International Basketball Championship 41 - Everything Thread

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International Basketball Championship 41 - Everything Thread

Postby Ranoria » Tue Jan 14, 2025 3:38 pm


International Basketball Championship 41

Ranoria's Professional Basketball Alliance is proud to present the 41st International Basketball Championship!

For those new to NS Sports:
Guide To Sports Roleplaying | General Sports Roleplaying Questions

Host Bid | IBC 40 | Signup Thread | IBC Ranks

Huge thanks to our IBC president, Cardenao, for giving this attention with everything going on.


This Tournament will feature 45 teams in 5 groups of 9. Single round robin. Top two teams in each group(10) & top two third place teams (12) earn a first-round bye. The next three third place teams(15) and all fourth place teams (20) will play in the first round.

Tiebreakers for Group Stage Advancement and Seeding:

1) Group Placement (Seeding only)
2) Wins
3) H2H result
4) H2H point differential
5) Point differential
6) IC coinflip (scorinated playoff game in lieu of rank)

If a tie between multiple teams must be broken and one team wins the tiebreaker at any stage, while the remaining teams are still tied, the tiebreakers start at the top of the list again to break the tie between the remaining teams.

Quebec and Shingoryeo
Valentine Z

Pot 2

Pot 3

Pot 4
Gatchingerrak Union
Southwest Eastnorth

Pot 5
North Oharan Valley Union
Equestrian States

Pot 6
United States of Nova Calania
New Umoja

Pot 7
Panay Islands and Guimaras

Pot 8
New Rotterdam City

Pot 9
The 189
All-American Confederacy
East Lithuania
Of the Golden Harp

Group 1: Apollotown - Venue: Specter Industries Coliseum - 16,334
North Oharan Valley Union
Of the Golden Harp
Panay Islands and Guimaras

Group 2: Ranoria City - Venue: Karmin-Falce Arena at The Skyline Court - 20,100
The 189
Southwest Eastnorth
New Rotterdam City
Valentine Z

Group 3: Memphis - Venue: Silberkraft Arena at "The Riverfront": - 14,400
New Umoja
Equestrian States

Group 4: New Quebec - Venue: UPZ Shipping Stadium - 15,420
Quebec and Shingoryeo
All-American Confederacy
Gatchingerrak Union

Group 5: Fiston -Venue: The Lion's Den - 14,450
United States of Nova Calania
East Lithuania

Group stage games will be played in Ranoria - my host bid indicated a home & away series but with how the signups turned out, single round robin will be smoother and all games being in Ranoria eliminates any confusion there.

Cutoff: Cutoff will be between 9-10 pm, eastern time. I'll try to give a warning but no promises there. Tuesdays and Thursdays are going to be tough for extensions, please bear that in mind.

MD Schedule:

Tuesday, 1/21 - MD1: 1 v 10, 2 v 9, 3 v 8, 4 v 7, 5 v 6
Wednesday, 1/22 - MD2: 6 BYE, 7 v 5, 8 v 4, 9 v 3, 1 v 2
Thursday, 1/23 - MD3: 2 BYE, 3 v 1, 4 v 9, 5 v 8, 6 v 7
Friday, 1/24 - OFF For National Peanut Butter Day
Saturday, 1/25 - MD4: 7 BYE, 8 v 6, 9 v 5, 1 v 4, 2 v 3
Sunday, 1/26 - MD5: 3 BYE, 4 v 2, 5 v 1, 6 v 9, 7 v 8
Monday, 1/27 - OFF for National Chocolate Cake Day
Tuesday, 1/28 - MD6: 8 BYE, 9 v 7, 1 v 6, 2 v 5, 3 v 4
Wednesday, 1/29 - MD7: 4 BYE, 5 v 3, 6 v 2, 7 v 1, 8 v 9
Thursday, 1/30 - OFF for National Draw a Dinosaur Day
Friday, 1/31 - MD8: 9 BYE, 1 v 8, 2 v 7, 3 v 6, 4 v 5
Saturday, 2/1 - MD9: MD9: 5 BYE, 6 v 4, 7 v 3, 8 v 2, 9 v 1
Sunday, 2/2: OFF for Groundhog Day*
Monday, 2/3 - Playoffs, First Round
Tuesday, 2/4 - OFF for National Stuffed Mushroom Day
Thursday, 2/6 - Playoffs, Round of 16
Friday, 2/7 - off for National Bubble Gum Day
Saturday, 2/8 -Playoffs, Quarterfinals
Sunday, 2/9 - Off for national Pizza day
Monday, 2/10 - Playoffs, Semifinals
Tueday, 2/11 - OFF for National Guitar Day
Wednesday, 2/12 - International Basketball Championship 41
*If we end up doing the slam dunk competition, it will be "scored" here

RP Permissions
Please post this either with your roster yes or a no(with any qualifiers) for each question. These are all permissions to help facilitate an acceptable RP to you if somebody else RPs your match first, and vice versa.
Code: Select all
[u]RP Permissions[/u]
[b]Choose my scorers:[/b]
[b]Choose my scoring events:[/b]
[b]Godmod scoring events:[/b]
[b]RP injuries to my players:[/b]
[b]Godmod Injuries to my players:[/b]
[b]Godmod other events:[/b]

Note on AI: Hate that I have to add this in, but my cohost and I had to address it in a prior tournament - any use of AI for images must be disclosed, and use of AI for writing will not be permitted. This will be the first and only warning on the subject, and it will result in an immediate reset of rank to zero that will last through the end of the tournament. Given the nature of it, this will be purely at my own discretion.

Last edited by Ranoria on Wed Feb 05, 2025 12:44 pm, edited 21 times in total.
Fan of football, the Murican kind. But soccer is cool too! Just not really my thing. C(:^D/-<
I go by Ran. Unless, of course, you want to type out Ranoria. That's your decision.
Lumi is my NS mom
Champions: NSCF 20, 22, 27, 29, 30. World Bowl 42, 43, 46, WBC 57

Hosting: Co-Host WB 44, 47, Host WB 46, plus some NSCAA/NSCF conferences here and there. VP of a couple things

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Postmaster of the Fleet
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Capitalist Paradise

Postby Ranoria » Tue Jan 14, 2025 3:39 pm

About Ranoria:

Located in the cozy region of Winterfell, Ranoria is a sprawling, mostly-cold nation with a population of just over two hundred forty million. Most of the country is rural, and if you choose to wander outside the urban areas, you shouldn't be too surprised to see a healthy population of snow bears, mammoths, and bison roaming around as they please - do note the crossing signs on roads, snow bears in particular are Ranoria's national animal and there aren't many other nations where mammoths are plentiful. (On that note, it may be smart to have some snacks for the mammoths. They have a tendency to stop some open wagons and trucks carrying feed or other treats and may sometimes get a little confused since they're not great with determining which kind of a motor vehicle is which. They don't bite, but it is nice of you and may get them out of your way faster than waiting for them to get bored)

Any visitors will find the policing to be lax as civil rights are plentiful, and consumption and purchase of alcohol and marijuana are not only legal but considered par for the course. Nicotine and other recreational drugs are illegal, but most offenses with such substances results in nothing more than a slap on the wrist - Ranorian police don't wanna deal with international, well, anything.

With the chilly climate and long winters, you'd think an indoor sport like basketball would be prolific in Ranoria, but you would be wrong! While a few stars have made it to the Quebecois Basketball Organization, the domestic league is somewhat lacking. Hockey tends to be the predominant winter sport, and even that doesn't get much viewership if there's football or MMA going on.

Visitors should keep in mind that while marijuana and alcohol are legal, tobacco and other recreational drugs are not. Not to worry, most offenses regarding such substances will result in nothing more than a slap on the wrist - local police have no desire to get mixed up in international scandal.

Notable - Ranorian currency is digital, make sure you're ready to make the brief switch before you head over!

Apollotown, home of Group 1 and Specter Industries Coliseum

Apollotown's one of the southernmost cities in Ranoria, featuring one of the strongest populations of Banijan immigrants in the nation, and therefore, some of the best steakhouses. Enjoy sitting down and having slabs of meat brought to you to your heart's content? You're in the right place. Culturally rich and regrettably boasting Loyola-Istria and Northern Moravica as it's top two favorite college sports teams, the warm weather and proximity to the ocean gives the city a great variety of food overall. The city's football team - the Sabers - features Abram Fairbanks, a Loyola-Istria grad, as well as Zamadi Ayana and Candace Ferrett.

The name speaks to the city's history, where they became famous for their blacksmithing - a bit of an antiquated art even when Ranoria was settled, but during their war for independence, some of the most storied battles involved blades from this city.

Specter Industries Coliseum doesn't have quite the same flair as it's namesake RFL stadium, but the partially-glass roof does at least provide a unique environment for a basketball game.

Ranoria City, home of Group 2 and Karmin-Falce Arena at The Skyline Court

The largest city in the nation (but not the capitol!) has the most diversity of any in the country and stakes its claim as one of the world's capitols of entertainment. The entire city is a presentation and a tourist trap - bright lights, building-spanning LED billboards, a mashup of different concepts on the same street, everything got turned up to 11 just to compete. It's infused with Quebecois-inspired nightlife, the biggest gambling destination in Winterfell, and the home base of Renown Combat International. Not too far from The Skyline Court is the Karmin-Falce Superdome, the nation's largest arena and one that was indisputably Ranoria's unofficial national stadium until the construction of the Elysium through international efforts in Rouyoutte.

Can your team resist the allure of the nation's entertainment hub?

Memphis, home of Group 3 and Silberkraft Arena at "The Riverfront":

Directly adjascent to McNair Memorial Stadium on the Memphis River, The Riverfront is one of the few Alliance venues with some legitimate character to it. First of all, traveling outside of the main bowl to concessions on the riverside will give you an unobstructed view of the river, and suite seats in particular take advantage of it with windows on both sides of the court -former Memphis Steamers superstar Derek McNair actually proposed to his soon-to-be wife in one of them, and the shot of the landscape behind them makes you forget they were even at the game. The gridiron team's a bit tamer now, led by Kualu Luani, Kaspar Ulvestad, Markus Xanneret, and Max Strömberg.

In other news, the city had a bit of a fight with local fishermen over the riverfront, claiming that all the land was owned by the city and they could no longer fish there. They lost that fight - so on your approach to the stadium, which will usually lead you between your destination and the river, you'll see plenty of old men with their fishing rods trying to catch something or another down by the bank. Mostly harmless, but there was an incident one time of a kid falling over the guiderail, sliding down a particularly muddy section of hill, and knocking over a cooler full of fish. Fortunately, the fisherman had fallen asleep, so no harm, no foul.

New Quebec, home of Group 4 and UPZ Shipping Stadium

Seriously? The city with the Cannabiscorp Field of Green's counterpart is... UPZ Shipping Stadium?

Yeah, not the best look for New Quebec, but it's a great city!

First of all, the surrounding region has the strongest marijuana production in the country, if you're into that sort of thing, and of the cities hosting the IBC, it's second only to Ranoria City in terms of its downtown. Hotels and such are among the nation's highest end, legitimately prepped for royalty in the most exclusive suites and more than capable of giving any visiting sports teams an exceptional stay. The vast majority of the populace here is of Quebecois descent - that stands for most of the country, but it's most pronounced here - and while the city offers plenty of distractions, crime is low and it can be among the nation's most peaceful depending on the areas you frequent. Like Ranoria City, however, distractions will be available, and coaches may have to reign their players in to stay disciplined throughout the tournament.

Local celebrities include quarterback of the New Quebec Fighters, Ernest Bello and his top wideout, Josh Laney-Seymour, of Saint Kanye. Throw in Quebec's Helene Lindebaum and Rebecca Reischel, and Deleclav Shean Eckert and you've got quite the team.

Fiston, home of Group 5 and The Lion's Den:

Fiston's got a rowdy populace, to say the least. If any of the local fanbase are in there, expect them to be loud and proud in support of whoever it is they're rooting for. It's always gonna be loud, there'll be a lot of fireworks following big plays, and players can expect to be swarmed with fans asking for their autographs after games. The crew at the stadium - be they there for the broadcast or as the stadium announcer - are expected to be just as into it. Halftime entertainment may or may not feature two grown people in a lion costume, you never know. Rather than a buzzer, you'll get speakers playing a lion roaring when your shot clock runs out. Go figure.

You don't have to travel too far outside of the city to get to more rural ground, mostly loaded with various types of livestock. The city itself isn't super large, but has recently taken on an unprecedented dominant position in youth sports - the fact that it's even made the news is notable. Quarterback Lane Proudfoot is the most eligible bachelor and notable figure in the city, with fellow stars Jack Hoy and Gideon Kearse getting plenty of media attention as well.

Rouyoute, home of Royalty Arena

Rouyoute may not actually be the seat of any sort of royalty, but the population there sure as hell feels like it is. The frigid city is in the north of the country and hosted the World Bowl 46 championship game - where Banija's Kabaka couldn't find a place to stay due to how packed it was. Luxury suites are plentiful, high scale dining available, and the healthcare & ski slopes are the best in the nation, perhaps even in the the region of Winterfell.

With a capacity of 10,400,, the arena is actually a pretty impressive size for athe venue, it's just catered more towards high-end clientele. Plenty of luxury booths and suite seats along with larger seat sizes and, unsurprisingly, higher price tags. The games of the local squad are catered as a social event for
high society than one for the masses.

If you're making the trip, be ready to break out the checkbook and if you want to network, it's a good time. This city reeks of wealth and oozes money - oh, and it's nearly the nation's northernmost point. It's cold.

Herot, home of Savior Coliseum

Herot's not too far south of Rouyoute, but where it lacks egregious wealth it's rich in culture and history. With a capacity of 13,200, it can hold a lot more fans and it's generally rambunctious. Beer is free for five minutes before tip-off, but you better get to line early because it cuts off at that time whether you made it or not.

As a city, it's got plenty of character in much of the construction and you'll find plenty of people walking or riding bikes for their commutes. Lots of parks around the city, it was designed to avoid that cramped feel of most and is generally a pleasant trip. Still cold, so bundle up, but walrus is the local cuisine of choice so make of that what you will.

Highport, home of The Coast

Highport is one of the warmest city's in the country and one of the few warm-water points in Ranoria. It's the seat of Ranoria's considerable naval power and a fun spot for the local Highport Hawks, who have had a long stretch of great football.

With a capacity of 11,000, it's not super large but it's a fun stadium. Where Specter Industries Stadium, home of those Hawks, has a view of the ocean, The Coast has a similar feature, but it also boasts a transparent roof, unique among basketball arenas. For just the area over the floor, you'll get some natural light, and the side of the venue facing the ocean is open air, with just metal fencing blocking off the outdoors.

Most of the city's local hotspots for dining will feature seafood, but you've got a variety of meats and other dishes as well - being part of the relatively smaller area of Ranoria with agriculture available, there's plenty of local farms to source their beef, pork, or whatever else from. Pretty strong population of former residents of Kohnhead.
Last edited by Ranoria on Tue Feb 04, 2025 10:33 pm, edited 7 times in total.
Fan of football, the Murican kind. But soccer is cool too! Just not really my thing. C(:^D/-<
I go by Ran. Unless, of course, you want to type out Ranoria. That's your decision.
Lumi is my NS mom
Champions: NSCF 20, 22, 27, 29, 30. World Bowl 42, 43, 46, WBC 57

Hosting: Co-Host WB 44, 47, Host WB 46, plus some NSCAA/NSCF conferences here and there. VP of a couple things

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Scandinavian Liberal Paradise

Postby Sarzonia » Tue Jan 14, 2025 5:45 pm

Code: Select all
My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:
Choose my Scorers: Yes.
Choose Scoring Events: Yes.
Godmod Scoring Events: Nothing outside the realm of plausible basketball events.
RP Injuries to my Players: Yes, but I will decide the severity.
Eject my players/coaches: Yes, but no more than one or two players and one or two coaches.
Godmod Injuries to my Players: No.
Godmod Other Events: Nothing outside the realm of plausible basketball events.
If you want to discuss something, either TG me or find me on Discord.
Style: 0

Sarzonia Stars

Home court: Henry West Center, Woodstock (capacity 21,730)

Coach: Kyle Trenton, age 50
Thomas West, age 39. Oldest son of the late Henry West.
Yolanda Page, age 44
Violet Johnson, age 42
Trainer: Sally Lembo, age 41

ROSTER (Note: No. 10 is retired in honour of Chris Draden. No. 14 is retired in honour of Mike West)
3 G Malik Benton, 6-foot-3, 200 pounds, age 23
4 Tim Lawrence, 6-foot-4, 215 pounds, age 24
19 F Matt LaForrest, 6-foot-8, 240 pounds, age 23
32 F Micah Hollings, 6-foot-9, 260 pounds, age 29
40 C DJ Henry, 7-foot, 295 pounds, age 33

21 G/F Trevor Gregson, 6-foot-6, 235 pounds, age 22
23 G Joyce Cummings, 5-foot-11, 145 pounds, age 23
28 G/F Zakiyyah Masters, 6-foot-3, 180 pounds, age 29
24 F Craig Milton, 6-foot-9, 255 pounds, age 24
25 F/C Chad Ross, 6-foot-9, 236 pounds, age 31
33 F Alton Parker, 6-foot-7, 226 pounds, age 32
35 C Cliff Gamble, 6-foot-11, 235 pounds, age 31
First WCC Grand Slam Champion
NSWC Hall of Fame Inductee (post-World Cup 25)
Former WLC President. He/him/his.

Our trophy case and other honours; Our hosting history Sarzonian constitution

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Moralistic Democracy

Postby Kronbia » Wed Jan 15, 2025 1:53 am


Kronbia men's national basketball team


Baseball is the most popular sport in the Republic of Kronbia today. Republic of Kronbia has competitions for basketball, the league (Liga de Kronbia de Baloncesto-LKB) and the cup (Copa Kronbia), There are many young players playing basketball in a competition dedicated to universities. Competitions are also organized for students in secondary schools at every the city.


The sport of basketball arrived in the island in 1935, where a group of young people from the rich sons returning from Europe founded a team called El Caballeros Blancos (current Atletico San Rimo) in San Rimo, and then founded a group of young people in the capital A team called El Halcones (the current Deportivo de Halcon), the teams played friendly exhibition matches to spread the game in the cities, after their match in Costa de Palmeras, a group of sons of fishermen (as the Costa de Palmeras was a small fishermen’s city) thought of establishing their own team, and the same thing happened with the railway workers (Locomotora de Kronbia) They decided to establish their own team, in 1936 the four team captains met and decided to start a tournament under the name Copa Kronbia.
In 1938, the government established the Kronbian basketball Federation (Federacion de baloncesto de Kronbia) to organize basketball competitions and team matters.

The tournament continued with the change of the names of the teams and the details of the tournament until 1982, when it was decided to establish a professional league (Liga de Kronbia de Baloncesto-LKB) with a different system,and the cup championship (Copa Kronbia) continues also. To this day, the championship continues to entertain the basketball fans in the island and the world.

Most Recent LKB Season


Head Coach: Hector Mendoza


Starting 5
No Players Pos Club
98 Carlos Jose Flavio (C) PG Costa de Palmeras
86 Emiliano Alvarado SG Halcon Negro
24 Oscar Ovidio SF Atletico San Rimo
23 Eric Jose Mario PF Atletico San Rimo
55 Pablo Candelario C Deportivo de Halcon

Bench 1
No Players Pos Club
91 Lucas Sanchez PG Costa de Palmeras
34 Rafael Cesar SG Santa Rosana Phoenix
85 Oliver Remigio SF Halcon Negro
36 Hector Ciro PF Locomotora de Kronbia
30 Roberto Lino C Costa de Palmeras

Bench 2
No Players Pos Club
53 Silvestre Eugenio SF Montana Verde
33 Lucas Guillermo PG Petroleo de Kronbia


Home / Away


Sponsored by Estrella sportswear

My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:
Choose my scorers: Yes
Assign other stats (e.g. rebounds, assists): Yes
RP injuries to my players: No
Godmod injuries to my players: No
Eject my players: No
Godmod other events: No

Style Modifier: +3

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Valentine Z
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Founded: Nov 08, 2015
Scandinavian Liberal Paradise

Postby Valentine Z » Wed Jan 15, 2025 3:42 pm

Part 0 / Roster – We won? WE WON! Eveline Gwen Tracer Allison Oxton Hepburn shall indeed lead us to greatness.


We indeed won! Ohhh IBC 40, what a lovely number to get a championship for us after what was effectively more than a decade – IBC 40 I believe was our 9th cycle and thus our 9th year if going by our own time and schedule, of course. However, it was just not 9 years that have passed, for many things have happened along the way, but that is not too important. The thing is, well, we can’t believe it, really! I know that winning in NSSCRA was already quite something and magical enough, but we did not think that we will come this far this quickly. Our opponents have been all formidable (but very fair, of course) and we have went through one hardship after another, with the Angels being able to attest to that with their bruised up fingers, legs, and wherever the else that they got injured (not because of the opponents, just due to the nature of the game). We did it, team… we absolutely did it. A jolly good one, if I say so myself! Now that has been all said and done, IBC 41 is ahead and as always, we will definitely be paired up by both the old and the new teams – ones that we have matched up with and know that they are an absolutely dangerous, and ones that are new and their factor of being unknown (well, at least to you all) bringing a different breed of challenge. Either way, I have confidence that Gwen’s Angels will be able to do this once again and hey, I’m not pushing for it and it’s not something I am predicting hard, but… if you all got the second championship in a row, I believe that will go for even more celebration. No pressure, of course – win or lose, we will always be around!

For info also, nah we will still be Gwen’s Angels. My name being rearranged will and hopefully should not affect this all too much. We have gotten titles in NSSCRA, now in IBC as well… I wonder if we can keep up for other sports.

Manager: Chief Aviator Eveline Gwen Tracer Hepburn “Fate of Existence and the Omniverse” Ellen Trixie Caitlin Foxworthy Avril Verlene Celinda Sammy Doris T-Rev Oxton Arielle Lindall Leslie Vitesse Allison – 328’ 1” / 10000.00 cm – ??? (Possibly Norwich or London, from a parallel Earth termed “Overwatch”)

Coach: Chief Warrant Officer Joshua Kelly Allen Valench Dimitri “Nguvu” Rashid Fanaka Darweshi H. Terv Kertarajasa Winstin Clayton Voshon Shawnee LeMaun Grady V U. Olwethu Nkokheli Mthobeni – 21' 11.3" / 668.88 cm – Wakaliga, Kampala, Uganda, Autonomous Region of Valentine Z

Team Medic: Head Medic Klarke Ray Zane Samson Kourtney Brian Drake Cameron “Dovitljiv Bolničar” Jona T. Jaylon Melvyn Everett Miralem Kova Čamil Ensar Kristofer Marcell Kilian Elia Xr. Nico Zahirović – 22' 4.6" / 682.40 cm – Brčko, Brčko District, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Region of Valentine Z

Home Turf: Melody Stadium, Mars, Valentine Z.

Players are in order of preference. The first player in each category is the main player.
Point Guards
- #20 - Hayes Jayden Wakayoshi Jaime Aubrey Tamotsu - M - 1.00x: 237.2 cm (7 ft 9.38 in) - 37 - Sendai, Japan, Vostrov, Autonomous Region of Valentine Z
- #50 - Nathan Samara Caldwell Juan David Yepes - M - 1.00x: 238.9 cm (7 ft 10.06 in) - 35 - Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico, Alanis Star, Autonomous Region of Valentine Z
- #71 - Marley Aaliyah Lena Annabelle Ava Hodges - F - 1.00x: 235.5 cm (7 ft 8.73 in) - 32 - Seattle, Washington, United States of America, Voorzichtigheid, Autonomous Region of Valentine Z

Shooting Guards
- #31 - Damian Cohens Nik Linn Aung Khaing Htun - M - 1.00x: 238.0 cm (7 ft 9.72 in) - 39 - Naypyithaw, Burma, Valentine Z
- #7 - Novokshonova Adeliya Anna Konstantinovna - F - 1.00x: 236.4 cm (7 ft 9.07 in) - 38 - Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, Russia, Victoriaans Nederlands, Autonomous Region of Valentine Z
- #10 - Ada Roos Baston Sabot Dieneke Vondermans - F - 1.00x: 240.6 cm (7 ft 10.71 in) - 34 - Groningen, Netherlands, Victoriaans Nederlands, Autonomous Region of Valentine Z

Small Forward
- #5 - Rowan Sammy Prapawit Krita W. Shinawatra - M - 1.00x: 234.6 cm (7 ft 8.38 in) - 30 - Udon Thani City, Udon Thani Province, Thailand, Valentine Z
- #6 - Cameron Diana Wendy Anderson Fu Guan Ting - M - 1.00x: 238.9 cm (7 ft 10.06 in) - 36 - Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong, Vostrov, Autonomous Region of Valentine Z
- #8 - Awenasa Panola Samantha Markus Cervantes - F - 1.00x: 235.1 cm (7 ft 8.57 in) - 34 - Sioux Falls, South Dakota, United States of America, Voorzichtigheid, Autonomous Region of Valentine Z

Power Forward
- #22 - Matthew Hridaya Deevash Mithilesh Siwakoti - M - 1.00x: 240.6 cm (7 ft 10.71 in) - 40 - Birgunj, Parsa, Nepal, Valentine Z
- #13 - Sípos Celine Horváth Melinda D. Szimonetta - F - 1.00x: 242.3 cm (7 ft 11.40 in) - 41 - Nyíregyháza, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Hungary, Victoriaans Nederlands, Autonomous Region of Valentine Z
- #96 - Rossa Serena Vic Rosângela Chaves Hamamura - F - 1.00x: 239.8 cm (7 ft 10.40 in) - 33 - Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brazil, Alanis Star, Autonomous Region of Valentine Z

- #55 - Antenor Pascal Waleed Zaghlool al-Harroun - M - 1.00x: 247.3 cm (7 ft 1.39 in) - 39 - Madaba, Madaba Governorate, Jordan, Valentine Z
- #0 - Bailey Kendrick Sophia Linde Hồ Ngọc Ðoàn - M - 1.00x: 245.6 cm (7 ft 0.70 in) - 36 - Hanoi, Red River Delta, Vietnam, Valentine Z
- #41 - Yuri Anastasia Catherine Moire Mok Jung-Won - F - 1.00x: 243.9 cm (7 ft 0.05 in) - 35 - Daejeon, Hoseo, South Korea, Vostrov, Autonomous Region of Valentine Z

* The heights shall not negatively impact the venues, and the general OOC issues and concerns. They are mostly to show off the heights of the Valentians, and they have the tech-magic to shrink themselves down accordingly to make it a fair play. Outside of matches, use 2.66x values. Inside matches, use 1.00x value.

RP Permissions
Choose my scorers: Yes!
Choose my scoring events: Yes!
Godmod scoring events: Yes!
RP injuries to my players: No career-ending ones please! Minor injuries okay, BUT if you would like to KO them for 1-2 matches, please do let me know in advance.
Godmod Injuries to my players: No career-ending ones please! Minor injuries okay, BUT if you would like to KO them for 1-2 matches, please do let me know in advance.
Godmod other events: Anything is fine as long as my players are not committing fouls, dirty plays, throwing insults, etc. :P

Style modifier: +5.00 (Max Offensive).

Commissioned drawing by Karisaurus98, via Instagram. The artpiece is used in agreement for non-profit personal use, and with NO use for AI or NFTs.
If you are reading my sig, I want you to have the best day ever ! You are worth it, do not let anyone get you down !
Glory to De Geweldige Sierlijke Katachtige Utopia en Zijne Autonome Machten ov Valentine Z !
(✿◠‿◠) ☆ \(^_^)/ ☆

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• Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.
• World Map is a cat playing with Australia.

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Postby Drawkland » Wed Jan 15, 2025 7:24 pm


CHAMPIONS, International Basketball Championships 25
Runners-Up, International Basketball Championships 27
CHAMPIONS, International Basketball Championships 28

Name: Net Corps
Colors: Black with Crimson trim
Denonyms: Drawkian or Drawkish, personal preference

Basketball is one of Drawkland's "Big Four" sports, with huge cheering crowds and near-constantly playing pep bands the norm. If you've never been to a basketball game in Drawkland, you may want to bring a pair of earplugs. Or two. You'll need them.

As you may notice, the Drawkian team is pretty tall, as far as height goes. This is perfectly natural for Drawkians, as the national height average is 7'5" (they're not related to humans evolutionarily besides the shape and proportions and such). They also may seem like they're "middle-aged," but most professional Drawkian athletes don't retire until around the age of 50, since Drawkians can live to 120-150 years of age.

After having their best group stage in their history in IBC 24, the Net Corps went on to get annihilated in the Round of 16 for the fifth straight time (once by Royal Kingdom of Quebec, once by Vangaziland, once Abaja, once by Ceni, and once by Banija). Finally, they decided they weren't going to take no for an answer. A decade of playoff disappointment took a heel-turn as the Corps made an unprecedented run to the championship game. Drawkland won the game in convincing fashion to Royal Kingdom of Quebec, and finally claimed the title of IBC Champions.

While they lost in the semifinals of IBC 26 to the team they defeated in the previous semifinals, Newmanistan, they still had the skill to make a deep playoff run. And that they did, by making it to the finals of IBC 27 against Vangaziland. Unfortunately, Vangaziland was the outright better squad and took the series in two straight games. The Net Corps was far from out of the mix, though. Despite the short format and taking a loss in the group stage, Drawkland stormed through the IBC 28 playoffs and defeated Vangaziland by 30 points in the final to capture their second title. Drawkland hoped to go back-to-back with IBC 29, but fell short in overtime to Banija in the semifinals.

The IBC 30 campaign featured a first for the Net Corps ... a quarterfinal loss. This kicked off a new era in Net Corps history, one of floundering in the playoffs. In IBC 31, Drawkland went 2-2 in the second group stage, and had to settle for a "13th place win" against Quebec in the consolation playoffs. IBC 32 was yet another quarterfinal loss, this one against Valanora. Finally, in IBC 33, the Corps did something they hadn't done since their first tournament in IBC 19 ... miss the playoffs entirely. With that, longtime coach Cody Morgan and his staff was shown the door, and the aging Net Corps was collectively given the boot.

Originally, DISC was going to hire a new coach and assemble a new squad from scratch. Then, some "genius" came up with a "better" idea: let the Elite Eleven have a shot! Their IBC 34 campaign went decently. They made it to the playoffs and won a game in the Round of 24 before falling in the next round to Hannasea. Still, their performance was decent enough, and DISC was satisfied. The Elite didn't want to return to a playing position, but a few of them said they'd be willing to stick around as coaches.

The "Elite Eleven as coaches" experiment somehow went better than expected. The new-look Corps didn't have a perfect return cycle, needing last-matchday miracles against Ranoria and Mytanija to advance from the first and second group stages, respectively. The Corps had finally returned to the quarterfinals, thanks in part to the second group stage "skipping" earlier playoff rounds. Once again the Corps would face Hannasea, and once again they would fall, this time by a heartbreaking last-second shot. With their hopes for a surprising playoff push dashed, they slid into 7th place in the classification playoff. All things considered, not a bad performance, but improvement, especially in the group stage, is a necessity going forward. DISC had enough of the Elite Eleven, and kicked them out of the basketball wing of the building.

However, the post-Elite coaching staff led by Vince Donaldson didn't make the steps that fans were hoping for. Sure, the Net Corps made the playoffs relatively consistently, and even won a couple games, but ultimately this is not a squad that inspired confidence in fans or fear in opponents. With four straight cycles without even sniffing a semifinal, there was no reason to keep Donaldson and his staff around.

After another near-decade of mediocrity, DISC once again cleaned house in the Net Corps coaching staff, and are tackling this with another Drawkian coach willing to tank their reputation for the sake of maybe having a miracle run into relevance. In this case, it's the eccentric Domingo Abbott of the Bellator Redmanes, known for his unorthodox approach to coaching. I would say that it can't get much worse for the Net Corps so it's worth the risk, but we all know that's not true. Regardless, the core of the Corps has remained the same, though old fan favorites like Eva Pax, Zoe Sparks, and Finn Santana were shown the door in favor of getting some new blood on the roster.




## Pos Player Height Age XP Domestic Team Best Feature

8 C Sebastian Earls 8'6" 29 1 Corinth City Burners Great defender in the paint
12 PF Patrick Nevin (C) 8'5" 32 2 Bellator Redmanes Great shooter underneath
24 SF Natalie Endgard* 7'6" 33 4 Quinnaber Vultures Good passing and accuracy
33 SG Catalina Daywasson* 7'4" 34 4 Raikennax Lions Great playmaker
00 PG Ruth Cookson* 8'0" 34 2 Sadeg Wasps Incredible shot accuracy


## Pos Player Height Age XP Best Feature

3 C Carly Carolla 8'5" 37 2 Ducentu Sailors Draws a lot of fouls
1 C Harry Casper^ 8'2" 27 0 Hessport Dockmen Dunk specialist

6 F Jorah Douglas 8'2" 35 2 Owabrok Arrowheads Defensive wizard
2 F Georgia Bass^ 7'5" 26 0 Cemmendy Coyotes Fights through contact
11 F Delta Adams* 8'0" 33 2 Drawk City Sentinels Versatile "sixth man"
55 F Basil Thorne* 8'0" 24 1 Ducentu State (DOCA) Fully tooled college prospect

9 G Quinn Flowers^ 8'0" 25 0 Kayo Painters Excellent perimeter defender
27 G Stella Morrison 8'2" 31 2 Shire-Port Privateers Good passing and vision
7 G Benjamin Moss 7'7" 30 2 Metropolon Towers Nimble and agile
19 G Cayden Sovanna 8'4" 36 1 Drawk Corps Great accuracy from long range

* indicates NSCAA experience
^ indicates Net Corps rookie


Coach Name Position Domestic Team Role

Domingo Abbott^ Head Coach Bellator Redmanes Manager, Tactics
Peter Fenn^ Assistant Coach Metropolon Towers Offensive Coordinator
Hayley Wolfe^ Assistant Coach Raikennax Lions Defensive Coordinator
Gerald Madison Assistant Coach Drawk Corps Scouting, Preparation
Nicholas Kingston Athletic Trainer Elite Eleven Strength & Conditioning

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United Dalaran wrote:Goddammit, comrade. I just knew that someday some wild, capitalist, imperialist interstellar empire will swallow our country.

CN on the RMB wrote:drawkland's leader has survived so many assassination attempts that I am fairly certain he is fidel castro in disguise
Founder of Sonnel. Legendary (thrice) and Epic. Rule 33.

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United States of Nova Calania
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Postby United States of Nova Calania » Thu Jan 16, 2025 5:13 am


Équipe nationale de basketball du Saint-Empire Calanien des États-Unis de Nouvelle-Calanie
Holy Calanian Empire of United States of Nova Calania National Basketball Team

Nation Information:

Full Nation Name: The Holy Calanian Empire of United States of Nova Calania
Demonym: Nova Calanian
Heads of State: Co-Consul Wlodzimierz Pruszkowski
Official languages: French, Polish and English
Population: 2 459 048
Team Nickname: Tapirs
National Colors: Red and Yellow

Short Nation History:


Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer is a city state of 78 square kilometers located in Anaia and founded in lhe 18th century by Jean-Jacques Le Boucanier (John James The Buccaneer), a pirate of unknown North or Central Calanian origin who decided to retire from piracy and found his own nation south of his country of origin. Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer has emerged in the 20th century as a merchant city state which favors capitalism.The current ruler of Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer is Prince Pierre-Alexandre 1er de Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer, a direct descendant of Jean-Jacques Le Boucanier. Elections are outlawed in Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer. The national animal is the tapir, which you can see wandering in our streets.


Burnham-on-Stove is a city state of 54 square kilometers located in Anaia. It used to be a district whitin Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer and it's named after William Robert Burnham, a pirate and friend of Jean-Jacques Le Boucannier. In september 1923, several communist districts of Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer, mostly of English origin, declared their independence and formed the new nation of Burnham-on-Stove. The Burnhamese Communist Party is the only authorized party in Burnham-on-Stove. The national animal is also the Tapir.

Nova Calania

500: The first documented permanent Aztec settlements in Nova Calania dates from around 500 AD.

1748: Explorers of Polish origins came to the area just south of Krytenia and southwest of Ibixa and founded the town of Ostrow Krolewski on the shores of the Ocean of Ayes. They named the area Odlegla Ziemia (Distant Land).

1760-1820: Odlegla Ziemia expanded southwest and further inland on the east.

1793: Jean-Jacques Le Boucanier established his colony in what is known today as Vieux-Saint-Jean-Jacques (Old St. Jean-Jacques) or Vieille-Ville (Old Town) just northeast of Cardenao. This is the foundation of Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer. The city state expanded on both side of the Stove river.

1818: Explorers of Asian origin came to the area between Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer and Odlegla Ziemia and founded the city state of Shanzhou. This stopped Odleglian expansion southwest of their capital.

1851-54: The Aztecs, helped with some mercenaries from Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer and Burnham-on-Stove, attacked Odlegla Ziemia and took back 1/3 of Odlegla Ziemia's land that was previously stolen from the Aztecs.

1923: Districts of Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer located north of the Stove river (mostly English speaking) declared their independence and formed a new communist state under the name of Burnham-on-Stove.

2023: Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer and Burnham-on-Stove united to form a new sporting alliance. Both nations remained independents on all aspects, except they shared a joint national team in all sports.

2025: On may 15th 2025, leaders from Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer, Burnham-on-stove, Odlegla Ziemia, Shanzhou and the Nova Calanian Aztec Confederacy united together to form the United States of Nova Calania. Unlike Saint-Jean-Jacques et Burnham-on-Stove, it's not just a sporting alliance. It's a policical, economic, military and sporting alliance.


Home: All yellow with red numbers
Away: All white with red numbers
Alternate: All red with yellow numbers - Will be worn vs Kronbia and another team TBD


Entraîneur-chef: Jean-Claude Sigouin
Assistant: Zhenzhen Fu
Assistant: Wlodzislaw Zyskowski


Starting Lineup
11 C/PF Louis-Frédéric Sigouin 22 Druides de Chamouille 6'10''
16 SF Anastazja Jagodzinska 34 Stal Ostrow Krolewski 6'2''
15 SF/PF Maksimilian Jagodzinski 30 Stal Ostrow Krolewski 6'9''
23 SG Fryderyka Olkowska 25 Stal Ostrow Krolewski 6'4''
2 PG/SG Olivia Keefe 26 Burnham RazorSharks 6'2''

33 C Mengyao Hong (m) 21 Shanzhou SuperSonics 7'4''
10 SF/C Érika Poulette 24 Celtiques de BSM-SJJ 6'5''
13 SF Tymoteusz Goslawski 22 Krzyszczynka Nuggets 6'9''
44 PF Shuchun Hong (f) 23 Shanzhou SuperSonics 6'2''
12 PF Myriam Billette 27 Druides de Chamouille 6'0''
4 SG/PG Ryan Keefe 23 Burnham RazorSharks 6'7''
21 PG Jingyi Shao (f) 28 Shanzhou SuperSonics 5'11''
42 PG Przemyslaw Zyskowski 19 Krzyszczynka Nuggets 6'3''

45 PF/SF Julien Billette 24 Druides de Chamouille 6'8''
22 PF/C Anne-Frédérique Sigouin 19 Burnham RazorSharks 6'6''
66 SG Louis Michaud 31 Celtiques de BSM-SJJ 6'4''


All games @ The Lion's Den, Fiston, Ranoria

MD2: vs East Lithuania
MD3: @ TJUN-ia
MD4: vs Britonisea
Md5: @ Kamijiro
MD6: vs Kronbia
MD7: @ Safiloa
MD8: vs Drawkland
MD9: @ Delata

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Of the Golden Harp
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Postby Of the Golden Harp » Thu Jan 16, 2025 4:52 pm

CLECSC 1: Champion and host
CLECSC 2: Ongoing
#1 Ranked in the CLEC
World Cup 98: Failed to qualify
IBC 41: Ongoing
Head of council of the Celtic Lands of Europe and Colonies
Ideology: Religious Conservatism
Go Bayern Munich
Go Cork City FC
Leagues: Soccer, and Rugby. Working on Basketball
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Panay Islands and Guimaras
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Postby Panay Islands and Guimaras » Thu Jan 16, 2025 7:15 pm

NATION NAME: The Royal Independent State of the Panay Islands and Guimaras

DEMONYM: Panayense/Panaynon

NICKNAMES: Los Isleños (The Islanders), Los Blanquiazules (The Blue and Whites), Los Carabaos (The Carabaos), Los 5 de la Isla (The Island 5)

VICTORY SONG:Agárrense de las Manos by José Luis Rodriguez



The Royal Independent State of the Panay Islands and Guimaras, also called Panay Islands and Guimaras, or Panay-Guimaras is a nation in Asia. Located in the Philippine archipelago, Panay Islands and Guimaras has been a touristic hotbed because of its beaches and nature conserving tourist attractions which the government funded. The Panay Islands and Guimaras dominion is consisted of 5 autonomous provinces and 1 federal canton.

Basketball is also popular here in the islands, brought in 1901 by two Americans, a Catholic missionary by the name of Joseph H. Charleston and a former student of James Naismith, William Newman. The locals loved it and it was rapidly spreading like wildfire alongside football (or soccer). The first game of basketball was in Jaro, Iloilo between the students of the Royal University and the American expats at the University Athletic Hall, which is now known as the José Mahilum Memorial Arena. A league was organized by the founding members of the Royal Panayense Basketball Association, where both the Captains and the Metropolitan Hurricanes dominated the whole league with 24 and 20 titles.

It's a tradition for the Panayense athletes to sing their victory anthem (inspired by Australia's club song) after a win since the 1956 Olympics.

Style mod.: +0.71
Team manager: Adolfo Marcelo Magbanua
Coach: Edgar Andolong (player-coach, 27)
Assistant coach: Lorenzo Chan (40)

*23. Ernesto Álvarez Mejía (PG, 21)
22. Josué Manuel Yoon (SG, 24)
14. Édgar Ramírez Andolong (C, 27) ©
11. Gerardo Hiejima (SF, 24)
*25. Sergio Madalindal Vergara (PF, 20)

2. Angelo Sebastián Rodríguez (PG, 23)
31. José Antonio Enríquez (PG, 18)
6. Manuel Saavedra García (SG, 20)
24. Claudio Manuel Chong (C, 24)
13. Salvador Ramón Velasco Álvarez (SF, 21)
29. Eduardo Mahilum Santos (PF, 25)
17. Ricardo José Dy (PF, 22)

*indicates that the player is playing abroad

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Panay Islands and Guimaras
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Postby Panay Islands and Guimaras » Thu Jan 16, 2025 7:51 pm


Iloilo City, Federal Canton

After sacking Daniel Nolasco post-IBC 40, the RABP are now recruiting any Panayense and international coaches to lead the team after the mistakes happened at the first participation of the Islanders. "We are now calling on both Panayense and international coaches to coach our promising yet broken national team.", says national team manager, Adolfo Marcelo Magbanua. "Make sure if you got selected as a coach, you can appoint an assistant coach anytime to fix our problems." The Panayenses are hoping that an international coach could save the team. "For me, it could a coach from an another country.", says a Panayense basketball fan. "To be really honest, Dani Nolasco didn't do a good job for us Panayenses." "We need an international coach, urgently!", says a passionate fan. "We might love our countrymen, but we need a good coach overseas that could fix my beloved national team's problem!" One of the possible Panayense candidates, Mariano Kwon, by his Korean name of Kwon Byunghoon, says that he has experienced a team like that. "I even experienced a team like this when the Caluya Dragons got a coaching problem", says Kwon. "Looking back then, it was a hell of a ride." Another Panayense candidate, former coach of the winningest team from 2009-2014, Alejandrino de los Reyes says that he has a solution. "I saw the coaching problem when our national team is announced to play at their first IBC.", says de los Reyes. "I know exactly what the problem with the team is and I can handle it well." Will the Panayenses have an international coach for the first time in many years, or an another Panayense coach would lead the team finally to glory?

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Postby Sarzonia » Thu Jan 16, 2025 8:07 pm

Two days before training camp began, Joy Knight suddenly decided she was done.

She walked into Incorporated Basketball Federation Chairwoman Lynn Trask's office and abruptly resigned as Sarzonian national basketball team manager.

Granted, she had a valid reason. She had just adopted a child and she was fostering another child whom she was trying to adopt. She had court appearances that had to take place in person, and even being the manager of one of the national teams didn't provide her enough clout to conduct those court appearances virtually.

Her sudden departure didn't leave Trask much option but to elevate top assistant Kyle Trenton to the full-time job. He was a longtime assistant, as he and Knight were on the staff working under Thomas Manningham for Sarzonia's return to the International Basketball Championships back in the 28th edition.

Now as the team prepared for the 41st edition to be held in Ranoria, he was suddenly the man making decisions instead of recommendations. He now had to decide how to construct the team and determine which system to employ. For his first act, he decided to drop the three-guard lineup in favour of having a full-time centre. Secondly, the offence would use more motion and passing the ball than trying to funnel the offence through any one player.

"We don't really have a superstar player, not since Mike [West] retired," Trenton said. "Without a superstar player, we need a more balanced approach. We also wanted to have a stronger presence on the boards with the likes of Drawkland and Valentine Z being such big bodies. A three-guard lineup against teams like that put us at a disadvantage."

Defensively, new starting centre DJ Henry is going to be counted on for both an intimidating, shot-blocking presence and veteran leadership. Henry is expected to bring a physical presence to the defence, and very well might be a presence on the offensive end, as he scored a career-high 14.8 points per match in the Sarzonian league in his comeback season after spending three years "finding himself" after a career-worst season led him to retirement.

"I needed to get my mind right," Henry said. "I spent a lot of time in therapy talking about a lot of issues and really getting my mind right. When I was able to get my mind right, it improved my game."

Sarzonia will also face former regional neighbours Delaclava in Group 2, which includes Valentine Z. Vashnivaria, The 189, Natkr, Oclea, Southwest Eastnorth and New Rotterdam City will also be competing in the group.

"We know we're going to have a rivalry match against Valentine Z and another one against Delaclava," Trenton said. "Valentine Z has been a fierce rival of ours the past few IBCs, and Delaclava is always a rival regardless of sporting endeavour."
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Postby Ko-oren » Fri Jan 17, 2025 8:35 am

Ko-oren - IBC 41
Style mod As low as it goes (-5) / RP Permissions Yes

Nickname Dragonflies
Colours Green, Blue, Yellow
Offence Continuity
Defence Fluid: some man-to-man or even double teams, some zone
Head Coach Juliet Shillington (IBC 17 winner)
History 1-4 in IBC Finals
Other key figures on the staff
From the IBC 17 squad: Vasco Azevado, Solène Dupre, Amy Janssen, Milena Carlisle
From the IBC 20 squad: Leandro Buenaventura, Gao Liang, Milton Hayes
Uniforms Sharpied-over Abanhfleft knock-offs
Aminey Court Central (2500)
Ciudad Miradela (3150)
Korth Basketini Maethorudin (2200)
Korth Senorendhin (1975)

Juvi Tanamula (32, M, left, 204 cm, 108 kg) Gehrenna Lions
Muzasahuth Slunakidhen (26, M, right, 195 cm, 96 kg) Miradela Silvers
Marceline Nez (27, F, right, 195 cm, 91 kg) Lunay Argonauts

Tanamula is still the obvious number one option, with Slunakidhen still backing up, and at a short distance there's Nez. None can rely on height to bail them out, so Tanamula has learned to use opponents' flaws against them. Slunakidhen is a decent understudy in that regard, while Nez relies on stellar fundamentals. If you give her a shot, she'll make it, but she and Slunakidhen are fairly easily boxed out of the game.

Power Forward
Buford Oldlin (22, M, right, 219 cm, 130 kg) Ansonville City Athletic
Guendolina Canton (32, F, right, 176 cm, 71 kg) Ferrovente Tazers
Uvafena Uhpisohthen (26, F, right, 173 cm, 67 kg) Maethoru Banshees

Oldlin is a cornerstone of the team, partially through height, partially through ability. He's built like a fridge, absolutely massive and difficult to move. Canton makes a comeback to the team, ahead of Uhpisohthen, with the former drifting out for threes and the latter trying to make it work in the paint.

Small Forward
Fidel Varon (30, M, right, 191 cm, 91 kg) Ferrovente Tazers
Sylv Melanson (33, M, right, 204 cm, 109 kg) Etouille Energie
Nicolaas Valkenvlier (28, M, right, 183 cm, 85 kg) Couziers Centurions

We're still relying on the old guard here. Varon is a menace on quick breaks and turnovers, Melanson might just be a pinch hitting sub to help us get some rebounds, and Valkenvlier is a far more artistic player, looking for gaps and setting up mismatches.

Shooting Guard
Kazusa Jorasen (24, F, left, 180 cm, 75 kg) Katashi Asahi
Tsheumai Bwaudhen (23, F, right, 176 cm, 76 kg) Etouille Energie
Thokhihek Khenehugun (21, M, right, 180 cm, 83 kg) Montelo Snipers
Ignace Raymon (29, M, right, 198 cm, 106 kg) Anarcourt Railways

There's a few options here, with Jorasen already the best option by a mile. She's already looking better than Oldlin and Tanamula when they were her age, and should could be one of the best players to come out of Ko-oren post IBC 25-or-so. Jorasen also matches pretty well personality-wise with Oldlin and Varon: responsible, mature. Bwaudhen is a niche pick for when the gameplan doesn't work and we need something weird. She's fast, unorthodox, but can't rely on the teammates too much. Khenehugun is in the same mold of Canton and Nez: technical and hard to shake. Raymon is a more general talent, with options at the forward positions.

Point Guard
Emuk Arzhendin (30, M, right, 176 cm, 96 kg) Senoren Diamonds
Aimuci Avobea (22, M, right, 198 cm, 95 kg) Gehrenna Lions
Xiana Lazo (28, F, right, 182 cm, 79 kg) Montelo Snipers
Fumika Tsetsasein (25, F, right, 198 cm, 102 kg) Idyllwild Circle

Arzhendin is, despite just 176 cm, the best player in Ko-oren right now. He carries his Diamonds to most of their wins, and also is the responsible captain a team needs. We wish that we had a decent backup, but the gap between the first and second choice is nowhere as big as at this position. And yet we'll rely on Avobea here and there: tall, young, less of a leader but far more of a creative force. Willing to go outside of the gameplan when he feels a connection with whoever has to set him up or receive a pass. Lazo and Tsetsasein are more distant backups, with Tsetsasein able to play at different positions as well.

After the implosion of the Ko-orenite Basketball League, the sport (barely) survived on small courts in big cities. Twelve clubs have emerged in a new national league, representing three urban areas. The Capital Cities (Maethoru, Mayara, Gehrenna, Senoren), Aminey (Lunay, Ouleux, Couziers/Linieux, Étouille - but Étouille and Linieux are not within Aminey by a bit), and Santa Teresa (Miradela, Montelo, Serramonte - and nearby Ferrovente). While they might not be underdogs in literally every game, the rankings pretend like this team has a lot more individual skill than it actually has. The strength of the positions is something like PG > SF/PF > (gap) > C > SG, factoring in the backups more than the starters, as we've got one class player at each position at least. Even then, the skill of the PG(s) is far more than C and SG. This is mostly solved by having players play at different positions - because how rigid are basketball positions anyway - and depending on the configuration there might be one extra PG leading to a more technical team shooting from distance or an extra forward leading to a bit more physical play, closer to the basket, relying on a high FG% and grabbing rebounds.

The league has since expanded to 48 teams - by far the largest in Ko-oren - with the new players on the new teams slowly breaking through into the NT. The original twelve outmuscle the rest by a mile - usually - so the good players gravitate towards that group of teams.
WCC President and NS Sports' only WC, WBC, WB, WCOH, IBC, RUWC, Test Cricket, ODI, and T20 loser!

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Postby Nightralia » Sat Jan 18, 2025 4:45 am

The Midnight Kingdom charges into the Arena...

AI used to create image


Basketball isn't a sport intrinsic to the Nightralian soul. But looking around the country, you would never find out. Today, it's one of the biggest sports in the country, quickly growing, and every neighbourhood has a local court. There are millions of adoring fans cheering on the teams in the World Cup, while legions of supporters root for their franchises in the Night League.

But mere decades ago, it was nowhere on the scene. A tiny elite sport played by a tiny community of devoted freaks. So how did this come to be? How then, did basketball become the one thing that defined a citizen of the Midnight Kingdom and unified two warring nations, if not in politics, then in culture?

It all started with the Ice War. 18 years ago, the entire peninsula was in a fight for its very existence.

The very country of Skaidirolf was all but gone, reduced to ashes. Evernox had fallen, Celestria was under siege, and in that despair, the threat of foreign rule and fear of total war; The Nightralian people turned to basketball.

An indoor sport which needed nothing more than a spherical balla and a hoop to play, it rocketed in popularity among the beleaguered populace of Nightralia and Skaidirolf.

Soldiers played it among themselves, children dribbled and passed on the streets and in bomb shelters, and the wary armies, and peoples of two awkwardly allied countries began trusting each other again.

And when the shadows lifted, and the spectre of war was vanquished once more, it was basketball that helped unite the wary Nightralia and Skaidirolf into a fragile federation.

And today, in a remote neighbourhood, of Srivijaya, or Fjellvári, or even battered Celestria and Evernox: where one once heard gunfire, and now explosions, is now graced by the twittering of nightingales, and more often than not; the swish of a basketball.
Nothing but net.

Team Overview

Head Coach: Raatrani Czoùhan


Starting 5
No Players Pos
9 Nishastra Ilmari PG
21 Rajashekhar Thorfinsson SG
99 Sven Laitala SF
36 Ástrid Djughasvill. PF
61 Jadwiga Duvrè C

Bench 1
No Players Pos
7 Maya Svenson PG
43 Ástrid Djughasvilli SG
59 Freyja Andersen SF
12 Eirik Kappelen PF
39 Chandra Kumar C

Bench 2
No Players Pos
53 Arunmozhi Varman SF
92. Silviya Evkarris PG

My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:
Choose my scorers: Yes
Assign other stats (e.g. rebounds, assists): Yes
RP injuries to my players: No
Godmod injuries to my players: No
Eject my players: No
Godmod other events: No

Style Modifier: +2.1
"Sometimes the brightest light is found in the darkest depths of night"
Advanced post-apocalyptic nation based primarily on Night, with a Sanskrit-Sami population and a perpetual light pollution-free night sky.
Public Safety Officer at Community, Citizen-Speaker at Carcassone
Finished 5th in Elephant Chess Cup X (technically)

Almost everyone you meet online, everyone you get into arguments with, hurl insults at, get flamed by... are good, friendly, kind people in real life. Remember that the person, the nation, the name you're addressing exists behind the screen. A life of their own; problems, joys, fears and secrets.
They are just as unique as you are. Their opinions do not make them inferior. Neither do yours. Attack the war, not the conscript.

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New York Times Democracy

Postby Kamijiro » Sat Jan 18, 2025 6:18 pm

Narakugai: The Kamijiroan Basketball Association's Representatives

What is Narakugai? A Narration.

奈落街 「Narakugai」, the inner district of the City of Miraisaki, has long been a hot bed for sports. Football, basketball, baseball, you name it, they play it. So, when the Kamijiroan Basketball Association (KBA) announced that the national team would be chosen through a special round robin of sixteen teams, everybody in Miraisaki suddenly was practicing basketball again. Now, it's important to note that Kamijiro just recently became two countries. Miraisaki and Jirō Island make up Kamijiro, while the other five departments of St. Jerome, Chamonix, Porto de Kamijiro, New Volendam and South St. Jerome make up Veredon. There's a demilitarized zone between the two of them. Since the former national team was heavily made up of St. Jerome and Chamonix players, the KBA has had to scramble to find a new team. In comes the "golden ticket tournament." Sixteen teams, double round robin. It became pretty clear from the start that Narakugai was going to take the whole thing. Their team was made up of some of the most gifted athletes in the country and, on top of that, most of them were either unemployed, illegally employed, or high school dropouts that were too young to go find a real job. This gave them plenty of time to practice. 30 games later, Narakugai won the tournament with a record of 26-4, led by 大樹 伊藤 「Taiki Itō」.

The most important thing to note about this team is their combination of a few things. One, a lack of experience professionally. This team, while made up of some of the brightest talents in Kamijiro right now, is completely under the age of 21. Two, this team is also entirely made up of people with some form of attachment to the currently-booming yakuza scene within Narakugai. With the collapse of the Kamijiroan Empire came poverty, which led to an increase in organized crime, which led to, well... what's essentially a modern-day mafia-ran district. The cops are on payroll. The city looks the other way on just about everything. That being said, the district now has some of the best throwback nightlife in the world. (Think jazz noir and pool halls, but everybody's dressed more modern). And, well, if you mind your business, you'll be fine.

But why does this matter for a basketball team? Well, if you thought teams played too dirty or got into too many fights before, get ready for something that'll really piss you off. Narakugai streetball is grueling. It's the boiling water that hardens the egg but softens the potato. What I'm trying to say is, either they'll break you or they'll turn you into a superstar. And this roster? It's thirteen of the brightest stars those caged-in courts ever made.

Now, it's my honor to present to you, the representatives of Kamijiro: the Narakugai Night Roses.


The Miraisaki Night Roses Roster

Starters        Name (JP)  Name (Eng.)      Age   Height   Weight   Best Attribute(s)            Worst Attribute(s)
Point Guard 拓也 加部 Takuya Kabe 19 6'4" 210lb Athletic, inside scoring Outside shooting
Shooting Guard 大樹 伊藤 Taiki Ito 20 6'4" 207lb All-around scoring Defending
Small Forward 勇輝 久慈 Yuki Kuji 17 6'8" 198lb Outside shooting Playmaking, inside scoring
Power Forward 和真 前田 Kazuma Maeda 19 6'9" 245lb Strength, rebounding Defending without fouling
Center 夏希 桜井 Natsuki Sakurai 16 6'11" 240lb Rebounding, screening Not agile, gets exposed in perimeter defense

Main Backups
Forward 敦也 岩崎 Atsuya Iwasaki 18 6'7" 226lb Outside shooting Defending
Forward 奏多 三浦 Kanata Miura 15 6'8" 203lb Inside scoring, athletic Outside scoring, defending without fouling
Guard 市郎 水木 Ichirō Mizuki 20 6'1" 201lb Playmaking Streaky outside scorer, goes cold too often
Center 純也 久慈 Junya Sugawara 19 6'11" 262lb Rebounding Unathletic, can't shoot
Center 克己 西村 Katsumi Nishimura 20 7'0" 240lb Outside shooting Poor rebounder and interior defender for his size

Deep Rotation
Guard 亨梧 上田 Kyōgo Ueda 16 6'0" 185lb Playmaking, shooting Undersized, gets out-muscled defensively
Guard 祥也 木村 Shōya Kimura 19 6'7" 210lb Playmaking, rebounding Poor outside shot
Center 慎也 山田 Shin'ya Yamada 16 6'11" 245lb Rebounding Poor outside shot, not agile at all

Why 'Night Roses?'

In Kamijiroan tradition, roses are a masculine flower that is used to represent both life and death. At every funeral and wedding, rose pedals are tossed. Specifically, black rose pedals at a funeral, and red ones at a wedding. However, the various yakuza outfits of Miraisaki also use roses to symbolize their dedication to the family they're part of and the life they've chosen. Every single member of the Night Roses has at least one red rose tattoo on their body somewhere, usually on their upper left or right arm near the shoulder.

This is where things get more interesting. If you have two red rose tattoos, it means you're completely oathed, not just an associate. Three roses is where things get dark. For every rose at three and up, it signifies a hit you've been a part of, and they're black roses. So, when you see a shady-looking fella with ten black roses across his arms, it means stay the hell away from him. Most of this team do not have a black rose, at least none in plain sight. The Night Roses are named for these tattoos.

Everything below this is OOC
For RP purposes, this RP takes place after the conclusion of the on-going football World Cup.
Further, please note that despite my best efforts previously to uphold Japanese naming tradition, it tends to end with more confusion than it's worth.
I am using entirely the western tradition for names. (Given name, family name).

RP Permissions:
You may choose my scorers and my stats, but I will likely be doing them quickly on my own as to create highly detailed box scores for my team.
You may injure my players, but I reserve the right to override severity if need be.
You may eject my players. I'd be surprised if I didn't eject my own at some point.
You may godmod outside events, I'm usually very flexible about it.
You may not godmod injuries, unless it's funny. If it's funny, go for it. Just don't do anything like killing my players and/or making them out for the tournament.
Style mod (if applicable): -4.50

Any questions? TG me! I'm usually quite open to doing multi-person RP storylines.
Also, I'll send you five USD if you can figure out which historic NBA team's roster I used to create the heights, weights and playstyle attributes :P
Last edited by Kamijiro on Sat Jan 18, 2025 6:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Winners of Baptism of Fire 81
World Cup 98 Round of 32 Appearance
Cup of Harmony 89 Quarterfinalist
Di Bradini Cup 55 & 58 Quarterfinalist
Cup of Harmony 88 Round of 16

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Postby Aphrilia » Mon Jan 20, 2025 2:15 am

Aphrilian National Basketball Team
Capital: Luther
Demonym: Aphrilian/Aphrili
Country Code: APH
Association: Aphrilian Basketball Federation (ABF)
Basketball Philosophy: Quick on the attack, focus on spacing, hard defense.


Kieran Vassal MANAGER
Jefferson Sullivan ASS. MANAGER
Alan Bakeley PHYSIO
Nia Williams TRAINER


PF Luka Megarhine F 27
SF Anthony Coultend M 35
SG Sebastian Gremoire M 26
PG Mark Houston M 25
C Jack Tropic M 29

PF Devon Callum M 30
PF Clarissa Cahun F 21
SF Lilly Harper F 26
SF Bill Winston M 19
SG Abeau Cormier M 20
SG Atellia McCornick F 18
PG Stella Ronnie-Meyer F 19
PG Zachary Gillingham M 31
C Eric Lawson M 33
C August Strecker M 22

TEAM NICKNAME: The Brigadiers
KITS: White & Gold

My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:
Choose My Scorers: Yes
Choose My Scoring Events: Yes
Godmod Scoring Events: Yes
RP injuries To My Players: Yes
Godmod Injuries To My Players: Yes
Godmod Other Events: Yes
"...I'll never trust the same, I'll see friendship as just another game...! Full of winners and losers, selfish abusers... You failed to fly but somehow I’m to blame...!?"

Religious Immortality, Sporting Passion, and Lack of Factbooks.
WC 96 Playoffs, WC 97 Ro32
IAC 22 4th Place
IAC 21, IBC 39 & 40 Ro16

NSSCRA 15 ROTY Runner-Up (Alexander Rivier)
- Indonesian
- Male Muslim
- Forza Ferrari and MCFC OK
- Roleplaying and Writing Novice
- Fanfiction Enjoyer
- Previously Known as Atheara

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East Lithuania
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Postby East Lithuania » Mon Jan 20, 2025 2:56 pm

RP Permissions
Choose my scorers: Yes
Choose my scoring events: Yes
Godmod scoring events: Yes
RP injuries to my players: Yes, nothing career ending.
Godmod Injuries to my players: Yes, nothing career ending.
Godmod other events: Yes, within realm of possibility


In a stunning turn of events, not long after the conclusion of a civil war amongst that large, dormant military powerhouse of East Lithuania, despite the pulls and twists and turns and pushes politically, socially, morally; the East Lithuanian national basketball team has qualified to participate in The International Basketball Championship 41! Overwhelmed with joy and pride, every commune within the nationstate has at least a few days of celebration and rest from their labors of reforming and rebuilding to give thanks and praise to a team that has done their nation proud. In this deep dive, we will be covering the team, staff, schedule and more!

Meet the Team!


Below is the roster and depth chart for the team that is making their final preparations for the trip to Ranoria:


C - Sa Bunn - 7'2" - 31 years old *Captain of the team; ELBA all time single-season rebound record holder
PF - Derby Doyle - 6'11" - 22 years old
SF - Gary Kirby - 6'8" - 24 years old *ELBA 2024 MVP
SG - Marc Giordano - 6'5" - 21 years old *ELBA 2024 Point Leader, third consecutive award
PG - Peter Lincoln - 6' - 25 years old *ELBA 2024 Assist Leader

C - Matias Sheff - 7' - 23 years old
C - Tony Soprano - 7'3" - 18 years old *Rookie season; ELBA 2024 Rebound leader
PF - Mark Looper - 6'10" - 23 years old
PF - Ivan Drivich - 6'11" - 22 years old
SF- David Flynn - 6'7" - 19 years old *Rookie
SF - Nil Prost - 6'8" - 22 years old
SG - Mikel Prost - 6'4" - 21 years old *ELBA 3PT% leader
SG - Amalija Lenin - 6'5" - 24 years old
PG - Julian Putski - 6'1" - 22 years old
PG - Nadya Vincas - 5'5" - 18 years old *Rookie


Head Coach: Eishesh Ivana - 55 years old
Assistant Coach: Ignatius Rumplestiltskin - 38 years old Rookie coach; ELBA all-time scoring leader
Fitness Trainer: Kat Jurglastutski - 28 years old




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Postby TJUN-ia » Mon Jan 20, 2025 4:24 pm


Name: TJUN-ia
Trigram: TJU
Demonym: TJUN-ian/Jaguar
Nicknames: Jaguars/Hoops-Jags
Governing Body: Basketball Federation of TJUN-ia (BFT/BF-TJUN-ia)
Home Colours: Sky Blue with Orange Trim
Away Colours: Orange with White Trim
Third Colours: Black with Orange Trim

Head Coach: Bao Zhou (56 y.o)
Assistant Head Coach: Kim Carterson (45 y.o.)
Assistant Head Coach: Kasper Waterson (52 y.o)

PG: #1 Ali Jaffer (34 y.o.)
SG: #11 Jimena Siena (35 y.o)
SF: #21 Samantha Naylor (28 y.o.)
PF: #31 Mohammad Alawi (34 y.o.)
C: #41 Chenrop Rueangthanarot (34 y.o.)

PG: #2 Layton Palmer (34 y.o.)
PG: #3 Gilberto Flores (35 y.o.)
SG: #12 Aleksei Zobnin (34 y.o)
SG: #05 Andrade Colón (34 y.o.)
SF: #22 Federico Klein Nuñez (28 y.o.)
SF: #23 Aina Kiwodo (26 y.o)
PF: #32 Epili Malolo (34 y.o.)
PF: #33 Kiana Robles (34 y.o.)
C: #42 Jucinara Benites (34 y.o.)
C: #43 Holden McGriffin (34 y.o.)

PG: Kim Gyu-ri (27 y.o.)
PG: Pohiva Nuku'alofa (24 y.o.)
PG: Jennifer Reagan (24 y.o.)
PG: Song Qinqwei (22 y.o.)
SG: Teuane Tibbo (25 y.o.)
SG: Kendra Braithwaite (24 y.o.)
SG: Yusuke Tokunaga (24 y.o.)
SG: Jonathan Salvador (24.y.o.)
SG: Rafaelle (24 y.o.)
SG: Isa Al Hayam (22 y.o.)
SF: Henry Garibaldi (24 y.o.)
SF: Ahmed Al-Malood (24 y.o.)
SF: Andressa Alves (22 y.o.)
SF: Hernando Jotara (22 y.o.)
SF: Alsu Smirnova (22 y.o.)
SF: Gu Ying (22 y.o.)
PF: Vadim Verameyenka (28 y.o.)
PF: Dami Wong (22 y.o.)
PF: Kofi Kollon (22 y.o.)
PF: Lina Chernomyrdina (22 y.o.)
PF: Ma Rui (22 y.o.)
C: Mohammad Al Rayyan (27 y.o.)
C: Igor Kuchayev (24 y.o.)
C: Sayeed Abdulla (24 y.o.)
C: Martin Rudderford (24 y.o.)
C: Leaupepe Saveasi'uleo (22 y.o.)

I Give My Opponent Permission To:
Choose My Scorers: Y
Choose Scoring Events: Y
Godmod Scoring Events: N
RP Injuries to my Players: Y
Godmod Injuries to my Players: N
Godmod Other Events: Y
Give my players fouls: Y
Foul my players out: Y
1st: ECC4/5, NSSCRA13, RLWC22, IBS20, EBT3, EIHT2
2nd: NSCF24/26, ARWC4, WC:TOTS, IBC34, IBS17, RUWC33/35, ECC6
3rd: ARWC3, IBC32/41, ECC3/7, ARWC6, ET20IV
T1: #07 Michael Stefan (S13 T1 Champ)/#64 Alfonso Mercado/#03 Maddison Riley-Jones (S10 T2 Champ)
T2: #96 Alice Jepkosgei/#70 Gongming Gao [NCR]/#79 Axel Chase

WGPO: #11 Lane Carter/ #9 Batu Tüvshinbayar (WGP2 S5 Champion)
NSTT: 4 S-Titles (3 RU)/2 D-Titles (6 RU)

UN - U1
TJUN (Ta-Jun) - An organ of the UN that focuses on "international role-play" (i.e. USA = Fang the Sniper) (U2)
TJUN-ia (Ta-Jun-ee-a) - The testing grounds of TJUN members, but operates as an independent nation. (U3)

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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Aurevbush » Mon Jan 20, 2025 9:12 pm


Point Guard: #3 Aiden Arrow (6'3"), club: Galvatron Cosmos
Shooting Guard: #2 Kaito "kai" Sato (6'5"), club: Solport Suns
Small Forward: #6 Omar Kaff (6'7"), club: Troyheim Gears
Power Forward: #7 Niko Suede Simic (6'7"), club: Aeutikiva Roundabouts
Center: #1 Nelson "The Wall" Diallo (7'0") club: Galvatron Cosmos

Guard: #11 Michael Kaasman (6'7") club: Sylvestro Crimson
Guard: # 14 Larry A. Tipton (7'0") club: Solport Suns
Forward: #19 Luke H. Blancmount (6'5") club: Devout Ridge Rings
Forward: #12 Chance Ezeii (6'3") club: Troyheim Gears
Center: #21 Johnathan "Big Jet" Martilli (6'8") club: Liberty Belle

Coach: Percy Jay "PJ" Long
Assistant Coaches
James Shay Sanders
Xolo Gonzalez
Brock Dwem Smith

General Team Information
Trigamme: AVB
Manager: Daniel Fann Edgerton
Home Stadium: various but (de-facto) The Bucket Arena, Gergesshieff, Wanae, Aurevbush
Nicknames: "Team Aurevbush, Team AVB, Lean Team"
Colors: Alternate: Blue with white and red coloring or White with Green and blue letters
Modifier: +1.77

RP Permissions
Choose my scorers: YES
Choose my scoring events: YES
Godmod scoring events: YES
RP injuries to my players: Yes, Nothing too major
Godmod Injuries to my players: Nothing too major
Godmod other events: yes as long as its not too crazy like throwing a giant meteorite or nuke at our country
Last edited by Aurevbush on Fri Jan 24, 2025 1:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
A sci-fantasy well developed human majority nation located on the planet Armnah
Silly look at our culture!
Young American male, awkward, metalhead and history buff
Own Stats, Own Schedule

ACBC:President McShein and First Consul Nunez release cabinet list for the Senate approval.|Erewyne man builds a Chika costume for his daughter and wins prize over it. |Entertainer Janet Lee Whitman is pregnant with twins.

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Postby Banija » Tue Jan 21, 2025 9:00 am

Banija Men's National Basketball Team

As presented by the Olympic Committee of Banija

Country code: BNJ
Denonym: Banijan(s)
Nickname: The Lions
Head Coach: Oscar Laboto (4-time IBC Champion as the NT's assistant coach)
Assistant Head Coach: Sadio Bartaba(3-time IBC champion as a player, 1 time NSCAA champion with Loyola-Istria as the Head Coach, former team captain)

Notable Finishes
Champions of IBC 30
Champions of IBC 31
Champions of IBC 32
Champions of IBC 33
Champions of AOBC VI
Champions of AOBC VIII
Champions of AOBC IX
Runners-Up at IBC 29
Silver medal at the XIV Summer Olympiad in men's basketball
Bronze medal at the XVI Summer Olympiad in men's basketball
Third Place at IBC 24
Third Place at IBC 38

Records(W-L, Win %):
All-Time AO Basketball Championships Record: 29-3, 90.63%
All-Time Olympic Qualifying Record: 2-1, 66.67%
All-Time Olympic Record: 26-9, 74.29%
All-Time IBC Group Stage Record: 146-28, 83.91%
All-Time IBC KO Stage Record: 37-15, 71.15%
All-Time IBC Record: 183-43, 80.97%
All-Time Record(All competitions): 240-56, 81.08%

Jerseys designed gratefully by Filindostan!

Away Jerseys


Starting Lineup - Players who are italicized are making their international debut at IBC 38.
PG #3 Obasie Khoza. 6'2. 37 years old. Graduate of Loyola-Istria, where he won the NSCAA 13 championship. One of the team's two stars.
SG #12 Koro Josea. 6'4. 27 years old. Graduate of Bunyoro A&M. Elite 3&D kind of player. Also pretty good in the mid-range, but not so great at creating his own shot.
SF #14 Philemon Abonyo. 6'7. 34 years old. Graduate of the University of Moravica, former #1 HS basketball player in the country. Led them to #1 overall seed for the Ultra 64 in NSCAA 13. Team's secondary star.
PF #23 Sylvester Guwanya. 6'9. 34 years old. Graduate of the University of Kitara. 3 & D guy, very switchable on defense.
C #12 Ezra Ogada. 7'1. 27 years old. Went straight to pro ball. Plays professionally at home. Very much a back to the basket type of center. Known as elite defender.
SF/PF #0 Tijan Mendy. 6'6. 37 years old. Graduate of Northern Moravica. Team's 6th man.
SG #7 Beno Tambo. 6'5. 26 years old. Plays professionally at home.
SF/PF #4 Kizza Kaba. 6'8, 27 years old. Graduate of Kizza I College.
C #10 Musubaho Nkajja. 7'2, 36 years old. Plays professionally at home.
PG #13 Malkom Yrisuéniho. Farf-Banijan dual-national(Induja). 6'1. 28 years old. Born in Induja, came as a child to Banija. Grew up playing on the courts in Busukuma. Crazy athletic, absolutely unorganized, seen as tough to coach but with limitless talent. NSCAA 14 champion with the University of Moravica.
PG/SG #5 Masamba Bala. 6'4. 31 years old. 3 years at Northern Moravica, now plays pro ball domestically.
C/PF #9 Kito Umoja. 6'11. 28 years old. Plays professionally at home. 3 point shooter.

Closeout Lineup
PG #3 Obasie Khoza
SG #12 Philemon Abonyo
SF #14 Tijan Mendy
PF #0 Sylvester Guwanya
C #12 Ezra Ogada

- We almost always play a 1-3-1 zone defense. It works well with this team, which has lots of size, and is getting faster, especially at guard. Situationally, we will switch to man to man or a box and 1 if the other team's star player is hot, but the 1-3-1 is the base.
- This team is built very different from past teams. They space the floor much better, they have spread the floor with a lot of players who can hit jumpers, especially three pointers. They also like to play fast.
- This team will run at almost any chance they get. While rebounding, especially on defense, is the team's weakest link, when they do get a rebound, they are able to push the ball, and so quickly.
- For the group stages, this team's rotation runs 12 deep, as Laboto will do his best to get all 12 players into the game for every single group stage game. However, they will almost certainly shorten the rotation to 8-9 players come the knockout stages. The rotation shrinks in the knockout stages, and in knockout games and other must wins, Laboto is willing to play his two veteran star players(Khoza and Abonyo) extremely heavy minutes (35+) once the late KO stages hit.
- Despite a QF exit last time out, this tournament is seen as 'one last hurrah' for this squad of players. They brought the entire team back, with a strong, core belief that their veteran/aging core can bring them back to the promised land in this sport. Will the decision to eschew new young playes prove disastrous?

Recent History
This is their sixth appearance at the IBCs after an especially turbulent period surrounding the men's national basketball team- moments that are firmly in the rearview mirror. The team reached never before seen heights in this sport, winning 4 titles in a row- an accomplishment that has never been matched in any of the Grand Slam competitions (IBCs, WCoH, WC, World Bowl, WBC). 5 finals in a row, and obviously all of those championships, meant success was the name of the game. But of course, with success comes egos, and with the growth of the financial pot comes issues on how to split it. For financial reasons, and many others, players went on strike after IBC 33- sparked when the Olympic Committee, already facing a myriad of issues, tried to force NT players to play at home. They came back at IBC 36, and are trying to get back to previously achieved heights.

When legendary head coach Isaiah Lavaga decided to leave for club basketball in Quebec rather than strike-break and lead a squad of replacement players to IBC 34, the Banijan men's basketball team could not even send a delegation to the tournament- a stunning fall. They did not resolve the issue in time for IBC 35 either, as players and the Olympic Committee seemed to be in a never-ending standoff over the national team. But finally, shortly before the last Olympiad in the Twin Cities, the players and the Olympic Committee were finally able to reach an agreement.

Nearly half a decade of striking. The senior NT was finally back in the fold. The Olympics were good- falling to Hannasea in the semifinals, and earning a bronze medal, the second ever medal the men's basketball team has ever earned at the Olympiad. And hopes were raised after the AOBCs just went like old times, with Banija cruising to their third regional title.

Oscar Laboto, the new head coach, urged caution with this team. "This ain't the same team we had back in the day." He told reporters. "The IBCs are an entirely different beast. We're back at the bottom of the totem pole, and we're gonna take some real lumps. Fans will need to be patient." Indeed, he told reporters it would be 2 or 3 cycles before the team could legitimately be considered contenders- for now, despite their history, simply reaching the knockout stages would be performing 'beyond expectations'.

And it seemed as if that prediction would be proven at least relatively true. With how top heavy this sport is, Banija has been to the knockout stages of the last two IBCs- winning one game in each(Ro24 at IBC 36, the Ro16 at IBC 37), before getting felled by their archrivals, Quebec- who just won their first ever IBC title just last cycle. But IBC 38, we seemingly broke through. Taking advantage of the double elimination format, we got down to the final 3 teams, and for the third cycle in a row, we were beaten by none other than our archrivals, and the eventual IBC champions, Quebec & Shingoyreo. While in IBC 39, we went out in the QFs to Valanora, in IBC 40 we went right back to form- once again getting felled by the dominant team of the era, Quebec. Our archrivals, eliminating us in four of the last 5 editions of this tournament. That's why everybody's back- can they get over that hill?

Group 1 Schedule
All group stage matches played at Specter Industries Coliseum(cap. 16,334) in Apollotown, Ranoria
Matchday 1: Abanhfleft(9) v. Banija(4)
Matchday 2: BYE
Matchday 3: Banija(4) v. Maraonia(72)
Matchday 4: Of the Golden Harp(UR) v. Banija(4)
Matchday 5: Banija(4) v. Panay Islands and Guimaras(90)
Matchday 6: Juvencus(17) v. Banija(4)
Matchday 7: Banija(4) v. Foden(UR)
Matchday 8: Ralsalin(29) v. Banija(4)
Matchday 9: Banija(4) v. North Oharan Valley Union(34)

RP Permissions
Choose my scorers: Yes
Choose my scoring events: Yes
Godmod scoring events: No
RP injuries to my players: Yes (please specify the injury specifically the severity- aka how many games they will miss). No more than one major injury per game.
Godmod Injuries to my players: No
Godmod other events: TG for permission
Former champion of quite a few things. Former President of even more things.
Kabaka = King
Lubuga = Queen Consort
Isebantu = Crown Prince
Waziri = Foreign Minister
Katikkiro = Prime Minister
Omugabe/Omugaba= Prince/Princess
Banija Domestic Sports | Map of Banija
NSCF 14 CHAMPIONS(Loyola-Istria), NSCF 17 CHAMPIONS(Loyola-Istria), NSCF 19 CHAMPIONS(Northern Moravica), NSCF 21 CHAMPIONS(Loyola-Istria)
Sporting World Cup 8. WBCs 47 & 51. Di Bradini Cup 47. World Cup 86. IBC 30, 31, 32, 33. National Trophy Cabinet.
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Democratic Socialists

Postby Valanora » Tue Jan 21, 2025 12:38 pm

Valanora Roster
For IBC 41

My opponents if they RP first
May RP slight injuries
May choose my scorers

Denonym: Vanorian


Manager: Odin Nagy, age 50
Assistant: Dovydas Smeby, age 61

Modifier: +2

PF: Balder Hauge, age 29, 6'2", 192 lbs, Raynor City Monarchs
C: Leander Berge, age 34, 6'7", 211 lbs, Valanari Highlanders
SG: Alva Birkeland, age 27, 5'9", 158 lbs, Rinaldi Golden Hurricane (F)
PG: Malin Holm, age 26, 5'8", 157 lbs, Capri Firebirds (F)
SG: Malin Lien, age 28, 5'11", 159 lbs, Mar Sara Phoenix (F)

C: Aslak Nygård, age 33, 6'8", 199 lbs, Mar Sara Phoenix
PG: Ole Vik, age 26, 5'11", 167 lbs, Raynor City Monarchs
SG: Mille Kjærvik, age 25, 148 lbs, Valanari Highlanders (F)
PG: Maximilian Enger, age 27, 5'10", 167 lbs, Valanari Highlanders
PF: Amund Ahmed, age 24, 6'2", 182 lbs, Therathor Paladins
PF: Pia Storvik, age 25, 6'2", 179 lbs, Valanari Highlanders (F)
SG: Julie Augestad, age 27, 5'11", 176 lbs, Therathor Paladins (F)
World Cup 40, 42, 43, 52, & 61 Champions
WC 47, 51, 94 (2nd), WC 34, 38, 39, 41, 44, 45, 53, 60, 67, 92 (3rd), WC 49, 58, 87, 90 (Semifinalist), WC 33, 35-37, 46, 48, 54, 55, 62, 63, 65, 72, 83, 85, 86, 88, 91 (Quarterfinalist)
WCoH VII, VIII, XVII, XXVIII, XXX, XXXII (1st), WCoH I, XXXI, XL (2nd), WCoH II, XXIX (3rd), WCoH XII (4th)
AOCAF 44, 46, 51, 53, 65, 68 Champions, AOCAF 39, 43, 55, 59, 64 Runners Up
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Postby Banija » Tue Jan 21, 2025 3:39 pm

Banijan star PG, Obasie Khoza, at a Banijan steakhouse in Apollotown, the day before Matchday 1 at IBC 41

Obasie Khoza was a superstar point guard for team Banija. And he had a hell of a career. Dominant domestically, and even internationally- who couldn't remember his incredible run through the Ultra 64 back in NSCAA 13, when he brought Loyola-Istria their first ever NSCAA championship on the hardwood. And he had some Commonwealth Games success, winning a singular gold in that competition. But in the competition that mattered the most, the International Basketball Championships- he had yet to see anywhere near glory. Just one appearance in the final 3 was it, as otherwise, the Banijans could not navigate their way to the deep stages of the competition. Now, it was a notoriously difficult task to do- they keep getting drawn with the defining team of the era, Quebec, earlier on in the KO stages- and ergo, keep getting eliminated early.

IBC 40, on home soil, seemed like the natural swan song. Moving the tournament in front of the raucous home crowds in Banija could do nothing to change their fate. The two best teams Banija played in the tournament, Sarzonia and Quebec, both handled Banija quite easily. Sarzonia beat the Banijans by 12, while Quebec dispatched the Banijans by 22 points. A brutal way to go down. A frustrating way to go down for this generation of players, and especially Khoza- who saw the future being written now. A generation of players who were not good enough, who could not get to the immeasurable heights of Banijans past- the ones who won four straight IBC titles.

The starkness of the failure had sent Khoza into a mini depression. And then, for a minute there, towards a booze filled, drug filled spending fest. The internet rumors said all sorts of things- that he spent $1.2 million NSDs in a single week at the PlayToy Mansion, with the notorious party legends in Quebec. There were rumors that he had even flown out to Yuezhou to party with Malik Akongo, the party boy turned failed political revolutionary from Nyowani Kitara. A lot of cocaine, a ton of gambling, and a lot of just terrible decisions. He could not take it. He had announced his retirement from the national team- this was it. It was time to hand things over to a new generation.

But 6 months before the tournament, he had gotten a call from the coach. It had been simple.

"Obasie." Laboto had told him. "One. More. Time." Khoza had thought about it, and then said what the hell. Why not. His eyes were on the grand prize- playing in the most important game in the sport, reaching the Final of IBC 41. And when he heard the tournament was going to be held in Ranoria, it piqued his interest even more- who didn't love traveling there?

So now, here in Apollotown, he was here, eating dinner with his wife. His words on the conversation, but his mind on much more important things- the competition, his legacy, and the path to bigger and better things. Could he get there? Would his swan song be successful?


"Run It Back" - Despite less than impressive showing at IBC 40, Banijans bring back the gang as they aim for hardware at IBC 41

APOLLOTOWN, RANORIA- It's basketball season again, and Banijan fans are descending upon Apollotown, in Ranoria, so they can prepare to witness IBC 41. "It's a new cycle, everybody's 0 and 0- the excitement, among players and fans, is palpable." Oscar Laboto, the head coach, told reporters. And he's right. Everybody's dreaming big at this point- we've all seen glowing training camp reports, everybody is in the best shape of their lives, and the regular, pre-tournament narratives before something like this starts. And with the Banijans ranked 4th in the world, the expectations are high- can they get over that Quebecois-sized hump, and get back to the very top of international basketball?

Now, this year's effort is not being done without controversy. Not a single new player on the team- all 12 players, and every single coach, brought back. And not because last cycle was some sort of stunning success- those big losses, to the two best teams they played, showed the size of the hardest gap in sports to bridge- that gap that Banija must travel, to go from 'good' to 'great'. "It's all about the little things that we have to do- I firmly believe in the talent of this squad." Laboto told reporters. "But, if we can come here, show up and dominate early on, then we can show the country they should believe in what we are doing here."

Bringing back the entire team is going to give the Banijans one of the oldest teams in the competition. Five of the 12 players on the roster are 34 years or older, including three of the starters. And even worse- the youngest player on the roster is 26 years old. "I know everybody thinks we are a bunch of geriatrics out here, that because this team is full of vets, that we aren't going to compete with these younger teams." Abonyo, the team's starting SF, told reporters. "We can go out there and compete with anyone that this competition throws at us. Give us anybody you want- no, throw us everybody you got. If you think we're too old, see you on the floor."

Bold words for a team that got smoked by 20+ points in a QF on home soil. But after that, he echoed what many players said- that the team had unfinished business. "We owed our fans a much better performance on home soil, and we are sorry for those failures." Said Tijan Mendy, the team's 6th man. "That's why we wanted, and needed, to come back this year for another cycle. We've got a special motivation- we are pissed off. At ourselves, at our own performance, but we are going to use that as a unique drive, to drive us forward in Ranoria. Apollotown's arena is going to be overflowing with fans in orange and green basically every week, and we are going to prove to the world something that was not shown three years ago- that we are in that highest tier of teams, and we are legitimate contenders to win a title."

Nothing comes easy, and the start of this tournament won't either. Abanhfleft comes first on the schedule, as the Banijans open the tournament with a top 10 matchup. It's going to be a stellar one- an immediate test to see how good the team is. An early tournament win, and a convincing one at that? Suddenly, there's all sorts of hope, and hype. But if Banija falls to Abanhfleft? Well, the opportunities that a matchup like this brings, to deliver hype and excitement around the NT, don't come often.. So it would be a tough one. But all eyes on Apollotown- let's get off to a great start to this cycle, eh?
Last edited by Banija on Tue Jan 21, 2025 3:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Vaishnavaria » Tue Jan 21, 2025 3:57 pm

My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:
Choose my Scorers: Yes.
Choose Scoring Events: Yes.
Godmod Scoring Events: Nothing outside the realm of plausible basketball events.
RP Injuries to my Players: Yes, but I will decide the severity.
Eject my players/coaches: Yes, but no more than 2 players and 1 coach
Godmod Injuries to my Players: No.
Godmod Other Events: Nothing outside the realm of plausible basketball events.
If you want to discuss something then telegram me
Decide Stats for my players: OK but keep it realistic
Style: 0

The Vaishnavaria Tigers Basketball Team

Basketball was Not Popular Until 20 years ago when the Vaishnavarian Basketball Cup was formed by Frank Nakil. People learned about the game and its popularity Skyrocketed. Now it is a big chance for Vaishnavaria to be represented in a huge international cup. Basketball is still Not part of the "Big Three" Sports of Vaishnavaria so it still isn't hugely popular as the rise of American Football has downplayed its rise. However the VBC has produced huge stars and great coaches so after years of careful selection and playing here we are with the team ready to play some basketball.


Point Guard: Starting: Jackson Morgan Bench: Hagen Muller

Jackson Morgan was a star point guard for the Yalda Challengers Averaging 26.89 points per game and also recorded 720 assists last year. He is incredibly tall and fast. He can pull of great moves and can shoot from anywhere. He pulls off great passes and hits gaps and runs plays efficiently. Although he struggles with ball control and sometimes crumbles under heavy defensive pressure cutting off his shooting ability. He is also very aggressive on defense getting 220 steals. He however is very foul prone,reaching too much and personally fouling players. He also fumbles away rebounds sometimes.

Shooting Guard: Starting: Rafo Hendricks Bench: Aarya Shoshant

Rafo Hendricks is a lethal shooter and can hit from any range under any pressure. He led the VBC in Three pointers Three times in his 5 year career,Last year scoring 274 threes and 2927 points. He sometimes hogs the ball and overshoots passes. He can be blocked in the paint but he makes up for that with incredible speed,ball handling and moves. On Defense he pairs up with Jon "Breaker" Lee Price and can steal getting 225 steals.

Small Forward: Starting: Jon "Breaker" Lee Price Danny Nhadal

Jon Lee Price, Twin of Ryan Lee Price is the only player here who is still a college player. He is quite Young as he is a Senior. Lee Price was in his best form yet after transferring from Jozan to HGU scoring 3499 points and putting up 255 threes and 1367 Twos. He is quick and moves all around the court which earned him the name "Breaker" as he can break ankles,break defenses and break offenses. On defense he is like a fly for Point Guards and plays the double team incredibly well. He also has a very good mental feel for the game running plays well and closing and hitting gaps. Not much to say about his weaknesses except his ability slows down if he is double teamed,blocked or guarded by a really fast,agile and tall big man.

Power Forward: Starting: Jack Norstoll Bench: Gabriel Stagson

Jack Norstoll is a 6'8 beast with a huge frame. He can rebound anything and pairs well with Jackson Morgan and Mohammed Washington to form the Big Three on Defense up front and in the paint. He fits the criteria for a 4 well. He can rebound incredibly well and attacks players trying to get in position close to the basket and he blows up passes in the paint. He plays extreme physical defense (The defensive theme for this team basically) and can almost guarantee making shots close to the hoop creating space and getting a good shot in a good position. He goes head to head with other power forwards and on offense nullifies them. He has 1950 total rebounds and leads the VBC in defensive rebounds. He can also steal getting 226 steals.

Center: Starting: Mohammed Washington Bench: CJ Reid

Mohammed Washington is a 7'0 monster with a huge,huge frame. He is a true athlete weighing 265 pounds and is pretty fast. He is an excellent defender. He works with Norstoll and Morgan to close off the paint and is a true force driving it into the paint on offence and leading the VBC in layups and 2 pointers as well as offensive rebounds

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Postby Drawkland » Tue Jan 21, 2025 5:51 pm


IBC 41 Group Stage Preview
What is this team doing?

No, seriously, what is the Net Corps doing? It's ironic, really. I feel like I've been watching the exact same on repeat for the past decade now. Allow me to explain!

The original run of the Net Corps was hallmarked by roster stagnation and seeing the same team play cycle after cycle. Sure, that original Corps core won two titles (really one and a half), but obviously they fell off the deep end once most of those stars retired. Then the Elite Eleven sideshow came through and was predictably pointless. Then we finally get a breath of fresh air, Vince Donaldson insists he'll turn the team around, and ... it's just the same old, same old.

The irony comes from the fact that, despite the fact we're seeing more roster turnover on a per-cycle basis now than ever, I feel like this team feels more same-y than the original run ever did. I'm not even joking, it feels like Drawkland sleepwalked through the entire 30s of the IBC. The Net Corps went to five straight semifinals in the late 20s, and they haven't touched them since. It's been unimpressive quarterfinal eliminations at best. For the oldheads it may not sound that bad, but it's been over twenty years of Sonnelian time since the Net Corps last held a podium position in the IBC. There's been two whole IBC dynasties since then. There are grown-ass adults walking around whose parents hadn't even met last time Drawkland played for an IBC title.

I know that doesn't have a lot to do with this cycle, but that's a response to all the annoying basketball fans who are constantly in my mentions. "Oh corpsguy, why don't you talk more about the Net Corps more often? Basketball is one of Drawkland's big four-" please shut the fuck up. Look me in the eyes and tell me this Net Corps team is worth covering. Oh really? You're super hyped about watching Natalie Endgard and Catalina Daywasson pretend that they're an elite duo for the 7th time on international TV? You find watching a hick-ass college prospect get 6 minutes per game entertaining? Alright man, you do you, but leave me out of it.

Oh yeah, I was gonna actually talk about the tournament. Fine. Let's get it over with into the nitty-gritty.

the roster

First thing to address is the changing of the guard in the coaching staff. Domingo Abbott, who's been with the Bellator Redmanes for about 5 seasons now, is a bit of a left-field pick for me. He's known to play things really fast and loose with his substitutions, and he has the hyper-offense style that the Corps is known to have. Maybe not to the level of "defense is for nerds" that the locals at this IBC would expect, but definitely something like that. With a roster as "deep" as the Net Corps, he'll definitely cook up some weird combinations. I say deep in comparison to a domestic roster he's used to. Compared to real top five outfits in the IBC, the Net Corps' depth resembles a puddle. Enough of a puddle that I wouldn't want to step on it only wearing socks, but shallow enough that I wouldn't think twice stepping through with actual shoes.

The "new generation" that replaced the Elite Eleven has finally seen its remnants hit the bricks. Eva Pax, Finn Santana, Zoe Sparks, they are all now part of Net Corps legend. Good riddance, honestly, because they hadn't done anything worth a shit since their first cycle where they came a half-court buzzer beater away from not losing to Hannasea in the quarterfinals. Now the most tenured players are the aforementioned Natalie Endgard and Catalina Daywasson, the former "dynamic duo" at the University of Raikennax who got a lot of hype in college due to their excellent chemistry with each other. They were separated in the DBO thanks to the draft, but they've reprised their so-called "elite" tandem play for 4 cycles now in the IBC. Sure, they were decent in DOCA play, but were honestly unwatchable when they played in the NSCAA a couple times. They haven't been much better in black and red. But hey, Corps coaches love "chemistry," so we'll be able to watch them fail to recognize anybody else on the court while eating a majority of the minutes at forward and guard. Hooray!

Speaking of current DBO stars who underperformed in the NSCAA, Ruth Cookson enters her third year of Net Corps play and second as the starting point guard. I'll admit that she's really good on the perimeter, but I personally feel she's much more effective as the featured threat of an offense. She's the only really good shooter on the Sadeg Wasps, and it shows. She gets a majority of the points for them, but she hasn't shown that same dominance while playing for the Corps. Perhaps Cookson more of a rhythm and volume shooter, whatever, she doesn't get what she needs as a starter in this lineup. Maybe Abbott should consider giving Stella Morrison and Benjamin Moss more minutes if he's going to feature Endgard and Daywasson as much as Donaldson was. At least then there's a little more versatility in the lineup. Better yet, give more minutes to Cayden Sovanna, the only guy who consistently challenges Cookson as the best deep shooter in the DBO.

Somehow Patrick Nevin got the captain designation for the team, despite being maybe the 5th-best starter and not that much of a leader domestically. I'm convinced this is just pseudo-nepotism since he plays for Abbott's Redmanes. Either way, he's a very good midrange shooter and also pretty powerful in the paint. Nevin will need to carry the load offensively there, since starting center Sebastian Earls is definitely more of a defensive pick. Ultimately, this starting lineup is good, but not elite. Symptomatic of the Net Corps as a whole, really.

Off the bench, we'll likely see Delta Adams get the most action across the court. He's a good do-it-all man for the Sentinels, but in college at Cavsar he was an excellent sixth man before he was a starter. He seems to fit into that role better, and it seems the Corps coaching staff agrees that he's more effective in the long run when his minutes are more sporadic. I'm sure we'll also get another redux of the Basil Thorne experiment late in out-of-reach games. I can't deny that the kid has incredible shooting talent, but I think the people hailing him as the literal savior of Drawkian basketball might be smoking crack. His game IQ is marginally higher than his actual IQ, and neither of those crack double digits. I can't wait for him to get drafted so he can be exposed as a fraud in the DBO and they can stop dressing him up in black and red. I'm sure he agrees, provided he can spend more time hitting on his hottest cousin instead.

the schedule

The Net Corps will be tackling an absolutely grueling eight-game slate in Ranoria for the group stage. While many Drawkian international teams are used to top billing when they go abroad for tournaments, the Net Corps will be "enjoying" the more rural "charm" of Fiston, Ranoria. Thanks for that, Lane Proudfoot. Unfortunately for the size queens that undoubtedly bribed Ranoria's PBA to put Drawkland's group in Fiston, I don't think anybody on the Corps roster puts out as much as Proudfoot. Also half of them are women. Worth a shot, I guess? Men of Fiston, this may be your chance for vengeance.

Drawkland slid comfortably into Pot 2 thanks to a couple non-entries in the IBC top ten for this edition. This is a great chance for the Net Corps to once again not even threaten the group title and settle for a lower-half playoff seed! The top team in this Group 5 is TJUN-ia. This may seem like good news, until you remember that TJUN-ia pretty much dusted the Corps in the Round of 16 last edition. This is a chance for revenge, but ... come on. This is the same Corps, same core; they likely don't have what it takes to try and wrestle away control of the group directly. At best, they'll need to rely on upsets happening elsewhere. Rather, more upsets to others than the Corps will inevitably suffer themselves.

Opponents, in order of matchday: TJUN-ia (3), Britonisea (18), Kamijiro (32), Kronbia (25), Safiloa (UR), BYE, Delata (UR), Nova Calania (64), East Lithuania (UR)

Yeah, did we mention that we're facing TJUN-ia right out of the gate, meaning that our chances of an upset win are the lowest they could possibly be? New coaching staff, somewhat new starting line, playing on neutral ground, against the top seed? It's a perfect storm of stink. At least there's nowhere to go but up aaaaaaand we have to face the pot three team immediately afterwards. There's a very real (read: near certain) chance that Drawkland begins this campaign at 0-2. Then the pots five and four teams, Kamijiro and Kronbia respectively, are up next. This schedule is hilariously front-loaded.

The one fortunate thing is that this means the back end of the slate is pretty smooth. The bye is in the middle of the schedule for us, which is ideal. Three of our last four opponents are unranked, with only the lowly United States of Nova Calania left as a ranked opponent between the bye and end of the group stage. IF the Net Corps isn't already in the dumpster at the halfway point of the group stage, things definitely favor a late surge for a playoff spot, and reaching the first round with serious momentum on our side. That's a big IF, though.

Enough doomer talk. The Corps should, as usual, make the playoffs relatively comfortably. The top four teams in each group make the playoffs, and I would be even more surprised and depressed than usual if the Net Corps didn't manage to pull that off. The real goal will be to get a top two spot in the group and avoid playing in the first round. The top two third place teams will also get a first-round bye, but if the Corps is scraping by in third place in this group, I doubt they'll have the wins or point differential necessary to secure one of the bye spots. The real issue is that the IBC is so unbelievably top-heavy. The chances of the Corps making the quarterfinals are reasonable. The chances of the Corps winning in the QFs are quite slim. But whatever, I've been wrong before. Too many times, in fact. It's a miracle any of you idiots listen to a word I say.

Anyway, that's that. I'll enjoy hatewatching this edition from my couch. No, I'm not wasting my limited shitposting income on traveling to a tournament to watch a mid-ass team in person. That honor is reserved for the Grid Corps. Net Corpsheads, get out of my mentions for the next 2 years please, thanks.

United Dalaran wrote:Goddammit, comrade. I just knew that someday some wild, capitalist, imperialist interstellar empire will swallow our country.

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Postby Cardenao » Tue Jan 21, 2025 6:33 pm


PG: D’Angelo Fox, 23, Athletic Playmaker

D Fox is a wiry, energetic playmaker who uses his twitchy athleticism to create opportunities for his team. He loves a fake shot followed by some dribbling to set up a teammate to score. When he goes to the bucket himself, he likes using some hesitation moves to increase his odds of scoring an easy shot as he prefers not to shoot anything too challenging.

PG: John Franklin Bonaventura, 29, Playmaking 3s

SG: Mac Zollinger, 24, 3-and-D

Mac Zollinger is your typical 3-and-D shooting guard with long arms. He’s good at 3s. He’s Good at D. Why the hell can he never score easy layups? Seriously, the dude can nail the craziest 3 you’ll see all week and then whiff a layup on a fast break.

SG: Pierre LeGoff, 31, Elegant Slasher
SG: Jezaro Principe, 26, Scoring Playmaker

SF: Raúl LeBlanc, 21, Athletic Scorer

The youngest starter for the Blue and Golds is also the slipperiest in attack, Raúl has excellent body control and knows how to get to the hoop. Having spent the majority of his life as his team’s main scorer, it’s fair to say LeBlanc has developed some selfish tendencies, namely the heroball he likes to break out at inopportune moments. We’re finally starting to see some development from him on the defensive side of the ball too; with his athleticism and natural feel for the game, there’s no reason Raúl shouldn’t be at least decent playing D.

SF: Alejandro Liulia, 32, All-Around

PF: Troy Vazquez, 26, 3-level Scorer

Big Boy Troy Vazquez is tall, he’s wide, and he knows how to score the basketball at every level. He’s got soft touch on the glass, he has a sweet stroke from mid-range, and he can pull up behind the arc and bang you with a 3, what more do you want from your power forward? Well he could be a little better on defense, it seems like BBTV spends more time hoping for a fast break than actually defending his man.

PF: Funstrinston Jaopez Jr., 22, 3-point Stretch Forward

C: Tom Parliamance, 24, Defensive Anchor

Tom Parliamance, Tommy P, Big Daddy in the center position. He’s brilliant at holding the line, organizing the defense, and ensuring the Blue and Golds conceding less points than they score. Can he score? Yes, Tommy P can score and he does well to keep his attempts limited to high percentage opportunities. You won’t see him try any jumpers, any floaters, no eurostepping to the hoop, but you will see him bank it off the glass for 2 ten times a game.

C: Dragan Stoikchev, 23, Point Center
C: Jemar LaMichael, 27, Big Boy

My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:
Choose my Scorers: Yes.
Choose Scoring Events: Yes.
Godmod Scoring Events: No.
RP Injuries to my Players: Yes, but I will decide the severity.
Eject my players/coaches: No.
Godmod Injuries to my Players: No.
Godmod Other Events: No.
Decide Stats for my players: OK but keep it realistic
Style: -3
World Bowl 49: Champions
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Postby Valanora » Tue Jan 21, 2025 7:01 pm

Valanora Times
Constant Change

Coming into this IBC, the Dragons see their ranking having taken a bit of a fall after being upset in the early rounds last edition of the competition, which came as a huge blow to the team that had been hoping to ride their luck in Banija towards their first ever IBC title. Instead success in the tournament continues to be ever elusive for the national team when it comes to basketball and this tournament in particular, as the team has had its struggles through both skill and a bit of bad luck. Before the upset of the previous edition the Dragons had their run ended in multiple editions by the efficient machine of the game in Quebec, where one of those was in the championship tilt. Getting eliminated in a few editions by the eventual champions, especially in the championship game itself, is a bit of bitter pill to swallow and could make you think with a bit better bit of luck that it could be you getting that championship medal instead. Alas it has not been to be for the Dragons so far, despite multiple appearances in the title game, and there is a fear inside the Empire that they are cursed to never find success in the competition with the way fortune has not favored them.

However the national team does not believe that and is doing whatever they can to put together a team that is going to be up to scratch to be able to finally get over that hump, even if it not be this edition of the tournament. That is because there is a large amount of turnover in this version of the national team, as one of the takeaways from last edition was that the team was too old and had ridden their veteran players for perhaps one edition of the tournament too many, with only one play under thirty on the roster last edition. With that in mind, Odin Nagy decided to bring in a fresh faced team with a majority of the players under that thirty mark, meaning only three players from the team who failed to live up to expectations last edition are on the roster and only one is a starter. That would be center Leander Berge, who plays domestically with the Valanari Highlanders who are historically the best team of the sport in the Empire. Playing at the center role, Leander like most of the team is undersized for their position and has to be more technically sound with the fundamentals of the game to overcome the physical disparities he has to face, which he is quite able to when the team is playing their game.

That game of course is a half court press that falls into a two-three zone when the press is broken by the opposition, with Berge being the focal point in the center of the paint looking to deter any drives to the basket for layups or dish out passes to open players on the wings. On offense it is a team who likes to get up and down the court in a hurry, looking to score a lot on fast breaks from either steals, rebounds, or quick inbound passes. The team has a lot of endurance, as is quite typical of any Vanorian outfit, and can play well in a track meet sort of game against teams who want to go with a shootout approach. If the opposition can slow down the break though, then the team is always looking for that extra pass, often passing up good shots for great shots, which tend to often be corner or wing threes, especially with the three guard look the team likes to employ. It is not a team that wants to take it into the paint with a set up half court offense, knowing their physical limitation when compared the rest of the field, especially should they end up playing against the giant like players from Drawkland who tower over the team.

To do that, the team has its work cut out for it to first get out of its group and with a double round robin in the group stage they should hopefully be able to have enough games to establish a bit of chemistry and find their rhythm. The big challenge looks to come from fellow Arrosian side Equestria, though discounting teams like Lisander, Cardenao, or Aphrilia would be a bit troublesome, especially given the latter is the second seed of the group. With both the Dragons and Aphrilia being the weakest teams in their pots from the top two pots of the group, it will seemingly give plenty of incentive towards the lower seeds to believe that spoiling the group for the top two seeds is on the table. We will get to see early if this younger team has been able to use their time in the two week training camp before this tournament to get to know each other well and finding that bit of chemistry as they get to take on Lisander to open up group play. While the team might have preferred one of the lower seeds to start off their run, if you are going to be the best then you have to show it every game and they were going to have to play them eventually, might as well get the gauntlet started off right away. A win sets the ton the tone for the team and will hopefully get the team rolling in a way that they did not two years ago.
World Cup 40, 42, 43, 52, & 61 Champions
WC 47, 51, 94 (2nd), WC 34, 38, 39, 41, 44, 45, 53, 60, 67, 92 (3rd), WC 49, 58, 87, 90 (Semifinalist), WC 33, 35-37, 46, 48, 54, 55, 62, 63, 65, 72, 83, 85, 86, 88, 91 (Quarterfinalist)
WCoH VII, VIII, XVII, XXVIII, XXX, XXXII (1st), WCoH I, XXXI, XL (2nd), WCoH II, XXIX (3rd), WCoH XII (4th)
AOCAF 44, 46, 51, 53, 65, 68 Champions, AOCAF 39, 43, 55, 59, 64 Runners Up
Co-Hosted: too many events to count

EPL Season 20,073

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