Coalition of the Righteous [SIC, IC, CLOSED]

A staging-point for declarations of war and other major diplomatic events. [In character]
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The Scandoslavic Empire
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Coalition of the Righteous [SIC, IC, CLOSED]

Postby The Scandoslavic Empire » Tue Jan 14, 2025 7:57 pm

ᴛʜᴇ Cᴏᴀʟɪᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ Rɪɢʜᴛᴇᴏᴜs
(OOC Quicklink)

Based in Singapore, the Coalition of the Righteous is a joint military-oriented alliance between the Langkasokan Federation, the Indios Bravos, and the Scandoslavic People's Republic. The organization itself is highly exclusive, and has not allowed any new members to join since its founding during the Doslonsuan Succession War of 2025. The name was coined first by Scandoslavic forces in the eastern Doslonsu area who had proclaimed the joint forces between the three nations to be a righteous coalition. Later on the tag was picked up by the Langkasokans who applied it to propaganda and media posts.

Now, the highly-secretive CoR (Pronounced "Core") meets in an undisclosed boardroom in Singapore, to fulfill the demands of its trifecta of founders. Representatives from the three nations are their most trusted governmental assets - and nothing confidential they discuss ever leaves the room.

After her actions in the GSO boardroom, People's Council Foreign Affairs Committee President Mivizlievia Nostrov was seen internationally as an unhinged, overconfident lunatic who served only one thing besides herself - the Motherland. When she stormed out of the GSO boardroom, she was met with countless members of local and international media - but she did not yield to answer their questions. Photographers following her to a local airport take a photo that turns her reputation from questionable to infamous - depicting her trudging furiously onto the stairs of a private aircraft, her hair disheveled and her VT-M18 in her hand, aimed to the sky. When she returned back to Scandoslavia, the People's Council allegedly relieved her of her position - all just a show for the public, as it would turn out. She was contacted by the BTA almost immediately after she returned to the People's Republic, and they offered her a special position, if she would accept the fact that she would have to be almost internationally disgraced. She took the chance, and within a few days was on her way to Singapore.

When Mivizlievia arrived in Singapore under the cover of darkness, it was not in a fancy jet, or private flight. It was by helicopter, in a loud, brash, dirty machine that kicked up more dust than it ought to have when it took off and landed. Her helicopter landed on the outskirts of the city, in the hills and mountainous areas around it, before departing again. One lone helipad stood on a patch of flattened terrain, with a small footpath that led to a double-door in the side of the hills. She descended the staircase inside, accompanied by two BTA Turvallisuusofitsers, or Security Officers. Her trademark black and dull blue heels clacked against the tile floor and echoed down the hall, in pure silence. Down the hall was a set of mahogany doors, ornately cut and adorned with gilded golden handles. She pushed open one of the doors and entered the small, perfectly-lit room. It was no bigger than an average war room, but it had a special feel to it. There were no windows, only more of the beautiful mahogany wood paneling and golden accents that patterned the walls. In the center of the room sat a long, antiquated table, accompanied by three equally stunning chairs. The chairs followed the standard the room had set, as they too were made of a mahogany wood and featured gilded accents. Their cushioning was a velvety blue material that glistened in the light of the room. At the back of the room, on the wall just above the chair at the furthest end of the table, was the distinct flag of the CoR, encased in a golden display. In the center of the room, on the ceiling, was a small chandelier, no bigger than the average light fixture, that gave off a heavenly golden-white glow that filled room, ending in the corners with a smooth gradient effect, like an eternal golden hour. The other representatives weren't here yet, but Mivizlievia didn't mind. The room, she felt, was perfect - and she could wait there for eternity if she had to. She exhaled contently, and her two escort Turvallisuusofitsers stood outside the doors behind her. Underground, protected, and safe, Mivizlievia was truly satisfied with the boardroom's location. She took a seat, in the chair at the far end of the table, and awaited the other representatives.

Users authorized to post here: The Scandoslavic Empire, The Indios Bravos, and Langkasoka.
Last edited by The Scandoslavic Empire on Sun Feb 02, 2025 8:09 pm, edited 4 times in total.

«Рощина преждын кåйыкало | Motherland above all»
Our Constitution | 12Axes | InfValues | World Map | Our President | Scandoslavic Armed Forces
SSBN: Veschenyan Liberation Front shoots, kills Illinamerkii of Chelski; sparks Fourth Chelskoyen War | Scandoslavia at war once more as "Chelskoyen Republic of Veschenya" initiates fourth secession attempt | "Kontiiynor" missile systems to be deployed to Chelskoye Administrative Zone for "Storming of Chelski"

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Postby Langkasoka » Wed Jan 15, 2025 7:00 am

The CoR Assembles
OST: Backroom Deal

'We are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings.'
John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the United States

The CoR's top secret boardroom was previously one of the many secret bunkers in Singapura carved out during the Second World War, at a time Langkasoka had declared itself neutral while being beset by the warring British and the Japanese- both beckoning the Southeast Asian kingdom to join their side. The nation walked a delicate tightrope during WWII, waging a war of diplomacy and espionage to maintain its sovereignty. If those measures failed, Langkasoka would need to be defended, and its principal trade and supply hub Singapura would be the first target for the enemy.

Fortunately, the war didn't develop in such a way for Langkasoka, and over time the plethora of classified old bunkers were either sealed off or turned into museums for the public. The remainder were renovated and are still used by the Royal Langkasokan Army as supply depots for example. Now, one was to be used as the secret headquarters of the Coalition of the Righteous.

With the sound of his shoes rhythmically clicking the floor echoing through the desolate halls of the CoR, Dato Rabu Yahaya made his way to the boardroom, where two taciturn guards clad in all-black gear opened the mahogany door. There, Rabu acknowledged the Scandoslavic representative by nodding his head towards her, and took a seat at the table: "Enjoying the silence, Miss Mivizlievia?"
Tanjung News: Kostan-Indios War comes to an end with victory for pro-Indios coalition; celebrations rock major cities. | LASA prepares to launch the first Langkasokan woman into space.
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The Indios Bravos
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Postby The Indios Bravos » Wed Jan 15, 2025 5:33 pm

"Perry, we're here."
"This is a bridge..."
"And this..."
The pilot motioned towards a motorcycle.
"Is a motorvroom."
Perry simply gave a nod before riding off onto the bridge, which was shockingly empty for being only one of two entry points into literal Singapore. Perry didn't mind, this was ideal. His mission for the CoR was suspicious in the first place, and traffic would not have helped. He stopped calculating every tiny little outcome as his little motorvroom maneuvered through the city.
Singapore was never really a cornerstone in Indio affairs. Langkasoka owned the city and Scandoslavia had decided this to be the lair of the Righteous, but the Archipelago never saw a reason to deal with the city.
Righteous. That word again. In a context outside the church, it felt so cultish. Where did that even come from? Perry stopped inwardly complaining as he neared the location. He quickly checked his Winchester '87, making sure every round was a slug. The gun opted for a polymer stock and handguard instead of wood, and it had an array of tactical attachments, whatever that meant...
He descended the staircase, entering the room with his 1887...disassembled. For safety.
As he entered the room, we crouched down and reassembled the gun relatively quickly and took his seat.
"Morning, or whatever time it is."
The Indios Bravos "Indy"
General Lampin Spoilers|Major radical conservative riots rock the streets of Sultana, heavy police squads dispatched|All openly progressive individuals advised to stay in urban areas, major alerts sent to open homosexuals|Congress debates sending heavy police squads into rural areas due to another rise in hate crimes|Lack of news out of Kostane leaves people suspicious of actions in New Sevregal|Official Nationwide Celebrations ending|Security risks lead to the end of operations into ASSR controlled Kostane, as Kostan insurgents begin popping up|

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The Scandoslavic Empire
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Postby The Scandoslavic Empire » Wed Jan 15, 2025 6:34 pm

Mivizlievia snickered sarcastically and a smug grin formed on the corners of her lips, finding humor in Yahaya's remark. "You'd think so, wouldn't you?" she exhaled sharply and laid her hands on the table, with her fingers intertwined and her index fingers extended towards the Langkasokan. "I'm not sure if you're surprised to see me here - if any of the higher-ups even bothered to tell you I'd be here, then of course you're not - but that's not the point." Mivizlievia tilted her head to the left, raising an eyebrow as if to punctuate her sentence physically. Her attire was drastically different from her usual outfits in the GSO boardroom. Instead of the plain black-and-white suit she had worn during her time with the GSO, she donned a drab greyish-blue dress uniform, complete with a notable blue-and-white armband on her left arm that bore the Victory Star, and two shoulder patches that displayed her high rank for all to see. Atop her head was a brimmed military cap that was the same shade of grey-blue as her uniform. The black brim gleamed in the light of the room, and the silver accent around the cap glistened - yet both paled in comparison to the intricate, spotless silver-and-blue emblem of the BTA, which was positioned just above the brim and accents. Since rejoining the BTA, she was less 'handshakes and formal suits' - and more 'gunboat diplomacy'. She kept her fingers intertwined, and stretched, pulling back her shoulders until they cracked, before setting her hands back on the table. She opened her mouth to continue her rant when the Indio representative arrived. Mivizlievia did not recognize her Indio counterpart - although she assumed he was important enough to be sent to the CoR on behalf of the Indios Bravos. She did not respond to his statement - as it was still dark out - nighttime - and she assumed that was obvious. Instead, she simply gazed at the Indio man as he sat down, before shifting her glance back to the Langkasokan. She had lost her train of thought.

«Рощина преждын кåйыкало | Motherland above all»
Our Constitution | 12Axes | InfValues | World Map | Our President | Scandoslavic Armed Forces
SSBN: Veschenyan Liberation Front shoots, kills Illinamerkii of Chelski; sparks Fourth Chelskoyen War | Scandoslavia at war once more as "Chelskoyen Republic of Veschenya" initiates fourth secession attempt | "Kontiiynor" missile systems to be deployed to Chelskoye Administrative Zone for "Storming of Chelski"

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Postby Langkasoka » Thu Jan 16, 2025 5:53 pm

"I must admit, it's a smart move by your employers: painting you as an unreliable and unstable figure, who cannot possibly be trusted in the state affairs of the People's Republic. Though now I'm beginning to wonder, was your outburst at the GSO staged as part of it?" the Langkasokan inquired with a wink.

Rabu Yahaya acknowledged the Indios' representative walking into the boardroom and taking his side. For some reason, the Indios seemed familiar to him, as if he had seen the man from somewhere else before.

"Good evening, Mr. Perry! How fortunate that you could join us and complete this boardroom. I must admit that publicly slapping another delegate may be on one level of interesting diplomatic choices, but so is choosing to walk into an alliance's opening session with a disassembled weapon, just to immediately assemble the weapon they bring along," Yahaya stated humorously.
Last edited by Langkasoka on Thu Jan 16, 2025 5:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Tanjung News: Kostan-Indios War comes to an end with victory for pro-Indios coalition; celebrations rock major cities. | LASA prepares to launch the first Langkasokan woman into space.
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Postby The Scandoslavic Empire » Thu Jan 16, 2025 7:08 pm

Mivizlievia seemed to be pleased with Yahaya's comment, nodding and listening to the Langkasokan's discussion with the Indio representative. When he finished, she felt the need to chime in - the small talk was easing the tensions in the room, and she was fine with that for now. "Everything, of course, is but a staged act. And as for you, mister Perry, I must agree with mister Yahaya - why keep a gun disassembled with you, only to put it back together again? Surely one gun is more compact than the individual pieces, and if you wanted to do so for safety - well, guns tend to have a feature that you may or may not have heard of - called a safety." she said, lightly chuckling at her own remark.

«Рощина преждын кåйыкало | Motherland above all»
Our Constitution | 12Axes | InfValues | World Map | Our President | Scandoslavic Armed Forces
SSBN: Veschenyan Liberation Front shoots, kills Illinamerkii of Chelski; sparks Fourth Chelskoyen War | Scandoslavia at war once more as "Chelskoyen Republic of Veschenya" initiates fourth secession attempt | "Kontiiynor" missile systems to be deployed to Chelskoye Administrative Zone for "Storming of Chelski"

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The Indios Bravos
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Postby The Indios Bravos » Thu Jan 16, 2025 9:48 pm

Perry nodded as he holstered the gun. It was a reasonable question, one he had asked himself as he sat at the table.
"Simply put, less intimidating. If you saw a guy walking towards you with a disassembled gun rather than an assembled one, you'd be less likely to try and defend yourself. Of course, I know that those guys aren't the trigger-happy APK, but I'm sure it would still be wise to come in with a slightly less threatening suitcase, and not a suitcase and assembled shotgun. Anyways, what's the agenda for the moment?"
Perry leaned back in his chair, shotgun laying in his lap like a primed cat, ready to strike if needed. He took a flask of hot water and poured in a packet of coffee, shaking the vessel before opening it again and taking a sip.
The Indios Bravos "Indy"
General Lampin Spoilers|Major radical conservative riots rock the streets of Sultana, heavy police squads dispatched|All openly progressive individuals advised to stay in urban areas, major alerts sent to open homosexuals|Congress debates sending heavy police squads into rural areas due to another rise in hate crimes|Lack of news out of Kostane leaves people suspicious of actions in New Sevregal|Official Nationwide Celebrations ending|Security risks lead to the end of operations into ASSR controlled Kostane, as Kostan insurgents begin popping up|

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The Indios Bravos
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Postby The Indios Bravos » Fri Jan 17, 2025 3:57 pm

A buzz came from Perry's bag. Reaching in, he found a notification on his tablet, which was decently worn and dirty. A few swipes, taps, and clicks later, he found the file that was just sent, along with a message:
Hello, Mr. Magsaysay. The IBA and IBMC have drafted a battleplan for Kostane, and we have decided to forward it to you to bring to Langkasoka and Scandoslavia.

Perry reviewed the image before setting it down on the table.
"I have been forwarded to, at the request of the AFIB, this battleplan for our ongoing war in Kostane. Higher-ups would like for me to share it with the rest of you two. Truth be told, I am unsure if this boardroom is the appropriate place for war planning, but I was tasked with presenting this."
The Indios Bravos "Indy"
General Lampin Spoilers|Major radical conservative riots rock the streets of Sultana, heavy police squads dispatched|All openly progressive individuals advised to stay in urban areas, major alerts sent to open homosexuals|Congress debates sending heavy police squads into rural areas due to another rise in hate crimes|Lack of news out of Kostane leaves people suspicious of actions in New Sevregal|Official Nationwide Celebrations ending|Security risks lead to the end of operations into ASSR controlled Kostane, as Kostan insurgents begin popping up|

On a scale of 1-10 I'm Filipino (No way!?!?!?!?)
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The Scandoslavic Empire
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Postby The Scandoslavic Empire » Fri Jan 17, 2025 4:31 pm

"This... is most definitely the place to discuss wartime matters. However, I must say, taking Sevregal would be nothing more than a hollow victory. The city holds no significance since the Kostan government moved to their bunkers in the hills and mountains of Prethria." Mivizlievia sighed, looking at the map disapprovingly. "For those bunkers, though, we have drafted up an idea we think will work. You two may be acquainted with the Mercy's End shells used by our Obsineva 162s, but if not, allow me to explain. These artillery shells carry a heavy punch - and a shockwave for rupturing and collapsing entire Kostan bunkers."

«Рощина преждын кåйыкало | Motherland above all»
Our Constitution | 12Axes | InfValues | World Map | Our President | Scandoslavic Armed Forces
SSBN: Veschenyan Liberation Front shoots, kills Illinamerkii of Chelski; sparks Fourth Chelskoyen War | Scandoslavia at war once more as "Chelskoyen Republic of Veschenya" initiates fourth secession attempt | "Kontiiynor" missile systems to be deployed to Chelskoye Administrative Zone for "Storming of Chelski"

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The Indios Bravos
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Postby The Indios Bravos » Sun Jan 19, 2025 9:42 am

"The point isn't to decapitate Kostan leadership, it's to capture a city to govern post-war Kostane, not to mention it could become a vital base of operations for further missions. I am aware that your nation has pulled out of the conflict, however, so I don't believe there's any reason for me to continue going off about this."
Perry took another sip from his coffee flask, feeling satisfied that the heating pills developed by Thorne MFS actually worked, and that his coffee was still warm after a few minutes. With nothing much to do, he began partially disassembling and reassembling his gun, a habit he had picked up in the IBMC when boredom struck.
"Say, why did you punch that girl? Not that I'm against it, I'm just saying that maybe a slap would have been more dramatic."
The Indios Bravos "Indy"
General Lampin Spoilers|Major radical conservative riots rock the streets of Sultana, heavy police squads dispatched|All openly progressive individuals advised to stay in urban areas, major alerts sent to open homosexuals|Congress debates sending heavy police squads into rural areas due to another rise in hate crimes|Lack of news out of Kostane leaves people suspicious of actions in New Sevregal|Official Nationwide Celebrations ending|Security risks lead to the end of operations into ASSR controlled Kostane, as Kostan insurgents begin popping up|

On a scale of 1-10 I'm Filipino (No way!?!?!?!?)
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The Scandoslavic Empire
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Postby The Scandoslavic Empire » Sun Jan 19, 2025 10:50 am

"To create a diversion, of course. Can't have a prominent governmental figure disappear off the face of the Earth for no reason - but it makes total sense for a disgraced politician to skulk away into the shadows. Nobody wonders where I am, and thus we preserve our secrecy further." Mivizlievia genuinely smiled, thinking about the success of the act. More so, however, she found the repeated disassembling and reassembling of Perry's gun to be rather amusing - and in a sense of humor and a mix of spite, pulled a long black case from under her chair and set it on the table. The case was made with a rugged plastic shell, and had shiny metal latches. "Your little fidgeting tendency is very well a gateway into a point I'd like to bring up." she said, clicking open the metal latches to the case. "I'd like to introduce you all to a proposal from one of our design groups." she finished, popping open the top of the case and pulling out the object inside, setting it on the table and putting the case on the floor. "This" she began, "is the latest advancement from Avtomaatna Valkova, the AV-25. This one comes with a smaller 20 round magazine, in a box style. Modular, capable, lightweight, and durable. And we want to distribute them among our allies - namely Langkasoka and the Indios Bravos." Mivizlievia explained the rifle with a cold tone, but smirked lightly throughout her speech. "The rear sight can be swapped out and a picatinny rail will be coming on future versions. It's more or less a spiritual successor to our older AV-39, which uses the same receiver, and has interchangeable magazines with the AV-25. The new AV-25 fires out 7.62×39mm caliber rounds at a practical firing rate of 90 rounds per minute - though we do not offer a magazine in that size. Valkova has removed their outdated muzzle and replaced it with a newer western-styled muzzle feature. If you're familiar with the AV-39, you've probably noticed that the old stock has been completely done away with. The new stock is skeletonized, lighter, and can carry an additional magazine within it." she said, confidently. "So" she said, leaning back, "what do you two think, hm?"

«Рощина преждын кåйыкало | Motherland above all»
Our Constitution | 12Axes | InfValues | World Map | Our President | Scandoslavic Armed Forces
SSBN: Veschenyan Liberation Front shoots, kills Illinamerkii of Chelski; sparks Fourth Chelskoyen War | Scandoslavia at war once more as "Chelskoyen Republic of Veschenya" initiates fourth secession attempt | "Kontiiynor" missile systems to be deployed to Chelskoye Administrative Zone for "Storming of Chelski"

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Postby Langkasoka » Sun Jan 19, 2025 12:12 pm

“I agree with Mr. Perry, there lies great strategic value in establishing a foothold in Hispanolia, from which the Americas lie in within arm’s reach. Most importantly of all… the Panama Canal. Perhaps a division of Sevregal can be arranged as we’ve done before in Tehrazd or Maxwellia; similiar to those instances, the Kemaharajaan will establish a Military Governate there. But another base for our armed forces would be as crucial, too.”

Rabu Yahaya leaned back as he saw Perry continue toying with his rifle; he expected the Indios to be responsible enough not to allow any mishaps from occurring. When he saw Perry take out his flask, he interjected.

“There’s no need for that. You’re in Langkasoka, and are our guests! It would be unbecoming of a host to not accommodate their guests.”

A lady dressed in a traditional sarong kebaya garments came over to serve the CoR delegates a glass of water and a bowl of snacks, “now if any of you are actually allergic to nuts or want anything else to drink, do tell us! I can assure you, nothing is poisoned,” Rabu smiled gleefully after the jest.

As Mivizlievia showcased her nation’s rifle to be possibly adopted by Indios and Langkasoka, Rabu leaned back to enjoy the seminar. While appearing to be a decent weapon, he had his doubts about mass adoption by the Tentera. Despite the position he had within the Kemaharajaan’s hierarchy which allowed him a seat at this boardroom, it wasn’t his decision to make. But his advice would be taken into consideration. “It’s quite a piece of equipment, miss Mivizlievia! Before we consider the adoption of the AV-25, we’d like to get ahold of some specimens to be used in testing, if that would be possible.”
Tanjung News: Kostan-Indios War comes to an end with victory for pro-Indios coalition; celebrations rock major cities. | LASA prepares to launch the first Langkasokan woman into space.
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The Scandoslavic Empire
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Postby The Scandoslavic Empire » Sun Jan 19, 2025 3:40 pm

Mivizlievia wasn't caught off-guard by the request. "We can certainly oblige - the Valkova brass have already begun mass-production for domestic service, and we diverted some of the production models. We can ship out AV-25s, enough ammo to last you until doomsday, spare magazines, older AV-39 magazines - to demonstrate compatibility, AVS-25s, AV-25-S offshoots, the whole lot. Oh, and don't fret, Mr. Perry, we also have plenty for Indio testing. Just say the word, and we can get them in transport." her confident tone lingered in the air after her statement, like she felt prepared for any question.

«Рощина преждын кåйыкало | Motherland above all»
Our Constitution | 12Axes | InfValues | World Map | Our President | Scandoslavic Armed Forces
SSBN: Veschenyan Liberation Front shoots, kills Illinamerkii of Chelski; sparks Fourth Chelskoyen War | Scandoslavia at war once more as "Chelskoyen Republic of Veschenya" initiates fourth secession attempt | "Kontiiynor" missile systems to be deployed to Chelskoye Administrative Zone for "Storming of Chelski"

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The Indios Bravos
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Postby The Indios Bravos » Mon Jan 20, 2025 7:39 pm

Perry was listening to Mivi's speech until a buzzing came from his bag. Pulling out his tablet, there was a notification.
Kostane fell. Mandatory celebration /j

Perry smiled to himself, knowing that the Archipelago's biggest enemy at the moment was now gone. Another notification quickly interrupted his joy.
AssholeSSR is trying to claim Eastern Kostane.

Can't we just...tell Daphomir?
Still, it was his duty to tell the boardroom.
"I have gotten news that, while Kostane has fallen, the ASSR is attempting to claim its Eastern coast. My proposal is for one of us to claim it. Mr. Yahahya, I believe your nation has already claimed a portion of the West Coast. Ms. Mi...I'm just gonna call you Mivi if that's okay for now. Mivi, would Scandoslavia like to claim the Eastern coast of Kostane?"
The Indios Bravos "Indy"
General Lampin Spoilers|Major radical conservative riots rock the streets of Sultana, heavy police squads dispatched|All openly progressive individuals advised to stay in urban areas, major alerts sent to open homosexuals|Congress debates sending heavy police squads into rural areas due to another rise in hate crimes|Lack of news out of Kostane leaves people suspicious of actions in New Sevregal|Official Nationwide Celebrations ending|Security risks lead to the end of operations into ASSR controlled Kostane, as Kostan insurgents begin popping up|

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Postby Langkasoka » Tue Jan 21, 2025 5:16 am

"Congratulations to the three of us, and our allied partners in the Kostan-Indios War! With the regime of Abbi Port having crumbled upon itself, another threat against our alliance has been swept away by the tides of destiny. The Kemaharajaan's forces of the Pasukan Petugas Armada Hispaniola is working to secure strategic sites and locations, and will also assist in the Scandoslavic and Indios efforts in the post-war phase," Rabu Yahaya raised his glass for a toast to declare with a cheery smile, "as always, to the victor goes the spoils!"

"As for the ASSR, or the ASS Republics as our Foreign Minister so eloquently put it, they are a non-issue. His Excellency Sabri Khan has already rebuked them and declared that the peace treaty must be primarily discussed between Kostane and the Indios Bravos.

There is no reason to worry about what the commies scream about. The 'Treaty of Impostorgrad' is a little piece of paper with which the ASS Republics can wipe themselves with... how fitting."

The Scandoslavic Empire wrote:Mivizlievia wasn't caught off-guard by the request. "We can certainly oblige - the Valkova brass have already begun mass-production for domestic service, and we diverted some of the production models. We can ship out AV-25s, enough ammo to last you until doomsday, spare magazines, older AV-39 magazines - to demonstrate compatibility, AVS-25s, AV-25-S offshoots, the whole lot.

"Ah fantastic! I will talk to my contacts in the Defence Ministry, to inform them about this proposition and so we can finalise the agreement."
Tanjung News: Kostan-Indios War comes to an end with victory for pro-Indios coalition; celebrations rock major cities. | LASA prepares to launch the first Langkasokan woman into space.
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The Indios Bravos
Posts: 3844
Founded: Aug 18, 2023
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby The Indios Bravos » Fri Jan 24, 2025 3:31 pm

The Scandoslavic Empire wrote:Oh, and don't fret, Mr. Perry, we also have plenty for Indio testing.

"Ah, good. However I have one concern, how customizable is it? And how easy is it to field strip?"
Perry took in the rifle, examining it as best he could without stripping it down. That handguard is bugging me. Hopefully, you can put on some rails. And for some reason, our soldiers do not like Eastern-looking weapons. Why? No clue. But it does look easy to strip down, as with AK's.
He took a sip from his flask.
The Indios Bravos "Indy"
General Lampin Spoilers|Major radical conservative riots rock the streets of Sultana, heavy police squads dispatched|All openly progressive individuals advised to stay in urban areas, major alerts sent to open homosexuals|Congress debates sending heavy police squads into rural areas due to another rise in hate crimes|Lack of news out of Kostane leaves people suspicious of actions in New Sevregal|Official Nationwide Celebrations ending|Security risks lead to the end of operations into ASSR controlled Kostane, as Kostan insurgents begin popping up|

On a scale of 1-10 I'm Filipino (No way!?!?!?!?)
ALL NS Stats are canon. All. Except marriage equality
Everything I say on ns that is not in English has been translated via Quillbot

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The Scandoslavic Empire
Posts: 1593
Founded: Mar 05, 2024

Postby The Scandoslavic Empire » Fri Jan 24, 2025 9:14 pm

"Easy to field strip? A four-year-old could probably do it. Simple. And once the picatinny rail models roll out customization will become far easier."

«Рощина преждын кåйыкало | Motherland above all»
Our Constitution | 12Axes | InfValues | World Map | Our President | Scandoslavic Armed Forces
SSBN: Veschenyan Liberation Front shoots, kills Illinamerkii of Chelski; sparks Fourth Chelskoyen War | Scandoslavia at war once more as "Chelskoyen Republic of Veschenya" initiates fourth secession attempt | "Kontiiynor" missile systems to be deployed to Chelskoye Administrative Zone for "Storming of Chelski"

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The Indios Bravos
Posts: 3844
Founded: Aug 18, 2023
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby The Indios Bravos » Sun Jan 26, 2025 11:40 am

Perry grabbed a gun and began disassembling it, stripping it down partially within two minutes (dice roll). Giving a satisfied frown, he reassembled it and handed the rifle back over to Mivi.
"So that's good. When do you expect the picatin' models to roll out?"
The Indios Bravos "Indy"
General Lampin Spoilers|Major radical conservative riots rock the streets of Sultana, heavy police squads dispatched|All openly progressive individuals advised to stay in urban areas, major alerts sent to open homosexuals|Congress debates sending heavy police squads into rural areas due to another rise in hate crimes|Lack of news out of Kostane leaves people suspicious of actions in New Sevregal|Official Nationwide Celebrations ending|Security risks lead to the end of operations into ASSR controlled Kostane, as Kostan insurgents begin popping up|

On a scale of 1-10 I'm Filipino (No way!?!?!?!?)
ALL NS Stats are canon. All. Except marriage equality
Everything I say on ns that is not in English has been translated via Quillbot

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The Scandoslavic Empire
Posts: 1593
Founded: Mar 05, 2024

Postby The Scandoslavic Empire » Sun Jan 26, 2025 1:16 pm

"I cannot say for sure. That information was not provided to me, unfortunately." Mivizlievia rolled the rifle around in her hands, before grimacing slightly and pulling a cleaning cloth from the black rifle case, polishing it.

«Рощина преждын кåйыкало | Motherland above all»
Our Constitution | 12Axes | InfValues | World Map | Our President | Scandoslavic Armed Forces
SSBN: Veschenyan Liberation Front shoots, kills Illinamerkii of Chelski; sparks Fourth Chelskoyen War | Scandoslavia at war once more as "Chelskoyen Republic of Veschenya" initiates fourth secession attempt | "Kontiiynor" missile systems to be deployed to Chelskoye Administrative Zone for "Storming of Chelski"

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The Indios Bravos
Posts: 3844
Founded: Aug 18, 2023
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby The Indios Bravos » Mon Jan 27, 2025 1:45 pm

Perry was decently annoyed. Really? You don't have a date for picatin' rails? Dammit. Moving on, he brought up another topic.
"So what's our plan for invading Impostorgad?"
The Indios Bravos "Indy"
General Lampin Spoilers|Major radical conservative riots rock the streets of Sultana, heavy police squads dispatched|All openly progressive individuals advised to stay in urban areas, major alerts sent to open homosexuals|Congress debates sending heavy police squads into rural areas due to another rise in hate crimes|Lack of news out of Kostane leaves people suspicious of actions in New Sevregal|Official Nationwide Celebrations ending|Security risks lead to the end of operations into ASSR controlled Kostane, as Kostan insurgents begin popping up|

On a scale of 1-10 I'm Filipino (No way!?!?!?!?)
ALL NS Stats are canon. All. Except marriage equality
Everything I say on ns that is not in English has been translated via Quillbot

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The Scandoslavic Empire
Posts: 1593
Founded: Mar 05, 2024

Postby The Scandoslavic Empire » Wed Jan 29, 2025 4:52 pm

"Well... the People's Republic has had to declare a state of emergency neutrality following threats from some unsavory governments, so, none, as it stands. But we can focus on other things for now, yes?"

«Рощина преждын кåйыкало | Motherland above all»
Our Constitution | 12Axes | InfValues | World Map | Our President | Scandoslavic Armed Forces
SSBN: Veschenyan Liberation Front shoots, kills Illinamerkii of Chelski; sparks Fourth Chelskoyen War | Scandoslavia at war once more as "Chelskoyen Republic of Veschenya" initiates fourth secession attempt | "Kontiiynor" missile systems to be deployed to Chelskoye Administrative Zone for "Storming of Chelski"

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The Indios Bravos
Posts: 3844
Founded: Aug 18, 2023
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby The Indios Bravos » Wed Jan 29, 2025 4:55 pm

"If so, then sure...what is there to focus on?"
Perry went back to his fidgeting. Fidgeting, as in disassembling and reassembling his gun. Over, and over, and over. He was good at it, and he liked it. He took another sip from his flask.
The Indios Bravos "Indy"
General Lampin Spoilers|Major radical conservative riots rock the streets of Sultana, heavy police squads dispatched|All openly progressive individuals advised to stay in urban areas, major alerts sent to open homosexuals|Congress debates sending heavy police squads into rural areas due to another rise in hate crimes|Lack of news out of Kostane leaves people suspicious of actions in New Sevregal|Official Nationwide Celebrations ending|Security risks lead to the end of operations into ASSR controlled Kostane, as Kostan insurgents begin popping up|

On a scale of 1-10 I'm Filipino (No way!?!?!?!?)
ALL NS Stats are canon. All. Except marriage equality
Everything I say on ns that is not in English has been translated via Quillbot

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The Scandoslavic Empire
Posts: 1593
Founded: Mar 05, 2024

Postby The Scandoslavic Empire » Mon Feb 03, 2025 5:34 am

"Perhaps the volatility of the Kostan region, as it stands? There has been the unfortunate nosiness of the alleged "FRCP", but I doubt they will give us much trouble - as Opova was planned for release far before their petty self-insertion to the conflict." Mivizlievia eyed the Indio man curiously, more so in shock that he would pay more attention to his weapon than the diplomatic focus of the boardroom.

«Рощина преждын кåйыкало | Motherland above all»
Our Constitution | 12Axes | InfValues | World Map | Our President | Scandoslavic Armed Forces
SSBN: Veschenyan Liberation Front shoots, kills Illinamerkii of Chelski; sparks Fourth Chelskoyen War | Scandoslavia at war once more as "Chelskoyen Republic of Veschenya" initiates fourth secession attempt | "Kontiiynor" missile systems to be deployed to Chelskoye Administrative Zone for "Storming of Chelski"

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The Indios Bravos
Posts: 3844
Founded: Aug 18, 2023
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby The Indios Bravos » Mon Feb 03, 2025 8:47 am

Perry sighed. Of course. Still occupying and occupied with Kostane. I don't blame you. Without international pressure, we would have turned Sevregal into a forced state. Well, Kostane isn't our problem anymore, but fine. I'll try and help.
Perry reassembled his gun and placed it down on his lap before talking.
"I cannot say much about how to deal with your international problems, but I would fear the FRCP to some extent. We fought them briefly during one of the Timlandia wars, although the order to surrender had already been given and accepted at that point. They're crafty, and in no way are you going to convince them to retreat from the conflict. As for Weltkira, no idea."
The Indios Bravos "Indy"
General Lampin Spoilers|Major radical conservative riots rock the streets of Sultana, heavy police squads dispatched|All openly progressive individuals advised to stay in urban areas, major alerts sent to open homosexuals|Congress debates sending heavy police squads into rural areas due to another rise in hate crimes|Lack of news out of Kostane leaves people suspicious of actions in New Sevregal|Official Nationwide Celebrations ending|Security risks lead to the end of operations into ASSR controlled Kostane, as Kostan insurgents begin popping up|

On a scale of 1-10 I'm Filipino (No way!?!?!?!?)
ALL NS Stats are canon. All. Except marriage equality
Everything I say on ns that is not in English has been translated via Quillbot

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The Indios Bravos
Posts: 3844
Founded: Aug 18, 2023
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby The Indios Bravos » Thu Feb 06, 2025 11:21 am

Perry felt another buzz in his suit pocket. He took his tablet out and a smile immediately formed on his face.
The Amogus Soviet Socialist Republics, also known as the ASS Republics, has fallen into a civil war. Please bring this to the Righteous.

Perry put down the tablet and spoke up.
"The ASSR is in a civil war. I brought drinks for occasions like these, but we are still unsure which side to support. Like any Russian internal crisis, there's a whole dictionary of factions to support. Of course, we can make our own faction...?"
Perry grabbed a can of beer from his bag and took a long, passionate chug.
The Indios Bravos "Indy"
General Lampin Spoilers|Major radical conservative riots rock the streets of Sultana, heavy police squads dispatched|All openly progressive individuals advised to stay in urban areas, major alerts sent to open homosexuals|Congress debates sending heavy police squads into rural areas due to another rise in hate crimes|Lack of news out of Kostane leaves people suspicious of actions in New Sevregal|Official Nationwide Celebrations ending|Security risks lead to the end of operations into ASSR controlled Kostane, as Kostan insurgents begin popping up|

On a scale of 1-10 I'm Filipino (No way!?!?!?!?)
ALL NS Stats are canon. All. Except marriage equality
Everything I say on ns that is not in English has been translated via Quillbot



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