Alistria and Kariya both were the types to get up early. Years of acting as bodyguards and servants both had ingrained in both a natural rhythm of being the first up on any particular day, except each other. Of course, they usually spent these early mornings cleaning and preparing what would be needed for the day, both for themselves and their charges. But not this morning. This morning they’d been called in by the ‘head maid’, both of their bosses in more than one way, for a briefing.
Mishera awaited her fellow members to enter a classic coffee room where a tray of treats awaited them. There was of course the white board close by and a number of hidden compartments for their items. Today was quite the special day for them as one big task needed to be given!
Ali was the first in, right on time. She gave the slightest of smiles as she took a seat, watching Mishera closely. Before she could speak, though, Kariya entered as well, taking her own seat with a nod. Both fell into silence, well used to the process that would be coming next.
Mishera gave a warm smile as she offered Alistria a hug. “Good to see you Ali.”
“Not in front of… thanks, mom,” Ali returned the hug with a small blush. “You had a mission briefing, right?”
“That’s correct!” Mishera flipped the board into the ‘mission briefing board’ with pinned information, papers, and photos. “You two are selected for an important mission. One I assure you that you've been so yearning for and preparing for this particular scenario. One where wit, charms, and flash of body comes to play! So listen up: you are going on an undercover gig and gather information about the Syndicate. A troublesome gang that went international.”
“... mom,” Ali's small blush grew. “You don't need to give us the sales pitch, we'll do it.”
“Syndicate, huh?... I can see why I was chosen, but,” Kariya frowned. “... no, I'll do it. We have a little bit of time before we leave, right? I… if I need to be away from Icy right now…”
“Excellent. You’ll have plenty of time to prepare. Your flight is early in the morning tomorrow.” Mishera said as she passed over a paper clip board with their tickets and other sort of information. “I arranged all the necessary details on where you’re staying and prepared a good shipment of gear that you’d need.”
“Thank you,” Kariya said, taking her packet and flipping through it. “Ah, I see. All Kariya, huh? Alright, no problem.”
Ali took her own, also looking through it with a nod. “Well… a maid business cover? That… fits, yes. Are you providing the uniforms, mom, or are we?”
“I’m sure one of your uniforms will work well enough. Unless you need some motherly recommendations.” Mishera said.
“We both have uniforms to use,” Kariya said. “Is there any more we need to know, Sensei? Or may I go start preparing?”
“That’d be all.” Mishera said.” The documents will cover other pointers and reminders.” She then looked at Ali. “Ali, this is your big mission. I’m sure you’re ready for it.”
Kariya nodded, standing and leaving Ali and Mishy in the room. Alistria frowned a little, looking at the board, then her mom. “... it would be a lie to say I'm not a little bit nervous. But I want to make you proud, mom.”
“You’ll do well. I’ve seen you refining your maid skills, and cage work is simple to pick up on.” Mishera winked. “Of course the hard part is those gangs, so you better make sure you pick up street cred there.” She patted Ali on the shoulder.
“I'm not afraid of combat or maid work,” Ali replied, standing and hugging Mishy. “... I'm ready, and I know it. But what about you? Dad? My siblings?”
Mishera embraced Ali. “My first mission was a little nerve wracking, but I knew it was my first shot and I did it well! So keep yourself straightened up to the task and go forward. Your father can be a worrywart, but he does understand how important this milestone is. Oh and Elizabeth will be jealous but she isn’t ready to embark on this mission.”
“Well, it's not my first ever mission, mom,” Ali sighed a little. “... I'll make you proud. Keep an eye on everyone while I'm gone? I've got to go get ready, too… love you.”
“No need to worry about that! I’m a super mom here!” Mishera then nodded. “I love you too and make sure to smile.”
“I'll try, mom,” Ali said, putting on a convincing enough smile, even though it seemed a little forced. She broke the hug, waving as she left the room. “Going to get ready now. I'll let you know how I'm doing, mom.”
“Okie! Let me know if you need any help.” Mishera said.
Kariya had returned to the room she shared with Icy, grabbing a bag and starting to quietly pack for the extended trip. Uniforms, of course, both maid and ninja. Weapons, in secret compartments, though only the ones she had a mild personal attachment too. Normal clothes, for civilian life…
“Kari?” A voice spoke up as Icy entered the room, the princess wearing a more casual sweater and skirt compared to her more formal wear. “Are you going somewhere?”
“You’re already awake?” Kariya frowned slightly, but soon moved over to hug the princess. “... unfortunately, love, yes. I’ve been given an assignment I can’t say no to. In Pitreas.”
“Oh no,” Icy groaned, “Whatever shall I do without you… I might have to ask Lucy or Julia to look after me,” she then giggled, “... I shall be fine either way, but I hope you will take care of yourself out there.”
“... hey, don’t tease, at least pretend it’s a big blow,” Kariya sighed, gently tapping Icy on the head. “I wouldn’t be going if I thought I could get out of it. Don’t worry, I’ll be careful. I won’t leave you without me, much less our child… I’ll leave instructions for Lucy. And if you need someone to… keep you warm, there’s always Diana. Or Amik or Nouria, I suppose… hrm. I’ll be home ASAP, ok?”
“I understand,” Icy gave her a hug, “... knowing Diana she will come to keep me warm even if I do not ask. As for Flurrie, she will miss you, but I will manage.”
“She’s young enough she might not even realize, or at least remember,” Kariya replied, letting herself relax slightly in Icy’s arms. “I love you, Icy. I’ll stay safe, don’t worry. If this weren’t a mission I’d just try and bring you and Flurina with. I’ll call as much as I can, though. She’ll want to hear her other mom’s voice, don’t you think?”
“I would think so, yes,” Icy agreed, “... I love you too, Kari. I know Mishy wouldn’t give you a job she thinks you couldn’t do, but that doesn’t mean you can be complacent out there. Come back to us, Kari, please.”
“Mishy and Ana,” Kariya sighed. “There was a letter from the boss in my packet. Feel free to yell at her,” the ninja added with a smile, letting go of Icy to look her in the eyes. “I will be coming back to you both. I swear it.”
“I will hold you to that,” Icy told her, “And don’t worry, she and I will have a talk later. You just focus on the mission, dear.”
“I will. Alright, I’m going to finish packing, make sure I’m ready, then spend the rest of the day with you and Flurrie. We leave tomorrow morning,” Kariya said, giving Icy a kiss and returning to her packing. “Clothes… well, I guess I should have…”
Alistria was much the same as Kariya, packing for her trip. With less immediate distractions, however, she found herself done sooner, taking her bags to wait near the car park for the next morning, so they wouldn’t be forgotten. With a nod, she turned, already back in uniform and intent on performing some kind of extra maid work before her trip… or at least so anyone who knew her could guess rather quickly.
“... hey,” a voice said from a corner, as Tizal was leaning against the wall. “Goin’ somewhere, sis?”
“Oh, Tiz,” Ali smiled at him, one that was clearly slightly forced. “Yes. I have a business trip to go on. One that might end up being quite long, sadly.”
“Guess that means the other maids’ll have more work to do while you’re gone,” Tiz snorted, “At least none of ‘em’ll even try to clean Koza’s room.”
“I am sure they will do a good job,” Ali's lips thinned. “You will be good, right? Study hard. Is anyone still trying to pick on you at school?”
“No, sis,” Tiz rolled his eyes, “I think after your lil’ prank last time they just try to avoid me.”
“It was a lesson,” Ali clicked her tongue. “And they deserved it. I hope you are able to make more friends, nonetheless. I'll send you more money, even while I'm away, alright? Use it for yourself or for your tiefling projects. I trust you, Tiz.”
“... thanks,” Tiz said, “... look, take care out there, kay?”
“I will,” Ali smiled again, a little bit more genuinely this time. “You'll be OK, right? While I'm gone? You didn't actually answer.”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine,” Tiz leaned back, “I’ll be back at school anyways in a few days. And Koza can’t mess up the castle too much while you’re away, right?”
Ali paled slightly. “... surely not. Even she wouldn't dare.”
“And I think Mom wouldn’t let her anyways,” Tiz smirked. “Any messages you want me to give to the others?”
“Tell Soey to clean up his projects when he finishes them. I don't know that the other maids will understand where everything is meant to go the way I do. And tell Gwen not to spend too much time playing guitar. She is smart, if she works hard, she will do fine in her science classes. Tell Koza… that I trust her to be a good big sister,” Ali said.
“Got it,” Tiz said, “... we’ll see if any of ‘em listen.”
“I'm sure Soey will,” Ali let out a long breath. “The others… I doubt it. Now, I should really get to work.”
“Guess so,” Tiz sighed, “See you when I see you, I guess.”
“... I'll still be here for dinner tonight,” Ali smiled at Tiz, genuine for the first time, reaching up on tiptoes to ruffle his hair. “I'll call you every single day. How about that? That way you won't get lonely, right, Tiz?”
Tiz actually squirmed a little when Ali ruffled his hair, making him seem more like he was when he was smaller than Ali. “... just make sure to not call me during class, okay? You know they don’t like it.”
“I know, I'll wait for dinner time,” Ali promised. “Don't want to make your professors upset. Not when it might make you look cooler.”
“Nice idea, but you have no idea with some of my teachers,” Tiz shuddered. “Really don’t want to make archmages mad.”
“Professor Snowtear?” Ali asked. “Hm. I will handle that… Well, at least help. Unless you don't want me to. I will be away, so it's really up to you, isn't it…” she sighed.
“... Ali.” Tiz stepped out of the shadows and placed his hand on her shoulder, “I will be fine, promise. Focus on your mission and let me worry about school.”
“... alright, Tiz,” Ali nodded. “I promise. When did you grow up so much? I still feel like you should be shorter than me! Alright, no, if I get into this we'll be here forever. I'll see you at dinner, Tiz. And I'll call you every day I can.”
“Yeah, yeah, see ya then,” Tiz said, choosing not to mention that he has been taller than Ali for almost a decade now.
Ali waved, heading down the hall again, a rare spring in her step.