Late at night, you receive a mysterious email, apparently from... yourself? This shows suprising technical prowess, as your email needs fingerprint verification to even open. Regardless, the email is sitting there, taunting you. The subject only has two words. Mono Technologies. What could that be about? You wonder as you click open the email. You know it's a big company in Pheonixknight, but you never expected to get an email from them. Once the email opens, you quickly skim and realize your mistake. This isn't from Mono Technologies, it's about them. Your eyes widen as you read it further. What kind of monsters would do this? There's files upon files of evidence attached to the email, but the email sums it up.
From: You
To: You, 0 others
Subject: Mono Technologies
Greetings from Freedom Technologies. My time is short, so I'll be brief. What we have sent you are files containing evidence of the numerous crimes of Mono Technologies, who has corrupted the world over the past decade. They've taken ahold of the government through bribes and blackmail, and no one in Pheonixknight can stop them. They've pressured Director Hermes to enter wars, commit genocides, and con our allies. They've established bases, blamed nations, and now we're counting on you to stop them. Through any means necessary, be it though law or war.
-James Hickman.
You mull this over. You could help Pheonixknight and fight Mono Technologies, or you could help Mono Technologies and put a little money in the treasury, because after all, Mono Technologies would be happy to scratch your back after you scratched theirs...
For those of you who want more background, there's an overview of Mono Technologies here. (It also has Freedom Technology's background)
- No Godmodding [For example, you can't just say "Oh, I invade Pheonixknioght and kick out Mono Technologies and return it to the people".]
- No One-liners [No one-sentance replies. Put some effort into your post.]
- No WMDs
Unlike what Freedom Technologies has said, not all means are avalible to you. You can't...
- Indiscriminately bomb Pheonixknight.
- Intentionally kill civilians not affiliated with Mono Technologies
- If you invade, you can only introduce combat within Pheonix. Map below.
Combat is turn-based, and I will update you on how your attack went after you say where and how you attack. During Combat, you can't...
- Airdrop right onto Mono Technology's headquaters. There's AA emplacements.
- Bomb Mono Technology's headquarters. Again, there's AA emplacements. (And no, they can shoot down missiles AND bombs, so don't try dropping them from space.)
- Zap Mono Technology's headquarters from space. (Cause that's no fun)
- Send a million troops in and steamroll the place. LIMIT OF 10,000 TROOPS AND 50 VEHICLES.
- Code: Select all
Nation Name:
Side Supporting:
Plan of Attack:
If so, ORBAT:
Invasion Point (ie, by the river, or through low town