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Sao Nova Europa
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Postby Sao Nova Europa » Thu Jan 16, 2025 12:20 pm

Strange New World


Strange New World is a geopolitical RP set in January 2025, but with a twist: history has diverged from ours. This opens up endless possibilities as the world can change considerably.

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"I’ve just bitten a snake. Never mind me, I’ve got business to look after."
- Guo Jing ‘The Brave Archer’.

“In war, to keep the upper hand, you have to think two or three moves ahead of the enemy.”
- Char Aznable

"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat."
- Sun Tzu

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Psychotic Dictatorship

Postby Malorossi » Thu Jan 16, 2025 3:22 pm


Traditionally, the New Year for the Commonwealth of Independent States is a year for summing up. As a rule, the speech of the national leader was awaited with the same impatience as the New Year chimes, after which the feast began. However, according to EvrAInform polls, the reaction to the New Year's address was not unambiguous.Azat Yarnurgaleev's speech can be divided into three semantic loads: a conclusion about working with the government, a story about threats, and congratulations on the New Year.

"Dear citizens of the Union of Independent States. When I first swore an oath on the constitution, it was a big surprise for me, because it is an honor for me to serve this large and friendly country. We do not always find a common language with the branches of government, but I assure you, this is good, because in disputes we can come to more correct decisions. With joint economic efforts, we will complete the high-speed railway SAPSAN from Nizhny Novgorod to Ufa, which will lay the foundation for forks to Astana and Novosibirsk. We were able to restore a number of enterprises that were on the verge of ruin, including the Togliatti Automobile Plant. And this is only the beginning of our journey. We are actively engaged in the construction of mosques and Islamic banks, which have already helped hundreds of thousands of our compatriots. Together, we have strengthened the CIS as a multinational union of free peoples, and we will continue to do so... However, there are still many unresolved problems, the growth of right-wing extremism in Russia, which can roll back all our gains and fresh wounds of the recent military actions in Chechnya that left fresh wounds on the body of our states, without the solution of which we will not be able to move forward. However, together, united by all nations, we are able to overcome everything. And I thank all of you that you accompanied me during all this difficult time, everything that I do is your merit. Therefore, I propose to raise a toast first of all to each of you."

Many viewers noted that the president changed the format of the speech, which was familiar to the post-Soviet population since Soviet times, recording a free-form address not in front of the Kremlin, but walking near the Kazan mosque. However, not everyone was able to appreciate such a sharp change in genre. A well-known blogger and notorious member of the National Salvation Front Alexander Nevzorov in a television discussion with Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky said: "Such a juicy spit to the point of elegance, on all Russian shrines. On the Kremlin, on our Orthodox religion. I got the feeling that "multinationality" in his understanding concerned only Muslims. And why, when mentioning "right-wing extremism", did he not mention Islamic terrorism?" In general, 48% of citizens of the CIS countries, according to the EVRAINFORM poll, "rather liked" the speech, 12% "definitely liked" the speech.

The political scientist Sergey Kyrginan gave our publication comments on the New Year's address: "This address was not really for the population, but rather for that tower of the Kremlin that is set on impeaching the president, whom they consider ideologically incompatible with their beliefs. And this is quite understandable, considering the practice, started during the time of Andreeva-Tyulkin, of replacing local labor in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine with countries with good demographic indicators, such as Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan. This cannot but lead to mutual distrust."

#NewYear #analytics


07:00 pm - 03/01/25
If we continue to watch as Islamists remake the country to suit themselves, soon we will all be walking around circumcised and in burqas.

With your mug, a burqa is the only chance to find someone for yourself, so thank the Islamists for the life hack.

We once lived in a Soviet country, where there were no problems with Islamism, right-wing radicalism. Do you know why? Because we lived under socialism. Capitalism artificially divides us into classes and nations, and when we realize this, we will be able to return to the world where all people are brothers to each other.


For the first time since 2018, the Eurasian Development Bank has lowered its key rate from 8-6%. This news has alarmed the business community, which has increased its "inflation expectations" from 4-6%. Economist Andrey Potapov said that "Lowering the rate will entail an increase in the population's indebtedness and can increase inflation several times." However, not all economists were so categorical. Ukrainian economist Igor Zyulnik believes that "in the wake of rising incomes, raising the loan rate is inevitable, which should not be feared, it cannot in itself indicate something bad, it becomes bad in combination with various other factors."

The leader of the Eurasian Development Bank Elvira Nabiullina reassured the population with the statement: "lowering the key rate will not lead to an increase in inflation, it will improve the investment climate within the CIS countries. After all, we are going to develop two large investment projects, the Ufa-Tashkent railway and the Power of Siberia gas pipeline to China. These are very expensive projects, in which entrepreneurs from many countries will be ready to invest", however, she also stated that "these projects are in the development stage, so far we have not negotiated the implementation of the project with our partners from different countries".

Nevertheless, President Azat Yarnurgaleev also gives optimistic forecasts regarding the increase in the key rate, believing that "this will only lead to an increase in the welfare of the population of the CIS, which cannot but please", although he noted that "Islamic banks have long been a stronghold of growth in welfare, and their key feature is that the bank issues loans not at interest, although with guarantees."
#EurasianDevelopmentBank #BankingPolitics


07:00 pm - 06/01/25
We know, we've been there. If officials say it's safe and there won't be inflation, then it's time to convert altyns into yuan.

Do you have any reason to distrust the government? Did it underfeed you, underdress you? Why do you always write like a beast? Or are you just a liberal, working for your dirty money?

Nabiullina is pretty, people with such bright faces clearly won’t lie, and you’re just jealous that it’s not you who will get that money, but those who are well-placed in power who will saw it up.


As a senator of the CIS Senate from central Russia, I am faced with a lack of understanding from the CIS President. While the people of Russia are concerned about the growth of terrorism, Azat Yarnurgaleev has somehow come up with the threat of "right-wing extremism" which I do not see at all. Maybe, to avoid it, we need to leave the people of Central Asia in Central Asia and not bring them to Russia as cheap labor?
#NewYear #AppealYarnurgaleev


02:17 am - 02/03/25
Last edited by Malorossi on Fri Jan 17, 2025 5:02 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Tracian Empire
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Postby Tracian Empire » Sat Jan 18, 2025 7:19 am

Republic of China
Zhōnghuá Mínguó


Central News Agency
Zhōngyāng tōngxùnshè


Republic of China Ministry of Foreign Affairs refutes rumors about CIS-China gas pipeline

Today, in an unrelated press conference, His Excellency, Tien Chung-kwang, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China, has, as a response to questions by journalists of the Central News Agency, refuted rumors that the Republic of China intends to support or to accept the development of gas pipelines with the Commonwealth of Independent States. To remind our readers, yesterday, in a statement made by Elvira Nabiullina, the director of the CIS-based Eurasian Development Bank has, in a statement directed to the public, sought to reassure the population of the CIS in regards to the Commonwealth's economic climate by mentioning various investments done by the Eurasian Development Bank, and among those mentioned was the so called "Power of Siberia" gas pipeline to China.

In his response to the press today, His Excellency the Foreign Minister has once again reiterated the position of the Chinese government that any sort of economic cooperation between the CIS and the ROC, including in the field of energy, is impossible for as long as the CIS continues to illegally and in a direct breach of international law occupy rightful Chinese territories, including the westernmost region of the Xinjiang province, occupied by the CIS as Gorno-Badakhshan, the province of Tannu Uriankhai, occupied by the CIS as Tannu Tuva, the territory along the Argun and Amur rivers, and various other such territories which have been the victim of Russian, then Soviet, and now finally CIS imperialism. Minister Tien Chung-kwang reiterated Nanjing's firm commitment to a peaceful solution to the matter - once again highlighting the negotiations between China and India which led to a peaceful solution in regards to the border disputes between the two states, but of course, as the Minister has stated, as long as the CIS proves unwilling to end its imperialist acts, then this would unfortunately not be possible.

Specifically regarding the comments of the director of the Eurasian Development Bank, the Foreign Minister has once again reiterated that the Republic of China has nothing to do with the project of the Power of Siberia pipeline, and that China has not, and will not take part in any such project or buy gas from the CIS. In full accordance with the principles of sovereignty however, China has of course no interest in what the CIS is doing in its own territory, but the Minister was determined in reassuring the people of China that the pipeline will not, for the foreseeable future, be connected to any pipelines in Chinese territory, nor will the Government of the Republic of China consent to any economic deals with the CIS.


Ministry of Defense of the Republic of China announces a large-scale naval exercise in the South China Sea in early February
On the 15th of January, the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of China has announced in a public and formal statement that the Republic of China Armed Forces will organize a naval exercise in the South China Sea, in order to protect the internationally recognized and lawful Chinese claims in the area, and to ensure that the South China Sea remains a peaceful and safe place for all naval shipping. This naval exercise is believed to be intended to reinforce the "eleven-dash line" claim of the Republic of China in the South China Sea, recognized as such ever since the end of the War of Resistance, and further confirmed through a Sino-Vietnamese Treaty.

Invitations have been sent to other nations in order to participate in the exercise. For the time being it is believed that Vietnam will be the first to accept, due to the good relations between Nanjing and Saigon, and although not officially confirmed, it is believed that invitations were also sent to the Indian Federation, to France, to the Philippines, to Malaysia and to Indonesia.

I'm a Romanian, a vampire, an anime enthusiast and a roleplayer.
Hello there! I am Tracian Empire! You can call me Tracian, Thrace, Thracian, Thracr, Thracc or whatever you want. Really.

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Sao Nova Europa
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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Sao Nova Europa » Sat Jan 18, 2025 1:12 pm



Prime Minister Traianos Tzimeros has unveiled an ambitious tax-reduction plan aimed at boosting the Ptolemaic Realm's competitiveness and attracting foreign investors. Speaking to the press, he stated, "We need to make the Ptolemaic Realm competitive and attractive to foreign investors. The way forward is to dramatically lower taxes to stimulate investment and consumption." The proposed measures include reducing corporate tax from 20% to 16%, lowering VAT from 15% to 13%, cutting social security contributions by 1%, and introducing tax incentives to encourage digital nomads to relocate to the country. When asked how the government plans to fund these tax cuts, the Prime Minister explained, "Our government is exploring ways to cut waste in the public sector through digitization and downsizing departments."

The opposition Christian Social Union (CSU) has strongly criticized the plan. A CSU spokesman told reporters, "These tax cuts will not benefit the average person. They will favor multinational corporations while leaving our government underfunded. The Prime Minister’s agenda to finance these cuts involves slashing social benefits, reducing education and NHS spending, and dismantling the welfare state. We stand firmly opposed to this neoliberal, globalist agenda." The United Left also condemned the proposals, arguing that they would lead to the underfunding of vital social services. The party emphasized the need for increased wealth redistribution to address inequality.

Despite the criticism, the ruling Progressive Liberal Party holds a commanding majority in the National Assembly, making it almost certain that the tax cuts will pass without significant hurdles. Public opinion appears divided. A recent poll indicates that 49% of citizens support the proposed tax cuts, while 41% are opposed, and 10% remain undecided.


The opposition Christian Social Union (CSU) has elected Markos Velopoulos as its new leader following a closely contested leadership election. Velopoulos, a veteran CSU MP and a prominent figure from the party’s right wing, secured 53% of the vote in the second round. In his victory speech, Velopoulos pledged to mount a strong opposition to what he called the “neoliberal globalism” of the ruling Progressive Liberal Party (PLP). His platform emphasizes bolstering the welfare state and supporting working-class families, farmers, and the national economy.

Velopoulos has outlined an ambitious social and economic agenda. His key proposals include:

  • Increasing the monthly child benefit for families with a second child from 300 drachmas to 500 drachmas.
  • Providing free medicine for individuals over 65 and under 18.
  • Cutting income taxes for lower- and lower-middle-class families.
  • Increasing low-income pensions and public sector wages.
  • Boosting funding for the NHS and public education.
  • Investing in public infrastructure projects.
  • Expanding subsidies for farmers.
“We need to support our welfare state, working-class families, and our national economy,” Velopoulos told the press. “The CSU should be the party of families, workers, and farmers.”

Velopoulos has also embraced a hardline social agenda. He opposes the legalization of same-sex marriage and advocates for increased funding for law enforcement, tougher sentencing for crimes, and reversing the legalization of abortion, allowing abortion only in cases of rape, incest, or danger to the mother’s health. “We need to stand for family values, the right to life, and the Christian ethics that made this country great,” he said. Velopoulos’s rhetoric has taken a nationalist tone, accusing the PLP and President Tzimeros of being “globalists” and “traitors” and of promoting an atheistic agenda.

The CSU’s shift further to the right under Velopoulos is expected to deepen the polarization between the two major parties. While President Tzimeros solidifies his popularity in urban areas, Velopoulos is likely to strengthen the CSU’s appeal in rural regions and smaller towns.


The United Left has concluded its leadership race, electing Nikos Androulakis, the Mayor of Heraklion in Crete, as its new leader. Androulakis secured a decisive victory in the first round, receiving 58% of the vote. Though the United Left currently holds only 11 seats in the 400-member National Assembly, Androulakis is determined to challenge the dominance of the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) and the Christian Social Union (CSU). His election marks a bold move for the party, as he is not an MP and will need to appoint a deputy leader to represent him in parliamentary debates. However, Androulakis’ popularity as mayor of a major urban center and his proven track record in balancing Heraklion’s budget and investing in public infrastructure—such as bike lanes and green spaces—make him a promising figure.

Androulakis has been vocal in his criticism of the current two-party system, accusing the PLP and CSU of being "two sides of the same coin." Speaking to the press, he argued, "The PLP is a neoliberal conservative party. There’s nothing progressive about the PLP. They are pushing an agenda of tax cuts for the rich and privatizations." He also took aim at the CSU, saying, "Do not let their populist agenda fool people. Their economic platform is lackluster and fails to deliver the transformative changes we need. Their social agenda is regressive and reactionary."

Androulakis emphasized his vision for the United Left as the only genuine alternative to the status quo. "It’s absurd that we have a two-party system in which both parties are right of center. The United Left will offer a true, progressive, left-wing choice to the Ptolemaic people," he declared.

"I’ve just bitten a snake. Never mind me, I’ve got business to look after."
- Guo Jing ‘The Brave Archer’.

“In war, to keep the upper hand, you have to think two or three moves ahead of the enemy.”
- Char Aznable

"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat."
- Sun Tzu

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Postby Arvenia » Sat Jan 25, 2025 6:39 pm

January 6, 2025

President Ketsoakis Pushes Socio-Economic Reform Bill
CONSTANTINOPLE - President Leonidas Ketsoakis have pushed through the Senate a reform bill aimed at "turning Rhomania into a culturally and economically stable nation". The bill will encourage newly-arrived immigrants to integrate into Rhomanian society, reduce the corporate tax from 30% to 22%, offer tax credits of up to 45,000 drachmas to small businesses, reduce VAT from 15% to 12%, cut income tax for all income brackets by 5% and cut social services by 5%. The bill was voted by all 450 Senators of the Justice and Virtue Party (KDA) with support from both the Freedom Party (KE) and VMRO-DPMNE.

"This was a necessary move", President Ketsoakis said. "It was necessary to stabilize Rhomania, both culturally and economically. We'll be turning Rhomania into a perfect destination for both foreign investors and tourists, as well as avoiding problems currently facing many European countries. The bill will be supporting small businesses and start-ups, while tax cuts would be necessary to stimulate consumer spending and undo years of hard taxation under the Kalovelonis administration. We're working to make this country stable and prosperous."

The bill was met with heavy criticism from opposition parties such as the Republican People's Party (RLK), the Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (KLID) and the Pan-Roman Socialist Movement (PASOK). Former President Nikolina Kalovelonis (RLK) slammed the bill for its negative impact on public finance, while the KLID slammed the bill's "assimilationist agenda". All 230 Senators of the RLK voted against the bill with support from other opposition parties.

"This is utter madness", Kalovelonis said. "President Ketsoakis is trying to undermine economic stability and social welfare in Rhomania by introducing these tax cuts. These would only serve to benefit rich families and big businesses, while working-class families are left to struggle with increasing costs of living. Mr. President is actively undermining the Rhomanian welfare state and subjecting us all to another economic depression. We must stand up to this madness and maintain our economic well-being."

Terrorist Attack In Antioch Leaves Thirty People Dead
ANTIOCH - Yesterday, a series of explosions rocked the city of Antioch in southern Rhomania. Several apartment blocs were damaged and thirty people ended up dead, while sixty more suffered serious and life-threatening injuries. The attack was the latest carried out by the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), a terrorist organization dedicated to the liberation of Kurdish people from "Rhomanian oppression" and subsequent integration of southeastern Rhomania into the Republic of Kurdistan. It is widely believed the PKK has been funded by the Kurdish government, which the latter vehemently denies.

President Leonidas Ketsoakis condemned the attack and sent his condolences to the victims and their families. He has vowed to eliminate the PKK and similar terrorist groups through any means necessary. The Rhomanian authorities will be increasing their counter-insurgency operations against the group across southern and eastern Rhomania.
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