Demand all countries free captive pigs (IC/MT)

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Demand all countries free captive pigs (IC/MT)

Postby Nooobs » Fri Jan 17, 2025 5:00 pm



Many countries are keeping pigs captive in various areas, mostly ranches, and are often killing and eating them! We Nooobs can’t let these atrocities continue, and we demand that you free all captive pigs if you have any. Additionally, if you need to we will be willing to take pigs in your territory to Nooobland if that works better for you.


-Emperor Xoosu
Last edited by Nooobs on Fri Jan 17, 2025 5:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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The Scandoslavic Empire
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Postby The Scandoslavic Empire » Fri Jan 17, 2025 5:04 pm

Joint Transmission | Scandoslavic State Security Agency [BTA] / Office of the President of Scandoslavia | Authorized by People's Council

Hello, distinguished emperor of the Nooobs.

In response to your request to the international community - no. Absolutely not.
Come back when you have enough reasons.

- Joskev Volydim, President, People's Republic of Scandoslavia

«Рощина преждын кåйыкало | Motherland above all»
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Bomb Country
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Postby Bomb Country » Fri Jan 17, 2025 5:45 pm

In response, Bomb Country is killing random pigs with bombs.

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Pigs 1
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Postby Pigs 1 » Fri Jan 17, 2025 6:42 pm

Oinkment of Support

Pigs 1 supports the freeing of pigs in all nations. Pigs are some of the most intelligent and loving creatures in the world, yet they are subject to factory farming as well as other harmful agricultural practices that are detrimental not only to pigs, but the world entire. We in Pigs 1 believe that pigs are for pets, not breakfast. We also would like to call for an end to 'pig' as a pejorative term - no longer should people be called a 'pig' as an insult. Pigs 1 joins Nooobland in offering to take in pigs that need a good and safe home; we have plenty of warm pigpens available for our pink oinky friends.


Wilbur D. Hogg
Chief Pork of Pigs 1

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Postby Nooobs » Sat Jan 18, 2025 9:31 am

Bomb Country wrote:In response, Bomb Country is killing random pigs with bombs.

We send a few ships to Bomb Country, which drop off rescue teams who attempt to find pigs who are still alive and sneak them out of the country to Nooobland in their ships.

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Posts: 815
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Postby Camtropia » Sat Jan 18, 2025 11:53 am

Prime Minister Nathan Anderson sat down to eat breakfast. It was going to be a busy day, so he decided to look at some messages while eating.

The Transport Minister would be late to his morning meeting because he was stuck in traffic? Well, maybe he'll do his job better as a result.

Hastria moving troops to the border? Probably just posturing as usual. He'll sign off on whatever the Defence Minister suggests to do in return later.

Several new civil wars? Oh well, thoughts and prayers to the suffering people of XYZ...

A demand from the "Holy Empire of Nooobs" to "free all captive pigs"? Granted, the gif of a micropig attached was extremely cute - he'll forward it to the family WhatsApp group later - but on the other hand? He looked down at the bacon and eggs on his plate and carried on eating.
A young, left-leaning, democratic nation located in Southern Central/Eastern Europe, or somewhere similar.
Almost all stats and policies are canon.
Population: 52 million.
 CBC News | Halemouth Christmas lights turn-on ceremony ruined after Mayor electrocutes himself, currently in hospital -- Budget increase announced for health service amid concerns about winter flu -- Magpies stealing bags of crisps from Rexport convenience stores appear to be teaching other magpies to do the same 

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United American Imperium
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Postby United American Imperium » Sat Jan 18, 2025 11:55 am

Nuh uh, you must face the 23 million soldiers, 100,000 patrol crafts and 34,000 missile armed cruisers.
American Imperium

2042. America transitions from a Republic to an Imperium. Mexico is in ruin, Europe faces a new threat: National Marxism, and Asia is being influenced by China.
Great Imperial News: My fellow Americans, I, Imperial-President Henry John Anderson, decree that the Nova Scotian colony be integrated into the United American Imperium.

OOC: 19yr old autistic psychopath who likes nation building and CK3.

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Postby Tekniania » Sat Jan 18, 2025 1:04 pm

From the office of The Right Honourable, The Speaker of the General Council of Tekniania Falaniku Tamatoa SGC,

We appreciate your demand, however, we must refuse it. Pigs and their meat, alongside many of the products made of pigs, are vital to Tekniania's food and industrial security. They are, to the knowledge of the Department of the Interior, all being kept in safe and comfortable conditions. We thank you for your request once more and hope that peaceful relations can soon be established.

Kind regards,
The office of The Speaker

Most stats not canon, including the tax rate

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Posts: 1291
Founded: Oct 27, 2023
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Doslonsu » Sat Jan 18, 2025 1:13 pm

Doslonsu's Agricultural department has filed a response to this request.

"We respect Nooobland's endeavors, but we cannot heed to them. Meat, from animals such as Cows, Pigs, Sheep, and Chickens are vital to Doslonsu's primary industry, agriculture."
-Doslonsuan Agency for Agriculture (DAFA)-
Never Forget 6/3/24!
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Wiki page? (Kinda shit at the moment...)
Peace in Maxwelland achieved; rejoice! | Doslonsu News: Parliament is abolished; Hail Ersha. | Leader Ambadus Ersha declares himself Supreme Chief of the Doslonsuan State. | Doslonsu enters Maxwelland upon discovering ghastly sights.

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Political Columnist
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Postby Kisunemara » Sun Jan 19, 2025 5:30 am

Following careful discourse in the Interim Cabinet and under the guidance of the state think-tank, the Government of the Republic has determined that an act of ‘freeing captive pigs’ on a major scale would not be in our best interests.

However, to appreciate your concern for the well-being of Nature, we will be voluntarily releasing 18 pigs into the wild, albeit neither can the source of these pigs be disclosed, nor can we guarantee their safety after we have dispossessed them.

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European Federal Union
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Postby European Federal Union » Sun Jan 19, 2025 5:35 am

Credit for the flag goes to <3
(")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.

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The Indios Bravos
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Postby The Indios Bravos » Sun Jan 19, 2025 9:53 am

Good morning.
I will say, all of these other messages pampering you and going soft and saying how they simply can't comply, that's just boring. We here in the Archipelago believe that, in response to amateur requests require sub-professional responses.
No, we will not free the bacon. Bacon is good, unlike your people. Your request is immature, very immature. Asking for nations to just give up a significant portion of their food is like asking Cold War America and Russia to just give up and dispose of their nuclear arms. Your request is about as well thought out as an Imperial Japanese kamikaze pilot thinking that his tiny little Zero, thrown off course by countless AA guns, is gonna sink a Montana class battleship. Your request is as stupid as PETA...yeah just about as stupid as PETA, which is very fitting for your request.
Is it even a request? No, it's a whine from a little child that never experienced the joy of eating bacon every breakfast and is now coping by becoming an animal rights activist.
So how about you take your little 2nd grade speech about animal cruelty, throw it in the incinerator, and fuck off, alright? Have a shitty day.
insert video here ig

The attached video was simply a completion of major Indio leaders and officials eating bacon, very much enjoying themselves. The lip smacks, moans, and other sounds of culinary delight were as amplified as possible. At the end of the video was footage of a zoo worker dropping a piglet into an enclosure of a compsognathus pen. The piglet was obviously attempting to fight back, but was paralyzed mere seconds later as the venom from the compies overwhelmed it.
The Indios Bravos "Indy"
General Lampin Spoilers|Major radical conservative riots rock the streets of Sultana, heavy police squads dispatched|All openly progressive individuals advised to stay in urban areas, major alerts sent to open homosexuals|Congress debates sending heavy police squads into rural areas due to another rise in hate crimes|Lack of news out of Kostane leaves people suspicious of actions in New Sevregal|Official Nationwide Celebrations ending|Security risks lead to the end of operations into ASSR controlled Kostane, as Kostan insurgents begin popping up|

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Posts: 19
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Postby Nooobs » Sun Jan 19, 2025 3:47 pm

The Indios Bravos wrote:
Good morning.
I will say, all of these other messages pampering you and going soft and saying how they simply can't comply, that's just boring. We here in the Archipelago believe that, in response to amateur requests require sub-professional responses.
No, we will not free the bacon. Bacon is good, unlike your people. Your request is immature, very immature. Asking for nations to just give up a significant portion of their food is like asking Cold War America and Russia to just give up and dispose of their nuclear arms. Your request is about as well thought out as an Imperial Japanese kamikaze pilot thinking that his tiny little Zero, thrown off course by countless AA guns, is gonna sink a Montana class battleship. Your request is as stupid as PETA...yeah just about as stupid as PETA, which is very fitting for your request.
Is it even a request? No, it's a whine from a little child that never experienced the joy of eating bacon every breakfast and is now coping by becoming an animal rights activist.
So how about you take your little 2nd grade speech about animal cruelty, throw it in the incinerator, and fuck off, alright? Have a shitty day.
insert video here ig

The attached video was simply a completion of major Indio leaders and officials eating bacon, very much enjoying themselves. The lip smacks, moans, and other sounds of culinary delight were as amplified as possible. At the end of the video was footage of a zoo worker dropping a piglet into an enclosure of a compsognathus pen. The piglet was obviously attempting to fight back, but was paralyzed mere seconds later as the venom from the compies overwhelmed it.

I would kindly like to request you to stop being a bum and actually do research before make up claims about the Nooobs beliefs and why we have them. The Nooobs want to free pigs not because we aren’t able to eat bacon or anything like that, but because they are our kin. Below is the link of the history of the origin of the Nooobs ... id=2604649
Not requesting the freeing of pigs for us is like if people of Indios Bravos were being genocided and aten by foreigners, and you didn’t try to help them. We are simply trying to figure out which nations are genociding pigs, and which nations will support our efforts to free them.

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The Indios Bravos
Posts: 3844
Founded: Aug 18, 2023
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Postby The Indios Bravos » Sun Jan 19, 2025 5:20 pm

Nooobs wrote:
The Indios Bravos wrote:The attached video was simply a completion of major Indio leaders and officials eating bacon, very much enjoying themselves. The lip smacks, moans, and other sounds of culinary delight were as amplified as possible. At the end of the video was footage of a zoo worker dropping a piglet into an enclosure of a compsognathus pen. The piglet was obviously attempting to fight back, but was paralyzed mere seconds later as the venom from the compies overwhelmed it.

I would kindly like to request you to stop being a bum and actually do research before make up claims about the Nooobs beliefs and why we have them. The Nooobs want to free pigs not because we aren’t able to eat bacon or anything like that, but because they are our kin. Below is the link of the history of the origin of the Nooobs ... id=2604649
Not requesting the freeing of pigs for us is like if people of Indios Bravos were being genocided and aten by foreigners, and you didn’t try to help them. We are simply trying to figure out which nations are genociding pigs, and which nations will support our efforts to free them.

Quite frankly we never cared to research your nation but it makes sense now
Seems like we have a really big bacon supplier now :twisted:
The Indios Bravos "Indy"
General Lampin Spoilers|Major radical conservative riots rock the streets of Sultana, heavy police squads dispatched|All openly progressive individuals advised to stay in urban areas, major alerts sent to open homosexuals|Congress debates sending heavy police squads into rural areas due to another rise in hate crimes|Lack of news out of Kostane leaves people suspicious of actions in New Sevregal|Official Nationwide Celebrations ending|Security risks lead to the end of operations into ASSR controlled Kostane, as Kostan insurgents begin popping up|

On a scale of 1-10 I'm Filipino (No way!?!?!?!?)
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Antarean Republics
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Postby Antarean Republics » Sun Jan 19, 2025 6:10 pm

Simply and kindly put: No, unless given a reasonable reason.

Federal Commonwealth Union of Antarean Republics

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Park0ur Civilization
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Postby Park0ur Civilization » Sun Jan 19, 2025 6:19 pm

Camman18 uses the WA computer someone brought him through the Minecraft server (that person thought he could get out, he couldn’t) and types this response.

WA and Interuniversal Communications Director Camman18 wrote:Look.

Usually stuff like this doesn’t involve us in any way, but here it does.

We don’t have the space to create actual farms, so we breed animals on the different levels. The cows, pigs, and chickens who complete the parkour jumps (harder on each level) are cooked and eaten on the level, while the ones that die of fall damage are given to the noobs. We’ve been doing this for hundreds of years, that’s how it works, we don’t have the space to do it any other way, and eating the meat of the animals that can do parkour enhances skills. We are unable to do this, both physically and because it would clash with what works here and what has worked for so long.

Plus, even if we could do it any other way, why would we care what you think? How would you get to us? I doubt any other nations will really do this because they eat pigs too apparently.
Last edited by Park0ur Civilization on Sun Jan 19, 2025 6:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
There is only a 0 because the correct spelling was taken.
Based on Evbo’s Parkour Civilization on YouTube (which I don’t even like that much I don’t know why I did this) | NS stats and policies jumped for the beef and failed | Pronouns: he/him
News|5000 YEARS! Celebrate at once in a lifetime trip to top level with Darkside!|New champion “Opening Up to Universe” after joining WA|Champion might form a council to help rule things, hopes to prevent another tyrant|Literacy rates of Written Parkour rising, says study|

"Despite everything, it's still horrible…" - Champion Darkside

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Union of Soviet Sovereign Republiks1
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Postby Union of Soviet Sovereign Republiks1 » Sun Jan 19, 2025 10:02 pm

Nooobs wrote:(Image)


Many countries are keeping pigs captive in various areas, mostly ranches, and are often killing and eating them! We Nooobs can’t let these atrocities continue, and we demand that you free all captive pigs if you have any. Additionally, if you need to we will be willing to take pigs in your territory to Nooobland if that works better for you.


-Emperor Xoosu

The General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Gennady Zyuganov read the message from the emperor of a country called Nooobs before calling his Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov over as they were eating lunch in the massive Kremlin cafeteria speaking in Russian, "Ey, Sergey, ty dolzhen prochitat' eto zabavnoye soobshcheniye, kotoroye ya tol'ko chto poluchil ot kakogo-to imperatora iz strany pod nazvaniyem Nub. Oni trebuyut, chtoby my otdali vsekh nashikh sviney, inache budut problemy." ("Hey Sergei, you have to read this funny message I just received from some Emperor in a country called Nooob. They demand we hand over all our pigs or there will be trouble.")

Sergei walked over and began reading the note before he began chuckling. After a minute of laughter, he grinned darkly, "Pust' eti ublyudki popytayutsya vtorgnut'sya v Matushku Rossiyu. Oni stolknutsya s moshch'yu Sovetskikh Vooruzhennykh Sil v bitve, kotoruyu oni proigrayut. I frantsuzy, i nemtsy poterpeli neudachu v svoyem vtorzhenii na Rodinu, i to zhe samoye proizoydet s etim Nubom." ("Let those bastards try and and invade Mother Russia. They will be facing the might of the Soviet Armed Forces in a battle which they will lose. Both the French and the Germans failed in their invasion of the Motherland and so will this Nooob.")

[b][i]Official Statement of the Foreign Ministry of the Soviet Union

Comrade Xoosa,

The Soviet Union will not free our pig as they are treated humanely and are given the best care possible on our farms.
Leader: General Secretary Gennady Zyuganov
Member of: ISD, KTO
Observer of: CSL
Population: 450 million
Year: 2025
Country: The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics or the Soviet Union
Territory: All Soviet Territory plus former Iranian provinces of East Azerbaijan, West Azerbaijan and Ardabil.
Tech Level: MT-PMT
Flag: Soviet Flag

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Russian Brotherhood
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Postby Russian Brotherhood » Sun Jan 19, 2025 10:08 pm

*Racks gun*

Pathetic, time to commit war crimes!!!
✝Conservative Catholic✝

SSR (Players that are in the Brotherhood)
Park0ur Civilization, Sanlind

Given Titles
Honorary Citizen of Kensor (Given by Kensor), Honorable Russian (Given by Trump Almighty), RusBro (Given by Rylland), Fantasy Russia (Given by Park0ur Civilization), RuskyBrosky (Given by The Indios Bravos) .

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The Indios Bravos
Posts: 3844
Founded: Aug 18, 2023
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby The Indios Bravos » Mon Jan 20, 2025 7:22 pm

Hello again.
There are rumors spreading around that you have resorted to lethal force to free captive pigs, this violence being targeted especially at noncompliant farmers.
If that is true, please read the following.
You are no longer a respectable bunch. If you are murdering farmers to destroy their livelihoods, there will be consequences. Please refrain, now. These farmers are out here trying to make a living, building their lives and supporting their families in agriculture, and in this case, pig livestock. We understand that you wish to see your bretheren-very tasty-freed. However, these farmers are the backbones of their countries and the skeletons of their families. How do you think little old Emily is gonna feel knowing that her father got drive-by'ed trying to pay for her education?
Sincerely...wait wrong word.
Actually, you don't deserve a proper farewell.
However, if the rumors of you enacting lethal force are wrong, then we apologize.
The Indios Bravos "Indy"
General Lampin Spoilers|Major radical conservative riots rock the streets of Sultana, heavy police squads dispatched|All openly progressive individuals advised to stay in urban areas, major alerts sent to open homosexuals|Congress debates sending heavy police squads into rural areas due to another rise in hate crimes|Lack of news out of Kostane leaves people suspicious of actions in New Sevregal|Official Nationwide Celebrations ending|Security risks lead to the end of operations into ASSR controlled Kostane, as Kostan insurgents begin popping up|

On a scale of 1-10 I'm Filipino (No way!?!?!?!?)
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Russian Brotherhood
Posts: 1086
Founded: Apr 25, 2024
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Postby Russian Brotherhood » Tue Jan 21, 2025 5:42 pm

The Indios Bravos wrote:
Hello again.
There are rumors spreading around that you have resorted to lethal force to free captive pigs, this violence being targeted especially at noncompliant farmers.
If that is true, please read the following.
You are no longer a respectable bunch. If you are murdering farmers to destroy their livelihoods, there will be consequences. Please refrain, now. These farmers are out here trying to make a living, building their lives and supporting their families in agriculture, and in this case, pig livestock. We understand that you wish to see your bretheren-very tasty-freed. However, these farmers are the backbones of their countries and the skeletons of their families. How do you think little old Emily is gonna feel knowing that her father got drive-by'ed trying to pay for her education?
Sincerely...wait wrong word.
Actually, you don't deserve a proper farewell.
However, if the rumors of you enacting lethal force are wrong, then we apologize.

Your MT?

Btw make an OOC
✝Conservative Catholic✝

SSR (Players that are in the Brotherhood)
Park0ur Civilization, Sanlind

Given Titles
Honorary Citizen of Kensor (Given by Kensor), Honorable Russian (Given by Trump Almighty), RusBro (Given by Rylland), Fantasy Russia (Given by Park0ur Civilization), RuskyBrosky (Given by The Indios Bravos) .


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