF…”

Ingrid sighed. Why had she smirked just to say that? Ugh. That got too serious too quickly. But… she still felt like being a bit of a tease.

“The point is… we’ve considered basically everything but that final step…”
Eusan Federation
Behold, a true utopia! Sell me titanium or I will be mildly unhappy and probably still work with you. Maybe.

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British Arzelentaxmacone
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Postby British Arzelentaxmacone » Wed Jan 22, 2025 12:17 pm

Eusan Federation wrote:Ingrid seemed mostly done with her sudden-onset bashful streak, as she hardly even faltered at the question. She smirked slightly as the idea really sank in. She… really didn’t have many hang-ups about it beyond it being unorthodox to do such things this soon.

“Well, honey… we already had talked about the idea of you moving in with me back in Volksburg, which, y’know, would already be a huge commitment. You’d need to come with me to… basically ever leave the EF- or at least to get back in if you do leave… and honestly… BA might not take you back if you so much as use your rights to free speech in the EF…”

Ingrid sighed. Why had she smirked just to say that? Ugh. That got too serious too quickly. But… she still felt like being a bit of a tease.

“The point is… we’ve considered basically everything but that final step…”

Petrukhina smiled. “Don’t worry, it doesn’t bother me too much. BA is.. hellish, believe me. I can stay in touch with my.. very few friends, and my family.. maybe they could come and join us someday, if things get much worse, but we’ll see. My parents will probably still swear that the EF can’t be a real place, mind.” She chuckled airily, and sighed, stepping a little closer to Ingrid. “Things aren’t good back home, dear, I must admit. It’s why I spend so much time here in Kshatra instead of, y’know, home. It’s never been much of a home.”
Too authoritarian? Yeah I get that a lot.
Proud Co-founder of the GSC, member to the ISD and IED, observer to the CSL and Illion League, 1st signatory to the Shieldstan declaration of banning slavery and author of the Proclamation on the Rights of the Individual.

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Eusan Federation
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Postby Eusan Federation » Wed Jan 22, 2025 1:12 pm

Ingrid simply nodded. “Yeah, you uh… you told me. You haven’t painted a rather flattering picture, honestly, but with Arakhkhar around... well, I don’t doubt it. But the point is this- if we’re going to be doing everything else, well, we might at least want to think about potentially… getting married…”

Okay, maybe she still was a grade hesitant to use the big word after all. Still, deep down, she really did hope that her relationship with Petrukhina would get to that point- she had found someone that had proven themselves to be very special to her- even if the way they met was highly indicative of something to the contrary. She didn’t want to have to let go of that.
Eusan Federation
Behold, a true utopia! Sell me titanium or I will be mildly unhappy and probably still work with you. Maybe.

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British Arzelentaxmacone
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Postby British Arzelentaxmacone » Wed Jan 22, 2025 1:15 pm

Eusan Federation wrote:Ingrid simply nodded. “Yeah, you uh… you told me. You haven’t painted a rather flattering picture, honestly, but with Arakhkhar around... well, I don’t doubt it. But the point is this- if we’re going to be doing everything else, well, we might at least want to think about potentially… getting married…”

Okay, maybe she still was a grade hesitant to use the big word after all. Still, deep down, she really did hope that her relationship with Petrukhina would get to that point- she had found someone that had proven themselves to be very special to her- even if the way they met was highly indicative of something to the contrary. She didn’t want to have to let go of that.

Petrukhina’s face lit up, and she leaned in, a hand coming to rest on Ingrid’s cheek whilst her other arm wrapped around her back. She smiled up at Ingrid for a perfect moment, silent yet not in an uncomfortable way. It felt right - there was little more that needed to be said. But she couldn’t stay silent, not when they were saying goodbye, so eventually spoke up with a more resolute tone. “Well.. I would like that.”
Too authoritarian? Yeah I get that a lot.
Proud Co-founder of the GSC, member to the ISD and IED, observer to the CSL and Illion League, 1st signatory to the Shieldstan declaration of banning slavery and author of the Proclamation on the Rights of the Individual.

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Eusan Federation
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Scandinavian Liberal Paradise

Postby Eusan Federation » Wed Jan 22, 2025 1:31 pm

Ingrid smiled warmly as she looked slightly downwards. She also would’ve stayed silent in a vacuum too- but of course, just like her companion, she knew that time was precious- and that she should make the most of it right here and now.

“Well… in that case…”

She paused, unsure if her next words were more of a joke or her actual feelings. She… didn’t really know, if she was being honest with herself. But she decided to go with it anyways…

“…I wish I brought a ring with me…”
Eusan Federation
Behold, a true utopia! Sell me titanium or I will be mildly unhappy and probably still work with you. Maybe.

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British Arzelentaxmacone
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Iron Fist Consumerists

Postby British Arzelentaxmacone » Wed Jan 22, 2025 1:40 pm

Eusan Federation wrote:Ingrid smiled warmly as she looked slightly downwards. She also would’ve stayed silent in a vacuum too- but of course, just like her companion, she knew that time was precious- and that she should make the most of it right here and now.

“Well… in that case…”

She paused, unsure if her next words were more of a joke or her actual feelings. She… didn’t really know, if she was being honest with herself. But she decided to go with it anyways…

“…I wish I brought a ring with me…”

She sighed and chuckled. “Come to think of it.. me too.” Petrukhina admitted, still gazing up at Ingrid’s face. “Perhaps an impromptu trip to the jewellery shop isn’t the best way to spend this time, honey.” A playful smile came to her face, before neutralising a little more as she at the hand touching Ingrid’s face, an amber glass ring encircling the ring finger and glinting in the sinking Kshatra sun. It was a gift from an old friend years ago, but she figured that they would have wanted her to use it this way.

She contemplated her next move for a moment, and closed her eyes briefly, as if the answer would come to her there and then. But it didn’t. She remained just as uncertain over what to do next, but as the seconds ticked away, it dawned on her that if she didn’t do this now - when would she be able to?

Taking the hand away from Ingrid’s face but not moving any further away from her companion, Petrukhina gently began to slip off the ring whilst gradually - almost imperceptibly, lowering down to one knee…
Too authoritarian? Yeah I get that a lot.
Proud Co-founder of the GSC, member to the ISD and IED, observer to the CSL and Illion League, 1st signatory to the Shieldstan declaration of banning slavery and author of the Proclamation on the Rights of the Individual.

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Eusan Federation
Posts: 2539
Founded: Mar 08, 2024
Scandinavian Liberal Paradise

Postby Eusan Federation » Wed Jan 22, 2025 1:55 pm

Ingrid simply looked down what was happening before her with an almost-blank face, at least for the first few seconds. Was it denial? Some attempt to come up with a more storybookish reaction? There’s one thing that it certainly wasn’t- a symptom of not knowing what was happening before her very eyes. This was… rather obvious, to be frank.

But of course, she wouldn’t just stare blankly at someone proposing to marry her. That would, well… that would be wrong, and in truth, it would be flagrantly in contradiction with what she wanted to do. There wasn’t some little gasp followed by hands flying upward to cover her mouth, or any of the usual tropes. No. In fact, she wasn’t even particularly nervous anymore. No rushing heartbeat or any of that nonsense. No, it was just… happening. And she was just fine with that, as a mere smile came to her face- nothing more, nothing less- yet it conveyed a lot. Satisfaction, perhaps? Or just… well, maybe putting labels to it was a bad idea. After all, she didn’t care- she just knew what the question was- and what her answer was going to be, for that matter- but she would still let Petrukhina ask the question.
Eusan Federation
Behold, a true utopia! Sell me titanium or I will be mildly unhappy and probably still work with you. Maybe.

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British Arzelentaxmacone
Posts: 11848
Founded: May 12, 2023
Iron Fist Consumerists

Postby British Arzelentaxmacone » Wed Jan 22, 2025 2:30 pm

Eusan Federation wrote:Ingrid simply looked down what was happening before her with an almost-blank face, at least for the first few seconds. Was it denial? Some attempt to come up with a more storybookish reaction? There’s one thing that it certainly wasn’t- a symptom of not knowing what was happening before her very eyes. This was… rather obvious, to be frank.

But of course, she wouldn’t just stare blankly at someone proposing to marry her. That would, well… that would be wrong, and in truth, it would be flagrantly in contradiction with what she wanted to do. There wasn’t some little gasp followed by hands flying upward to cover her mouth, or any of the usual tropes. No. In fact, she wasn’t even particularly nervous anymore. No rushing heartbeat or any of that nonsense. No, it was just… happening. And she was just fine with that, as a mere smile came to her face- nothing more, nothing less- yet it conveyed a lot. Satisfaction, perhaps? Or just… well, maybe putting labels to it was a bad idea. After all, she didn’t care- she just knew what the question was- and what her answer was going to be, for that matter- but she would still let Petrukhina ask the question.

With little effort, Petrukhina slipped the amber glass ring from her slender finger, the glass polished to perfection and illuminated in a golden hue. It took her a moment to catch her breath fully, the reality of the whole situation suddenly dawning fully on her. But.. she didn’t mind, and she - if anything - only grew more resolute with Ingrid’s smile. It was a small relief, however she would have to focus now, in the interest of making the impromptu proposal as good as she could.

“Ingrid, you know I love you.. so much. It would be an honour to spend the rest of my life with you, so.. will you marry me, my love?”
Too authoritarian? Yeah I get that a lot.
Proud Co-founder of the GSC, member to the ISD and IED, observer to the CSL and Illion League, 1st signatory to the Shieldstan declaration of banning slavery and author of the Proclamation on the Rights of the Individual.

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Eusan Federation
Posts: 2539
Founded: Mar 08, 2024
Scandinavian Liberal Paradise

Postby Eusan Federation » Wed Jan 22, 2025 2:54 pm

As it all unfolded, Ingrid allowed herself to savor the moment in silence for a fleeting second. She wanted to do something more dramatic, like lift up Petrukhina into her arms, or something absurd like that. But such would be… well, absurd. And she didn’t feel like spoiling the moment with such absurdity. And with that, there was only one thing left to say. There was one correct answer.

“Yes. Petrukhina, I won’t lie, I’d’ve laughed off the idea that this would happen if someone told me during the first few weeks of us meeting. But now? All I can say is yes. It’d be disingenuous to say anything else.”
Last edited by Eusan Federation on Thu Jan 23, 2025 12:36 am, edited 3 times in total.
Eusan Federation
Behold, a true utopia! Sell me titanium or I will be mildly unhappy and probably still work with you. Maybe.

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British Arzelentaxmacone
Posts: 11848
Founded: May 12, 2023
Iron Fist Consumerists

Postby British Arzelentaxmacone » Thu Jan 23, 2025 12:36 am

Eusan Federation wrote:As it all unfolded, Ingrid allowed herself to savor the moment in silence for a fleeting second. She wanted to do something more dramatic, like lift up Petrukhina into her arms, or something absurd like that. But… such would be… well, absurd. And she didn’t feel like spoiling the moment with such absurdity. And with that, there was only one thing left to say. There was one correct answer.

“Yes. Petrukhina, I won’t lie, I’d’ve laughed off the idea that this would happen if someone told me during the first few weeks of us meeting. But now? All I can say is yes. It’d be disingenuous to say anything else.”

Petrukhina beamed, slipping the ring over Ingrid’s finger and gently taking her hands in hers and rising to her feet so they were on eye level - well, as close as she could be. “Yes! Aha!” She exclaimed, almost sounding surprised - in truth it was amazing. The recovering alcoholic never saw herself married, or even engaged, what with her many addictions which she always felt would prevent any real relationships. Mari had convinced her that she was just that contemptible, so Petrukhina never really endeavoured to get married or commit to a real relationship, with the fear that she would end up ruining it.

Now it had all changed, and unlike her cool-headed companion, she wasted no haste in being dramatic; not out of choice, out of instantaneous reflex.

She threw herself forwards, wrapping her arms around Ingrid with a tight hug, almost knocking her over. “Wonderful, wonderful!”
Too authoritarian? Yeah I get that a lot.
Proud Co-founder of the GSC, member to the ISD and IED, observer to the CSL and Illion League, 1st signatory to the Shieldstan declaration of banning slavery and author of the Proclamation on the Rights of the Individual.

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British Arzelentaxmacone
Posts: 11848
Founded: May 12, 2023
Iron Fist Consumerists

Postby British Arzelentaxmacone » Thu Jan 23, 2025 12:36 am

Eusan Federation wrote:As it all unfolded, Ingrid allowed herself to savor the moment in silence for a fleeting second. She wanted to do something more dramatic, like lift up Petrukhina into her arms, or something absurd like that. But… such would be… well, absurd. And she didn’t feel like spoiling the moment with such absurdity. And with that, there was only one thing left to say. There was one correct answer.

“Yes. Petrukhina, I won’t lie, I’d’ve laughed off the idea that this would happen if someone told me during the first few weeks of us meeting. But now? All I can say is yes. It’d be disingenuous to say anything else.”

Petrukhina beamed, slipping the ring over Ingrid’s finger and gently taking her hands in hers and rising to her feet so they were on eye level - well, as close as she could be. “Yes! Aha!” She exclaimed, almost sounding surprised - in truth it was amazing. The recovering alcoholic never saw herself married, or even engaged, what with her many addictions which she always felt would prevent any real relationships. Mari had convinced her that she was just that contemptible, so Petrukhina never really endeavoured to get married or commit to a real relationship, with the fear that she would end up ruining it.

Now it had all changed, and unlike her cool-headed companion, she wasted no haste in being dramatic; not out of choice, out of instantaneous reflex.

She threw herself forwards, wrapping her arms around Ingrid with a tight hug, almost knocking her over. “Wonderful, wonderful!”
Too authoritarian? Yeah I get that a lot.
Proud Co-founder of the GSC, member to the ISD and IED, observer to the CSL and Illion League, 1st signatory to the Shieldstan declaration of banning slavery and author of the Proclamation on the Rights of the Individual.

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Eusan Federation
Posts: 2539
Founded: Mar 08, 2024
Scandinavian Liberal Paradise

Postby Eusan Federation » Thu Jan 23, 2025 1:50 am

Ingrid could barely keep up with everything that happened after the ring was slipped onto finger. Granted, it wasn’t too many things, but it basically felt like Petruhkina had teleported into this hug. She staggered backwards- taking about 3 steps backwards as to avoid being bowled over, but eventually she managed to stem the backwards tide.

“I couldn’t agree more, honey… it really is wonderful.”

Silence took hold for a few moments, but Ingrid would quickly disturb it after she had the presence of mind to return the hug- although she was careful to not cut herself on the rose’s thorns- or prick them into Petrukhina’s back, which would be even worse.

“I uh… I don’t think I’ve loved anyone the way I love you. Not… not in a healthy way, at least. Don’t worry about that last part, I uh… let’s just say I wasn’t exactly a genius when I was 17. Anyways, I… never could have seen this coming. You’re so… so sweet to me. People around here seem to think I’m some no-good criminal or some evil mastermind around here- I think they said something about the Volkovs, of all people? All because I have an accent. It’s stupid.” A brief pause of only a mere second or two followed before Ingrid resumed. “But you? You never judged me for… uh… anything, honestly. Not just the stereotyping, but honestly… nothing. I’m not perfect or flawless at all, but you… you just always seem to find me at my best. I don’t get it, but it’s amazing. You’re amazing. I’ll… I won’t let you down. I’ll get you to where it’s safe. I promise.”

And with that, Ingrid tightened her arms around what seemed to be the love of her life- finally beginning to feel as overjoyed as Petrukhina was- even if she expressed it differently,
Eusan Federation
Behold, a true utopia! Sell me titanium or I will be mildly unhappy and probably still work with you. Maybe.

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British Arzelentaxmacone
Posts: 11848
Founded: May 12, 2023
Iron Fist Consumerists

Postby British Arzelentaxmacone » Thu Jan 23, 2025 8:56 am

Eusan Federation wrote:Ingrid could barely keep up with everything that happened after the ring was slipped onto finger. Granted, it wasn’t too many things, but it basically felt like Petruhkina had teleported into this hug. She staggered backwards- taking about 3 steps backwards as to avoid being bowled over, but eventually she managed to stem the backwards tide.

“I couldn’t agree more, honey… it really is wonderful.”

Silence took hold for a few moments, but Ingrid would quickly disturb it after she had the presence of mind to return the hug- although she was careful to not cut herself on the rose’s thorns- or prick them into Petrukhina’s back, which would be even worse.

“I uh… I don’t think I’ve loved anyone the way I love you. Not… not in a healthy way, at least. Don’t worry about that last part, I uh… let’s just say I wasn’t exactly a genius when I was 17. Anyways, I… never could have seen this coming. You’re so… so sweet to me. People around here seem to think I’m some no-good criminal or some evil mastermind around here- I think they said something about the Volkovs, of all people? All because I have an accent. It’s stupid.” A brief pause of only a mere second or two followed before Ingrid resumed. “But you? You never judged me for… uh… anything, honestly. Not just the stereotyping, but honestly… nothing. I’m not perfect or flawless at all, but you… you just always seem to find me at my best. I don’t get it, but it’s amazing. You’re amazing. I’ll… I won’t let you down. I’ll get you to where it’s safe. I promise.”

And with that, Ingrid tightened her arms around what seemed to be the love of her life- finally beginning to feel as overjoyed as Petrukhina was- even if she expressed it differently,

Petrukhina, despite noticing Ingrid stagger backwards a little, made no effort to soften her hug, and only tightened her arms around her companion, grinning. “Me neither - you are the love of my life, Ingrid, so special to me indeed. I understand about the past, but that’s what it is; the past. I could reminisce with vengeful thoughts and anger at the way Mari treated me, but that is no good since it won’t undo what has already happened. The past is the past. Today belongs to you and me.”

“You’re perfect to me. If anything, I feel indebted to you - you’ve managed to help me get my addiction under control, despite many issues along the way, and I will be forever grateful for that, no matter what happens in the future. That evening, when you carried me from the bar to my hotel, I realised you were one of the first people to ever care about me. You were my first friend who didn’t encourage my drinking. Thank you, dear, thank you so, so much.”
Too authoritarian? Yeah I get that a lot.
Proud Co-founder of the GSC, member to the ISD and IED, observer to the CSL and Illion League, 1st signatory to the Shieldstan declaration of banning slavery and author of the Proclamation on the Rights of the Individual.



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