Spare alts?

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Of The Revived Soviet Union
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Spare alts?

Postby Of The Revived Soviet Union » Tue Jan 14, 2025 12:19 am

I know this sounds weird, and it is. I don't think I'm breaking rules, because I'm pretty clear with what I want. If this is rule-breaking, then please tell me.

However, I'm a gameplayer and would like some old alts to use.

I mean as in over 1.5b population, older than this nation.

If this is possible, telegram me and show me the nation which you're happy to give up.

I'm happy to take any alts. But there are three important conditions.

One. You don't publicize that I'm getting the alt. Hence, why I'd like to be telegrammed if you have offers.

Two. I do NOT want email-linked or WA accounts. I'm not self-revealing my IP, if that's possible, and I am also not wanting to deal with forgetting that you gave me a WA nation, forgetting to resign because of that or not noticing, and getting banjected from the WA for the rule violations. I'd really hate that.

Three. I don't want ANY alts that have bad rep attached with them, or are famous for being alts. For example, I don't want accounts that are named like alts (Lets say the name of the alt was MisterJoeysAlt) because I have no use for those. I want to use these alts for stuff like GP, raiding, and other stuff among that sort.

Oh, and one more thing. If these alts are top 1% in twenty-five stats or have never answered issues before, I don't care. Stats are irrelevant to the alt, except population.

Thanks y'all!
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Postby Experina » Tue Jan 14, 2025 12:25 am

Of The Revived Soviet Union wrote:I know this sounds weird, and it is. I don't think I'm breaking rules, because I'm pretty clear with what I want. If this is rule-breaking, then please tell me.

However, I'm a gameplayer and would like some old alts to use.

I mean as in over 1.5b population, older than this nation.

If this is possible, telegram me and show me the nation which you're happy to give up.

I'm happy to take any alts. But there are three important conditions.

One. You don't publicize that I'm getting the alt. Hence, why I'd like to be telegrammed if you have offers.

Two. I do NOT want email-linked or WA accounts. I'm not self-revealing my IP, if that's possible, and I am also not wanting to deal with forgetting that you gave me a WA nation, forgetting to resign because of that or not noticing, and getting banjected from the WA for the rule violations. I'd really hate that.

Three. I don't want ANY alts that have bad rep attached with them, or are famous for being alts. For example, I don't want accounts that are named like alts (Lets say the name of the alt was MisterJoeysAlt) because I have no use for those. I want to use these alts for stuff like GP, raiding, and other stuff among that sort.

Oh, and one more thing. If these alts are top 1% in twenty-five stats or have never answered issues before, I don't care. Stats are irrelevant to the alt, except population.

Thanks y'all!

Okay, one, there is no real rule against giving away nations, the only thing that can be bannable is the sale of nations, and not to be rude, but also, why don't you just make a bunch of new nations instead of asking people to give you some spare nations?

Israeli idiot who got rotted with Nationstates
All-American Confederacy wrote:Cant we just talk about Thomas the Tank Engine?

Light Pollution is an overlooked issue and should be dealt with too.

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Of The Revived Soviet Union
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Postby Of The Revived Soviet Union » Tue Jan 14, 2025 12:28 am

Experina wrote:Okay, one, there is no real rule against giving away nations, the only thing that can be bannable is the sale of nations, and not to be rude, but also, why don't you just make a bunch of new nations instead of asking people to give you some spare nations?

That's good.

Reason why I don't make new nations is because they're far more suspicious.
Political Views>
Those are my political positions within the left - I consider myself to be a market socialist, which isn't a surprise. ... &k=31&l=88
This is my 12axes test, which said I'm Revolutionary Socialist.
I stand with Palestine!
LGBTQIA+ Rights are human rights!
Pronouns: He/him. Am a cisgender half-Lebanese guy, but I'm more progressive than most people you'll meet.
'Capitalism and social conservatism are just the political manifestations of narcissism.' - Me.
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Postby Experina » Tue Jan 14, 2025 12:31 am

Of The Revived Soviet Union wrote:
Experina wrote:Okay, one, there is no real rule against giving away nations, the only thing that can be bannable is the sale of nations, and not to be rude, but also, why don't you just make a bunch of new nations instead of asking people to give you some spare nations?

That's good.

Reason why I don't make new nations is because they're far more suspicious.

Suspicious of what?

Israeli idiot who got rotted with Nationstates
All-American Confederacy wrote:Cant we just talk about Thomas the Tank Engine?

Light Pollution is an overlooked issue and should be dealt with too.

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Theres More
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Postby Theres More » Tue Jan 14, 2025 12:36 am

Experina wrote:
Of The Revived Soviet Union wrote:That's good.

Reason why I don't make new nations is because they're far more suspicious.

Suspicious of what?

Probably the alty behaviour of alts, instead of acting like someone who is new to NS they usually go to their region/puppet storage and just exist there.

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Postby Nandaek » Tue Jan 14, 2025 12:37 am

Theres More wrote:
Experina wrote:
Suspicious of what?

Probably the alty behaviour of alts, instead of acting like someone who is new to NS they usually go to their region/puppet storage and just exist there.

Whoops wrong account
dictatorship with a somehow decent economy, bad leaders, and terrible laws.
You already know who it is, IT’S YA BOI NANDAEK
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Of The Revived Soviet Union
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Founded: Jun 21, 2024
Left-wing Utopia

Postby Of The Revived Soviet Union » Tue Jan 14, 2025 12:39 am

Nandaek wrote:
Theres More wrote:Probably the alty behaviour of alts, instead of acting like someone who is new to NS they usually go to their region/puppet storage and just exist there.

Whoops wrong account

irony :)
Political Views>
Those are my political positions within the left - I consider myself to be a market socialist, which isn't a surprise. ... &k=31&l=88
This is my 12axes test, which said I'm Revolutionary Socialist.
I stand with Palestine!
LGBTQIA+ Rights are human rights!
Pronouns: He/him. Am a cisgender half-Lebanese guy, but I'm more progressive than most people you'll meet.
'Capitalism and social conservatism are just the political manifestations of narcissism.' - Me.
Fixed my signature for being too long. You're welcome :)

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Posts: 1125
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Postby Experina » Tue Jan 14, 2025 12:40 am

Nandaek wrote:
Theres More wrote:Probably the alty behaviour of alts, instead of acting like someone who is new to NS they usually go to their region/puppet storage and just exist there.

Whoops wrong account

Well, as someone who owns 40+ nations, It doesn't matter to me because anyways I just use them for N-Day, Defending and Card Farming, and I may ask for what you don't want people to be suspicious of that being a Alt/ Puppet.

Israeli idiot who got rotted with Nationstates
All-American Confederacy wrote:Cant we just talk about Thomas the Tank Engine?

Light Pollution is an overlooked issue and should be dealt with too.

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Postby Godular » Tue Jan 14, 2025 12:56 am

Please don’t share nations.
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