by Krow-Bock » Mon Jan 13, 2025 12:24 pm
by Krow-Bock » Mon Jan 13, 2025 12:27 pm
by Krow-Bock » Mon Jan 13, 2025 3:28 pm
by Of The Revived Soviet Union » Mon Jan 13, 2025 10:58 pm
Krow-Bock wrote:self explainatory. i said specifically do not post on it and someone created a new account just to post on it.
I'm merely asking to have the post remove, nothing more. really dont see how this isnt targeting me since that storefront has been on hold for a few weeks as well as others have do not post in their store title or on the thread, to which nobody else has commented.
by Krow-Bock » Mon Jan 13, 2025 11:34 pm
by Of The Revived Soviet Union » Mon Jan 13, 2025 11:39 pm
Krow-Bock wrote:I tried but they're intentionally ignoring my requests despite the fact this person has created an alt to evade the threadban as well as continue to post on my other stores, including ones where I specifically say do not post.
They won't do anything to help, but I can promise you if I do something to violate the rule they will quickly do something to punish me.
damn if you do, damn if you dont.
by Krow-Bock » Mon Jan 13, 2025 11:43 pm
Of The Revived Soviet Union wrote:Krow-Bock wrote:I tried but they're intentionally ignoring my requests despite the fact this person has created an alt to evade the threadban as well as continue to post on my other stores, including ones where I specifically say do not post.
They won't do anything to help, but I can promise you if I do something to violate the rule they will quickly do something to punish me.
damn if you do, damn if you dont.
If you've told them that they're threadbanned, they'll punish them swiftly.
Even I, who probably is not in good standing with mods for the amount of warnings I get, can report someone and see them punished for it.
by Krow-Bock » Mon Jan 13, 2025 11:44 pm
Of The Revived Soviet Union wrote:Krow-Bock wrote:I tried but they're intentionally ignoring my requests despite the fact this person has created an alt to evade the threadban as well as continue to post on my other stores, including ones where I specifically say do not post.
They won't do anything to help, but I can promise you if I do something to violate the rule they will quickly do something to punish me.
damn if you do, damn if you dont.
If you've told them that they're threadbanned, they'll punish them swiftly.
Even I, who probably is not in good standing with mods for the amount of warnings I get, can report someone and see them punished for it.
by Of The Revived Soviet Union » Mon Jan 13, 2025 11:46 pm
Krow-Bock wrote:Of The Revived Soviet Union wrote:Wrong.
If you've told them that they're threadbanned, they'll punish them swiftly.
Even I, who probably is not in good standing with mods for the amount of warnings I get, can report someone and see them punished for it.
I Tried that once before only for the moderator to warn me for troll naming someone for spamming and evading threadbanning.
When it comes to my request, they will intentionally do nothing whatsoever or take forever to do anything and even when they do, they will still have a way to place blame on me.
Like why is it only my storefronts receive this of harassment compared to all the other stores??? Like nobody find that shady af.
it's sad I'm spending more time moderating my own content than actually adding detail and or having fun on here.
At this point, I'm going to remove all of my storefronts and put the content on another site because I'm tired of my reports not taken seriously here, but if this ish happened on Instagram or any other site, the moderation team would act accordingly.
by Krow-Bock » Mon Jan 13, 2025 11:57 pm
Of The Revived Soviet Union wrote:Krow-Bock wrote:
I Tried that once before only for the moderator to warn me for troll naming someone for spamming and evading threadbanning.
When it comes to my request, they will intentionally do nothing whatsoever or take forever to do anything and even when they do, they will still have a way to place blame on me.
Like why is it only my storefronts receive this of harassment compared to all the other stores??? Like nobody find that shady af.
it's sad I'm spending more time moderating my own content than actually adding detail and or having fun on here.
At this point, I'm going to remove all of my storefronts and put the content on another site because I'm tired of my reports not taken seriously here, but if this ish happened on Instagram or any other site, the moderation team would act accordingly.
Again, for a second time, wrong.
I have been warned for trollnaming and whatnot. Just inform the user and their alts that they are not welcome, and that they should treat it as a threadban.
If they then do it again, report them.
I've been warned for a trollnaming incidence when someone was arguably trolling me, but arguing with mod decisions will not get you anywhere 90% of the time.
And if you've been banned from Instagram and damn Twitter, the latter of which's definition of hate speech is so loose that literal fascists are allowed on, then that says something about you, not NS.
by Fahran » Tue Jan 14, 2025 7:01 am
by Krow-Bock » Tue Jan 14, 2025 9:24 am
Fahran wrote:I didn't notice any offending posts in the thread you linked. It's very possible one of my colleagues already removed them. That said, please feel free to continue reporting spam, especially from day-old puppets. We have no problem removing them and administering appropriate moderation action.
That said, it could be useful to add [CLOSED] to the thread title to ensure folks do not wander in by accident until you're ready to accommodate them.
Also, y'all, please, try to avoid having long conversations in report threads unless they contribute to Moderation's decision-making process in some way. While I get that frustration and a desire to socialize, commiserate, and support one another are natural and often healthy, paragraphs of text that do not bring new evidence into the conversation can make our jobs as moderators considerably more difficult.
by Godular » Wed Jan 15, 2025 11:28 pm
by Krow-Bock » Thu Jan 16, 2025 12:32 am
Godular wrote:I removed the one post I saw. Forgot to note it here when I did, so sorry 'bout that.
by Krow-Bock » Fri Jan 17, 2025 4:16 pm
Godular wrote:I removed the one post I saw. Forgot to note it here when I did, so sorry 'bout that.
by United Calanworie » Fri Jan 17, 2025 11:47 pm
Krow-Bock wrote:Godular wrote:I removed the one post I saw. Forgot to note it here when I did, so sorry 'bout that.
I have yet another person going to one of my closed stores, commenting despite using your advice and marking my store as closed and it's quite clear either it's a spam or trolling account as their only post is posting on my closed store that I clearly mark do not post on.
You are such a crybaby [...] all you do is lock threads and be a bitch to people, nobody likes you, you aren’t cool, you lock every thread for stupid reasons, often times not giving a reason, [...] all you do is sit on your computer all day on NationStates, locking threads at a rate 5x higher than any other mod [...] stop trying so hard to impress people, literally nobody like you.
Have a good day
by Krow-Bock » Sat Jan 18, 2025 4:26 am
United Calanworie wrote:Krow-Bock wrote:
I have yet another person going to one of my closed stores, commenting despite using your advice and marking my store as closed and it's quite clear either it's a spam or trolling account as their only post is posting on my closed store that I clearly mark do not post on.
Link it. We aren’t going to go searching for it.
by Santheres » Sat Jan 18, 2025 7:27 pm
Krow-Bock wrote:United Calanworie wrote:Link it. We aren’t going to go searching for it.
Really don't need to be rude about it, either a moderator already removed it or the user removed it themselves.
Nonetheless, this is the link viewtopic.php?f=6&t=559530
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