Genesis: The Reboot

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Genesis: The Reboot

Postby Bytonic » Fri Jan 17, 2025 10:47 am

Originally made by my puppet, Evinus. I hope this helps me get back into NS after a (very long) break from the Forums.
Anyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed
John, 3:20


Igyrsi was made in the first time, of which none know and yet is known by all. The two prime chroniclers, Aaluminar of Light and his brother Noctisiner of Darkness fought eternally before worlds and times were known. In their eternal battle, their destruction was unified once their true powers collided, creating Igyrsi.

The people of Igyrsi were Men, or Lumaer, and viewed Aaluminar as their creator. They rejoiced in his presence, building spires and temples to honour him and creating days of celebration over his role in creation. Noctisiner they shunned, viewing him as a spiteful and evil mirror of his enlightened brother, making rules and doctrines forbidding all worship or celebration of him.

Noctisiner was rageful beyond comprehension. Him and his brother created humanity together, and yet he was shunned and refused worship? Even his brother supported this, and actively encouraged it. Out of his rage, Noctisiner snatched 100 men and 100 women, corrupting their light and creating Noctaer. Noctaer were the opposite of Lumaer, dark and angry, possesing unnatural strength and dark anger. When Noctisiner revealed them, Aaluminar was horrified. They clashed once more, before man unearthed the means of which they were created: Magick. They used this magic to seal away the two brothers forever and preventing their clash from destroying the world. Even they, however, eventually faded into the annals of myth, their descendants - True-Men - eventually coming to power over the world the aincents carved.

A race combining Noctaer and Lumaer, they are the most widespread people of Igyrsi. They are storied - they first came to power to raid, then to settle. They have uncanny resilience but are the shortest-lived of all races.
They usually use Old Norse naming conventions, so click here for some thematic names

Innately magical peoples who can shape magic from birth. They resemble humans, aside from their legs either made of stacks of flame or pillars of ice. They live longer than humans by far, often living to be 120. They have a strong love of traditional values, and usually see themselves as keepers of tradition and lore - leading to most of them being pompous and self-centered.
Click here for some thematic names

Generally the most tricksy and dexterous of all folk, they possess pointy eras belying powerful hearing, 3-toed nimble feet and 8-fingered hands. They are dexterous and nimble, but only live 3 or 4 years longer than humans. Their hair is universally the same shade of ebony black. Legend has it they are a crossbreed of Noctaer and Goblinfolk, which could explain their deceptive nature and dexterous hands.
Click here for some thematic names

The Magick System
There are two types of Magick that mortal creatures can wield:

Elemental Magic, such as that wielded by the Magi, which manipulates the two mortal elements (Fire and Ice). They can be combined to manipulate substances such as water, but this is uncommon - especially among the haughty, traditionalist Magi. It can be accessed by most creatures and has no requirement for innate talent. It is the most commonly used magic.

World-Change Magic, which requires study and some degree of innate talent. It oversees conjuring objects and changing what already exists. Skilled practitioners of this magic form can turn major obstacles, such as an impassable mountain, into a minor inconvenience. It is completely unheard of for a mortal to use this magic without formal training.

Spells causing orbs of energy dealing damage or allowing one to see future events are not classified under any specific school, but may be as time goes on.

Monsters resembling short and grotesque Magi. They were one of Noctisiner's failures at creating a perfect opposite of the Lumaer, and were discarded. This lead to a racial ambition, and each Goblinfolk strives to be the most evil and violent there has ever been. There is no standard Goblinfolk, their colouration reaching from dusky beige to mottled purples, and their ears varying from pointy, foxlike and some remotely mimicking that of True-Men. They live in disordered tribal communities that are only kept in place by a stronger Goblinfolk who bashes any dissent into a grotesque heap of intimidation.

Remenants of Noctaer, made of clumped shadow. They are rare, and sunlight burns them, but possess great magic and combat prowess without rival. They can glide and shapeshift into any creature they have seen before, along with any characteristics they have seen used by said creature I.e their tone of voice. They usually cannot speak, and only leaders of Shadow Broods can talk. Even then it is a dark rasp not dissimilar from nails scraping on a chalkboard. They often ride Darksteeds, firey shapes akin to horses, and wiped various weapons. They can use their Shadow to create a new weapon every time they lose one, making them hard to disarm, and their immaterial body renders no attempt at imprisonment successful.

The Collosi
The Collosi were created by Aaluminar and Noctisiner as Guardians for Igyrsi, and to protect it's then-fragile natural order. When the two brothers were sealed away, and their souls were frozen, the Collosi went insane in the absence of the two Chroniclers. They attacked anything they saw and developed more tangible signs of madness, such as breaking their forms apart when bored. Collosi are huge and often made of stone, although sometimes of other materials.

Powerful forces stir. The first in long lines of heroes are born, and a dark force becomes engraved into the world - one enduring beyond all. The choice of the world is this:


I am Bytonic, and this is the first installment of Igyrsi Beyond - the Reboot!

Post standard of one, reasonable paragraph
You must use the form I have provided for character creation
Please read the History- it helps
No being an asshole in the OOC
If you need a map, it's a work in progress.
If you want to gain a magic item, TG me. I'll let you know if it's allowed.

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[align=center][i][u][color=#408080]Application Form:[/color][/u][/i]
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[u]Appearance and other physical characteristics:[/u]


[u]Alignment: Light or Dark[/u]


[u]Traits:[/u] (Optional)
(stuff like how they walk, or a funny exaggeration of every 3rd syllable)

[u]RP Example:[/u]
(nothing long. Just an example of the way your character interacts with the world)

[u]Backstory: (2 paragraphs)[/u]
Last edited by Bytonic on Fri Jan 17, 2025 10:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Kasdados » Fri Jan 17, 2025 12:29 pm

Application Form:
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Name: Harald Gnossold - the White Blade.

Race: True-Men.

Appearance and other physical characteristics: Tall, virile, muscular. 6’4 in height, with broad chest and elephantine limbs. He bears a long, chestnut mane, complimented by a beard crawling towards the midway of his chest. His gaze in domineered by deep, watery blue eyes, pulsating with life and energy. He tends to bear robes of mildly dark blue, overtaken by armour of bronze colour.

Personality: Dignified, powerful, strong. Idealistic in his vision of the world, optimistic in every aspect. Inelegant in his speech, tends to wear his heart on his tongue. Despite this, showman like in his outer demeanour, loud, boisterous and exaggerated. Internally, he is sincere and pondering, much smaller with those he is close to. Impossibly kind, determined, and very-much heartfelt. Flirtatious in romance, going-all-out and promising big. Masculine in his demeanour. A klutz with his brawn, wrongly classified as a big, dumb brute. Wishes to spread positivity to all that encounter him, and to see warmth even where there is naught.

Essentially, imagine Johnathan Joestar combined with the secular depiction of Santa Claus.

Alignment: Light or Dark Light, quite obviously.

Equipment: 1 Greatsword, 1 set of armour, 5 rations, 2 torches, 100 GP, and a small amulet.

Traits: Appears to constantly bear a wide grin.

RP Example:
Coming home to his wife cooking dinner after a long day at work: “Oh, hi honey~ Oh, what’s that smell~? Lamb chops~?! Oh, thank you so much~! You know that’s my favourite~! Apart from you, of course~
Going on NS: “Hi!!! I’m Harald!!! Nice to meet you!!! :D
Taught Platonic philosophy: “So… there are two worlds? What’s gravity like on the other one…?”

Backstory: Growing up as a young man, Harald was born into a life of absolute ordinary. His family were born into the town of Sälafstar, a menial village of poor material standing. Lodged deep within a valley, the collection of hamlets refused to prosper nor falter, remaining in absolute stagnancy. And yet, Harald was happy. Until the forces of one Lord Tyrius skirmished the unremarkable community. The interchangeable, utterly unnoteworthy attack - made by the feudal lord to intimidate the subsequent villages into both refusing to rebel and pay their taxation - left a deep, ruining scar upon the eleven year old lad. The sole item Harald was left with was a blade of ivory markings, left by the Lords most common soldiers. Left stranded without a sanctuary, he ascended from his hiding place, simply wandering across the desolate earth.

However, rather than allowing this evil to define him, he, quite bluntly… progressed. Life was no place to refute the warmth of another, and he could never allow his rage to replace who he was. He performed odd-jobs here and there, adventuring defining his life. Shunning the idea of devoting his strength to harm the man who wronged him, who broke him, Harald devoted his strength to the protection of the weak and needy. Of course, he needed some kind of armour to shield his pain - resulting in the charismatic showman the world knows today. In short, he refused to let his apparent destiny define him. He refused to accept a path of pain, of suffering, of vengeance. He shunned the temptations of revenge, to inflict his pain upon others. He was Harald Gnossold - the White Blade.
Last edited by Kasdados on Fri Jan 17, 2025 12:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Aussie Patriot. Proud grandson of Greeks - prouder Son of Our Lord And Saviour. Passionate lover of creative writing, the bridge betwixt the realms beyond our own and the comprehension of our minds. Aspergers is its name, awesome is its game. Suave gentleman, debonair intellectual, kind soul. Lover of history, of politics, of civilisation. Devotee of Tolkien, of Frank Herbert, of George R. R Martin - the forgers of worlds. Supporter of Thomas Aquinas, of Aristotle, of Marcus Aurelius. Opponent of blasphemers, of uncreatives, and impolites.

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law" — Galatians 5:22-23.

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Posts: 528
Founded: Jun 14, 2024
Left-wing Utopia

Postby Bytonic » Sat Jan 18, 2025 6:44 am

Kasdados wrote:
Application Form:
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Name: Harald Gnossold - the White Blade.

Race: True-Men.

Appearance and other physical characteristics: Tall, virile, muscular. 6’4 in height, with broad chest and elephantine limbs. He bears a long, chestnut mane, complimented by a beard crawling towards the midway of his chest. His gaze in domineered by deep, watery blue eyes, pulsating with life and energy. He tends to bear robes of mildly dark blue, overtaken by armour of bronze colour.

Personality: Dignified, powerful, strong. Idealistic in his vision of the world, optimistic in every aspect. Inelegant in his speech, tends to wear his heart on his tongue. Despite this, showman like in his outer demeanour, loud, boisterous and exaggerated. Internally, he is sincere and pondering, much smaller with those he is close to. Impossibly kind, determined, and very-much heartfelt. Flirtatious in romance, going-all-out and promising big. Masculine in his demeanour. A klutz with his brawn, wrongly classified as a big, dumb brute. Wishes to spread positivity to all that encounter him, and to see warmth even where there is naught.

Essentially, imagine Johnathan Joestar combined with the secular depiction of Santa Claus.

Alignment: Light or Dark Light, quite obviously.

Equipment: 1 Greatsword, 1 set of armour, 5 rations, 2 torches, 100 GP, and a small amulet.

Traits: Appears to constantly bear a wide grin.

RP Example:
Coming home to his wife cooking dinner after a long day at work: “Oh, hi honey~ Oh, what’s that smell~? Lamb chops~?! Oh, thank you so much~! You know that’s my favourite~! Apart from you, of course~
Going on NS: “Hi!!! I’m Harald!!! Nice to meet you!!! :D
Taught Platonic philosophy: “So… there are two worlds? What’s gravity like on the other one…?”

Backstory: Growing up as a young man, Harald was born into a life of absolute ordinary. His family were born into the town of Sälafstar, a menial village of poor material standing. Lodged deep within a valley, the collection of hamlets refused to prosper nor falter, remaining in absolute stagnancy. And yet, Harald was happy. Until the forces of one Lord Tyrius skirmished the unremarkable community. The interchangeable, utterly unnoteworthy attack - made by the feudal lord to intimidate the subsequent villages into both refusing to rebel and pay their taxation - left a deep, ruining scar upon the eleven year old lad. The sole item Harald was left with was a blade of ivory markings, left by the Lords most common soldiers. Left stranded without a sanctuary, he ascended from his hiding place, simply wandering across the desolate earth.

However, rather than allowing this evil to define him, he, quite bluntly… progressed. Life was no place to refute the warmth of another, and he could never allow his rage to replace who he was. He performed odd-jobs here and there, adventuring defining his life. Shunning the idea of devoting his strength to harm the man who wronged him, who broke him, Harald devoted his strength to the protection of the weak and needy. Of course, he needed some kind of armour to shield his pain - resulting in the charismatic showman the world knows today. In short, he refused to let his apparent destiny define him. He refused to accept a path of pain, of suffering, of vengeance. He shunned the temptations of revenge, to inflict his pain upon others. He was Harald Gnossold - the White Blade.

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Postby Kasdados » Sat Jan 18, 2025 6:46 am

Bytonic wrote:
Kasdados wrote:
Application Form:
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Name: Harald Gnossold - the White Blade.

Race: True-Men.

Appearance and other physical characteristics: Tall, virile, muscular. 6’4 in height, with broad chest and elephantine limbs. He bears a long, chestnut mane, complimented by a beard crawling towards the midway of his chest. His gaze in domineered by deep, watery blue eyes, pulsating with life and energy. He tends to bear robes of mildly dark blue, overtaken by armour of bronze colour.

Personality: Dignified, powerful, strong. Idealistic in his vision of the world, optimistic in every aspect. Inelegant in his speech, tends to wear his heart on his tongue. Despite this, showman like in his outer demeanour, loud, boisterous and exaggerated. Internally, he is sincere and pondering, much smaller with those he is close to. Impossibly kind, determined, and very-much heartfelt. Flirtatious in romance, going-all-out and promising big. Masculine in his demeanour. A klutz with his brawn, wrongly classified as a big, dumb brute. Wishes to spread positivity to all that encounter him, and to see warmth even where there is naught.

Essentially, imagine Johnathan Joestar combined with the secular depiction of Santa Claus.

Alignment: Light or Dark Light, quite obviously.

Equipment: 1 Greatsword, 1 set of armour, 5 rations, 2 torches, 100 GP, and a small amulet.

Traits: Appears to constantly bear a wide grin.

RP Example:
Coming home to his wife cooking dinner after a long day at work: “Oh, hi honey~ Oh, what’s that smell~? Lamb chops~?! Oh, thank you so much~! You know that’s my favourite~! Apart from you, of course~
Going on NS: “Hi!!! I’m Harald!!! Nice to meet you!!! :D
Taught Platonic philosophy: “So… there are two worlds? What’s gravity like on the other one…?”

Backstory: Growing up as a young man, Harald was born into a life of absolute ordinary. His family were born into the town of Sälafstar, a menial village of poor material standing. Lodged deep within a valley, the collection of hamlets refused to prosper nor falter, remaining in absolute stagnancy. And yet, Harald was happy. Until the forces of one Lord Tyrius skirmished the unremarkable community. The interchangeable, utterly unnoteworthy attack - made by the feudal lord to intimidate the subsequent villages into both refusing to rebel and pay their taxation - left a deep, ruining scar upon the eleven year old lad. The sole item Harald was left with was a blade of ivory markings, left by the Lords most common soldiers. Left stranded without a sanctuary, he ascended from his hiding place, simply wandering across the desolate earth.

However, rather than allowing this evil to define him, he, quite bluntly… progressed. Life was no place to refute the warmth of another, and he could never allow his rage to replace who he was. He performed odd-jobs here and there, adventuring defining his life. Shunning the idea of devoting his strength to harm the man who wronged him, who broke him, Harald devoted his strength to the protection of the weak and needy. Of course, he needed some kind of armour to shield his pain - resulting in the charismatic showman the world knows today. In short, he refused to let his apparent destiny define him. He refused to accept a path of pain, of suffering, of vengeance. He shunned the temptations of revenge, to inflict his pain upon others. He was Harald Gnossold - the White Blade.


Yessir. 8)

So, how would you rate my character from 1-10?
Aussie Patriot. Proud grandson of Greeks - prouder Son of Our Lord And Saviour. Passionate lover of creative writing, the bridge betwixt the realms beyond our own and the comprehension of our minds. Aspergers is its name, awesome is its game. Suave gentleman, debonair intellectual, kind soul. Lover of history, of politics, of civilisation. Devotee of Tolkien, of Frank Herbert, of George R. R Martin - the forgers of worlds. Supporter of Thomas Aquinas, of Aristotle, of Marcus Aurelius. Opponent of blasphemers, of uncreatives, and impolites.

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law" — Galatians 5:22-23.

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Postby Honghai » Sat Jan 18, 2025 4:08 pm

Kasdados wrote:
Traits: Appears to constantly bear a wide grin.

Abeloth (Star Wars Expanded Universe and Legends) moment

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Posts: 528
Founded: Jun 14, 2024
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Postby Bytonic » Sun Jan 19, 2025 5:32 am

Kasdados wrote:Yessir. 8)

So, how would you rate my character from 1-10?

11. I can really see this guy as a handful, to say the least.
Okay, I have a shorter sig now, so what?
Unsprisingly I am also CDF Bytonic
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Postby Kasdados » Sun Jan 19, 2025 12:03 pm

Bytonic wrote:
Kasdados wrote:Yessir. 8)

So, how would you rate my character from 1-10?

11. I can really see this guy as a handful, to say the least.

… I meant quality.
Aussie Patriot. Proud grandson of Greeks - prouder Son of Our Lord And Saviour. Passionate lover of creative writing, the bridge betwixt the realms beyond our own and the comprehension of our minds. Aspergers is its name, awesome is its game. Suave gentleman, debonair intellectual, kind soul. Lover of history, of politics, of civilisation. Devotee of Tolkien, of Frank Herbert, of George R. R Martin - the forgers of worlds. Supporter of Thomas Aquinas, of Aristotle, of Marcus Aurelius. Opponent of blasphemers, of uncreatives, and impolites.

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law" — Galatians 5:22-23.

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Moralistic Democracy

Postby Honghai » Thu Jan 23, 2025 2:35 am

Application Form:
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Anneena Whitespray



Appearance and other physical characteristics:


but her hair is blonde and floor-length/would touch what'd would've been her feet if she wasn't a magi - part of it on the floor/bottom is fiery

and of course, what'd be her feet and legs, is fire.

  • somewhat-having low self-esteem, doesn't like her appearance/is never satisfied with her looks, is kinda vain and can be said to be self-hating
  • destructive, pyromaniac tho also hating the fact she's a fire Magi


Dark. Very dark, like pitch-black.


  • Double-headed spear
  • Purse
  • Handmirror
  • Several potions, all with crazy effects


  • Hissing
  • Never blinks or closes her eyes

RP Example:

  • "Ssssssssssssssssssss....I will enjoy thisssssss fight...." She takes her spear and starts spinning it around.
  • "Don't call me 'Anneena,' that'sssssss not my name!"
  • "Why do I look like thissssssssssssssssssssssss? Why am I sssssssssssssssssssssssso ugly, how can anyone ssssssssssssssssssssssssssstand to look at me? Jussssssssssssst look, I have no real legsssssssssssssssssssssssss!"
  • "Yesssssss.... I will be quite happy to help you incinerate them..."
  • "Thessssssssssssssssssssssse flamessssssssssssssssssssssssss are ssssssssssssssssssso cleansssssssssssssssssing, why do you run away from it?"
  • "I ssssssssssssssssstole thissssssssssssssssssssssssss dresssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss the other day... It'ssssssssssssssssssss not disssssssssssssssssssgusssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssting, but why do I look ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssso.... disssssssssssssssssssssssssssssfigured in it?"


She had a normal youth - almost too normal, like eerie -

until one day she used elemental magic - fire - to scorch the whole town down into smitheerens, laughing as she'd done so. Nothing was spared, and for a brief moment she was satisfied with it, but really - something felt wrong. It'd felt like she couldn't get enough, like no matter how many towns she razed and torched with her magic, it couldn't please her. So for a time, she had tried living a normal life, even after her whole town was incinerated. Going and buying things, trying on outfits - she couldn't find happiness. The styles were nice, yes, but every time, she just felt awkward and weird.

Weirded out by every aspect of herself, especially when trying on tops and looking herself up and down in mirrors - gazing at herself and analyzing every "flaw" she'd thought she'd had in her appearance. Then - rage overtook her, and she burned those places down too. Everything near her that made her feel inadequate or sad or like trash, she would throw flame at it until there was nothing but ash - then perhaps try heating up the ash into cinders.

Smoke. It became her fascination. She wanted to be like smoke and shadow, to phase out and be unseen, maybe even to shift her flaming half into a smoky half. But the smoke was the only company she'd had, that she let get close to her.

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Posts: 1016
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Authoritarian Democracy

Postby Kasdados » Sun Feb 02, 2025 4:23 pm

Aussie Patriot. Proud grandson of Greeks - prouder Son of Our Lord And Saviour. Passionate lover of creative writing, the bridge betwixt the realms beyond our own and the comprehension of our minds. Aspergers is its name, awesome is its game. Suave gentleman, debonair intellectual, kind soul. Lover of history, of politics, of civilisation. Devotee of Tolkien, of Frank Herbert, of George R. R Martin - the forgers of worlds. Supporter of Thomas Aquinas, of Aristotle, of Marcus Aurelius. Opponent of blasphemers, of uncreatives, and impolites.

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law" — Galatians 5:22-23.


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