Aboard the Golden Dawn [OOC] [Pirates] [Open]

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Aboard the Golden Dawn [OOC] [Pirates] [Open]

Postby Alvosa » Wed Jan 15, 2025 10:00 am

Ahoy! Welcome aboard the golden dawn.

Aboard the golden dawn is an RP where you play as the crew of the golden dawn, an ambitious crew seeking gold and glory. This is set in 1640s Hispaniola. The pirates base is on the infamous pirate haven of Tortuga but the RP Will be set all over Hispaniola. The crew has only recently formed and have not yet made a reputation for themselves.

The pirate code:

1.Keep it civilized in the OOC, you can argue over whatever you want in the IC.
2. No godmodding.
3. No controlling other player’s characters.
4. If you don’t post for 2 weeks, you will either get blown to bits during a daring raid or forced to walk the plank.
5. No one liners.


Last edited by Alvosa on Wed Jan 15, 2025 10:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

OOC: Hello, I am Alvosa from Aspen. I am from Ireland. I like P2tm (a lot) F7 posting random dispatches and TET. That was my sig, it’s called Jake.

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United Mafias
Posts: 139
Founded: Nov 24, 2024
Moralistic Democracy

Postby United Mafias » Wed Jan 15, 2025 10:29 am

Name: Johnson " The Dog " Dewl
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Appearance: 1.71 without beard nor mustache, black hair, brown eyes
Personality: loyal, friendly, brave, superstitious, hard-headed
Money: Utterly broke
Skills: good swordsman, average nautical knowledge, agile
Belongings: A sword
Bio: Johnson The Dog arrived here with the merchant ships from England, in the hope of being able to gain fortune, when he realized that he would only receive a few cents, he showed discontent, which led to him being kicked off the ship onto the mainland, here he joined the pirates, who gave him a home and a chance

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Posts: 1299
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Iron Fist Consumerists

Postby Alvosa » Wed Jan 15, 2025 11:01 am

United Mafias wrote:Name: Johnson " The Dog " Dewl
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Appearance: 1.71 without beard nor mustache, black hair, brown eyes
Personality: loyal, friendly, brave, superstitious, hard-headed
Money: Utterly broke
Skills: good swordsman, average nautical knowledge, agile
Belongings: A sword
Bio: Johnson The Dog arrived here with the merchant ships from England, in the hope of being able to gain fortune, when he realized that he would only receive a few cents, he showed discontent, which led to him being kicked off the ship onto the mainland, here he joined the pirates, who gave him a home and a chance


OOC: Hello, I am Alvosa from Aspen. I am from Ireland. I like P2tm (a lot) F7 posting random dispatches and TET. That was my sig, it’s called Jake.

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Postby Honghai » Wed Jan 15, 2025 2:40 pm


Cairah "Pointblank" Anders


24 y/o





Very youthful, takes good care of herself - for someone who is in the scene of bandits and thieves, comes across as very clean and girly/dainty

Not "freakishly tall," but tall enough compared to even some men


  • Quiet, shy, unassuming, the type to keep to herself
  • Addicted to gambling and taking chances, even if odds are stacked highly against her
  • Composed and stable, isn't easy to get under her skin


Not a handsome amount, but some achieved from her gambles. If she was in a position of winning alot, she wouldn't hoard most of it but rather give it to her family, looking out for them so they wouldn't really have to work odd jobs.


  • Sowing
  • Painting
  • Sharpshooting
  • Gambling

  • Three flintlocks
  • Flintlock ammunition
  • Equipment for cleaning flintlock-pistols
  • A deck of cards, note there almost-always is a card hidden somewheres on her person.
  • A sowing needle
  • Spare clothing and shoes


From those around her in the town she'd grew up in, Cairah was said to be "all too clean," and the type most unlikely to get in trouble - however she was known to have a still face when gambling or, atleast, it'd appeared that she didn't have much emotion in her altogether. She had, in the tavern, surprised everyone when betting highly against a tough-looking and portly man who had garnered some uncomfortable feelings around her.

One of the regulars kindly helped her to a chair, then stood around her - taking somewhat of a weird interest in her because she didn't seem to be rude or aggressive. The big man sitting opposite of her, stared straight into her faintly-colored eyes and made attempts to disorient her or make her feel some type of way, but it had no effect on her, besides a subtle laugh coming from her lips.

Some time later, and she was celebrated - walking away with the fat man embarrassed and looking to harm her. The same person from earlier secretly would pass her his gun and a few shots. Before the angry man unsheathed his blade, Cairah would shoot him only once - killing him shortly.

After that, she heard rumors of aggressive men taking to the "high seas," and wanting to leave her native town - she'd set out to join a crew.

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Posts: 1299
Founded: Aug 21, 2024
Iron Fist Consumerists

Postby Alvosa » Thu Jan 16, 2025 12:55 am

Honghai wrote:Name:

Cairah "Pointblank" Anders


24 y/o





Very youthful, takes good care of herself - for someone who is in the scene of bandits and thieves, comes across as very clean and girly/dainty

Not "freakishly tall," but tall enough compared to even some men


  • Quiet, shy, unassuming, the type to keep to herself
  • Addicted to gambling and taking chances, even if odds are stacked highly against her
  • Composed and stable, isn't easy to get under her skin


Not a handsome amount, but some achieved from her gambles. If she was in a position of winning alot, she wouldn't hoard most of it but rather give it to her family, looking out for them so they wouldn't really have to work odd jobs.


  • Sowing
  • Painting
  • Sharpshooting
  • Gambling

  • Three flintlocks
  • Flintlock ammunition
  • Equipment for cleaning flintlock-pistols
  • A deck of cards, note there almost-always is a card hidden somewheres on her person.
  • A sowing needle
  • Spare clothing and shoes


From those around her in the town she'd grew up in, Cairah was said to be "all too clean," and the type most unlikely to get in trouble - however she was known to have a still face when gambling or, atleast, it'd appeared that she didn't have much emotion in her altogether. She had, in the tavern, surprised everyone when betting highly against a tough-looking and portly man who had garnered some uncomfortable feelings around her.

One of the regulars kindly helped her to a chair, then stood around her - taking somewhat of a weird interest in her because she didn't seem to be rude or aggressive. The big man sitting opposite of her, stared straight into her faintly-colored eyes and made attempts to disorient her or make her feel some type of way, but it had no effect on her, besides a subtle laugh coming from her lips.

Some time later, and she was celebrated - walking away with the fat man embarrassed and looking to harm her. The same person from earlier secretly would pass her his gun and a few shots. Before the angry man unsheathed his blade, Cairah would shoot him only once - killing him shortly.

After that, she heard rumors of aggressive men taking to the "high seas," and wanting to leave her native town - she'd set out to join a crew.


OOC: Hello, I am Alvosa from Aspen. I am from Ireland. I like P2tm (a lot) F7 posting random dispatches and TET. That was my sig, it’s called Jake.

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Offer Erapia
Posts: 248
Founded: Jan 12, 2018
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Postby Offer Erapia » Sun Jan 19, 2025 11:11 pm

Name: Alister "The Bear" Moore
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Appearance: standing 6'4 and weighing in at 250lbs Alister is a tall and large man. His long jet black hair is tied back into a ponytail. Piercing blue eyes compliment his freckled white skin. Scars of various size adorn his body, one of which is on his face giving him a threatening appearance. Normally Alister can be seen wearing an all black outfit with pants, and undershirt and overcoat with amber trimming being the sum of his attire. A leather belt on his waist holds his sword and dagger and on the opposite side a holster for his flintlock. Around his neck, tucked under his shirt Alister wears a golden locket a cherished momento.

Personality: Although caring and altruistic Alisters mind, due to tragedies of the past, is ruled by a frozen heart. On the outside one might suggest he was a cynical person. But only his friends, of which he has few, know that he is kind and caring. And only his late wife and daughter knew how loving he could be.
Money: Enough for two weeks should he find himself unemployed.

Skills: Fighting- With a healthy complement of skills at his disposal one of his best is hand combat. Learning much in his time as a competitive fighter in the slums. His swordplay, while not the best is still enough to get him by.

Navigation: Through lessons and knowledge told by passing ship crews, and as a dock worker, coupled with short trips out to sea. Alister learned the way of Navigation going as far as to learn star mapping. Using charts, maps and even the temperature of the water he sharpened his sense of direction to a razors edge.

Belongings: 1x Cutlass, 1x Dagger, 1x Flintlock, 1x Compass, 1x golden locket

Repair: By far his most useful skill is his damage control. Through years spent working with ships he learned how to replace beams, plug holes, fix firearms, sail and even rudder work.

Hunting: using bait, traps and various other methods Alister is a efficient and successful hunter who is familiar with a wide variety of different game.
Bio: Born in the slums of a town and fathered by a abusive drunkard, Alisters daily life was filled with violence. Turning to thievery to get by he was forced into a life of crime. His mother, whom was consumptive was the poor boys only anchor in life. At the age of 12 when she passed he ran away from home taking his chances at a better life. Blessed with a strong body he quickly fell into the line of dock working. Over the years he learned many things such as navigation, ship and firearm repair. Although he enjoyed his physically demanding job it wasn't enough to sustain himself. And so he turned to competitive brawling.

It was then, at the prime age of 24, that Alister would would fall in love and a while later marry. Using the money he had set aside he had purchased a house. Soon after settling the two were soon expecting. But it was here that a sudden event would change his life forever. One day after work he would find his house in flames his wife and unborn child did not survive. It was only until later that he would discover that it was scorned debt collectors from his father's past that had come to prove a point to his poor excuse of a father.

Devastated, Alister took the money he had and fled. Over the course of three years he spent his time at taverns drinking away his sorrows. At one point he had finally decided to try and get his life back together. And so he began looking for work, bouncing from ship to ship as a crew for hire.

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Posts: 1299
Founded: Aug 21, 2024
Iron Fist Consumerists

Postby Alvosa » Mon Jan 20, 2025 7:29 am

Offer Erapia wrote:Name: Alister "The Bear" Moore
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Appearance: standing 6'4 and weighing in at 250lbs Alister is a tall and large man. His long jet black hair is tied back into a ponytail. Piercing blue eyes compliment his freckled white skin. Scars of various size adorn his body, one of which is on his face giving him a threatening appearance. Normally Alister can be seen wearing an all black outfit with pants, and undershirt and overcoat with amber trimming being the sum of his attire. A leather belt on his waist holds his sword and dagger and on the opposite side a holster for his flintlock. Around his neck, tucked under his shirt Alister wears a golden locket a cherished momento.

Personality: Although caring and altruistic Alisters mind, due to tragedies of the past, is ruled by a frozen heart. On the outside one might suggest he was a cynical person. But only his friends, of which he has few, know that he is kind and caring. And only his late wife and daughter knew how loving he could be.
Money: Enough for two weeks should he find himself unemployed.

Skills: Fighting- With a healthy complement of skills at his disposal one of his best is hand combat. Learning much in his time as a competitive fighter in the slums. His swordplay, while not the best is still enough to get him by.

Navigation: Through lessons and knowledge told by passing ship crews, and as a dock worker, coupled with short trips out to sea. Alister learned the way of Navigation going as far as to learn star mapping. Using charts, maps and even the temperature of the water he sharpened his sense of direction to a razors edge.

Belongings: 1x Cutlass, 1x Dagger, 1x Flintlock, 1x Compass, 1x golden locket

Repair: By far his most useful skill is his damage control. Through years spent working with ships he learned how to replace beams, plug holes, fix firearms, sail and even rudder work.

Hunting: using bait, traps and various other methods Alister is a efficient and successful hunter who is familiar with a wide variety of different game.
Bio: Born in the slums of a town and fathered by a abusive drunkard, Alisters daily life was filled with violence. Turning to thievery to get by he was forced into a life of crime. His mother, whom was consumptive was the poor boys only anchor in life. At the age of 12 when she passed he ran away from home taking his chances at a better life. Blessed with a strong body he quickly fell into the line of dock working. Over the years he learned many things such as navigation, ship and firearm repair. Although he enjoyed his physically demanding job it wasn't enough to sustain himself. And so he turned to competitive brawling.

It was then, at the prime age of 24, that Alister would would fall in love and a while later marry. Using the money he had set aside he had purchased a house. Soon after settling the two were soon expecting. But it was here that a sudden event would change his life forever. One day after work he would find his house in flames his wife and unborn child did not survive. It was only until later that he would discover that it was scorned debt collectors from his father's past that had come to prove a point to his poor excuse of a father.

Devastated, Alister took the money he had and fled. Over the course of three years he spent his time at taverns drinking away his sorrows. At one point he had finally decided to try and get his life back together. And so he began looking for work, bouncing from ship to ship as a crew for hire.


OOC: Hello, I am Alvosa from Aspen. I am from Ireland. I like P2tm (a lot) F7 posting random dispatches and TET. That was my sig, it’s called Jake.


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