Busoga Islands CoH 90 Bid
The Busoga Islander Soccer Association, in an effort to reintegrate themselves back into global football, and bring WCC football to our shores for the first time, bid to bring this tournament into the Islamic Republic.
Buosgan National Information
The Islamic Republic of the Busoga Islands are one of the newer and smaller states on the Arrosia map - the country forming as an independent nation from Banija shortly after World Cup 80, as a result of what is commonly known internationally as the Banijan-Equestrian War, but within the country as the Busogan war for independence. They are located on the northwestern edge of the Shango-Fogoa Basin. It has a population of about 12 million people.
The islands have been inhabitated for over 400 years, named after their founder, Ayatollah Kizil Busoga. These people have been one that have fiercely and jealously their independence. While, of course, being ruled by Quebec City, and then via Busukuma, for over two entire centuries, they are now looking to come out of the woodworks and stake a name for themselves. Politically, they closely ally with the Equestrian States and other nations within Canterlot's sphere of influence, and thanks to heavy foreign investment they have a rapidly growing economy.
Despite being officially an Islamic Republic, with an overwhelming majority Twelver Shia Muslim population, the Busogans actually have a fairly secular and liberal society. There are laws that cater to Muslims- weekends are Friday/Saturday instead of Saturday/Sunday, calls to prayer ring out publicly in cities, and restaurants are required to at least have halal meat options if they carry meat, there are no restrictions in comparison to other Islamic Republics- no laws regarding women's clothing, preaching in the public square is generally frowned upon, and a lot of the population is 'Muslim in name only'- they'll identify as such, but rarely actually go to Mosque. The current President of the Islamic Republic, Delbin Kasekende Sr.(who is also the President of BISA), has held the country's Presidency for 24 years, winning four straight 6 year terms in very free and fair elections.
In terms of football, they are 14 professional clubs on the Islands. They are all part of the joint Banijan-Farfadillis soccer pyramid, with all 14 teams participating in Banija's lower leagues. The national team has never made the knockout stages of the AOCAFs. They suffered a severe disappointment at World Cup 86 Qualifying, finishing in 8th place despite their Pot 3 ranking, and failing to even receive an invitation to the Cup of Harmony.
The sport competes for the status of 'most popular sport on the island', alongside cricket. Rugby Union is known to be the 3rd most popular sport on the island, behind the two prior ones which are considered the most popular. Of course, popularity with the national team rises and falls with the good fortunes of how the national team plays.
CoH invites
Of course, now we are here for a Cup of Harmony during a new, 48 team World Cup era! What does this mean for us? Well, the minimum criteria to qualify for the Cup of Harmony will be at least a roster plus at least 2 RPs, playoffs included. This is minimum criteria- I reserve the right to be a bit stricter here if necessary. I will work with the WC hosts to garner such a list (if they cannot share such a list, then I will have to create one myself).
CoH invites will be issued via TG. The only way to accept a CoH invite will be to post a roster in the CoH IC thread.
All groups are single round robin. All games shall be played in the host nation of Banija. I have potential group sizes from anywhere between 8 and 48 nations- although realistically, I expect the CoH to be on the smaller side considering that we have an expanded WC.
Preferred sizes
12 teams- 3 groups of four, top two in each group plus top 2 third place teams advance to the Quarterfinals.
16 teams- 4 groups of four, top two in each group advance to the Quarterfinals.
20 teams- 4 groups of five, top two in each group advance to the Quarterfinals.
24 teams- 6 groups of four, top two in each group plus top 4 third place teams advance to Round of 16.
28 teams- 7 groups of four, top two in each group plus top 4 third place teams advance to Round of 16.
32 teams- 8 groups of four, top two in each group advance to Round of 16.
36 teams- 6 groups of six, top two in each group plus top 4 third place teams advance to Round of 16.
40 teams- 10 groups of four, group winners plus top two second place teams advance to Round of 16. Remaining 8 second place teams advance to play-in round.
42 teams- 7 groups of six, top two in each group plus top 2 third place teams advance to Round of 16.
48 teams- 12 groups of four, top two in each group plus top 8 third place teams advance to the Round of 32.
Non-Optimal Group Sizes
8 teams- League format. Single round robin. Use the table as the final finishers- no KO games. If the top two teams are tied beyond the first two tiebreakers, we will have a one game playoff.
18 teams- 3 groups of six, top two in each group, plus top two 3rd place teams, advance to the Quarterfinals.
30 teams- 5 groups of six, top three in each group plus top ranked fourth place teams advance to Round of 16.
44 teams- 11 groups of four, group winners plus top five group second place teams advance to Round of 16.
50+ teams- We’ll figure it out from there.
Scorination & RP Bonus
Scorination will be done with the latest presently existing version of xkoranate. We will use the NSFS formula with xkoranate (additive) style modifiers. RP bonus shall be cumulative throughout the entirety of the tournament.
A roster shall be worth up to a full matchday's RP bonus. Full rank will be applied for the tournament.
For tiebreakers, we will use the following
1) H-2-H Wins
2) Overall Goal Differential
3) Total Wins
4) IC coin toss (OOC RP bonus only scorination- take out rank, but include roster & RP bonus)
Host Scorination Information
This section applies only if Busoga qualifies for the COH. I have no puppets entered during this WCQ cycle, therefore no need to make notes about them.
#1 Host Bonus- if Busoga qualifies for the CoH, I will give myself one MD's worth of host bonus.
#2 Guest scorination- If Busoga qualifies for the COH, I will grade my own RPs during group play, and per WCC policy, have a guest scorinator score my matches. During the KO stages, if I qualify for the knockout stages, I will have a guest scorinator both grade my RPs and score my matches. That person will be whoever is available when I am getting ready to score, so it will likely change and there is no permanent person lined up.
#3 Pot 1- Regardless of rank, Busoga would be placed in the Pot 1 slot in Group A if they qualify for the Cup of Harmony.
Other OOC Information
#1 Should be North American morning cutoffs, but I reserve the right to switch the schedule to switch it up, with plenty of advance notice, if my schedule demands.
#2 In groups of 4, cutoffs every 48 hours. In groups of five or six, a mixture between 24 and 48 hour gaps between cutoffs to keep the tournament moving.
#3 During group play, I will give optional RP prompts. As always, there is no bonus for following them, nor is there a penalty for ignoring them.
Hosting Experience
(All as Banija)
World Bowl XXXIV
World Bowl XXXVII
25th International Basketball Championships(co-hosted w/ Filindostan)
28th World Lacrosse Championships
29th World Lacrosse Championships(co-hosted with Razenthuria)
40th World Lacrosse Championships
44th World Lacrosse Championships
Conferences in multiple seasons of both the NSCAA and the NSCF
Multiple seasons of the IDLO
Former member of the IFCF Executive Council
World Cup of Hockey 49
World Baseball Classic 53
AOCAF LVIII(co-hosted with Baker Park)
Baptism of Fire 67(co-hosted w/ Qasden)
Baptism of Fire 76(co-hosted with Bollonich)
Cup of Harmony 76(co-hosted w/ Xanneria)
Cup of Harmony 89
76th U21 World Cup/Di Bradini Cup 55
World Cup 83(co-hosted with Equestria)
World Cup 81(co-hosted w/ the Federation of Free Republics)
XIV Summer Olympiad(co-hosted with Liventia)
IBC 40
Use of AI Policy
#1 AI Generated images- AI generated images are fine as long as they are explicitly labeled as such.
#2 AI Generated text- AI generated text is explicitly prohibited, and any instance thereof allows the host to levy any punishment as I see fit, including but not limited to zeroing out both rank and any prior earned RP bonus.
#3 AI Translation- AI translation services into English are also fine. However, the original language text should be posted in a spoiler for transparency purposes. See a good sample RP from Huayramarca that is a perfect illustration of what I am talking about.