[R] Flaming

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[R] Flaming

Postby Pheonixknight » Thu Jan 16, 2025 11:35 am

Gunkslop wrote:are you half-parrot retard? do you say unmet in every post you make here?
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Evolutionary Syncretic Cybercratic State wrote:FINALLY someone said it. You've just earnt yourself an official ESCertificate Award. You are now awarded with the title of 'Mr.Based-ESCertified'.

Alvosa wrote:You get one free cult.

Multiple foreign countries have invaded Pheonix to stop Mono Technologies | Pheonixknight has agreed to protect Elanore, with no hidden agendas whatsoever! | Humaniarian aid has been sent to Royanne in light of the Royannian Civil War, in order to evacuate citizens. | Pheonixknight has entered the Indio Civil War in support of the UPF.

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Postby Farnhamia » Thu Jan 16, 2025 11:42 am

DOS go boom.
Make Earth Great Again: Stop Continental Drift!
And Jesus was a sailor when he walked upon the water ...
"Make yourself at home, Frank. Hit somebody." RIP Don Rickles
My country, right or wrong; if right, to be kept right; and if wrong, to be set right. ~ Carl Schurz
<Sigh> NSG...where even the atheists are Augustinians. ~ The Archregimancy
Now the foot is on the other hand ~ Kannap
RIP Dyakovo ... Ashmoria (Freedom ... or cake)
This is the eighth line. If your signature is longer, it's too long.

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Chargé d'Affaires
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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Pheonixknight » Thu Jan 16, 2025 11:43 am

If Mods had upvote buttons I'd give you one. Thanks!
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Evolutionary Syncretic Cybercratic State wrote:FINALLY someone said it. You've just earnt yourself an official ESCertificate Award. You are now awarded with the title of 'Mr.Based-ESCertified'.

Alvosa wrote:You get one free cult.

Multiple foreign countries have invaded Pheonix to stop Mono Technologies | Pheonixknight has agreed to protect Elanore, with no hidden agendas whatsoever! | Humaniarian aid has been sent to Royanne in light of the Royannian Civil War, in order to evacuate citizens. | Pheonixknight has entered the Indio Civil War in support of the UPF.

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