The 3rd Italian Civil War (IC)

A staging-point for declarations of war and other major diplomatic events. [In character]
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The 3rd Italian Civil War (IC)

Postby Sardinia-Sicily » Wed Jan 15, 2025 10:07 am

As Sardinia-Sicily entered the war between Kostane and Indy, the public were outraged, specifically with General MacBarfer who was a really popular president, however his approval rating has now dropped below 30%. President Dump, has also been unpopular, as despite many calling to withdraw from the war, Dump has refused. Now, the Fascists, secretly scheming underground, as they have been on the run since the end of the 2nd Civil War, they now have sensed the time to rise. Ivan Mussolini, a Grandson of Benito, was pushed out of the Mussolini family when he declared himself a Fascist. He moved to Russia, and ran the Italian Fascist Party in disguise. During the 2nd Civil War, he secretly led the Fascists from a warehouse in Moscow. He now snuck back into the country and with his supporters and Russian Equipment, stormed the Presidential Mansion and Parliament and has declared the creation of the 2nd Italian Empire. Socialists and Communists in Lombardia and Ventia following this, seized military bases and have formed the Italian Soviet Republic, with former Presidential Canidate, Yosef Balin being declared as the leader. Monarchist Elements are once again back, with Napoli and Sicily under their control, and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies has once again returned.
Governor of Free United States
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” — Romans 12:12
The Countryball in the flag is me
Alright well those wanting to know about me OOC (It's no one) here you go. To start with me politically, you might ask what I am. The answer? It's complicated. Socially I would consider myself a Libertarian, as I support the legalization of cannabis, reduction of government involvement, and letting people do what they wish as long as it doesn't break the law. Now Economically, I am very conservative as I support reduced taxes, mainly on the working class, I am a Protectionist, and I support reduced governmental spending. Foreign Policy wise, I am a Isolationist and support the end of American involvement in foreign countries.

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The Timber Rattlesnake
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Postby The Timber Rattlesnake » Wed Jan 15, 2025 10:21 am

(is this open for everyone? also I can't find the OOC.)
"¡Viva la libertad, carajo!"

Evil Las Vegas Like Corporatocracy, Basically Bush Jr America combined with Mr House from Fallout New Vegas.

BREAKING NEWS: Trade War between The Timber Rattlesnake and Doslonsu. | President Richardson - "Fight Goddammit!" | Richardsons Infamous Calender Shoot is being used as burning wood for the homeless. |


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Postby Sardinia-Sicily » Wed Jan 15, 2025 11:22 am

As a brief calm before the storm now passes, Il Duce Mussolini has ordered the arrest of all members of the former government. The States of Savoy and Rhone have declared Independence, however Ivan has denounced this action and declared war on the Breakaway States. The ISR has declared war on the 2nd Italian Empire and the Kingdom of Two Sicilies as Italy looks to fall to chaos once more. MacBarfer and Beisentower are still days away from being able to return and fight for a resistance, however Mario Messe, once a loyal Marine Commander, has joined the Fascists in an attempt to earn honor and glory. No outside power has intervened yet, however rumors have come up that Langkasoka will intervene in the future.
Governor of Free United States
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” — Romans 12:12
The Countryball in the flag is me
Alright well those wanting to know about me OOC (It's no one) here you go. To start with me politically, you might ask what I am. The answer? It's complicated. Socially I would consider myself a Libertarian, as I support the legalization of cannabis, reduction of government involvement, and letting people do what they wish as long as it doesn't break the law. Now Economically, I am very conservative as I support reduced taxes, mainly on the working class, I am a Protectionist, and I support reduced governmental spending. Foreign Policy wise, I am a Isolationist and support the end of American involvement in foreign countries.

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Postby Doslonsu » Wed Jan 15, 2025 2:22 pm

Tehrazd, Doslonsu – The government of Doslonsu has officially declared war on the Rhône State, aiming to reintegrate the region following the outbreak of a civil war in Sardinia-Sicily. The announcement comes as part of a broader strategy to stabilize the region and restore Doslonsuan influence over its historical territories.

Swift Advances in the South
Initial reports from the front indicate that Doslonsuan forces made rapid advancements into Rhône State territory. Capitalizing on the disorganization left by the Sardinia-Sicily conflict, Doslonsu’s military overwhelmed local resistance, capturing key towns and strategic supply points. Military analysts attribute this success to well-coordinated ground assaults supported by precision airstrikes.

General Soren Galstov, leading the southern campaign, stated:
"Our goal is clear: reintegration and stabilization. We are here to bring order to the region, not chaos."

However, despite these early victories, progress has slowed considerably as the campaign faces logistical challenges.

Operation Tiger's Gambit: The Northern Obstacle
The Doslonsuan government confirmed that resources and supply lines originally allocated to the Rhône campaign have been redirected to support Operation Tiger's Gambit, the ongoing military campaign against Maxwelland in the north.

Operation Tiger's Gambit, which seeks to deliver a decisive blow to Maxwelland's remaining forces, has strained Doslonsu's logistical capabilities. This diversion of resources has forced southern forces to halt their advance temporarily, leaving captured territory vulnerable to counterattacks and creating frustration among military officials stationed in the Rhône front.

An anonymous officer in the southern campaign voiced concerns:
"We were making solid progress, but the lack of supplies and reinforcements has left us in a precarious position. Morale is high, but patience is wearing thin."

While Doslonsu's ambitions for reintegration remain steadfast, the simultaneous campaigns in the north and south present a formidable challenge. Military strategists warn that splitting resources between two fronts could lead to stalemates in both campaigns, potentially emboldening resistance forces.

For now, the Rhône campaign remains in limbo, with Doslonsu’s forces consolidating their gains and awaiting further reinforcements. All eyes now turn to Operation Tiger's Gambit, where success could potentially free up resources to reignite the southern offensive.

Doslonsu’s leadership faces mounting pressure to deliver victories on both fronts, as the nation’s resolve is tested in this critical moment of war and geopolitical strategy.
Never Forget 6/3/24!
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Wiki page? (Kinda shit at the moment...)
Peace in Maxwelland achieved; rejoice! | Doslonsu News: Parliament is abolished; Hail Ersha. | Leader Ambadus Ersha declares himself Supreme Chief of the Doslonsuan State. | Doslonsu enters Maxwelland upon discovering ghastly sights.

Current Minister: Ambadus Ersha

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Moralistic Democracy

Postby Sardinia-Sicily » Wed Jan 15, 2025 2:54 pm

Operation Proletariat Pepperoni and Papal Uprising: As the 3 main states are now all at war, the Communists have taken the initiative and have begun Operation Proletariat Pepperoni, a plan to invade the Fascist Controlled Tuscany. General Secretary Balin has put Jorge Blooblov in charge of the operation, where he likely will have to face General Messe. Meanwhile Pope Salami has declared all of the leaders to be Heretics and he led an uprising in Roma. After a battle between the civilians and Fascist Barracks, the Pope came out on top and declared the creation of the Holy Italian State.
Governor of Free United States
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” — Romans 12:12
The Countryball in the flag is me
Alright well those wanting to know about me OOC (It's no one) here you go. To start with me politically, you might ask what I am. The answer? It's complicated. Socially I would consider myself a Libertarian, as I support the legalization of cannabis, reduction of government involvement, and letting people do what they wish as long as it doesn't break the law. Now Economically, I am very conservative as I support reduced taxes, mainly on the working class, I am a Protectionist, and I support reduced governmental spending. Foreign Policy wise, I am a Isolationist and support the end of American involvement in foreign countries.

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Moralistic Democracy

Postby Sardinia-Sicily » Wed Jan 15, 2025 3:20 pm

Assasination of Ivan Mussolini: As the Communist Offensive was about to begin, General Mario Messe and the Il Duce were having a meeting in Cagliari to discuss a plan of action. While the dialogue that led up to it was unknown, General Messe pulled out a handgun and shot the Il Duce in the head. He immediately ran out of the building with the Duce's guard following him and shooting. He jumped from the bridge and landed on his escape boat as he attempted to flee to Napoli. In the chaos, the Il Duce's body went missing, with him being presumed dead. As Leadership broke down between the fascists, the communists made significant ground, as did the Pope. As of now, no one knows where both, the Il Duce or General Messe are.
Governor of Free United States
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” — Romans 12:12
The Countryball in the flag is me
Alright well those wanting to know about me OOC (It's no one) here you go. To start with me politically, you might ask what I am. The answer? It's complicated. Socially I would consider myself a Libertarian, as I support the legalization of cannabis, reduction of government involvement, and letting people do what they wish as long as it doesn't break the law. Now Economically, I am very conservative as I support reduced taxes, mainly on the working class, I am a Protectionist, and I support reduced governmental spending. Foreign Policy wise, I am a Isolationist and support the end of American involvement in foreign countries.

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New Harken
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Postby New Harken » Wed Jan 15, 2025 4:04 pm

Viktor Krameer calls on Italian Fascists to rally under National Democracy

Following the assassination of Ivan Mussolini and the following breakdown of Fascists leadership, President Viktor Krameer of New Harken has officially made a statement calling for the remaining Fascists to rally under National Democracy, the official ideology of New Harken. According to the President he believes that only under the ideals of National Democracy will order be restored and the Red menace will be put down. The President has even hinted at deploying the 1,000 men from the 3rd Nova Assault Division currently returning from Kostane as part of New Harken's withdrawal from the ongoing conflict there. Along with an offer of Anti communist fighters, the government has stated they also intend to redirect their cancelled arms shipments for Kostane and plan on, with the approval of the Fascist leadership to begin arming their forces with New Harken's state of the art arms and supplies.
Last edited by New Harken on Wed Jan 15, 2025 4:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Langkasoka » Wed Jan 15, 2025 6:43 pm

War in the Land of Love
OST: Bella Ciao (Remix)

In a public statement released by the Foreign Ministry, it is announced that the Langkasokan Federation is closely following the events in the Italian Confederation and expresses its concerns over the outbreak of a civil war in the country- plunging the region into a spiral of destabilisation again, right after the Doslonsu-Maxwelland War is coming to a close with peace on the horizon. Nonetheless, in that same communique, the Langkasokan Federation condemns the fascists and far-left* groups for the violent overthrow of the government and states it'll continue to recognise the government(-in-exile?)of President Dump as legitimate.


The RBSI- under instructions of His Highness Prince Ismail- works to make contact with representatives of the re-established Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. In these secret talks, the RBSI agents inform the Monarchists that their side will be supported by Langkasoka through covert means. They are asked what they require- in terms of personnel, equipment, ammunition, etc.-for their forces in order to win the Civil War. They are also encouraged to negotiate an alliance with the Conservative old government, whose returning forces from the south Indian Ocean will turn the Monarcho-Conservative faction supported by Langkasoka into an unstoppable faction whose chances of winning the conflict will improve enormously.

Federation of Langkasoka | Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Private Communication to the New Harken Foreign Ministry

It has recently come to the attention of the government of His Majesty the Yang Dipertuan Agong XXXV that the Democratic Republic of New Harken intends to meddle in the affairs of the Italian Civil War. Based on a recent statement put out by President Viktor Krameer, it is the New Harkenian intention to support the fascist movement of the late Ivan Mussolini in the name of the ideals of 'National Democracy'. To fulfill this initiative, Mr. Krameer has pledged to support the Italian Fascists with arms shipment and hinted at deploying the New Harkenian military force in Italy.

This is a course of action completely unacceptable to the Federation of Langkasoka.

As such, the Federation hereby advises President Viktor Krameer to reconsider this course of action by abandoning these plans to support the Italian Fascists. Should this advice go unheeded, the Federation will undertake all necessary measures- including those of a military nature- to prevent these arms shipments and troops from reaching their intended destination. The Federation would like to remind Mr. Krameer of the Langkasokan naval and air forces operating out of nearby Jauhlaut**, which may be deployed as part of these aforementioned measures.

On behalf of His Majesty the Yang Dipertuan Agong XXXV
Sabri Khan, Minister of Foreign Affairs

*meaning the socialists and communists
Last edited by Langkasoka on Wed Jan 15, 2025 6:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Tanjung News: Kostan-Indios War comes to an end with victory for pro-Indios coalition; celebrations rock major cities. | LASA prepares to launch the first Langkasokan woman into space.
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Postby Sardinia-Sicily » Wed Jan 15, 2025 9:43 pm

Mario Messe joins the Monarchists: The decorated General and now fugitive, General Messe arrived in Napoli where he explained to the naval commander there what previously happened. Upon this, the commander took Messe to Lord Vivaldi, who was a former presidential canidate and head diplomat for the nation. Now those who know about Vivaldi know he is deaf so he had his translator there and after a conversation, Mario Messe officially joined the Monarchist Movement, being placed in charge of the 29th Infantry Squadron.
Governor of Free United States
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” — Romans 12:12
The Countryball in the flag is me
Alright well those wanting to know about me OOC (It's no one) here you go. To start with me politically, you might ask what I am. The answer? It's complicated. Socially I would consider myself a Libertarian, as I support the legalization of cannabis, reduction of government involvement, and letting people do what they wish as long as it doesn't break the law. Now Economically, I am very conservative as I support reduced taxes, mainly on the working class, I am a Protectionist, and I support reduced governmental spending. Foreign Policy wise, I am a Isolationist and support the end of American involvement in foreign countries.

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Postby Sardinia-Sicily » Fri Jan 17, 2025 9:05 am

Operation Papal Power: As the communists have been pushed out of all of Roma (Region) besides the east, the pope has decided to shift his focus on the monarchists. He and the civilian militias along with the swiss guard have begun a march towards Napoli in Operation Papal Power, which if successful would lead to the fall of Naples and severe crumbling of the Monarchists. General Messe has been put in charge of stopping this operation and finally the two armies met up at the Battle of Portici, where the larger, less trained militias will face off against the well trained smaller monarchist army.
Governor of Free United States
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” — Romans 12:12
The Countryball in the flag is me
Alright well those wanting to know about me OOC (It's no one) here you go. To start with me politically, you might ask what I am. The answer? It's complicated. Socially I would consider myself a Libertarian, as I support the legalization of cannabis, reduction of government involvement, and letting people do what they wish as long as it doesn't break the law. Now Economically, I am very conservative as I support reduced taxes, mainly on the working class, I am a Protectionist, and I support reduced governmental spending. Foreign Policy wise, I am a Isolationist and support the end of American involvement in foreign countries.

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New York Times Democracy

Postby Langkasoka » Fri Jan 17, 2025 10:04 am

Principles didn’t win you victories, pragmatism does.

While Mario Messe might have joined the fascists in the early stages of the war, HIMSIS- the rebranded RBSI following the reorganisation of the Federation into the Kemaharajaan- found that the General’s skills and contacts were of great use to the monarchist faction, and would help them in winning this civil war.

With Papal forces marching to Napoli and the Battle of Portici on the horizon, the HIMSIS operatives that had met with Monarchist leadership provides General Messe assistance in drafting up battle plans and tactics to defeat the Papalists-who may outnumber the monarchists, but are less trained and professional when compared to the monarchists.

While awaiting an official response from the monarchist leadership on what kind of support they need, HIMSIS provides the monarchists with a batch of light, multirotor drones that can be used in reconnaissance and intelligence missions, crucial to preparing for the upcoming Battle of Portici.
Last edited by Langkasoka on Fri Jan 17, 2025 10:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
Tanjung News: Kostan-Indios War comes to an end with victory for pro-Indios coalition; celebrations rock major cities. | LASA prepares to launch the first Langkasokan woman into space.
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Postby Sardinia-Sicily » Fri Jan 17, 2025 10:11 am

The Battle of Portici: Papal Militias descended down the hill as machine guns mowed them down in high numbers. Messe's Defense had begun, the moment where he would finally be recognized as a truly great general, the battle that would cement him in the history books....or at least it would have. A sniper shot from the distance hit him in the back of the head. Many in the monarchists saw there commander fall and looked back, causing a break in the lines and the Papal Militias breaking through. The Monarchist army was split in two as one side was pinned to the ocean, however the commander there refused to surrender, leading to the death of all of the soldiers there. This moment has been declared the Massacre of Portici as over 5K monarchists lost their lives out of the stupidity of their commander. However, this was not without heavy losses on the papal front. Almost 1/3 of their entire forces were killed or severely wounded, as a result of Langkasoka's Drones. The army in the east for the monarchists declared a retreat as the were ordered to make a long march to Salerno. Napoli was soon abandoned with Vivaldi's leadership in question.

OOC: Damn it, I typed all of this just for Langka to make a post. I will have to edit this now.

Alright were good now
Last edited by Sardinia-Sicily on Fri Jan 17, 2025 10:25 am, edited 2 times in total.
Governor of Free United States
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” — Romans 12:12
The Countryball in the flag is me
Alright well those wanting to know about me OOC (It's no one) here you go. To start with me politically, you might ask what I am. The answer? It's complicated. Socially I would consider myself a Libertarian, as I support the legalization of cannabis, reduction of government involvement, and letting people do what they wish as long as it doesn't break the law. Now Economically, I am very conservative as I support reduced taxes, mainly on the working class, I am a Protectionist, and I support reduced governmental spending. Foreign Policy wise, I am a Isolationist and support the end of American involvement in foreign countries.

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Postby Elfilin » Fri Jan 17, 2025 1:58 pm

Issued by the President of Elfilin

"We have stayed quiet in most conflicts, at most issuing sanctions at an Aggressor. That changed today, as we will start an intervention against the Italian Fascists in the Third Italian Civil War. And yes it is what you think it is, we are declaring war on the fascists and are sending troops near the islands of Sardinia and Sicily. May God protect us, and democracy as a whole.
The Republic of Elfilin, a beautiful nation with chinchillas. It is anti-fascist, due to the atrocities committed by them in World War 2. It is a liberal nation, having democratic elections and also supporting human rights.

History: Here
Designated Terrorist Groups: Here
BREAKING NEWS: Doslonsu abolishes democracy, met with sanctions by Elfilin | The flag has been redesigned, following the acceptance of a proposal for a redesign | Amogus SSR in civil war, Elfilin supports liberal faction

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Moralistic Democracy

Letter from Antoni Vivaldi

Postby Sardinia-Sicily » Fri Jan 17, 2025 5:03 pm

To, The Langkasokan Foreign Office

I first off would like to thank you for your support. But, it has come to my attention that our forces were just absolutely destroyed. We have had to evacuate the capital. We are without our number one general, who unfortunately was killed from a rifle bullet. Anyways, I was told that you would like us to ally the conservatives? This can't happen unfortunately. The Conservatives have never liked me ever since I resigned from the role of International Representative of Sardinia-Sicily, following the ball in The Kaisers Syndicates. Not to mention it would go against our main goal, which is to establish an absolute monarchy. If we were to somehow strike up a deal with them, and then were to win, a constitutional monarchy would likely be re-established. If we are to win, we will need a competent general, something we have a lack of seeing as the only generals we have are all inexperienced nobleman. Therefore I request that you send over military advisors to help train our high command.

Thank you for reading this, sincerely
Lord Antoni Vivaldi
Governor of Free United States
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” — Romans 12:12
The Countryball in the flag is me
Alright well those wanting to know about me OOC (It's no one) here you go. To start with me politically, you might ask what I am. The answer? It's complicated. Socially I would consider myself a Libertarian, as I support the legalization of cannabis, reduction of government involvement, and letting people do what they wish as long as it doesn't break the law. Now Economically, I am very conservative as I support reduced taxes, mainly on the working class, I am a Protectionist, and I support reduced governmental spending. Foreign Policy wise, I am a Isolationist and support the end of American involvement in foreign countries.

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New York Times Democracy

Postby Langkasoka » Fri Jan 17, 2025 5:29 pm

The deaths of over five thousand Monarchist troops in a single battle came as a great shock to not only the Langkasokan government, but the public of Italy and other countries as well. And with what loomed on the horizon, shock would turn into outrage.

Soon, on news broadcasts such as Tanjung News, footage emerged showing Papal militias carrying out executions of captured Monarchists or shooting at- and killing Monarchist troops surrendering to the Papalists. Whether it was authentic or not, in addition to the footage being rather convincing, Tanjung News commentator Professor Xun Feng said it would make sense for the Papal soldiers to be more prone towards carrying out war crimes since they are first and foremost a militia force that is known to be less disciplined and less professional.

"Not only that, the deaths of five thousand would encompass nearly the entire Monarchist army that was separated and pinned to the seas after their lines were broken. It would imply that there were almost no survivors or POWs taken, and that truly every single man had been killed on the fields of Portici. The incompetent commander may have clung onto his order of ‘no surrender!’ but surely some individual Monarchist soldiers could see which way the wind was blowing and tried to surrender to the enemy- only to be met with a bullet to the head, as the alleged footage shows."

Not long after these revelations were made public, the Kemaharajaan issued a statement:

Communique regarding the Papalist War Crimes in the Italian Civil War

It has recently come to the attention of His Imperial Majesty the Maharaja & Yang Dipertuan Agong of Langkasoka, the most beloved and divine Narakāsura Janaka Ishvaran, that the military forces of the Pope have been found to have been involved in carrying out war crimes against the Monarchist soldiers of Lord Vivaldi. These include the attacking and killing of enemy combatants that are hors de combat through surrender and the summary executions of Monarchist soldiers taken as prisoners of war. Independent sources have verified the veracity of the allegations, and have concluded that the Papalists have been responsible for these acts.

The Kemaharajaan Langkasoka hereby condemns the Pope and the Papalist faction for war crimes, which signify an unacceptable escalation of the Italian Civil War. The Kemaharajaan demands that the Papalists cease their activities, lay down their weapons, and allow themselves to be detained by the legitimate Italian government to be held for further investigation and possible trial. Should these demands go unheeded, the Royal Langkasokan Air Force out of Jauhlaut will conduct air strikes on Papalist targets for as long as our demands are not met.

That is all.

Long live the Kemaharajaan! Ten thousand years to the Maharaja!

In addition to combating and weakening the Papalists through these airstrikes, it is hoped that the public image of the Pope and his faction will be thoroughly tarnished and that the fascist and far-left factions will be more focused in fighting them. This would allow a breather for the Monarchists, so that they can recover and return to strength in the meantime. Also, the Monarchists may garner public sympathy as they are painted as the victims of Papalist brutality.

The Cella’Kawali Group (CKG) offers its ‘private security services’ to Lord Vivaldi, which would involve deploying a force of 1,000 professional mercenaries in support of the monarchists, which should help replenish them after losing five thousand in the Battle of Portici. The CKG is known for its ties to the Kemaharajaan, with some claiming it’s a state-funded enterprise that follows the wishes of the Maharaja. But it’s a move that would allow Langkasoka to officially say it isn’t directly deploying troops into Italy, although the reality is a bit more… complicated. In addition to reinforcing the Monarchists in battle, they would provide training to the Monarchist military to further improve their skills and capabilities. In charge of the CKG contingent would be Ahmad Suloh, former Leftenan of Royal Langkasokan Navy special forces PASKAL Unit Five.


In secret, Kolonel Rayzam Sofian- the man who previously commanded Langkasokan forces against the Dark Sun insurgency and was involved in the Doslonsu-Maxwelland War- is dispatched to Naples to act as a ‘shadow commander’ for the monarchist forces and take charge of strategy now that General Messe is dead. The HIMSIS agents in contact with the Monarchist leadership advise the faction to accept this assistance and tell them that while Rayzam will command the monarchists in secret, in public, it is Lord Vivaldi who will be seen as taking charge of the Monarchists. A good public image is something he desperately needs, now that his leadership is in question following the disastrous Battle of Portici. Leftenan Sowmiya Puteri is assigned as liasions officer to handle covert communications between Langkasoka and the Monarchists.
Last edited by Langkasoka on Sat Jan 18, 2025 2:28 am, edited 2 times in total.
Tanjung News: Kostan-Indios War comes to an end with victory for pro-Indios coalition; celebrations rock major cities. | LASA prepares to launch the first Langkasokan woman into space.
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Corrupt Dictatorship

Postby Greznov » Fri Jan 17, 2025 5:43 pm

The Brevigels' engine scream to life; their jet engines fuming out flames, ready to set their course onto Rome.

Supporting a fellow monarchy is their mission; they were ready to bring the strikes upon the insurgents. "This is Igel Squadron; ready to take off," said Igel-1, the leader of the Igel Squadron; one of the first Fa-165 Brevigel squadrons.

"This is Air Control; you are ready to take off," said the ATC. The multirole supersonic aircrafts took off to the skies, ready to storm the territories.

"Skies Above Sardinia"

The Brevigels soared above Sardinia; their payloads dropping in the screams of eagle. There were two tasks of the multirole aircrafts: gaining air superiority and conduct surgical airstrikes, take down key installations and possibly terminate high ranking insurgent members.

The Volks IMINT satellite float in the orbit, taking pictures of the key military installations. The Brevigels Squadron "Alpha" engaged the hostile aircrafts above Sardinia, while "Bravo" squadron dropped their payloads above Sardinia. Meanwhile, ASAT batteries in Greznov readied their silos; firing at the Fascists' IMINT satellites. Cyberattack was also done: overwrite worms, viruses, and trojans attack the Fascist internet networks.

Multiple secret military files were the target; as well as the Stock Exchange of Sardinia-Sicily. In a show of force; Greznov CGNs fired 40 cruise missiles at Fascist oil rigs.
Last edited by Greznov on Fri Jan 17, 2025 8:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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New York Times Democracy

Postby Langkasoka » Sat Jan 18, 2025 4:58 am

Sardinia-Sicily wrote:(SIC)
To, The Langkasokan Foreign Office

I first off would like to thank you for your support. But, it has come to my attention that our forces were just absolutely destroyed. We have had to evacuate the capital. We are without our number one general, who unfortunately was killed from a rifle bullet. Anyways, I was told that you would like us to ally the conservatives? This can't happen unfortunately. The Conservatives have never liked me ever since I resigned from the role of International Representative of Sardinia-Sicily, following the ball in The Kaisers Syndicates. Not to mention it would go against our main goal, which is to establish an absolute monarchy. If we were to somehow strike up a deal with them, and then were to win, a constitutional monarchy would likely be re-established. If we are to win, we will need a competent general, something we have a lack of seeing as the only generals we have are all inexperienced nobleman. Therefore I request that you send over military advisors to help train our high command.

Thank you for reading this, sincerely
Lord Antoni Vivaldi

SIC: Response to Lord Vivaldi and Monarchists
Response to Lord Vivaldi from the Director of HIMSIS

Lord Vivaldi & the Monarchists

We understand your concerns regarding an alliance with the Conservative government and your position as monarch after the civil war, and those will be noted. However, we will still invite you and General MacBarfer for a two-day visit to the Kedatuan Jauhlaut* where we will host discussions about a possible alliance between the Monarchists and the Conservatives. It is our intent to convince Mr. MacBarfer of agreeing to installing you as absolute monarch after this conflict.

Place your trust in the boundless wisdom of His Imperial Majesty the Maharaja & Yang Dipertuan Agong of Langkasoka, the most beloved and divine Narakāsura Janaka Ishvaran, whose plans will gracefully assist you in your path to claiming your rigthful throne over Italy.

Ten thousand years to the Maharaja!

Desmond Tang
Director of His Imperial Majesty's Secret Intelligence Service

IC: Message to General MacBarfer and Conservatives
Invitation to Discussions of an Alliance with Lord Vivaldi

General MacBarfer & the Conservatives,

It has recently come to the attention of His Imperial Majesty the Maharaja & Yang Dipertuan Agong of Langkasoka, the most beloved and divine Narakāsura Janaka Ishvaran, that in your absence, the Italian Confederation has fallen into civil war, with warring factions vying for control over the Italian peninsula. His Imperial Majesty wishes to express His sincerest compassion to the Italian people whom are suffering through these difficult times.

It is the desire of the Kemaharajaan Langkasoka to not involve herself into this conflict directly. However, the revelation of war crimes carried out by the Pope and his followers, was an unacceptable escalation of violence in the view of His Imperial Majesty, who found it fitting to undertake a peacekeeping operation which involves conducting an aerial campaign against Papalist forces. This peacekeeping operation seeks to force the Papalists into surrender to your government, so that a proper investigation into the war crimes and a subsequent trial can be held.

Amongst the factions warring over control of Italy, the Monarchists set themselves apart as the most legitimate and reputable, especially when compared to the radical, ideologue, hooligans of the fascists and the far left. It is the Kemaharajaan’s advice to the Conservative government that it is in your interests to establish an alliance with the Monarchist faction.

Although we understand the Conservatives and the Monarchists may not have the best relationship since Lord Vivaldi’s resignation as International Representative, His Imperial Majesty stresses that amidst this time of crisis, General MacBarfer and Lord Vivaldi must set aside their differences in the name of the common good of Italy.

We invite General MacBarfer and Lord Vivaldi to the Kedatuan Jauhlaut for a two-day visit to discuss the possibility of this alliance and Italy’s future after the civil war. Already, we have prepared a location for these talks and have arranged for your stay at lodgings suitable for General MacBarfer and Lord Vivaldi. It is our intention to keep this meeting low-profile, so we would request the size of the delegations of both MacBarfer and Vivaldi to be limited to essential personnel as much as possible, while the Langkasokan army and security services will provide protection to ensure their safety. We look forward to your response.

Ten thousand years to the Maharaja!

Sabri Khan
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kemaharajaan Langkasoka

*Langkasokan Marseille
Last edited by Langkasoka on Sat Jan 18, 2025 10:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
Tanjung News: Kostan-Indios War comes to an end with victory for pro-Indios coalition; celebrations rock major cities. | LASA prepares to launch the first Langkasokan woman into space.
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Moralistic Democracy

Postby Sardinia-Sicily » Sat Jan 18, 2025 11:11 am

Annexation of Savoy: The day has come....he who left has returned. MacBarfer is back, and with a vengeance. Upon landing in Genoa, he prepared to attack the Savoyard Militias there but upon meeting up with them, the men laid down their arms and joined the conservatives. The March to Turin soon began but upon reading about what happened in Genoa, the Savoyard Parliament knew what they needed to do. They ended up surrendering and MacBarfer ended up not removing them from power yet. Now with Savoy in Conservative hands, another belligerent has been added to the war.
Governor of Free United States
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” — Romans 12:12
The Countryball in the flag is me
Alright well those wanting to know about me OOC (It's no one) here you go. To start with me politically, you might ask what I am. The answer? It's complicated. Socially I would consider myself a Libertarian, as I support the legalization of cannabis, reduction of government involvement, and letting people do what they wish as long as it doesn't break the law. Now Economically, I am very conservative as I support reduced taxes, mainly on the working class, I am a Protectionist, and I support reduced governmental spending. Foreign Policy wise, I am a Isolationist and support the end of American involvement in foreign countries.

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Scandinavian Liberal Paradise

Postby Elfilin » Sat Jan 18, 2025 1:34 pm

The ships have finally arrived near the two islands of Sardinia and Sicily.

The ships prepare for an attack on the fascist-controlled islands, and imposes a blockade against the islands to starve off the fascists' resources.
Last edited by Elfilin on Sat Jan 18, 2025 1:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Republic of Elfilin, a beautiful nation with chinchillas. It is anti-fascist, due to the atrocities committed by them in World War 2. It is a liberal nation, having democratic elections and also supporting human rights.

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BREAKING NEWS: Doslonsu abolishes democracy, met with sanctions by Elfilin | The flag has been redesigned, following the acceptance of a proposal for a redesign | Amogus SSR in civil war, Elfilin supports liberal faction

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Corrupt Dictatorship

Postby Greznov » Sat Jan 18, 2025 4:27 pm

Greznov wrote:SLAVIKTON
The Brevigels' engine scream to life; their jet engines fuming out flames, ready to set their course onto Rome.

Supporting a fellow monarchy is their mission; they were ready to bring the strikes upon the insurgents. "This is Igel Squadron; ready to take off," said Igel-1, the leader of the Igel Squadron; one of the first Fa-165 Brevigel squadrons.

"This is Air Control; you are ready to take off," said the ATC. The multirole supersonic aircrafts took off to the skies, ready to storm the territories.

"Skies Above Sardinia"

The Brevigels soared above Sardinia; their payloads dropping in the screams of eagle. There were two tasks of the multirole aircrafts: gaining air superiority and conduct surgical airstrikes, take down key installations and possibly terminate high ranking insurgent members.

The Volks IMINT satellite float in the orbit, taking pictures of the key military installations. The Brevigels Squadron "Alpha" engaged the hostile aircrafts above Sardinia, while "Bravo" squadron dropped their payloads above Sardinia. Meanwhile, ASAT batteries in Greznov readied their silos; firing at the Fascists' IMINT satellites. Cyberattack was also done: overwrite worms, viruses, and trojans attack the Fascist internet networks.

Multiple secret military files were the target; as well as the Stock Exchange of Sardinia-Sicily. In a show of force; Greznov CGNs fired 40 cruise missiles at Fascist oil rigs.

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Moralistic Democracy

Postby Sardinia-Sicily » Sat Jan 18, 2025 4:30 pm

Greznov wrote:
Greznov wrote:SLAVIKTON
The Brevigels' engine scream to life; their jet engines fuming out flames, ready to set their course onto Rome.

Supporting a fellow monarchy is their mission; they were ready to bring the strikes upon the insurgents. "This is Igel Squadron; ready to take off," said Igel-1, the leader of the Igel Squadron; one of the first Fa-165 Brevigel squadrons.

"This is Air Control; you are ready to take off," said the ATC. The multirole supersonic aircrafts took off to the skies, ready to storm the territories.

"Skies Above Sardinia"

The Brevigels soared above Sardinia; their payloads dropping in the screams of eagle. There were two tasks of the multirole aircrafts: gaining air superiority and conduct surgical airstrikes, take down key installations and possibly terminate high ranking insurgent members.

The Volks IMINT satellite float in the orbit, taking pictures of the key military installations. The Brevigels Squadron "Alpha" engaged the hostile aircrafts above Sardinia, while "Bravo" squadron dropped their payloads above Sardinia. Meanwhile, ASAT batteries in Greznov readied their silos; firing at the Fascists' IMINT satellites. Cyberattack was also done: overwrite worms, viruses, and trojans attack the Fascist internet networks.

Multiple secret military files were the target; as well as the Stock Exchange of Sardinia-Sicily. In a show of force; Greznov CGNs fired 40 cruise missiles at Fascist oil rigs.

Yo bro react to this

Give me a while. I’m on mobile right now. Also this belongs in the OOC
Governor of Free United States
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” — Romans 12:12
The Countryball in the flag is me
Alright well those wanting to know about me OOC (It's no one) here you go. To start with me politically, you might ask what I am. The answer? It's complicated. Socially I would consider myself a Libertarian, as I support the legalization of cannabis, reduction of government involvement, and letting people do what they wish as long as it doesn't break the law. Now Economically, I am very conservative as I support reduced taxes, mainly on the working class, I am a Protectionist, and I support reduced governmental spending. Foreign Policy wise, I am a Isolationist and support the end of American involvement in foreign countries.

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Postby Elfilin » Sun Jan 19, 2025 6:36 pm

The Republic of Elfilin, a beautiful nation with chinchillas. It is anti-fascist, due to the atrocities committed by them in World War 2. It is a liberal nation, having democratic elections and also supporting human rights.

History: Here
Designated Terrorist Groups: Here
BREAKING NEWS: Doslonsu abolishes democracy, met with sanctions by Elfilin | The flag has been redesigned, following the acceptance of a proposal for a redesign | Amogus SSR in civil war, Elfilin supports liberal faction

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Postby Arelont » Sun Jan 19, 2025 7:16 pm

Announcement of support for the Monarchists in the 3rd Italian Civil War

Following a civil war in Italy..

And Langkasoka's support for the monarchist side,
We, the Council of Arelont, formally declare war on the other sides of the war that aren't the Monarchists.

Expect troops to be arriving soon.

Signed by the Council and Axel Nazariy


Long Live Narakāsura Janaka Ishvaran!
< < The Free State of Arelont > >
"We have Very Fair Elections!" even though the pro Langkasokan party seems to be always popular..

Arelont News Corporation • President of The Timber Rattlesnake goes on vacation in Arelont • Prussia surrenders to Arelont, national holiday being created in its honor • Cola Company "Zuckerverrückt" debues Maple Syrup Cola, instantly becomes popular

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Moralistic Democracy

Postby Sardinia-Sicily » Sun Jan 19, 2025 11:39 pm

Operation Thunder and Lightning and Bombing Raids over Sardinia: MacBarfer now back on the mainland, has found he can no longer trust anyone but himself, and thus read over Langkasoka's letter with skepticism and in a meeting with his advisors decided to decline to reply. He has also ordered Operation Thunder and Lightning to begin, which is an attempt to cripple the heavily industrialized Lombardia, which would severely hurt the Communist Economy and thus limit their ability to strike back. Meanwhile the island of Sardinia has been increasingly damaged via foreign bombing raids on Military Bases however some Civilians have been hit by misfired bombs, which the fascist leadership has used as propoganda against the foreign power.
Governor of Free United States
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” — Romans 12:12
The Countryball in the flag is me
Alright well those wanting to know about me OOC (It's no one) here you go. To start with me politically, you might ask what I am. The answer? It's complicated. Socially I would consider myself a Libertarian, as I support the legalization of cannabis, reduction of government involvement, and letting people do what they wish as long as it doesn't break the law. Now Economically, I am very conservative as I support reduced taxes, mainly on the working class, I am a Protectionist, and I support reduced governmental spending. Foreign Policy wise, I am a Isolationist and support the end of American involvement in foreign countries.

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Posts: 66
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Corrupt Dictatorship

Postby Greznov » Mon Jan 20, 2025 4:45 am

Sardinia-Sicily wrote:Operation Thunder and Lightning and Bombing Raids over Sardinia: MacBarfer now back on the mainland, has found he can no longer trust anyone but himself, and thus read over Langkasoka's letter with skepticism and in a meeting with his advisors decided to decline to reply. He has also ordered Operation Thunder and Lightning to begin, which is an attempt to cripple the heavily industrialized Lombardia, which would severely hurt the Communist Economy and thus limit their ability to strike back. Meanwhile the island of Sardinia has been increasingly damaged via foreign bombing raids on Military Bases however some Civilians have been hit by misfired bombs, which the fascist leadership has used as propoganda against the foreign power.

1843 HOURS

About 15,000 elite airborne forces of the United Imperial States, the Eirborn Elit Fors (EEF) followed suit after the bombing raids; deploying from wooden gliders on the night sky. 152,000 foot marines followed suit, landing or Sardinian coasts. Meanwhile, about 8 CGNs fired their missiles towards Sardinian townhall and strategic targets (e.g radio towers, military installations, logistics stations) followed by an encirclement attempt done by 152,000 marines and 8,000 IFVs.

From behind the enemy line came the EEF; attempting to assasinate government officials and join the fray to blow logistics stations up.



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