Schemes among the Stars
OUTREACH : with a planet with a chronic lack of resources, a population signed by poverty and corrupt and un-prepared institutions, what's the worst that could happen ?
Rigel II, also known by the way more popular name of " Outreach " due to its distance from Earth, was one of Mankind's first space colonies that weren't located in the Solar System; chosen for its similarities with Earth's climate and enviroment, and for the fact that was one of the few planets with oceans, Outreach seemed a dream for many who wanted to make a fortune among the stars, however, that dream came crashing by very quickly, since it was discovered that Outreach lacked many resources, and as such needed support from Earth.
Outreach's status was of a fragile colony, populated by poor desperate people, adventurers or common criminals, governed by corrupt and greedy politicians scamming money from the central government back on Earth, however, things came to an abrupt change :
The new year 2301 started with an horrible discovery for the people of Outreach : all comunications with Earth were cut off, and so all resources transports were cancelled; while panic grows in the citizens of Outreach, you, as one of the members of the Emergency Council and the Assembly, can profit from this chaos, following your own agenda, or help your own citizens.
Welcome to Schemes among the Stars, a scifi and political RP in which you'll assume the role of politicians ( Assemblymen or Emergency Councilmen ) trying to govern the ungovernable sinking ship that is Outreach while you all try to find out what happened on Earth and why comunications were cut off. I advise reading the " INFORMATIONS " chapter to fully understand Outreach and the politics that surrounds it
Rigel II/Outreach is located in the Lodon Solar System, composed by Outreach and 4 other planets
- Outreach : An oceanic world composed by 5 big islands, these have a total area of 13 556 768 km2, the population of Outreach reaches 1 million people
- Gorn : A rocky planet rich of minerals
- Hunde : A cold planet, it is a desolate tundra with temperatures unsuitable for life
- Rigel I : The nearest planet to the Sun, its high temperatures make it unsuitable for colonization
- Tenden : A gas planet and the largest of the System
Outreach's population is divided between the 5 islands ( Dviega, Akuna, Caala, Veda and Blana ), with a majority living on Akuna, the least inhabitated island is Blana, ethnically the population is very diverse, mainly due to the fact that colonists came from every angle of the Earth, economically there are big disparities between the richest and the poorest and the lack of resources doesn't help in diminishing the poverty.
The Assembly is formed by 120 assemblymen, while the the Emergency Council has 7 Councilmen, each Assemblyman and Councilman can serve for two terms, each term lasts 4 years. Both are elected to represent their district ( Assemblymen ) or the entire planet ( Councilmen ) and the elections use a two-turns system.
Legislation is used to either implement policies that could help the situation or create an advantage for yourself, for a legislation to pass you'll need the majority or more in the Assembly and the majority or more in the Council
Popularity is another important factor, if you are impopular every action you'll do will be 100% more harder, keep that in mind while proposing bills or doing something important.
1. Please make realistic characters, I won't accept any Mary Sues
2. Do not kill other RP members without first explicitly asking and discussing it OOC
3. Relatively unimportant NPC's you are free to RP as you see fit for your convenience. Don't make people do anything unreasonable though.
4. While Racism, Sexism or other hateful attitudes are tollerated in the IC, any of this in the OOC will be met with a ban
5. Write at least one paragraph with decent grammar for IC posts
6. Please respect your fellow RPers, no need to be a jerk without reason, we are here to have fu
- Code: Select all
[b]Character Name: [/b]
[b]Character Gender: [/b]
[b]Character Age: [/b]
[b]Character Position: [/b] ( Assembly or Council )
[b]Appearance: [/b]
[b] Faction Affiliation: [/b]
[b]Main Strengths: [/b]
[b]Main Weaknesses: [/b]
[b]Biography: [/b] [At least 1 paragraph]
[b]Political Ideology: [/b]
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[b]Faction/Party Information Sheet[/b]
[b]Party/Faction Name: [/b]
[b]Ideology Summary: [/b]
[b]Faction Leader(s): [/b]
[b] Abbreviation/Nickname : [/b]
[b]Faction Colors and Symbols: [/b]