[R] Flamebaiting or Trolling

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[R] Flamebaiting or Trolling

Postby Elyreia » Mon Jan 13, 2025 4:38 pm


He's used the extended nonconventional acronyms before as trolling and reported accordingly that time; using it twice in the same attempted proposal name seems very on-the-nose, and the legislation in question does not take into account two-spirit anyways.
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Of The Revived Soviet Union
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Postby Of The Revived Soviet Union » Mon Jan 13, 2025 4:45 pm

Elyreia wrote:

He's used the extended nonconventional acronyms before as trolling and reported accordingly that time; using it twice in the same attempted proposal name seems very on-the-nose, and the legislation in question does not take into account two-spirit anyways.

Seconding this.

Had I been a Canadian or wanted to talk about 2S folk, then I would have mentioned it. But considering Two-spirit folk are based on religion itself and to be discriminated against by a religion barring entry to them would depend on them converting... which would immediately conflict the fact two-spirit folk are mostly in traditional religions. Also the fact that he omitted the 'A' in the first acronym, when the 'A' could definitely lead to discrimination, although uncommon (provided you're using the A as an acronym for asexuality, not being agender). The most common acronym that's extended is LGBTQIA+, or it's variants.

Point is, he's not using LGBTQIA2S+ in the appropriate context (mostly in Canadian/northern US context when talking about LGBTQIA+) as this is a resolution to prevent discrimination from religious folk, which isn't targeted at inter-religious discrimination.
Last edited by Of The Revived Soviet Union on Mon Jan 13, 2025 4:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Fahran » Tue Jan 14, 2025 8:08 am

Not actionable.

It represents trolling or flame-baiting only when it's used to mock the LGBT+ community. To my knowledge, LGBTQI2S+, which is the acronym they employed, is an acceptable and fairly inoffensive acronym used within queer spaces for self-identification, representing lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, two-spirits folks, and other groups. If it were a nonsense acronym, it would be actionable, but it's not.
Last edited by Fahran on Tue Jan 14, 2025 8:11 am, edited 2 times in total.
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