I know this sounds weird, and it is. I don't think I'm breaking rules, because I'm pretty clear with what I want. If this is rule-breaking, then please tell me.
However, I'm a gameplayer and would like some old alts to use.
I mean as in over 1.5b population, older than this nation.
If this is possible, telegram me and show me the nation which you're happy to give up.
I'm happy to take any alts. But there are three important conditions.
One. You don't publicize that I'm getting the alt. Hence, why I'd like to be telegrammed if you have offers.
Two. I do NOT want email-linked or WA accounts. I'm not self-revealing my IP, if that's possible, and I am also not wanting to deal with forgetting that you gave me a WA nation, forgetting to resign because of that or not noticing, and getting banjected from the WA for the rule violations. I'd really hate that.
Three. I don't want ANY alts that have bad rep attached with them, or are famous for being alts. For example, I don't want accounts that are named like alts (Lets say the name of the alt was MisterJoeysAlt) because I have no use for those. I want to use these alts for stuff like GP, raiding, and other stuff among that sort.
Oh, and one more thing. If these alts are top 1% in twenty-five stats or have never answered issues before, I don't care. Stats are irrelevant to the alt, except population.
Thanks y'all!