The Crimes of Mono Technologies [MT/PMT - OOC - OPEN]

A staging-point for declarations of war and other major diplomatic events. [In character]
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The Crimes of Mono Technologies [MT/PMT - OOC - OPEN]

Postby Pheonixknight » Fri Jan 17, 2025 8:49 am


Late at night, you receive a mysterious email, apparently from... yourself? This shows suprising technical prowess, as your email needs fingerprint verification to even open. Regardless, the email is sitting there, taunting you. The subject only has two words. Mono Technologies. What could that be about? You wonder as you click open the email. You know it's a big company in Pheonixknight, but you never expected to get an email from them. Once the email opens, you quickly skim and realize your mistake. This isn't from Mono Technologies, it's about them. Your eyes widen as you read it further. What kind of monsters would do this? There's files upon files of evidence attached to the email, but the email sums it up.

From: You
To: You, 0 others
Subject: Mono Technologies

Greetings from Freedom Technologies. My time is short, so I'll be brief. What we have sent you are files containing evidence of the numerous crimes of Mono Technologies, who has corrupted the world over the past decade. They've taken ahold of the government through bribes and blackmail, and no one in Pheonixknight can stop them. They've pressured Director Hermes to enter wars, commit genocides, and con our allies. They've established bases, blamed nations, and now we're counting on you to stop them. Through any means necessary, be it though law or war.

-James Hickman.

You mull this over. You could help Pheonixknight and fight Mono Technologies, or you could help Mono Technologies and put a little money in the treasury, because after all, Mono Technologies would be happy to scratch your back after you scratched theirs...


For those of you who want more background, there's an overview of Mono Technologies here. (It also has Freedom Technology's background)

  • No Godmodding [For example, you can't just say "Oh, I invade Pheonixknioght and kick out Mono Technologies and return it to the people".]
  • No One-liners [No one-sentance replies. Put some effort into your post.]
  • No WMDs

Unlike what Freedom Technologies has said, not all means are avalible to you. You can't...
  • Indiscriminately bomb Pheonixknight.
  • Intentionally kill civilians not affiliated with Mono Technologies
  • If you invade, you can only introduce combat within Pheonix. Map below.


Combat is turn-based, and I will update you on how your attack went after you say where and how you attack. During Combat, you can't...
  • Airdrop right onto Mono Technology's headquaters. There's AA emplacements.
  • Bomb Mono Technology's headquarters. Again, there's AA emplacements. (And no, they can shoot down missiles AND bombs, so don't try dropping them from space.)
  • Zap Mono Technology's headquarters from space. (Cause that's no fun)
  • Send a million troops in and steamroll the place. LIMIT OF 10,000 TROOPS AND 50 VEHICLES.

Code: Select all
Nation Name:
Side Supporting:
Plan of Attack:
If so, ORBAT:
Invasion Point (ie, by the river, or through low town

Last edited by Pheonixknight on Sun Feb 02, 2025 12:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Evolutionary Syncretic Cybercratic State wrote:FINALLY someone said it. You've just earnt yourself an official ESCertificate Award. You are now awarded with the title of 'Mr.Based-ESCertified'.

Alvosa wrote:You get one free cult.

Multiple foreign countries have invaded Pheonix to stop Mono Technologies | Pheonixknight has agreed to protect Elanore, with no hidden agendas whatsoever! | Humaniarian aid has been sent to Royanne in light of the Royannian Civil War, in order to evacuate citizens. | Pheonixknight has entered the Indio Civil War in support of the UPF.

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Postby Pheonixknight » Sun Jan 19, 2025 1:59 pm

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Evolutionary Syncretic Cybercratic State wrote:FINALLY someone said it. You've just earnt yourself an official ESCertificate Award. You are now awarded with the title of 'Mr.Based-ESCertified'.

Alvosa wrote:You get one free cult.

Multiple foreign countries have invaded Pheonix to stop Mono Technologies | Pheonixknight has agreed to protect Elanore, with no hidden agendas whatsoever! | Humaniarian aid has been sent to Royanne in light of the Royannian Civil War, in order to evacuate citizens. | Pheonixknight has entered the Indio Civil War in support of the UPF.

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Postby Palmyrion » Sat Jan 25, 2025 11:36 pm

Small scale action? Can't really commit to a prolonged war ICly after 15 years of internal strife.

Nation Name: Royal Palmyrian Commonwealth
Side Supporting: Pheonixknight
  • Geopolitically: Strike at the heart of the beast, they say. Mono Technologies has been secretly conducting industrial espionage and financial warfare against Palmyrian industrial corporations, and has also helped forment insurgency in an effort to turn the Royal Commonwealth, a resource-rich and industrialized nation, into a MonoTechs puppet in the Levanora region. Time to strike back.
  • Personally, for Her Majesty: "My older brother Alexander II exposed their rot, for which MonoTech killed him and hundreds of others - and they think it won't go unanswered after they failed to bring our nation to its knees."
Plan of Attack:
  • Phase 1: Suppression and Destruction of Enemy Air Defenses by Expeditionary Strike Group 8 and Carrier Strike Group Baguio (hell yeah, Wild Weasel time)
  • Phase 2: 8MSR lands east of Lowtown to begin the ground phase, pushing towards the Mono Technologies HQ
If so, ORBAT:
  • 8th Marine Strike Regiment (8MSR)
  • Carrier Strike Group Baguio (1x aircraft carrier, 4x destroyer, 1x cruiser, 1x oiler, 1x dry cargo and ammunition ship)
  • Expeditionary Strike Group 8 (1x LPD, 1x LSD, 1x LHA, 4x destroyer, 1x cruiser, 1x oiler, 1x dry cargo and ammunition ship)
Invasion Point (ie, by the river, or through lowtown): See Plan of Attack

I have questions.
  • How many AA emplacements, where are they, what are they armed with?
  • How large is Mono Technologies' ground forces in the city?
Last edited by Palmyrion on Sat Jan 25, 2025 11:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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The Selkie
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Postby The Selkie » Sun Jan 26, 2025 4:48 am

Hm... define the PMT-Elements you wish to have, as you mention them in the title. Because under specific circumstances, I have a PMT Mercenary Group, which would not mind being paid to protect the headquarters of Mono Technologies.
I play PT, MT and a bit FT. I am into character-RPs.
My people are called the Selkie, the nation is usually called the Free Lands in MT-settings. Thanks.
ICly, I (usually) do not deal in RL History.

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Postby Palmyrion » Sun Jan 26, 2025 9:27 am

The Selkie wrote:Hm... define the PMT-Elements you wish to have, as you mention them in the title. Because under specific circumstances, I have a PMT Mercenary Group, which would not mind being paid to protect the headquarters of Mono Technologies.

Your T-Dolls vs our Exos.

This is gonna be one hell of a fight.

I wonder how a Wild Weasel would work in PMT, seeing that PMT is going to be chock-full of 5GEN fighters and some 6GEN, and a lot of hypersonic slinging.
Last edited by Palmyrion on Sun Jan 26, 2025 9:29 am, edited 2 times in total.
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The Selkie
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Postby The Selkie » Sun Jan 26, 2025 4:19 pm

Palmyrion wrote:
The Selkie wrote:Hm... define the PMT-Elements you wish to have, as you mention them in the title. Because under specific circumstances, I have a PMT Mercenary Group, which would not mind being paid to protect the headquarters of Mono Technologies.

Your T-Dolls vs our Exos.

This is gonna be one hell of a fight.

I wonder how a Wild Weasel would work in PMT, seeing that PMT is going to be chock-full of 5GEN fighters and some 6GEN, and a lot of hypersonic slinging.

Exos as in exoskeletons? Yeah, that could be fun.
I play PT, MT and a bit FT. I am into character-RPs.
My people are called the Selkie, the nation is usually called the Free Lands in MT-settings. Thanks.
ICly, I (usually) do not deal in RL History.

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Postby Palmyrion » Mon Jan 27, 2025 2:08 am

Mind if we steal some MonoTech stuff for reverse-engineering? ;)
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Postby The Selkie » Mon Jan 27, 2025 3:29 am

Palmyrion wrote:Mind if we steal some MonoTech stuff for reverse-engineering? ;)

Oh, that could be fun, too!
I play PT, MT and a bit FT. I am into character-RPs.
My people are called the Selkie, the nation is usually called the Free Lands in MT-settings. Thanks.
ICly, I (usually) do not deal in RL History.

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Postby Pheonixknight » Mon Jan 27, 2025 7:16 am

My apologies for the late response, I had kind of given up the thread, so thanks!

Palmyrion wrote:Small scale action? Can't really commit to a prolonged war ICly after 15 years of internal strife.

Nation Name: Royal Palmyrian Commonwealth
Side Supporting: Pheonixknight
  • Geopolitically: Strike at the heart of the beast, they say. Mono Technologies has been secretly conducting industrial espionage and financial warfare against Palmyrian industrial corporations, and has also helped forment insurgency in an effort to turn the Royal Commonwealth, a resource-rich and industrialized nation, into a MonoTechs puppet in the Levanora region. Time to strike back.
  • Personally, for Her Majesty: "My older brother Alexander II exposed their rot, for which MonoTech killed him and hundreds of others - and they think it won't go unanswered after they failed to bring our nation to its knees."
Plan of Attack:
  • Phase 1: Suppression and Destruction of Enemy Air Defenses by Expeditionary Strike Group 8 and Carrier Strike Group Baguio (hell yeah, Wild Weasel time)
  • Phase 2: 8MSR lands east of Lowtown to begin the ground phase, pushing towards the Mono Technologies HQ
If so, ORBAT:
  • 8th Marine Strike Regiment (8MSR)
  • Carrier Strike Group Baguio (1x aircraft carrier, 4x destroyer, 1x cruiser, 1x oiler, 1x dry cargo and ammunition ship)
  • Expeditionary Strike Group 8 (1x LPD, 1x LSD, 1x LHA, 4x destroyer, 1x cruiser, 1x oiler, 1x dry cargo and ammunition ship)
Invasion Point (ie, by the river, or through lowtown): See Plan of Attack

I have questions.
  • How many AA emplacements, where are they, what are they armed with?
  • How large is Mono Technologies' ground forces in the city?

Accepted. Good double-reason, I like that. Also, nice detailed battle plan.

To answer your questions,
1. The AA emplacements are really just an excuse to stop people from bombing the hell out of Pheonix and ending the game there, but I'll allow you to take out a few in order to bomb small areas. The AA emplacements are hidden inside things like HVAC units, so you'll have to figure out a way to get them to appear in order to take them out.

2. The main force of Mono Tech's troops are corporate mercenaries. There's 7,500 of them, but keep in mind that Mono Tech has control of things like self-driving cars. Additonally, the mercenaries have pretty good gear, considering the massive profits Mono Tech makes.

The Selkie wrote:Hm... define the PMT-Elements you wish to have, as you mention them in the title. Because under specific circumstances, I have a PMT Mercenary Group, which would not mind being paid to protect the headquarters of Mono Technologies.

If this is a application, you're accepted. Mono Technologies is willing to pay each mercenary on a case-by-case basis, with each soldier killed being worth $1,000 and each ship/vehicle being worth $500,000.

Palmyrion wrote:Mind if we steal some MonoTech stuff for reverse-engineering? ;)
Certainly! If you steal the equipment of Mono Tech's mercenaries early enough in the game, you can reverse-engineer it in, say, 5 turns.

I'll make the IC probably tonight, I have a lot of stuff to set up.
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Evolutionary Syncretic Cybercratic State wrote:FINALLY someone said it. You've just earnt yourself an official ESCertificate Award. You are now awarded with the title of 'Mr.Based-ESCertified'.

Alvosa wrote:You get one free cult.

Multiple foreign countries have invaded Pheonix to stop Mono Technologies | Pheonixknight has agreed to protect Elanore, with no hidden agendas whatsoever! | Humaniarian aid has been sent to Royanne in light of the Royannian Civil War, in order to evacuate citizens. | Pheonixknight has entered the Indio Civil War in support of the UPF.

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Postby Palmyrion » Mon Jan 27, 2025 7:51 am

Any national troops from Pheonixland itself? Also, what year does this take place in?

If 2035+, I can devote a larger force. If 2025-2035, the ORBAT as it exists will do. If before 2025, no go.

A few responses:

1. The AA emplacements are really just an excuse to stop people from bombing the hell out of Pheonix and ending the game there, but I'll allow you to take out a few in order to bomb small areas. The AA emplacements are hidden inside things like HVAC units, so you'll have to figure out a way to get them to appear in order to take them out.

That's what Wild Weasel is for: make them appear in order to take them out. It's kind of like flashlight tag. Though, the only way I think you can hide an AA emplacement within, say, an HVAC unit is if it's a compact-enough MANPAD turret.

2. The main force of Mono Tech's troops are corporate mercenaries. There's 7,500 of them, but keep in mind that Mono Tech has control of things like self-driving cars. Additonally, the mercenaries have pretty good gear, considering the massive profits Mono Tech makes.

How mechanized are the mercs? Any tanks and armor in general? How about air forces?
Last edited by Palmyrion on Mon Jan 27, 2025 9:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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The Selkie
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Postby The Selkie » Mon Jan 27, 2025 4:14 pm

Pheonixknight wrote:[...]
The Selkie wrote:Hm... define the PMT-Elements you wish to have, as you mention them in the title. Because under specific circumstances, I have a PMT Mercenary Group, which would not mind being paid to protect the headquarters of Mono Technologies.

If this is a application, you're accepted. Mono Technologies is willing to pay each mercenary on a case-by-case basis, with each soldier killed being worth $1,000 and each ship/vehicle being worth $500,000.

Thank you, but that is not yet an app. I am also interested in what year this will be in (GSCC was founded in 2055) and whether or not the locals will do anything but tuck their heads in.
Last edited by The Selkie on Mon Jan 27, 2025 4:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I play PT, MT and a bit FT. I am into character-RPs.
My people are called the Selkie, the nation is usually called the Free Lands in MT-settings. Thanks.
ICly, I (usually) do not deal in RL History.

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Postby Pheonixknight » Mon Jan 27, 2025 4:43 pm

Palmyrion wrote:Any national troops from Pheonixland itself? Also, what year does this take place in?

If 2035+, I can devote a larger force. If 2025-2035, the ORBAT as it exists will do. If before 2025, no go.

A few responses:

1. The AA emplacements are really just an excuse to stop people from bombing the hell out of Pheonix and ending the game there, but I'll allow you to take out a few in order to bomb small areas. The AA emplacements are hidden inside things like HVAC units, so you'll have to figure out a way to get them to appear in order to take them out.

That's what Wild Weasel is for: make them appear in order to take them out. It's kind of like flashlight tag. Though, the only way I think you can hide an AA emplacement within, say, an HVAC unit is if it's a compact-enough MANPAD turret.

2. The main force of Mono Tech's troops are corporate mercenaries. There's 7,500 of them, but keep in mind that Mono Tech has control of things like self-driving cars. Additonally, the mercenaries have pretty good gear, considering the massive profits Mono Tech makes.

How mechanized are the mercs? Any tanks and armor in general? How about air forces?

The mercenaries are pretty well armed, with some ( around 1/3) having exosuits, and the rest having high-powered rifles, machine guns, and recoiled rifles to stop vehicles. The IC year is 2060. Freedom Technologies has explained the evils of Mono Tech to soldiers, and some generals are staging a mutiny. You won’t be seeing any national troops.
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Evolutionary Syncretic Cybercratic State wrote:FINALLY someone said it. You've just earnt yourself an official ESCertificate Award. You are now awarded with the title of 'Mr.Based-ESCertified'.

Alvosa wrote:You get one free cult.

Multiple foreign countries have invaded Pheonix to stop Mono Technologies | Pheonixknight has agreed to protect Elanore, with no hidden agendas whatsoever! | Humaniarian aid has been sent to Royanne in light of the Royannian Civil War, in order to evacuate citizens. | Pheonixknight has entered the Indio Civil War in support of the UPF.

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The Selkie
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Postby The Selkie » Mon Jan 27, 2025 5:11 pm

Pheonixknight wrote:The mercenaries are pretty well armed, with some ( around 1/3) having exosuits, and the rest having high-powered rifles, machine guns, and recoiled rifles to stop vehicles. The IC year is 2060. Freedom Technologies has explained the evils of Mono Tech to soldiers, and some generals are staging a mutiny. You won’t be seeing any national troops.

2060, huh... that's right on time for the Lahharenyan Mafia War (long story, don't worry)... hm... as I am reworking the list of company assets anyway, among others, I plan to delete the majority of the naval component, I am, as of yet undecided as to what to bring.
However, question, would you be opposed to a competitor hiring a bunch of mercs to take advantage of the situation, including, but not limited to, stealing stuff from Mono Technologies?
I play PT, MT and a bit FT. I am into character-RPs.
My people are called the Selkie, the nation is usually called the Free Lands in MT-settings. Thanks.
ICly, I (usually) do not deal in RL History.

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Socalist Republic Of Mercenaries
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Postby Socalist Republic Of Mercenaries » Mon Jan 27, 2025 5:14 pm

I am gonna put my foot in the door for this but don't expect much (yet), I primarily do MT and FT but I guess I could try out PMT?
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Postby Palmyrion » Mon Jan 27, 2025 9:26 pm

The mercenaries are pretty well armed, with some ( around 1/3) having exosuits, and the rest having high-powered rifles, machine guns, and recoiled rifles to stop vehicles.

What kind of exos are they? There's "passive" (unpowered) and "active" (powered) exoskeletons. Also to mention, every single one of my soldiers in this time period (including the palace guards, which I won't be sending for obvious reasons) will be having passive exoskeletons.

Also, regarding recoilless rifles for anti-vehicle duty: I have no problems with that, but for heavier anti-tank duty you'd usually go for something like the period (2060) equivalent of, say, the Javelin or the Kornet. RCL rifles for lighter vehicles would be fine and dandy, as would be for anti-fortification duty.
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Postby Socalist Republic Of Mercenaries » Tue Jan 28, 2025 8:06 am

Nation Name: Stratusian People's Republic
Side Supporting: Pheonixknight
Reason: [STRENG_GEHEIM] (All jokes aside it is mainly to steal tech from Mono Technologies and throw back a global juggernaut so we can plant our own state enterprises in the similar sector.)
Plan of Attack:
- Soften targets with first air pass using conventional 250kg UMPK-fitted glide bombs
- Screen with air-dropped 150kg smoke cluster munitions (Maybe mustard gas If I am feeling quirky when I write the post)
- Begin assault through lowtown alongside Palmyrian forces to make sure we don't instantly die.
If so, ORBAT:
    SNF Karl Liebknecht (Izdeliye 4401 Supercarrier)
    • 4,500 enlisted,
    • 130 officers
    • Airwing (EXTREMELY CUT DOWN):
      • 10 EF-8 "Morgenvogel" Stealth Multirole Strike Fighters
      • 8 EF-10 Würger
      • 4 EF-11A (Abfangjäger) "Perigrine" UCAV
    Project 887 "Styx" SNF Ao Guang SSBN (equipped with conventional warhead armed SLBMs)
    • 140 crew
    • 20 officers
    SNF Siegerkranz (Kriegsbanner class SSN)
    • 37 crew
    • 5 officers
  • TsKIB TSGU (Tsentral'noye konstruktorsko-issledovatel'skoye byuro tsitologii i geneticheskikh usovershenstvovaniy - Central Design and Research Bureau of Cytology and Genetic Improvements) Faust Group
    • 23 Bogatyrs (Vorlage Null genetic enhancements, clad in Panzerinfantrieanzug II, powered by fusion packs with a 1 year run time)
    • 12 Technician-Soldat (lightly armed, they only record combat data, and have little to no combat instincts, these guys maintain the power armor)
    • 4 Engineer-Soldat (Also lightly armed, they carry combat stims on them)
  • Directorial Solutions - Kinetische Aktionsgruppe
    • 3 Gaz Tigr IMV
      • 3 officers
      • 6 advisors
      • Room for 3 more officersl
    • 2,000 forced conscripts (Penal battalion component)
    • 2 T-72B3
    • 5 T-86 Assault Tanks
    • 5 BMT-73 IFVs
      • 50 Infantry
    • 10 BRV-82M APCs
      • 70 Infantry/Mercs
Invasion Point (ie, by the river, or through lowtown): Lowtown (I think)
Last edited by Socalist Republic Of Mercenaries on Tue Jan 28, 2025 8:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
Assad should have just given the SAA a salary bump and gone on Joe Rogan.
Orange Soda float > Root Beer float
Goodfellas is a good movie (you should watch)
A bunch of space mercs Authoritarian oligarchy led by Karl von Larenz
Member of KTO, Founder of FWC
"Ein Partei, Eine Stimme, Eins Rodina!"

"The recruiter lied, this isn't like CS:GO, those are real people with real families oh god THIS IS F*KING AWESOME!!!!" - Anonymous 15 year old Stratusian Volksgrenadier Corps recruit | Local farmer arrested for using stolen 120MT nuclear warhead to power home.| PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE INTERIOR SECURITY BUREAU: THERE ARE NO FEMBOYS IN MAID UNIFORMS IN OUR MILITARY FACILITIES PLEASE STOP BREAKING IN.

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Postby Palmyrion » Tue Jan 28, 2025 9:06 am

Hell yeah, if Pheonix allows, I'm adding an Armored Regimental Combat Team into this. So that brings up the whole task force to 7,000-8,000 on the Palmyrian contingent alone.
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Socalist Republic Of Mercenaries
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Postby Socalist Republic Of Mercenaries » Tue Jan 28, 2025 12:25 pm

Palmyrion wrote:Hell yeah, if Pheonix allows, I'm adding an Armored Regimental Combat Team into this. So that brings up the whole task force to 7,000-8,000 on the Palmyrian contingent alone.

And two (bootleg) Astartes combat patrols (and a handful of disposable footsoldiers) if you count me in :3 (as soon as I am in)
Last edited by Socalist Republic Of Mercenaries on Tue Jan 28, 2025 12:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Assad should have just given the SAA a salary bump and gone on Joe Rogan.
Orange Soda float > Root Beer float
Goodfellas is a good movie (you should watch)
A bunch of space mercs Authoritarian oligarchy led by Karl von Larenz
Member of KTO, Founder of FWC
"Ein Partei, Eine Stimme, Eins Rodina!"

"The recruiter lied, this isn't like CS:GO, those are real people with real families oh god THIS IS F*KING AWESOME!!!!" - Anonymous 15 year old Stratusian Volksgrenadier Corps recruit | Local farmer arrested for using stolen 120MT nuclear warhead to power home.| PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE INTERIOR SECURITY BUREAU: THERE ARE NO FEMBOYS IN MAID UNIFORMS IN OUR MILITARY FACILITIES PLEASE STOP BREAKING IN.

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Great United States
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Postby Great United States » Tue Jan 28, 2025 3:43 pm

Is having intelligence agents disguised as normal employees and security guards,and also having access to the security systems of the mono technologies HQ allowed? (They are on the side of mono technologies)
Last edited by Great United States on Tue Jan 28, 2025 3:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Pheonixknight » Wed Jan 29, 2025 10:22 am

Palmyrion wrote:
The mercenaries are pretty well armed, with some ( around 1/3) having exosuits, and the rest having high-powered rifles, machine guns, and recoiled rifles to stop vehicles.

What kind of exos are they? There's "passive" (unpowered) and "active" (powered) exoskeletons. Also to mention, every single one of my soldiers in this time period (including the palace guards, which I won't be sending for obvious reasons) will be having passive exoskeletons.

Also, regarding recoilless rifles for anti-vehicle duty: I have no problems with that, but for heavier anti-tank duty you'd usually go for something like the period (2060) equivalent of, say, the Javelin or the Kornet. RCL rifles for lighter vehicles would be fine and dandy, as would be for anti-fortification duty.

The mercenaries are using recoilless rifles in order to minimize civilian casualties, to curry favor with the locals (so they don’t join the invading armies). The exosuits are active.
Last edited by Pheonixknight on Wed Jan 29, 2025 11:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Evolutionary Syncretic Cybercratic State wrote:FINALLY someone said it. You've just earnt yourself an official ESCertificate Award. You are now awarded with the title of 'Mr.Based-ESCertified'.

Alvosa wrote:You get one free cult.

Multiple foreign countries have invaded Pheonix to stop Mono Technologies | Pheonixknight has agreed to protect Elanore, with no hidden agendas whatsoever! | Humaniarian aid has been sent to Royanne in light of the Royannian Civil War, in order to evacuate citizens. | Pheonixknight has entered the Indio Civil War in support of the UPF.

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Chargé d'Affaires
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Postby Pheonixknight » Wed Jan 29, 2025 11:32 am

Sorry for the late responses and no IC yet, I’m visiting my grandfather, who’s in the hospital with Pneumonia. He’ll be alright, but I forgot my laptop, which has all the IC stuff on it. Expect the IC in two days.

The Selkie wrote:
Pheonixknight wrote:The mercenaries are pretty well armed, with some ( around 1/3) having exosuits, and the rest having high-powered rifles, machine guns, and recoiled rifles to stop vehicles. The IC year is 2060. Freedom Technologies has explained the evils of Mono Tech to soldiers, and some generals are staging a mutiny. You won’t be seeing any national troops.

2060, huh... that's right on time for the Lahharenyan Mafia War (long story, don't worry)... hm... as I am reworking the list of company assets anyway, among others, I plan to delete the majority of the naval component, I am, as of yet undecided as to what to bring.
However, question, would you be opposed to a competitor hiring a bunch of mercs to take advantage of the situation, including, but not limited to, stealing stuff from Mono Technologies?

Yeah, you can definitely steal some stuff once Mono Technologies is finished off.
Great United States wrote:Is having intelligence agents disguised as normal employees and security guards,and also having access to the security systems of the mono technologies HQ allowed? (They are on the side of mono technologies)

You can get intel, but since Mono Tech has put a hiring freeze, you’d have to pay off an employee, and even then, you’d only get limited information about troop positions.
Socalist Republic Of Mercenaries wrote:Nation Name: Stratusian People's Republic
Side Supporting: Pheonixknight
Reason: [STRENG_GEHEIM] (All jokes aside it is mainly to steal tech from Mono Technologies and throw back a global juggernaut so we can plant our own state enterprises in the similar sector.)
Plan of Attack:
- Soften targets with first air pass using conventional 250kg UMPK-fitted glide bombs
- Screen with air-dropped 150kg smoke cluster munitions (Maybe mustard gas If I am feeling quirky when I write the post)
- Begin assault through lowtown alongside Palmyrian forces to make sure we don't instantly die.
If so, ORBAT:
    SNF Karl Liebknecht (Izdeliye 4401 Supercarrier)
    • 4,500 enlisted,
    • 130 officers
    • Airwing (EXTREMELY CUT DOWN):
      • 10 EF-8 "Morgenvogel" Stealth Multirole Strike Fighters
      • 8 EF-10 Würger
      • 4 EF-11A (Abfangjäger) "Perigrine" UCAV
    Project 887 "Styx" SNF Ao Guang SSBN (equipped with conventional warhead armed SLBMs)
    • 140 crew
    • 20 officers
    SNF Siegerkranz (Kriegsbanner class SSN)
    • 37 crew
    • 5 officers
  • TsKIB TSGU (Tsentral'noye konstruktorsko-issledovatel'skoye byuro tsitologii i geneticheskikh usovershenstvovaniy - Central Design and Research Bureau of Cytology and Genetic Improvements) Faust Group
    • 23 Bogatyrs (Vorlage Null genetic enhancements, clad in Panzerinfantrieanzug II, powered by fusion packs with a 1 year run time)
    • 12 Technician-Soldat (lightly armed, they only record combat data, and have little to no combat instincts, these guys maintain the power armor)
    • 4 Engineer-Soldat (Also lightly armed, they carry combat stims on them)
  • Directorial Solutions - Kinetische Aktionsgruppe
    • 3 Gaz Tigr IMV
      • 3 officers
      • 6 advisors
      • Room for 3 more officersl
    • 2,000 forced conscripts (Penal battalion component)
    • 2 T-72B3
    • 5 T-86 Assault Tanks
    • 5 BMT-73 IFVs
      • 50 Infantry
    • 10 BRV-82M APCs
      • 70 Infantry/Mercs
Invasion Point (ie, by the river, or through lowtown): Lowtown (I think)

Sounds good, but you can’t do the bombing runs due to AA emplacements. You can, however, run a small artillery strike against Mono Tech, but you’ll start 2 turns behind everyone else (because of the time spent setting up the artillery.) An alternative is waiting for Palmyrion to take out some AA emplacements, but then the bombing run will be limited.

Palmyrion wrote:Hell yeah, if Pheonix allows, I'm adding an Armored Regimental Combat Team into this. So that brings up the whole task force to 7,000-8,000 on the Palmyrian contingent alone.

You can, but the Abrams might not be able to fit in some of the streets .
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Evolutionary Syncretic Cybercratic State wrote:FINALLY someone said it. You've just earnt yourself an official ESCertificate Award. You are now awarded with the title of 'Mr.Based-ESCertified'.

Alvosa wrote:You get one free cult.

Multiple foreign countries have invaded Pheonix to stop Mono Technologies | Pheonixknight has agreed to protect Elanore, with no hidden agendas whatsoever! | Humaniarian aid has been sent to Royanne in light of the Royannian Civil War, in order to evacuate citizens. | Pheonixknight has entered the Indio Civil War in support of the UPF.

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The Selkie
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Postby The Selkie » Wed Jan 29, 2025 11:57 am

Pheonixknight wrote:Sorry for the late responses and no IC yet, I’m visiting my grandfather, who’s in the hospital with Pneumonia. He’ll be alright, but I forgot my laptop, which has all the IC stuff on it. Expect the IC in two days.

The Selkie wrote:
2060, huh... that's right on time for the Lahharenyan Mafia War (long story, don't worry)... hm... as I am reworking the list of company assets anyway, among others, I plan to delete the majority of the naval component, I am, as of yet undecided as to what to bring.
However, question, would you be opposed to a competitor hiring a bunch of mercs to take advantage of the situation, including, but not limited to, stealing stuff from Mono Technologies?

Yeah, you can definitely steal some stuff once Mono Technologies is finished off.[...]

First of all, best wishes to your grandfather. That there was a delay is no issue.

Second, seeing that Schneebären might be a bit too much, and I decided to have GSCC's people being hired by competitors to take out Mono Tech (a.k.a. on the attacking side), I am a bit torn... I send in a small unit for infiltration and tactical as well as strategic assassinations or do I go for a more conventional approach? Including Iascasi-AWCs and maybe even a few Sio-IVs?
I play PT, MT and a bit FT. I am into character-RPs.
My people are called the Selkie, the nation is usually called the Free Lands in MT-settings. Thanks.
ICly, I (usually) do not deal in RL History.

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Socalist Republic Of Mercenaries
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Postby Socalist Republic Of Mercenaries » Thu Jan 30, 2025 5:47 am

Pheonixknight wrote:Sounds good, but you can’t do the bombing runs due to AA emplacements. You can, however, run a small artillery strike against Mono Tech, but you’ll start 2 turns behind everyone else (because of the time spent setting up the artillery.) An alternative is waiting for Palmyrion to take out some AA emplacements, but then the bombing run will be limited.

Second option works fine as long as I can still use use 150kg smokes to form a smokescreen to cover the initial insertion.
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Postby Palmyrion » Thu Jan 30, 2025 7:54 am

Socalist Republic Of Mercenaries wrote:
Pheonixknight wrote:Sounds good, but you can’t do the bombing runs due to AA emplacements. You can, however, run a small artillery strike against Mono Tech, but you’ll start 2 turns behind everyone else (because of the time spent setting up the artillery.) An alternative is waiting for Palmyrion to take out some AA emplacements, but then the bombing run will be limited.

Second option works fine as long as I can still use use 150kg smokes to form a smokescreen to cover the initial insertion.

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Postby Nalver And » Thu Jan 30, 2025 7:59 am

Hmmm, I could return to my usual habit of rping and ask to join this whenever OP is up!
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Informational Council: Council of The Constellation implementing transparency act to battle corruption, succeeding but reducing political freedom for the first time in the nation's history | Black market finally managed and controlled, as people praise for the end of black market superiority | Economy has hit 1000 trillion Denier per year, marking a great economical prosperity



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