Being Logged Out Constantly

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Holy Marsh
Posts: 5760
Founded: Nov 09, 2007
Mother Knows Best State

Being Logged Out Constantly

Postby Holy Marsh » Mon Jan 13, 2025 11:28 pm


I seem to be getting logged out after, at most, a minute. It happens at least half the time as I move from page to page. It happened when I was clicking to confirm issues. I logged in, coughed, clicked a page, and was back to logging in. As much as I do enjoy logging in, I like other aspects of NationStates more.

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Postby Merni » Tue Jan 14, 2025 12:53 am

One reason this can happen is if you have NS open on two devices or browsers at the same time.
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Holy Marsh
Posts: 5760
Founded: Nov 09, 2007
Mother Knows Best State

Postby Holy Marsh » Tue Jan 14, 2025 1:06 am

Merni wrote:One reason this can happen is if you have NS open on two devices or browsers at the same time.

I thought that was it, but when I got home and checked my personal computer it wasn't on NS. In the past that would happen so at first I thought that was it as well.
I did end up clearing cookies on all devices and that seems to have worked.

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