Was there ever a way to see IPs?

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Was there ever a way to see IPs?

Postby Quovia » Thu Jan 16, 2025 7:58 pm

So hear me out and my sketchy memory, but has nationstates ever had a way to lookup the IP addresses tied to specific nations?

A long time ago I had a region that was under assault by one particular guy who would basically create a mass amount of puppets and try to invade the region. During that time, somehow, I was able to lookup and track his IP addresses and used that as a way to ban his puppets. I still have the list in my notes. Granted this was 2012. Nothing sketchy, but I'm almost positive there was a way. Am I imagining this?

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Postby Frisbeeteria » Thu Jan 16, 2025 8:01 pm

Quovia wrote:Am I imagining this?


Maybe you had an off-site forum. Forum admins can usually see IP addresses. In this game, players have never had that option.

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Postby Quovia » Thu Jan 16, 2025 8:03 pm

Frisbeeteria wrote:
Quovia wrote:Am I imagining this?


Maybe you had an off-site forum. Forum admins can usually see IP addresses. In this game, players have never had that option.

I don't think it was forum based. At the time the region was brand new, I don't think I'd created a forum yet, but I could be wrong. I know it wasn't an official nationstates feature, I remember it being more of an offside website

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Postby Cheblonsk » Fri Jan 17, 2025 12:06 am

Unless you were a mod, then there's no way to see IPs or issue IP bans. Even if you collected IP addresses a different way, you wouldn't be able to IP-ban them from the region.
However, you can view the IPs your own nation used to access the game here:
Frisbeeteria wrote:No email? No hope.

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