World Grand Prix Championship 21 [RP/results]

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World Grand Prix Championship 21 [RP/results]

Postby Liventia » Wed Jan 15, 2025 3:40 pm

Driver signups are open throughout the season, to sign up a driver simply go to this thread to do so. However, they will not have a race seat unless signed by a team.


RP/Results thread

Season 21 of the World Grand Prix Championship is currently in the
Driver signups are still open in this thread.

To see how the negotiation period usually works, read below and/or have a look at last season’s RP thread. Once you have signed a driver up, begin writing about them in this thread. The more interesting the story you create, the more chance your driver has of catching the eye of one of the WGPC teams. There are no rankings. Success is built on good roleplaying by team-owners, drivers and team-mates as well as a big slice of luck, with your driver’s parameters coming into play too.

You may RP however you like. Maybe you'd prefer to tell the world that a couple of teams are interested in your driver via some rumour-mongering in your local newspapers? Perhaps you'd like to set up an interview with a team? Maybe your driver has a big social media presence or can’t keep out of the news for all the wrong reasons? A popular tactic in recent years has been for teams to hold an open-invitation trial for a number of drivers to test their car around a local circuit, with the best driver/drivers being chosen for the team, so look out for those as well. There is no 'right' way to do it, and the only 'wrong' way to do it would be to attempt to confirm your driver is racing with a team before any real negotiations, OOC, IC or otherwise, have taken place.

You may also wish to consider the massive difference in pay between an experienced driver with a good reputation and a newcomer. In RL Formula 1, the best drivers are paid handsomely to drive while the newcomers often have to pay a team in order to secure a drive. Does your driver need to secure sponsorship in order to pay his way into a deal? Or is he a skilled driver with years of experience, upon whom a team can rely to draw money to the team through external sponsorship and win bonuses?

When you wish to confirm that a driver has joined a team, or formally offer a spot in your team to a driver, do so in bold, like this or this or this or simply like this.

Finally, as this is the RP thread, there should be no out-of-character chatter here. Take your observations, commentary and complaints to the OOC discussion thread.

All teams must have two drivers confirmed no later than Tuesday, 11 February.

Cutoffs will take place at roughly 22:00 UTC on scorination days, usually Fridays and Sundays.

Teams and confirmed drivers
Team Name				NAT	R    A    T	Engine				R     A     T		Tyre			R	T
## Driver Name DRV NAT R A T

Urotovsky-Gatutin PDN 5.0 3.75 3.25 UrGa Zh-S-1000 (U) 1.0 0.0 -1.0 Solymok 0.7 -0.7
63 Nepö Kinder KIN HÜL 3.99 4.5 3.51
13 Vincent Von Visp VVV RCN 3.0 4.5 4.5

Preston Autos HAP 2.0 5.0 5.0 Preston Autos Skychief V6 (P) -1.0 1.0 0.0 Brimstone -0.5 0.5
82 Kinu Luminna LMN AUR 3.25 4.5 4.25
84 Angela Stella Tan Fang Ling ANG VEZ 3.8 3.9 4.3

Nexus Racing NIM 5.0 5.0 2.0 Nexus Racing Paragon Warp (W) 0.0 1.0 -1.0 Phoenician-In Motion -0.65 0.65
17 Janne Laukkanen LAU ABL 3.4 4.76 3.84
94 Ryker Lane LAN NIM 5.0 4.5 2.5

Pressley Racing TMB 3.5 4.0 4.5 Tropicorp TRE-2T24V8 (T) -0.4 0.2 0.2 Tropicorp Racing Supply -0.14 0.14
27 Dario Nülkeschlager NÜL HÜL 4.0 3.0 5.0
22 Nini Johnsilvaturr JOH DOU 4.5 5.0 2.5

Eminent LIS 3.3 5.0 3.7 Sidus 616W-1 (S) -0.5 0.75 -0.25 Blue Sulphurate 0.0 0.0
7 Anneliese Devereux DEV LIS 3.6 3.8 4.6
40 Adriana Ela Kowalski Lillian AKS VEZ 4.25 2.75 5.0

Cygnus ESM 3.75 4.75 3.5 Sturmburgher PD02/25 (C) 0.6 -0.15 -0.45 Brimstone -0.5 0.5
1 Brendan Faloe FAE ESM 5.0 3.0 4.0
85 Olivia Stone STO NIM 2.0 5.0 5.0

HMG Grand Prix HÜL 3.0 5.0 4.0 Preston Autos Skychief V6 (P) -1.0 1.0 0.0 Tropicorp Racing Supply -0.14 0.14
14 Skiia Vialiv VIA TRP 2.75 4.75 4.5

Ælund Grand Prix ABL 3.4 4.5 4.1 Ælund CMYK-T20V8H (Æ) 0.1 0.3 -0.4 Tropicorp Racing Supply -0.14 0.14
77 Abdoulaye Goita GTA RCN 4.0 4.0 4.0
88 Ted Pressley PRE TMB 3.8 4.1 4.1

KISMO ANM 4.0 5.0 3.0 Kissan Motors KS.APEX-01 (K) 0.0 0.33 -0.33 Solymok 0.7 -0.7
58 Shuhei Kamado KAM ANM 4.0 4.38 3.62
55 Gil Langdon LAN KAT 3.1 4.8 4.1

Note: KISMO's R/A/T adjusted as 5.17 A is over the allowed limit

Viska AUR 4.0 3.65 4.35 Viska RG Motors (V) -0.62 1.0 -0.38 Phoenician-In Motion -0.65 0.65
12 Ron Sommer SOM KAT 4.3 3.2 4.5
96 William Archer ARC AFT 3.5 5.0 3.5

Race Eelandii VTGP V&T 4.0 4.5 3.5 Tropicorp TRE-2T24V8 (T) -0.4 0.2 0.2 Tropicorp Racing Supply -0.14 0.14
23 Cocoabo #23 C23 TRP 2.5 4.5 5.0

HiTEN.gpt HDR 4.0 4.0 4.0 Franklin Motorsport WGP-X2 (F) 0.0 0.0 0.0 Brimstone -0.5 0.5
10 Ankei Souzare ASZ HDR 4.0 4.0 4.0
95 Hanna Berezowska BZW ZAL 5.0 2.5 4.5

Piers Ivchenko DOU 4.1 3.7 4.2 UrGa ZhS-1000 (U) 1.0 0.0 -1.0 Brimstone -0.5 0.5
51 R.L. Cruisin CRU V&T 3.64 4.5 3.86

GPA Pryfors Bilar DCS 4.0 3.0 5.0 Pryfors Bilar (B) 0.25 -0.5 0.25 Phoenician-In Motion -0.65 0.65
33 Sam Blaatschapen BLA DCS 3.5 4.5 4.0
37 Laura Haukanna HAU AUR 3.5 4.0 4.5

WGPC Motorworks WGP 4.0 4.0 4.0 Franklin Motorsport WGP-X2 (F) 0.0 0.0 0.0 Blue Sulphurate 0.0 0.0
WGPC Motorworks will only run if required. A maximum of two WGPC Motorworks drivers may qualify for any race.

*Tyres and engines will not contribute any RP bonus to the teams that select them. They only affect the R/A/T.

Backup teams (teams which may be added later in the season if required as replacements due to RP inactivity)
Team Short Name		NAT	R    A    T	Colour	Engine	Notes
WGPC Motorworks WGP 4.0 4.0 4.0 #0000ff Stock
Sport Izern IZN 4.0 4.0 4.0 #48E03F Supp

Free agent drivers
The following drivers are currently free agents (confirmed sign ups).
Driver Name			DRV	NAT	R    A    T    Pref#  2nd#   Notes
Rudy Edwards EDW HAP 3.0 4.0 5.0 5 50
Dara Kirea KIR IZN 3.8 4.1 4.1 72 130 is not a valid car number
Ospu Tuirac TIR IZN 4.6 2.4 5.0 30 003 is not a valid car number
Gajek Mäsïlïčuk MČK HAF 5.0 3.0 4.0 75 55
Adonis Fitzpatrick FTZ AFT 4.0 4.25 3.75 74 47
Pierre-Louis Archer PLA PTR 2.0 5.0 5.0 13 14
Giancarlo Rahel RAH CRN 3.9 4.0 4.1 18 29
Lane Carter CRT TJU 5.0 2.0 5.0 11 64
Batu Tüvshinbayar TUV TJU 3.0 5.0 4.0 9 7
Zsanett Bokor BOK GGY 3.3 4.8 3.9 69 96
Mike Nezschmidt NEZ BRS 4.0 4.0 3.0 12 30 Ratings add up to 11/12
Otto Markul MAR GTH 4.3 3.2 4.5 21 30
Renn Trigen TRI GTH 3.5 4.5 4.0 9 7
iBen Toralmintii TII V&T 3.75 3.25 5.0 77 1 is not a valid secondary car number
Nik Hazrin Lutfi HAZ SHT 4.5 2.5 5.0 21 19
Ashton Blake BLA SAT 4.1 3.4 4.5 33 10
Cosmin Fotellis FOT ISH 4.5 4.0 3.5 41 71
Janne Hämäläinen HML KAS 2.0 5.0 4.0 27 84 Ratings add up to 11/12
Azalia Kawakai KAW QUI 4.0 4.0 4.0 13 16
Roy Louie LOU FLP 4.0 4.0 3.0 27 84 Ratings add up to 11/12

Engine and tyre manufacturers
Engine Manufacturer/Name			M   NAT	 R     A     T	   Notes
Preston Autos Skychief V6 P HAP -1.0 1.0 0.0 Supplies Preston Autos
Sturmburgher PD02/25 C ESM 0.6 -0.15 -0.45 Supplies Cygnus
UrGa ZhS-1000 U PDN 1.0 0.0 -1.0 Supplies Urotovsky-Gatutin
Ælund CMYK Racing Technologies CMYK-T20V8H Æ ABL 0.1 0.3 -0.4 Supplies Ælund Grand Prix
Kissan Motors KS.APEX-01 K ANM 0.0 0.33 -0.33 Supplies KISMO
Pryfors Bilar B DCS 0.25 -0.5 0.25 Supplies Pryfors Bilar
Nexus Racing Paragon Warp W NIM 0.0 1.0 -1.0 No open supply, only supplies Nexus Racing
Viska RG Motors V AUR -0.62 1.0 -0.38 No open supply, only supplies Viska Racing
Sidus 616W-1 S VLK -0.5 0.75 -0.25 Open supplier. Approved due to external auto racing contributions in NS Sport
Tropicorp TRE-2T24V8 T TRP -0.4 0.2 0.2 Open supplier. Approved due to WGPC history
Franklin Motorsport WGP-X2 F LEN 0.0 0.0 0.0 Open supplier. WGPC stock supplier.

Tyre Manufacturer       NAT	R     T     Notes
Brimstone HAP -0.5 0.5
Solymok GGY 0.7 -0.7
Beet Street Tires BRS 0.5 -0.5
Thandorian Tires GTH 0.6 -0.6
Phoenician-In Motion D/N -0.65 0.65 Joint submission from Diarcesia and Nimbus
Tropicorp Racing Supply TRP -0.14 0.14
Blue Sulphurate LEN 0.0 0.0

Selected circuits (listed in order of Test events 1–3, then Races 1–10)
Circuit Grand Prix Track Lap Record Length Qual (SR?) Rn A T O Err Street?

Montelago International Circuit Crpostranian Test Event Track 1:45.071 5.51km Trad (Yes) 13.0 3.1 6.9 3.0 4.3 No
Ikasamo Speedway #RepealSCR309 Test Event in Ikasamo Track 1:10.325 4.00km Elim (No) 20.0 3.5 6.5 4.0 5.0 No
Akresna Circuit Aurunair Aurun Test Event Track 1:40.442 5.79km Trad (No) 7.0 3.0 7.0 3.5 4.0 No
Fjellutfordring Abovian Grand Prix Track 1:07.451 4.33km OneS (No) 6.5 6.2 3.8 1.0 3.9 No
Queensland Street Circuit Doubeinese Grand Prix Track 1:46.278 6.00km Trad (Yes) 3.0 2.75 7.25 4.0 4.5 Yes
Crossbay Circuit Nimban Grand Prix Track 1:26.018 4.83km Elim (No) 16.0 6.3 3.7 1.2 3.9 No
Eelandii Grand Prix Course Grand Prix of Turori Track 1:22.409 5.19km TwoT (No) 20.0 5.0 5.0 3.23 3.77 Yes
Ridgeline Raceway Grand Prix de Patriotlandia présenté par ASI Industries Track 1:25.210 5.10km Trad (Yes) 10.0 4.0 6.0 2.0 3.0 No
Serizawa Racing Circuit Ajian Grand Prix presented by Aji Air Track 1:17.466 4.40km Trad (Yes) 18.0 6.3 3.7 2.0 2.0 No
Circuit d'Arès Grand Prix d'Île Saint-Joseph Track 1:33.312 5.08km Trad (No) 12.0 3.8 6.2 3.5 3.9 Yes
Hapilopper City Grand Prix Circuit Preston Autos Hapilopper Grand Prix Track 1:28.535 5.57km Trad (No) 15.0 6.0 4.0 1.5 4.0 No
Forest Cross International Raceway WGPC Nuflora Esmerelian Grand Prix Track 1:46.561 6.60km Trad (No) 5.0 5.0 5.0 3.25 4.0 No
Talbott Autodrome Liventia Airways Grand Prix of Liventia Track 1:37.968 6.12km TwoT (No) 1.0 3.5 6.5 3.0 1.8 No

*SR here refers to how the circuit was signed up, not actually whether the race was chosen as a sprint race.
Average A/T: 4.885/5.115.
Average A/T considering sprint races: 4.929/5.071

Races may be replaced throughout the season as required for operational reasons.

Circuit					Grand Prix						Track	Lap Record	Length	Qual (SR?)   Rn    A    T    O    Err	Street?
Couno Harbour Circuit Tumbran Grand Prix Track 1:30.869 5.82km Elim (No) 5.0 3.0 7.0 5.0 5.0 Yes
Circuit Inauri WGPC Inauri Izernian Grand Prix Track 1:33.768 4.50km Trad (Yes) 8.0 3.8 6.2 1.7 3.1 No
Wiesenblumering Gergarian Grand Prix Track 1:24.275 4.86km Trad (No) 5.0 3.9 6.1 3.5 2.5 No
Sigurd Ring Diarcesian Grand Prix Track 1:33.080 5.70km OneS (Yes) 3.0 4.6 5.4 1.2 0.7 No
Waldstein City Circuit Katzeburg Grand Prix Track 1:48.820 4.89km Elim (No) 11.0 2.0 8.0 3.2 3.9 Yes
Kaarela Ring Sidus Grand Prix of Vinstria Track 1:19.376 4.66km Elim (No) 14.2 4.0 6.0 2.6 3.7 No
Cocoabo Park Circuit Cocoabo Preservation Grand Prix Track 1:41.000 6.63km Elim (No) 17.0 4.0 6.0 2.9 1.6 No

Rules and regulations
Size and shape
WGPC cars must be similar in size and shape to RL formula one cars. The definition of 'formula one car' is a vehicle that competed in RL Formula One any time after 1970.
Maximum length of a car is 5.3m
Maximum width of a car is 2.3m
Maximum height of a car is 1.2m (not including on-board camera)
Minimum weight is a car is 600kg

Electric engines are permitted.
Nuclear-powered engines are not permitted unless it can be proven (in safe conditions) that a catastrophic crash would not result in the circuit being unusable for the next four hundred thousand years.

Air may be used to aspirate engines, but the WGPC reserves the right to ban cars that attempt to use sails to take advantage of windy circuits.

Power may be provided by animals, but only if they satisfy at least one of the following conditions:
They have been extinct for millions of years and have been turned into oil by natural processes.
The animal may not currently be on the WWF's list of endangered species.
The animal must not be harmed or stressed by the ordeal.
The animal must be on the inside of the car.

There must be at least 30 centimetres between the driver's feet and the front of the car.

The design of the car must ensure that, if it were to be put upside-down, the driver's head would not touch the floor. The inclusion of an air intake behind and above the driver, coupled with a strong fin on the bonnet of the car in front of the driver, should be enough to accomplish this. The driver's head must not be the tallest thing in the car (not including wings).

All cars must include a seat-belt. The seat-belt must be able to be easily removed by a driver within two seconds.

All cars must include a removable steering wheel. The driver should be able to remove it manually within two seconds.

Cars may include a "halo"-type safety device.

No part of the car may be wider than the wheelbase.

There must be no sharp objects on the outside of the car. Wings should be at least one centimetre thick.

The season runs, ICly, from spring to autumn.

Each event will consist of a Practice Session, Qualifying Session, and Race (except for sprint race events). The Qualifying Session will set the grid for the Race, which will be raced to the nearest full lap over 305km. Points will be awarded to the top 10 drivers at the conclusion of each Race, in the following order from first to 10th: 25-18-14-11-8-6-4-3-2-1. Drivers must have finished the race to 90% distance of the winner to be eligible to score points. If not enough drivers are classified as having finished a race, no points will be awarded after the last driver to finish 90% race distance. One point will be awarded to the driver who sets the fastest lap in each Race. Practice and Qualifying will be scorinated at the same time, but ICly take place on different days.

Sprint race events will consist of a Pre-Qualifying Session (if necessary), Sprint Race, Qualifying Session, and Feature Race. The description of the Pre-Qualifying Session is here. Otherwise, the Sprint Race will take place first, with the grid set by the Championship standings, with the top half of the grid reversed (depending on the number of drivers, the Championship leader will start 12th or 13th, with the 12th or 13th place driver on pole). The Sprint Race will be raced to the nearest full lap over 125km. Points will be awarded to the top eight drivers in the Sprint Race: 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1. The Feature race will be raced to the nearest full lap over 305km. Points will be awarded to the top 10 drivers at the conclusion of each Feature Race, in the following order from first to 10th: 25-18-14-11-8-6-4-3-2-1. Drivers must have finished the race to 90% distance of the winner to be eligible to score points. If not enough drivers are classified as having finished a Feature Race, no points will be awarded after the last driver to finish 90% race distance. One point will be awarded to the driver who sets the fastest lap in each Feature Race.

The team with the most points at the end of the season will win the WGPC Constructors Championship.

The driver with the most points at the end of the season will win the WGPC Drivers Championship.

Teams may be added or removed during the season.

Teams may sign a maximum of two drivers.

The 107% rule will be in effect. During all Qualifying Sessions which are adjudged to have taken place in dry conditions, any driver posting a time in the first session (under any qualifying system) more than 107% of the fastest time in that session will not be allowed to start the race, unless their best time in the Practice Session was within 107% of the fastest time set in that session, in which case they may be permitted to start. In Pre-Qualifying Sessions during Sprint Race Events, the 107% rule will not be applied, as only a limited number of spots are available.

Pole position will be on the inside lane of the track.

Intentional attempts to crash into other cars will result in a penalty for the driver.

Team instructions to intentionally cause accidents will result in a penalty for the team.

Pit Stops
No refuelling during races. Cars will start each race with the fuel needed to complete the race.

Changes to the car are permitted during races.

Dangerous pit stop releases will be investigated and may result in a penalty for the driver and/or team.

RP notes
You are recommended to read this section in its entirety, especially if you are a first-time entrant to WGPC.

* Due to the nature of the sport, there are no RP permissions in WGPC. You should expect your drivers and/or teams to be mentioned by other players. You may even expect other users to mention things your driver has said.
* In contrast to, say, war RPing, where a user decides which/how many losses to take after an attack, in WGPC a user decides how much blame or responsibility to take after an accident. You may RP that your driver caused an accident through their own poor or overly aggressive driving, but you may not write that another user's driver was at fault for an accident unless you have their permission. In general, making another character look stupid is not usually acceptable. If a driver is in their first season, it's probably acceptable to call them a rookie, or inexperienced, or possibly even naive if you're sufficiently careful, but refrain from calling another driver reckless or stupid or unskilled unless it's clear from the other user's RPs that this is the case.
* If you're going to RP a conversation between your driver and another driver, try to keep to the other driver's established characteristics.
* If another user mentions an action of your driver, or mentions something that happened to your driver, before you have the chance to RP, you may either reinterpret their interpretation of events or, if you really feel you wanted the story to go in a different direction, you may change the events that happened. For example, you had your heart set on RPing your driver as having had a particularly violent and explosive accident, but another user decides that your driver retired in the pits due to engine failure, you may write your own version and ask that the previous RPer makes the appropriate change to their RP.
* Any disputes over RPing will be adjudicated by the season host, whose decision is final.

Current estimated dates
All dates subject to change
• 18 Jan 2025–29 Jan 2025: Teams may run their own selection trials
• 25 Jan 2025: Circuit signups close, calendar announced
• 31 Jan 2025: DEADLINE FOR ALL TEAMS TO HAVE ENGINE/TYRE MANUFACTURERS SIGNED (otherwise, a neutral spec will be provided and cannot be subsequently changed)
• 1–2 Feb 2025: Crpostranian Test Event – Montelago International Circuit (2 sessions)
• 8–9 Feb 2025: #RepealSCR309 Test Event in Ikasamo – Ikasamo Speedway (2 sessions)
• 14–16 Feb 2025: Aurunair Aurun Test Event – Akresna Circuit (3 sessions)
• 21–23 Feb 2025: Abovian Grand Prix – Fjellutfordring
• 28 Feb–2 Mar 2025: Doubeinese Grand Prix – Queensland Street Circuit
• 7–9 Mar 2025: Nimban Grand Prix – Crossbay Circuit
• 14–16 Mar 2025: Grand Prix of Turori – Eelandii Grand Prix Course
• 21–23 Mar 2025: SPRINT RACE EVENT Grand Prix de Patriotlandia présenté par ASI Industries – Ridgeline Raceway
• 28–30 Mar 2025: No race, mid-season break
• 4–6 Apr 2025: SPRINT RACE EVENT Ajian Grand Prix presented by Aji Air – Serizawa Racing Circuit
• 11–13 Apr 2025: Grand Prix d'Île Saint-Joseph – Circuit d'Arès
• 18–20 Apr 2025: Preston Autos Hapilopper Grand Prix – Hapilopper City Grand Prix Circuit
• 25–27 Apr 2025: WGPC Nuflora Esmerelian Grand Prix – Forest Cross International Raceway
• 2–4 May 2025: Liventia Airways Grand Prix of Liventia – Talbott Autodrome
Last edited by Liventia on Wed Feb 05, 2025 12:26 pm, edited 37 times in total.
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Eminent WGPC Team

Postby Lisander » Wed Jan 15, 2025 3:43 pm

Last edited by Lisander on Sat Jan 18, 2025 5:42 am, edited 9 times in total.
The Principality of Lisander, a sports loving, very highly developed nation in Astyria.
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Former Citizens of the Nimbus System
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Postby Former Citizens of the Nimbus System » Fri Jan 17, 2025 10:48 am


Personnel and Lineup

Project Manager
Gertrude Thompsonas

Head Designer
Lucia Vanderbilt
Driver Ryker Lane 94
17 Janne Laukkanen Driver

Test Driver

Name ‘Chase Cutter’ Ultra High Speed Ground Vehicle Six
Chassis Eight-wheeled Imagination-forged carbon fibre composite monocoque

Name Bluebird
Manufacturers Phoenician Tires, In Motion Tyres
Material Imagination-forged, Imagination-imbued layered composite
Features Frustal camber, self-repair, extensive sensor array
Paragon Warp Array v. Name
Nexus Racing Manufacturer
Quad multi-type braided Imagination convertor array Type
Pressurised Orb Imagination Energy Source


Nexus Racing
Page outdated; waiting for update...

Dramatis Personae

With thanks to Aboveland and Esmerel for Janne and Max’s entries!

Auburn Steel
Nexus Racing’s resident lawyer. Smooth, kind, incredibly driven and perhaps just a bit of a glory hunter. Frequently teamed with Karl Rain.

Gertrude Thompsonas
Leader of Nexus Racing, under the title of Project Manager; formerly its Head Designer before Timothy Guard’s departure at the end of WGP2 III. Quick, analytical and creative in thought and bubbly in character but struggles with self-doubt and offloading the burden of leadership. Married to Vertilan Thompsonas.

Janne Laukkanen
Nexus Racing's most successful — and only — academy graduate. Emotional and introspective off the track, but calculated and ruthless on it. Still trophyless throughout his five-season career, his unwavering hunger to win, and the comfort of his chosen family in the Wardship, keep him in the Nimban stable.

Karl Rain
Chief communicator, explainer and rhetorician for Nexus Racing – the public-facing head of the team. Methodical and precise but neither unfriendly nor closed off. Frequently teamed with Auburn Steel.

Lucia Vanderbilt
Nexus Racing’s current Head Designer; previously Gertrude’s second-in-command. Leads with a style somewhere between the conductor of a symphony and the eye of the storm, with a dependable, focused calm and self-control that isn’t actually emotionlessness.

Martin Veri
Race engineer originally from the Nimban national Cityprix series. Effortlessly calm and personable. Long-term companion to Ryker Lane.

Max Rykinsvik Age 36, male; homebrew mechanic and folk racer in his free time. Supportive and willing to stand up for those he supports for almost any reason. Good at figuring out others’ struggles, but might pry too deep at times. Stays cheerful as much as he can, but often gets introspective. Enjoys working with esoteric tech, which Nexus has in droves. Close confidant of Jean Mercer-Daly, but now works with Janne Laukkanen as his race engineer, trying to help Janne achieve what Jean couldn’t. In good spirits for all involved, obviously.

Ryker Lane
Veteran driver for Nexus Racing, famously winning the WGPC 15 Drivers’ Championship in his rookie season without a race victory. Mellow but still passionate and determined; highly appreciative and supportive of others, occasionally to his own detriment. Strained romantic partner to Victoria Light; races under the direction of Martin Veri.

Victoria Light
Leads Nexus Racing’s programming team; one of the few people in the Wardship able to programme an Imagination convertor. Sparky, intelligent and more than a little insecure. Strained romantic partner to Ryker Lane.

Virgil Swordspark
Unofficial second-in-command of Nexus Racing’s engineering and design team. Chatty and a bit of a rumour-monger. Perpetual best frenemy of fellow engineer Shana Zett.

Celia Speck
Co-founder and co-owner of In Motion Tyres. Relentlessly creative and exploratory yet nonetheless possessed of a powerful moral compass that sees her compelled to Do Things The Right Way, even if she isn’t always sure what that way is. Wife of Grace Speck.

Grace Speck
Co-founder and co-owner of In Motion Tyres. Focused, determined and forward-looking and, in part under her partner’s influence, unafraid to speak her truth even against consensus or established power. Wife of Celia Speck.

Miranda Calin
Doctor of Neurobiology at the University of the Second City, whose research prompted a leap forward in Nexus Racing’s Imagination convertor design; she now semi-regularly consults for the team. Polite, moving between shyness and wryness, but deeply passionate about her work and unfamiliar ideas alike.

Vertilan Thompsonas
Professor of Materials Science at the University of the First City, having fled the oppressive Kelthari regime to take refuge in the Nexus Wardship. Philosophical and solid, with a teasing sense of humour. Married to Gertrude Thompsonas; former teacher to Celia and Grace Speck.

1. Impulse

Other Tales from the Wardship
Olivia Stone
1. Torchlight
2. Illuminated
Last edited by Former Citizens of the Nimbus System on Sat Feb 01, 2025 2:08 pm, edited 4 times in total.
We are the Nexus Wardship of Former Citizens of the Nimbus System, not just a collection of people; please shorten to the pre-title or use the full name!

Emmet: You might see a mess -
Lord Business: Exactly: a bunch of weird, dorky stuff that ruined my perfectly good stuff!
Emmet: Okay. What I see are people, inspired by each other and by you - people taking what you made and making something new out of it.

The central Nimban cultural ideal summed up in an exchange from The Lego Movie.

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Postby Aboveland » Fri Jan 17, 2025 11:37 pm

Iskajarvi International Airport
Really, really deep in the off-season

Routines: saunas, mindfulness, coffee shops, flat whites, flashbacks, time skips. All very well known by now. Janne Laukkanen's poison of choice this time: the way the silky microfoam of his airport coffee drapes and clings onto his upper lip like a fuzzy caterpillar. The fine hairs — numerous, as opposed to how rare they were years prior — above the slim strip of pink flesh prickle the tip of his tongue, as he closes his eyes with a delighted, indulgent grin.

"That's your third today!" chuckles Ted — Pressley, of Pressley fame — as Janne approaches him. The folds of his cheeks, which deepen as he smiles, strech his flesh out enough that it brushes up against the microfiber-clad travel pillow which embraces his neck. He cocks his head slightly, looking ever so slightly down at the Abovian, and at how the wavy tufts of his dusty blond hair and high cheekbones frame his grin-narrowed lapis-blue eyes.

Janne nods and shrugs back, taking another sip and looking up at his... at Ted. The Tumbran's smile is mellow but tender, his eyes fallen but twinkly; he's not on edge as he tends to be in public, but then again, he's brought them both to a far, dinky corner of the main terminal to go about with their goodbyes. "I didn't know they had Kaksi Koiraa here," Janne finally replies. "I had to try it, of course." He places his cup onto Ted's lips and pours into his mouth, the Tumbran squirming at the sudden move but quickly lapping up the foam on his mouth with a giggle. In silence, suddenly remvoed from the scene, Janne scans the Tumbran's face, his eyes reveling in the stray hairs, dimple creases, and sparse, tiny moles peppered across his face. His lips purse as he studies his blemishes and pimple scars, the ends of his lush eyebrows, the curve of his jaw down to his barely stubble-ey chin. He can't bring himself to say anything; it's the thumping noise of obsession in his head that stops him from hearing himself think. If Ted could hear his thoughts, things would be much easier — he would either go feral, or seek a restraining order — but alas, he's doomed into trying to ease Ted into seeking them himself, through doey eyes, feathery, fleeting touches, and those absent-minded, longing trances, in which he scans every pore, senses every scent, and caresses every breath. It's jarring when Ted brings him back online.

"Well, uh, I better get going now," the Tumbran says, wiping the last of the coffee off his mouth with the cuff of his sweatshirt. He's still grinning, but the hand he's brought up to his face falls back beside him instead of on Janne's cheek. Both his hands, in fact, clutch togehter, and rest tucked somewhere under the backpack slung behind him. His brows hide a lingering discomfort, his pupils a queasy uneasiness — or maybe, it's just Janne's wishful thinking or fairytale narrative.

The Abovian nods back solemnly. "Okay," he cedes, glancing around the main hall. In one rapid, dismissive sweep of his head, he can't spot a single person turned their way; as he stretches his arms out to Ted to hug him goodbye, he takes his shot, and aims his lips at the Tumbran's. But somehow, despite his outstretched arms, they don't fully latch together as he'd expected. Ted grunts, and immediately, as his head is turned away towards Ted's shoulders, he feels a quick and wet smooch under his earlobe, just above his pulse, compounded by a hard, almost chummy squeeze in their embrace.

When Ted pulls their bodies apart, Janne notices that the repression he thought he saw in his gaze has been replaced by a far more certain discontent, even though his mouth is still turned up in a smirk. The edge of his mouth twitches as he inhales slightly, but he doesn't verbalize. It's not necessary; Janne knows what he wants to say: 'we talked about this.' And he would be right: they had. Very briefly, and all too vaguely. Still, he tries his luck again, stretching his hand out to rest it on Ted's, which now clutches the handle of his carry-on.

"See you when, then?" the Abovian asks, giving his hand a squeeze. Ted closes his eyes and nods.

"Soon," he exhales. "Hopefully sooner than later." He gathers his things, but before turning towards the escalator, he scans Janne up and down. "I could say it's your turn to come over now," he jibes, with a playful smile. The Abovian smiles back, but he's left no time to reply before Ted's off with his bags towards security screening, approaching the crowd gathered closer to the center of the main hall. He can't muster an "I love you" — is it even love, anyway? — nor a simple "bye"; instead, he compromises with a wave, mouth ajar, head empty, directed at the backside of a quickly disappearing Ted.

Home to Terho Talvela, three-time WGPC World Champion, and one-time WSRC World Champion

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Postby Zalivinia » Sat Jan 18, 2025 4:30 am


Fragment of an online article about the Berezowski family.

Berezowski, a surname well known in Zalivinia, especially by those who are in any way involved with the sea business. The biggest sea freight company in the country, established almost 30 years ago, quickly rose to power thanks to its founder and current CEO Siergiej Berezowski. Born into a working class family in Zatokia, during a time when mandatory conscription was still in place, he served a year in the navy as most men from the coast did. After completing his service, he worked as a seaman for a local company. Year’s later having the opportunity he and a couple fellow interested investors started up a new company ‘Transportowa Żegluga Morska,’ ‘TŻM’ in short. Thanks to his understanding of the industry, he rose in the ranks eventually becoming CEO and taking over most influence over the company that was rebranded to ‘Zal Shipping Lines’ or ‘ZSL’. During that time he also married Natalia Herdzońska, and had four children: Natalia (28), Adam (26), Sara (26) and Hanna (22). His wife unfortunately passed away twelve years ago due to an undisclosed medical condition.
He took care of his children but was shaken by the loss of his wife. Their family life and the remainder of the children's childhood after that point was kept very secure and private.

Currently ‘ZSL’ with over thirty ships controls around 40% of the domestic market share.
Natalia Berezowska is working in her fathers company, raising the ranks as quickly as her father did. Adam the sole son of Siergiej, has forged a different path to himself. After completing high school, he apparently cut contact with his father, there were reports of his seeings all over Esportivia, indulged in parties, women and questionable entertainment and business. His twin sister Sara meanwhile graduated the Zalivinian Naval Academy and has enlisted into the Navy, serving there ever since. The youngest one Hanna is currently leading the most intriguing career in motorsports. The twenty-two-year-old has been competing since early childhood, starting from karting and ending up in single-seaters.
And with the upcoming WGPC, it is said that she, with the help and money of her fathers company will try to secure a seat alongside the best of the best.

East coast of Zalivinia, Berezowski sea side residence. 

The villa overlooked the country's west coast, known for its long stretches of sandy beaches bordered by dense pine forests and sand dunes.
It was a cheaper alternative to the most popular tourist destination on the east coast that was offering warmer weather and water, but that also meant less prying eyes and a calmer atmosphere without the crowds. 

Natalia relaxed comfortably on the patio chair, her slim body covered by a stylish black dress that fit her well. Her light skin appeared to shine in the sunlight coming through the awning, which stood out against her short black hair that fell around her sharp features.
Though she appeared to be distant and cool, there was some warmth in her bright blue eyes when gazing at her younger sister Hanna that sat opposite of her. 

Hanna was looking very different from her sister's cold beauty. Her face was softer and rounder with gentle cheeks that made her look young, almost childish.
Dimples indented her cheeks as she smiled, her green eyes sparkling with a calm, contented light. She was the picture of serenity and her mother, her frame clad in a simple white sundress and a light sweater, her hair a cascade of dark curls to shoulder length.

“You’re too calm for someone about to throw themselves into the lion’s den of motorsport.” Natalia said, her voice low, carrying just a trace of amusement.

Hanna’s smile widened, her dimples deepening further. “Should I be pacing and biting my nails? You know that’s not me.”

Natalia arched an eyebrow, leaning forward and resting her elbows on the table. Her blue eyes studied Hanna with a mix of curiosity and concern. “No, but some nerves wouldn’t hurt. This is serious, Hanna. You’ll be competing against drivers who’ve been clawing their way up for years. They won’t go easy, it’s a business.”

Hanna tilted her head, her curls shifting with the movement. “I know, Natalia,” she said softly, her tone steady. “That’s why I’ve been preparing. Racing, simulators, fitness—you’ve seen me. I’m not going into this blind.”

Natalia sighed, her sharp features softening just slightly. “I’ve seen you, but I also know how cutthroat this world is. Sponsors, politics, connections—it’s not always about who’s fastest on the track, you are lucky me and dad are with you.”

The smile faded from Hanna’s lips, and she met her sister’s gaze directly. “I know it’s not just talent,” she said firmly. “I’ve watched you deal with all the behind-the-scenes chaos. You’ve taught me how to navigate that, remember?”

For a moment, a flicker of pride crossed Natalia’s face, she did teach her sister many things, well for most of her school year's she had to give her math tutoring. She leaned back in her chair, nodding slowly. “Good.” She said before reaching for her phone on the table, her expression shifting as she read a message. “I need to get going,” Natalia said abruptly, standing and smoothing the fabric of her dress. She stepped toward the sliding glass door that led inside the villa.

“I’ll call you later,” she added, pausing for a moment as though remembering something. She turned back to Hanna, her expression thoughtful. “Oh, and I almost forgot, Dad talked with your agent. He will tell you more later probably, see you soon sister.” With that, Natalia disappeared into the house, leaving Hanna alone on the patio. Hanna leaned back in her chair, a thoughtful smile playing on her lips.

Hanna Berezowska is ready to accept all test invitations.

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Postby Liventia » Sat Jan 18, 2025 5:04 am

World Grand Prix Organisation announcement

The World Grand Prix Championship 21 series organisers are pleased to confirm the following 13 teams have been granted WGPO licenses to race in WGPC21: Urotovsky-Gatutin, Preston Autos, Nexus Racing, Pressley Racing, Eminent, Cygnus, HMG Grand Prix, Ælund Grand Prix, KISMO, GPA Pryfors Bilar, Viska, Race Eelandii VTGP, HiTEN.gpt.

These 13 teams may begin the driver signing process. They should also confirm their engine and tyre suppliers when possible.

Teams which have not yet announced such suppliers may choose from the following engines and suppliers: Preston Autos Skychief V6, Sturmburgher PD02/25, UrGa ZhS-1000, Ælund CMYK Racing Technologies CMYK-T20V8H, Kissan Motors KS.APEX-01, Pryfors Bilar, Sidus 616W-1, Tropicorp TRE-2T24V8, and stock WGPC21 supplier Franklin Motorsport WGP-X2.

The following tyres may be selected: Brimstone, Solymok, Beet Street Tires, Thandorian Tires, Phoenician-In Motion, Tropicorp Racing Supply, and stock WGPC21 supplier Blue Sulphurate.

The WGPO will announce the selected circuits making up this season's calendar in a week.
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I lived two lives, and from time to time I got confused.

Postby Lisander » Sat Jan 18, 2025 5:17 am

How was that possible?

She, who had earned millions of dollars over the last three years, only had L$8.00. Well, all she had to do was forget her other smartphone and have the wrong terminal on her wrist.

January 04 16:26
HARMIN - ATM 24h system - Bellesur Kasandora Shopping
(authenticated by LSiD device)
Laura Werner LSiD WRNR8236 - Home Branch HARMIN LEMIEUX SAI

was the text appearing on the screen of the ATM.

Apparently, in the rush that morning, instead of taking her LSiD bracelet, Anneliese had taken Laura's (her ‘persona’) LSiD bracelet. Now it would be practically impossible to do anything because she didn't have the right hair, the right eyes or the right fingerprints...

It was hard to be a fake in Lisander, even if it was by accident.

    After the LSiD system was implemented six years earlier, paper money had become much less common in Lisander. It was still kept in banks and accepted in shops, and some people still only used it for security reasons. However, the convenience of having all your data within the LSiD system meant that all banks quickly integrated with the country's digital identity system, offering an even faster way to pay than a credit card. Access to each LSiD (the digital identity) is assigned to a small device called a terminal, composed of a microchip and an emitter, set on a small 40sqmm board. The microchip stores access to all the information the user wants to keep accessible. Private banks, under the supervision of the Lisander National Bank, have developed subsystems using the LSiD system, so that most people can use their bank details via their terminals. Most people generally keep their most important personal data, such as bank details and medical data, accessible so that they can make purchases or, in the event of an emergency, be treated at a hospital. For safety's sake, parents can put trackers on the LSiDs of their children up to the age of 16.

    Everyone living in Lisander has an LSiD, which is given by the government (usually the Town Hall, foreigners are handed it in customs) free of charge, and recommended to carry, although not compulsory. No one will be arrested for not having an LSiD with them, but they may be scolded by the authorities. As an object of daily use, it's clear that there's a culture of customising the LSiD in full development, especially among younger people, which is divided between ‘developers’ and ‘crafters’.

    It is possible for developers, with the right knowledge and the appropriate government authorisation, to create modules or subsystems. Thus, there are countless modules and subsystems available. Many of them are from the government itself, such as the widely used property and vehicle registers. The latter has effectively replaced licence plates. Localisation, vaccine control, toll payments, electronic signatures - all this is possible with the right module or subsystem. But with this crop of devs, it's obvious that some unorthodox modules have emerged for the system, such as the one that makes LSiD send a meow signal to the user's smartphone if their cat leaves the house.

    Crafters, on the other hand, are people who create accessories to attach them to or physically modify the LSiD terminal (which is theoretically forbidden by law). Some simply keep the LSiD in its original place, the detachable card, and keep it in their wallet, like a good old ID card. This is what older people, not used to accessories, usually do. Some people wear pendants, but this became unpopular among adults when banks started using LSiD in their transactions. As having to take off your necklace every time you make a payment is inconvenient, most people use bracelets or objects to charge the terminal. However, pendants are common for children, who don't have access to the formal banking system until they are sixteen. Teenagers in particular are the most interested in crafting and showing off their customised LSiDs on social media. There are thousands of videos like ‘What's my LSiD bracelet today?’ or ‘I put my terminal in my sneakers, now I pay for everything with my feet’ on social media. The current trend among girls is the mini-doll, a little knitted or crocheted doll, usually made to look like the owner herself, into which the terminal is sewn.

    Some people wear them on rings, but the risk of damage is high if you forget and hit something with your hands, so it's not extremely popular. Some people modify the terminal by sanding off the extra millimetres from the plate and leaving only the minimum space for the microchip and the emitter, to fit very small objects such as poker chips, asthma inhalers, gloves or lipsticks. There are even some who have chosen to place the LSiD terminal inside their bodies, usually inserting it into the back of their hand or forearm, which has caused panic among some religious zealots. Hashtags like #LSiDistheBeastMark were common among right-wing trends for some time.

Faced with her inattention, Anneliese had no choice but to leave the ATM and go and sit on a bench in the shopping centre corridor. Picking up the phone she had, a dumber one, she began exchanging SMS with her accountant, Lisa Bohn.

Luisa, can you send a thousand lises to that friend of mine, Laura Werner?

I told you, no direct transfers.
Laura can't be close enough to you for you to lend her money.
What happened? Are you in Saint Ianina?


I left with the wrong terminal, and I'm in the Bellesur Shopping Centre.
There are only eight lises in her account, what happened?
I thought I had more...
I'm travelling tonight, so I need some cash!


You spent the entire ‘embassy Christmas bonus’ at the Duty-Free shop.
Buying sunglasses and perfume.
And you still haven't hired someone to take your place there.
Do you think you can handle this double life? Really?

Days later, on the tropical island of Saint Ianina

Saint Ianina Local Health Centres were precarious. However, what they lacked in amenities, they provided proper care and attention.

"How can I help you, Miss Werner?" - the doctor, a woman in her fifties, talked with a heavy Creole accent.

"I have a rash on my back, between my shoulders. I think I was bitten by a mosquito and had an allergic reaction or something related to the heat. I feel my back burning. It's unhealthily hot for me these days."

"So, let us look at it. Could you please..."


"So, these are tropical illnesses, caused by heat and sweat and long sessions of your Sim Racing in those sweaters. Nothing else you can do, other than return to Lisander and stop living a double life. It will get even worse as soon as you return to WGPC, I've already told you that. Why do you never look at your finances that carefully?"
- Those were the words of Lisa Bohn again. The accountant was getting mad at the way of life that Anneliese was living. She was too lax for the sake of her cover.

"Because I have you and your brother to take care of this for me. Now please make me able to buy these medicines."

"I'm not the accountant for Miss Laura Werner. Make her ask if they can give it for free."

"So, I can't send my money to my friend because you're not willing to work?"

"Miss Devereux" she said, very professionally "I must guarantee you I'm doing this in the best interests of your financial freedom. Do you want to be completely free of the claws of the inhumane amount of taxes we pay at the Principality? You must behave accordingly." - Bohn's voice on the other side of the speaker was annoyed. "If your financial freedom isn't in your best interests anymore, we may simply cease our current contract. If that's your worry, you know I'd never hand your data to the revenue. For how long have we been friends, Anneliese?"

Anneliese knew she must trust Lisa. They grew together as friends. Lisa was one of the girls in St. Marian Orphanage, separated from her brother Mariano by a street, as he lived in the St. Quentin Orphanage for boys. Lisa dreamed of becoming a hockey player, but her complexion was always too frail, she was a picky eater and kind of nerdy, so she was one of those who hardly got friends, and relied on Anneliese back in the day. Later, she failed the college hockey tryouts and never was accepted into any club. Due to her intellect, Lisa became herself a great accountant. She was agile, dependable and intelligent, and Anneliese would never think she would betray her or hand her to the authorities. But it was quite problematic not to have access to all her money all of the time. She needed to think ahead of the problem. Anneliese Devereux had to fix her "double life" before getting on tests, if willing to do all possible tests for WGPC 21.
Last edited by Lisander on Sat Jan 18, 2025 5:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Sharktail » Sat Jan 18, 2025 5:22 am

On a cold Saturday afternoon, Hazrin sat on the hut at paddy field near his grandfather's house. He chose to return to his village in Seri Meranti to calm his mind. A group of children happily playing in the paddy field.

Every now and then, Hazrin turned his eyes towards that direction; the sound of laughter was very clear and pleasant. "The sound of happy laughter is always calm and comforting. Hopefully, that's what can happen this year." Hazrin, staring at the sky. The message from his former team in Sharktail GP just confirmed in the press that he might not come back next season.

"Official Statement regarding our driver, Nik Hazrin Lutfi,

First of all, we would like to say a million thanks to Hazrin and his management for all the cooperation and high commitment given. Although this relationship is expected to be able to last longer, Shade Techno Racing takes care of each rider. As stated, Hazrin will officially active participate in test with WGPC teams. As we not ruling out anything yet, he might not come back for the new season in Sharktail GP. We here would like to say a million thanks to Hazrin for all his achievements and wish him success. Happy to work with him together again next time."

It's kinda disappointing not being able to end with the championship. Perhaps for the whole team, it was the best achievement to win the team championship, but Hazrin's efforts throughout the season only awarded him 2nd place in the driver championship.

As the hind mind scatters around many different routes, a notification is in. Hazrin glanced at the notification on his phone. His new agent, Royal Athlete, sent a message and updated the progress. As part of his big ambition to be on the world stage, it's better to be with more professional and good staff. After a shortlist of all the offers he had, he seems a Royal Athlete who has massive clients and experience handling domestic and international related matters of Sharktail athletes, so it is not hard to guess where he will shift his focus.


Hello Mr. Hazrin. Thank you again for trusting and cooperating with us to continue your career. It was a big honour from our side as well to keep helping and backing up the Sharktalian athlete on the world stage. Royal Athlete has completed the complete document details for the WGPC and will manage any affairs and matters related to the WGPC 21. We have notified all parties and teams about your interest; Nik Hazrin Lutfi, to accept and be ready to participate in all test invitations.We will always keep you updating from time to time.

Thank you"

Hazrin closed his eyes for a few seconds and stood up. "Guess it's time to go back to town and continue the simulation training." A bright smile finally showed in his face. He walked off with more confidence than before, as he seemed ready to face all challenges.
Last edited by Sharktail on Sat Jan 18, 2025 5:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Tumbra » Sat Jan 18, 2025 7:24 am

Pressley Racing offers its first seat to Dario Nülkeschläger.
Pressley Racing offers its second seat to Nini Johnsilvaturr.

Pressley Racing welcomes in-universe pitches by all engine and tyre supliers interested in supplying Pressley for the upcoming season.

Ted Pressley expresses interest in the following teams: Ælund Grand Prix, Preston Autos, Viska, KISMO, HMG Grand Prix, Urotovsky-Gatutin, Race Eelandii VTGP, and HiTEN.gpt and will sign up for all trials conducted by those teams.

The following part should be read as if it is a transcript from a Youtube video from a content creator like The Mobile Chicane or Aidan Millward.

[...] Pressley hoped that he would be able to capitalise on his promising, if somewhat flat, first season with Kaylan. Believing that stability was the best chance he had on a grid which had no Motorworks team for him to fall back on, he re-signed with Kaylan for the next season, the WGPC's twentieth, after his second-placed finish in Filindostan. The team, somewhat ironically, was immediately rewarded with a thirteenth-placed finish in the next race at Auruna, but it was largely explained away with an excuse that the track did not fit the car's characteristics. Pressley would describe, in his autobiography released years after he retired from the sport, the Kaylan T180 as "moody"; while the engine's displacement was excellent and could go toe-to-toe on the straights, it suffered from a lack of control in the corners. Ted would, too, attribute the car's lack of pace in corners somewhat to his own confidence, or lack thereof. After all, he and his team-mate, Chromatik Anola Melani, were both rookies, and there wasn't a lot that could be done there. But the end of the season looked much better than the start of it; points finishes in both sprint and feature race in Siovanija and Teusland, Hapilopper and Vilita to close out the season in fourteenth place with 44 points. Of the drivers that made their way up from the fabled WGP2 Season 4 championship, Pressley finished second; series winner Heinz-Otto Junker finished was last with just three points to his name, his team-mate Melani had fourteen, Licentian driver Joy Wingelaar finished on eighteen, compounding a miserable season for the Teus team. Janne Laukkanen, the Nimbus development driver, had twenty-three points, leaving the surprise winner of the WGP2 Rookie Stakes as Aurun driver Laura Haukanna, who scored sixty-five and a half points with two podiums for the Diarcesian team of Pryfors Bilar.

But if Ted thought that the second season would be an improvement, he would be both correct and wrong. It was clear in the off-season that Kaylan's interest in an international motorsports program had waned dramatically, and that was reflected in the level of investment the WGPC team got for Season 20. Gone was Melani, too; she'd disappeared after the final race in Vilita, meaning his team-mate for his second season in WGPC would be Kaylan junior driver Darian Vilau. Vilau, admittedly, had an excellent resume; he'd just finished second in the by-now largely forgotten WGP2 Season 5, winning two races. But it would add even more pressure on Ted, who was now faced with the prospect of becoming team leader with just eleven Grands Prix under his belt. Some say that Kaylan attempted to sign the other Togonistani driver, Dom Falepeau, who at the time was a free agent after being released by Badai Agnin as they withdrew from the sport, but were unable to come to terms financially, highlighting how dire Kaylan's financial situation was. [...]

[...] Pressley's performances in the Kaylan T181, widely regarded as "undriveable" by many a critic, were surprising, to say the least; after a classic early-season dip in form, Pressley knuckled down and seemed to wrestle every last bit of performance out of the car, culminating in a surprise podium at Aboveland. Just like last season in Filindostan, the race marked a turning point for Pressley; now convinced he was able to secure a drive outside of the team, he announced that he was leaving Kaylan at the end of the season. Mere hours later, Kaylan themselves announced they were not returning for the next season, giving Pressley the advantage of being seen as jumping before he was pushed. The writing had been on the wall for a while, now, anyway; the T181 was a simple evolution of the already difficult-to-drive T180, and not the drastic change in concept that the Kaylan car so desperately needed. Rarely does it feel like WGPC teams go backward instead of forward when evolving their car, but in Kaylan's case, the casual observer definitely would have felt that. In any case, Ted's ninth-placed finish in the championship at the end of the season felt like a miracle; he outscored his team-mate forty-six points to one, with Kaylan finishing in eleventh place, their combined points total one below the previous season's runners-up Tropicorp Racing Ælund, which was now racing as Colourworks. [...]

[...] The next section of Ted's career, the search for a new team, largely comes with information from his autobiography; where Ted would move to was one of the big stories of the off-season in a grid that was largely expected to be settled early. There was no question that a return to the team bearing his family's surname, Pressley, was out of the question; they had settled their driver line-up early, anyway. He wasn't interested in driving for the futuristic machine teams of Nexus nor Cygnus, even if the latter had a car that had brought a championship to their driver, Brendan Faloe, on its first attempt, either. Eminent had a history of front-loading their upgrades in a way that meant they were very fast at the start of their seasons but melted off quickly, which made them unappealing as a place for Ted. Nor was he really interested in driving for Pryfors Bilar, despite their history in WGPC; their driver lineup of Haukanna and local girl Sam Blaatschappen seemed largely to be solved even before the season began. This left eight teams for him to make his case to, and while he would have preferred an experienced setup at say, Carvenlo, the Liventian outfit had not applied for a license at all in the twenty-first season, perhaps chastened by their modest results in the season beforehand, where they finished second from bottom.

The eight teams in question could be split into three categories. The first category was the new teams; namely, HMG, KISMO and HiTEN.gpt. Ted admittedly felt reluctant to go back into what was all likelihood going to be a struggle near the rear of the grid, and act as a team leader, but still felt like they should have the time of day from him. There was something appealing about them, despite being first-timer entries, which was the chance to have a car moulded (presumably) in his favour as they got to grips with the series.

The second category were the manufacturers. There were another three of them on the grid: Preston, Viska, and Urotovsky-Gatutin. Preston, with the Esportivan connection, was obviously the most appealing seat on the grid, but there would be a high amount of competition for that seat. Viska, with two open seats, was another constructor Ted was interested in joining, though the language barrier was going to be the largest problem there. Urotovsky-Gatutin seemed to have a settled driver lineup, with Skiia Vialiv and Adonis Fitzpatrick working well, but there was no harm in trying.

Then there was the final category, the so-called garagistes, but to call them that was possibly a misnomer. There were just two teams in this category: Ælund Grand Prix, which had rebranded for the second time in two seasons, and Race Eelandii VTGP. Eelandii also had a semi-settled lineup, with Cocoabo #23 receiving the backing of the team, and while Lane Carter had suffered a terrible second half of the season, he did bring home a win for VTGP, making his seat look largely secure. Ælund thus presented the most appealing option; in Ted's own words, being based out of Aboveland would be extremely convenient since Aboveland was also in Esportiva. His autobiography also vaguely hinted at more personal reasons at being wanted to be based in Aboveland. While they had suffered a terrible season, finishing tenth in the constructor's championship and with reigning driver's champion iBen Toralmintii finishing with just eleven points all season, the opportunity to go up against a former world champion was also extremely appealing to him as a way to see how good he was. He was slightly wary of the fact that they'd started their own engine programme, considering the amount of success they'd had with the all-conquering Tropicorp engine, but the it could also be seen as a plus — they seemed convinced that the way forward was independence, and they clearly knew what they were doing.

So those were the eight teams that Ted could've driven for; but were any of them convinced by him? That would have to wait until the pre-season trials [...]
Last edited by Tumbra on Tue Jan 21, 2025 9:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Aji No Moto
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Postby Aji No Moto » Sat Jan 18, 2025 8:15 am

KISMO confirms Shuhei Kamado as one of its drivers for the upcoming season.
KISMO contracts Solymok as its official tyre supplier.

Hiromu Sugiyama's office
Serizawa, Aji No Moto

It was another day at the office for Hiromu. He had to miss attending the NSSCRA organization's race at Quebec to kickstart preparations for the NSSCRA race weekend in Sankyoku, and has not heard anything from the WGPO office regarding KISMO's application to be one of the constructors for the upcoming season. It was the case until a few hours later when he received the confirmation that they had been accepted as one of the entries for this season. He quickly set up a meeting with key stakeholders to discuss specific details regarding their WGPC entry.

Present in the meeting were Sugiyama, the de facto team principal, Goro Makioka, the technical director of the WGPC project, Kumi Takagi, the chief financial officer who manages the sponsorships and finances of the team, and Kai Sano, driver development chief.

Hiromu announced in the meeting that they have been accepted entry to the WGPC 21 championship, and will continue with the initial plan - confirming Shuhei Kamado as one of the drivers of the team, and contracting Solymok as their official tyre supplier for the season. It was now up to them to select the driver to partner Kamado for their WGPC return.

Kai handed a list of free agent drivers to each one present in the meeting. While there were names that piqued their interest, the four aligned that they cannot afford to hire an inexperienced or a pay driver to drive alongside Shuhei, so they had to whittle down the list of drivers that they were interested in to a select few. Hiromu took a good look in the list and gave Kai a thumbs up to send an official communication to these drivers for a private testing session in an undisclosed track location.

These emails were sent via BCC to the following drivers: Ted Pressley, Anneliese Devereux, Rudy Edwards, Brendan Faloe, Dario Nülkeschläger, Adriana Ela Kowalski Lillian, Angela Stella Tan Fang Ling, William Archer, Adonis Fitzpatrick, Lane Carter, Batu Tüvshinbayar, Janne Laukkanen, Abdoulaye Goita, Sam Blaatschapen, Ryker Lane, Olivia Stone, Kinu Luminna, Laura Haukanna, R.L. Cruisin, iBen Toralmintii, Cocaobo #23, Skiia Vialiv

"For sure some of these drivers already have arrangements to drive for other teams, but let's see." Hiromu added as he closed out their meeting.
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Valentine Z
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Postby Valentine Z » Sat Jan 18, 2025 2:09 pm

Part 1 – A Configuration of Artificial Intelligence and Human Brain Emulation; and an Astronaut that has seen speeds exceeding 1e+60 km/h.

Zastępca Strażnika Adriana Krystal Desiree “Cudowny Manipulacja Światłem” Venus Kowalski Faith Stanisława Engelse I. Cherise Krystyna Zaborowska Sztormowska Pamela Alina Re. T. Lillian looked at the list of teams that got into this new season of WGPC. “It’s been so long, wow!” she exclaimed to herself as she reads through, wondering if she will decide to simply find time to portal through the NSSCRA and Grand Prix locations instead of doing that whole thing regarding running two instances of herself. While it was absolutely a success, running perfectly without hiccups, on top of it being legal (at least from the indication that none of the officials have approached), she did not fancy too much about having to interact with herself and working with the timeframe conflicts – not of the race, but because of the two systems running simultaneously. The merging was a success but it is also quite tedious to do. “I will just try that! Me as the only instance to run in both of these motorsports, but I will hopefully have the Valentians, especially Eveline, to help me with this sort of thing.” Looking back at the teams, she found a couple of them that she would like to be in – in particular, she expressed fondness for Eminent, for it is a team that has never let her down and she feels that there is no other team this at she would rather be in – provided Eminent’s willing.

Just as she was looking through the teams and their about pages, Adriana was notified of an email that she just received. “Oooh!” she exclaimed, giddy with excitement, “Could it be Eminent asking for me? Let me see!” To which she opened it up and much to her surprise, it’s an email from Kai Sano of KISMO, particularly from Aji No Moto. Adriana has heard about the place so it’s no stranger to her. And it is not that she is disappointed that the email was not from Eminent. In fact, Adriana valued this email just as much and that she was looking through it, wondering if she can make this as a fallback plan if Eminent was not able to reach to her or that she failed to get that spot. It’s not as if Eminent guaranteed the spot for her, and that is more than fine. For the Valentian, she has always been prepared for several scenarios, thousands of decision trees having already been established in her head as Adriana computed all of them and their likely probabilities. With that said and done, there was no time to waste – if the drivers are already being seeked out by the teams, it’s time for her to send emails of her own to all of the teams that were doing the tryouts. Adriana Ela Kowalski Lillian accepts the Private Testing Session that is to be conducted by Aji No Moto. She also sent out an email to Eminent, Preston Autos, Cygnus, Ælund Grand Prix, HMG Grand Prix.

1st Cpt. Angela Stella Trista Josephine Natalie Rv. E. Tps. “The Eternal Explorer” Bethany Alyssa Valeska Payton. Mikayla Gosling Josie Rowan Serenity Chelsea Lynette Hannah Tan Fang Ling, at that moment, was also checking through her email. Looking through the teams, she knew in her heart that she was not going to be able to Cygnus; the performance that she provided despite the best efforts from the team was less than satisfactory. Lonely point that somehow luckily didn’t put her in the last, but on 3rd last. Regardless, it was the most embarrassing performance in her growing career (at least, for now), to which Angela blamed herself for the troubles and she believed that she gave her team a very bad name. “Maybe it might have worked better in WGP2 but ah well, I have already signed up and so now I will need to find a team. The problem is, who will I look for?” The list of the teams were provided in front of her on her computer’s screen – both the familiar and the unfamiliar. There are a couple of teams that are out of the question due to their performance and no-setback attitude, at least from what Angela perceived. That does or does not dictate what the teams are actually like, but Angela’s perception is that of a few of the teams are much more demanding than others. Looking through the team list, Angela Stella Tan Fang Ling has sent emails to the following teams, indicating her interest in any possible tryouts that they might have for her: Preston Autos, Nexus Racing, KISMO, Viska, Race Eelandii VTGP, Ælund Grand Prix, and HiTEN.gpt. Her hand hovered over Cygnus’.

Just as she was about to send the email, another notification popped up, from a very familiar name. “Oh, just in time!” Angela thought, cheering to herself a bit but she expected that they are not going to offer her, considering the atrocious performance that she did. “From the Desk of William Emerson, PhD,” the email wrote with quite an elegance and something that she always love, followed by the entirety of her name that was in its full glory in her color. She read the email further, “Before I say anything else, I would like to sincerely thank you for your time and your commitment to Cygnus last season. You gave us all a window into a wonderful world and served as a perfect anchor for us all to settle ourselves into the cutthroat world of the WGPC.” All good and nice, Angela thought. Then naturally, came unfortunate development. “That being kindly said, it is that cutthroat world that beckons me to write this letter. I am afraid it is a fait accompli that your contract with us will not be renewed for the upcoming season. For our team to almost perfectly sandwich the Drivers’ Championship standings – Brendan winning it all and yourself coming away with just one point- is a very strange look, and one none of our numerous and influential shareholders want for us to maintain. In the face of their demands, as well as this season’s lucrative free agent market, I must regretfully agree with them. It is my understanding that you are already beginning to approach other teams in an attempt to secure a race seat. Should you require it, please know that I am fully willing to personally vouch for you. I do not view your poor results as a reflection of your skill as a driver in any way. You are still WGPC material, and I will go to the ends of the Verse to defend that. It is just that you may find better success at another team than you would at Cygnus.” Angela understood that fully – as it has been aforementioned both by herself and by Dr. Emerson – she was atrocious at her job. Still, it could change, right? Maybe she might find luck for this season somehow.

There was however, some ray of hope. Angela knew that it pained Dr. Emerson to write this and even then, there is still a bone being thrown her way. The email then continued on, “In the event you fail to secure a race seat, by all means, we would be happy (and willing to appease the shareholders) to grant you a position as a test and reserve driver. Additionally, should it be legal that you may return to WGP2 in the future, we would gladly enter Cygnus into the championship to guarantee you a race seat then. Know that this is not a decision I have made half-heartedly or with any semblance of joy. But for now, we must go our own ways.” Angela nodded to herself, sighing a relief that they didn’t hold her in contempt too much. It was for certain that she is not going to come back to Cygnus for this season. The first time was bad enough but it happening twice in a row would be as if an embarrassment doubled, or even squared, or by some exponential function. The fact that they are willing to welcome her into WGP2 should she decide to drop back into it, spoke volumes about the friendship (and some business relations) that she made with them. It then ends on a good note, as always: “Please feel free to communicate with me if you need my help to vouch for you, or for any other reasonable requests. And good luck. Yours sincerely, William Emerson, PhD Team Manager, Sturmburgher Cygnus Motorsport Team.” And there is that, the email from Dr. Emerson. Gathering her thoughts for a while – not out of anger or disappointment or sadness, but understanding, she wrote back the reply.

“Hello and Good Day to you, Dr. William Emerson. I genuinely and sincerely appreciate that you have taken the time to write to me this email. First and absolutely the foremost, I do not hold you or any of the Cygnus members and staff with any amount of contempt. If anything, I would like to thank you all for tolerating with my performance during the previous season. While it may not be my skill as a driver or just something that happened along the way, I definitely will take the responsibility for my shortcomings, and the fact that I only contributed a single point for your team. I do thank you for cheering me on, but perhaps I will have to check again as to if I am WGPC material with this upcoming season. Part of me is indeed a little apprehensive that what happened in the previous season will also befall me this time. Still, touch wood, I hope that I will be able to get as much as I can with other teams that I’ll be able to sign up with. Once again, please do not worry, for I do not feel any amount of contempt with Cygnus. Perhaps I might be able to come back one day, but for the time being, it is my onus to prove myself with this season. With this all said and done, however, I would like to make a genuine request if that is all right – for the sake of simply trying out once again, I would still like to join the tryouts or driver trials that you might have planned. Other than that, I would like to wish your team the very best, along with my best wishes to Brendan Faloe. Yours Sincerely, Angela Stella Tan Fang Ling.” The emails have been sent, and then it was up to Fate to determine her, well, fate.

OOC: My thanks to Esmerel for the email part from Dr. William Emerson. For absolute clarity sake, any mention of AI is only regarding Adriana in ICly sense, I am writing everything manually, not even AI-generated prompts.
Last edited by Valentine Z on Sat Jan 18, 2025 2:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Great Thandoria
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An Exclusive Interview with Rookie Driver Otto Markul

Postby Great Thandoria » Sat Jan 18, 2025 4:10 pm

News from Great Thandroia: An Exclusive Interview with Rookie Driver Otto Markul

The studio lights are shining bright, and you can really feel the buzz in the air. Sitting in the guest chair is 18-year-old rookie driver Otto Markul, who’s quickly making waves in the racing world. He looks a bit nervous but mostly excited as he takes in "Drive," a show that dives deep into car culture and racing. When host Julian Castro introduces him, Otto can feel the adrenaline running through him. He wipes his palms on his racing jacket, trying to shake his nerves.

“Welcome, Otto! It’s great to have you here,” Julian says, his enthusiasm contagious. Otto smiles back, feeling a little shy as he shifts in his seat and fiddles with his jacket. Taking a deep breath, he reminds himself to relax.

“Thanks for having me, Julian,” Otto replies, his voice steady.

Julian leans forward, curiosity lighting up his face. “So, Otto, you’ve been dreaming of this moment for a long time. When did you first fall in love with racing?”

Otto’s face lights up, with a smile spreading across his lips. “I remember one morning waking up to find my parents in the garage. They had a Tony Kart Racer 401 T Go Kart for me, and I was just speechless!” He chuckles, the joy of that coming over him. “I entered my first race when I was just seven and managed to qualify first almost every time.”

As he shares his story, his eyes shine with determination, but a shadow crosses his face when he mentions his rival, Braxton. He leans back in his chair, crossing his arms as he recalls their rivalry. “But then there was Braxton. He was the best and had more points than me halfway through the season. That really pushed me to work harder. I wanted to prove myself.” He pauses, reflecting on that rivalry. “When the final race ended, it was Braxton who took the win. I promised myself I’d come back stronger.”

Julian nods, clearly captivated by Otto's story, and the audience leans in, hanging on every word. “And come back you did! You signed with the Tony Kart Racing Team and quickly made your way up the ranks. How does it feel to be in the big leagues now?”

Otto’s expression turns serious, and he sits up a little straighter. “It feels incredible! This is my rookie season in the WGPC, and I’m ready to give it everything I’ve got. Racing has always been my dream, and now it’s finally happening. I’ve worked hard to get here, and I won’t let anything hold me back.”

The audience bursts into applause, and Otto can’t help but grin, energized by their support. Julian, sensing the moment, asks about his goals for the season. “What are you hoping to achieve this year?”

Otto's eyes sparkle with ambition as he leans back, pondering his answer. “I want to learn as much as I can and perform well. I know it’s going to be tough, but I’m determined to make my mark.” He clenches his fists. “I’ve dreamed of this my whole life, and I won’t let this opportunity slip away.”

As the conversation flows, Julian shifts to the challenges of being a rookie in such a competitive environment. “What do you think will be your biggest challenge this season?”

Otto’s expression turns serious as he nods thoughtfully. “I think the biggest challenge will be managing the pressure. There are so many talented drivers, and the stakes are high. I have to stay focused and not let nerves get the best of me.” He runs a hand through his hair, a habit he’s picked up. “But I believe in myself. I’ve trained hard, and I know I can handle it.”

Julian leans in, his tone more serious. “Otto, with your talent and determination, do you hope to get signed by a major team this season, especially as you aim to race in WGPC Season 21?”

Otto's eyes widen with excitement, and he nods eagerly. “Absolutely! That’s my biggest hope. I want to prove myself and show that I belong in the big leagues. I’ve been lucky to have great sponsors, and their support means everything to me. I believe that with hard work and dedication, I can make it happen.”

As the interview continues, Otto shares stories from his journey, his voice filled with emotion as he reflects on his family's support and the challenges he’s faced. He talks about the thrill of racing, the camaraderie among drivers, and the pressure of competition. With each word, he reveals not just a racer but a young man driven by passion and purpose.

Julian then asks about Otto's training routine. “What does a typical day look like for you as you prepare for the season?”

Otto leans back, a grin spreading across his face as he thinks about his daily routine. “I start my day early with physical training—running, strength training, and flexibility exercises. Then I spend hours at the track, practicing my driving skills and working on my technique.” His excitement is clear as he gestures animatedly. “I also study footage of my races and my competitors to learn from them. It’s all about improving every day.”

The audience nods, clearly impressed by his dedication. Julian raises an eyebrow, intrigued. “And how do you handle the pressure of racing? Any pre-race rituals?”

Otto chuckles “I do have a few rituals! I always listen to my favorite music before a race to get pumped up. And I carry a lucky charm—a small keychain my parents gave me when I started racing. I keep it in my pocket for every race.” He pats his pocket.
Julian smiles. “Otto, it’s been a pleasure having you on the show. We can’t wait to see you on the track this season!”

Otto beams, his heart swelling with gratitude and excitement. “Thank you, Julian! I can’t wait either!” As applause fills the studio, he feels hope and determination, ready to take the challenges ahead in his racing career.
A land of opportunity, where dreams take flight,
Magnificent landscapes stretch from sea to shining sea,
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Postby Hapilopper » Sat Jan 18, 2025 4:50 pm

Preston Autos confirms Rudy Edwards for their first seat.
Preston Autos will use the Skychief V6 and Brimstone tires.
Preston Autos is willing to offer sponsorship and/or an engine deal to any team signing William Archer in order to help him seal the deal.
Preston Autos has invited the following drivers to a try-out for the second seat: Ted Pressley, Anneliese Devereux, Brendan Faloe, Nepo Kinder, Adriana Ela Kowalski Lillian, Angela Stella Tan Fang Ling, Adonis Fitzpatrick, Lane Carter, Batu Tuvshinbayar, Zsanett Bokor, Janne Laukkanen, Abdoulaye Goita, Sam Blaatschapen, Olivia Stone, Kinu Luminna, Laura Haukanna, Skiia Vialiv, Ankei Souzare.
Preston Autos has offered the Skychief V6 to the following teams: Pressley Racing, Eminent, HMG Grand Prix, Race Eelandii VTGP, HiTEN.gpt.
Brimstone Tires offers its tires to any team that wants them.

By Doug Goodman, the Power Network

HAPILOPPER CITY – Preston Autos has confirmed that Rudy Edwards will once again drive the lead Preston Autos works seat in the upcoming World Grand Prix Championship season.

Edwards’ status was in question during the offseason as sprint car driver Kenny Wilson was considered for the seat this year. However, a disastrous WGP2 season, where he finished near the bottom of the table, as well as serious foot and ankle injuries sustained in a sprint car accident, have put paid to those chances.

“We are pleased as punch to bring Rudy back to Preston Autos,” said Marty Lewis, team manager of Preston Autos Grand Prix Racing. “Rudy is a driver that can win races and world championships, and we’re glad he’s been a part of this program since day one.”

The second seat at Preston Autos will be filled as the result of a tryout. William Archer, who drove for the last three seasons at Preston, will not be back with the team this year, although Lewis said he wished Archer the best.

“He needed a change of scenery, and we’re not going to get in his way,” Lewis said. “I’ve said it before and I’ll say it now: I love Will. He’s done some magic here at Preston, but the time was right for him to move on. Any team that gets him is going to get a race winner and a championship contender, and they’re going to be lucky to have him. We wish him the best.”

Lewis said that the offer of financial assistance for Archer to secure a ride is still on the table.

“Racing costs money, and if Will needs help getting a seat, we’re more than happy to help him out,” Lewis said. “If that means a monetary sponsorship or an engine deal, that’s cool. I want him in the WGPC and I want him up front.”

Consequently, the team has invited a number of drivers to a try-out for the second seat. At the top of this list is Ted Pressley, a driver who last year was rumored to join the Preston team. Lewis said nothing has been confirmed as of now.

“Of course we’d love to have Ted Pressley in our car,” Lewis said. “But we haven’t spoken yet.”

Lewis and Preston Autos representative Doug Simpson have both confirmed that a number of drivers have been invited to a test session to be held in the near future at the Hapilopper City Grand Prix Circuit. Curiously, that list includes Olivia Stone, a native of the Nexus Wardship, a nation that houses Nimbus Racing, believed to be Preston Autos’ chief rival in Grand Prix racing.

Stone was involved in a trackside incident leading up to the Hapiloppian Grand Prix, where the wall at “Oh Crap There’s A Wall” was defaced, and was rumored to have a warrant out for her arrest in Hapilopper City. Lewis said, however, that such a rumor was untrue.

“What happened there was just a bad situation, nothing more, nothing less,” Lewis said. “Regardless, we felt the same way Olivia did. We’d also like to have her as a part of our team.”

Other drivers being considered include: Anneliese Devereux, Brendan Faloe, Nepo Kinder, Adriana Ela Kowalski Lillian, Angela Stella Tan Fang Ling, Adonis Fitzpatrick, Lane Carter, Batu Tuvshinbayar, Zsanett Bokor, Janne Laukkanen, Abdoulaye Goita, Sam Blaatschapen, Kinu Luminna, Laura Haukanna, Skiia Vialiv, Ankei Souzare.

(The following is a paid advertisement from Preston Autos.)
By Jeff Scott, communications manager, Preston Autos

There are a handful of teams out there seeking an engine to run in the upcoming World Grand Prix Championship. This may be the most important investment you can make when building your car. A good engine can make a mediocre race car into a winning one, yet a bad engine can keep a well-designed race car from reaching its full potential. Now in its fourth season of WGPC competition, Preston Autos’ stock block Skychief V6 engine is prepared to be offered to more teams than ever before, allowing them to receive a winning package.

As is well known by now, Preston offers a 3.43-liter, 209-cubic inch, turbocharged V6 engine using the same block that powers the Preston Skychief road car. The engine receives 55 inches of mercury in boost, allowing the output of over 1,200 horsepower in qualifying trim at 8,500 RPM. What that number is, to be exact, is a deeply-held secret, known only to those in Preston’s dyno department.

But why should a race team pick the Skychief V6 over other engine programs? The reasons involve simplicity, affordability and adaptability.

SIMPLICITY: Some WGPC engines are the result of intricate technologies that require an advanced-level doctorate in quantum physics to understand. Others try to work their way into an intricate series of neural networks that connect with the human mind. Instead, this is the same engine based off our most popular passenger car, the Preston Skychief. It isn’t an engine that requires an advanced certification in information technology just to turn on, it’s an engine that anyone – you or me, could operate with just a few simple tasks. A simple engine, doing its job, allows teams to focus on other things.

AFFORDABILITY: Hapiloppian teams have long extolled the virtues of the Skychief V6 giving them power without breaking the bank. We’ll hear this testimonial from Larry Peterson, owner of the Peterson Racing Team that competes in the Hapilopper Championship Series:

“We had some options when we were competing in the Hapilopper City 500. One was the Major V8, a good engine. Another was the Stevens V10, another good engine. But the costs of leasing those engines for one race were absolutely insane. We contacted Preston Autos and asked them about their stock block V6, and they gave us a quote that was half of what we were offered from Major and Stevens. We still had the same power. We could still contend.”

In the World Grand Prix Championship, where the price to compete is even higher, we estimate the price of the Skychief V6 engine program is one-third the cost of other engine offerings. Spending less on your engine means spending more on top talent and more on a great race car.

ADAPTABILITY: When you pick Preston, you get more than an engine lease for an upcoming season. You get a team of engineers that help you get your engine mated to your car. You get an engine that can fit in just about any race car, be it a Grand Prix car, Championship car, stock car, sports prototype or sprint car. Should you make the decision to pick Preston for the upcoming season, the company will send a team to your race shop to get the engine ready specifically for your team, and upgrade the engine specifically to your needs. At Preston, we know that race teams have different requirements, and this isn’t just our engine; this is your engine as well.
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Postby Esmerel » Sat Jan 18, 2025 8:12 pm

Prologue I
An Endless Now

Brendan Faloe
Age 24, male; a college graduate (Bachelor’s in Engineering) without (physical) motorsport experience prior to his dark horse run to the WDC. Appreciates confiding in others, and isn’t always the best at making decisions all by himself- but put him under pressure, and he’ll perform all the same. Goal in races is to stay out of trouble and survive the war of attrition, then put the hammer down when there’s no other way to win. Works with race engineer Cole Schmied. Also currently in graduate school, hoping to open up his options for the future- in case his run in motorsport doesn’t last forever.

Sunday, 30 July 2023
WGPC 20 Nuflora Esmerelian Grand Prix
Lap 15

A sharp radio tone rushed through Brendan’s ears and into his mind.

“Cars behind are boxing, Brendan,” spoke his race engineer, Cole Schmied. “Confirm you’re coming in at the end of this lap for new rubber, please.”

“I confirm,” Brendan casually replied. “We can put on a hard set and still be fast. This car at this track really comes alive.”

“That’s the home field advantage for you,” Cole admitted. “It comes in handy.”

Brendan winded his way around the fantastic Forest Cross circuit- up and down and all around, from crawling anticipation to all-out flight- and shot into the pit lane, making sure not to be too fast entering.

“Just keeping you caught up one more time; it’s the next to last garage,” Cole said. “Take it easy on this stint. The tires could make it, but we’ll need to be open to strategy changes from our rivals… Alright, three, two, one, right here!”

Brendan hooked his C101 to the right and into his crew’s pit box. Swiftly, the car rose onto the jacks, and a new set of hard Tropicorp Sifakas slotted onto the car. One, two, three… four?

Everything seemed to stop. The car wasn’t off the jacks, and the lollipop light hadn’t gone green. Much as Brendan was ready to go, holding the clutch in like he’d never done before, he wasn’t going anywhere.

Brendan managed to take a peek to the right. The right front tire wasn’t on the car. Its mechanics flailed about wildly, trying to signal something about the wheel gun having an issue. His heart sank.

Comparably swiftly for an issue like this, the right rear tire changer tossed over his functional wheel gun. The plan worked well enough. The right front tire was secured in place, and Brendan was finally able to launch out of the box.

7.2 seconds. Seven point two. In any other scenario such a span of time would probably be such a minor inconvenience to not matter at all. Here? Now, of all times? It could all but forfeit the World Championship.

Brendan could audibly hear the disappointment of the crowd in the stands above the pit lane as he finally exited the pit lane and into the dip right before The Welcome Mat- only to see a calm blue and orange #96 on his left side, and more competitors close behind.

For a brief moment, Brendan contemplated fighting back. But William Archer had the nose. Brendan had the colder tires. And Turn 1 was steeply banked with a difficult transition out. There wouldn’t be nearly enough grip to try and hold the inside and gun the throttle out of the turn. So he did what he could. Brendan took care to exit the first corner without incident- allowing Archer to clear him for the lead.

From here, Brendan fell in line behind the PGP-03. The first half of the lap was too much a test of the car’s handling to provide any obvious overtaking opportunities, and the few that still remained would be all or nothing- not worth it at all to try with 30+ laps to go. Still, this was going to be Brendan’s chance to shine. To prove himself. He knew this track better than any of the other drivers, though his relative lack of experience in driving the track probably leveled the playing field. Oh, well. He was taking all he could get.

Brendan focused and followed Archer through the first sector and a half, getting his tires up to temperature and studying where Archer was weakest. To a mind like his, it was clear both Archer and his car were weaker in the first half of the lap, and the gap only closed back up. He was right on Archer’s tail as the two shot through The Sling and into Kristophe’s Knife. From here, albeit separated by two heavy braking zones, the track opened up and let its drivers and cars go on the attack. Brendan maximized the exit- swinging out just a bit wide to avoid the dip on the inside- and opened up the throttle. This was where the power of the C101 would shine.

Unfortunately, if there was anything the Preston excelled at, it was power. Brendan’s supercapacitor tried roaring to life and getting alongside Archer down the Blast Zone, but the stock block V6 fought back better on the top end. The order could not change as both cars fell back in line through Heck’s Heart. Still, Brendan kept peeking left and right as the lap came to an end, looking for even the smallest chink in Archer’s armor.

That chink didn’t seem to exist, much as Brendan tried willing it into existence.

“Brendan, listen. Don’t burn out trying to pass someone you don’t need to,” Cole messaged. “Archer’s not really pushing it. If you get by him, he could easily get you back- not to mention leave you open for losing more positions. Got it? Don’t win the battle and lose the war.”

Brendan thought of something to say. Was this Cole’s pragmatism taking over? Settling for something like this? Not fighting for the win? All this shot through Brendan’s head as he kept driving. He wanted to finish things off with a win in front of the home crowd, not settle for second.

Heh. How unlike me, he reminisced a bit, finding the opportunity even amidst the difficult first half of the lap. Maybe this is what I need after all. Lose the battle, win the war. Brendan radioed back to Cole. “Where are all of my championship rivals?”

“They’re all behind you; you’re not fighting Archer,” Cole confirmed. “A few of them are on more aggressive pit strategies, so they’ll be quick coming up. Save your grip for defense.”

It was at that moment that an idea came to Brendan’s mind. “I copy,” he told Cole for the moment. But, at the same time… if I play this right, I won’t have to defend alone.

Over the next lap, Brendan continued following Archer through all the course’s twists and turns. Archer held on through the first half and opened up the second half, setting up a defensive push once again, waiting for an attack from Brendan… that never came. Brendan instead stayed behind Archer the whole time, and even held back ever so slightly, maximizing both drivers’ lap times. The next lap, he did it again. This was it. “The enemy of my enemy”. He knew Archer wanted to win, and he knew Archer had the car to do it. So if he could just get a bit of that success…

The more laps that passed, the clearer it was to everyone that not only was Brendan pulling the strategy off, he was on the receiving end of something his compatriot had done a while back. Jean Mercer-Daly had won the WGPC15 Vilitan Grand Prix the same way Archer was now driving- hook onto the slipstream of the faster cars, get ahead in the pit cycle, then defend, defend, defend to the end.

Yet, at the same time, Brendan wasn’t exactly taking the place of Ryker Lane, who had fought lap after lap to try and pass Jean. He didn’t need to. (Well, neither did Lane, ultimately, but he couldn’t’ve known that.) This was his strategy in motion: flip the script. Don’t force Archer to defend too hard, and keep his tires and car up to shape. Then, stick behind him, and make sure no one else could get too close to slipstream by one or both cars. If a competitor got by, from the looks of things, it wouldn’t lose Brendan the championship- Archer would have enough left in him to still defend, after all.

As lap after lap passed, Archer even seemed to understand Brendan’s plan, at least from what the driver of car #71 could see out of his cockpit. The two cars acted in practical tandem, keeping pace with one another and denying their followers the chance to likewise catch up.

The arrangement worked all the way to the final lap. They had left most of the field behind save for Vialiv- a championship competitor by every standard, but still not quite close enough in this moment to challenge the leaders. Brendan set up the final corner of the final lap, daring to at least give the victory a go, though Archer saw the same, and denied Brendan the chance.

The order crossing the line was the same as it had been for many laps prior: Archer P1, Faloe P2. The flagman eagerly waved the checkered flag for both drivers, Brendan especially, as the crowd likewise managed to celebrate the two-way outcome that now sat in Brendan’s hands.

“Brendan. Well done, man,” Cole came over the radio, calm yet backed by an obviously ecstatic Cygnus crew. “You are P2 in the race, P1 in the championship. What a play.”

Brendan struggled to think. “I… I can’t believe this, guys,” he responded, out of breath. “I had no idea how I did that for so long… I didn’t know I had something like this in me.”

“Well, you really did, Brendan,” Cole acknowledged. “It took us a bit to find it, but you always had it. Don’t forget to stick to the usual protocol. Set 1 and pick up rubber, champ.”

Brendan passed by each and every marshal post and grandstand lined up along the circuit on his cooldown lap. The roar of the crowd and the waving of all the flags started at a low rumble, then gradually picked up in intensity the further into the course he got- as if they too were only just processing what this meant. In a nation full of local motorsport heroes, the one that Esmerel needed was none of them. It needed a one-in-a-million chance, led by a one-in-a-million driver with a one-in-a-million team.

That chance was what everyone was now celebrating. Little could they have known that it would have worked, but it had. The third time really was the charm.

Brendan pulled up to the second place board in parc fermé, practically springing out of his car to celebrate with the rest of the team, the realization finally occurring to everyone what Brendan had done. It might not have been an all-out slugfest for the win, or a streak of constant hotlaps, but it was what it needed to be.

Brendan Faloe had won by not winning. And in the end, he couldn’t see it happening any other way.

Following a brief stay in the cooldown room, with its own touching moments, the top three emerged to the elevated podium. First came Vialiv, who had still put up a solid fight, receiving her earned applause. Brendan Faloe… well, followed, taking his place to a standing ovation from the grandstands that surrounded the podium on both sides. The crowd still managed to cheer for William Archer as he took the top step of the podium, though certainly not as loud as they had done for Brendan. It was all at least a far cry from how they had behaved four seasons prior, when they cheered the terrifying accident of Terho Talvela simply because of where he was from and who he was racing against.

Everyone’s hearts remained full of pride as the Fleftic and Hapiloppian anthems played for the winning driver and constructor, and the champagne sprayed. For a brief moment, Brendan stepped up to the top step, his arms raised in the air in glory- and no one had the heart to stop him.

As he stood atop this new world, Brendan wished this moment could last forever.


Wednesday, 15 January 2025
Brendan’s Dorm, Cygnus Graduate Campus, Midwood, Esmerel

Seventeen and a half months later, Brendan wished he was more careful about what he wished.

Frequent interviews with the media. Trying to settle into a life where he was finally number one and yet still didn’t know what would come next. Balancing the books between his new graduate program and still working with Cygnus for whenever their next run at glory would happen.

These were all things he had never even dreamed of. All things that came about because he was successful in what he did more than anyone else. And they were all real. But he didn’t feel it. Instead, most days involved him going to classes, doing homework, interacting with classmates of all calibers, et cetera. Only at the end of the day would he return to his dorm and happen to pass by the giant championship trophy adorning his shelf, not to mention all the other trophies for his pole positions, his podiums, and the one race he did win in Hap City.

That was precisely what Brendan was doing now. He wasn’t actually attending classes this semester- Dr. Emerson had prevented him from starting one right as the WGPO hosts were reportedly getting ready- but he at least had something here, since he was still an important part of the university as a whole.

So he arrived to his dorm, the same as he often did, and planned on getting settled in for another evening that would (mostly) be up to him to enjoy. It was the good part of the routine- eat healthy, do a bit of physical training, and then get into some fun and games. He’d become a frequent sim racer in the intervening time, and wasn’t too shabby. It was never the same feeling as actually driving the real deal- and he didn’t have the space nor the desire to install any fancy equipment in his dorm- but it always gave him the same emotions. The same reminder that racing, much as it had changed his life completely in unforgiving ways, had its good moments- maybe even great ones.

Ultimately Brendan didn’t have much of a say in whether he’d be back to defend his title. He could try and perform such an act, but it would be selfish to his team, disappointing to the fans, and maybe even a cruel denial to himself. And without being able to resume his master’s degree until at least the summer, something to pass the time and stimulate his senses seemed worthwhile. Thus actually, instead of devoting himself to anything too involved, Brendan had been waiting for the moment to come- both this afternoon and the past several. The moment it would all begin again.

Soon enough, he received the message he’d been waiting for from Dr. Emerson. A text arrived on his phone, reading “It’s finally time. We’re expecting approval shortly. Meet us tomorrow, and we’ll start making plans.”

Brendan at least had the heart to reply. “I’ll be there, Doc. You know I will.”

This was Brendan’s life now. The same routine, perhaps changing day to day but not at all in the long term. And as much as things were, by many definitions, better, was this all worth it?

He wasn’t willing to answer that question yet. But if anything, Brendan was willing to go back to the world that had changed him. He did still have obligations to fulfill. Maybe even a title to defend. Above all else, he wanted to go back so that he could finally answer the question for himself. To do something for himself.

To decide if he could break free from this endless now, whether or not it meant entering a new one.
"They condemn that which they do not understand."
-The national motto of Esmerel, translated
A near-future tech nation ruled by science and reason. Offers great civil liberty but minimal political or economic liberty, leaning authleft. Population of roughly 90 million on an island about the size of Latvia or West Virginia, 800km east of Maryland, US and 500km south of Nova Scotia. Visit today.
Want to know more about Esmerel? My factbook is seriously outdated, but feel free to peek.
WGPC participant from S15-S20. Achieved 8 poles, 7 wins, 15 podiums; runner-up WDC in S16 and WDC in S20. Brief but unsuccessful stints as team owner in WGP2 and NSSCRA.

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Scandinavian Liberal Paradise

Postby Patriotlandia » Sat Jan 18, 2025 8:29 pm

Sitting in a Port-la-Ville café, Pierre-Louis was quietly watching passersby out of the shop window. Winter was just starting in the city and the white blanket seemed to have sent every one crazy. Despite being only mild weather some seemed to be dressed like they were braving a polar expedition. Just as he was about to start reading the newspaper he had grabbed from the counter, a familiar figure sat down next to him. It was Nathaniel Parker, a journalist and editor for Cheval Vapeur, the nation's leading motorsport magazine. The pair had talked earlier as the latter was preparing a piece driver signings in the Patriotlandian Prototype series, the CCCP.

"Didn't think I'd see you here Junior, what brings you out west?"

"I moved out here actually, needed a change of scenery. I've got a place out by Cap-la-Chance.", replied Pierre-Louis.

"Not too shabby for an unemployed man! Off the record, did you get anything yet for other series?"

"Not yet, but it is still early. Right now it's all about finding that sponsorship money, you know?"

"So it's true your dad really isn't helping you at all?", replied the surprised journalist.

"He is helping for sure but not monetarily, on the business side, contacts and some track time yeah, but I wanted this to be my own journey. I got an agent, I'm talking to businesses, making my pitch, etc. Motorsports is a tough sell these days, just the amount of money it costs and the return on the investments turns a lot of people away. You see it in the CPs, but now triple that. It's hard to compete with soccer and hockey teams on brand engagement."

The continued their chat for a little while but eventually Pierre-Louis finished his coffee and had to run a couple errands. He needed a home simulator. Being halfway across the country and not an active team member, access to the Archer Performance simulator would be limited so this would be a way to learn all the new tracks on the rumored WGP calendar. A friend also proposed to stream his time playing eRacing as a way to connect with fans and gain some exposure outside the usual racing circles. This is definitely out of his comfort zone but ultimately options were limited and maybe that could be enough to have a couple sponsors knocking.

Republic of Patriotlandia
Map of Patriotlandia
Ice Hockey:
WJHC19 Champions

Association Football:
BOF80 Quarter Finalists
WCQ97 Scored only goal against Sylestone in the group stage.

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Postby Auruna » Sun Jan 19, 2025 1:30 am

Nisko, Auruna

It was that time once again, another season of the highly anticipated WGPC is coming up and for Kinu, he was quite unsure what to feel about it. After being relegated to a test and reserve driver for the entirety of the previous season so that Viska could sign Luna and Deering, he just doesn't know if he should be excited about the new WGPC season. Still, he remained hopeful that he's going to get another chance to race, whether it be for Viska or another team. But for now, he needs to plan everything well even though his first choice is with Viska, he doesn't know if there's going to be repeat of the previous season so he had to research for his backup just in case that situation becomes a reality again.

There were a lot of options to keep in mind, a lot of different teams that are viable second choices for when things get a little complicated with Viska so after arriving at a hotel in Nisko, he could then finally start working through his emails and certain online articles since the internet connection in Tärheljäänttärii is quite terrible.

To his surprise, he was one of the drivers invited to two trials and those two were on the top of his inbox. They were quick. He thought before carefully reading one of the invites first. Both teams were definitely promising, and one of them was one of the top teams as far as he know but for now, he wasn't convinced that he's going to end up with either and he stops himself just as he was about to type out a response.

He leans back on his chair, looking at his laptop that illuminated his face in a dark hotel room, and going about everything in his thoughts before deciding on what to do.

Nä keerulissat Jönakke?
Ta lihtaran Viskassan?
(Should I complicate things for Jöna?
Or should I just go to Viska?)

Swaying his head as he was deep in though, he goes back and forth between his now three options and indecisive as ever, he took a while.

Vÿ muutahan äkellä.
Nä vitan, maho lisänvailihjanestaana vÿk.
Maybe I should change things up.
Fuck it, having more options should be fine.)

Then finally, he made up his mind. Kinu immediately starts typing out his response to both invites, confirming his participation in KISMO and Preston's trials. He exhaled after hitting send, feeling quite relieved as he shuts off his laptop. Now only the ambient city lights barely illuminated his room through gaps in the curtains. Now in his mind, he suddenly became somewhat nervous as previously, he never did well in any team's trials and so he feared that he wasn't going to be considered for a seat but the fact that he was invited was quite reassuring for him. Nevertheless, his chances increased and he has something to fall back on.

For now, he needed to get some rest and to pack up before heading south to Sterlennau to meet with Jöna to discuss about something important.

Viska Racing Factory
Sterlennau, Auruna

Winter in Sterlennau isn't that intense like the areas north of it but the ground is still covered by a substantial layer of snow and to most Auruns it was something natural to them although many escape the dark and dreary landscape for something more vibrant such as in Lassei, Allica, and especially Kuyonne. But for Jöna, he doesn't have time for such things as after receiving the news of the new WGPC season and that Viska was one of the teams selected to compete, he spared no time to return to Sterlennau to start his team's preparations. And alongside him was his best friend and Viska chief strategist, Artur Iljakov who was there first as he was still busy with the team's junior driver programme through the winter off-season.

Jöna's office was warm, compared to the cold expanse of the main factory area and the snow-blanketed outdoors. He nearly fell asleep as soon as he dropped onto his chair but he forced himself awake to start working on contracts and research about the free agent drivers. Artur offered to help, especially about the drivers but Jöna declined for now, as he wanted to review what went wrong during the previous season's signings first and with Luna and Deering not competing this season, it was going to be difficult.

First things first, unless Kaikau-Mälö decided to start supplying for WGPC, Viska wasn't about to change tyre suppliers anytime soon and thus will continue to use Phoenician-In Motion tyres for this season. With that out of the way, Jöna could now focus on the drivers. He downs a cup of hot coffee to warm him up before reading through his notes.

Oh boy, there's a lot to choose from. Jöna had a feeling that this time, he couldn't narrow down his options. He had to revise his notes and had to research new details about the large pool of free agent drivers. While there are a few drivers that piqued his interest, those same drivers are the most desirable ones for the teams, something he briefly forgot and so another revision of his notes followed.

Maybe this time, he shouldn't just decide who to sign without some kind of test. Jöna considered starting Viska's first driver trials for this season and there's certainly enough drivers for one just to make things easier. But with several teams doing the same thing in a short amount of time, will there actually be enough time or even enough drivers that will actually participate in one? And there was another thing to consider: will Kiiro even allow the team to hold their own trials? It wouldn't hurt to ask him and it is definitely within budget but... it wasn't likely to happen.

Jöna groaned, tossing that plan aside with those 'buts' hindering his thinking. He then stood up and went to get another cup of coffee to clear his mind, to somewhat start fresh. After finishing his second cup of coffee, he returns to his desk to tackle the driver issue once more.

While it's hard to narrow everything down, I think I have an idea on who could drive for us. We have a clean slate to work with this time and I have to choose wisely. Two capable drivers, that's all I need to look for.

It was easy to see which drivers are likely have a seat in one of the other teams and Laura Haukanna was one of them as she was likely to continue driving for PB. It was funny to see a well-known Viska junior driver in another team and Jöna would love to sign someone like her however, they didn't have much luck with Aaron Deering last time and they lost contact with him for unknown reasons. It was a familiar situation and there's nothing they could do about it. A driver with connections to Viska is very much preferred and Kinu Luminna is the best candidate at the moment.

Speaking of Kinu...

Jöna suddenly heard a knock on his office door. He wasn't expecting anyone to come especially this late in the day but whoever it is, it must be important since they came all the way to his office. "Come in." He said, wasn't sure as to who it was that knocked but maybe Artur came up with a wild idea and was excited to tell him.

The door creaked open, revealing a casually dressed northerner that managed to make his way down to Sterlennau. Jöna was surprised and speechless as Kinu walked into his office. After finally processing what's happening, he greets Kinu and offers him to take a seat.

"Now, what are you here for?" Jöna asked.

"I'm just here to bless you with my presence." Kinu jokingly answered before crossing his arms and leaning back on the chair. "But seriously, I'm here to make sure your mistake last season won't happen again. I get what you're going for last time and you know that I don't deserve to be a reserve driver. It's just going to be a waste of my talents. I want you to recognise that I can do a lot for Viska."

"We already recognise your talents but-" Before Jöna could continue, Kinu cut him off.

"There's no need for that, I know what you guys are going through." Kinu leaned forward. "I just want you to keep me in mind whenever you start choosing your drivers. When you have no other choice, just give me a call. I'll gladly race for you."

"A-alright." Jöna suddenly felt a slight hint of fear after seeing how Kinu acted but he just passed it on as just being exhausted.

"But before all that, I'm also letting you know that I have two team trials to go to. I don't know how it'll go for me but I can't wait to see especially when it's two different teams from before." Kinu stood up. "And that means after I do those trials, then I'll give you my answer."

Jöna nodded. "I'll be waiting then."

"Well, that's it for today. I'll see you then. And..." Kinu placed a 100 Ravien bill on Jöna's desk. "Tell Artur I dropped by."

Kinu then left the office, leaving Jöna to think about what happened as he rubbed his forehead. That conversation wasn't that necessary since Kinu was already being considered but things definitely got complicated in his end. Extremely exhausted, he decided to call it a day. Continuing it now will just drain him of his sanity and that's not the only problem that he'll be dealing with. He then reclines his office chair but before getting some actual rest, he sends a quick message to Artur.

"Artur, pick a driver from the list, you decide for me this time."

Note: I don't primarily use NS stats
Auruna's attackers in wars, in a nutshell
Clarkson : "Richard Hammond...
how's the braking going?"
Hammond : Sliding down the slope
"That's going well... it's going well."

Litävinnenazyonalla Auruna

"Logistics is a fun mess of confusion and ammunition." - Auruna, 2020

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Tropicorp #1 in Tyres :: WGPC 21 Offer Sheet

Postby Tropicorp » Sun Jan 19, 2025 3:23 am


Tropicorp Multiversal Campus, Tropicoast, Tropicorp :: As the Tyre supplier for the reigning Drivers and Constructors champion of the World Grand Prix Championship, Tropicorp Racing Supply will embark on yet another motorsports journey as a major supplier for World Grand Prix Cahmpionship Season 21. The Tropicorp Racing Supply brand returns as the leading choice in competitive racing tire for the World Grand Prix Championship series with a durable distance variant, a short run soft and fast "Sifaka" variant as well as an intermediate and "Storm" variant. The 'Storm' variant first saw action in WGPC 19 as a new derivative of the Tropicorp Racing Supply Tyre line and represents a crossover into the personnel transport market through the "Storm" branding which replaces the Sifaka wordmark on the wet tyres only. While there have been seven different suppliers approved to provide tyres to the grid for World Grand Prix Championship season 21, there is no tyre on offering with either the championship statistics or technical properties of the Tropicorp offering. The Tyres on offer from Solymok, Beet Street and Thandorian all offer a near identical "Reliability Only" model that sacrifices speed and handling for durability. The Tropicorp Sifaka makes no such sacrifices utilizing its long-proven rubber constitution to provide what Tropicorp Engineers have demonstrated to be the perfect combination of Reliability and Traction. Long-time WGPC supplier Phoenician-In-Motion and newcomer Brimstone go extreme in the other direction with compounds that ignore Reliability and some assess may be a great Tyre for the sprints, but not for a typical Grand Prix weekend. The WGPC organizers have also put forth a standard tyre, Blue Sulphurate, to mark a record number of suppliers in the paddock.

Backstory: Tropicorp is a quasi-governmental corporation created to conduct Research, Development and Production activities throughout Atlantian Oceania. One of the byproducts of Tropicorp's development in a remote location on the mainland has been the removal of native and wild tree species to make way for development space. Tropicorp engineers discovered a dense grove of local rubber trees. Tropicorp Engineering developed their customized local rubber solutions to create high performance racing tyres for testing purposes. After the tests proved successful, It wasn't long before the tooling was done and Racing Tyres were popping out on an hourly basis from the workshop and Tropicorp Racing Supply was born. Everything on Tropicorp Racing Supply's standard product line from Crew Uniforms to Composite-Material suspension parts will be on offer. - even the potential for advanced product opportunities through Tropicorp Engineering to include Chassis and Hybrid Power systems.

Tropicorp Racing Supply has long been in the business of creating high-quality motorsports tyres but saw a resurgence on the World Grand Prix circuit when they became the official Tyre Supplier for Tropicorp Racing Aelund midway through the World Grand Prix's 16th season after the team struggled to find its form on its debut. When the Unique Tropicorp Rubber was introduced, however, the teams fortunes improved and interest in the Tropicorp Sifaka tyres increased with many orders for sample and small quantity levels of product over the offseason. Tropicorp became the largest Tyres supplier in the WGPC during its 17th season and were the runaway winners of the WGPC17 Supplier Performance Award which recognized the top performing Tyre Supplier of the season.

Tropicorp repeated this performance during WGPC Season 18, WGPC Season 19 and WGPC Season 20 repeating as Supplier Performance champions for the second, third and fourth consecutive seasons. During the most recent World Grand Prix Championship Season 20, Tropicorp outfitted each of the Top 2 teams in the Constructors Standings and the top 3 drivers in the Final standings. Tropicorp has enough production capacity to outfit any willing team with Tropicorp Tyres for the WGPC Season 21 campaign, with interested teams needing only to confirm their contract with the series top supplier, offering the most balance Tyre on the market with both the Tropicorp Sifaka and Storm variant tyres. The Tropicorp Racing Supply team will be on hand with spare lots of tyres at each of the official WGPC Pre-Season testing events and tyres may be purchased directly for use in those events without any pre-reservations. Tropicorp is also looking for opportunities to partner with a WGPC team as a primary sponsor to have its logo on the grid in addition to its tyres.

Tropicorp Pre-Confirms any teams RPing an interest to partner the winningest brand in WGPC history for WGPC 21


Tyre Branding (Round) Highlight to View if using light Background
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- Tropicorp -

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Postby Tropicorp » Sun Jan 19, 2025 3:40 am

To: Pressley Racing

To the Pressley Racing family. As the World Grand Prix Championships 21st season nears, we wanted to inquire your plans for engine and Tyre suppliers for the upcoming season. With your former engine suppliers Kaylan and Tyre suppliers Brústeinn and Tread no longer participating at the WGPC level, you will no doubt be considering your options to rebuild your program once more. Sometimes these can provide opportunities for a fresh start, but there is always great risk around when changing your major suppliers and it can be even more frustrating when you have no choice but to switch. In the absence of suppliers like Kaylan and Brústeinn, a near-record number of suppliers have been approved for the upcoming season. Some bring experience, but many do not. There will be many unknowns with many of the options. Here at Tropicorp, we provide proven Tyres used by the top 3 finishers in the WGPC 20 Drivers standings, and the reigning WGPC Constructors Championship. We also offer a partnership that will be familiar to one of the drivers rumored to be competing for Pressley Racing this season, Nini Johnsilvaturr, who got their first big break in motorsports driving for Race Eelandii VTGP on Tropicorp Tyres in the Atlantian Oceania Grand Prix circuit. We would love to get Nini back in the Tropicorp family and would be thrilled to partner with one of the most promising teams on the World Grand Prix Championship Grid.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Canifor Agifalous
Director of Partnerships
Tropicorp Racing Supply
Last edited by Tropicorp on Sun Jan 19, 2025 3:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Tropicorp -

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Postby Recuecn » Sun Jan 19, 2025 5:08 am

"Hey, remember that time we drove a rally stage together and I made you crash the car? Let's do that again, just without the crashing part."

No. That wouldn't work. Abdoulaye Goita winced. Even just rehearsing his lines in his head, that sounded painful.

"I know we haven't spoken in almost a year and a half, but I'm calling because I wanted to ask you for a big favor."

Hmm. Not much better.

"Hey, it's your old pal—well, acquaintance—Abs. You know how you won three WGPC titles and famously established yourself as the best driver in the world, while I turned a second-tier championship into a first-tier disappointment and then disappeared from the sport? What if I came back like a bad lunch?"

This was getting nowhere.

Abdoulaye had dialed the number he was about to call into his phone, his thumb hovering over the call button while he tried to imagine how he would start the conversation. Now, drawing nothing but blanks, he sighed, slipped the phone into his pocket, and headed outside for a walk to clear his mind.

He had forgotten how the excitement that came with every new WGPC season was for him always outweighed by the stress of finding a seat. During season 17 he had been late to the scene but had trailed the WGP Championship around the world anyway, following as a straggler, hoping that someone would see him and reward him with a chance to drive. The journey had been difficult, both emotionally and financially. In the end he'd been offered a test drive, but he'd bungled that opportunity. He'd sworn to return to the hunt for a drive in the following WGP2 season, but there too, the experience had been so stressful that he'd had literal nightmares about it. And when the WGPC began again, it had once more been the negotiation phase that was the most anxiety inducing.

At least I can admit to myself that this whole process gives me anxiety, Abdoulaye thought as he walked down the street. The late afternoon sun that gilded the sidewalk and the roofs of the homes gave a peaceful glow to the neighborhood that contrasted with his turbulent thoughts. I know I always wind up procrastinating just so I can avoid this stress, but that only makes things worse. Or just now, when I psyched myself out of calling Terho. This is self-destructive. Unfortunately, although the introspective driver had a pretty good grasp on his feelings, just understanding his own behavior didn't automatically fix it. Knowing what his problems were didn't solve them.

Abdoulaye sighed again and tried to distract himself with his surroundings. Overthinking wasn't helping him. The breeze on his face, however, was undeniably refreshing. He could feel the sunlight beginning to lift his mood already. This was just what he needed; when he returned from the walk, he'd be ready to make that phone call. For now, he just had to relax a bit. He lifted his face toward the sun, which was already beginning to dip near the horizon. The golden light made it hard to see, but Abdoulaye loved it. He could practically feel his skin soaking in the vitamin D, although the Reçuecian sun wasn't too particularly warm. Certainly not as warm as other places Abdoulaye had visited in his travels, and definitely nothing like Mali, where his father had grown up. And where I was born, Abdoulaye added as an afterthought.

It was hard for Abdoulaye to imagine that the hot, African sun from his infant memories and father's stories was the same sun as this pale white thing that hung in the sky here at the feet of the Alps. Mali was so far away; a different world from a different time. Abdoulaye thought of Mali often—more often than one would expect, given he'd left as a child and never gone back—but whenever it entered his thoughts, it was as if to drive home how distant and far-off it was. His father's stories had emphasized the parallels between his life in Bamako and Abdoulaye's, growing up in Reçueçn City, but the juxtaposition only strengthened the contrast.

Moussa, Abdoulaye's father, had never finished the story he'd been telling Abdoulaye; Abdoulaye had had the sense it had been building toward something. When Abdoulaye had been driving for Viska, he'd called his dad each week to share the news from the Grand Prix. It was probably the closest Abdoulaye had ever been with his father. Every week, after Abdoulaye had told him everything that had happened in the race, Moussa would recount a little snippet about life in Mali. The pieces of story seemed to mirror what was happening in Abdoulaye's life. At a certain point, Abdoulaye realized that the pieces fit together. They told the story of Moussa, as a much younger man, preparing to take his family and move to a new country, leaving his motherland behind. The last time they'd called, Moussa had described the moment they left Bamako, setting out on the journey that would bring them to Reçueçn.

A week after the call, the WGPC had ended. Abdoulaye moved back home with his father. They hadn't needed to call anymore, and the stories had stopped. Abdoulaye always wondered if there had been more, or if the moment of decision had been the point of the story all along. Maybe to his father, that first step when he'd begun to run had been the crux of everything. "You're not the only one who is running," Moussa had said, when Abdoulaye had mentioned his stress and the way he felt that he was always chasing something unattainable. "I've been running too for a long time."

Abdoulaye had had no idea what his dad had meant, and even after all the stories, he still wasn't totally sure. Moussa had mentioned both chasing and fleeing, and he'd certainly been chasing a better life for his family, but Abdoulaye didn't remember anything that sounded like a flight. Perhaps—

Abdoulaye was crossing the street as he pondered, and his thoughts were cut off by a car flying past at a breakneck speed, nearly striking him with the passenger side mirror as it careened around the corner and down the street. It was a silver Magnier convertible, and Abdoulaye caught sight of a red-haired, mustachioed man in the driver's seat, with a woman beside him whose long black hair flowed behind her in the wind. Abdoulaye shook his fist at the car and tried to see the license plate before it sped away, but it was already too far down the street for him to make out the "VVV" vanity tag.

The car disappeared around another corner, still moving at highly illegal speed. Abdoulaye's train of thought had been totally disrupted. Oh well. Time to head back home and make that phone call.


Once more, Abdoulaye paused before hitting the call button. He gave himself just thirty seconds to go over what he was about to do.

Yes, on one hand, he was cold-calling a celebrity to ask for a major favor. On the other hand, he'd like to think he was friends with Terho now.

Abdoulaye had made Terho's acquaintance during the WGPC season they'd shared, and they'd spent at least some time together off the track as well—although always in a motorsports context. There had been the time Abdoulaye had introduced Terho to Jeremiah Brooke, the NSSCRA champion at the time (whom Abdoulaye knew through his connection to GFR Motorsports). More recently and more importantly, there had been the time that Abdoulaye had stepped in as Terho's co-driver for the WSRC.

Abdoulaye was inexperienced in rally driving, but Terho had put him through a crucible to prepare him in time—a preparation that had only been partly successful. Together, the Talvela/Goita duo had flipped the car once (thanks to Abdoulaye) and earned one point in the standings (thanks to Terho). After the three-leg event, Terho had been able to find himself a more permanent (and more experienced) co-driver, with whom he went on to win the championship. It was Terho after all; the best in the world. But for Abdoulaye, the event had been an incredible experience. Not to mention, an experience during which he'd turned his acquaintance with Terho into an actual friendship. Hopefully that would mean something...

Abdoulaye pressed call. Terho picked up on the second ring.

"Terho, it's Abs! I know it's been forever, how have you been? Do you still have a connection with TRÆ—I mean, Ælund? I'm hoping to get back into the WGPC and I was wondering if you could talk them into giving me a seat..."

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Valentine Z
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Postby Valentine Z » Sun Jan 19, 2025 6:17 am

Last edited by Valentine Z on Sun Jan 19, 2025 9:08 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Tumbra » Sun Jan 19, 2025 11:33 am

Click here for full-resolution version.Sivaleinen logo provided by Mertagne, Langsam logo provided by Vdara, Piers Ivchenko logo provided by Doubeia. All other logos self-made.

"So that's the completed slate of sponsors, then? Bar the obvious," murmured Team Principal Jack Brook, looking over the shoulder of his first deputy (and head of factory operations) Stephen Cheung. On Stephen's computer screen was the completed list of partners for Pressley-Kim's racing efforts for the upcoming season. There were two big, gaping gaps in the bottom row of sponsors, which were labelled "Unannounced Engine Supplier" and "Unannounced Tyre Supplier" respectively.

"Well, yes," replied Stephen, as he typed a short response to the email containing the attachment. "I do wonder if we'll be forced to switch it up. There are three purple teams on the grid, after all."

"We did get clearance, so we'll be fine, I think. Either way if we are asked to swap it'll be a simple task of flipping the pink and the purple. Pull up the livery, would you?" Brook asked. Stephen duly complied, pulling up four shots of the completed PRE-024, Pressley's upcoming challenger for the next season of WGPC.


"Obviously the sponsors on the mock-up will be replaced with our actual partners. Technical's working on it right now..." said Stephen.

"I heard Kim wanted to add one last sponsor to the line-up? Parlance, or something?"

"Palatine. They're run by his friend, Pete Armstrong. Big data company, involved with the military, Kim thinks they'll be able to help with competitor analysis and the like. Personally I don't know whether we want that kind of trouble..."

"Langsam quite literally make weapons," Brook pointed out. "Nobody really knows or cares what goes on the car, as long as the money makes its way into our accounts. Hell, if there were some petrostate willing to bankroll us, I'd do whatever they wanted..."


"Ew yourself, you're the one who let your mind go there."

"So have you come to a decision on which set of tyres and engines you want to go for? Kim was pretty adamant that we come to a decision soon. Tropicorp have reached out, if you didn't see."

"We're going either full Hapilopper or full Tropicorp. No half-measures. I wanted to call an all-hands meeting for tomorrow, actually, to hear what people think. The Operations team should be there. I'll rope Marcus in too, I want to see what he thinks about the impact on the brand. Draw up a list of pros and cons for each side, if you would?" Jack asked before he strode out of Stephen's office.

10.05am, Meeting Room One


Team Principal and General Manager - Jack Brook - Chairman of Meeting
Deputy Team Principal (Head of Factory and TSF Operations) - Stephen Cheung
Deputy Team Principal (Head of Trackside and WGP2 Operations) - Kelly Doënowitz

Chief Technical Director - Kelly Patel
Deputy Technical Director (Engineering) - Daniel Lombardi
Deputy Technical Director (Aerodynamics) - Benjamin Saunders
Deputy Technical Director (Performance) - Marie Rachael Clark

Chief Sporting Director - Daniel Brnovic
Head of Race Strategy - Samantha Houghton
Head of Pit Crew - Mark Butterworth
Race Engineer (Car 1/tba Nülkeschläger) - Sonia Fairbairn
Race Engineer (Car 2/tba Johnsilvaturr) - Norman Vance

Director of Communications - Marcus Abreu

To further discuss and possibly come to a conclusion on whether the Team should go with Preston/Brimstone, or Tropicorp/Tropicorp for engines and tyres respectively for its WGPC Season 21 effort, limited to two hours.
Other meeting items that might come up as and when, limited to five minutes per discussion item.

Chairman Jack Brook opened the meeting by emphasising that a final decision need not be made at this meeting, with the potential for further communications and possible meetings with Preston, Brimstone, and Tropicorp for further opportunities. Chairman noted that the Preston/Brimstone and Tropicorp/Tropicorp combinations were the final two shortlisted for the Team for the upcoming season. Chairman noted that the first-mover advantage belonged to Tropicorp, who sent a personalised message to the Team offering their services.

Deputy Team Principal Stephen Cheung presented a list of possible pros and cons for the Preston/Brimstone combination.
The Esportivan connection between Tumbra and Hapilopper was particularly emphasised as a positive point.
The cost, ease of use, and manufacturer support promised by Preston were emphasised as positive points.
The relative lack of reliability of the Preston engine was considered as a negative point.
The relative lack of shelf-life of the Brimstone tyre was considered as a negative point.
Head of Race Strategy Samantha Houghton, when asked about the impact of the engine's reliability and tyre's shelf-life on strategy, said that the impact would be small but noticeable, and would likely lead to a more aggressive pit strategy employed across the season for the two drivers. However, the comparative lack of reliability might harm the team in critical moments in the upcoming season.

Members then took a short break.

Deputy Team Principal Stephen Cheung then presented a list of possible pros and cons for the Tropicorp/Tropicorp combination.
The personal messages sent by Tropicorp was emphasised as a positive point.
The relative reliability of the Tropicorp engine was considered a positive point.
The relative shelf-life of the Tropicorp tyre was considered as a positive point.
The lack of assurances that Pressley would be treated as equal to other teams running the Tropicorp/Tropicorp combination, particularly Race Eelandi VTGP, the team considered most likely to be Tropicorp's 'factory' team, was considered as a negative point.
Deputy Technical Director (Performance) Marie Rachael Clark noted that the lack of equal treatment might not be the case, and that Tropicorp simply omitted a mention of how a potential relationship would function. A relationship close enough to that of a factory team — effectively what Preston are offering, the meeting agreed — could still be on the cards. Chairman agreed that further communication would be necessary to further establish the grounds of any potential Pressley-Tropicorp relationship.
Head of Race Strategy Samantha Houghton, when asked about the impact of the engine's reliability and tyre's shelf-life on strategy, said that the impact would be small but noticeable, but would open up more varied options for the team. However, the small decrease in speed comparatively might harm the team in the long run.
Race Engineer for Car 2, Norman Vance, brought up the fact that the driver offered a ride for the car, Nini Johnsilvaturr, used to ride on Tropicorp tyres during her time in the AO Grand Prix racing series, and that the added familiarity might prove beneficial for her performance in the upcoming season.

An indicative preferential vote was taken amongst the present members as to their current preference for the team's suppliers. Chairman emphasised that this vote was non-binding. The results of the vote are as follows:
Preston/Brimstone: K Doënowitz, K Patel, D Lombardi, B Saunders
Tropicorp/Tropicorp: D Brnovic, S Houghton, N Vance
Abstentions: J Brook, S Cheung, M R Clark, M Butterworth, S Fairbairn, M Abreu


Chairman was asked by Chief Sporting Director Daniel Brnovic how the offers for the drivers were doing. Chairman confirmed that the offers to drivers Dario Nülkeschläger and Nini Johnsilvaturr had been sent out, and they were awaiting their reply. Chairman also affirmed his belief that the process was going well, with evidence provided being the on-boarding of Hülkenberger sponsor Langsam and Doubeian sponsor Piers Ivchenko proceeding as planned.

Director of Communications Marcus Abreu was asked by Chairman to confirm the status of potential sponsor Palatine as an addition to the Team. Director of Communications confirmed that discussions were underway to add Palatine as a sponsor to the Team as the Team's Official Data Partner, but such an effort would likely conclude after the first race of the WGPC season. Director of Communications confirmed that the disruption to any Team-related efforts, particularly on the Operations side, would be minimised as far as possible.


Members collectively resolved to continue their communications with Preston, Brimstone, and Tropicorp, with a view to inviting all three companies to the Team's headquarters in Foxchester, Grantfeldt, Tumbra, in order to give an in-person presentation on their brands and for the Team to properly get to know each of their potential Suppliers for the upcoming season. Director of Communications Marcus Abreu confirmed that he would be taking on this responsibility to contact all three brands, and would update all relevant members as soon as possible.

With no other items on the agenda, the meeting concluded at 12.00pm.
Last edited by Tumbra on Sun Jan 19, 2025 12:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Tumbra - a sprawling, modern federal democratic republic located in Esportiva. Strong economy, strong civil rights, strong freedoms.
Population: 121 million | TLA: TMB | Capital City: Straton | Largest City: Couno
Constitution | Domestic Database | Domestic Football | Domestic Motorsports | Wiki Article
President: David Hardcastle (Labour) | Prime Minister: Bertram Andrews (Labour)
U-18 World Cup 13, 21 Champions | Di Bradini Cup 51, 57 Champions | Campionato Esportiva 31, 33, 34, 38 Champions

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Hodori Motorsports
Posts: 712
Founded: Dec 13, 2010
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Hodori Motorsports » Sun Jan 19, 2025 1:45 pm

Central Soeshu

“Uhh…Sir, we’re in.”
“Say again?”
“WGPC. We’re one of the thirteen teams.”
Silence in the sterile, minimalist office, broken only by the omnipresent hum of electronics, the intermittent tapping of a keyboard and clicking of a mouse, and squeaking from an office chair.
“Oh shit we are.” HiTEN CEO Ankei Souzare looked past his computer monitors at his receptionist.
After a few seconds, his look of shock was replaced with a confident smirk.
“Then we can actually enact Phase One of El Plan.”
“There’s just one small problem.” His receptionist continued. Well, Ankei thought, multiple, and none small, but namely: “We don’t have a car. We need two.”
And literally nobody in Hodori wants to willingly work with us. Unsaid, but both were thinking it.
“We’re Hodori’s largest and fastest-growing startup. Organisations can multitask.” He returned his attention to his computer. “We can establish an overseas base of operations and get a car ready at the same time. For the latter issue you know the drill.” He waved a hand, dismissing his receptionist.
“But first,” he muttered to himself as he opened a word processor, “We should take care of this.”
He began to type; a headline to be prettied up and expanded upon by PR.

HiTEN.gpt announces Ankei Souzare as first driver

Team ten*GU Garage
One hour later

In an office in a converted warehouse, An’ue Toudeyaku found herself interrupted from her work as Team ten*GU’s point of contact for dealing with sponsors to deal with someone who was being annoyingly evasive about why and on who’s behalf they were seeking her services.
“I am sorry, but once again, if I do not know who I am dealing with and what series they seek to race in, I cannot help you.” Toudeyaku adjusted her glasses and looked at the person on the other side of her desk.
“My apologies.” The young woman bowed her head. “I’m only going off of what was relayed to me. My friend didn’t tell me much.”
Toudeyaku glanced at an RSS feed notification popping up on her computer. Some team she never heard of with some guy with a familiar last name announcing an entry into the WGPC. Not even a full second later, internal messages from her mother and “uncle” – respectively the “U” and “G” in “ten*GU”.
Toudeyaku.Uneta	reminder re ankei sohzare kill this man on sight
Souzare.Guran Try not to make too big a mess when you do so
Souzare.Guran Don't forget to claim self-defence
Toudeyaku.Uneta we will back you up
Touudeyaku shifted her gaze to her desk drawer, thinking about the ‘wanted’-style posters with Ankei Souzare’s face hidden inside and out of sight of visitors, recalling how when she first started after graduating from university she thought they were a joke. She looked back at her visitor. “Are you by chance acting on behalf of Ankei Souzare or HiTEN?”
“I don’t know. Maybe? I hope not. I can call my friend and find out.”
“Please do.”
The woman made a phone call, put it on speaker, and set the device on the desk. After a short while, someone answered
“Hey sup?” A man’s voice.
“That thing you wanted me to do because I said I knew someone, who is it for?”
“Uhhh… I dunno. This guy didn’t tell me. Just asked me if I knew someone that could get someone into racing and offered a buttload of Kerai if I found someone.”
Toudeyaku chimed in. “We’re just trying to ascertain if this network of proxies is on behalf of Ankei Souzare and HiTEN.”
A few seconds of silence. “Let me call that guy back and find out. Chiru, I’ll call you back in a bit.”
He hung up. After about a minute and a half the phone rang and “Chiru” answered.
“The guy said I didn’t need to be asking such questions when I asked about that Souzare guy and HiTEN if I wanted the paycheck. And then he hung up on me.”
“Thank you. My working assumption going forward will be that this is indeed on behalf of Ankei Souzare and HiTEN’s entry into the WGPC. In which case I will not be assisting you.”
”...Yeahhh I guess if it was for that guy then I guess I wouldn’t be getting paid much if at all. Sorry for wasting everyone’s time. Chiru, for going through the trouble dinner’s on me.”
The woman took her phone, switched off speaker and brought it to her ear. She continued the conversation as she left, bowing apologetically to Toudeyaku.

Downtown Soeshu, another two hours later

“Hey babe, do you know this guy?” Hakusa Souzare, laying on the couch watching TV, her phone in one hand with an article on screen, asked her wife as Sayono returned to their apartment, following behind her cousins Suzuchiru and Yuuka Souzare.
“What guy?” Suzuchiru Souzare asked from the entryway, removing her shoes and feeling Hakusa’s not you look.
Yuuka made a beeline to the kitchen to raid the fridge while Sayono Souzare joined Hakusa and looked at her wife’s phone. “That fucker.” she answered back.
“You have more than a few people on your shitlist Sayo. You’re going to have to be more specific.” Suzuchiru was now also in the kitchen, seeking a beverage of her own to abscond with.
“I have three people I consider ‘that fucker’, Suzu.”
“And I have many. Almost all are dead now; that’s how war goes.”
“Knowing how badly you and a few of your exes parted ways, I’m pretty sure you have more than three on your shitlist.” Hakusa chimed in.
“It’s a guy. Only three in my life have earned that title. And shush you.” Sayono returned her focus to the approaching Suzuchiru. “The one my dad chased off when he came by the garage for something or other. Throwing of tools was involved.”
“I’m not as familiar with you and Uncle Guran.” Suzuchiru joined the other two in the living room and saw the name on the headline. “Oh, him. Did he finally die horribly?”
“No.” The two responded.
“Then why am I hearing about this piece of shit relative of ours?” Suzuchiru then read the rest of the headline. “What the fuck is he up to now?”
“Wait which piece of shit relative?” Yuuka, her hair almost to her ankles, a pilfered ice cold bottle of soda in hand, joined her mother. “Mom our extended family’s huge we have a lot.”
“The one that goes around carrying the Souzare name because his parents didn’t force him to change it when they kicked him out.”
“The techbro.” Hakusa added.
“Oh, the one that has a very punchable face? The turbodick that said his AI was ‘the future of creativity’? Pissed off Himekaidou and its users so bad he had to take it offline?” Yuuka tried to recall the name as she unscrewed the lid. “Ankei, right?”

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As if she were the Grinch about to spoil Christmas

Postby Lisander » Sun Jan 19, 2025 2:28 pm

Weeks after the end of WGPC 20
Central District, Neomaris

That was supposed to be a work-less "romantic dinner" night between Kimi Nasunen, owner of Saber Ironworks, Moon Books and TEAM-MOON Racing, and his partner, Carolina Lasseps, recently appointed Eminent Team Principal, before she entered a plane to Ethane two days after. He was putting the table, while she sautéed vegetables in the small kitchen of her Central District Apartment. But in fact, there was nothing workless about the atmosphere.

Neomaris itself was still something of a construction site, two and a half years after it was officially founded. The streets were still half-empty, and huge buildings stood next to empty construction sites. The planned afforestation was still growing, there were streets without signs and the residential buildings in the Central District, aimed at young executives working in multinational companies, were much less practical than the Second (Northern) District, for example, where cheaper land had attracted a lot of the working class. For example, while there were two big supermarkets and several convenience stores in the Central District, there were at least a dozen small family-run shops in the Second District. The hands that built Neomaris didn't live in the Central District. It was the jet set who lived there, usually on short-term rental contracts. Rich guys, businessmen, shark investors, eco-friendly aristocrats, influencers, general bigwigs and the like. Kimi Nasunen, owner of a Big metallurgic company, had an apartment there. Carolina Lasseps, Team Principal of a WGPC, was about to live there too.

"Romantic" wasn't exactly a good word to describe that apartment, it was pretty much a small flat, small and cosy for a single person, but unable to have more than two people standing comfortably in the so-called kitchen. And the amount of work-related paper Carolina had in the entire place would never allow a "workless" moment. Eminent was packing the things left in Ethanian soil and moving to the protectorate. Fortunately, Lisander's realms contained some land on the Esportivan continents, and the Neomaris Protectorate was the best choice to host the team. It was closer to some of the nations represented in WGPC, like Tumbra, Aji no Moto and Hapilopper, or at least closer than Lisander itself.

"So, are you going to the FSA end-of-year meeting?" - Kimi asked.

"I'm not going this year. I'll fly to Ethane, then back to Neomaris, to get the project up and running for the next season. Thank God for the new sponsor, Asteras. They're lifesavers providing us with a ship. Also, just remember how it's usually every FSA meeting. Lício Granado will complain about bias and prejudice against oval circuits. Hell I care if they're going clockwork or counter-clockwork. Camden-Mott will brag about why Astyrian F1 is superior to WGPC. What has he done? He bought the structure of an old team back in Valkea, did some mix-and-match with stuff he already had, and if much, will earn 20 points or so... Old fart Vetinari will try to buy another team, any available. The drivers will be as apathetic as always... They're always complaining about the lack of equality or whatever is the Inspiregram trending cause at the moment. No, I prefer to oversee the rest of the team moving. I'll send some representatives and watch over the transfer of the remaining parts of the E21. It will be like a cruising week for me." - she replied, as if missing that meeting was the best thing she could do at the end of the year. As if she were the Grinch about to spoil Christmas.

"Maybe you should send Laura Werner?"

"You silly... Get out of the kitchen before I hit you with this pan." - She hissed, but it was more playful than effectively angry.

"Is it a good one? Does it have a Saber Ironworks seal of approval? Will you let me check the roast beef?" - Kimi was unapologetically playful.

"Dunno, but the Saber Ironworks owner will have his forehead sealed with approval by a "Bonne Cuisine" frying pan if you keep blabbering about that. Anneliese doesn't go as a team player anymore, she has all of her compromises. I need to focus on this team that just fell on my lap. Come, check the roast beef. It must be well done already." - She said, pouring the vegetables into a bowl, on the island counter. Nasunen quickly took her place in front of the oven, taking out the roast beef from the oven.

"So you've been talking about how much you're grateful for Asteras since they joined the team. Thank God they're the main electricity provider to Neomaris and a business partner. What about other partners? What you'll have? Falconer?"

"Leaves with Fireline. Treaters will part ways too." - her expression soured.

Have you got any contact from Callum Ascander these days?

Not, Fireline cut the communication entirely. Maybe something is happening back there. Not in Fireline, but in Ethane as a nation. I hope to get some more information when I travel there. But I hope it's everything good with him. - that was said in a worried, kind of ominous tone.

"What about driver sponsors? Will you be able to get them back, right?"

Anneliese brings Wishes Foundation, Vetinari and Mirage Eyewear. Adriana brings Harumi Robotics, Flux Semiconductors and Sentinels. The plan is to keep the team as is, but as it is our policy, they are free to go and test as much as they want. If they don't come back, we'll need to go search for new drivers. What about you? Will you keep the sponsorship with Pryfors Bilar?"

"Last season was kind of a one-off agreement. Maybe they get in touch to sign too. I won't refuse. I'd love to give more mileage to young drivers. I've been talking with Lucien Hery recently. He's still willing to buy a seat for his daughter, Lianna. The same goes for Thomas Monteiro. Both getting seats in minor formulae this season, with eyes to WGPC in the future."

"Thomas failed to get a seat in WGP2, didn't he? But maybe it was the best. I never expected Blueforce to be in such a bad shape." - The woman thought out loud as he picked up some pasta for his plate. - "Well, do not count Eminent for any of those guys this season. We'll work with a slim operation since our budget is still a little tight. Nonetheless, no money in the world would make me bring Lianna Rasianoara to this team. Despite being a good, charismatic girl, she doesn't have what it takes to be in WGPC. Anneliese herself is already a big headache to deal with."

"I am aware of that too. Vetinari will think twice before trying again." - Kimi said, cutting slices of the roast beef. - "Is everything else going according to plan?"

"Yes, Eminent will use Sidus engines for WGPC 21. But you know what I wanted? What I really, really wanted? For Saber Ironworks to make engines. - she said, and he suddenly dropped the knife, almost cutting himself."

"Hey, easy there, honey... My R&D department is good, but this is a step too big for my feet. I'm making good money, but not to this extent. Not like Vetinari."

"You could associate with them and buy some factory. I hate this Camden-dependence of Motorsport on Lisander. They do nothing to the sport outside their walls. I hope moving to Neomaris makes things easier. I would love to see some new engine supplier in the long run." - she sighed, and her voice was annoyed.

"Camden is on the long run since I know myself as a race fan. so it's hard to go head-to-head like that anyway. If you asked me for something easier, like tyres, I could try. Stellenbosch would accept an offer very much easier. Anything else?"

"Remains the same. Fuel from Hedra, electronics from Strata, systems from Atlas, A myriad of racing supplies through AvexRacing. Harmin Bank approached to sponsor the team too. Well, Harmin Bank bankrolled even the most stupid structures, like that IOWCC team. It will be great to work with Sagnier and Graad again. Even if they can't join, monarchy money is always welcome. And it attracts attention from the old money too. I think we need a sponsor focused in the luxury market, to cater from these people."

Lemieux, Saint Ianina

"Yes, Mrs Hevel. I want to have your daughter racing for me. I have watched some of her karting action, and I think she still may have a chance. I'm putting up a team in Lisander F4. The series has only six rounds at the moment, one per month, so she won't be far from home for long, only once a month for some days. I plan to support her through work too, or at least make some calls. There's a friend of mine, she works at the embassy and she needs an assistant. I'll be in contact with her. Right. Right, yeah. Yeah, that's great. No need to thank, Mrs Hevel. Yes, have a nice night. I'll get in touch later. Bye!"

Finally, she had managed to find a substitute for the embassy work. Aria Hevel, daughter of a Lisanderian friend of the ambassador, and a former karting driver accepted to cover for her duties as Director of Archives and Information Management at the Embassy of Lisander in Saint Ianina in exchange for a place in the next Lisander F4 season. Also, she managed to sign up a driver for her F4 team, that was another question she had to deal with. Now that Laura Werner's problems were addressed, at least for the moment, she could dedicate herself to finding herself a seat. She knew Eminent had open doors for her, but dreaming of a slightly better seat was not a sin. She stretched like a lazy cat, throwing her mobile phone on the sofa next to her, and picked up her laptop to read the day's emails. Among the spam messages and self-development newsletters, she was able to find two test offers.

"Well, all good for the first day."

Anneliese Devereux accepts the invitation for the private tests in Aji No Moto.
Anneliese Devereux accepts the invitation accepts the invitation for the Preston Autos tryout.
The Principality of Lisander, a sports loving, very highly developed nation in Astyria.
Disappointing people and missing deadlines since 2013.

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Postby Sharktail » Sun Jan 19, 2025 2:58 pm

Canggal Circuit,
Bandar Sejarah, Sharktail

"The racreachesch the final lap, as 1driverser pushes through beyond their limit. Oh, Azrul Mustapha made a small mistake at this lap, allowing Hazrin to seize the leading position. He has dominated the past few laps as a leader, but there is no way to let it go whether there are just laps left. Hazrin now just needs to stay focused and keep his distance from Azrul. One mistake from him: im no matter how big or small, anywhere this lap can affect his position. The finish line is set just few more corners. Azrul was seen struggling to try his best to overtake Hazrin. Hazrin is also seen a little slower than the previous laps, but he has no time to relax until he crosses the finish line. Entering the final corner and heading straight toward the finish, Hazrin managed to widen the gap with the other riders, speeding towards the finish. It's over, Hazrin crossed the finish line first. There was a little shortcoming on the last lap, but the distance between him and the other riders gave him an advantage to secure the win and clinch podium 1 for himself. A satisfying gesture we can see from him."

After the award ceremony...
As Hazrin finished greeting reporters and vvip, he continued walking straight to the team's tent. He still tries to catch his breath, but also tries his best to greet people around. There are a few important people that he should be aware of their existence here right now. As part of the offseason regular routine, he joined the Shade Techno Kart Team to compete around Sharktail. It was good to keep him in the mood for racing. Other than simulation racing, this was the best way for him to keep improving and keep his skills in check.

He arrived at the team tent. After a few moments, he exchanges a word with a few other fellow drivers who drop by this booth. As he sat down, Sara McAwn, daughter of Shade Group owner Zahira McAwn, approached him. Shade Group is one the wealthiest and top racing teams in Sharktail. He has been lucky to sign with them in Sharktail GP two years ago. So, it's really important to keep his contact as much as possible with the group personnel.

As she gets close to him, she greets the staff around. They give a quick reply before leaving both of them alone. "Congratulations, it was fascinating. You seem to have a good mood out there today."

He fixed his posture. Smile still nowhere to be seen in his tired face. "Kinda, maybe. The gear is good. The weather is good."

Sarah smiled. She took a step closer and sat beside Hazrin. "Should also say we have a good driver too." She pauses a bit and checks her phone before continuing. "Seem like the signing and test season are starting to get more serious. Any news about WGPC 21 yet?"

As Sara mentioned WGPC, He was silent for a moment. His mind went blank before he was able to arrange his sentence. He closes the water bottle and places it on the table. "Nothing for now. No follow-up from the agency yet. But, just news around, a few teams have sent their official invitation. Got no luck yet." He just gave a warm smile.

Sara was silent for a while, then tried to comfort both Hazrin and herself. "'s normal for a rookie. Options are still open and some teams are still open for their rider options. Just keep calm and wait; we don't know what might happen until everything is over".

He just listened. His eyes were focused straight to the circuit. He reached for the water bottle. He then replied briefly, "Sure it is. I will just wait for the update from Royal Athlete. As for now, from what we talked about, they will give a second heads up to all teams that might still be available, seeking any kind of opportunity." He gave a smile as he finished his word.
It's good to be persistent about it. Nothing will come your way just by being sit idle." Sara tried to find a topic to continue the conversation, but it did not come to mind. As the situation might be more awkward to have nothing to talk about, she decided to leave for now. "I have a meeting at the group, so I will take my leave now."

Hazrin smiled and stood up. He bows down and they part away. As she walked a bit far from the tent, he reached his phone and checked the message. There are no updates yet. Nothing important for him to care about. Then a notification popped up, his daily training schedule. He stood up and walked away. "Another normal day, I guess."
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Postby Aboveland » Sun Jan 19, 2025 10:44 pm

Ælund Racing Headquarters
Lintulahti International Circuit
Lintulahti, Aboveland

Edvin looked back into the paddock as his mechanics wheeled carts of fresh Tropicorp rubber into the garage. He pursed his lips as they aligned the stacks of tires against the back wall; of all the things there were to change, the tyres were certainly not one of them. HIs gaze was cut short by the pit mechanics' callouts along the pitwall — "pit in!" —, drowned out by the rapidly approaching thunder-turned-burble of an approaching formula car. He stepped out onto the pitlane behind the navy-clad crew that waved the car down, illuminated in the engulfing glow of the floodlights that defied the waning twilight. As the car turned into the pit box, its engine went silent, replaced by a mechanical clunk, an electrical hum, and the quiet whistle of the leaf blowers thrust into its sidepods. Nestled in the monocoque, the visor on the pure carbon helmet flipped up, and the corners of the driver's fair eyes popped into view. With the car stationary, Edvin jogged to crouch beside the cockpit.

"Better?" he asked frantically, his knees popping as he bounced into position. The driver nodded as he unstrapped his helmet and handed it over to the other side of the car.

"Much," he replied, pulling off his gloves, emblazoned in the number 56 and fimbriated in gold, and frowning. "These overalls are a fucking tight fit, man," he groaned, pulling his crotch strap away and fidgeting in his seat.

"Weight comes on fast, Terho," quipped Edvin, throwing his arms into the cockpit to shake his legs. "But seriously, is the hybrid smoother now?"

Terho nodded back. "Yeah, I think this could be the final draft, man." As he undid his belts and climbed out of the car, Edvin followed attentively. "It does feel heavier on the slow speed," Terho admitted — the trade-offs of slapping a hybrid unit to the back of their chassis — "but honestly, it's just quicker. Night and day versus AGP004."

"And that's because you didn't drive AGP005," sighed Edvin. The two made their way behind the pit separators into the small telemetry office put up in the garage, flopping on the office chairs either side of the large touchscreen telemetry and data display. Resting his head on his hand, Edvin turns his chair towards Terho and exhales more severely. "It's a lot of change, Terho," he shook his head, his eyes darting upwards in search of a lifeline. "Brand new car, brand new name, brand new look, brand new sponsors, brand new drivers... brand new engine! Hybrid!"

Terho shrugged, rocking his office chair clockwise and back. "Well, look," — he perched his head on his hands, and his arms on his knees — "Things couldn't get much worse. Sometimes, radical change is good — I think it's time for that."

Edvin stayed frozen in thought. "Just remember our first try," Terho continued. "Franssen ran away with that one, but we — well, I... — didn't do half bad. And that was with a tinpot chassis and a grafted engine."

"Sometimes," Edvin mutters, absently. "Sometimes, I wonder if TRÆ really was forever. If there was anything I could have done differently that would have made things different." He scratched his nose, and brought a fingernail to his teeth. "Breaking with Tropicorp... are we being clever, or are we just mad?"

Terho curled his lips inwards and shrugged. "Beats me, man. It's nobody's guess. But, let me tell you..." He rolls his chair closer and, hunched, stares up at Edvin. "That car out there — that's one fucking good car we have."

Sometimes, radical change was necessary. In Ælund Grand Prix' case, it was as necessary as ever.

The turmoil the team had been thrust into in the wake of the Echocoin scandal — the Abovian Financial Inquiries Police investigation into Ælund Racing, sparked by the outfit's rallying arm's connection with Togonistani crypto-scam scheme Echocoin, and tipped to the Abovian government by the government of Hodori — was always expected to prove a spanner in the works of the team's WGPC20 plans. But few could have predicted the scale and speed of the downfall of the modern WGPC's winnigest and most ruthlessly dominant teams, embargoed headquarters and rebrand and all. From one record-breaking result to the next: the team which had netted the highest winning margins in the drivers' and constructors' championships in history ended up taking star driver iBen Toralmintii to the WGPC's worst ever title defense.

The events of WGPC20 had put a strain on everyone involved with Ælund Racing. Immediately, the team's struggles drove a stake through the working relationship between Ælund and Tropicorp. Despite having all the cards in their favor for development duties, nothing at all went right at Lintulahti — and subsequently, at the Colourworks Test Facility in Tropicorp — throughout the off-season. A brand-new engine, mated to an ageing, four-season old base chassis, developed across changing offices and ever-thinner resources, was bound to fail from its inception. The team's season 20 challenger, AGP005, was hopeless from the first practice session, and the decision to revert to the WGPC19 chassis while grafting in the new engine was never going to make huge amends.

Worse still was the effect the season had had on the team's drivers. For Chromatik Ji So-Yeong, it couldn't have been a more demoralizing start — and eventually, end — to her WGPC career. Plagued by the technical gremlins and handling woes of the AGP004.5, the poor debutant couldn't do much to sustain even her own interest in competing throughout the season. With one podium to her name, however, she did enough to end up mid-table in the standings, and to bring the embattled Abovian team a glimmer of hope throughout the season. For iBen Toralmintii, though, things were considerably more dire. Grappling with the same woes as his unknown and unproven teammate, the reigning champion was nowhere to be found on track. He scored points just twice throughout the season, not even managing the podium as his best result, spending the rest of the year languishing either near the bottom or just outside the points. Though not without his allies at Colourworks — no less, apart from the Vilitans and Turorians, the caring wing of sporting director and former teammate Terho Talvela — his results sparked doubt across the garage. Surely he hadn't forgotten how to drive: maybe, after clinching that long-elusive title, he was just over it all?

In any case, the season came and went, and like awaking from a terrible nightmare, the AFIP investigation had finally reached a verdict: no wrongdoing found on the part of Ælund Racing related to its Echocoin sponsorship, meaning that all embargoes were lifted on the company, and that the Lintulahti headquarters could be reopened for business. Immediately, the team set out to make up for lost time, but... what team, exactly? The off-season had ultimately proven as tumultuous as the season itself; to put further strain on the weary Abovian/Vilita and Turorian relationship, and again stemming from the faraway lands of Hodori, Abovian drivers and outfits in WSRC, which were or had been associated with Tropicorp at some point during their existence, were given blanket sporting bans for said relationships, including stripping Abovians of titles earned in domestic Hodoran motorsport. Though this mostly stirred controversy and disdain for Hodori within Aboveland, it proved another setback in the Tropicorp/Ælund partnership. A torrid season, a non-returning driver, and another one perhaps unmotivated, an unreliable engine paired with an ancient chassis, and potentially continuing consequences from their alliance...

The decision to break off the Tropicorp technical partnership for WGPC21 was unilateral, but multifaceted. On one hand, the disastrous results in season 20 had prepared the grounds for an amicable split. Neither party had gained anything by seasons' end; Ælund's car never worked, and Tropicorp's success was more easily found back at Race Eelandii. On the other, and perhaps more crucial, hand, the loss of prize money incurred by dropping eight places in the standings, coupled with the huge costs of both moving the team's operating base to Tropicoast and dealing with court fees throughout the AFIP investigation, proved a tough bill for the team to affront. As a result, harkening back to the earliest days of Tropicorp Racing Ælund, the Abovian government, through the National Tourism and Sporting Board, took control of and restructured Ælund Racing as a whole, consolidating three different subsidiaries of the larger group: Ælund Rallisport, for rallying, the CMYK Racing Technologies engineering firm, and the WGPC team, Ælund Grand Prix. With the safety net in place, the message from the NTSB was clear: better safe than sorry from now on.

As such, it was decided that Ælund Grand Prix would go it alone for season 21, sans the acclaimed partnership with Tropicorp that had taken them to the highest highs in the history of the sport. Significant roles in the team went unchanged: Edvin Pekkanen, longtime Talvela race engineer turned team principal, would remain in his position, while Terho Talvela himself would both retain his role as sporting director and take on official testing and development duties on the side. The chassis and aero team would remain Abovian, as it had since WGPC16, with a large number of the new facilities installed in Tropicoast for WGPC20 relocated back to Lintulahti on exceedingly short notice. The tyres, an exception to the NTSB's recommendations, would remain Tropicorp for the coming season. If there was one component of every AGP00X chassis that had been infallible from start to finish, it had to be the Tropicorp tyres — and their stats didn't lie, either.

Then, there was the engine. Throughout the years, the Abovians had picked up on some of Tropicorp's prowess — to the point that the latest of their powerplants, hopeless in AGP005 but enough to thrust rookie Brendan Faloe to the title last season, had had the most engineering input from Ælund of all of their engines — but huge question marks hung over the team's capability to pull off an engine on their first try. Working off the base of the last twin-turbo Tropicorp V8, the skunkworks squad at CMYK set off to mend the worst of the engine's reliability woes, increasing the weight of the unit past the point of feasibility. After a lengthy bout of head-scratching, CMYK settled on an ambitious solution, spurred on as well by their self-perceived lack of innovation in the past few seasons. By removing a turbo, reducing the engine's displacement, rearranging the reinforcements done to its critical components, and attaching a tiny hybrid unit to the front of it, the engineers at Lintulahti managed to produce an engine with enough high-end power, ear-searing revs, and low-end torque to keep the car nimble on the slow, despite the weight penalty, and torquey on throttle. Initial tests focused on calibrating the hybrid unit to nail the throttle response; in the end, the pure electric boost was stronger than forecasted, all the while maintaining the engine and electricals separate enough to salvage an eventual failure. CMYK was confident enough in their unit to set out in search of potential buyers; CMYK Racing Technologies offers the Ælund CMYK-T20V8H engine to prospective teams.

And finally, the question that hung heavy on Abovian heads: who would be the fortunate souls to resurface the sunken ship? For the first time in years, the answer was not so clear. Despite Terho's unfettering support, iBen Toralmintii had become less of a shoe-in and more of a liability — at best — for the rest of the team. For starters, the end of the Tropicorp technical partnership essentially vacated the de facto Vilita and Turorian seat reserved at the team. In his case specifically, the Turorian had already been at odds with Edvin, Terho, and the rest of the management throughout season 20, for dropping Sara Luna in favor of the unproven Ji So-Yeong; then, he'd had to be asked — sternly — to drop his concurrent NSSCRA campaign to focus on turning his WGPC season around; worse still, the tabloid storm that followed his lack of results stoked tensions within the team, heightened after he'd accused them of prioritizing his rookie teammate in the assignment of "upgrades" to the mothballed AGP004.5.

Plus, further against his chances, the driver market had opened up, after the demises of Kaylan, Sivaleinen, Carvenlo and Scuderia Orange Cow, and the return of some of the WGPC circuit's most remarkable stars. Crucially, there were two drivers in the center of Terho's radar: Abdoulaye Goita and Ted Pressley. The former had cold-called Terho early in the pre-season to shoot his shot — perhaps unaware of the Abovian's protagonist role in driver selection. What he was also unaware of was that Terho's fingers were hovering just above the green dial button on his contact name when he received said call. Abs, as he called him, had mentioned a possible return to the grand prix scene in passing during their two WSRC events together at the start of the last rallying season. Terho knew Abdoulaye well (enough): not only a commendable man for his demeanor, but a fierce wheeler on track as well. There were, perhaps, doubts as to his long-term commitment if Ælund were planning on building towards the future — but that was probably thinking too far ahead.

The Tumbran had been a driver somewhat adjacent to the Ælund Racing stable for some time. Truthfully, he'd always been on Terho's watch, enough so that he had tried to snap him up for WGPC20 before falling back on Ji So-Yeong. He'd shown incredible pace and grit in his rookie WGP2 season, battling it out in a four-way title fight that, ultimately, went to Captain Consistent Heinz-Otto Junker. The memories of that legendary WGP2 season still hung high on people's minds across the paddock, and especially in Aboveland, having had Janne Laukkanen embroiled in the thick of it to the very end. In Pressley's case, the truth is that he hadn't yet been dealt a fair hand in his top-level career. Two seasons at a declining Kaylan failed to rekindle the sheen he'd shown all those years ago, but Terho was confident that he still had it in him, and that with the right team behind him, he could become one of the WGPC's greats.

Thus, as the pre-season thumped into action, and the snowballs got rolling, Ælund Grand Prix' first moves were clear, if perhaps, as was tradition, a bit timid to start with. Terho, with his sights set squarely on two plus one drivers, set out to contact them for an eventual closed-doors test tryout. As far as iBen went... he would be a tough sell to Ælund Racing's new government owners. However, any team would be silly to write off the only world champion free agent around. If he were to snap a seat, it would take Terho some verbal gymnastics and sly hands to seal the deal. For now, the contact with his long-time teammate remained under the table: would he be interested in returning?

Ælund Grand Prix:
- offers a private testing opportunity to Abdoulaye Goita and Ted Pressley;
- seeks to know the interest of iBen Toralmintii in re-signing for the team;
- confirms the use of Tropicorp tyres;
- offers the CMYK T20V8H powerplant to prospective teams.
Last edited by Aboveland on Sun Jan 19, 2025 11:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Home to Terho Talvela, three-time WGPC World Champion, and one-time WSRC World Champion



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