The Revolutionary Redistribution Act

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The Revolutionary Redistribution Act

Postby EMROC » Mon Jan 13, 2025 5:05 pm

The General Assembly,

Acknowledging that social inequalities perpetuate suffering and prevent the advancement of societies towards true justice and equality,

Recognizing the right of all people to live in a world where wealth is distributed equitably, and where access to basic needs such as healthcare, education, housing, and food is guaranteed,
Affirming the need to dismantle systems that perpetuate poverty and inequality,
Drawing inspiration from the ideals of revolutionary movements that have fought against oppression and for the empowerment of the people,

Hereby Resolves:

1. Promotion of Equitable Taxation: Member states are encouraged to adopt fair and equitable taxation policies aimed at reducing wealth disparities and supporting marginalized communities. Member states must ensure that taxation systems do not perpetuate discrimination or systemic inequalities, thereby safeguarding equal access to essential services.

2. Universal Basic Services: Member states shall provide universal access to healthcare, education, and housing for all citizens. These services must be funded through means that align with the economic capacities and priorities of individual member states while respecting principles of equality and justice.

3. Worker Empowerment: All member states must implement policies that guarantee fair wages, safe working conditions, and the right to organize for workers. Corporations shall be required to engage in cooperative dialogue with workers’ unions to ensure fair treatment and compensation.

4. Revolutionary Reforms: Member states shall dismantle systems of economic exploitation, particularly in industries such as finance, energy, and manufacturing, ensuring that all sectors of society benefit equally from their labor and resources.

5. Global Solidarity: Member states shall contribute to global efforts aimed at eradicating poverty, inequality, and exploitation in other regions of the world. Efforts to improve living standards in disadvantaged nations must focus on fair trade, resource-sharing, and sustainable development.

6. Regulation of Corporate Power: Member states shall enact and enforce legislation that limits the exploitative practices of multinational corporations, ensuring they adhere to ethical labor, environmental, and resource-use standards. Corporations that violate these principles shall face proportionate penalties, including fines and operational restrictions.

Encouraging all member states to stand in solidarity with each other in the pursuit of these goals, and to work towards a just, equitable, and revolutionary world.

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Of The Revived Soviet Union
Posts: 647
Founded: Jun 21, 2024
Left-wing Utopia

Postby Of The Revived Soviet Union » Mon Jan 13, 2025 5:09 pm

EMROC wrote:The General Assembly,

Acknowledging that social inequalities perpetuate suffering and prevent the advancement of societies towards true justice and equality,

Recognizing the right of all people to live in a world where wealth is distributed equitably, and where access to basic needs such as healthcare, education, housing, and food is guaranteed,
Affirming the need to dismantle systems that perpetuate poverty and inequality,
Drawing inspiration from the ideals of revolutionary movements that have fought against oppression and for the empowerment of the people,

Hereby Resolves:

1. Promotion of Equitable Taxation: Member states are encouraged to adopt fair and equitable taxation policies aimed at reducing wealth disparities and supporting marginalized communities. Member states must ensure that taxation systems do not perpetuate discrimination or systemic inequalities, thereby safeguarding equal access to essential services.

2. Universal Basic Services: Member states shall provide universal access to healthcare, education, and housing for all citizens. These services must be funded through means that align with the economic capacities and priorities of individual member states while respecting principles of equality and justice.

3. Worker Empowerment: All member states must implement policies that guarantee fair wages, safe working conditions, and the right to organize for workers. Corporations shall be required to engage in cooperative dialogue with workers’ unions to ensure fair treatment and compensation.

4. Revolutionary Reforms: Member states shall dismantle systems of economic exploitation, particularly in industries such as finance, energy, and manufacturing, ensuring that all sectors of society benefit equally from their labor and resources.

5. Global Solidarity: Member states shall contribute to global efforts aimed at eradicating poverty, inequality, and exploitation in other regions of the world. Efforts to improve living standards in disadvantaged nations must focus on fair trade, resource-sharing, and sustainable development.

6. Regulation of Corporate Power: Member states shall enact and enforce legislation that limits the exploitative practices of multinational corporations, ensuring they adhere to ethical labor, environmental, and resource-use standards. Corporations that violate these principles shall face proportionate penalties, including fines and operational restrictions.

Encouraging all member states to stand in solidarity with each other in the pursuit of these goals, and to work towards a just, equitable, and revolutionary world.

I mean... the last sentence is useless.

But this is funny. I swear, if it got passed, FE, TNP, and literally everything right of the TLA/TCB would scream in agony.

Support, even though it won't ever pass.
Political Views>
Those are my political positions within the left - I consider myself to be a market socialist, which isn't a surprise. ... &k=31&l=88
This is my 12axes test, which said I'm Revolutionary Socialist.
I stand with Palestine!
LGBTQIA+ Rights are human rights!
Pronouns: He/him. Am a cisgender half-Lebanese guy, but I'm more progressive than most people you'll meet.
'Capitalism and social conservatism are just the political manifestations of narcissism.' - Me.
Fixed my signature for being too long. You're welcome :)

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Moralistic Democracy

Postby Sardinia-Sicily » Mon Jan 13, 2025 5:11 pm

Yeah, I think it's written well but a bit too far to the left for my liking. I would not support this proposal.
Governor of Free United States
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” — Romans 12:12
The Countryball in the flag is me
Alright well those wanting to know about me OOC (It's no one) here you go. To start with me politically, you might ask what I am. The answer? It's complicated. Socially I would consider myself a Libertarian, as I support the legalization of cannabis, reduction of government involvement, and letting people do what they wish as long as it doesn't break the law. Now Economically, I am very conservative as I support reduced taxes, mainly on the working class, I am a Protectionist, and I support reduced governmental spending. Foreign Policy wise, I am a Isolationist and support the end of American involvement in foreign countries.

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Of The Revived Soviet Union
Posts: 647
Founded: Jun 21, 2024
Left-wing Utopia

Postby Of The Revived Soviet Union » Mon Jan 13, 2025 5:12 pm

Sardinia-Sicily wrote:Yeah, I think it's written well but a bit too far to the left for my liking. I would not support this proposal.

come on, it's for funny!
Political Views>
Those are my political positions within the left - I consider myself to be a market socialist, which isn't a surprise. ... &k=31&l=88
This is my 12axes test, which said I'm Revolutionary Socialist.
I stand with Palestine!
LGBTQIA+ Rights are human rights!
Pronouns: He/him. Am a cisgender half-Lebanese guy, but I'm more progressive than most people you'll meet.
'Capitalism and social conservatism are just the political manifestations of narcissism.' - Me.
Fixed my signature for being too long. You're welcome :)

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Posts: 1039
Founded: May 01, 2024
Moralistic Democracy

Postby Sardinia-Sicily » Mon Jan 13, 2025 5:14 pm

Of The Revived Soviet Union wrote:
Sardinia-Sicily wrote:Yeah, I think it's written well but a bit too far to the left for my liking. I would not support this proposal.

come on, it's for funny!

While it is somewhat amusing, I cannot compromise my values to support this proposal
Governor of Free United States
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” — Romans 12:12
The Countryball in the flag is me
Alright well those wanting to know about me OOC (It's no one) here you go. To start with me politically, you might ask what I am. The answer? It's complicated. Socially I would consider myself a Libertarian, as I support the legalization of cannabis, reduction of government involvement, and letting people do what they wish as long as it doesn't break the law. Now Economically, I am very conservative as I support reduced taxes, mainly on the working class, I am a Protectionist, and I support reduced governmental spending. Foreign Policy wise, I am a Isolationist and support the end of American involvement in foreign countries.

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North Nixia
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Postby North Nixia » Mon Jan 13, 2025 5:31 pm

It is the opinion of the Sovereign Republic of Nixia that this proposal has been made in poor faith, that the prescribed bill is an afront to the freedom of humanity and yet another imposition of the WA upon to national sovereignty - that Godless Communism must be opposed in all it's forms, including at the ballot and in the assembly hall, has become a founding principle of our state and of our continued existence as a nation and society. It is thus, the recommendation of the Sovereign Republic of Nixia, representing to the World Assembly the whole of the Badlands Frontier to oppose this bill vehemently and readily if it were necessary - however, counting on the right of free states and on the natural inclination of civil society against Socialism, we are assured that this bill shall never come even to a vote - let alone to be approved.

Mrs. Sara Banova
World Assembly Delegate
Sovereign Republic of Nixia
Badlands Frontier
"Can we kill the damned Vampir, now?" - Robert Banov, Nixian delegate to the Illion League.

The Sovereign Republic of Nixia. 51.2 million population. Pinkos, begone. #1 Importer of Se'la the Shock Trooper plushies.

Member of the Illion League and Collective Security League.

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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Elyreia » Mon Jan 13, 2025 6:50 pm

Every clause in this is either duplicated (health care, et. al.) or contradicted (right to contract, et. al.) in my opinion.

The Principality of Elyreia (Dārilarostegun Elyreia)
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World Assembly Ambassador: Dārilaros Korus Vaelans

GA Authorship: GA 763

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The Overmind
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Postby The Overmind » Mon Jan 13, 2025 7:38 pm

100% AI-generated by survey of seven out of seven AI content detectors (ZeroGPT, QuillBot, GPTZero, Copyleaks, Grammarly, Scribbr, Sapling). Illegally contradicts the blocker in GA#17 "WA General Fund" that reserves to member states the right to set their own domestic taxes. Dead on arrival.
Last edited by The Overmind on Mon Jan 13, 2025 7:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Free Palestine
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Fanvm Tax
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Postby Fanvm Tax » Fri Jan 17, 2025 2:45 am

Fully against. I will support my nation and my nation alone.
Last edited by Fanvm Tax on Fri Jan 17, 2025 2:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
Professional Shitposter

Skibidi toilet is the greatest thing the earth has ever seen all hail Skibidi and emperor Gaius Cenaticus of the Rizzman Empire.

I do not have pronouns. In fact, I find the mere idea of third-person singular pronouns disgusting. You will refer to me as Fanvm Tax and nothing else.

I have 1337 PhDs and 69420 doctorates and I went to Yale and Harvard, just trust me, okay?

Democracy is stupid. Voters are stupid, so they vote for stupid people who put in stupid policies.

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Greenlandic Arctic
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Postby Greenlandic Arctic » Fri Jan 17, 2025 2:46 am

Full support. Capitalism is banned in the United Inuit Republic of Greenlandic Arctic

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Ultra Earth
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Postby Ultra Earth » Fri Jan 17, 2025 11:34 am

Opposed on principle.
Copy and paste this into your sig if you passed Real Life 101 and know that Gender = Sex = Assigned Sex = Biological Sex and that there’s only 2 of them: MALE and FEMALE.

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The Timber Rattlesnake
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Corporate Bordello

Postby The Timber Rattlesnake » Fri Jan 17, 2025 11:39 am

Regulation on Corporate Power and Equitable Taxes?! This will ruin me!
"¡Viva la libertad, carajo!"

Evil Las Vegas Like Corporatocracy, Basically Bush Jr America combined with Mr House from Fallout New Vegas.

BREAKING NEWS: Trade War between The Timber Rattlesnake and Doslonsu. | President Richardson - "Fight Goddammit!" | Richardsons Infamous Calender Shoot is being used as burning wood for the homeless. |



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