[Q] Former Flag Policy Rule Application

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The Scandoslavic Empire
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[Q] Former Flag Policy Rule Application

Postby The Scandoslavic Empire » Mon Jan 13, 2025 5:20 pm

A while ago there was a statement in one of the Rule Shop threads that said something along the lines of a flag being alright if it was "Hitler with fake boobs and an apron that says 'Kiss the Cook'". While this statement can no longer be found in the main OSRS thread, I wondered if it still applied and if the sillyfication of fascists in flags was still permitted if it did not break the other site rules.

As odd as this question sounds, I assure any moderators who see this that I do not intend to bend the rules with this and merely wish to make an account along similar lines (though not with Hitler specifically).

If this rule has been stricken for a reason and no longer applies, it is of no matter and I will respect that.

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Postby Publica » Mon Jan 13, 2025 5:41 pm

That specific policy was retired, but AFAIK, a flag that doesn't fall afoul of other rules (Malicious Content is the big one for flags IIRC) should be fine.
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