2024 USA Presidential Elections Results and Inauguration.

Where nations come together and discuss matters of varying degrees of importance. [In character]

Who did the majority of your nations People vote for in our NS USA elections. Poll never closes.

01: We voted for President Trump of the Republican Nationalist Patriot Red Party. The RNPRP.
02: We voted for Kamala Harris of the Leftist Liberal Democrat Progressive Party. The LLDPP.
03: We voted for RFK JR. of the Independent Party.
04: We voted for Jill Stein of the Leftist Green Party.
05: We voted for Chase Oliver of the Libertarian Party.
06: We voted for other candidates as named on the ballot. Post the other candidate you voted for.
No votes
07: Our government supports President Trumps Drill Baby Drill for more oil and gas.
08: Our government supports President Trump closing the US Borders on day one against illegal immigration.
09: Our government supports President Trump s Negotiation Tarrifs with other nations.
10: Our government supports President Trump s Make Cars, Detriot and America Great Again economic Policies. Post IC which Trump Policies you support and why.
Total votes : 38

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Republican President Trump 47 USA
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2024 USA Presidential Elections Results and Inauguration.

Postby Republican President Trump 47 USA » Fri Jan 17, 2025 9:45 pm

out of character comments. This is an interactive RP of the Parody nation of the USA. I have many real world Parody nations, with different political ideologies. I hate to post out of character comments on RPs. But I am making an exception. I plan to eventually edit out these out of character comments. I have The NS USA and similar named nations, the same nation. I have all the nations named on this interactive RP thread.

Carmen Santiago.
Euro American of Spaniard descent.
Ministra of The Center of National Statistics Cen.
In Republican Nationalist Patriot Red.

I am your un biased, un partisan, host of the 2024 USA elections and inauguration. I always carry a suit case filled with very important green Trump Papers, lol :) :rofl: It is booby trapped safe.

Post for who the majority of your nations People vote for and supported in our Presidential election of the USA. By numbers of voters and Percents %. Post if your government supports the main issues of the winning candidate or oppose. Congratulatons and non congratulations Posts in respectful NS RP form, are coming in from the leaders and organizations of the NS nations of the world.

We hate spoilers of any kind, it ruins the RP fun of it. But you must RP your Pics and Avatars, and they should be as small as possible to not offend our Almighty Goddess Violet.

With 100 % of all eligible voters voting, re electing President Trump with 55 % of the votes, by a landslide of 10 %. Due to strong, flexible intent to vote laws, all ballots were counted as valid.

Re electing President Trump with 312 electoral votes to 226 electoral votes. By a landslide of 15.98 5130 1152 4160 %.

226 - 42.00 7434 9442 3792 %.
312 - 57.99 2565 0557 6208 %.
538 - 15.98 5130 1152 4160 %

215 - Leftist Liberal Democrat Progressive Party.
220 - Republican Nationalist Patriot Red Party.
435 - House seats in Parliament.

49.42 5287 3563 2184 %.
50.57 4712 6436 7816 %.

House of Representatives seats in Parliament.
053 - 53.00 % - Senate seats - 53 %.

047 - 047 %. Leftist Liberal Democrat Progressive Party.
053 - 053 %. Republican Nationalist Patriot Red Party.
100 - seats in Parliament.

Every number counts.


As an accountant, math and statistics expert by Profession, I love doing this kind of stuff, its in my blood.

While these are not election Polls. we don't use Plus or Minus margin % of error Percent Polls in our nation of The NS USA.
Senate seats in Parliament.


The Royal Conservative Republican, Economic Libertarian, Christian Democrat, Nationaliist Patriot Red Party. The R CRNPRP.

The Democratic Capitalist $ Kingdom Republic of The USA.
Last edited by Republican President Trump 47 USA on Sat Jan 18, 2025 3:31 am, edited 5 times in total.
The two Greatest American, Nationalist Patriot Presidents of The USA, loved by millions. Republicans President Ronald Reagan, the original Make America Great Again President of the USA and Republican President Trump. MAGA Presidents.

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Republican President Trump 47 USA
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Postby Republican President Trump 47 USA » Fri Jan 17, 2025 9:48 pm

The Main Issues.

I aint never lied, lol, :) :rofl:.

I will be a dictator on day one, lol :) :rofl: just for one day, then I will not be a dictator. We are going to Drill Baby Drill for more oil and gas to sell to South Korea and the EU nations. Which will make them less dependant on Russia and Putin.

It will reduce energy prices, food prices and inflation.

I am for Fracking in Pennsylvania and all states that need it and want it.

I am for the oil and gas leases in New Mexico, Colorado, Texas, Alaska and all states that need it and want it.

I am for coal mining in West Virginia and all states that need it and want it.

I am for the USA Canada Keystone Oil Pipeline.

I will close down the US Borders against illegal alien migrants. Because they are illegals not legals. We want legal migrants to come in legally the right way. It is not fair to the millions of legal migrants waiting in other nations. For illegals to become legals.

No Tax on Tips $ for hotel and resturant tourist workers. No Tax on Tips $ for any Tipped Workers.

No Tax on Social Security benefits for our Seniors.

Lower taxes for small private businesses, corporations and all Americans.

Negotiation Tarrifs with other nations to protect American Jobs and American workers.

The Build Cars in America and Detriot Michigan Plan.
I will Make Cars Great Again. I will Make Detriot Great Again.

I am against the EV Mandate.

More healthy organic foods, like you find in health stores.
I will Make America Healthy Again.

I love McDonalds and McDonalds Ice Cream.
I will Make McDonalds Great Again. I will Make Ice Cream Great Again.

The Build in the USA Economy Plan.

Peace in Ukraine.

Peace in the Middle East.

Greenland is rich in Fresh Artic Ice Cold Water. Diamonds, oil, natural gas, uranium, rare earth metals used in electronic Products. I will buy Greenland from Denmark. If they refuse to sell or negotiate I will take it by force. I will rename it Trump Island.

The US Panama Canal Zone, should never have been given to Panama. I will buy it. If they refuse to sell or negotiate I will take it by force. I will rename it The Trump Canal.

A Pro America First Foreign and Defense Policy.
I will Make America Respected Again.
I will Make America Strong Again.

I will Make America Great Again.
Last edited by Republican President Trump 47 USA on Sat Jan 18, 2025 3:17 am, edited 7 times in total.
The two Greatest American, Nationalist Patriot Presidents of The USA, loved by millions. Republicans President Ronald Reagan, the original Make America Great Again President of the USA and Republican President Trump. MAGA Presidents.

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Republican President Trump 47 USA
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Postby Republican President Trump 47 USA » Fri Jan 17, 2025 9:49 pm

The other Main Issues.

Kamala Harris.
The Leftist Liberal Democrat Progressive Party.

I was for a ban on Fracking in Pennsylvania before I am for it. Now I am for Fracking in Pennsylvania, but not for too much Fracking in Pennsylvania. I ain't never lied, lol :) :rofl:.

I am for a middle class tax cut for all Americans. This is my record.

I am for fixing the US Borders against the illegal immigration crisis. I am for amnesty and a path to citizenship for millions of undocumented illegal migrants.

I am for health care for all Americans.

I am for a Pro America Foreign Policy and Defense Policy.

I cant think of anything I would do differently than Joe Biden.
Last edited by Republican President Trump 47 USA on Sat Jan 18, 2025 2:54 am, edited 2 times in total.
The two Greatest American, Nationalist Patriot Presidents of The USA, loved by millions. Republicans President Ronald Reagan, the original Make America Great Again President of the USA and Republican President Trump. MAGA Presidents.

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GMS Greater Miami Shores 1
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Postby GMS Greater Miami Shores 1 » Fri Jan 17, 2025 10:12 pm

We like and love to introduce our nations leaders to nations and the People of the world.
Otto Reich: Minister of Foreign Diplomatic Relations.
Austrian German Jewish Father. Mon Catholic Cuban Spaniard. A Jewban.
Giovanni Corrado, IL Italiano. Vice Minister of Foreign Diplomatic Relations.
Address both at the same time, by their name and titles. We work and speak as a team.

We congratulate our good friend and ally President Trump of The NS USA and related named nations, the same nation. For the greatest Political comeback in American history. We congratulate First Lady Melania Trump. We congratulate the First Son. Barron Von Trump. The youngest Son.

We look forward to working with you to Make America and GMS Great Again and Greater Again.

Carmen Santiago.
Ethnic Euro Cuban of Spaniard descent.
DeL Centro de Estadisticas Nacionales Cen.
Ministra of the Center of National Statistics Cen.
In Republican Nationalist Patriot Red.

I think Carmen Santiago of the USA and me are Prima Cousins. We must get together and talk about our ethnic origins and family. I always carry a suit case filled with very important Trump green Papers, lol :) :rofl:. It is booby trapped safe.

At least 68 % of ethnic Cubans voted for you, President Trump in our nation's election of your nations election. At least 58 % of non ethnic Cubans voted for you. 67.35 % voted for you.

055 % * 75.00 % - 41.25 %.
045 % * 58.00 % - 26.10 %.
100 % * 63.50 % - 67.35 %.

Voted for President Trump of the Royal Economic Libertarian, Conservative Republican, Christian Democrat, Nationaliist Patriot Red Party. The R CRNPRP.

055 % * 25.00 % - 13.75 %.
045 % * 42.00 % - 18.90 %.
100 % * 63.50 % - 32.65 %.

Voted for Leftist Liberal Democrat Progressive Kamala Harris, of the Leftist Liberal Democrat Progressive Party, the LLDPP.

The Democratic Multi Political Party.
Democratic Capitalist $ Kingdom Republic of GMS 1.

With 100 % of all eligible voters voting. Due to strong flexible intent to vote laws, all ballots were counted as valid.

While these are not election Polls. we don't use Plus or Minus margin % of error Percent Polls in our nation of GMS.

I am an accountant, bookkeeper, math and statistics expert by Profession. I love doing this kind of stuff, its in my blood.

055 % * 25.00 % - 13.75 %.
045 % * 42.00 % - 18.90 %.
100 % * 36.50 % - 33.65 %.

Voted for Leftist Liberal Democrat Progressive Kamala Harris.


We hope and trust you counted the votes of our legal foreign nationals of American birth and descent in our nation. We hope and trust you counted the votes of our Cuban and non ethnic Cubans with dual GMS and American citizenship.

King GMS Alberto to King Von Trump: Congratulations President Trump on your greatest Political comeback in American History. Against the Leftist Democrats Fake News Media and its supporters. Against the Political Law Fare against you on these Political Kangaroo court trials against you, on Trumped UP charges, Trumped UP Pun intended. I will be at your inauguration in 3 days.

With Pride and Honor, Honour.
Last edited by GMS Greater Miami Shores 1 on Sat Jan 18, 2025 5:52 am, edited 2 times in total.
GMS: I am a Political Junkie and Political Expert on NS and discord.With my real world nations regional nations, with real world statistics as much as possible, with Pics of their real world leaders, I read, learn and follow. What have I GMS been doing on NS for over 13 Years since the old co UK forum days and NS 2. Posting my and our Pro Republican Facts with Personal respect to those who think differently. Hardly ever on and off NS and discord, a Person says to the other Person, I am wrong and you are right, my Bad. These are Facts. Republican Presidents Ronald Reagan original Make America Great Again President and President Trump are the Greatest American Presidents of the USA. According to me and my Friend Historian Carlos Lumpuy. of French Cuban American descent.With Pride and Honor.

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NS Denmark 1
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Postby NS Denmark 1 » Sat Jan 18, 2025 3:11 pm

The current government of NS Denmark 1.
Prime Minister: Mette Frederiksen.
Leftist Social Democrat Party.
The Royal Capitalist $ Kingdom Republic of NS Denmark 1.

Greenlanders are loyal subjects of the Crown. Greenland is not for sale, negotiations or take overs, if you take Greenland by force and rename it Trump Island, we will declare war on the USA. We will be the mouse that roars.

NS Greenland:
Last edited by NS Denmark 1 on Sat Jan 18, 2025 3:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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NS Greenland
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Postby NS Greenland » Sat Jan 18, 2025 5:39 pm

The current government of NS Greenland.
Credit to: Attribution 4.0 International
CC BY 4.0 Deed.

Prime Minister: Múte Bourup Egede.
Leftist Nationalist - Democratic Socialist Patriot Red Party:
NS Greenland. Democratic Capitalist $ Kingdom Republic.
Make Greenland a Great Independent Nation Again.

We are the worlds largest island in land area. We are rich in Fresh Artic Ice Cold Water. oil, natural gas, gold, diamonds, uranium, and rare earth metals used in electronic products. We are rich in many kinds of minerals.

We are not Danes, we are not Americans, we are Inuit Greenlanders. We don't want to be Danes, we don't want to be Americans. Make NS Greenland a Great Independent Nation Again.

Land area: 836 330 square miles - 2 166 086 square kilometers.

January 11 2025 Population: 55 789.

Ethnic Groups:
89.70 % - Inuit.
07.80 % - Danes. Nordic Danes.
01.10 % - Nordics - Norway and Iceland Vikings.
01.40 % - others as named.

47 Americans.
Last edited by NS Greenland on Sat Jan 18, 2025 5:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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NS Jerusalem Israel
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Postby NS Jerusalem Israel » Sun Jan 19, 2025 12:36 am

Gideon Saar.
NS Jerusalem Israel.
Minister of Foreign Diplomatic Relations.
The Democratic Capitalist $ Republic of NS Jerusalem Israel.

President Trump, you are liked and loved in Israel by the Jewish People. You have Places in Israel named in your honor, honour. You even have Jewish grand kids in your family. There are at least 203,000 Jewish Israelis with dual US and Israel citizenship. The majority voted for you in your US elections. You are not a Fascist Nazi. This is Leftist Fake News.

203 000 * 15 % - 030 450. Kamala Harris.
203 000 * 85 % - 172 550. President Trump.

By a landslide of 70 %.

Kamala Harris - The Leftist Liberal Democrat Party - The LLDP.
President Trump - The Republican Nationalist Patriot Red Party - The RNPRP.
Last edited by NS Jerusalem Israel on Sun Jan 19, 2025 1:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

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NS Denmark 1
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Postby NS Denmark 1 » Sun Jan 19, 2025 7:46 am

Joint Political Post Conference.

Image Image:
Prime Minister: Mette Frederiksen.
Leftist Social Democrat Party.
The Royal Capitalist $ Kingdom Republic of NS Denmark 1.

Credit to: Attribution 4.0 International
CC BY 4.0 Deed.

Prime Minister: Múte Bourup Egede.
Leftist Nationalist - Democratic Socialist Patriot Red Party:
NS Greenland. Democratic Capitalist $ Kingdom Republic.
Make Greenland a Great Independent Nation Again.

Now that we have made it clear Greenland is not for sale, negotiations or take overs. We can begin negotiations talks on American economic, political and military interests in Greenland. on Fresh Artic Ice Cold Water exports to the USA, oil, natural gas, gold, diamonds, uranium, rare earth metals used in electronic products, minerals, the US military base in Greenland and a Trump Tower in Greenland and Denmark.

Trump Tower in Greenland.

The current government of NS Greenland.

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NS Argentina 1
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Postby NS Argentina 1 » Sun Jan 19, 2025 1:32 pm

Javier Milei.
Far Right President of Argentina.
Make Argentina Great Again.
The Economic Libertarian Nationalist Patriot Red Party.
The Democratic Capitalist $ Kingdom Republic of NS Argentina 1.

Congratulations Mi Amigo President Trump. I have arrived for your inauguration. I will do the Trump dance again, like I did at Mar A Lago. I said young man, at the YMCA, at the YMCA, at the YMCA. I said young man. ... go-fete%2F.

I order all Flags of Argentina at Full Staff in your Honor, Honour.

Make America Great Again.
Last edited by NS Argentina 1 on Sun Jan 19, 2025 1:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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NS Italia
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Postby NS Italia » Sun Jan 19, 2025 7:12 pm

Giorgia Meloni.
Far Right Prime Minister of NS Italia.
The Brothers of Italy Fratelli d'Italia.
Nationalist Patriot Red Party.

Congratulazioni presidente Trump. I have arrived for your inauguration. I hear The Village People are going to sing and perform the Trump Dance at the YMCA, at the YMCA, at the YMCA. I said young man. At your Pre Pro Trump Inauguration Rally and at your inauguration. I love the way you and Far Right President Javier Milei of Argentina dance it your way.

It is spreading all over the USA, Europe, Italia and the world.

We will work to increase tourists from our nation to your nation and your nation to my nation. We will work to increase exports and imports between our nations. We will work to stop illegal immigration from other nations.

one more day. I cant wait till Monday January 20 2025, so we can start Making America and Italia Great and Greater Again.

I order all Italian Flags of Italia at Full Staff in your honor, honour.

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NS Panama
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Postby NS Panama » Sun Jan 19, 2025 8:51 pm

President: José Raúl Mulino Quintero.
Realizing Republican Goals Party.
Far Right wing Republican, Nationalist Patriot Red Party.
The Democratic Capitalist $ Republic of NS Panama.

Congratulations President Trump. I have arrived for your inauguration. I order all Flags of Panama at Full Staff in your honor, honour. I know what you said about taking back the Panama Canal Zone. But we are both far right Nationalist Patriot Presidents. I assure you we will negotiate better terms on the Panama Canal. We will negotiate a major US military base in Panama. We will strengthen our economic, political, cultural, tourist and military diplomatic relations. We will strenghten our fight against illegal immigration in both our nations. We will make our Nations Great Again.

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Brasilia Brasil
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Postby Brasilia Brasil » Sun Jan 19, 2025 10:40 pm

Far Right President - Jair Bolsonaro.
Peace Through Strength.
The Conservative Republican.
Economic Libertarian.
Nationalist Patriot Red Party.
The Democratic Capitalist $ Kingdom Republic of Brasilia Brasil.

Far Right President Jair Bolsonaro: Congratulations President Trump. I have arrived for your inauguration. on NS anything is possible, lol. :) :rofl:. I order all Flags of Brasilia Brasil at Full Staff in your honor, honour.

Make Brasilia Brasil Great Again. Make America Great Again.

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NS El Salvador
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Postby NS El Salvador » Mon Jan 20, 2025 1:09 am

Far Right President of El Salvador: Nayib Burkele.
New Ideas Republican Nationalist Patriot Red Party.
Make El Salvador Great Again.
NS El Salvador democratic Capitalist $ Kingdom Republic.

My mom is a Catholic Christian of España La Madre Patria descent. Viva España La Madre Patria. My father is a Palestinian Christian Salvadoran. My grand Parents were Palestinian Christian immigrants to EL Salvador.

Congratulations President Trump. I have arrived for your inauguration. I have craked down hard on Salvadoran criminal gangs, drastically cutting down violent crimes. Making EL Salvador Safe Again and Great Again. ... es-legacy/. I offer you my advice and help against the Venezuelan Tren de Aragua and other violent, illegal, criminal alien gangs in your nation. Now operating in at least 16 US states. ... ity-warns/. I know you will crack down hard on them. Making America Safe Again. Making America Great Again.

We are not dictators on day one, day two or on any days. This is Leftist Fake News from the Leftist Fake News media. We are both Far Right wing, democratic, Capitalist $, Nationalist, Populist Presidents. We will work together on ending illegal immigration in our nations. Increasing exports and imports between our nations. Increasing tourists in our nations. I love your No Tax $ on Tips Policy for hotels, tourits, restaurant workers and all tipped workers.

I order all Flags of EL Salvador at Full Staff in your honor, honour.
Last edited by NS El Salvador on Mon Jan 20, 2025 1:41 am, edited 3 times in total.

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GMS Greater Miami Shores 1
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Postby GMS Greater Miami Shores 1 » Mon Jan 20, 2025 3:21 am

King GMS Alberto the Great to King President Donald Von Trump the Great of the USA: I have arrived for your inauguration. Congratulations on your inauguration, election victory. For the greatest Political comeback in American history. Against the certain leftist Democrats, Political Kangaroo Court Trials charges against you, on Trumped UP charges, Trumped UP Pun intended. Against their political weaponazation of government and the Justice system, Political Law Fare. Twisting the laws of the USA against you.

We congratulate First Lady Melania Trump and First Son Barron Von Trump, heir to the Royal Crown and the Royal Throne. The Youngest Son.

With all due personal respect to you, we don't need The Great Wall of Trump on our borders with the USA. We have a 0 tolerance illegal immigration policy. We have 0 illegal migrants. In our case birth right citizenship is only for Cubans and of Cuban descent.

We believe we have the toughest, logical, reasonable illegal and legal immigration laws in the world. It does not mean they are. other nations believe their laws are the toughest, logical, reasonable illegal and legal immigration laws in the world. We are even.

We want to share them with you.

I order all Flags of GMS Greater Miami Shores 1 at Full Staff in your honor, honour.

It covers all GMS related named nations, the same nation.

Make GMS Great Again. Make America Great Again.

The Royal Republican, Nationalist Patriot, Red Party.
The Democratic Capitalist $ Kingdom Republic of GMS Greater Miami Shores 1 and all related named nations, the same nation.
GMS: I am a Political Junkie and Political Expert on NS and discord.With my real world nations regional nations, with real world statistics as much as possible, with Pics of their real world leaders, I read, learn and follow. What have I GMS been doing on NS for over 13 Years since the old co UK forum days and NS 2. Posting my and our Pro Republican Facts with Personal respect to those who think differently. Hardly ever on and off NS and discord, a Person says to the other Person, I am wrong and you are right, my Bad. These are Facts. Republican Presidents Ronald Reagan original Make America Great Again President and President Trump are the Greatest American Presidents of the USA. According to me and my Friend Historian Carlos Lumpuy. of French Cuban American descent.With Pride and Honor.

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The Continent of Antarctica
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Postby The Continent of Antarctica » Mon Jan 20, 2025 6:42 am

King Demetrios.
Queen Antilla.
Descendants of the Royal Family of Atlantis.
We grant our Royal Ministers Noble Titles.
The Royal Republican, Nationalist Patriot Red Party.
Make Antarctica Great Again.
The Royal Continent of Antarctica.
The Democratic Capitalist $ Kingdom Republic of Antarctica.

Congratulations King President Von Trump the Great of the USA. on your re election victory and inauguration. We congratulate Queen Melania Von Trump and The First Son. Prince Barron Von Trump, Heir to the Royal Crown and Royal Throne. The youngest Son.

We order all Flags of The Royal Continent of Antarctica at Full Staff in your honor, honour.

We have arrived at your inauguration. We wish to establish, economic, political, cultural, tourist and military diplomatic relations with you and your nation. We name Harry Barris as ambassdor to your nation. You may name an Ambassador with a Pic to our nation right here.

We plan to create an Embassy exchange website page eventually. When we create it, we will invite you and your Minister of Foreign Diplomatic Relations, Marco Rubio to post on it as a diplomatic courtesy post.

Ambassador Harry Barris. Congratulations to you and your Royal Family, King President Von Trump. My staff and I are always open to the legal citizens of both nations.
Last edited by The Continent of Antarctica on Mon Jan 20, 2025 12:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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The Continent of Atlantis
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Postby The Continent of Atlantis » Mon Jan 20, 2025 9:24 am

King Demetrios.
Queen Antillia.
The Royal Republican Nationalist Patriot Red Party.
Make Atlantis Great Again.
The Royal Continent of Atlantis.
We grant our Royal Ministers Noble Titles.
The Democratic Capitalist $ Kingdom Republic.

We have arrived for your inauguration. Congratulations Nationalist, Patriot, King President Von Trump. Queen Melania Von Trump and Prince Barron Von Trump, Heir to the Royal Crown and the Royal Throne of the USA.

We order all Royal Flags of The Continent of Atlantis at Full Staff in your honor, honour.

We have just revealed our selfs to you and the world. For centuries we have lived in secret through our force field. The continent of Atlantis is one of the largest continents of the world, or the largest continent in the world in land area and population. In the middle of the Atlantic ocean. The point is, we have not needed to reveal ourselfs to the world and trade with the world.

But a young handsome, dark haired, blue eyes Greek Fisherman named Demetrios wondered into our seas through a broken point in our force field and saved the life our Princess Antillia. They fell in love and had many dark haired, blond haired, blue eyes kids, who became great Kings and Queens of Atlantis. After our King Kranos, gave him her hand in marriage, as our ancient legends foretold.

Plato once visited our nation of The Continent of Atlantis, through a broken point in our force field, and agreed to exaggerate his story and keep our secret, for money, wealth and fame, as our ancient legends foretold.

All the Euro nations are our descendants. All the Royal Families of Europe are related to our Royal Family. They have kept our secret for centuries. The Royal Family of The Royal Continent of Antarctica are related to our Royal Family. They have kept our secret for centuries.

While we have very strict legal and illegal immigration laws and a Minister of Immigration and Citizenship, we have not had legal immigration from other nations for centuries. We have a plan to open up our nation to immigration from other Euro nations, of blood family related persons.

Non Euros can apply for immigration to our cousin nation of The Continent of Antarctica under their legal immigration laws which are our legal immigration laws.

We plan to create an embassy exchange thread website page. When we create it we willl invite you and your Minister of Foreing Diplomatic Relations, Marco Rubio to post on it, as a political courtesy.

obviously we plan to meet and chat with Marco Rubio at your inauguration.

Nationalist, Patriot, King President Von Trump, we wish to establish economic, political, cultural, tourist and military diplomatic relations with you and your nation of the USA. We name Nationalist, Patriot, Ambassador Oliver North as Nationalist Patriot Ambassador to you and your nation of the USA. We cant think of a better Nationalist Patriot Ambassador to you and your nation, than Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North.

You can name an Ambassador with a Pic to our nation with his staff, right here.

Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North. Congratulations, Nationalist, Patriot, King President Von Trump on your historic re election victory and inauguration as the 47 Th President of The USA. The greatest Political comeback in American history. Against your certain leftist democrat opponents, who weaponized the department of justice and the government against you and other Republicans, stretching the laws of the USA against you and them, on these Political Kangaroo Court Trials against you and other Republicans, on Trumped UP charges, Trumped UP Pun intended.

It is my personal honor, honour, and my staffs personal honor, honour, to serve as Ambassador to you and the USA. My office, staff and I are always opened to the legal citizens of our nations.

The Royal Council of Ministers of The Royal Continent of Atlantis.

If you click on it the right way, it will give you access to our nation's other dispatch factbooks about our nation.
Last edited by The Continent of Atlantis on Mon Jan 20, 2025 12:04 pm, edited 7 times in total.
The Lost Continent of Atlantis is one Greater Miami Shores 153 Plus nations on NS my name is Alberto, I don't mind my fellow nations knowing this. I am the worlds greatest insomniac, I beat the world record every day. President Trump is the second greatest insomniac with his 3 Am Tweets. President Trump is not a gentleman. President Ronald Reagan the original Make America Great Again President greatest President ever, is a gentleman they don't make them like President Ronald Reagan any more. First Lady Nancy Reagan greatest ever. Am Proud Republican Trump Supporter Patriot of the USA. Native Cuban and American citizen HIspanic Latino ,Viva España La Madre Patria. Am Accountant by Profession. worked for major US Defense Contractor in Chicago.

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Republican President Ronald Reagan USA
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Postby Republican President Ronald Reagan USA » Mon Jan 20, 2025 3:07 pm

King President Ronald Reagan.
Queen First Lady Nancy Reagan.
The Royal Conservative Republican.
Nationalist Patriot Red Party.
Make America Great Again.
The Democratic Kingdom Republic.
of Republican President Ronald Reagan USA.

The Royal Kingdom Republic of Republican President Ronald Reagan USA.

President Ronald Reagan and First Lady Nancy Reagan.
Dancing Cheek to Cheek at President Trump's Inaguration dance.
The Reagans favorite color.
They loved each other very much.
To My Lady In Republican Nationalist Patriot Red.
To My Lady in Red by Christ de Burgh.

I've never seen you looking so lovely as you did tonight.
I've never seen you shine so bright.
I've never seen so many men ask you if you wanted to dance.
They're looking for a little romance, given half a chance.
I have never seen that dress you're wearing.
Or the highlights in your hair that catch your eyes I have been blind.

The lady in red is dancing with me cheek to cheek.
There's nobody here, it's just you and me, It's where I wanna be.
But I hardly know this beauty by my side.
I'll never for get, the way you look tonight.

I've never seen you looking so gorgeous as you did tonight.
I've never seen you shine so bright you were amazing.
I've never seen so many people want to be there by your side.
And when you turned to me and smiled, It took my breath away.
I have never had such a feeling.
Such a feeling of complete and utter love, as I do tonight.

The lady in red is dancing with me cheek to cheek.
There's nobody here, it's just you and me, It's where I wanna be.
But I hardly know this beauty by my side.
I'll never for get, the way you look tonight.
I never will forget, the way you look tonight.
The lady in red.
The lady in red.
The lady in red.
My lady in red (I love you).

Congratulations, Nationalist, Patriots, King President Von Trump. Queen Melania Von Trump and Prince Barron Von Trump, the First Son and Youngest Son. Heir to the Royal Crown and the Royal Throne of the USA.

I have come down from heaven through my nation, with First Lady Nancy Reagan to be at your inauguration as the 47th President of the USA. We are very Proud of you. As you know I am the original Make America Great Again President of the USA.

I ordered all Flags of The USA at Full Staff in your honor, honour.

Republican President Ronald Reagan of The USA.
Republican President Donald J Trump of The USA.
The Greatest American Presidents of The USA.
Make America Great Again.
We are the Greatest American Nationalist Patriot Presidents of The USA.

American Nationalist Patriot Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North.
US President Ronald Reagan The original Make America Great Again President, as far as I am concerned the Greatest American President ever.

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Republican President Trump 47 USA
Civil Servant
Posts: 8
Founded: Nov 11, 2024
Capitalist Paradise

Postby Republican President Trump 47 USA » Mon Jan 20, 2025 10:28 pm

Republican Nationalist Patriot President Trump of the USA 2025. ... trump.html.

President Trump takes the oath of office: ... trump.html.

America First Inauguration Speech.

The Golden Age of America Begins Right Now.

I Will Always Put America First.

The weaponazation of the Justice department and our government will end.

I will Pardon the Jan 6th American Nationalist Patriots.

I Was Saved by God to Make America Great Again.

I will declare a national emergency on our southern border.

All Ilegal entry will immediately be halted.

I will close the US Borders against illegal migrants.

I will restore the Remain in Mexico Policy.

End catch and release.

Send troops to the sourthern border.

Designate the cartels as foreign terrorist organizations.

By invoking the Alien Enemies Act of 1798.

To eliminate the precense of all foreign gangs and criminal networks.

We will bring down inflation, costs and prices.

I will declare a national ernergy emergency, We will Drill Baby Drill.

America will be a manufacturing nation once again.

We will bring Prices down and export American energy all over the world.

We will revoke the EV Electric Vehicle Mandate.

We will build automobiles in America Again.

We are All Americans.

Males and Females.

I will Make MLK s Martin Luther Kings Dream Come True.

The Hostages in the middle east are coming back home to their familys.

I will rename the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of America.

The USA should never have given up the US Panama Canal Zone to Panama.

and we are taking it back.

We will Plant the Stars and Stripes Flag of the USA on the Planet Mars.

And so on, on and on: ... trump.html.

We will Make America Healthy Again.
We will Make America Strong Again.
We will Make America Wealthy Again.
We will Make America Proud Again. And.
We Will Make America Great Again.

Republican Nationalist Patriot President Trump.

of The USA.

The First Son. Nationalist Patriot Barron Von Trump: I am so Proud of My Dad.

I Am the Youngest Son.

The Royal Republican Nationalist Patriot Red Party.
The Democratic Capitalist Kingdom Republic of Republican President Trump 47.
Last edited by Republican President Trump 47 USA on Mon Jan 20, 2025 10:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The two Greatest American, Nationalist Patriot Presidents of The USA, loved by millions. Republicans President Ronald Reagan, the original Make America Great Again President of the USA and Republican President Trump. MAGA Presidents.

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Republican President Trump 47 USA
Civil Servant
Posts: 8
Founded: Nov 11, 2024
Capitalist Paradise

Postby Republican President Trump 47 USA » Mon Jan 27, 2025 2:56 am

His Royal Majesty, King President Von Trump.
The Royal Republican, Nationalist Patriot Red Party.
The democratic Capitalist $ Kingdom Republic of The USA.

Thank you Royal Majesty Demetrios and Queen Antilla of The Continent of Antarctica, for attending my inauguration as President of the USA. Thank you for establishing economic, political, cultural, tourist and military diplomatic relations with my nation of The USA. Thank you for naming Ambassador Harry Barris and his staff to my nation.

I name Ambassador Marco Cuban as Ambassador to The Continent of Antarctica. It is my honor, honour, to be Ambassdor to your nation. Me and my staff's office is always opened to the legal citizens of our nations.
The two Greatest American, Nationalist Patriot Presidents of The USA, loved by millions. Republicans President Ronald Reagan, the original Make America Great Again President of the USA and Republican President Trump. MAGA Presidents.

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Republican President Trump 47 USA
Civil Servant
Posts: 8
Founded: Nov 11, 2024
Capitalist Paradise

Postby Republican President Trump 47 USA » Mon Jan 27, 2025 9:23 am

His Royal Majesty, King President Von Trump.
The Royal Republican, Nationalist Patriot Red Party.
The democratic Capitalist $ Kingdom Republic of The USA.

Thank You Royal Majesty Demetrios and Queen Antillia, attending my Royal Inauguration as President of The USA. Thank you for establish economic, political, cultural, tourist and military diplomatic relations with me and my nation of The USA. By naming Ambassador Oliver North and his staff to me and my nation. Make Atlantis Great Again.

I name Ambassador Spock, to your nation of The Royal Continent of Atlantis. I cant think of a better more logical Ambassador than Spock. It is my honor, honour, to be Ambassador of his Royal Majesty, My Royal Majesty, Your Royal Majesty and our Royal Majesty, King President Von Trump of The USA, in your nation. My staff and I s offices are always opened to legal citizens of both nations. Live Long and Prosper. Make Atlantis Great Again.

The Democratic Royal Capitalist $ Kingdom Republic of.
Republican President Von Trump of The USA.

The Royal Republican Nationalist Patriot Red Party.
The two Greatest American, Nationalist Patriot Presidents of The USA, loved by millions. Republicans President Ronald Reagan, the original Make America Great Again President of the USA and Republican President Trump. MAGA Presidents.

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Republican President Trump 47 USA
Civil Servant
Posts: 8
Founded: Nov 11, 2024
Capitalist Paradise

Postby Republican President Trump 47 USA » Sat Feb 01, 2025 7:46 pm

King President Von Trump.
Queen First Lady, Melania Von Trump.
Prince First Son, Barron Von Trump.

His Royal Majesty, My Royal Majesty, our Royal Majesty and Your Majesty.
The Royal Republican, Nationalist Patriot Red Party.
Make America Great Again.
The Democratic Capitalist $ Kingdom Republic of.
Repbulican President Trump 47 USA.

Good People this is your leader talking, I Promise you dis, dat and the other ting, so everybody go home, turn on the TV, kick off your shoes and relax and that's an order, Viva El Presidente, Viva El Presidente, Viva El Presidente.

We thank all the nation leaders, our Republican Nationalist Patriots, and People who attended my inauguration. The first time ever leaders and VIPs of other nations have been invited to a US Presidential Inauguration.

Prince Barron Von Trump: I am ready to take the Royal Crown and the Royal Throne when it is my time. I am now an 18 Year old Man. I will America Greater Again.

The Royal Democratic Capitalist $ Kingdom Republic of Republican President Trump 47 USA.
The two Greatest American, Nationalist Patriot Presidents of The USA, loved by millions. Republicans President Ronald Reagan, the original Make America Great Again President of the USA and Republican President Trump. MAGA Presidents.

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Republican President Trump 47 USA
Civil Servant
Posts: 8
Founded: Nov 11, 2024
Capitalist Paradise

Postby Republican President Trump 47 USA » Thu Feb 06, 2025 10:53 pm

King President Von Trump.
Queen First Lady, Melania Von Trump.
Prince First Son, Barron Von Trump.

His Royal Majesty, My Royal Majesty, our Royal Majesty and Your Majesty.
The Royal Republican, Nationalist Patriot Red Party.
Make America Great Again.
The Democratic Capitalist $ Kingdom Republic of.
Repbulican President Trump 47 USA.

Thank you King President Ronald Reagan and First Lady Queen Nancy Reagan for coming down from Heaven through your nation and attending my inauguration as President of The USA. By executive order I honor, honour, you on your birthday of Feb 6 1911, your passing on June 5 2004 and on your 1980 and 1984 landslide % election victories, by ordering all Flags of The USA at Full Staff on these days every year.

Me and you are the Greatest, American, Nationalist, Patriot Presidents of the USA and loved by millions. Read our Sigs on our International website Pages. You are the original Make America Great Again President. MAGA President.

The government and leaders of GMS Greater Miami Shores 1 and other nations have ordered their nations Flags at Full Staff on these days every year in your honor, honour. By executive order. The GMS nations have similar names but they are the same nation. You are popular and loved by millions in GMS and you will have been elected and reelected President to 2 popular 5 year terms in GMS by a landslide %.

President Ronald Reagan and First Lady Nancy Reagan.
Dancing Cheek to Cheek at President Trump's Inaguration dance.
The Reagans favorite color.
They loved each other very much.
To My Lady In Republican Nationalist Patriot Red.
To My Lady in Red by Chris de Burgh.

Republican President Trump USA. ... id=1245431.

Republican President Ronald Reagan USA.

GMS Greater Miami Shores 1.
The two Greatest American, Nationalist Patriot Presidents of The USA, loved by millions. Republicans President Ronald Reagan, the original Make America Great Again President of the USA and Republican President Trump. MAGA Presidents.


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