Carmen Santiago.
Euro American of Spaniard descent.
Ministra of The Center of National Statistics Cen.
In Republican Nationalist Patriot Red.
I am your un biased, un partisan, host of the 2024 USA elections and inauguration. I always carry a suit case filled with very important green Trump Papers, lol

Post for who the majority of your nations People vote for and supported in our Presidential election of the USA. By numbers of voters and Percents %. Post if your government supports the main issues of the winning candidate or oppose. Congratulatons and non congratulations Posts in respectful NS RP form, are coming in from the leaders and organizations of the NS nations of the world.
We hate spoilers of any kind, it ruins the RP fun of it. But you must RP your Pics and Avatars, and they should be as small as possible to not offend our Almighty Goddess Violet.
With 100 % of all eligible voters voting, re electing President Trump with 55 % of the votes, by a landslide of 10 %. Due to strong, flexible intent to vote laws, all ballots were counted as valid.
Re electing President Trump with 312 electoral votes to 226 electoral votes. By a landslide of 15.98 5130 1152 4160 %.
226 - 42.00 7434 9442 3792 %.
312 - 57.99 2565 0557 6208 %.
538 - 15.98 5130 1152 4160 %
215 - Leftist Liberal Democrat Progressive Party.
220 - Republican Nationalist Patriot Red Party.
435 - House seats in Parliament.
49.42 5287 3563 2184 %.
50.57 4712 6436 7816 %.
House of Representatives seats in Parliament.
053 - 53.00 % - Senate seats - 53 %.
047 - 047 %. Leftist Liberal Democrat Progressive Party.
053 - 053 %. Republican Nationalist Patriot Red Party.
100 - seats in Parliament.
Every number counts.
As an accountant, math and statistics expert by Profession, I love doing this kind of stuff, its in my blood.
While these are not election Polls. we don't use Plus or Minus margin % of error Percent Polls in our nation of The NS USA.
Senate seats in Parliament.

The Royal Conservative Republican, Economic Libertarian, Christian Democrat, Nationaliist Patriot Red Party. The R CRNPRP.
The Democratic Capitalist $ Kingdom Republic of The USA.